作者: kelvin2me 时间: 2012-4-30 12:35 AM
原来没人死亡,乱放假消息!作者: tn760726 时间: 2012-4-30 12:52 AM
已经证实有人死了 你还说没人?那个刚开始就呼吸困难后来来不及送医院而死的支持者不是人吗?作者: tn760726 时间: 2012-4-30 12:54 AM
半島電視台(Al Hijrah)攝影記者莫哈末阿茲利,週六在大集會因試圖救出發生車禍而被圍毆的警員,卻遭集會者毆打腳踢,並以頭盔襲擊其頭部。
因为戴头盔的就是他作者: @ronqing@ 时间: 2012-4-30 01:08 AM
不是有个缺氧还是心脏病的青少年吗?作者: wyu 时间: 2012-4-30 03:08 AM
Malaysiakini 有则访问 被访者有司机和救司机的人
是与非我不想评论 相信大家都会分析
“People say I wanted to be a hero. No, I helped him out of a sense of humanity. No one was there to help him at the time. He was alone and passed out and there was a lot of protesters,” he said.
He said the protesters had pulled him aside and assaulted him until his crash helmet slipped off, so much so that he received nine stitches on his scalp.
“I managed to slip away from the crowd, and found that I was bleeding profusely,” said Mohd Azmi, who had still managed to send his footage of the crash to his TV station. He said he was wearing the crash helmet as he arrived at the scene on his motorbike, having videotaped Mohamad Kamil’s police car prior to the crash.作者: ahboy1210 时间: 2012-4-30 04:25 AM
除了这个,没有人身亡。请大家停止散布谣言,继续下去会越描越黑.....作者: zacisme 时间: 2012-4-30 09:05 AM
Malaysiakini 有则访问 被访者有司机和救司机的人
是与非我不想评论 相信大家都会分析
“People say I ...
wyu 发表于 2012-4-30 03:08 AM
现阶段还是各说各话,看看几时会有黄衣人出来澄清当时的情况作者: tn760726 时间: 2012-4-30 11:42 AM