typical是指在一种vertebrae里面算common的 在这里的例子>> cervical vertebrae里,typical的characteristic是body is small and broader, vertebral foramen is larger than body and triangular in shape
atypical是指跟同一种类的typical vertebrae有一点不同>> 像是第1个cervical vertebrae(前面我有写是atypical的),又名为atlas,characteristic是ring shaped, has no body and no spine
这些骨头的图画你去google search 一下就可以了 看图画比较容易明白。。我就是这样读的。。
typical的characteristic - Heart shaped, contains 2 costal facets, vertebral foramen is small and circular, large transverse process, spine:long,oblique,directed downwards & backwards
第1个thoracic - body不是heart shape, spine:thick, long & horizontal
第9,10 - 我忘了,因为不是很重要 有时偷工减料一下
第11个 - Body on the lateral aspect has one single complete costal facet, No facet on the anterior surface of transverse process, spine:horizontal
第12个 - Body on the lateral aspect has single complete facet (more on pedicle than on body), shape of the body is similar to those of lumbar vetebrae, transverse process is short, has no facet, has 3 tubercles – superior, inferior and lateral tubercles, spine:horizontal作者: esta 时间: 2012-7-14 07:35 PM
我的老师教过我如何分辨 vertebrae