然后 blizzard send email 给他 叫他换密码
可是 他按 下一步的时候 出现了这个
You have made too many unsuccessful attempts.
In order to continue the password reset process, please contact Customer Support.
问题是他只试了一次 ...
谁来帮帮他作者: 爱D调的大胖 时间: 2012-8-16 10:59 PM
他很大可能被keylogger了,叫他contact customer support
记得把email的password也换作者: 災難降臨 时间: 2012-8-16 11:10 PM 回复 2#爱D调的大胖
他讲打去是录音的哦作者: ~FrvErLveSy~ 时间: 2012-8-17 08:51 AM 回复 1#災難降臨
小心 暴雪好像不会send email叫你换密码的 这种Email我收到很多作者: zuozi 时间: 2012-8-17 09:35 AM 本帖最后由 zuozi 于 2012-8-17 09:37 AM 编辑
Dear Customer,
The cd-key (Authentication key) is a unique key that can be registered only to a single account. This is not to be shared nor transferred even both are under your name.
For example, If you like to cancel your Bnet account, then the game key will be destroyed along with the Bnet account, This will explain that the once-registered-key is undetachable and inseparable from the account.
Therefore, your request can not be assisted in any further manner.
Hope this helps.
Best regards.
Dana Lee
CS Representative
SEA Support
Blizzard Entertainment http://sea.blizzard.com/support作者: ghost28 时间: 2012-8-17 01:40 PM
being hacked ?作者: Sieg15 时间: 2012-8-19 10:29 AM
直接call去customer services最快解决的方法作者: 災難降臨 时间: 2012-8-19 10:52 AM
各位已解决 ~ 谢谢各位的意见~