标题: 【PC/PS/X360】Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-11-30 07:24 AM
标题: 【PC/PS/X360】Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 -
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-19 07:51 AM 编辑
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
恶魔城:暗影之王 2
游戏平台: PC PS3 XBOX360 PSV Wii U
作者: 爱D调的大胖 时间: 2012-11-30 08:35 AM
对konami越来也失望了,castlevania好玩就在于它是横向的,现在为了迎合玩家的口味变成action game去
作者: KevinLou 时间: 2012-11-30 09:41 AM
作者: 叉叉包 时间: 2012-11-30 10:18 AM
作者: Vanderloh8892 时间: 2012-11-30 11:11 AM
作者: Yong1984 时间: 2012-11-30 03:35 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-11-30 06:08 PM
Castlevania系列依然是Action Adventure动作冒险类型。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-11-30 06:10 PM
Vanderloh8892 发表于 2012-11-30 11:11 AM
作者: playboy93 时间: 2012-11-30 08:57 PM
爱D调的大胖 发表于 2012-11-30 08:35 AM
对konami越来也失望了,castlevania好玩就在于它是横向的,现在为了迎合玩家的口味变成action game去
没办法~ 如果不改去 action game~
保持横向~会被喷没创新~ 没新鲜感~
作者: 爱D调的大胖 时间: 2012-11-30 09:45 PM
playboy93 发表于 2012-11-30 08:57 PM
没办法~ 如果不改去 action game~
保持横向~会被喷没创新~ 没新鲜感~
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-12-5 07:27 AM
时至今日,《恶魔城:暗影之王2》游戏发售日并未公布,但是根据在线游戏零售商ShopTo的最新情报显示,Konami代理,Mercury Steam开发的这款《恶魔城》系列最新续作将于2013年5月10日在欧洲地区正式发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-12-5 07:20 PM
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》游戏发售日并未公布,但是根据在线游戏零售商ShopTo的最新情报显示,Konami代理,Mercury Steam开发的这款《恶魔城》系列最新续作将于2013年5月10日在欧洲地区正式发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-12-9 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-12-11 07:32 AM 编辑
VGA 2012:《恶魔城:暗影之王2》超强实机预告
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (HD Quality!) -
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-12-11 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-12-11 07:37 AM 编辑
Konami发布了《恶魔城:暗影之王2》(Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2)的一组游戏截图和概念图。
这些高清截图其实都出自Spike VGA上的预告片。让我们再来重温一下吧:
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-1-9 07:05 AM
开发人员表示《恶魔城:暗影之王2》无Wii U版
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)登陆Wii U的流言已经被彻底终结。今天,Konami的Dave Cox在推特上说,《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将不会有Wii U版。
网友问,Wii U上会不会玩到《恶魔城:暗影之王2》,Cox的回答非常直白,他说:“抱歉,要让你失望了,你没有机会见到它了。”一切流言都被粉碎了。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-3-1 07:17 AM
科乐美谈《恶魔城:暗影之王2》无Wii U版原因
Konami游戏制作人Dave Cox称,由于公司资源有限,《恶魔城:暗影之王(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)》暂时不会开发Wii U版。
在与Eurogamer交谈时,Cox说:“那为什么我们又在开发这款游戏的PC版、PS3版和Xbox 360版呢?原因很简单,我们手头正好有这么多人。”
“如果我们再加进一个Wii U版,那又需要另外招来20个开发人员,这已经超出了我们现有的资源量或预算范围。不过,这并不意味着我们不会出游戏的Wii U版,我的意思是,在目前情况下,我们不想失去我们工作的重心。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-3-4 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-3-4 07:42 AM 编辑
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将在2013年登陆Xbox360,PS3和PC平台。》制作组Mercury Steam打算在完成这部续作以后开启全新原创游戏项目,但如果玩家强烈要求的话,也不排除《恶魔城》Castlevania续作的可能。
在接受媒体采访时,制作人Dave Cox说,“我们已经讨论过好久了,现在我们打算让《恶魔城》的故事暂告一段落,开启全新的历程。”
“如果玩家强烈要求《恶魔城》续作的话,我们会响应要求吗?现在很难说,一方面,我们不想一辈子都活在《恶魔城》的阴影中,我们还有更伟大的计划,但与此同时我们又知道喜欢《暗影之王》 Lords of Shadow系列的玩家非常多。”
制作人Dave Cox说,”不行,我们必须向前进’,但我的心则是另一种想法。或许我们应该另外组建一个新的创意团队?”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-3-15 08:24 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-12 06:48 AM
Update: Bumped to the front page. A few more details from OXM UK are posted below.
- New Mastery system
- Unlock extra moves/combos with XP
- Each time you use an unlocked combat move, you’ll earn Mastery in that skill
- Void Sword, Chaos Claws, or Blood Whip will level up once mastered based on the alignment of the skill
- Level up these weapons to heal faster, break enemy defences quicker
- If you stick to a couple of familiar combos, you’ll struggle when you get to the tougher levels
- Action is set over two time threads
- Most of the game takes place in the modern day that has been sculpted to fit the Gothic arches of Castlevania
- The other portion of the game takes place in the castle at a different point in time
- Platforming has improved
- “In a later conversation that we weren’t recording, Cox talked of whole optional areas, a substantial percentage of the game that’s a completely optional reward for dedicated players. Return to a girl once you’ve discovered the Mist ability, and you can pass through it to discover not just a chest, but a whole hidden area.”
- Biggest than the first game
- QTEs have been cut back
- Tiatan fights are “far more expensive, and they involve full control by the player as opposed to timed button presses.”
The latest edition of OPM UK includes the first actual gameplay details about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. We’ve rounded up information from the magazine below. For a look at Lords of Shadow 2′s first screenshots, be sure to pick up OPM’s newest issue.
- Lords of Shadow 2 ends the story
- Less spoon-fed approach than the original
- Anchor points will be highlighted only if you ask them to be
- Anchor points won’t show up at all on harder levels
- Environment is seamless this time around
- Mission summaries have been replaced with teleporters like in Koji Igarashi’s Castlevania games
- Bosses have been changed; one is longer but more varied that what was included in the original
- Unclear if boss battle checkpoints are included
- Now have free camera control
- If you leave the camera alone, it’ll behave like it always has
- Combat Cross replaced with the Blood Whip
- The two are very much the same
- Still has extreme range attacks that fill the screen
- You’ll also still be stringing combos together from strong directed attacks, and lighter area attacks
- Magic replaced with Dracula’s blood
- Blood doesn’t regenerate
- Need to earn blood with kills and skilled fighting
- Add to your Focus gauge by evading, executing perfect blocks and counters
- When the Focus gauge is full, every hit explodes new blood into the battlefield
- If you get hit, you lose all Focus
- Channel raw blood into Void and Chaos
- Void: weapon switches to Void Sword, allowing you to regain some health with each hit
- Chaos: weapon switches to a pair of claws that can smash through enemy shields
- Dracula’s own tricks include glamouring mortals to control them and evaporating into a mist that lets him slip by unseen, or pass through grilles into secret areas
- Game has some humor
- Team debated over including a scene: “While no one’s winking at the camera, when Gabriel Belmont wrestles a crucifix out of a Golden Paladin’s grip, informing the Brotherhood that he, Dracula, has been chosen by God, what follows is an ecclesiastical nuclear blast so large that the camera cuts to a shot of the planet.”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-13 06:26 PM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》最新情报 系列完结作
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》游戏剧情紧接系列前作,游戏是《黑暗领主》系列剧情的完结,游戏关卡环境无缝过渡,任务摘要和Koji Igarashi此前负责的《恶魔城》系列游戏的提示摘要取代。
《恶魔城:黑暗领主》中的“Combat Cross”系统被新作的“Blood Whip”取代,这个新系统类似前作,Blood Whip系统有着极限范围攻击可以无死角攻击敌人,玩家可以结合重攻击,轻击形成连招攻击。
“Magic(魔法)”被“Dracula’s Blood(德古拉之血)”取代,玩家需要杀敌或者技巧战斗增长这一属性。
Raw blood鲜血系统被分裂成“Void”和“Chaos”。在“Void”中玩家的武器是“Void Sword”,询问玩家每次攻击回血。在“Chaos”中武器是一对爪状武器,可以用于敌人盾形武器的破防。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-21 06:24 PM
MercurySteam在2010年推出的PS3/Xbox360双平台新生恶魔城系列游戏《恶魔城:黑暗领主》颇受欧美玩家好评,制作人Dave Cox在接受海外媒体Destructoid访谈时虽然没有透露这款游戏的具体销量有多少,但明确表示这款游戏是恶魔城系列中最为成功的游戏,并且对续作《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》抱有较高的期待。
不过目前同类型的游戏(恐怕是在说《战神:登天之路》God of War Ascension)销量并不值得期待,对此,Cox表示:“如果《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》能卖到350万份以上,我就当街跳裸舞”。
新生恶魔城系列新作《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》预定于2013年内在PS3/Xbox360/PC三平台上发售,此外,该系列还在今年3月发售了任天堂3DS游戏《恶魔城黑暗领主:命运之镜》Lord of Shadow Mirror of Fate ,有爱的玩家可以去试试看。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-7 07:30 AM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》开发商Mercury Stream许诺的黑暗残忍主题在新影像中得以完全展现,不同与系列首款作品,游戏中的敌人需要在装甲,盾牌破坏后才会收到伤害,
游戏主角德古拉将会装备三个全新武器——Blood Whip, Void Sword, 以及Chaos Claws。Raw blood鲜血系统被分裂成“Void”和“Chaos”。在“Void”中玩家的武器是“Void Sword”,询问玩家每次攻击回血。在“Chaos”中武器是一对爪状武器,可以用于敌人盾形武器的破防。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-13 09:04 PM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是由Konami推出的系列最新作,将登陆PS3和XBOX360平台,游戏发售日暂未确定。本作也在E3 2013展会中登场亮相,下面就请玩家们欣赏来自展会现场的展台Demo影像。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 08:03 AM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》最新截图 手持大剑的加百列
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-16 06:40 PM
此外之前零售商PlayAsia曾透露《恶魔城:黑暗领主 收藏集》将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,将收录系列初代游戏及两个DLC、3DS平台游戏《恶魔城黑暗领主:命运之镜》的高清版以及《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》的独家试玩Demo。虽然官方尚未证实该情报是否真实,但现在NewEgg也在其网站中列出了本作,并提到游戏将于2013年10月29日发售,售价则29.99美元。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-19 08:00 PM
满足玩家 《恶魔城:暗影之王2》加入大量探索
《恶魔城:暗影之王》比较注重战斗,但是很多系列的粉丝都很怀念因为探索元素而深受欢迎的《恶魔城:月下夜想曲》。Konami为了满足玩家的愿望,在《恶魔城:暗影之王2》中加入了可供探索的不同路线和可选的Boss战。在一次采访中,制作人Dave Cox表示一般玩家在第一次通关的时候只能体验到50%-60%的游戏内容。
在采访中记者问到《月下夜想曲》的创造者五十岚孝司是否关心过《暗影之王》的时候, Cox表示:“没有。当你在一个像Konami这样的大公司工作的时候,每个人都负责不同的系列。恶魔城曾经是他的系列,就如同他的孩子一样。所以我们在制作《暗影之王》的时候有很多事情不敢做,因为担心那样做是对他的不尊重。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 09:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-25 08:48 AM 编辑
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Coming Feb. 25 in North America, Feb. 27 in Europe
Dracula Rises in February
Konami Digital Entertainment has used the annual gamescom event to announce that its heralded Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC on February 25th in the US, across Europe on February 27th, and in the UK on February 28th.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is the sequel to 2010's hugely acclaimed resurrection of the vampiric series, and builds on its critically acclaimed predecessor in every way. Following extensive consultation with Castlevania's enviable fan base, the sequel expands upon the acclaimed epic with a new storyline, villains and visuals. It also boasts a wealth of key additions that will provide a more open world and immersive experience, as players assume the role of Dracula, who has been resurrected in the present day and charged with defeating a powerful threat as old as time itself...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 picks up where the first game shockingly concluded, with Dracula in modern times weakend and yearning for release from his immortal bonds. Zobek his old ally makes him an offer in return for his help against Satan who is returning to the world to bring about the apocalypse and settle an old score for his defeat all those years ago.
The world of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 breaks new ground for the series, offering for the first time a truly open play area, which can be freely explored. Despite its modern setting, the game's city shows a Gothic legacy that harks back to Dracula's past, and is inhabited by a varied menagerie of Satan's hordes. Players can freely wander the city, returning to previously explored areas as they accrue new abilities, while an all-new fully movable camera allows users to pan around as they explore, highlighting the wonderful art direction the series is famous for.
The central combat elements have also been thoroughly enhanced, with the addition of a Void Sword that is used to steal life force from stricken foes, and Chaos Claws that can smash through even the strongest protection. These also tie in with Dracula's ability to strengthen his powers using the blood of his foes, allocating the resources he collects to build up specific skill attributes. Thus, from his weakened state, the player can determine the attributes that will assist him in his quest.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 marks the conclusion of Konami and MercurySteam's grand story, and is a suitably epic tale of evil and redemption. Every aspect of the game is bigger, bolder and deeper than its predecessor, while the scale of the game expands not just in terms of the sprawling city that Dracula explores, but within a quest that features more complex Titan battles; a wider range of foes, each necessitating a particular strategy to defeat; and an ultimate confrontation with the most heinous of adversaries.
"So now we come to the conclusion of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow story," said Dave Cox, Producer on the title and Studio Head of European Production at Konami Digital Entertainment. "As such, we have gone all-out to create a fitting climax to one of the most warmly-welcomed series resurrections to date. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is bigger, more epic and more challenging - and tells a tale that will live on in video game lore forever."
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》系列绝唱 明年2月发售
Konami正式对外宣布《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将于2014年的2月28日登陆PC,PS3和Xbox 360平台。
根据《恶魔城:暗影之王2》的E3展示,其魔法系统进行了大量的修改,加入Void Sword和Chaos Claws两种武器,这两种武器都会有自己的优点和招数,在情节的某些地方会有特殊用途。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 09:52 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 09:53 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-22 12:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-22 08:08 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,预计将于2013年冬季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台。在日前正在举行的科隆游戏展中,官方也推出了本作的试玩,而下面的这段影像就是国外媒体放出的实际游戏视频,请玩家们一起来看看加百列在本作中的表现吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-27 06:32 PM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏原本定于2013年冬季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,而此前官方又确认本作将于2014年2月末发售。日前官方公开了游戏的最新艺术设定图已经公开,主要为大家展示了部分游戏场景以及登场敌人,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-1 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-1 07:29 AM 编辑
开发商David Cox告诉VideoGamer:
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 – 60% of the game set in the city, 40% in Dracula’s castle; game length
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is set in two main locations. Players will venture through a new modern-day setting, which encompasses roughly 60 percent of the game. The other 40 percent takes place in Dracula’s castle.
Producer David Cox told VideoGamer:
“The game takes place about 60 per cent in the city and about 40 per cent in the castle, and you can go between the city and the castle at will [once you reach] a certain stage of the game. As the world opens you have the freedom to go back forth to both. The whole game takes place in one night, the night that Satan is coming back. So playing in this gothic fantasy city, you can imagine, we’ve got rain, we’ve got different weather effects, it still has that [Castlevania] feeling. We didn’t want to make it Gotham City and we didn’t want to put Dracula in the middle of Times Square. We thought that would be ridiculous.”
Cox also commented on Lords of Shadow 2′s length. It’ll be about as long as the original, though there will be “more reasons to explore” because of the game’s structure.
“I think it’s a really interesting take on the Castlevania universe. If you keep an open-mind and you expect the unexpected I think you can enjoy the game. I think if you [approach with a] closed mind and you say, ‘Oh, it’s not 2D, it’s not Metroidvania’, you’re not going to enjoy the game. If you go into it with an open mind I think we could surprise you. I think it’s the surprise that players will really enjoy.”
VideoGamer:http://www.videogamer.com/xbox36 ... raculas_castle.html
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 was considered briefly for next-gen, locked 30FPS targeted
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 isn’t heading to the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, but the team “did think about” bringing the game to next-gen consoles.
Speaking with VideoGamer, producer David Cox explained that it was ultimately decided to concentrate resources on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in order to make it “one of the last great current-gen titles”.
“When we started the game in 2010 we didn’t know about next-gen. Nobody really knew what was going on. Rather than bang out a sequel cheap as chips and just do more of the same we really wanted to make big changes, and to do that we needed to start with our engine and really think about performance, free camera [and] keep maintaining the level of detail whilst obtaining a pretty good frame rate.”
Cox added that the team was too far in development to give next-gen versions a big consideration. Instead, they were looking to address criticisms with the first Lords of Shadow.
“We were criticised for frame rate [in the original Lords of Shadow], we got criticised for being fixed camera, and we really wanted to fix these things. So I think when the next-gen consoles got announced we did think about it, but then we said we don’t really have to start again. We’d already gotten so far down the line we just thought, this is the path we’ve set for ourselves, let’s do it.
“We want this to be one of the last great current-gen titles. That’s what we wanted to do. We want to go out with a bang. We want to end the Lords of Shadows series with a bang.”
And speaking of frame rate, MercurySteam is “targeting locked 30FPS”.
“One of the issues with the previous game was the frame rate would go up and down, so when you get into combat you get issues with frame rate. [Frame rate is] absolutely key. Going for 60FPS would have meant dropping a level of quality in terms of the visuals but we didn’t want to do that. We decided that 30 would be better, but it had to be locked at 30FPS… The game is running at a rock-solid 30FPS.”
VideoGamer:http://www.videogamer.com/xbox36 ... s_of_shadows_2.html
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-1 06:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-1 06:45 PM 编辑
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Trailer, Screens & Collector's Edition
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》特别版介绍 新影像公开
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏原本定于2013年冬季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,不过此后官方又确认本作将于2014年2月末发售。日前官方放出了游戏的最新宣传片,此外还公布了本作特别版的相关情报,下面就为大家介绍一下。
Dracula returns for Halloween, as Konami reveals vampire’s role in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Konami Digital Entertainment has used Halloween to update fans on key new elements to its vampiric Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and has outlined a series of pre-order incentives ahead of its February 28th release.
As attention turns to all things supernatural, Konami has released the packshot and a new themed trailer for the eagerly-awaited Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
Named Dracula's Vengeance Trailer, Konami has issued an all-new trailer, focusing on Dracula as the game’s central anti-hero. Exploring the definitive vampire, the trailer focuses on the unwilling Dracula as he is charged with engaging an even more evil force: Satan himself.
Konami has also outlined the content for exclusive special editions and collectible content, available to pre-order.
• Leading the line is a ‘Dracula’s Tomb Premium Edition’ which is beautifully encased in a tomb casing, contains a copy of the game, four highly detailed miniature figurines designed by comic book artist Neil Googe (Judge Dredd, Wildcats), an A4 hardcover art book, and an exclusive Steelbook. This stunning item is limited to just 30,000 units across Europe and will be available in the UK exclusively via GAME.
• Konami has also created an alternative steelbook edition for pre-orders from Zavvi, which is encased in a metallic cover featuring an exclusive image of its central figure, Dracula. Those pre-ordering will also receive the alternate ‘Premium Dracula’ suit, a ‘Dark Dracula’ costume, or a ‘Relic Rune’ pack, that adds a wealth of relic items to the user’s inventory, dependent on where it is pre-ordered.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-8 07:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-8 06:48 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》开发日志影像 设计德古拉
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏将推出PS3、XBOX 360和PC版,预计于2014年2月25日登陆北美,2月27日登陆欧洲。日前Konami放出了游戏的一段开发日志影像,通过制作人Dave Cox和Enric Alvarez的讨论让我们了解游戏的情报,而视频中更是提到了他们如何设计并创造本作的主要角色德古拉的。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-19 07:50 AM
发行商科乐美日前公布了PS3版的《恶魔城:暗影之王2》的包装盒效果图。该图应该是最后敲定使用的作品。《恶魔城:暗影之王2》由MercurySteam工作室开发,科乐美负责发行。据称这将会是MercurySteam最后负责的一部《恶魔城》系列作品。该作品背景设定为现代世界。《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将在2014年2月25日率先于北美登陆PC、PS3、Xbox 360。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-27 06:56 PM
- 德古拉可化身为巨龙
- 游戏里有一个“蛋”,当它孵化后会出来一只小的飞行生物,为你寻找道具。
- 一些侏儒(小岛秀夫配音)会在城堡内建立商店,包括普通和稀有道具。
- 游戏开始的大部分时间都发生在城堡。
- 你可以变身为老鼠来躲避敌人。
- 你可以搬运尸体通过现代社会的安全系统。
- 你可以使用传送门随意穿越过去和现在。
- 超多回忆杀剧情,此人为贝尔蒙特最后一人
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-10 06:49 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-23 10:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-24 06:34 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》宣传片 介绍登场角色
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏预计将于2014年2月25日登陆北美,2月27日登陆欧洲,对应平台为PS3、XBOX 360和PC。近日Konami公司放出了本作的最新宣传影像“德古拉的命运(Dracula’s Desiny)”,重点介绍了本作中作为德古拉登场的加百列,此外还展示了一些其他的登场人物,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。
Konami unveils new trailer depicting key cast from the epic ‘Lords of Shadow’ conclusion
Konami Digital Entertainment has released a new trailer showcasing key characters in its forthcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 title.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC on February 28th, and acts as a shocking conclusion to the Gabriel story arc. Following the infamous revelation where Gabriel was revealed to be the legendary Dracula at the end of the first game, the new game finds the weakened vampire stranded in modern times, whereupon an old ally proposes a deal that could offer him freedom from his eternal existence...
The new 150-second trailer uses footage from the game to introduce a range of key characters and adversaries from the new instalment including; Dracula, once Gabriel, a member of the Brotherhood of Light who fought to avenge the death of his beloved wife Marie, but fate got the better of him, transforming him into Dracula – the most feared of all vampires. Also returning is Zobek, one of the founders of the Brotherhood of Light, who is, in reality, one of the evil Lords of Shadow who betrayed Gabriel and all of humanity. Additionally, Carmilla, Marie and Satan himself make a return, with many new characters introduced.
This new trailer also showcases some previously unseen locations and environments in addition to the wealth of characters.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-29 06:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-29 07:19 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》新演示 德古拉大战撒旦
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-2 08:50 AM
这场全新的演奏会吸引了Dave Cox(暗影之王2制作人,Konami欧洲工作室总裁),在作曲人Oscar Araujo的陪伴下,他听完了整场音乐的演奏。
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Uses Largest Ever Orchestra for a Video Game Soundtrack
As Konami Digital Entertainment gears up for the launch of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on February 25, the publisher has released a special video showcasing the recording of the game's orchestral soundtrack at the iconic Abbey Road studios in London.
The new footage captures Dave Cox, Producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Studio Head of European Production for Konami Digital Entertainment B.V., as he oversees the production of the game's soundtrack alongside composer Oscar Araujo. The acclaimed Araujo returns to the series following the stunning reception to his Lords of Shadow score, and has produced an epic soundtrack for the new game.
Dave Cox details how he was introduced to Oscar, and how the talented Spaniard has worked closely with the game to produce a musical 'heart' that is a fitting conclusion to the critically acclaimed series. The video also features exclusive footage taken from the recording, while Araujo himself details the methodology he uses in the creation of the game's soundtrack.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 soundtrack features the largest orchestra ever used in the production of a video game, and spanned several weeks of recording. Araujo's soundtrack has been designed to showcase the conflict Dracula feels, and the composer details why Abbey Road was important to the soundtrack for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC platforms.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-5 06:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-6 09:51 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》新演示 德古拉大战玩具王
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-7 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-7 07:23 PM 编辑
《恶魔城:暗影之王2》德古拉 虚空之剑精彩演示
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 The Void Sword Revealed
Konami Digital Entertainment has revealed the first in a new series of videos, highlighting the innovative new weaponry and abilities available in the upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
With the conclusion to the ‘Lords of Shadow’ series releasing on February 25th, the publisher has issued the first video detailing key armaments within the new game. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 introduces an improved combat system, with Dracula earning a series of powerful weapons and abilities as he progresses through the game.
Central to this new format is the Void Sword, a mystical weapon with incredible restorative properties. The Void Sword is the focus of this first trailer, and the weapon itself is found early on in the game. Once obtained, the Void Sword allows Dracula to add his enemies’ health to his own with every strike. It is a hugely effective weapon, and becomes a focal point of the vampire’s arsenal.
The new 50-second trailer shows the sword in full flow, against multiple foes and the game’s larger adversaries. Stay tuned for more gameplay updates in the lead up to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2’s release.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-15 09:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-16 09:12 AM 编辑
《暗影之王2》新宣传片赏 混沌之爪威力惊人
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 'The Chaos Claws' Trailer
Konami details second Iconic weapon in latest video as ‘Lords of Shadow 2’ nears release
Konami Digital Entertainment has released the second gameplay video highlighting key new weaponry and abilities available in the upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
With the conclusion to the ‘Lords of Shadow’ series releasing on February 28th, the publisher has issued a dedicated trailer focusing on Dracula’s powerful ‘Chaos Claws’. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 introduces an improved combat system, with Dracula earning a series of powerful weapons and abilities as he progresses through the game.
The Chaos Claws are a powerful weapon used to destroy the protection of heavily-armoured foes. Found quite early in the game, the fiery gauntlets are used to smash away armour and shields, leaving the attacker vulnerable to normal attack. Players, can thus use the Chaos Claws to strip away a guard’s protection, before sapping their power by switching to the life-giving Void Sword.
The new 50-second trailer shows the Chaos Claws as an attacking force, and their sheer power in use. Stay tuned for more gameplay updates in the lead up to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2’s release.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-16 08:21 AM
外媒日前公布了《恶魔城:暗影之王2》XBOX 360,PS3特别版的内容,内容包括:贝尔蒙特的盒子、限量版艺术画册、暗影之王2游戏盘,此外特别版包装盒的封面是3副可折叠的连续页面。《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将于2月25日正式发售,登陆PC、Xbox 360和PS3,目前尚无登陆新世代主机的计划。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-21 10:32 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-25 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-25 06:35 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-26 07:50 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-27 07:17 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-3 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 07:38 AM 编辑
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Revelations DLC Incoming?
"Revelations" DLC
Play as Alucard and reveal a whole new aspect of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Uncover new plotlines and discover the true extent of Alucard's involvement!
Play as Alucard in this extensive add on for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. The immersive story is expanded further as new branches of the plot are uncovered, along with rich new environments and challenging puzzles. Fight creatures of darkness and discover the true extent of Alucard's involvement in Dracula's story, his deal with death and his fight against Satan. Experience a whole new aspect of the thrilling conclusion to the 'Lords of Shadow' saga, including some enlightening revelations!
Description of the content extracted from the game's text files
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-8 03:40 PM
Playable Alucard Confirmed as Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 DLC
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Revelations DLC Emerges from the Dark
Konami Digital Entertainment has announced details of its upcoming extensive new DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
Entitled ‘Revelations’, the new content will be released on March 25 for Xbox Live Games on Demand and PlayStation Network, and follows fan-favorite Alucard as exclusive new branches of the immersive storyline are uncovered. Alucard, the turned son of Gabriel, has shunned human life for many years, choosing to hunt only creatures of the night. The DLC takes place just before the apocalyptic events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, where Alucard readies for his father’s return and the forthcoming battle against Satan. As the plot unfolds, it begins to reveal how the lone vampire is inextricably linked to his father’s fate.
‘Revelations’ takes place within the epic world seen in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Playing as Alucard, gamers must discover the legendary vampire’s secrets, unearth the true extent of his involvement in Dracula’s story, and set in motion the events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. The DLC expands the incredible story of the recently-released sequel, with the fate of the Belmont clan unveiled. Alucard has his own unique, powerful abilities, including use of the Glaciem and Igneas powers, in addition to vampiric abilities which allow him to transform into a wolf, a swarm of bats and even turn back time. Blood also fuels capabilities, as drinking the blood of enemies will intensify immortal powers.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is available now on the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox Live Games on Demand, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation Network, and Steam for PC. Its sumptuous 3D world and epic quest are now enhanced and extended with all-new locations, and the chance to experience familiar ones, via the ‘Revelations’ DLC available on March 25th for Xbox Live Games on Demand and PlayStation Network.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-20 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-21 06:10 PM 编辑
《恶魔城》系列的最新作《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》已经于2014年2月25日登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,而此前Konami也确认本作的第一弹DLC“启示录(Revelations)”将于3月25日上线。日前官方放出了该DLC的宣传片,让大家了解该DLC的内容。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-28 07:21 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-19 06:39 PM
KONAMI旗下经典续作《恶魔城:暗影之王2(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)》已经与我们见面有半年的时间了,不知道你是否已经试玩过该作呢?近日,官方又宣布了该作的追加剧情DLC“阿鲁卡多的故事(Story of Alucard”的发售日期,该DLC将于9月4日开放下载。本DLC的价格为741日元+税。
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