1. Mix A together, stir in high speed until it becomes fluffy.
1. 把材料 A 放进盆钵,快速拌打直到发白蓬松。
2. Add in B, Mix well.
2. 加入 B,混合均匀。
3. Make it in small round shape and put on baking paper.
3. 取小团,搓成圆形,摆放在铺了油纸的烤盘上。
[TIPS 贴士]
*** Keep in fridge for 1 hour will be easy to make it in small round shape.
*** 收进雪柜1小时会让它更容易搓成小圆形。
*** Don't add flour to increase the hardness of the dough, you will get a totally different result, it lost its best texture.
*** 千万不要擅自增加粉类来增加饼团的硬度,你会得到完全不一样的成品效果,它失去它原本该有的质感。
4. Use fork to press lightly on top of the round shape.
4. 用叉子从圆形饼团上按压。
5. Put it in oven, 170C bake for 15-20 minutes. ( or until it's completely cooked )
5. 放进预热 170C的烤箱,烘烤 15-20分钟。(每架烤炉不一样,烤至熟)
6. Take out from oven, leave until completely cooled, keep in a sealed box.
6. 从烤箱取出,放置直到完全冷却,收进密封的盒子里收藏。