2) Stand alone connection, from wall socket to modem (No parallel line).
3) Flush DNS (Domain Name Server)
a) For Win XP/2000:
- Click on Start button, go to run
- Type "command", click OK
- Type in "ipconfig /flushdns", then press Enter
- Make sure the result is "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver cache"
- Type "exit" and press Enter to close the window screen
b) For Windows Vista:
- Click the Microsoft Vista Start logo in the bottom left corner of the screen
- Click "All Programs"
- Click "Accessories"
- Right-click on "Command Prompt"
- Select "Run As Administrator"
- In the command window, type in "ipconfig /flushdns", then press "Enter"
- You should see the result "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache"
c) For Mac OSX:
- Double click on "Macintosh HD"
- Click On "Applications", followed by "Utilities". Locate "Terminal.app",
double click it
- A new "Terminal" will open
- To IP Config: Type in "ifconfig" at the command prompt
- To Flush dns: Type in "lookupd -flushcache" at the command prompt
4) Switch off the modem, unplug/re-plug all cables, wait for 5 to 10 minutes before
switching on the modem.
5) Create new dialer and configure DNS (Domain Name Server).
- (Preferred DNS Server: /Alternate DNS Server:
6) Clear Temporary Files, Delete Cookies and Delete Files under Internet Options.
7) Clear SSL Certificates (Internet Option).
- Click on "Tools"
- Select "Internet Options"
- Click on "Content" tab
- Click on "Clear SSL State"
14) Do a bandwidth test from our website as follows:
However, if the result is below 80% of the required speed, please reply us by attaching the result in kbits.
15) Ping local and internal website作者: weiqiang 时间: 2013-1-30 09:20 PM
你的 speddtest 速度多少呢??作者: joycelee 时间: 2013-1-30 09:33 PM