标题: 【PS4】Knack - [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-2-22 12:36 PM
标题: 【PS4】Knack -
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-17 08:08 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-8 07:55 PM
While inFamous: Second Son leads the charge in Game Informer’s June 2013 issue, the magazine also has an update on the PlayStation 4 platformer Knack. A few new story and gameplay details are included in this month’s release.
For the latest about Knack, read on below. More information and screenshots can be found in Game Informer’s latest magazine.
- One scientist created main character Knack
- Goblins and humans have lived alongside each other peacefully
- However, the Goblins have been living in rugged rural areas
- Goblins obtain advanced military vehicles including planes and tanks
- Team is asked to find out how they obtained the tech and eliminate the thread
- Team consists of some humans as well as Knack
- At the beginning of the game, Knack is simply a small robot
- Knack can grow larger by joining together with small crystal-like objects
- Up to 5,000 shards can be “added” to Knack
- Can grow 30 feet tall
- Invisible force holds the objects together
- This additionally lets Knack become small and dodge different security systems such as moving lasers
- Collect “sunstones” to unlock moves
- Can unlock a shockwave melee atack that is used heavily in combat
- Mix of platforming and fighting against dozens of enemy types
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-13 09:34 PM
The Knack World
One essential element of a character-based action game, whether it be Crash Bandicoot or Jak and Daxter, is the vibrant and varied environments to explore. With Knack, we took the increased power of the PS4 as an opportunity to increase the depth and richness of these environments, with enemies and challenges around every corner. We also worked to add a deeper and more involving story – in many ways, the game is a mashup between a classic platformer and a CGI movie starring the very distinctive character of Knack.
One Hero, Many Sizes
The playable demo in the E3 booth focuses on the different challenges and combat scenarios in the game, which call for unique abilities that only Knack possesses. Transform to use Stealth Knack to slip past lasers, defeat goblins guarding the ice caves by collecting ice parts to build your strength, or collect thousands of relics and become a giant wrecking machine on a rampage – on the game team, we’ve really enjoyed exploring all of the variations of gameplay that come out of Knack’s abilities.
Secrets, Gadgets and Crystal Relics
There’s another aspect to the game that we revealed for the first time at E3. Sixty secret rooms found throughout the game hold treasure chests, which contain a variety of special items. Some of these are parts of gadgets; collect enough, and you can complete a gadget that will aid Knack in various ways, including the ability to heal faster, increase the strength of his super moves, or help him grow in size. Others of these special items are crystal relics, which unlock six alternate Knack variations to use in the second playthrough of the game, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.
Get Connected
With PlayStation 4, we’re moving to a friends network based on real-world friends, and with Knack we are adding some connected play that brings a new dimension to what has traditionally been a very single-player type of game. Not only can players see how their friends are faring in the game, but friends can also collaborate to help each other along the way.
When you find one of the sixty secret rooms in the game, you are presented with the choice to either take the crystal relic or gadget part that you personally found, or elect to take the item your friend found in that same location. Need a specific part to complete a gadget? Trying to complete a specific alternate Knack costume? The more friends you have that are playing the game, the faster you’ll be able to complete the items you want.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-27 06:30 PM
“从E3上提供的试玩DEMO可能不会明显的体现,但是《纳克》拥有一段非常长的冒险故事。”游戏的制作人Mark Cerny在接受采访时说道:“游戏一周目的流程时间大约在10小时左右,然后你会发现游戏中还会有很多值得你再次挑战的内容。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 08:36 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 08:37 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-21 08:40 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-22 09:36 PM
《纳克》确定有线下合作模式 双方可互帮互助
据游戏的制作人Mark Cerny说这个模式的对孩子来说非常有利,家长可以引导孩子养成互帮互助的精神。游戏中玩家们还是跟随主角纳克的步伐在体验故事,而第二名玩家也不会对第一名玩家的体验有影响。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-30 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-30 06:47 PM 编辑
索尼对话制作人系列之《纳克》 像古惑狼一样
在PS4的首发游戏中,《纳克(Knack)》是一款原创的游戏,看过视频之后很多玩家觉得它想《古惑狼》,但其实游戏也有着本身的魅力。日前索尼放出了久违了的对话PS4制作人系列视频,这次他们谈话的对象便是《纳克》的游戏总监Mark Cerny。
“游戏的体验多种多样,这回根据零件的数量和类型,零件的变化也会带给你玩法的变化,游戏中没有复杂的演出,但是其中也会有诀窍。”Mark Cerny简单介绍了游戏,他称该作是拥有怀旧感觉同时有包括了新元素在内的次世代游戏。
“我想给玩家们一种第一次玩《古惑狼》系列的感觉。”Mark Cerny自豪的说:“游戏中的故事、画面、过场、体验和BGM都和《古惑狼》系列很像,我们也在努力处理游戏的细节内容。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-23 06:03 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-19 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-21 07:08 PM 编辑
《纳克》细节介绍及海量图片 各式各样的场景
由SCE日本工作室打造的PS4首发游戏《纳克》是制作人Mark Cerny的得意之作,而这个主角和游戏同名的作品随是一款动作游戏,却拥有者独特的剧情魅力,
Knack story, characters and transformations detailed
A Deeper Look at the World of Knack on PS4
Hello, everyone. We’re coming to the final stretch before the launch of PS4, as well as Knack, a game I’ve been honored to be a part of. It has been great working with the very talented folks at Japan Studio, not to mention Mark Cerny, a true living legend.
Our goal with Knack was to deliver a different kind of experience for PlayStation fans at launch, outside of the realm of gritty shooters and mature action games. Knack harkens back to the golden days of Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter, when controls were simpler, but challenges were large enough that those control schemes had to be mastered by anyone intending to finish the games. So, who better to create a game like that than one of the creative forces that brought Crash and Jak to life, Mark Cerny himself?
Knack has a lot to offer, so I’m excited to be able to share some new details on the story, and some of the cool transformations that Knack takes on during the game.
The Story
The story, of course, revolves around Knack, mankind’s secret weapon against the goblin threat. After an initial invasion by the goblins years prior, the two races have been living together on Earth, in separate societies. However, after the goblins invade a human settlement, Knack sets out to find the goblin hideout and discover how these primitive goblins got their hands on advanced tanks and airships.
Aiding Knack on his expedition: the Doctor (the inventor that brought Knack to life thanks to the mysterious power of the ancient relics), Lucas (the Doctor’s teenage assistant), Ryder (Lucas’s uncle, who is also a world-famous explorer), and Viktor (a billionaire industrialist who made his fortune mining the ancient relics that provide power for electricity, machinery, vehicles, and more).
Very early on in the story, we learn that Viktor has bigger ambitions, placing him at odds with Knack and crew. This means you’ll be facing not only the goblin soldiers, with their tanks, mechs, and airships, but Viktor’s own army of soldiers and robots as well.
The storyline will take players through a wide variety of gorgeous stages and environments, from caves to forests, cities to giant airships, all brought to life by the amazing artists at Japan Studio. And of course, no action platformer would be complete without some challenging boss battles. Don’t let the colorful graphics fool you — there’s plenty of challenge to be found within the world of Knack.
There’s a lot more to the story, which is told through a feature film’s worth of fully mo-capped cutscenes (featuring some familiar voice acting talent). You’ll learn more about the origins of the mysterious ancient relics that power everything in the world, including Knack. Deeper mysteries abound that — as certain parties try to harness the true power of the relics — could threaten to put the whole world at risk.
The Transformative Powers of Knack
As you may have seen in our other previews, Knack is made of relics, and by absorbing more and more of them he can grow from his original 3-foot tall size to 6 feet tall, 15 feet tall, and even 30 feet tall. On their way to the goblin hideout, Knack makes his way through an ice cave and, thanks to Lucas, discovers the ability to absorb ice, just like relics, to make himself bigger and stronger.
This changes up the gameplay in different ways. For example, once Knack makes it out of the cave, the ice starts to melt and he’ll have to defeat tough enemies before he shrinks back down to a smaller size. Throughout the game, Knack will find he can absorb different kinds of materials, such as...
• Metal Knack: an extremely powerful form, but being made of metal also means you’re magnetic… which can lead to some interesting problems!
• Wood Knack: one of the biggest versions of Knack in the game. And while wood is easy to find, it does burn easily! That said, if you’re on fire, you can use that to access some extra areas…
We’ll be back soon to talk more about the world of Knack, including how we’re sharing the fun with our local 2-player co-op mode. In the meantime, you can pre-order Knack now via PSN and download it day one.
PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... ld-of-knack-on-ps4/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-19 07:20 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-19 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-19 07:23 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-8 07:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-8 08:46 PM 编辑
《纳克》合作模式官方演示影像 展示游戏细节
《纳克》是由SCE日本工作室所打造的PS4首发游戏,游戏中讲述一个地精侵略人类的故事,哥布林率领大军侵占了地球,而人类在秘密的研究对抗它们的办法,这其中纳克就是一个非常得手的“武器”。日前官方公开了本作的一段合作模式演示影像,为大家介绍了本作中合作模式的许多细节,其中提到该模式下玩家们可以通过两个DS4手柄或利用PSV的Remote Play功能来一起游戏,下面就请大家一起来看一看。
Knack 2-Player Co-op Mode & Mobile App Detailed
More Ways to Play Knack: Co-op Mode, Mobile App Detailed
Hello, everyone. We’re just a little over a week away from the launch of PS4, and I can’t wait for everyone to finally get their hands on Knack. If you’re looking for a taste of something different, something a little more old-school, Knack is the perfect PS4 game for you. With Knack, not only are we taking gamers back to the days of classic games like Crash Bandicoot, we’re also introducing some new and unique ways to experience the game.
We have a unique two-player coop mode that puts a fun twist on traditional co-op games and is a great reason to pick up an extra DualShock 4 controller. If you own a PS Vita, there’s of course Remote Play, which can even work in conjunction with our two-player co-op. We have a fun social connectivity feature that lets you unlock collectibles faster through your network of PSN friends, and finally, we have a brand new standalone mobile game app called Knack’s Quest. I’m here to talk about all of these today.
Knack’s co-op is a little different from some cooperative games you may have played. From the very beginning, Knack was meant to be both a challenging and rewarding old-school style character action game, as well an accessible “gateway” title for gamers to initiate their friends and family members into the joys of true console gaming. On Normal or Hard, the game can be brutally challenging and very rewarding. But with simple controls and Easy mode, even new players can experience the world of Knack.
In Knack, our two-player cooperative mode was designed in a way that accentuates the vision for the game. A second player can drop in or out at any time, and control Knack’s shiny metallic helper, Robo Knack. Robo Knack has a move set somewhat similar to Knack’s, but can donate parts to Knack and heal him with a touch of the Triangle button. If there’s a non-gamer or light gamer in the house, this is a great way to introduce them to the world of Knack – just start the game on Easy and drop in from time to time to help them through the game.
Oh, and if you enjoyed the smack fests in LittleBigPlanet, you’ll find some fun in smacking your on-screen partner when he or she least expects it.
As you play through Knack’s story mode, you’ll no doubt find walls and doors that are begging to be smashed, burnt down or otherwise destroyed. There are over 60 of these rooms - some are out in the open, but some are a little trickier to find. Inside these rooms, you’ll find a chest that holds a collectible item: either a gadget part, or a rare Crystal Relic.
There are eight gadgets in all, and each requires anywhere from 3 to 7 parts to complete. Once you complete a gadget, Knack can equip it to enhance his abilities or add new ones. A few of my favorite gadgets are the Combo Meter, which allows Knack to boost his attack strength by hitting enemies 8 times in a row without taking damage himself, and the Harvester, which lets Knack collect sunstones from defeated enemies. In these chests you may also find Crystal Relics, like diamonds or rubies. If you find enough of any single kind of rare Relic, you’ll unlock a new form of Knack to use in a second play-through of the game. Each Knack variation has different characteristics such as super strength, super fragility, etc.
Finding these secret rooms and collecting gadget parts and Relics is fun, but it’s even more fun when you have friends playing the game as well. Whenever you find a secret chest, you’ll be able to either take the item you found in the chest, or choose any item a friend found in that same room the last time they played. This can really come in handy when you’re trying to complete those gadgets or unlock that last Knack variant. Your gadget collection even carries over to new playthroughs, so you can work on getting all eight handy gadgets.
You’ll also find secret areas holding more parts to help you heal and grow, as well as Sunstone crystals to fill up your super move gauge.
Lastly, we just launched a new mobile game app called Knack’s Quest as a FREE download for iOS devices (Android version coming soon). This game is a standalone three-in-a-row jewel game featuring Knack himself. Gather parts to help Knack grow before the time runs out to clear the level. Unlock endless mode by beating all levels, and post your scores in global and friend rankings.
What’s more, you can also unlock gadget parts and rare Relics for use in the full Knack game on PS4. Once PS4 launches on November 15th, there will be an update to the mobile app that connects it to the PS4 game, allowing you to transfer all of your unlocked items over to your full game. Even if you don’t have a knack for these kinds of games, you can enlist a friend or family member to work on unlocking items for you.
PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... obile-app-detailed/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-16 03:45 PM
《纳克》发售宣传片 小个子变大块头的励志记
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-3 07:04 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-14 08:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-14 08:44 AM 编辑
Knack II Reportedly in Development
如上图所示,这位名为Mindy Liang的女游戏人在工作经历介绍中明确标注了《纳克2》这个项目,并称她在2015年5月时就开始进行PS4版《纳克2》的动态3D人物动作以及过场动画的制作。此外,她供职的乐陞科技(XPEC Entertainment)也确实是参与到了不少游戏的制作/发行当中,所以这些情报还是相当可信的。
• Mindy Liang, a 3D animator at XPEC Entertainment, has listed 'Knack II' on her LinkedIn Resume.
• The listing has been recently removed, but can still be caught in a Google search.
• According to the listing, she started work on Knack II in May 2015, working on 'animated 3D character motions and cutscenes for PS4 system'.
• In addition to having developed its own titles, XPEC Entertainment is also an outsourced developer working on certain aspects of Final Fantasy XV.
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