SPEX01 发表于 2013-5-6 02:43 AM
有史以来最肮脏的一次,也意味着 ...
我意思是說要讓“那些人”無家可睡,走在街上人人喊打,路上看到就撞下去,查完他們的account,翻完他們的office找證據,逃不出國,誰幫他們誰中招,你覺得比起bersih,哪一個比較令他們害怕呢?作者: ~Jacyn^O^Shan~ 时间: 2013-5-6 03:57 AM
楼主, 虽然很累可是我看完了, 谢谢你的用心,我的朋友群们也激动不已,直嚷嚷 BERSIH 也有 group 呢。
所以,一起加油。作者: stupid1994 时间: 2013-5-6 09:55 AM
JustAJoke 发表于 2013-5-6 01:44 AM
Walao A
以前没什么反政府。。G12时PREAK都可以赢。。只是那个许XX跑去BN。。所以才BN赢。。。现在将多人反。。BN竟然可以Y赢!!!!BERSIH 4.0.。。。!!!!作者: SPEX01 时间: 2013-5-6 10:00 AM
~Jacyn^O^Shan~ 发表于 2013-5-6 03:57 AM
楼主, 虽然很累可是我看完了, 谢谢你的用心,我的朋友群们也激动不已,直嚷嚷 BERSIH 也有 group 呢。
加油。 ...
加油!让我们这次高喊“”BERSIH 4"!
Bersih 4.0 not only to repeat the promise.
This time ,Bersih must announce the dark history of Malaysia505
Also urged patriotic businessman dononate money , set up a news paper and print out this fact to the National People's.
Because this election we lose by the news not transparent , not open!
Let shouting BERSIH4.0 and start from us and make it re-election in june!
Bersih 4.0 not only to repeat the promise.
This time ,Bersih must announce the dark history of Malaysia505
Also urged patriotic businessman dononate money , set up a news paper and print out this fact to the National People's.
Because this election we lose by the news not transparent , not open!
Let shouting BERSIH4.0 and start from us and make it re-election in june!