标题: 【PC/PS4/XO】Call Of Duty:Advanced Warfare [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-9 07:10 AM
标题: 【PC/PS4/XO】Call Of Duty:Advanced Warfare
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-5 06:48 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer, Release Date November 4


Official Website : http://www.callofduty.com/advancedwarfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Boosts Franchise to New Heights on the Next Generation

The power of the next generation of advanced soldier. The power of a gripping performance from Kevin Spacey. The power of all-new, exoskeleton gameplay mechanics. Power changes everything. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare delivers an inspired new era of Call of Duty. Published by Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, and developed for next gen consoles and PC by Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare delivers a breathtaking, new vision for the blockbuster franchise.

"We've made several key decisions with an eye towards creative excellence on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. We've really approached this game differently," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. "This is our first three-year development cycle. It's our first time with Sledgehammer Games at the creative helm. And we're shaking up the formula in several ways. New core gameplay mechanics with the exoskeleton suit. A riveting new story. An iconic new character played by one of the world's best actors in Kevin Spacey. We're having a lot of fun making this game, and we think the world is going to have even more fun playing it."

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare jolts players forward in a groundbreaking experience that's ripped-from-the-headlines-of-tomorrow, envisioning a future where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Set in the year 2054, a private military corporation (PMC) has emerged with the power to rescue humanity from a devastated world struggling to rebuild after a global attack on its military and infrastructure. You are the advanced soldier. Empowered with new, cutting-edge exoskeleton abilities, technological advancements and high-tech gear, players join the ranks of a highly-trained, specialized unit committed to restoring order in a state of advanced warfare.

"It's been a lot of fun working with the team to bring Jonathan Irons to life. The technology is truly remarkable and unlike anything I've done before. I'm excited to see where this goes," said Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is being developed specifically for next gen consoles and PC. This is the first iteration of publisher Activision's expanded three-year development cycle allowing the debut lead title from Sledgehammer Games an added year of studio development. With the expanded production capabilities, Sledgehammer Games is able to create an astonishing new, next generation experience, featuring an array of technical advancements from the sights and sounds that create a near photorealistic world unlike any Call of Duty before, to new performance capture and facial animation technologies that deliver lifelike characters, to a rich and immersive story that brings the fiction to life.

"This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and an honor for Sledgehammer Games. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the most ambitious and creative project we have ever worked on. From the endless research and thousands of production designs, to our incredible focus on the narrative and amazing attention to detail - we're taking nothing for granted," said Glen Schofield, co-founder and game director of Sledgehammer Games. "Call of Duty connects with the fans on such a deep level, and crafting a new vision for the next generation has been so inspiring for us."

Michael Condrey, co-founder and studio head of Sledgehammer Games added, "Glen and I created this team with the singular vision of delivering the best work of our lives. We know we're stepping into some pretty big shoes, but every day I'm amazed at the talent and focus at work here touching everything from the story experience to multiplayer. We're excited to lead the next chapter in this great franchise, and we can't wait for November 4th."

Starting today, fans can begin pre-ordering their copy of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare at retail outlets worldwide. The title is scheduled for release on November 4.

《Call Of Duty:高级战争》正式宣布

  《COD》系列第十一部正传作品《COD:高级战争(Call of Duty:Advance Warfare)》首段预告片正式放出。本作将会以未来高科技战争为主题,视频中也出现了吸力手套、便携式掩体、小型无人作战飞机等各种精良装备,而著名影星凯文·史派西也将在本作中出演重要角色。

  本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。

  《COD:高级战争》由Sledgehammer Games工作室制作,将于2014年11月4日发售,目前尚未公布对应平台。


  今天动视官方正式发文称,COD系列新作《COD:高级战争(Advanced Warfare)》将于2014年11月4日登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE,XBOX360和PC平台,世界各地的零售商从今天开始接受这款游戏的预订。



  本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-2 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-6 07:09 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare First Official Details

Product Description

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history, and again brings all add-on content first to Xbox.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare envisions the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award winning actor Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons – one of the most powerful men in the world – shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.

Power Changes Everything

• Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes place in a plausible future in which technological progress and today’s military practices have converged with powerful consequences.

• In this carefully researched and crafted vision of the future, Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become the dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting the rules of war.

• And Jonathan Irons, the founder and president of the world’s largest PMC - Atlas Corporation - is at the center of it all.

• Powerful exoskeletons evolve every aspect of a soldier’s battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization.

• The introduction of this gameplay mechanic delivers enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed.

• With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before, fundamentally changing the way gamers play Call of Duty across all modes.

• Harnessing the power of next-gen platforms, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare brings players into the battlegrounds of the future by boasting a new hi-tech, advanced arsenal and ability set, arming players with all-new equipment, technology, perks, and vehicles like hoverbikes and highly specialized drones.

• Players can also choose between standard ammunition and an all-new class of directed-energy weaponry that enables totally new gameplay dynamics.

• And with exoskeletons delivering a massive force multiplier and unprecedented tactical freedom, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare evolves every firefight.


Call of Duty Trailer & Infographic - 'Superpower For Hire'

To help set the tone for the next Call of Duty game, here's a video entitled "Superpower For Hire" from VICE.com talking about the rise of PMCs.

In the last 20 years, global combat has seen a steady shift towards the use of private military corporations, or PMCs. What happens when the highest bidder becomes the world's next superpower?

A new era arrives for Call of Duty. See the world reveal on 5.4.14.


加入能量武器 《使命召唤:高级战争》细节公布

  由Sledgehammer Games开发的《使命召唤11:高级战争》将给玩家带来未来的战场。在未来的战场上,科技和战术都将引领一个系列全新的战斗时代。奥斯卡获奖演员Kevin Spacey在扮演Jonathan Irons时作出了出色的表演,该角色将塑造未来战场。




  在昨日中午举行的发布会上,动视正式发布了CoD系列最新一作《使命召唤:高级战争》,并且表示将由两只工作室来负责本作,保证能够在11月时将不同版本的该作品带给玩家。Sledgehammer大锤工作室将负责Xbox One/PS4/PC版本的制作,这也是符合之前规律的,而另一只独立的、目前还没有揭晓名称的工作室来负责之前世代主机版本的开发,也就是Xbox 360和PS3版本。今年刚刚发行的多人机甲射击游戏《泰坦陨落》也是采用类似的开发策略:Respawn本部来开发重点的Xbox One及PC版本,而Bluepoint工作室来开发老一些的Xbox 360版本,后者虽然跳票了一段时间才能上市,不过还好最后品质对得起跳票的时间,也充分发挥了Xbox 360的机能。

  目前还没有信息提及是否存在Wii U版本的《使命召唤:高级战争》。




  自2010年发售的《使命召唤:黑色行动 | Black OPS》起,Xbox 360平台始终都会优先独享新下载内容,随后才陆续登陆其他平台。

  此次新作依旧不会跳脱这一模式,Xbox Wire上写道系列新作依旧会让Xbox平台优先享受新内容。但各平台之间相差多长时间也没有确切说明,保守估计可能一个月左右。


  Sledgehammer最近公布了《使命召唤:高级战争》的首个预告片,预告片展示了游戏大量的细节。游戏的画面效果看起来比去年的《使命召唤》游戏要高几个档次。最重要的是,这些画面是由Xbox One上截取的。但是Xbox One是首要开发平台么?

  业内人士Ahsan Rasheed在推特上表示:“我想告诉所有Xbox One的用户,Xbox One并不是首要开发平台,只是签署了商业协议而已。”

  根据他的说法,工作室将首先开发PS4版本:“这才是你们应该关注的消息。Infinity Ward的开发人员更喜欢PS4。大多数的开发人员会在家使用PS4。” 这可能是事实,因为PS4的销量已经达到了700万台。


  当一名网友表示Infinity Ward可能是这样,但是Sledgehammer Games可能会不同的时候,Rasheed说:“你太可爱了。如果你认为PS4版本不会是首要开发版本,那么我就要给你带来一些坏消息了。”


  《使命召唤:高级战争》将于11月4日登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。另外一个工作室将负责制作前代主机版本,发售日期同现代主机版本相同。



  动视CEO Eric Hirshberg说:“我们在制作最新《使命召唤:高级战争》做出了几个重要的决定,要把这部新作做得与众不同。这是我们第一个三年开发周期作品,也是第一次Sledgehammer Games合作。新的核心玩法机制,全新的故事,由Kevin Spacey扮演的一个标志性的新角色。我们在制作这款游戏是很高兴的,而且我们认为全世界玩的时候会更高兴。”


奥斯卡获得者Kevin Spacey说:“扮演Jonathan Irons非常有趣,而制作组的技术令人惊叹,我之前从来没这么做过,对此我很兴奋。”

  《使命召唤:高级战争》只为次世代主机和PC平台开发。这是动视第一次让工作室在三年的时间内制作一款该系列作品。这回Sledgehammer Games将建造一个《使命召唤》系列从来没有过的逼真世界,新的面部捕捉技术可以创造出非常逼真的角色,以及丰富迷人的故事。

  Sledgehammer Games的联合创始人兼游戏总监Glen Schofield说:“对于我们来说这是次机会,《使命召唤:高级战争》是我们最有野心和创意的项目。创作期间我们做了无数个调查和产品设计,对于细节方面我们的要求就是精益求精。《使命召唤》系列牵动着无数玩家的心,在次世代平台创造一个新的版本真的让我们很激动。”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-5 05:54 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-24 05:37 PM

  《使命召唤:高级战争》的音效总监Don Veca日前在接受游戏传媒GameInformer采访时对媒体披露了一些游戏发开阶段中采用的枪械音效的样本。

  Veca此前作为大锤工作室的成员也曾参与过《死亡空间(Dead Space)》系列游戏的开发工作。“众所周知,枪械是《使命召唤》作品中的重要元素。对于今年发行的这部《使命召唤:高级战争》,我们制作组有着长达3年的开发时间,所以我们自然要把游戏的各方面质量更上一个台阶,包括音效。“


  过去几年,《使命召唤》系列的枪械生效一直在于同时期BF系列的较量中处于下风,甚至不如已经销声匿迹的《荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor)》。希望本年度的《使命召唤:高级战争》能带给玩家以惊喜。当然,我说的不单单是音效。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 06:38 PM
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Debut Gameplay, Advanced Arsenal Pre-Order Bonus



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-18 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-18 07:06 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争(Advanced Warfare)》幕后宣传片 讨论游戏剧情

  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司于在E3展会前夕正式公开的系列最新作,而本作也作为微软E3 2014展前发布会的首款游戏登场。日前动视放出了本作的一段幕后影像,展示了开发商在幕后制作游戏的历程,而本次主要讨论的则是本作剧情部分的内容,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  《COD:高级战争》将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-25 07:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-25 06:39 PM 编辑


  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司于在E3展会前夕正式公开的系列最新作,也是广大FPS爱好者都非常期待的年度大作。日前官方再度放出了本作的幕后制作影像,通过游戏开发商Sledgehammer Games的开发组成员来介绍这款新作,而本次他们所谈论的则是游戏中的未来科技以及强化骨骼的一些细节,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

  《COD:高级战争》将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-2 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-2 06:21 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争(Advenced Warfare)》游戏最新幕后制作影像放出


  《COD:高级战争》将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-9 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-9 06:25 PM 编辑



  《COD:高级战争》将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。本作剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-16 12:10 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-23 12:39 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-30 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-31 07:04 PM 编辑

《决胜时刻:先进战争》释出单人模式剧情影片多人模式情报8 月解禁

  Activision 发行,预定11 月4 日推出的全球知名第一人称射击游戏《决胜时刻》系列次世代最新作《决胜时刻:先进战争(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)》(Xbox One / Xbox 360 / PS4 / PS3 / PC),释出了聚焦在描述单人战役模式的宣传影片。
  影片中透露,《决胜时刻:先进战争》将描述近未来将遭受到全世界规模的恐怖攻击行动,并造成世界陷入巨大的混乱之中,而毫无招架之力的政府只能眼见着情势渐渐遭到坐拥强大军火的民营军火企业Atlas 所一手掌控。另外,由金像奖影帝凯文‧史贝西(Kevin Spacey)所饰演的Atlas 领导人物也是影片亮点之一,有兴趣的玩家不妨点选观看单人剧情的表现。

  在该影片结尾部分也透露的些许多人游玩模式的样貌,可以看到使用了在对战中透过「外骨骼」喷射器所展现的横向冲刺、大跳跃、后飞等崭新动作,将会为对战带来带来很大的变化。而官方也预告,将会在8 月中举办的欧洲最大电玩展gamescom 中展出多人游玩机台,玩家也不妨期待8 月11 日情报更进一步的解禁。


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Story Trailer

COD: Advanced Warfare Limited Editions Announced, Multiplayer Reveal on August 11
《COD:高级战争》限定版公开 数字内容丰富









Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Collector’s Editions Announced

With just a few short months to go before Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare hits store shelves, Activision and Sledgehammer Games have announced a trio of collector's edition versions of the games with a variety of in-game content and collectible items.

On November 4th, fans will have their choice of the Atlas Limited Edition, Digital Pro Edition, and Atlas Pro Edition of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, priced at $79.99, $99.99, and $119.99, respectively.

Each version, including the downloadable Digital Pro Edition, will come equipped with the Atlas Digital Content Pack, which features two new weapons — the Bal-27 AE Assault Rifle and Atlas 45 AE Pistol — as well as a unique Atlas exoskeleton, helmet, player card, and five bonus supply drops that unlock new in-game gear. Players will also be able to upgrade their exoskeleton in the campaign early with new powers and abilities via an extra upgrade token.

What’s more, the collector's edition versions of the game will include Atlas Gorge; a bonus multiplayer map that reimagines Pipeline, a fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Both the Digital Pro Edition and Atlas Pro Edition will also come with the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass, which unlocks access to four forthcoming DLC multiplayer map packs.

For those that prefer tangible collectibles, the Atlas Limited Edition and Atlas Pro Edition will come with a unique steelbook case, the game’s official soundtrack, and the Atlas: Advanced Soldier manual — a collection of original concept art and historical and tactical information.

While you won’t be able to get your hands on the collector's edition versions of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare until this November, check out the story trailer to see more of the game’s campaign and to get a small taste of what to expect from the multiplayer reveal on August 11th.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-2 07:38 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-9 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-11 06:49 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争(Advanced Warfare)》新宣传片展示限定版内容



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-12 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-12 06:39 PM 编辑


  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司于在E3展会前夕正式公开的系列最新作,也是广大FPS爱好者都非常期待的年度大作。本作将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前动视和Sledgehammer Games放出了本作的首段多人模式宣传片,实际展示了多人游戏的内容,并公开了大量的游戏情报,下面就为大家简单介绍一下。












  Sledgehammer Games在本作中将会通过全新的人物系统“Create-an-Operator”来让游戏变得更加个性化。该系统让能够将游戏中的士兵变得更加个性化,玩家们能够自由定制偷窥、眼镜、衬衫、背心、背包、手套、裤子、护膝、靴子甚至是外骨骼本身。该任务系统同时也包含新的奖励系统,玩家们可以通过该系统获得许多定制武器和独特的角色装扮,让大家可以向他人好好炫耀一番。





Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Revealed

New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Delivers Game Changing Experience

Activision and Sledgehammer Games today unveiled a new era for Call of Duty with the world premiere of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer. Built for next generation gaming systems, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare fundamentally changes Call of Duty multiplayer, delivering new player movements and capabilities, along with the deepest customization and player engagement features in franchise history.

With the all-new exoskeleton, players can boost jump, dodge, dash, slide, slam and more as the action goes vertical, while using future-tech, cutting-edge capabilities and a brand-new weapon class as part of nearly 350 custom weapons. Offering a new reward system, including more than 1,000 in-game player rewards, and nearly limitless customization options that create more than 2 billion unique player combinations and more, the title offers the most in-depth, robust and advanced Call of Duty multiplayer experience ever on both next generation and current generation systems.

In addition to the multiplayer premiere, Activision today announced the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition, which offers fans for the first time 24-hour early access to the game starting November 3rd. The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition is available on all platforms to customers who pre-order the game* and pick up on day zero - at no added cost. Collector's Edition copies of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will also be available for Day Zero early purchase and play, and will include the special Day Zero Edition content. In addition to the early access of up to 24 hours in some territories, the Day Zero Edition also includes two new, custom weapons as well as the previously announced Advanced Arsenal incentive.

"With Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare we introduced the first new lead developer to the franchise in a decade and our first three-year development cycle, with one mission: bring breakthrough innovation to the franchise, while also honoring its roots. We feel Sledgehammer Games has risen to that challenge," said Activision Publishing, Inc.'s CEO, Eric Hirshberg. "Advanced Warfare introduces significant new mechanics to multiplayer that truly change the game, but more importantly just speaking as a gamer it's a hell of a lot of fun."

Three years in the making, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare delivers a new level of tactical combat on all platforms, giving players all-new frenetic ways to move, starting with the power of the exoskeleton. The new gameplay abilities, movements, perks and mechanics expand the verticality of sightlines and maneuverability, increasing the amount of strategic options available to players, while staying true to Call of Duty's fast, fluid multiplayer experience. Players can combine these new mechanics for offensive, defensive and overall evasive maneuvers unlike anything ever seen in Call of Duty.

Also, the much loved Pick 10 create-a-class is back with even more customizable options than before with Pick 13. Gamers can now choose their favorite scorestreaks, which are fully customizable, and include them in their preferred class, raising the bar on personalization from top to bottom. The introduction of co-operative scorestreaks also allows friends to experience Call of Duty multiplayer together in a new way, as for the first time ever, two players can now join a scorestreak and work co-operatively.

The technology of the future in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare wouldn't be complete without advancement in weapon technology, beginning with the debut of a directed energy class of weapons. This all-new weapon class for Call of Duty uses the power of focused energy to overcome enemies and relies on tactical heat management instead of reloads. Players can test out this new class, along with all their weapons, on the new Virtual Firing Range, a brand new feature that allows players to instantly test-drive their favorite weapon loadout with the click of a button before the next match starts.

"When we set out to envision the 2054 world of Call of Duty, we spent a lot of time focused on evolving the multiplayer - offering all new experiences to the fans," said Glen Schofield, co-founder and game director of Sledgehammer Games.

"We can't wait for players to discover all of the new movement, mechanics, equipment, and modes built into Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, as well as the depth of customization layered in for the most personalized Call of Duty multiplayer experience to date," added Michael Condrey, co-founder and head of development of Sledgehammer Games.

Featuring 12 modes out of the box on day one, led by fan-favorites Capture the Flag and Hardpoint, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's multiplayer modes not only include classics such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Search and Destroy, but also new options for the playlist such as Uplink and Momentum, a new take on the classic War mode.

Sledgehammer Games is also taking personalization to the next level with Create-an-Operator, a new character system, which allows players to personalize their soldier however they want from heads, helmets, eyewear, shirts, vests, kits, gloves, pants, knee-guards, boots and even the exoskeleton itself. Create-an-Operator is bolstered by a brand new reward system called Supply Drops. The more someone plays, the more they earn. Supply Drops can contain anything from custom weapons to unique character gear in different classes of rarity, all giving players multiplayer bragging rights.

In addition to showing off their Supply Drops gear in-game, the new Virtual Lobby lets players display their hard-earned challenge rewards and rare items, while waiting for the map to start. Billions of possible combinations exist, allowing gamers to personalize nearly everything on their in-game operator from head to toe. Players can finally see what their friends and opponents are bringing to the match, as the Virtual Lobby is a quick and easy way to size up the competition and also plan your next move in create-an-operator.

Led by Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is being developed for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. The title is published by Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard. Designed for next gen systems, Advanced Warfare is the first Call of Duty utilizing an expanded three-year development delivering a new experience on all platforms.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-12 09:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-13 06:21 PM 编辑


微软于欧洲最大游戏展Gamescom 开展前一日,举办全球媒体展前发表会,并且在会中宣布《决胜时刻:先进战争(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)》,将会和游戏同步于11 月4日推出同梱版Xbox One 主机包装。主机本体将会施以独特的灰/ 黑配色,手把的部分也是以灰色为主体来构成。而硬碟部分则是内含 1 TB。即日起开放预约,并且售价订为499.99 欧元,


同时,发表会之中也请到了开发工作室Sledgehammer GamesGlen 的CEO Glen Schofield 以及总监Michael Condrey 登台,来宣布《决胜时刻:先进战争》将会为玩家带来真正的次世代游戏体验,并带领《决胜时刻》进入新的次元,并强调本作的首个DLC 将在Xbox One 率先登场。


1TB Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Bundle Limited Day Zero Edition
Xbox One $499 和Xbox One 普通同捆版一样。只不过Kinect 代替了1TB。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-15 07:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-15 07:39 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 1 Terabyte Xbox One Bundle Announced

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Limited Edition Xbox One Bundle Announced

Hot on the heels of the global reveal of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer, Microsoft and Activision have announced a new special edition Xbox One bundle set to release alongside the game this November. Sporting a custom Sentinel Task Force design with in-game sound effects and a matching controller, the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Xbox One bundle comes with a 1TB hard drive — double the storage of the standard models.

Additionally, each system will come with a digital Day Zero Edition of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with unique in-game bonuses, like a custom exoskeleton, a digital personalization pack, and the Advanced Arsenal, which includes the EM1 Quantum directed energy weapon and bullet brass exoskeleton.

The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare special edition Xbox One will launch on November 3rd for $499. Pre-order one today on CallofDuty.com.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-20 06:54 PM

      大锤工作室在研究一款第三人称的《使命召唤》游戏已经不是什么秘密了,或许就是现在在网上疯传的《使命召唤:越南》。不过今日大锤的创始人之一Michael Condrey表示,《使命召唤:高级战争(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)》将加入第三人称选项,不过游戏上市的时候可能不会出现,这个选项会在之后的更新中出现。

      Michael Condrey在被问到《使命召唤:高级战争》是否会有第三人称选项的时候表示,在上市的时候不会有,但是没有否认游戏不会出现这个选项,这样的回答是不是代表了一切呢?《使命召唤11:高级战争》定于11月4号登陆PC、PS3、PS4、Xbox 360和Xbox One。更多粉丝的问答请看 - http://mp1st.com/2014/08/17/adva ... ammer/#.U_R9ufmSwWK

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-23 03:33 PM
《使命召唤:高级战争(Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare)》EXO装甲为满足玩家而设

  《COD:高级战争》的EXO外骨骼战斗装甲,给予了玩家超人般的能力,也是大家公认这款游戏最有戏剧性变化的部分,这是为了要回应渴望游戏创新的粉丝诉求。根据Sledgehammer Games 工作室的共同创办人Michael Condrey在GameSpot最新一集的“Aim Down Sights”影片(与 Activision 公司合制)中提到,一开始并非所有人都对这个重大改变买单,但最后几乎所有人都改变了想法。



  他说:“三年前,EXO外骨骼战斗装甲并不像今天一样有这么多人知道这个东西。现在你看看,像是《极乐世界》、《明日边缘》、《遗落战境》这些有EXO外骨骼战斗装甲登场的电影,然后你看到军队采用这种装备的新闻,所以每个人都在讨论 EXO 外骨骼战斗装甲。但在三年前,这是一个大胆的想法。”

  《COD:高级战争》将于11月4日在XBOX360、XBOX ONE、PS3、PS4 以及PC等平台上发行。Sledgehammer Games工作室于本周证实将不会推出WiiU版本。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-26 07:17 AM
Exclusive Mountain Dew & Doritos in-game gear coming to COD: Advanced Warfare

'Fuel For Battle' With Mountain Dew, Doritos and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Mountain Dew and Doritos, the ultimate fuel for gamers, have joined forces with Activision Publishing, Inc. for its highly-anticipated Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the new Call of Duty set in the year 2054, where Power Changes Everything. With the Mountain Dew and Doritos ‘Fuel Up for Battle’ promotion, gamers in select markets around the world will have the opportunity to customize their Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer gaming experience by accessing exclusive (until Feb. 15, 2015) in-game gear through the title’s exciting, brand new ‘Supply Drops’ reward system.

Starting October 6, fans in the U.S. can collect codes from specially marked packages of DEW and Doritos products and enter them online at www.DewandDoritos.com to enhance their gaming experience and create a unique identity for their advanced soldier by unlocking exclusive (until Feb. 15, 2015) Dew and Doritos in-game gear. Fans can customize their character with accessories such as an exoskeleton, heavy vest kit, helmets, goggles, boots and more. Further elevating the experience, gamers will also be able to unlock double XP and rapid supply rewards. Every code entered from DEW and Doritos packages unlocks Call of Duty in-game rewards and each code entered will also provide a chance to win an Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft.

“We’re thrilled to bring together with Call of Duty such iconic brands as Mountain Dew and Doritos in a compelling and fun way that benefits both of our respective communities,” said Ashley Maidy, vice president of licensing and partnerships, Activision Publishing, Inc. “So, with the exclusive in-game gear waiting for DEW and Doritos consumers, gamers just need to fuel-up and login.”

“As in-game experiences evolve, the DEW and Doritos brands are constantly looking for ways to bring those cutting-edge ideas to life offline through unique promotions and exclusive opportunities for our fans,” said Greg Lyons, vice president of marketing, Mountain Dew. “As a brand with an endemic gaming heritage, we are excited to be able to offer this massive gaming community unique access to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s next generation ‘Supply Drop’ platform.”

“The Dew and Doritos ‘Fuel Up for Battle’ promotion is a great example of PepsiCo’s strength in delivering an integrated food and beverage marketing campaign,” said Jeff Klein, vice president of marketing, Frito-Lay. “Our unique ability to bring consumers exclusive experiences through our long-standing legacy of partnerships and programs around blockbuster video games, demonstrates why we are Better Together.”

As gamers have come to expect year after year, Mountain Dew is bringing back tried and true gamer-favorite - Mtn Dew Game Fuel Citrus Cherry - and a bold new flavor – Mtn Dew Game Fuel Lemonade - for a limited time only. Both products will hit shelves in the U.S., beginning October 6.

Fans can also participate in the ‘Fuel Up for Battle’ promotion by purchasing any 3.375 oz. specially marked bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese, Doritos Cool Ranch, Doritos Spicy Nacho or Doritos Dinamita Chile Limon flavored chips, beginning October 6.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare jolts players forward in a groundbreaking experience that’s ripped-from-the-headlines-of-tomorrow, envisioning a future where both technology and tactics have evolved to create a new era of combat. The narrative begins in the year 2054, the Atlas Corporation, a private military corporation (PMC), has emerged with the power to rescue humanity after a global attack on its military and infrastructure. Empowering players with new, cutting-edge exoskeleton abilities and an advanced arsenal with new weaponry, vehicles and high-tech gear, players can join the ranks of a highly-trained, specialized unit committed to restoring order.

It all starts with the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare exoskeleton and the fundamental way it changes player movement delivering a new level of tactical combat. Speed, strength, agility, and verticality transform how you play. New abilities, movements, perks, equipment and weapon classes offer fans the most personalized, customizable and reward-based Call of Duty multiplayer. It all comes together to make each player feel like a tier one soldier of the future. In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare customization begins with Supply Drops, bringing a new reward system that provides players with billions of reward combinations into multiplayer. Delivered through both play time and in-game challenges, Supply Drops reward players with items, including Custom Weapons, Character Gear and Reinforcements.

For complete details and rules of the ‘Fuel Up For Battle’ program, visit DewandDoritos.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-28 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-28 06:10 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争(Call of Duty Advanced Warfare)》新宣传片 介绍游戏新系统

  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。而日前官方公开了最新的宣传影像,为大家展示了游戏中的“Supply Drops”系统。本作的多人模式所使用的XP系统和以前基本相同,不过“Supply Drops”的加入会为本作增色不少。“Supply Drops”能够给玩家带来随机的武器、装备和配件,让游戏变得更多样化更有趣。那么接下来就请大家一起来欣赏一下本次的宣传片吧。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-3 07:16 PM

Michael Condrey说明Atlas公司诞生背景

经过在gamescom中揭露的多人游玩后,连日来发表各种话题的Sledgehammer工作室的新作—《决胜时刻:先进战争》,熟悉本作开发相关讯息的负责人—Michael Condrey接受了The Guardian的书面采访。



Michael Condrey表明这项见解就是《决胜时刻:先进战争》诞生的其中之一的因素。

「这个想法是十分大胆且充满魅力的。」Michael Condrey如此说着。

此外,不只是五角大厦的情境模拟规划师,更得到过去曾介绍过的凯撒琳·毕格萝所导演的电影《危机倒数》与《00:30凌晨密令》的编剧马克·鲍尔来担任顾问之外,还有原美军特种部队—海豹六队的军事顾问—Mitchell Hall、曾担任三角洲部队指挥官并着有「Kill​​ Bin Laden」的Dalton Fury等专家的协助。

http://fronttowardsgamer.com/201 ... fare-story-trailer/
http://www.gamespot.com/articles ... cards/1100-6419538/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-4 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-4 06:25 PM 编辑

《Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare》公布多人模式解说影片  

      Activision与Sledgehammer Games Square Enix预定于2014年11月13日推出的军事FPS《Call of Duty》系列最新作PC/PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360版《Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare》,日前公布游戏多人同玩模式解说影片,除了介绍最具特色的强化外骨骼各种能力之外,「Create-an-Operator」及「Supply Drops」等难以用文字描述的创角功能部份也透过影片说明让玩家更容易了解操作方式。

  本作以民间军事产业大幅成长的2054 年近未来世界为舞台,当时私人军事公司(PMC)相继崛起,各种尖端军事技术也日新月异地发展,主角为一名隶属于世界最大PMC 的士兵,将透过具多种功能的外骨骼带给玩家前所未有的崭新战斗体验。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-25 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-25 07:29 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争》宣传片 介绍四人合作模式

  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方放出了本作的最新宣传影像,介绍了游戏中的最新四人合作模式“Exo Survival”,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

  《COD:高级战争》的剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化外骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-7 07:45 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-18 12:00 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-19 07:33 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-22 07:09 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-29 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-29 06:55 PM 编辑

《COD:高级战争(Advanced Warfare)》季票宣传片 介绍收录DLC

  《COD:高级战争》是动视公司所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方公开了一段新的游戏宣传片,为大家介绍了本作季票相关的内容。

  据报道本作的季票售价为50美元,其中将会收录Havoc、Ascendance、Supremacy和Reckoning这4个DLC包。这些DLC单价均为15美元,因此购买季票可帮助玩家剩下10美元。这些DLC按计划将会先后发售,其中首个DLC“Havoc”预计将于2015年1月发售。而根据官方的说法,每个DLC均包含全新的多人游戏相关内容、新地图以及新模式。此外拥有季票的玩家还可在游戏发售日当天获得DLC武器和DLC多人地图“Atlas Gorge”。

  《COD:高级战争》的剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化外骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-31 07:00 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-31 06:46 PM 编辑


《COD:高级战争(Call of Duty Advanced Warfare)》真人预告片出炉 战争升级



  《COD:高级战争》将于2014年11月4日发售,登陆XBOX ONE、PS4、XBOX 360、PS3以及PC平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-3 06:56 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-3 06:18 PM 编辑

Zombies return to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare via Season Pass DLC
《COD高级战争》丧尸模式成真 将随季票登陆


  《COD:高级战争》季票包含四个多人内容包,分别是Havoc、Ascendance、Supremacy、Reckoning以及提前得到DLC武器包的机会,该季票售价49.99美元。同时,季票还额外赠送了一张多人对战地图,它是《COD4:现代战争》中的地图“管道”的重制版,并被叫做“Atlas George”。


Breaking News for Call of Duty Fans – Zombies are Back!

This just in, Zombies are back as part of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare season pass! Stop by any GameStop to pick up one of the most anticipated games to launch this year, along with 4-multiplayer map packs, Atlas Gorge, and yes – ZOMBIES. All this is available for purchase today at GameStop as part of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare season pass for only $49.99.

Also, customers who purchase Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition today (Sunday, Nov. 2) at GameStop will receive Double XP all day Monday to help them level up quickly, and receive an array of bonus in-game content, including the Advanced Arsenal bullet brass exoskeleton and EM1 Quantum directed energy weapon, plus the AK-12G Assault Rifle and Crossbow-B2 custom weapons.

For customers who have been wanting to experience the next-generation installment of Call of Duty, but are a little short of money – don't fret. GameStop is providing customers unique forms of currency to help make the upgrade more affordable.

Today through Nov. 9, customers who trade in a PlayStation 3 (20GB or greater) or an Xbox 360 (250GB or greater) will receive $125 in store-credit when applied to the purchase of a new PlayStation 4 console.

Customers that purchase a new PS4 console along with a PS4 copy of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, will receive a year of PlayStation Plus for free ($50 value)

The Xbox One Limited Edition Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Bundle is available at GameStop for $449, starting November 3. The bundle features a 1TB hard drive, custom console and controller, and a limited edition exoskeleton, plus a digital copy of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero edition ($50 promotional pricing while supplies last).

Stop by your local GameStop tonight to enjoy all the activities planned as part of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare midnight launch, and watch out for the attack of the zombies.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-27 06:09 PM
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's Exo Zombies is coming as DLC in January


A New Cooperative Survival Experience is Coming to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Exo Zombies

On behalf of the entire team, thanks so much for playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Some of you may have already noticed something curious if you made it to the end of Riot playing in Exo Survival mode. For those of you that are still working on your first prestige in multiplayer, or are still knee-deep in the story mode and haven’t checked out co-op yet, we have included that little Easter Egg above. Have a look...

As things were wrapping up around launch, we started playing around with the idea of what happens when zombies were thrown into the mix with exoskeleton gameplay. What we came up with is Exo Zombies — an entirely new breed of zombies and an entirely new co-op experience that is truly unique to Advanced Warfare.

The first chapter of Exo Zombies will be coming with the Havoc DLC pack early next year. Fans can grab that DLC pack to jump in, or access via the Season Pass. More information about Exo Zombies will be coming in the next few weeks. We can’t wait show you more – see you online!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-2 07:38 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-12 07:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-18 07:09 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-20 07:22 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-14 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-15 06:29 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc DLC Pack Trailer & Info
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare於1月底推出首個DLC

  Call of Duty今日正式宣布其首個DLC「Havoc」將於1月27日在Xbox Live獨家推出,而在其他平台上的推出日期仍待公佈。Havoc將會引入四張全新和帶有新元素的多人遊戲地圖,其首個章節是一個關於Exo Zombie的合作模式戰役,zombie的設計結合了科幻元素。這個DLC將會以十五美金價格出售,一起來看看遊戲trailer吧。


Call of Duty Wreaks Havoc with the First Downloadable Content Pack for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

The first DLC pack for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Havoc, is on the way. The epic DLC pack from Activision and Sledgehammer Games will be available first, exclusively on Xbox Live for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 beginning on January 27, with other platforms to follow.

“We’re looking forward to playing the new DLC content with fans. The response to Advanced Warfare has been amazing, and the creativity and gameplay variety of the content coming in Havoc is more exciting than ever,” said Michael Condrey, Co-Founder and Studio Head, Sledgehammer Games. “The entire team at Sledgehammer Games is really excited about the release of the Havoc and we are ready to kick-off a long DLC season filled with new maps, the new Exo Zombies mode and more,” said Glen Schofield, Co-Founder and Studio Head, Sledgehammer Games.

The definitive DLC offering, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc includes four new, epic multiplayer maps, access to the versatile AE4 directed energy assault rifle, the AE4 Widowmaker custom variant, plus an exciting new Zombies cooperative mode called Exo Zombies, that features a story told through the eyes of four employees of the Atlas corporation, played by a celebrity cast consisting of John Malkovich (In the Line of Fire, RED, Burn After Reading), Bill Paxton (Aliens, Titanic, Edge of Tomorrow), Rose McGowan (Planet Terror, Scream), and Jon Bernthal (Fury, The Walking Dead). The actors provide their voice over and likeness in a dark and cinematic experience new to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Players enter a world where a DNA bioweapon unexpectedly spawns a bloodthirsty, ravenous mutant horde infecting an entire secret Atlas research facility and sending personnel running for their lives. Following a failed evacuation, four survivors, un-trained and underprepared, must face the most vicious mutations ever unleashed. The Exo Zombies co-op mode ushers in a new breed of Zombies and a truly unique experience, coming first to the Havoc DLC Pack.

Havoc delivers four new, exotic and diverse multiplayer maps set around the globe tailor-made for players to unleash their exoskeleton’s abilities, including —

• Core: Deploy to the Gobi desert where the ravaged ruins of a nuclear fusion plant set the stage for a high-octane warzone. Take down enemies through the wreckage in long-range combat or get up-close and personal in the tunnels surrounding the central turbine. Activate decontamination drones using the map-based scorestreak to help clean out the competition.

• Urban: Prepare yourself for brutal, high-speed combat in Dallas Ward 3, a future mega structure, funneling players into a close-quarters free-for-all. This modular compound’s verticality unleashes the exoskeleton’s capabilities. Stay focused during the timed event as blast doors alter the map’s flow and sightlines.

• Sideshow: In the shadow of Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, this abandoned inn’s open layout amplifies its creep factor. Blast your way through the clown inn with close-quarters battles or use long-range site-lines from the mining facilities and natural terrain. Use the map-based scorestreak to activate the lights, music, and magic of the clown marquee and rain down a barrage of rainbow smoke-trailed cannonballs.

• Drift: An idyllic ski resort high in the Rocky Mountains is transformed into a festive high-altitude playground, perfect for an all-out firefight. Make your way to the highly contested over watch in the glass observation deck or take a ride on the carousel to deliver 360 degrees of carnage. Players can use the map-altering timed event to their advantage as an avalanche of snow and debris disorients players, intensifying the battle.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc will be available first, exclusively on Xbox LIVE for a suggested retail price of $15 on January 27. The Havoc DLC Pack is also included in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC Season Pass*, where fans can purchase all four epic DLC Packs planned for the year, as part of the discounted bundle offered at a suggested retail price of $49.99 – a discount of $10 off the individual purchase of all four DLC Map Packs**. Microsoft Season Pass holders also now have instant access to the Havoc DLC Pack bonus weapons. The AE4 directed energy assault rifle and its custom weapon variant, the AE4 Widowmaker, combine a versatile firing mechanism with all-around movement speed and handling.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is developed by Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software specifically for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 and PC, and is available via direct digital download. A current gen version for Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system is developed by High Moon Studios. The title is rated M for Mature with Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence and Strong Language.

For the latest intel, check out: callofduty.com, facebook.com/callofduty, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty on Twitter and Instagram.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-21 07:19 AM
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies Havoc Trailer


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-24 07:08 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-28 07:40 AM
Advanced Warfare Havoc DLC now available on Xbox One & Xbox 360

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc Available Now

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc, the first DLC pack of the top-selling console video game in the world in 2014, based on physical game unit sell-through data from NPD and Gfk, is available now, first on the Xbox Live online entertainment network from Microsoft for Xbox One and Xbox 360. Delivering a new level of DLC value, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc includes four new, epic multiplayer maps, access to the versatile AE4 directed energy assault rifle, the AE4 Widowmaker custom variant, plus an exciting all-new zombies cooperative mode called Exo Zombies.

Havoc’s four new, exotic and diverse multiplayer maps are set around the globe and are tailor-made for players to unleash their exoskeleton’s abilities:

• Core: Deploy to the Gobi desert where the ravaged ruins of a nuclear fusion plant set the stage for a high-octane warzone. Take down enemies through the wreckage in long-range combat or get up-close and personal in the tunnels surrounding the central turbine. Activate decontamination drones using the map-based scorestreak to help clean out the competition.

• Urban: Prepare yourself for brutal, high-speed combat in Dallas Ward 3, a future mega structure, funneling players into a close-quarters free-for-all. This modular compound’s verticality unleashes the exoskeleton’s capabilities. Stay focused during the timed event as blast doors alter the map’s flow and sightlines.

• Sideshow: In the shadow of Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, this abandoned inn’s open layout amplifies its creep factor. Blast your way through the clown inn with close-quarters battles or use long-range site-lines from the mining facilities and natural terrain. Use the map-based scorestreak to activate the lights, music and magic of the clown marquee and rain down a barrage of rainbow smoke-trailed cannonballs.

• Drift: An idyllic ski resort high in the Rocky Mountains is transformed into a festive high-altitude playground, perfect for an all-out firefight. Make your way to the highly contested over watch in the glass observation deck or take a ride on the carousel to deliver 360 degrees of carnage. Players can use the map-altering timed event to their advantage as an avalanche of snow and debris disorients players, intensifying the battle.

Havoc includes a new cooperative experience, Exo Zombies. Featuring a story told through the eyes of four employees of the Atlas corporation and played by a celebrity cast consisting of John Malkovich (In the Line of Fire, RED, Burn After Reading), Bill Paxton (Aliens, Titanic, Edge of Tomorrow), Rose McGowan (Planet Terror, Scream) and Jon Bernthal (Fury, The Wolf of Wall Street), Exo Zombies ushers in a new breed of zombies and a truly unique experience, all included first in the Havoc DLC Pack. The actors provide their voice over and likeness in a dark and cinematic adventure new to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. These four performers help enlist players into a world where a DNA bioweapon unexpectedly spawns a bloodthirsty, ravenous mutant horde infecting a secret Atlas research facility and sending personnel running for their lives. Following a failed evacuation, four survivors, un-trained and underprepared, must face the most vicious mutations ever unleashed.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc is available now, first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft The Havoc DLC Pack is also included in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC Season Pass. The Havoc DLC Pack also includes the AE4 directed energy assault rifle and its custom weapon variant, the AE4 Widowmaker, combine a versatile firing mechanism with all-around movement speed and handling.

For the latest intel, check out: callofduty.com, facebook.com/callofduty, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty on Twitter and Instagram.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-11 07:34 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-21 07:48 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-25 06:01 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-4 07:42 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-25 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-25 06:29 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ascendance DLC Trailer


  《COD:高级战争》升天DLC将收录四张全新的对战地图(Perplex、Site 244、Climate和Chop Shop)、Exo丧尸模式第二章的内容、全新的武器以及新的游玩列表EXO抓钩等丰富的游戏内容,其售价则为15美元。


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Downloadable Content Pack Ascendance Blasts Off

Prepare to rise to a new level of Call of Duty DLC with the release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ascendance. On 31st March, the second massive DLC pack for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare from Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI), and Sledgehammer Games will be available first on the Xbox Live online entertainment network for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, with other platforms to follow.

Fans will be able to see the gameplay world premiere of Ascendance during the 2015 Call of Duty Championship, Presented by Xbox, broadcast on Xbox Live and other broadcast partners on Sunday, 29th March.

“Ascendance has it all, four all-new maps that were designed from the ground up for Exo abilities and the next chilling entry in the Exo Zombies experience. We’re really excited and can’t wait to play with the community in just a couple of weeks,” said Michael Condrey, Co-Founder and Studio Head, Sledgehammer Games.

“The community response to Advanced Warfare continues to inspire us, and we’re pushing ourselves every day across all the teams to deliver our best. Havoc was a great start for DLC and we think Ascendance delivers even more of the nonstop action fans love,” said Glen Schofield, Co-Founder and Studio head, Sledgehammer Games.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ascendance is the definitive DLC package, with its four new, thrilling multiplayer maps, the formidable OHM directed energy light machine gun/shotgun hybrid, the OHM Werewolf custom variant and the all-new Exo Grapple ability playlist that introduces the Exo Grapple ability to multiplayer. Exo Grapple gives players a faster way to reach strategic vantage points or a brutal secondary weapon to take down the competition, exclusively on Ascendance maps.

• Perplex: Get vertical in Sydney as you fight to dominate this five-story modular apartment complex. Take the high ground or blast through the close-quarters interior in this small to medium sized map. Adapt your strategy mid-match when construction drones shift apartment modules, creating new routes and cover positions.

• Site 244: An alien spacecraft has crash landed, spilling its mysterious cargo under the shadow of Mt. Rushmore, USA. This medium to large three-lane map allows for any style of gameplay, focusing combat through the space ship’s fuselage and around the debris-littered landscape. Use the map-based scorestreak to crack open an alien spore and instantly enhance your perks and exo abilities.

• Climate: Fight your way through a futuristic man-made utopia in this lush, climate-controlled enclosure. In this small to medium sized circular map, land and water routes channel frenetic combat around the central island structure. Watch your step when the river water changes from an asset into a deadly bubbling obstacle.

• Chop Shop: Think fast as you make your way through the black market exoskeleton industrial complex and engage in fast-paced shootouts in this medium sized, symmetrical map. Activate the map-based scorestreak to take control of an Advanced Repulsion Turret that radiates a deadly microwave EMP to help lock down key areas.

The Exo Zombies saga continues in the all-new episode, Infected, as the four Atlas employees, portrayed by the returning celebrity cast of John Malkovich (In the Line of Fire, RED, Burn After Reading), Bill Paxton (Aliens, Titanic, Edge of Tomorrow), Rose McGowan (Planet Terror, Scream), and Jon Bernthal (Fury) fight tooth and nail through undead zombie hordes. Located on the outskirts of an Atlas facility, the new Exo Zombies episode introduces a slew of never-before-seen undead masses, a robust arsenal of new traps and armaments and everyone’s favourite fast food joint, Burgertown.

Fans can see the world premiere of live gameplay from Ascendance and a new trailer for the next episode of Exo Zombies when they tune into the 2015 Call of Duty Championship, Presented by Xbox for the ultimate Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare tournament, where 32 teams from around the world will face-off to stake their claim in the $1 million prize purse.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ascendance will be available first on Xbox Live on 31st March. The Ascendance DLC Pack is also included in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC Season Pass*, where fans can purchase all four DLC Packs planned for the year, as part of the discounted bundle. Microsoft Season Pass holders also now have instant access to the Ascendance DLC Pack bonus weapons.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC is developed by Sledgehammer Games with additional development by Raven Software and High Moon Studios. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is available for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4, PC, as well as Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.

For the latest intel, check out: callofduty.com, facebook.com/callofduty, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty on Twitter and Instagram.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-30 07:20 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-22 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-27 07:13 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-2 06:57 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-28 06:51 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-4 07:25 AM

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