side effect:
pulsating headache which can develop into a migraine
pain in breast and breast tenderness
Occasional blod spotting
weight gain
abnormal liver function which can progress into jaundice
nausea and abdominal discomfort
Hypersensitivity作者: 可乐冰冰 时间: 2015-8-10 01:59 PM
吃了头晕一直想作呕。痛苦!作者: happygirl88 时间: 2015-8-10 04:41 PM
我现在怀孕7周,医生说如果没有孕吐就给我安胎药吃,如果有就换打针~~~~我没有,所以就给了我10天的安胎药~~~10天后再回去scan哦作者: Colourfultrain 时间: 2015-8-14 07:37 PM
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: waterhouse 时间: 2015-8-16 09:40 PM
我怀孕6周了,有打安胎针,最近这几天来红更多,有去check医生说胎盘有长大,请问各位有经验的如何安胎???作者: 晴天@仪 时间: 2015-8-31 04:39 PM