标题: 【Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC】Titanfall - March 11 2014 / Collector Edition [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-14 06:48 AM
标题: 【Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC】Titanfall - March 11 2014 / Collector Edition
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-30 07:08 AM 编辑




Respawn Entertainment Unveils Titanfall

Electronic Arts and independent videogame developer Respawn Entertainment today revealed the world debut of Titanfall, the studio’s inaugural title. Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key developers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall is among the most highly anticipated of E3 2013, having been shrouded in mystery for nearly three years. The visionaries at Respawn have drawn inspiration from their proven experience in first-person action gaming, and are building on that pedigree by taking a new approach to game design and creating an all-new universe with Titanfall. The game is entirely multiplayer, in a new experience that combines fast-paced multiplayer action with the heroic set piece moments traditionally found in campaign mode. Set in a distant frontier torn apart by war, players will have the freedom to switch between fighting as elite assault Pilots or agile, heavily armored, 24-foot tall Titans.

“It’s an exciting time in the industry and it feels like the perfect time to be unveiling Titanfall,” said Vince Zampella, a Co-Creator of Call of Duty and Co-Founder of Respawn Entertainment. “Our passion at Respawn is games and we are focused on bringing something exciting to kick off the next generation of software.”

The universe of Titanfall juxtaposes small vs. giant, natural vs. industrial and man vs. machine. The game drops players into a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and the Militia as elite Pilots. With the ability to shift back and forth between pilot and Titan, players will have the freedom to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation. Titanfall Game Director Steve Fukuda added, “In addition to infusing the multiplayer experience with cinematic flavor, we’ve been rethinking fundamental combat and movement in the genre. Titanfall is unique in the way that it places equal emphasis on two drastically different and new ways to move and fight in a first-person shooter. The intersection of the two is a big part of what give Titanfall its iconic identity.”

Available spring 2014, Titanfall will be available for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PC and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft The Xbox 360 version of Titanfall is in development at an external development studio with support from Respawn.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-14 06:49 AM
游戏E3 DEMO影像




  如果你并不想要驾驶这些Titan就只能依靠步行跟随,玩家在游戏中的角色就是这些Titan的Pilots(飞行员) 。这些Pilots非常灵敏,可以攀岩走壁,或者多段跳。通过跳跃到Titan身上并向其头部射击,这些Pilots能够将Titan击败,玩家需要学会作为一名Pilots在游戏世界中生存。Pilots可以装备包括手枪,冲锋枪,火箭发射器等多种武器。使用数据飞刀可以骇客人工AI敌人为己所用。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-21 08:10 PM
《泰坦陨落》开发日记 机甲战与陆地战的平衡

  由EA代理发行,重生娱乐工作室打造的XBOX ONE/XBOX360跨平台游戏《泰坦陨落(Titanfall)》在本届E3上份外出彩。这款第一人称射击游戏是由《现代战争》系列创始人打造的,所以游戏很有《现代战争》的风格。日前官方放出了游戏开发者日记视频,制作人表示他们会努力平衡陆地作战和驾驶作战的比重,并且努力打造出完美的单人游戏和多人游戏体验。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-22 07:27 AM


  但是本作也有属于自己的特色,首先在地面上人物可以通过装置飞檐走壁,而驾驶机甲则是核心要素。机甲的实力不容小视,你可以召唤机甲也可以乘坐在别人的机架上,当你觉得自己快不行的时候还可以弹出驾驶舱。本作主打小人与大机甲混战的要素,有点像《高达:战斗行动》呢。本作将登陆XBOX360、XBOX ONE及PC平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-29 06:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-29 07:03 AM 编辑


  ”微交易“已经成为了gamescom上的热词,但好消息来了,《泰坦陨落》的开发商 Respawn 表示他们不会跟风在游戏中加入微交易,这种商业模式不是他们的菜。

  Respawn的社区经理Abbie Heppe在回答VideoGamer提出的关于微交易的问题时,简单地说道:“这不是我们的作风。”




  《泰坦陨落》将于明年春季登陆Xbox 360, Xbox One和PC。


  Respawn Entertainment近日确认,他们制作的《泰坦陨落》将不会包括跨平台联机功能。

  社区经理Abbie Heppe在一次采访中确认,Xbox One的玩家将不能同Xbox 360和PC玩家一起联机游戏。

  “我们会在Xbox 360上架设专用服务器,当然,Xbox 360的玩家肯定不会同Xbox One玩家一同游戏,也不能同PC玩家一同游戏,他们都会属于不同的团体中。”

  Heppe同时进一步的谈论了Xbox 360版本。她指出这个移植的版本不是由一个知名开发团队制作,但是Respawn的制作人正在同他们紧密合作,来确保这个版本的质量。


  “很明显我们希望Xbox 360版本达到最高的质量,所以制作人正在同他们紧密合作,一切都在我们的关注下。”


  《泰坦陨落》将于2014年春天在Xbox One、Xbox 360和PC上发售。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-31 06:45 AM

  《泰坦陨落》的制作人Drew McCoy在最近一次采访中谈论了他们如何去努力不让自己的游戏被笼罩在类似《使命召唤》和《战地》一类游戏的阴影中。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-1 07:17 AM
《泰坦陨落》PAX Prime 2013官方教学和说明介绍


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-4 07:35 AM
《泰坦陨落》Xbox 360版将外包给其他工作室制作

  《泰坦陨落》将同时登陆Xbox One和Xbox 360,但Xbox 360版将由外部工作室负责制作,Respawn亲手挑选的外部工作室。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-7 03:41 PM
EA上线《泰坦陨落》官方页面 中文明年有戏



  据了解,《泰坦陨落》将在2014年3月中下旬面向PC、Xbox 360和Xbox One发行,而这一时间点也与之前猜测Xbox One游戏机在亚洲发售的日期非常接近。因此,未来中文版《泰坦陨落》也将会作为Xbox One亚洲首发游戏之一与玩家见面。

  目前,微软方面已经确认,Xbox One游戏机将于今年11月22日在欧美拉的13个国家首发,第一批产品目前已经在工厂完成打包并随时准备运往各个零售店,而Xbox One在亚洲地区的发售计划目前还未公布。我们期待能够在本月的东京电玩展上获得进一步消息。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-11 06:19 AM

  Respawn Entertainment无时无刻的在给《泰坦陨落》做宣传,但是Respawn Entertainmen创始人Vince Zampella对游戏的前景还是有非常客观的看法。

  在接受采访时Vince Zampella表示《泰坦陨落》是一个全新的游戏,肯定达不到像《COD》那样的火爆程度。《COD》这个品牌经过多年的进化已经非常的成熟。《泰坦陨落》还只是个新游戏,全新的游戏品牌,当然无法与《COD》比肩,但是全新的游戏有全新游戏的好处,新的项目让人更有激情,更能尝试各种新的东西,没有要超越前代作品的压力。《泰坦陨落》的游戏体验相对于之前所有的射击游戏来说完全不一样,《COD》这样的射击游戏还是停留在地面上的那种二维的旧模式,《泰坦陨落》加入了垂直高度这个全新的要素,新的游戏体验将会是前所未有的。

  游戏的售价是60美元,2014年登陆PC,XBOX360,XBOX ONE.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-4 06:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-4 06:41 PM 编辑

Titanfall branded peripherals on the way
《泰坦天降》将与Mad Catz合作推出周边产品

  《泰坦天降(Titanfall)》虽然不是一款纯高达类的游戏,但是毕竟以机甲为买点,所以欧美玩家很吃这一套,相关的周边妥妥的会推出,而EA要合作推出周边,合作伙伴也一定要选择大牌的,EA和重生工作室选择的对象就是著名的周边厂商Mad Catz。

  Mad Catz日前正式宣布,他们已经和EA达成协议,将独家推出《泰坦天降》的系列周边产品。系列产品包括主题键盘、鼠标、游戏耳机和游戏主题的手表等等。“《泰坦天降》备受好评并且赢得了无数奖项,在E3上该作包揽了最佳展出、最佳原创游戏、最佳多人在线游戏等多个奖项。Mad Catz公司非常高兴可以为《泰坦天降》推出周边产品,它是近几年来家用机平台上最令人期待的游戏之一。”Mad Catz公司的SEO Darren Richardson说道:“我们和《泰坦天降》的合作会呼吁玩家们的热情,来在AAA级游戏的基础上推出产品组合。”

Mad Catz Teams with EA and Respawn Entertainment to Create Licensed Products for the Highly Anticipated Game Titanfall

Mad Catz Interactive announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Electronics Arts to create a range of Titanfall-branded gaming products.

Expected to be in stores for the launch of Titanfall, the Titanfall-branded product range includes TRITTON gaming headsets, R.A.T. mice, S.T.R.I.K.E. keyboards, F.R.E.Q. gaming headsets and G.L.I.D.E. gaming surfaces.

“Titanfall has earned critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including Best of Show, Best Original Game, and Best Online Multiplayer at this year’s E3 conference. Mad Catz is excited to bring a range of cutting-edge, innovative, Titanfall-branded products to gamers in connection with one of the most anticipated game launches in recent history,” said Darren Richardson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. “The Titanfall license builds on Mad Catz’ strategy to align our product portfolio with AAA content that appeals to passionate gamers.”
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-22 06:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-22 07:13 PM 编辑



  《泰坦天降》登陆XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-23 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-23 07:01 PM 编辑


  Respawn Entertainment工作室今天宣布,他们正在制作的多人射击游戏《泰坦陨落》将分别于明年的3月11日和3月13日登陆北美和欧洲,发售的平台为Xbox One,X360和PC。

  Respawn在6月的E3展上曾经表示,游戏支持跨平台联机的可能性很小,但是也表示还没有最终做出决定。微软游戏工作室的副总裁Phil Spencer后来表示XboxOne同PC间的跨平台游戏还是有一定道理的。



  《泰坦陨落》是由许多前《使命召唤》的开发者制作的,其中包括了Infinity Ward的创始人之一Vince Zampella。


  EA公布《泰坦天降》限量收藏版时,还发布了游戏新的试玩演示视频。《泰坦天降》将于2014年3月11日在北美发售,3月13日在欧洲发售,游戏登陆XBOX360,XBOX ONE,PC。


Titanfall Launching March 11, 2014 ~ Collector's Edition Revealed

Titanfall Drops March 11, 2014!

We are happy to announce that Titanfall will be landing on store shelves for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC beginning March 11, 2014 in North America and beginning March 13, 2014 in Europe.

Electronic Arts announced today that Titanfall, the debut game from acclaimed independent videogame developer Respawn Entertainment, will be landing on store shelves beginning March 11, 2014. Already the winner of more than 80 coveted awards from critics around the world, Titanfall is winning over fans with its thrilling, dynamic first-person action gameplay featuring elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans. Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key designers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall delivers a brand-new online experience that combines fluid, fast-paced multiplayer action with heroic, set-piece moments found in traditional campaign modes.

“Since we revealed the game in June we’ve been absolutely blown away by the reaction to Titanfall,” said Vince Zampella, a Co-Creator of Call of Duty and Co-Founder of Respawn Entertainment. “The feedback we’re getting from fans around the world is fueling our team as we head towards March and motivating us to deliver an experience that lives up to the hype.”

In addition to the standard edition of the game, the Titanfall: Collector's Edition (SRP $249.99), will include an exclusive collectible 18” hand-crafted titan statue with diorama and battery-powered LED lighting, a full-size art book featuring more than 190 pages of rare concept art, and an exclusive full-size schematic poster of the Atlas titan.

Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to hijack titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-30 06:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-31 07:32 AM 编辑


  EA首席财务总监及执行副总布莱克·约根森(CFO Blake Jorgensen)表示《泰坦天降》只会登陆XBOX平台和PC。

  特别去询问了重生工作室(Respawn Entertainment)的老总Vince Zampella,他在推特上给出了以下回应:



  《泰坦陨落》确定将于明年3月11日登陆北美,3月13日登陆欧洲,平台为Xbox One、Xbox360和PC。

EA indicates Titanfall will be exclusive to Xbox One, 360, and PC for its “lifetime”

Apparently, Titanfall won’t ever make its way to the PlayStation 4. EA CFO Blake Jorgensen, speaking during the publisher’s financial call just a short while ago, said Respawn’s shooter “is exclusive only for the lifetime of the title on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.”

Elsewhere in the call, COO Peter Moore waved off any concerns that Titanfall is rushing out the door. “No, we’re not doing that at all,” he said. Moore believes Titanfall will review “very highly” when it launches in March 2014.

Titanfall’s exclusivity only applies to the first release

EA confirmed yesterday that Titanfall will remain exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the game’s “lifetime”. Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella has since clarified the publisher’s words.

Titanfall’s first entry will indeed remain exclusive, but that only applies to the first title. Inevitable releases in the future could end up on other platforms – like the PlayStation 4, perhaps.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-31 07:18 AM
EA否认泰坦陨落赶工 表示该作将会不是一般的棒


在昨晚同分析师进行的问答环节中,来自Credit Suisse的Stephen Ju表示了这方面的忧虑,他认为《泰坦陨落》的开发可能被催促进行了,并且他还提问EA会如何保证该作品三月上市时的内涵质量。针对这个问题,EA的老总Patrick Söderlund表示,“考虑到产品质量问题,我们是不会赶工的,我们完全没有赶工。”



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-8 07:55 PM

  EA和Respawn公开了一张正藏版《泰坦降临》才有的阿特拉斯级泰坦的蓝图。珍藏版《泰坦降临》中包括手工制作的泰坦像配合电池可发光。还有包括超过190页的设定集。零售价为249.99美元。《泰坦降临》登陆XBOX ONE,XBOX360,PC在2014年3月11日。

EA has shared a new image from the Titanfall Collector’s Edition showcasing the Atlas class titan schematic poster. It measures 27” x 36” and highlights specific mechanical details around the Atlas class.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-14 06:56 AM


  《泰坦陨落》将同时登陆PC,Xbox One和Xbox 360平台。玩家可通过Origin,亚马逊和Gamestop进行预购。

  《泰坦陨落》是一款机甲主题FPS,剧情讲述的是星际制造集团和民兵团之间的对抗,玩家可以操纵背着喷气飞行包的驾驶员或者泰坦机甲进行战斗。该作使用了Source 引擎,而且Xbox One版本还会采用云计算服务,发挥游戏的最大实力。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-15 06:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-15 08:32 PM 编辑




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-12 07:40 AM
《泰坦陨落》最新情报 机器人制造商正式介绍

  刚刚结束的VGX相关节目中,有关 《泰坦陨落》(Titanfall)中架空的机器人制造商“Hammond Robotics”公司被得到了正式的介绍。官网上,作为玩家可选势力之一的IMC有关具体细节都已判明,其详情如下:

1、Hammond Robotics公司是一家负责面向殖民地提供机器人的企业,这些机器人将被用来解决工业生产、运输和安保问题,其产品不但被广泛应用在未开拓的边境地区,在广大的“核心系统”(※泛指人类已进入了的势力范围)中也得到了大量的提供。


2、Hammond Robotics公司在《泰坦陨落》中作为玩家可选势力“IMC”公司(Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation)的子公司被营运着。


4、《泰坦陨落》多玩家竞赛中登场的AI驱动型机器人(自动化步兵部队)也是由Hammond Robotics公司一手制造的。







Hammond Robotics公司制造的“泰坦”


Hammond Robotics公司制造的AI驱动型机器人(自动化步兵部队)


Hammond Robotics公司生产的轨道防卫系统


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-20 06:44 PM


  《泰坦天降》是一款由Respawn Entertainment工作室制作并将由美商艺电发行的涵盖机甲驾驶要素的第一人称射击多人在线游戏。这是史上16年来的全球E3游戏大奖"GameCritics Awards: Best of E3"大突破夺走6大奖项(包括最佳展览游戏大奖)。本作是由创造了《COD》系列的几位元老组建的Respawn Entertainment工作室的处女之作。在2013年的微软E3展前发布会上,《泰坦天降》作为最后一个压轴游戏正式公布并发布了第一个游戏视频。游戏没有独立的单人模式不过会有单人的游戏元素,在本作中,玩家不仅可以通过身上的火箭包可以实现短暂飞行和跳跃,同时还可以驾驶机甲战斗。使用改进的Source引擎开发。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-23 06:33 PM
EA宣布《泰坦天降》三月发售 发布新宣传片

  美国EA已经透露,备受称赞和期待的多人第一人称射击游戏《泰坦天降》(Titanfall)——将于2014年3月份在北美地区推出。作为一款微软平台的独占作品,该游戏将登陆Xbox One、Xbox360、以及PC。Respawn Entertainment的开发团队表示:《泰坦天降》是一款多人游戏,"但所有的人物、故事、单人模式都被注入了难忘的瞬间"。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-23 11:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-24 06:56 PM 编辑




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-31 06:27 PM

  Respawn 工作室在官方论坛回应玩家的问题时表示,《泰坦天降》也有狙击武器的设定,不过不像其它现代战争游戏那样让你轻易快速狙击(Quick Scoping)或者盲狙(No Scoping)。

  美国EA已经透露,备受称赞和期待的多人第一人称射击游戏《泰坦天降》(Titanfall)——将于2014年3月11日在北美地区推出。作为一款微软平台的独占作品,该游戏将登陆Xbox One、Xbox360、以及PC。Respawn Entertainment的开发团队表示:《泰坦天降》是一款多人游戏,"但所有的人物、故事、单人模式都被注入了难忘的瞬间"。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-8 07:12 PM


  Respawn CEO Vince Zampella在twitter上公布《泰坦天降》对战人数最多6v6。

  《泰坦天降》目前所知有纯对战的Hardpoint山丘和统治模式、战役多人融合的Attrition杀戮模式。Attrition 模式中双方出现的角色都有玩家控制的机师Pilots、泰坦机甲Titans以及系统控制的机械士兵 (AI)。其中MCOR一方的AI称为士兵(Soldier),IMC一方的AI称为民兵 (Militia)。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-16 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-16 06:51 PM 编辑

Fight In Style With The Xbox One Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller

One of the best things about big game releases is the great Limited Edition gear that comes along with them. The upcoming release of Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment’s highly anticipated shooter “Titanfall” for Xbox One is the biggest of them all, which is why we’re so excited to unveil a must-have commemorative companion to the game. The Xbox One “Titanfall” Limited Edition Wireless Controller is the perfect way to mark the debut of “Titanfall” on the Xbox One.

"In a collaborative effort with the Xbox design team and the Respawn art department, our goal was to create a controller that feels as if it is a piece of military spec hardware transported from the universe of Titanfall and into players hands," stated Joel Emslie, Lead Artist at Respawn Entertainment.

Designed by Respawn Entertainment, the sleek controller was inspired by the C-101 carbine, used by the elite IMC Titan pilots of the Frontier. Crafted in striking detail for maximum authenticity in color and graphics, it looks and feels like an artifact from the world of “Titanfall” and is a must-have for every “Titanfall” fan.

Winner of more than 80 coveted awards from critics around the world, “Titanfall” has been recognized as one of the most anticipated games of 2014 by MTV, Yahoo! Games, CNN Money and Forbes. “Titanfall” is the first original shooter on next-gen and is winning over fans with its thrilling, dynamic first-person action gameplay featuring elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans.

The Xbox One “Titanfall” Limited Edition Wireless Controller will be available worldwide in time for the launch of “Titanfall” on March 11, 2014 in North America and beginning March 13, 2014 in Europe.


  作为软件业大咖的微软,也非常热衷于推出限量版的硬件产品。此前,我们见到过预定出货的"Day One"和白色版Xbox One配件,而现在,又有一款全新的产品亮相。微软Xbox Live首席Larry Hryb展示了这款由Xbox设计团队与Respawn艺术部门联手打造的《泰坦天降》(Titanfall)主题的限量版无线控制器。

  不过,大家也别急着跑出去抢购,因为这货要等到游戏上市几天后才有售(3月13号左右)。实在等不了的话,就去Microsoft Store预定好了($64.99美元,包邮)。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-17 07:29 AM

Titanfall Xbox One alpha trial registration site goes live


Common Alpha Questions

Hey everyone,

I know there is a lot of confusion over this right now. We ARE NOT running a beta at the moment. We're doing some very limited technical testing (Alpha). If you have not been invited via email and signed a very comprehensive NDA, you cannot access it. I cannot get you in. Don't be upset, most people are not going to be playing in this and the ones that are can't talk about it, stream, post video, etc. We understand the desire for a Beta and we have not ruled it out but I don't have any news on it for you currently. Thank you for your understanding!

Abbie - Respawn
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-28 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-29 07:08 PM 编辑


    Respawn官方确认《Titanfall》会提供PC和Xbox One版公测,另外Xbox 360版由Bluepoint Games负责移植。    在美国GameStop或法国Zappos预定《Titanfall》的玩家即可参加公测,公测时间为2月14日情人节至2月19日(这个尚未得到官方证实)。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-2 09:46 AM

  媒体日前公布了《泰坦陨落》XBOX ONE版的盒装封面以及典藏版包装盒,《泰坦陨落》是一款由Respawn Entertainment工作室制作并将由美商艺电发行的涵盖机甲驾驶要素的第一人称射击多人在线游戏。这是史上16年来的全球E3游戏大奖"GameCritics Awards: Best of E3"大突破夺走6大奖项(包括最佳展览游戏大奖)。本作是由创造了《使命召唤》系列的几位元老组建的Respawn Entertainment工作室的处女之作。在2013年的微软E3展前发布会上,《泰坦陨落》作为最后一个压轴游戏正式公布并发布了第一个游戏视频。游戏没有独立的单人模式不过会有单人的游戏元素, 在本作中,玩家不仅可以通过身上的火箭包可以实现短暂飞行和跳跃,同时还可以驾驶机甲战斗。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-3 08:52 AM

  重生工作室已经准备就绪,3月11日将正式发售的《泰坦陨落》,不过工作人员的心情可谓喜忧参半,比如游戏的联合创始人Vince Zampella在推特上写道:我很兴奋,不过兴奋之余又有点害怕。我们想让发售更加顺利。

  当被问到是否会在Youtube发布预告片,Zampella作出如下说明:应该会,并且不会像Alpha版那样受限制。作为补充说明,工作室经理Abbie Heppe提到在正式发售前不要期待更多泰坦:游戏中的泰坦种类不超过3个。媒体之前就公布了Ogre、Atlas、Stryder,它们分别对应重型/中型/轻型机甲,所以并不奇怪。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-4 04:06 PM





  《泰坦陨落》预计3月份登陆XboxOne,Xbox 360和PC。

传闻:《泰坦陨落》首发16张地图 45日后推出DLC




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-6 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-7 06:44 PM 编辑

开发商:《泰坦陨落》PC Beta测试需要EA Origin

  Respawn Entertainment的总裁Vince Zampella在推特上向一个玩家确认,《泰坦陨落》的Beta测试正在进行鉴定阶段,具体细节会很快公布。同时,他告诉另外一名玩家PC版本的Beta测试将需要EA的Origin。


《泰坦天降》beta测试即将开始 更多情报解禁

  由重生工作室制作推出的大作《泰坦天降》将于2014年3月登陆Xbox 360、Xbox One和PC平台,在上次内测获得了不少情报后,该游戏即将进行新一轮的Beta测试,但目前仍未表明本次测试是内测还是公测。

  这次测试集中的问题在于锁区方面,以及测试码“Beta code”等问题。据官方推特表明的情报中透露,本次beta测试需要具有测试码,EA方面,关于测试码获得途径还没有详细公布究竟是可以通过填写参与表格等形式获得,还是随机抽取等。但重生工作室的老板Vince Zampella则表示至少beta测试不是公开测试,也没有提及本次beta code的获取方式。他还表示本次测试希望能够尽可能的让更多的玩家参与。

  Vince Zampella还透露,Xbox One版的beta code不会锁区,并且会有游戏中特有的新游戏模式。但另外一方面,本作beta测试也不会对应分屏多人游戏以及跨平台对战等功能。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-7 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-7 07:12 PM 编辑

Titanfall on Xbox 360 delayed to March 25 for 'finishing touches'



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-8 07:11 AM

  虽然Xbox 360版本的《泰坦陨落》传来不少让玩家失望的跳票消息,不过Respawn Entertainment仍然是带来了不少让人开心的好消息,他们正式宣布《泰坦陨落》将会具有多国语言以及多国字幕,其中包含了繁体中文字幕。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-11 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 05:58 PM 编辑

Titanfall ~ Meet The Militia & The IMC


  虽然他们在前线行星的强势行为导致了一些不满态度,但居住在核心星系的股东和客户们却对此置若罔闻 - IMC给他们提供了极大物质便利和关键产品。


The Militia

The Frontier Militia represents the military arm of the Frontier systems' territorial defense pact. The Militia is a loosely governed mishmash of homesteaders, bandits, mercenaries, and pirates, all rising up as 'citizen soldiers' when the need arises. Many homesteaders have taken on a ‘can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em’ attitude regarding working alongside different criminal groups. Naturally the people in this melting pot don’t always see eye to eye on how to deal with the IMC’s exploitation of the Frontier, but they are unified in fighting against it.

The Militia is loosely divided into Brigades. Each Brigade is responsible for fighting in an assigned section of Frontier territory, which might span as far as several planetary systems. The Marauder Corps, a.k.a. the M-COR, is a small part of a much larger Brigade tied to the Freeport System. Although some brigades are little more than vast pirate organizations, the Militia has enough resources to be a real obstacle to the IMC's ambitions on the Frontier.

The Militia often claims that direct action against the IMC is in the best interests of the homesteaders whom they allegedly represent, but not everyone on the Frontier sees it that way.

• MacAllan - A highly decorated veteran of the Titan Wars, MacAllan served as the executive officer of the IMS Odyssey, under the command of Vice Admiral Marcus Graves. The Odyssey’s mission was part of a peacekeeping operation on the Frontier for the IMC. Official IMC reports indicate that MacAllan led a mutiny aboard the Odyssey fifteen years ago, citing numerous grievances with the IMC’s treatment of Frontier citizens. However, these reports have not been proven, in the absence of the ship’s flight data recorder, which was lost when MacAllan and his people escaped with the Odyssey, and disappeared into an uncharted sector of the Frontier.

  James MacAllan

  是一个获得各种勋章并经历过泰坦战争的老兵,在 IMS「奥德赛号」战舰上服役的执行官,听命于副统帅 Marcus Graves。「奥德赛号」的一部分任务是为 IMC 维持前线地区的和平。IMC 官方纪录上说 MacAllan 是在 15 年前领导了一场在「奥德赛号」上发动的兵变,起因是对 IMC 前线居民政策的种种不满。但是这一直都没有被证实,因为战舰的飞行记录已经随着 MacAllan 和他的部下一起消失在前线地区那些没有开化的地区。

• Bish - The name Bish is short for Bishamon, the mythological god of warriors within the Japanese Seven Gods of Fortune. Bish is an IMC-trained electrical engineer, born and raised on Earth. After getting screwed over by the IMC on a Frontier job placement that cost him all his savings just to move out there, he ended up in the right place at the right time – the notorious ‘Bish bar brawl’ - to take the Militia’s timely offer of employment.

Bish now serves as a Combat Intel Specialist, remote hacking into IMC systems during combat on behalf of ground forces, tracking mission progress, and giving tactical guidance to Pilots on the ground.

  Cheng "Bish" Lorck

  他的绰号 Bish 其实是 Bishamon 的缩写,意为日本七福神之一的毗沙门。Bish 在地球长大,IMC 电子工程科班出身。仅仅就是为了 IMC 在前线地区的一个工作而定居,他耗尽了自己的全部积蓄,之后终于找到了自己的归宿,声名狼藉的 Bish bar brawl(Bish「干一架」酒吧),在那里他能收到 Militia 的各种雇佣。

Bish 现在是一个战斗情报专家,可以在战斗中远程入侵 IMC 的系统,为地面部队提供任务更新或者为机师提供战术建议。

• Sarah - As a child, Sarah lost several close members of her family to incidents in which the IMC displaced Frontier citizens by force. As a result, she vowed to take revenge on the IMC at every possible opportunity, refusing to rest until they have been removed from the Frontier. For most of her career, she served in Covert Operations for the Militia, before moving into the command ranks of the Militia’s Marauder Corps. Her long list of successful attacks on IMC installations landed her on the IMC’s High Value Target List, where she remains listed as one of the 50 most dangerous Militia operatives still at large.


  在孩提时代,Sarah 就因为 IMC 武力驱赶前线地区的居民失去了很多家庭成员。之后她发誓要向 IMC 复仇,直到他们滚出前线。她的大部分生活都在 Militia 的隐秘部队 (Covert Operations) 中度过,之后调往 Militia 的掠夺者军团担任指挥官。她针对 IMC 的各种成功战斗记录让她荣登 IMC 高价值目标榜单:50 名最危险的在逃 MIlitia 战斗人员。



The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or IMC, started out small, in natural resource extraction industries, under the name Hammond Engineering. Fifteen years later, demand for Titan manufacturing materials, combined with Hammond’s market-cornering planetary survey technology and map database rights, contributed to explosive growth for the company. Over the course of a century, a series of acquisitions, mergers, and re-brandings lead to the transformation of Hammond Engineering into the sprawling commercial empire that is the IMC.

Despite their reputation for exploitative behavior on the Frontier, they receive little criticism from their shareholders and customers living in the Core Systems – the material conveniences and widely used products provided by the IMC generate considerable ‘consumer inertia’, to the corporation’s benefit.

With the Frontier’s valuable shipping lanes and vast planetary resources ripe for exploitation, the IMC is dedicated to maximizing profits and shareholder wealth, using the legal application of force when necessary.

• Graves - In the IMC command structure, Vice Admiral Graves is formally known as the CINCFRONT, or Commander-in-Chief, Frontier Command. Despite the elaborate title, Frontier operations are notorious for their lack of adherence to traditional protocol, allowing Graves to personally command IMC forces in the field, and to operate far more informally than commanders in the Core Systems. Graves has a reputation as a maverick within the IMC. His calls for policy change have often been deemed too risky to IMC forces, and too lenient to Frontier citizens. During the inquiry into the Odyssey scandal, Graves maintained that the ship was forcibly commandeered by MacAllan and his band of mutineers.



• Blisk - Blisk is a South African mercenary working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. His first contract concluded with his outfit making enough money to retire to a tropical paradise, but after considering the excellent pay, and more importantly, the opportunity to lay waste to everything in sight with state-of-the-art hardware, Blisk decided that the IMC’s offer of renewal was just too good to pass up.


  Blisk 是一位来自南非的雇佣兵,目前与IMC签订了长期合同,在前线行星卖命,提供战术情报和反暴动军事服务。它的第一期合同已经让他赚到了足够的退休金,可以在热带天堂安度晚年,但考虑到丰厚的待遇,以及更重要的玩弄高科技军火轰杀敌人的机会,Blisk决定与IMC续约。

• Spyglass - Spyglass is a physical manifestation of the IMC’s vast computational network identity, handling logistics, navigation, deployment, and communications between all IMC forces on the Frontier. Spyglass units are built on a modified Spectre chassis and are considered expendable in the field, often accompanying ground forces aboard dropships to provide up-to-date mission information and live surveillance.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-11 08:02 PM

  在《泰坦天降》中除了有灵敏迅速的驾驶员之外,另外一个主角当然就是那高大威武的重装机械泰坦了。虽然泰坦具备超强的火力以及装甲,不过想要靠泰坦身上的重火力来打翻窝在墙后的敌方驾驶,玩家们可能会有小小的失望了。Respawn Entertainment今日确认在《泰坦天降》游戏中,玩家的泰坦武器将无法穿透墙壁攻击。



  “我并不认为游戏中有必要加入子弹穿透的设计,而这也不是我们团队会找时间去完成的目标。当然我们未来会依照之后的游戏计划,好好评估一下这项设计,如果有加入这项功能,一定会尽量在设计上取得完善的平衡点。”《泰坦天降》将于今年3月11日在Xbox One平台上推出,而Xbox360版本则是延期至3月25日,而近期内《泰坦天降》将于Xbox One及PC平台上推出Beta测试,不过目前Respawn尚未正式确认Beta测试的时间。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-12 07:03 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-12 07:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-12 07:24 PM 编辑

Titanfall beta registrations now open
《泰坦天降》beta测试本日开放注册 详情介绍

  万众期待的《泰坦天降》的beta版测试即将开放注册,准确时间为美国太平洋时间下午6点,东部时间晚上9点。重生工作室联合创始人Vince Zampella在Twitter上正式确认此事。同时在太平洋时间下午6点之前,注册页面会提前开放,玩家可以到http://www.titanfall.com/beta随时留意。目前beta测试只针对PC和XBOX ONE平台开放。



  占地为王(Hardpoint Domination):团队作战通过捕获及保护三个地图中的控制点来获得分数,分数高的一方获胜。

  站到最后的泰坦(Last Titan Standing):两支队伍每一名玩家起始都会驾驶一架泰坦,当一方失去所有的泰坦时,另一方则获胜。该模式没有重生,同时不能替换泰坦驾驶员。

  游戏的正式版将于2014年3月11日登陆XBOX ONE和PC平台,而XBOX360版将于3月25日发售。


Stand By for The Titanfall Beta on February 14

The future of first person multiplayer action is upon us, and now's your chance to be among the first to fall for Titanfall. Starting today, Respawn Entertainment and EA are inviting gamers to sign up and register for a chance to be a part of the upcoming Titanfall closed beta, a large-scale event coming February 14 to Xbox One and PC. For complete details on the beta and to register, please visit titanfall.com/beta.

Already the winner of more than 80 awards from critics around the world, Titanfall is one of the most anticipated games of the year. Fans around the world from Tokyo to Seattle to London and beyond have been impressed with its thrilling and dynamic multiplayer gameplay featuring elite assault pilots and agile, heavily armored 24-foot tall titans.

The Titanfall beta will include three game modes – Attrition, Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan Standing. In Attrition, teams win by eliminating anyone or anything on the opposing side – pilots, titans and AI soldiers. In Hardpoint Domination, teams will capture and hold three hardpoints throughout the map to earn points and secure victory. And in Last Titan Standing, everyone on both teams starts with a titan in a round-based mode that ends when one team has lost all of their titans. There's no respawning and no replacement titans can be called down.

Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied - featuring parkour-style wall running and massive double jumps. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

For more news about the Titanfall beta, including when it will begin, stay tuned to our official Titanfall channels on Facebook, Twitter and at titanfall.com. Titanfall is coming to Xbox One and PC on March 11, 2014 in North America and beginning March 13, 2014 in Europe. The Xbox 360 version is being developed by Bluepoint Games and will be released on March 25, 2014 in North America and March 28, 2014 in Europe.

• How do I get access to the closed Beta?

You can apply for access to the Titanfall closed Beta at our official registration page. Registration ends on Friday Feb 14th at 4pmPST. Head to titanfall.com/beta to register.

• What platforms are supported in the Titanfall closed Beta?

The Titanfall closed Beta will be available for the PC via Origin and Xbox One.

• What countries will the Titanfall closed Beta be supporting?

The Titanfall closed Beta will accept application from gamers around the world, but the actual gameplay will only offer English text and audio.

• Do I get a key if I pre-ordered Titanfall?

No preorder is necessary to access the beta.

• Is this representative of the final game code?

• The Titanfall beta is not final code and represents a small slice of the game’s content. Testing the game before release helps us create a better final product for our fans.

Will there be an Xbox 360 Beta?

• There are no plans for a Titanfall Xbox 360 beta at this time.

Can I play the Beta on multiple accounts on my Xbox One?

Yes, if the closed Beta is installed on your system, all accounts should have access.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-13 08:01 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-15 07:56 PM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-16 07:09 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-17 07:03 AM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-19 07:03 PM

  根据Respawn团队的Fairfax McCandlish表示,《泰坦天降》是设计成广纳各种玩家类型,不只是因为Respawn希望将游戏销售给技巧较生疏的玩家,也是因为游戏中的游玩技巧与风格越广泛,这游戏的娱乐性也就越高。



  《泰坦天降》Xbox One版本的beta测试就快结束了。这次测试中有两张地图、三个模式与三种泰坦可以选择,而且还能选择游戏最初期的武器、能力与“燃烧卡”(单场消耗型的能力强化道具)。根据社群经理Abbie Heppe表示,这一切都只是最终版本的“一小部分样本”而已。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-20 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-20 07:28 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》最新电视广告放出 各界好评如潮

  《泰坦天降》首次beta测试已经正式结束,很多玩家们带着意犹未尽的心情开始进入到游戏正式版的等待期,本作将于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX360版则将于3月25日发售。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-22 07:40 AM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-25 07:45 AM
《泰坦陨落》Xbox One主机版安装需要40GB空间

   在日前曝光的《泰坦陨落》Xbox One主机捆绑版本包装盒上,玩家可以看到上面清楚写道《泰坦陨落》需要40GB存储空间来安装。“泰坦陨落需要Xbox Live金牌会员资格以及40GB的存储空间”目前还不清楚相应的PC版所需硬盘空间信息,虽然之前官方给出了PC版的最低配置要求,但是并没有提及硬盘空间问题。《泰坦陨落》将会在3月14日登陆Xbox One和PC版,Xbox 360版本要等到3月28日。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-25 07:46 AM
《泰坦陨落》Xbox One主机版安装需要40GB空间

   在日前曝光的《泰坦陨落》Xbox One主机捆绑版本包装盒上,玩家可以看到上面清楚写道《泰坦陨落》需要40GB存储空间来安装。“泰坦陨落需要Xbox Live金牌会员资格以及40GB的存储空间”目前还不清楚相应的PC版所需硬盘空间信息,虽然之前官方给出了PC版的最低配置要求,但是并没有提及硬盘空间问题。《泰坦陨落》将会在3月14日登陆Xbox One和PC版,Xbox 360版本要等到3月28日。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-26 07:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-26 07:22 PM 编辑



  限定版的盒子非常的大,比XBOX ONE主机盒子甚至还要大,里面除了包括XBOX ONE版《泰坦天降》游戏一张之外,好包括限定版的画集、泰坦设计图海报一张、限定版收藏证明一张、驾驶员模型两个,最后是重头戏——泰坦模型一个,真粉不能错过系列。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-3 07:37 AM
《泰坦陨落》或将推出DLC季卡 纯机师模式将会出现


   Respawn社区经理Abbie Heppe谈到工作室创建者Vince Zampella在本周曾写过推特,表示“该作品不会推出季卡”是一个错误。她昨天澄清了相应内容,表示该游戏不会具有在线通行证,但是工作室并没有表示不会推出DLC季卡。



   《泰坦陨落》将会在3月11日登陆Xbox One及PC平台,而另外由Bluepoint工作室制作的Xbox 360版本则要迟一些,于3月25日上市。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-3 12:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 06:21 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》新细节曝光 地图截图及外星生物

  即便下周也就是2014年3月11日,XBOX ONE和PC平台的《泰坦天降》就将发售了,但是这短暂的等待时间还是有玩家不耐烦的寻找本作的信息。日前舅舅党论坛NeoGAF再次发威,他们透露了游戏的详细信息,包括地图截图和模式介绍等。





  Outpost 207




  Colony 2







  除了测试版中提供的死个模式之外,正式版还将拥有一个“驾驶员猎人(Pilot Hunter)”的模式。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-3 06:18 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-4 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-4 06:46 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》新电视广告 生活因泰坦而更美好



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-5 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-5 07:32 PM 编辑


  2014年3月11日下周二可以说是XBOX平台玩家的节日,万众期待的《泰坦天降》将于该日发售,日前重生工作室放出了《泰坦天降》的发售宣传片,激昂的音乐和带感的剪辑让玩家们摩拳擦掌时刻准备奔赴战场。该作的XBOX360版将于3月25日发售,XBOX ONE同捆版也将于3月11日发售,同捆版售价499美元,相当于游戏白送。


《泰坦陨落》多人模式是核心 单人战役仅4小时


   今天,重生工作室联合创始人Vince Zampella在接受国外网站Gamespot采访时透露了一些单人模式以及即将到来的DLC的信息。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-6 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-6 07:30 AM 编辑

Titanfall Season Pass Confirmed, Contains Three Map Packs for $24.99


Titanfall Season Pass & Digital Deluxe

Get the Titanfall Season Pass and extend the fight on the Frontier with three new content packs. The Season Pass expands Titanfall by delivering all three planned content packs as soon as they become available at a one-time price of $24.99, a savings of $5.

For Origin PC gamers we have introduced the Titanfall Digital Deluxe offering which includes both Titanfall for PC and the Season Pass for $79.99. This offering is available now for pre-order within the Origin store.

If you’ve already pre-ordered the standalone game on Origin, we encourage you to take advantage of the Titanfall Digital Deluxe Edition. Please contact EA Help to change your pre-order from Titanfall Standard Edition to Titanfall Digital Deluxe Edition. Representatives will be glad to help you adjust your order to secure your Season Pass content for less.


Q. Where can I buy the Season Pass for Xbox One, PC or Xbox 360?

A. You can purchase the Titanfall Season Pass at participating retailers beginning on March 11th for Xbox One and March 25th for Xbox 360. You can purchase the Season Pass for PC via Origin starting today! Full details for the PC season Pass can be found here.

Q. Is the Titanfall Digital Deluxe available on Xbox Games Store?

A. The Titanfall Digital Deluxe offer is only available for PC and can be purchased on Origin here.

Q. What content is included within the Season Pass.

A. Each content pack will contain new Maps. All other content is still to be determined and will be announced as we get closer to their release.

Q. Where can I buy the Titanfall Digital Deluxe?

A. You can purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition of Titanfall here.

Q. Will the Titanfall content packs be available individually?

A. Each Titanfall content pack will be available for individual purchase upon their release. You will not be required to purchase the Season Pass.

Q. Will my Season Pass provide content for both Xbox One and Xbox 360?

A. The Titanfall Season Pass will only provide you access for content for the platform your purchase it for. If you purchase the Season Pass for Xbox One, it will allow you access to the 3 individual content packs for Xbox One only.

Titanfall News:http://www.titanfall.com/news/season-pass-and-digital-deluxe
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-8 03:43 PM
《泰坦天降》玩偷跑不会被BAN 运气好可先练级


  重生工作室的联合创始人Vince Zampella在Twitter上表示“关于提前游戏,我们不会停止或者取缔账号。但是发售之前我们会为了预演服务器压力而关闭服务器。”如果你够幸运获得了逃跑游戏,现在你已经可以开始连接了,比如多弄一些卡片什么的。如果你没那么幸运的话,那么就踏实等到下周二吧。顺便该作的XBOX360版将于3月25日发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-10 07:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-11 06:56 PM 编辑


  《泰坦天降》是重生工作室所负责自作的新作,游戏于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX360版则将于3月25日发售。从目前出炉的欧美媒体评分来看,《泰坦天降》确实是一款佳作,是值得玩家一试的游戏。而日前官方也趁势放出了一段真人预告片,其中充满了机甲动作的镜头,看上去非常带感,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。


Teaser Site Hints at Live-Action Titanfall Content

A Live Action Epic From PlayFight and Respawn

"Titanfall is set in a rich near future universe with visceral, epic battles with Pilots and their Titan companions" noted Dusty Welch of Respawn. "We wanted to partner with Playfight, who has a history of delivering movies that meld gameplay, live action and stellar CG into truly entertaining media, for Titanfall. What this collaboration brings is yet to unfold…"

Playfight is a hot, up and coming IP creative studio specializing in visual effects and post production. Playfight (Video Game High School, Call of Duty: Operation Kingfish) has spent the last few years distinguishing themselves from boutique vfx houses and have transformed into a full in house production studio. Well versed in commercial and online entertainment, Playfight headed by Director William Chang have begun laying the foundation for the creation of original content within the vast expanse of the Titanfall universe.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-12 07:22 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-14 07:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-14 08:01 PM 编辑

《泰坦陨落》开发初期并没有考虑过Xbox One版本

  现在主机玩家应该都购买了或者正在考虑购买Xbox One来享受《泰坦陨落》。但是,根据游戏的首席工程师Richard Baker的说法,在游戏的开发初期,Xbox One版本根本就没有被考虑过。

  在最近一次采访中,Baker曾经表示:“最初我们并没有计划制作Xbox One版本。我可以肯定制作Xbox One版本让PC版本更加出色。”

  一直以来,所有人都认为游戏的PC版本会比Xbox One版本在技术上更加出色,现在游戏已经发售,Xbox One版本的分辨率较低,但是Baker再次重申将会努力提高游戏的分辨率。



  现在我们知道游戏最初的目标平台是PC,我们就明白为什么两个版本的分辨率会有不同。但是,PS4和Xbox One的内部结构不是同PC非常接近吗?



  《泰坦陨落》的制作人Drew McCoy遇到了飞机的延误,所以他借此机会在推特上回答了一些玩家关于游戏的一些问题,分享了一些游戏过去和未来的有趣细节。



  McCoy还被问及是否Xbox One版本会被升级为更高的分辨率,但是他的回答并不乐观的。他回答说:“也许永远不会。我们会提升游戏的性能。”






  最后,他对Xbox 360版本的制作团队表达了信任。




  《泰坦陨落》今天已经登陆Xbox One及PC平台,虽然目前尚不知晓哪个平台作弊的更多一些。


  从《泰坦陨落》beta测试开始之前,它的6v6模式就一直遭到玩家质疑,但根据游戏制作人Drew McCoy表示,他们打算继续坚持自己的竞技理念,不会提高多人游戏人数限制。


  《泰坦陨落》制作人Drew McCoy对这些玩家的要求做出了回应,它表示,游戏设计之初就考虑到了玩家数量与游戏体验。而现在他们并不会做出任何有损于目前游戏状态的改动。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-16 07:56 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-20 07:03 PM
Titanfall's Xbox 360 version delayed to early April

Titanfall Now Coming to Xbox 360 on April 8 in North America and April 11 in Europe

Since its debut on March 11, Titanfall and its adrenaline-fueled gameplay on Xbox One and PC has taken the gaming world by storm. I’ve spent many hours already dropping titans into the heat of battle and running along walls as a pilot, and I can tell you I am hooked. Our partners at Respawn have made a truly awesome and dynamic new experience that I will be playing for a long time to come.

The fan content that has been created so far has also been incredible. From taking out multiple titans with a perfectly timed Nuclear Ejection to pulling off one of the most impressive satchel kills to date, the fun that Titanfall delivers is clearly captivating the community. Those are just a sample – there’s a ton of amazing content on the brand new TitanWall launched by Respawn. Check back often for some of the latest and most entertaining new content from fans around the world.

Now, I want to update everyone on Titanfall for Xbox 360 in development with Bluepoint Games. I’ve been playing the game a lot, and it is fantastic. But we see a few things that can be made even better, so we’re giving Bluepoint a little more time to do just that and deliver an epic Titanfall experience for Xbox 360 players. Titanfall for Xbox 360 will now be releasing on April 8 in North America, and beginning on April 11 in Europe. The game will feature the same 6v6 gameplay, maps, modes, weapons and Burn Cards as the Xbox One and PC versions of the game.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we get the last details right. See you on the Frontier.

Titanfall News - http://www.titanfall.com/news/ti ... xbox-360-on-april-8

《泰坦天降》XBOX360版延期 为争取更多时间

  XBOX ONE版和PC版的《泰坦天降》已于2014年3月11日发售,而XBOX360版原本计划要到3月25日发售,结果近日EA正式确认,该作的XBOX360版延期至2014年4月8日在北美地区发售,4月11日在欧洲发售。

  重申工作室在一篇博客中提到:“我们看到很多可以做得更好的地方,所以我们需要更多的时间来做到这一点,并且为玩家们在XBOX360上提供史诗般的《泰坦天降》游戏体验。”除了争取更多时间调整这个解释之外,外界还猜测重生工作室是希望XBOX ONE版的《泰坦天降》可以多卖几天以提高销量,因为该作的销量可能还未达到预期。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-24 03:34 PM

  当在推特上被问及是否会在游戏中加入更多模式的时候,Respawn的创始人Vince Zampella非常直接的回答说:“是的”。Respawn已经确认游戏将获得3个DLC包,而现在我们终于可以确定这些DLC中将包括新的多人模式。


  《泰坦陨落》Xbox 360版本最近被推迟了2个星期发售。但是游戏并不会就此止步,EA已经获得了续作的版权。而游戏的续作将不会成为微软独占游戏,但是Respawn还没有公布这方面的具体细节。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-27 06:48 PM

  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,3月25日登陆XBOX360平台。此前本作的开发商重生工作室表示将推出本作的三个付费DLC包,每个DLC包均包含新地图和其他未确定的内容。虽然目前尚不清楚这些DLC将于何时发售,不过官方又公开了一些游戏的新情报,确认他们将免费提供一些新模式。

  日前重生工作室的联合创始人Vince Zampella透露了这一情报,他在推特上回答粉丝提问时表示新模式将和DLC分离,会单独放出。“DLC还在开发中,目前还没有全部完成。我们将放出新模式,对所有玩家免费,而且并不属于DLC的一部分。”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-29 03:42 PM
《泰坦天降》比赛匹配系统更新 更平衡更合理





  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,3月25日登陆XBOX360平台。重生工作室计划推出三个付费DLC包,并且还打算免费提供一些新模式。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-2 08:34 AM
泰坦机甲VS擎天柱 《泰坦陨落》首个DLC预告片

  EA于近日公布了《泰坦陨落》的第一个DLC,在DLC中我们惊喜的发现了全新的机甲,竟然是擎天柱!同时还放出了一段DLC预告。从视频中我们可以看到擎天柱的攻击火力相当威猛。并且同其他机甲站在一起的时候也显得霸气外漏,同时擎天柱的语音也与其他的不同。会不会还有更多的机甲和模式没有泄露呢?《泰坦陨落》首个DLC将于本月正式发布,首先在Xbox One上提供下载。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-4 05:51 PM

  《泰坦天降》是首款应用微软云服务的XBOX One游戏,在应用方式等许多方面都有重要的意义,而现在微软更是放出了一段最新的技术演示视频,让大家看到未来XBOX One云游戏的威力和可能性。

  实际上该技术演示Demo来自此前举行的开发者大会,从中展现了《泰坦天降》运用云技术的实际表现,可以充分的让大家了解云游戏的威力。虽然该视频的效果以理想状况下的PC为基础,或许XBOX One平台上的实际效果与其不同,但至少让大家看到了可能性。接下来就请大家一起来欣赏这段视频。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-14 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-14 07:00 PM 编辑

Titanfall 'Expedition' DLC Announced, Hits With 3 Maps in May
《泰坦天降》首个DLC正式公布 将于5月发售

  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。而在不久前举行的PAX East展会中,官方正式公开了本作的首个DLC“远征(Expedition)”。该DLC将于2014年5月推出,将包含Runoff、Swamplands和Wargames这三张新地图。


Titanfall: Expedition DLC

Today during our panel at PAX East, we revealed details on Expedition, the first DLC map pack for Titanfall. Coming this May, Expedition will introduce three new maps to the Frontier including Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames.

In the wake of the Battle of Demeter, IMC Expeditionary Forces travel deep into Frontier space to recover from their recent defeat. On an uncharted world, the IMC begin construction of a new fleet operations base, using newly acquired water collection and filtration plants to support the new base. When drainage operations reveal ancient ruins and artifacts of an unknown origin in a nearby swamp, Spyglass activates an archaeological team to investigate the site. To maintain battle readiness at the new base, IMC Pilots use simulation pods to train for anticipated Militia raids, based on lessons learned in Angel City and IMC Airbase Sierra.

Titanfall Expedition is the first of three new content packs with each pack available for $9.99. For fans looking to get all three content packs while saving a few bucks, the Titanfall Season Pass is the way to go. Available for a one-time price of $24.99, the Titanfall Season Pass is available for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC and delivers all three content packs as soon as they become available.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-16 09:54 PM

  日前《泰坦天降》的开发商重生工作室透露了他们的新计划,确认他们打算推出“Nose Art”功能,让玩家们能够自由定制他们的战斗机器人。

  目前重生工作室非常频繁的更新其官方博客,其中就提到了本次所说的定制功能。而本作的游戏总监Steve Fukuda表示他们的重点一直在于发售这款游戏,所以在本作发售后继续支持它就是工作室的一个转变。


  此外重生工作室在PAX East展会中还证实了《泰坦天降》的首个DLC包“远征(Expedition)”。该DLC将于2014年5月发售,将收录三张全新的地图。

  而本次提到的“Nose Art”功能将会免费更新,该功能允许玩家们来用各种图案来装饰自己的泰坦。此外,新的燃烧卡也会登场,不过Fukuda并没有透露这些新卡片会以怎样的方式加入。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-25 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-25 07:10 PM 编辑

First look at Titanfall ‘Expedition’ map pack’s War Games
《泰坦天降》远征DLC截图公开 展示全新地图

  重生工作室的新作《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。此前官方曾公开本作的DLC计划,而现在EA和重生工作室也首次为大家展示了本作的第一个DLC包“远征”的实际游戏画面。本次所展示的截图均来自该DLC中的地图“战争游戏(War Games)”,下面就请玩家们欣赏一下。


Titanfall: Expedition - War Games

War Games is a new map for Titanfall, based in a virtual world where Pilots compete in simulated environments of Angel City, Rise and Airbase Sierra.

When brainstorming ideas for the first Titanfall DLC map pack, the concept of a level in the training mission simulator got a lot of people excited. Designers imagined a level that was smooth, clean and abstract - a perfect place to design easy-to-read battle spaces and wallrun paths. Artists had images of differently themed areas mixed with digital artifacts and colorful lighting. The concept maintained throughout development was "parkour playground".

Here is the top down layout of War Games.

The concept of a simulator level allowed for themed areas to act as the hardpoints while the buildings between are in the smooth, featureless style of the training mission rooms. The IMC start in an Airbase-style structure, complete with working Marvins and a tank repair garage. Some areas throughout the map will be "glitching out", providing landmarks that let you that you’re fighting in a virtual simulator.

The middle tower is based off Rise, with small interior rooms connected by a very tight, high wallrun path through the center. Titans can capture this hardpoint, but they will need to enter a very narrow hallway with pilots at every angle and nowhere to run if an enemy Titan decides to attack. This is also a shortcut across the center of the map, but with a high risk factor of being rodeo’ed or trapped by other Titans.

The Militia side is based on Angel City, but with a night time twist. The multiple, spaced out buildings offer a different game play style than the singular, large structures found elsewhere. Rooftop and window¬-to-window fighting is the crux of combat here, with the hardpoint being on the bottom floor of a two-story shop that only Pilots and AI can access.

As a designer, I wanted to have the freedom to place wallrun paths wherever I needed them, to connect important areas together. After running around the training mission looking for inspiration, I realized the colored force fields could make a fun wallrunning panel. These are found throughout the map and sometimes stretch across long distances, above battling Titans below. These are meant to be obvious paths to help encourage players that haven't embraced this new way of traversing maps. Because of the environment, we even used arrows to help guide players where we wanted them to run.

We use heatmap technology to track what our players are doing during play tests. This heatmap shows where players are wallrunning the most in War Games. You can see when compared to one of our most wallrunning friendly maps, Rise, it offers a lot of fun traversal options.

But besides Pilots, we also have Titans to consider when building a map. I wanted to use the clean simulator style to give Titans a more competitive field for Last Titan Standing. On the outskirts of the level, paintball style fields are designed clutter-free to make enemies easy to spot and paths easy to discern. Titan spawn points push players into these areas, while also allowing flanking Titans to travel through the center of the map.

War Games is one of our most wallrunning friendly maps with a fun visual hook and plenty of space for Titans to engage in large scale battles. I hope you enjoy playing it and all the other levels in the Titanfall Expedition Pack!

Titanfall News:http://www.titanfall.com/news/expedition-war-games

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-27 07:43 AM
Respawn称《泰坦天降 | Titanfall》将出新游戏模式DLC

  日前Respawn的联合创始人之一Vince Zampella在接受采访时说,游戏的首个DLC下个月就要问世了,增加了3张新地图,完全可以满足那些希望游戏更激烈的玩家。

  Vince Zampella还透漏,在未来游戏的更新中,他们还会加入更多新的元素。比如人除了可以在墙上行走还可以在树上行走。而且他们会在之后的DLC中加入新的游戏模式。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-1 07:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-2 06:45 PM 编辑



  Respawn工作室公布了一段视频,其中《泰坦陨落》设计师Geoff Smith向玩家提供了“天使城”(Angel City)地图的大量游戏小技巧和战术策略,介绍了许多战略要地的攻防技巧。《泰坦陨落》目前已登录PC,Xbox 360和Xbox One。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-5 07:02 PM
《泰坦天降 | Titanfall》DLC新图 官方解说地图设计理念

  重生工作室的新作《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。游戏的首个DLC包“远征”预计将于2014年5月内发售,其售价为9.99美元。日前本作的设计师Geoff Smith放出了该DLC的新截图,下面就为大家介绍一下。

  近日Geoff Smith通过游戏的官方站点放出了远征DLC中的地图Runoff的一些截图以及艺术设定图,并谈论了该地图的一些设计理念。他表示Runoff可以说是他们的一种尝试,他们制作了一张小型地图,但仍然让泰坦们拥有足够的路径选择空间,所以不会让它们感到受限制。这张新地图的核心设计概念就是多层次的路径,关卡中拥有许多不同的场景和建筑物,玩家们需要冷静的思考如何在这张地图中获胜。此外Smith还表示,该地图拥有很强的适应性,在不同的模式下其玩法也不同。


Titanfall News - http://www.titanfall.com/news/ti ... runoff?sf25730747=1

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-6 06:52 PM
《泰坦天降 | Titanfall》远征DLC三个新场景最新截图

  计划于2014年5月内发售的《泰坦天降》第一弹地图DLC——远征售价为9.99美元,日前官方放出了该DLC中新地图的最新截图,本次官方展示了Swamplands、Run off和War Games三张新地图。



  War Games之前就为大家介绍过,地图中有一部分场景是训练所,官方之前也说道整体地图的大小要比之前的Rise地图大很多(其实Rise不算很大了……)!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-9 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-9 06:30 PM 编辑


  《泰坦天降》第一弹地图DLC“远征”将于2014年5月内发售,售价9.99美元,日前官方放出了最新地图Swamplands的宣传片和介绍,地图设计师Chris Dionne也讲述了他设计地图时的想法和理念。此前官方也放出了新地图War Game的宣传片。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-13 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-14 06:27 PM 编辑


  EA日前公布了《泰坦天降》远征DLC最新的宣传片,三张新地图在视频中有了完整的展示,其中Run off地图的全貌也是第一次在玩家面前出现。

  视频中针对几张地图的特点都有展示,比如Swampland地图中驾驶员可以在树林间跑酷,Run off地图有深邃的地下沟渠会有遭遇战,而Wargames地图虚幻的风格比较奇特,驾驶员和泰坦在该地图中都能寻找到对战局有利的路线。


《泰坦天降》远征DLC发售日确定 季票有优惠


  目前公布的发售日只针对XBOX ONE和PC平台,而XBOX360平台的玩家要等到6月份才能迎来DLC,具体日期还未定。DLC售价9.99美元,新增加三张地图Run off、Swampland和Wargames,同时玩家也可以选择购买价值24.99美元的季票,购买之后除了可以免费获得远征DLC之外,还可以免费得到未来的两个新DLC。以每个DLC都会9.99美元假设的话,三个DLC售价就要30美元,25美元的季票相比之下还是便宜一些的。

《泰坦天降》更新补丁 追加私人比赛设置选项

  日前EA公司公开了《泰坦天降》的全新更新补丁,虽然目前官方仅在PC和XBOX One平台上发布了该补丁,不过按照此前他们的说法,XBOX 360版的补丁还需要多等待一段时间。

  本次更新的主要内容是让玩家们可以为自己定制的loadouts命名, 让玩家们可以在紧急状况下迅速找到所需要的东西。


  此外《泰坦天降》第一弹地图DLC“远征”将于2014年5月内登陆XBOX One和PC平台,售价9.99美元。而根据官方的说法,该DLC预计将于6月登陆XBOX 360。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-14 11:15 PM
Titanfall 'Expedition' DLC arrives on Xbox One & Windows PC May 15

Titanfall: Expedition Available on May 15

The Frontier is about to get bigger as today Respawn Entertainment revealed the release date for the first Titanfall DLC pack, Expedition. Coming May 15 to the Xbox One and PC, Titanfall: Expedition introduces three new maps to the Frontier – Runoff, Swampland and War Games, and extends the heart-pounding action and adrenalin-fueled gameplay to new heights.

Titanfall: Expedition is the first of three planned DLC packs, each retailing for $9.99/£7.99. For gamers looking to further extend the fight on the Frontier, the Titanfall Season Pass will deliver three content packs as soon as they become available. The Titanfall Season Pass is available at a one-time price of $24.99/£19.99 and can now be purchased for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and on Origin for PC. Titanfall: Expedition for the Xbox 360 will be available in June.

Heralded as “a new breed of multiplayer” by Game Informer and “the next big thing” by Polygon, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia on a distant frontier on the edge of the universe. The action is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to hijack titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-19 06:47 PM
《泰坦天降》手机端联动APP发布 新功能登场

  重生工作室的新作《泰坦天降》已经登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台,不过官方还会陆续推出全新的内容,日前EA公司就发布了本作的手机端免费联动APP,让玩家们能够体验新的游戏功能。

  本次的联动APP通过App Store和Google Play免费发布,为广大玩家提供全新的功能。借助该APP,玩家们可以远程查看自己的各项统计数据。此外APP所提供的第二屏地图功能让玩家们更方便的玩游戏,在战斗时获得更多的优势。

  《泰坦天降》的首个DLC“远征”也已经于5月15日登陆XBOX One和PC平台,XBOX 360版预计将于6月发售,其售价为9.99美元。该DLC将增加三张地图Run off、Swampland和Wargames,同时玩家也可以选择购买价值24.99美元的季票,购买之后除了可以免费获得远征DLC之外,还可以免费得到未来的两个新DLC。

Titanfall News:http://www.titanfall.com/news/ti ... ilable?sf26260568=1

Google Store:https://play.google.com/store/ap ... .game.titanfall_row

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-22 07:23 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-14 05:06 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-17 06:34 PM


  重生工作室共同创办人Vince Zampella在与Eurogamer网站的访谈中,谈论到《泰坦天降》发售3个月后依旧在游玩本作的人数,以及这样的效应如何持续发展下去。“家用主机方面已经很棒了。”Zampella针对本作的线上活动说道。“至于PC方面一开始的确气势如虹,但之后人气下滑的程度比我们预期得还多一点。我们正在观察这个状况。理由是什么?我们做错了什么?是配对方面出问题了吗?所以我们会注意这部分并找出原因。我们希望人气能够回升。”




  其实自从3月《泰坦天降》发售后,大家都不清楚本作真正的销售数字是多少。EA最近说本作是Xbox One到目前为止销量最佳的游戏,但还是没提供任何明确的数据。本作3月在美国零售销量为92万5000份。EA的CEO Andrew Wilson在E3展表示本作远超过公司原先的“高度期待”,但他也没明讲他们的期待有多高。

  E3展之前有媒体报导指出《泰坦天降》续作已经在开发中,而且除了Xbox One版也会推出PS4版。不管Zampella还是Wilson在E3展都没有证实《泰坦天降》续作的消息,但大部分的人都假定他们已经在计划中了。 EA已经宣布他们与重生工作室签约,持续提供《泰坦天降》的“体验”,但这项体验目前还暧昧不明,很难藉此推断这个商品的未来发展。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-1 07:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-1 07:04 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》更新追加新成就 全成就图已放出

  《泰坦天降》是由重生工作室所推出的新作,游戏已经先后登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方再度公开了本作最新的一些情报,确认在新的更新中他们将追加12个全新的成就。据称这些新成就在XBOX One和PC平台上已经更新,不过XBOX 360版的更新还需要等待一段时间。


Titanfall Blog - http://www.titanfall.com/news/titanfall-expedition-achievements

  Blood Water:在Runoff地图中击杀200个敌人 – 30G

  Runoff Connoisseur:用每个模式通关Runoff地图 – 10G

  Side Pipe:在Runoff地图中在墙壁跑的情况下击杀25名敌人 – 20G

  Runoff Victor:在Runoff地图中赢得一场比赛 – 5G

  Swampland Connoisseur:用每个模式通关Swampland地图 – 10G

  It’s Safer Here:在Swampland地图中不碰触地面60秒 – 20G

  Tree Runner:在Swampland地图中空运500米 – 30G

  Swampland Victor:在Swampland地图中赢得一场比赛 – 5G

  War Games Connoisseur:用每个模式通关War Games地图 – 10G

  Faded:在War Games地图上在单场比赛中击杀12名驾驶员 – 20G

  Super Faded:在War Games地图中击杀100名驾驶员 – 35G

  War Games Victor:在War Games地图中赢得一场比赛 – 5G

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-9 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-9 05:54 PM 编辑

Titanfall 'Frontier's Edge' DLC Announced

Continue to Battle on the Edge of the Universe With Titanfall: Frontier's Edge DLC

Today, Respawn Entertainment announced Titanfall Frontier’s Edge, the next DLC pack for the critically-acclaimed first-person shooter Titanfall. Pushing the battle to the furthest reaches of the universe, Titanfall Frontier’s Edge introduces three exciting new maps including the isolated mining outpost of Dig Site, the exclusive beach resort of Haven and the mining hub on the side of a mountain known as Export.

Titanfall Frontier’s Edge is the second of three planned content packs with each pack available for $9.99 / £7.99. Gamers who are looking for the ultimate value can purchase the Titanfall Season Pass, which offers all three content packs for a one-time purchase of $24.99 / £19.99 as soon as they become available. The Titanfall Season Pass can be purchased for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and on Origin for PC.

Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to hijack titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

For more information on Titanfall, please visit

第二波下载内容Titanfall Frontier's Edge正式公布!

先前推出的Expedition《神兵泰坦:远征》感觉上才过没多久,但今日Respawn Entertainment已经正式于官方网站上宣布《神兵泰坦》第二波下载内容,名为Frontier's Edge《神兵泰坦:前线边界》,将会带来新的地图以及全新游戏机制。Respawn表示,在全新的《神兵泰坦:前线边界》中,将会让游戏中的战斗场地拉到宇宙的最远端,将内含以下三张全新的地图:「Dig Site挖掘点」-孤立无援的采矿前哨站「Haven避风港」-风光明媚的海滩度假胜地「Export输出口」-山脚边的采矿转运枢纽《神兵泰坦:前线边界》是总共预计三个扩充内容的第二波,三个不同的下载内容售价各为9.99美金,玩家可以透过24.99美金的价格购买游戏的季票,并同时获得《神兵泰坦:远征》、《神兵泰坦:前线边界》以及未来推出的第三波扩充内容。

《神兵泰坦:前线边界》介绍:战场设定于未来不久,在遥远的边境已经遭受战火的摧残,玩家将会从中介入星际制造公司IMC以及反抗军the Militia双方的军事冲突。地图将会让游戏的节奏更加快速多变,提供跑酷风格的墙面移动、强化的喷射跳跃以及全新能力让玩家可以劫持敌方泰坦同时也将提供驾驶与泰坦可以自由向前与向后滑行的全新能力,让玩家在空中战斗时具有更多的战术性,要进攻或者是逃跑,全取决于当时的现况而定!新的机制将扩展游戏在全新高空战斗的可能性。

中文消息来自@weng 会员
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-16 05:58 PM
Titanfall Frontier's Edge DLC ~ First Look at the Dig Site Map

Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge - Dig Site

Mining operations are on hold while the Militia defend this crucial asset against IMC attacks. Surrounded by sheer rock walls that offer natural protection against air assault, the site becomes a bloody ground war characterized by titan skirmishes over subtle elevation changes in the terrain, and a mix of short and medium-range engagements for pilots.

Titans patrol the narrow pathways between the industrial processing buildings while pilots leap overhead, and an imposing rock saw the size of an overturned office building looms over the site providing cover and high ground for pilots.

Make sure to join us over the next week as we reveal both Export and Haven. And don’t miss our upcoming Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge Live stream!


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-19 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-20 06:46 AM 编辑

《泰坦天降》DLC新截图公开 继续展示新地图

  《泰坦天降》是由重生工作室所推出的新作,游戏已经先后登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台,第一弹DLC“远征”已经于2014年5月正式上线,第二弹DLC“前线边缘(Frontier’s Edge)”也已经正式公布。继此前放出该DLC的截图展示新地图Dig Site之后,现在官方又放出了另外的三张新图,这回他们所展示的则是另一张新地图Export。

  “前线边缘”DLC将收录三张新地图Dig Site、Haven和Export,其售价为9.99美元。此外玩家们也可以选择购买季票,这样就能够以24.99美元的价格获得全部三个DLC。

Titanfall Frontier's Edge DLC ~ First Look at the Export Map

Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge - Export

The nearby mines fueled this large Militia settlement, an important exporting hub built on the side of a mountain that recalls the gold rush boom-towns from centuries earlier. Overshadowed by a massive armature that controls an offshore lock system for marine transport, Export caters to close-quarter, house-to-house combat for ground troops.

Pilots use this to their advantage by using quick wall-hops on the close structures to gain speed and height, then engage enemies from the low rooftops. Titans can lock down sections of the town by leveraging natural choke points, and often fight up a steep incline that leads to a commanding view of the town below.

Join us on Twitch as we get ready to kick off our Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge Live stream.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-25 06:32 PM


  《泰坦天降》是由重生工作室所推出的新作,游戏已经先后登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。而日前官方确认本作的第二弹DLC“前线边缘”将于2014年7月31日登陆XBOX One和PC平台,而XBOX 360版预计将会稍晚发售。

  “前线边缘”DLC将收录三张新地图Dig Site、Haven和Export,其售价为9.99美元。此外玩家们也可以选择购买季票,这样就能够以24.99美元的价格获得全部三个DLC。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-1 07:48 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-1 12:11 PM 编辑

Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge DLC Now Available, Gameplay Trailer


Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge Now Available

Pilots, prepare to drop your titan and battle on the furthest reaches of the Frontier in Titanfall Frontier’s Edge. Available now for Xbox One and PC, Frontier’s Edge is the latest DLC pack for Respawn Entertainment’s critically-acclaimed Titanfall and introduces three new maps to the Frontier including:

• Dig Site – A critical asset on the Frontier, Dig Site is surrounded by sheer rock walls that offer natural protection against air assaults. Titans patrol narrow pathways between giant industrial processing plants while pilots leap overhead to attack from above

• Export – An exporting hub built on the side of a mountain, Export recalls the boom-towns of the gold rush from centuries earlier. Focused on close-quarters combat, pilots use this to their advantage to gain speed and height, while titans lock down natural choke points that overlook the town below

• Haven – Catering to the Frontier’s wealthy elite, this exclusive beach resort rests on the edge of a massive crater lake. Pilots will utilize the sheer walls of the hotel skyscrapers to gain high ground while titans attack from inside art galleries and luxury restaurants

Titanfall Frontier’s Edge is now available for now for Xbox One and PC for £7.99 and will be coming soon to the Xbox 360. Players looking for the ultimate value can purchase the Titanfall Season Pass which includes all three content packs for £19.99, available for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and on Origin for PC. Titanfall Season Pass holders will receive the pre-purchased content as soon as it becomes available.


这次更新将和新的 DLC 一起上线。
新的更新引入黑市系统,玩家将可以买卖烧卡和购买泰坦徽章,一共有 8 个新的徽章。
日挑战也会出现,每天三个新的日挑战,一共可以有 9 个挑战激活等待解锁。

新特性(Xbox One)
增加了 Frontier's Edge DLC 的成就

更健壮的多 GPU 支持,第二个 GPU 不会出于空闲状态,在此感谢NVIDIA的帮助!

Bug 修复(所有平台)
- 修复泰坦徽章重复出现
- 在选择游戏模式后,赛前大厅之前的界面移除,现在直接进入赛前大厅
- Wi-Fi 入侵现在计入入侵幽魂机器人相关的状态统计,挑战和徽章解锁中
- 修复获取足够等级升级后会重置等级的情况
- 修复核子弹射后驾驶员被杀死,泰坦变无敌后满地图跑的情况
- 手动调整了很多带宽优化和帧数优化
- 修复骑乘时会被挤到墙里,开枪射击无效的情况
- 修复电弧炮和集束导弹打到后没有音效的问题
- 修复了服务器端导致的玩家使用 Rematch 烧卡后被卡住的情况
- 修复了 Archer 双重锁定问题
- 修复了派对聊天图标不出现问题
- 修复了派对组队会被拆散的问题
- 修复了手柄键位说明文字重叠的问题
- 修复了一些事件不计入挑战,成就或者解锁徽章的问题

Bug 修复(PC)
- 窗口模式下帧数问题
- 帧数和武器射速问题

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-11 06:48 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 06:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 05:10 PM 编辑


  在EA的科隆游戏展2014新闻发布会中,该公司带来了旗下游戏的许多新情报。而正如此前所预告的那样,他们公布了《泰坦天降》的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”,并确认该DLC将于2014年秋季推出。不过目前并不清楚该DLC的其他详细情报,具体细节还有待公开,请玩家们耐心等待。

  此外EA还放出了本作的一段宣传片“Free The Frontier”,下面也请大家一并欣赏。

《神兵泰坦》真人特效影片「解放前线」释出3 分半钟完整版

Respawn Entertainment 制作,EA 发行的PC / Xbox One / Xbox 360 第一人称射击游戏《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》,在德国举办的2014 年Gamescom 电玩展中,释出了与知名视觉特效团队Playfight 联手打造的真人影片「神兵泰坦:解放前线(Titanfall: Free The Frontier)」更加完整的版本。
游戏商Respawn 和视觉特效团队Playfight 合作的本支真人版影片「神兵泰坦:解放前线」,曾在2014 年E3 电玩展中释出了一分半钟的版本,并且也预告将会有后续的片段。而本次在欧洲举办的全球最大电玩展中终于释出了全长3 分半钟的完整版,其特效和高完成度也让人大开眼界。有兴趣的玩家不妨点选观看充满魄力的真人版《神兵泰坦》特效影片来过过干瘾。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-20 06:33 PM

  《泰坦天降》是由重生工作室所推出的新作,游戏已经先后登陆XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。此前本作的第二弹DLC“前线边缘”已经于2014年7月31日登陆XBOX One和PC平台,第五次大型更新也已经在这两个平台上线,为大家带来了全新的游戏内容。日前官方终于确认《泰坦天降》的第二大DLC及第五次大型更新于8月19日登陆XBOX 360平台。

  《泰坦天降》第五次大型更新主要追加了重要元素“黑市”,玩家们可以在黑市中买卖燃烧卡。而第五次更新后玩家们还可以进行“日常挑战”,每天玩家们都可以收集3个新的日常挑战,并且最多可以拥有9个日常挑战人物,以此获得更多的金钱和奖励。“前线边缘”则DLC将收录三张新地图Dig Site、Haven和Export,其售价为9.99美元。

  目前EA还在科隆游戏展中公开了本作的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”,并确认该DLC将于2014年秋季推出。不过目前并不清楚该DLC的其他详细情报,具体细节还有待公开,请玩家们耐心等待。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-29 07:01 PM

  《泰坦天降》是重生工作室倾力打造的次世代巨作,而在游戏发售后该工作室也不断推出新的补丁和DLC为玩家们带来新的游戏内容。游戏的第三弹DLC“IMC Rising”将于2014年秋季推出,而现在官方也针对XBOX One和PC平台放出了第六次大型更新(XBOX 360版需等待一段时间),增加了许多新功能,下面就为大家介绍一下。


  全新特色模式“驾驶员遭遇战”:这是一种8对8模式,其中不包含AI角色和泰坦。由于使用的角色尺寸和其他模式不同,在选择Variety Pack列表时不会显示该模式。















作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-24 07:29 AM
Titanfall 'IMC Rising' DLC Gameplay Trailer



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-22 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-23 06:18 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》将于23 日凌晨1 点透过Twitch 直播公布大型更新消息

  Respawn Entertainment 制作,Electronic Arts 发行的PC / Xbox One / Xbox 360 第一人称射击游戏《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》,在官方Twitter 上宣布,将于美国太平洋夏令时间22 日上午10:00(台湾时间23 日凌晨1:00)在Twitch 官方频道上公布上市以来最大一波更新的资讯。

  《神兵泰坦》日前才陆续释出各平台版本的第3 波追加下载内容「IMC 崛起」。目前官方尚未公布更新具体内容,预料将会包含新游玩模式、新装备与平衡性的大幅修正。

Titanfall - Game Update Eight

Brand new cooperative game mode - Frontier Defense

Join forces with up to three other players in this cooperative game mode to defend a vital objective from increasingly intense waves of AI combatants.

• You and your team will face down familiar foes as well as the IMC's newest combat units: hordes of Grunts and Spectres, stealthy Sniper Spectres and Cloak Drones, explosive Suicide Spectres and Nuclear Titans, ranged Mortar Titans, and even melee-resistant Arc Titans!

• Supplement your firepower by earning and deploying stationary turrets around the battlefield.

• Leverage your full arsenal against the IMC without skipping a beat by using the new Loadout Crates near the objective to switch loadouts at will, while refilling ammo and ordnance.

• Pilots who fall in battle are flown back into the fray in a dropship that circles above the action before touchdown. Experienced Pilots always maximize their impact on the struggle below by firing from the side window of the dropship on approach.

• Seasoned players can challenge themselves to beat their best score. Try to earn 3 Map Stars on each map!

• Play in every corner of the Frontier, including the maps introduced in IMC Rising and every previous Titanfall expansion!

Full patch notes here

《泰坦天降》第八次大更新 增加四人合作模式

  《泰坦天降》制作组Respawn Entertainment公布了游戏的第八次大型内容更新,将推出”前线防御(Frontire Defense)“四人合作模式。



  前线防御模式将会在第八次更新中与玩家见面。此外还有死亡战场(deadly ground)与死亡专家级(marked for death pro)模式。死亡战场(deadly ground)模式预计11月5日上线,在此模式中,战场地表将会被致命的电磁烟雾所覆盖,玩家将不得不施展自己的跑墙技巧进行快速移动。而死亡专家级(marked for death pro)模式将于11月26日更新。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-20 06:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-20 07:32 PM 编辑

Titanfall Deluxe Edition Revealed
《泰坦天降:豪华版》公布 优惠价格完整体验


  《泰坦天降:豪华版》售价39.99美元,但仅有下载版,日前已经在PC平台上开放下载,下周将在XBOX ONE平台上的Xbox Games Store上开始销售,而XBOX360版何时发卖尚未公布。

  三款地图DLC“Expedition” “Frontier’s Edge” 和 “IMC Rising”各包含三张对战地图,单个分别售卖9.99美元,而包含三张DLC的季票售价是24美元,怎么看都是“豪华版”更划算,只不过体验的时间晚了一些而已。希望这次新版本推出能让更多之前没体验过该作的玩家多来尝试,让游戏的网战再次热闹起来!


Join the Fight on the Edge of the Frontier with the Titanfall Deluxe Edition

Today, Respawn Entertainment revealed the Deluxe Edition for their critically acclaimed first-person shooter Titanfall. Delivering the complete Titanfall experience, the Titanfall Deluxe Edition includes the award-winning game featuring agile pilots and massive titans battling it out in fast-paced future warfare. In addition to the base game, players will also receive all three Titanfall DLC packs including Expedition, Frontier’s Edge and IMC Rising, adding nine maps designed to allow fans to continue the fight on the edge of the frontier.

Watch the Titanfall: New Gameplay Updates and Features video here.

Released in March, Titanfall has quickly become the best-selling new IP for the Xbox One. Since then Respawn have added a wealth of post-release content including the introduction of new game modes including co-op play, titan customisation, the Black Market, ranked play and more. All this great content combined in one package means there has never been a better time to feel the rush of Titanfall and the thrill of dropping your first titan on the battlefield.

Upon its release, Titanfall seized the attention of gamers around the world with its exhilarating first-person action gameplay centered on the dynamic between elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans. Praised by Game Informer as "a brave new vision of the future of multiplayer games", the action in Titanfall is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to control titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

The Titanfall Deluxe Edition is available now digitally on Origin for PC and starting next week digitally for the Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft.

For more information on Titanfall, please visit titanfall.com. Join the conversation on Twitter at twitter.com/titanfallgame and #Titanfall, or on Facebook at facebook.com/titanfallgame.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-29 06:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-30 07:26 AM 编辑

NEXON 与美商艺电宣布将合作推出《神兵泰坦 Titanfall》新款 PC 在线游戏

  NEXON 日本分公司与美商艺电今(29)日宣布,将合作开发 Respawn Entertainment 旗下《神兵泰坦 Titanfall》PC 在线游戏版本,并由 NEXON 取得亚洲发行权。

  Respawn Entertainment 为位于美国加州洛杉矶的独立开发工作室,团队成员曾打造了著名射击游戏《决胜时刻》。 NEXON 总裁 Owen Mahoney 表示,《神兵泰坦》具备众多创新要素与竞争元素,是一款所有玩家都可以享受惊心动魄冒险的独特游戏,此次很高兴能够与深具才华的 Respawn Entertainment 与美商艺电团队合作,结合 NEXON 基本游玩免费制的经验,来带给亚洲市场新款迷人的在线游戏。

  NEXON 表示,NEXON 已经与美商艺电多次合作,双方之前所共同合作知名单机游戏改编在线游戏《FIFA Online 3》在韩国推出后,获得优秀成绩。

  新款在线游戏《神兵泰坦》尚未公开游戏内容与上市时程,从 NEXON 总裁发言中,外界推测此款新作应该为基本游玩免费制方式来营运。

EA & Nexon making f2p online version of Titanfall for Asia

Nexon and Electronic Arts to Bring PC Online Titanfall Experience to Asia

Nexon, a worldwide leader in online games, today announced its Korean subsidiary, Nexon Korea Corporation, has entered into a game development and publishing agreement with Electronic Arts (“EA”) to bring a PC online version of the critically-acclaimed, first-person shooter game, Titanfall, originally developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA, to players in Asia.

Respawn Entertainment – which was co-founded by Vince Zampella, one of the co-creators of the multi-billion dollar franchise Call of Duty and co-founders of its development studio, Infinity Ward – is an independent video game development studio located in Los Angeles, California.

“With its pilot vs. titan gameplay, among other innovations, Titanfall is a uniquely intense game experience. We look forward to working with the talented teams at Respawn and EA and leveraging Nexon’s free-to-play expertise to deliver a new and engaging online game based on Titanfall to the Asian market,” said Owen Mahoney, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nexon.

Today’s announcement marks the third collaboration between Nexon and EA, building on the continued success of EA Sports FIFA Online 3, currently the #1 online sports game in Korea. With this agreement, Nexon, EA and Respawn will bring an exciting new online experience to players in Asia.

Nexon is committed to providing players with high-quality, deeply creative and entertaining games. The Company develops and services its broad portfolio of titles around the world through a combination of in-house development and strategic partnerships.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-11 09:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-11 05:53 PM 编辑

McFarlane announces Titanfall 2 toys, shipping 2016 in 'conjunction with the game'

  EA的CFO Blake Jorgensen 去年表示,续作将在EA 2016年财政年度内发售,也就是在2016年4月至2017年3月。而现在,时间范围已经再度缩小下来。

  玩具公司McFarlane宣布其即将推出《泰坦陨落2》的相关7英寸可动手办,并且将在“2016年冬季”赶在游戏发售之时一同上市。 CEO托德·麦克法兰(Todd McFarlane)声明将和EA的伙伴关系“是一个完美的结合。麦克法兰向来创造精品,所以我很高兴能做一些跟《泰坦陨落2》似的这么酷的东西。”


McFarlane - Titanfall Action Figures

In the 2014 smash-hit Titanfall, players wage war against their rival factions as both agile pilots, and armored 20-foot mechs known as Titans. The hotly anticipated Titanfall 2 will deliver the frantic action fans have come to love, plus dramatically charged cinematic moments through all-new memorable characters.

McFarlane Toys is well known for delivering top quality figures for the gaming genre including: Halo, Assassin’s Creed and Metal Gear franchises. The upcoming Titanfall figures will be a part of McFarlane’s bold new 2016 Collector Box Program. Each figure will stand seven inches tall, have an average of fifteen points of articulation for incredible poses and play action and feature screen accurate accessories and weapons. The figures will boast the same meticulous level of detail that McFarlane has become known for over the last two decades.

“This is a perfect fit. McFarlane Toys was created so I could make cool stuff just like this,” said Todd McFarlane, Owner and CEO of McFarlane Toys. “Without saying too much about the new game… You’re not going to believe where we can take this.”

The McFarlane Toys action figures will be released in conjunction with the highly anticipated launch of Titanfall 2! Fans can visit mcfarlane.com and the McFarlane Toys social media channels for all the latest toy news and visit respawn.com for all the latest upcoming game announcements.

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