如果我开个美国户口(payoneer)来玩,赚了钱再转进本地户口算不算非法呢?作者: sesvar 时间: 2013-6-15 10:06 AM
据我所知regulated by FSA....的可信度比较高~~~因为FSA是英国金融服务监管局,而且还是权威,也不排除有人滥用来作黑平台,如果是在美国开个户头的话,再转过来应该没问题,就是好像把钱投资在国外,政府也无法干涉,还是美国勒,lz,要投资,要调查到清清楚楚,才来作决定~~~避免使得万年船,因为在本地太多骗人公司了T_T...作者: 谁说我不是人 时间: 2013-6-15 11:07 AM
sesvar 发表于 2013-6-15 10:06 AM
据我所知regulated by FSA....的可信度比较高~~~因为FSA是英国金融服务监管局,而且还是权威,也不排除有人滥 ...
Buying or selling of foreign currency by an individual/company who is not an authorised dealer, or by an individual/company that has not obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA)