标题: 【PS4】Uncharted 4:A Thief's End [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-18 07:28 AM
标题: 【PS4】Uncharted 4:A Thief's End
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 05:22 PM 编辑


Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End coming to PS4 in 2015

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Trailer

You’ve been waiting for it and it’s finally here. At E3 2014 we unveiled two trailers, one for each of the PS4 projects we’re currently developing. The Uuncharted game we’ve been working on sees the return of…well, why don’t you watch the trailer and see for yourself:

That’s Nathan Drake rendered in full 1080p glory, using the power of our PS4 engine. All footage you see in the trailer was captured completely in engine. We’re targeting 60fps for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and as you can see, the visual fidelity for our character models will reach new heights. In fact, thanks to the power of PS4, right now Drake’s Uncharted 4 model is over double the polygons of Joel from The Last of Us PS3.

The next generation of Nathan Drake is going to be very real and will explore what it means when Drake is forced back into the world of thieves. He will embark on a globe-trotting journey in pursuit of a historical conspiracy behind a fabled pirate treasure. It’s his greatest adventure yet and will test his physical limits, his resolve, and ultimately what he’s willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is available for pre-order right now. Stay tuned - we’ll have more information in the coming months.

PSBlog - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... thiefs-end-trailer/

《神秘海域4 贼途末路》E3压轴大作2015年登场

  SCE在E3 2014的展前发布会上公开了万众期待的大作《神秘海域4 贼途末路》,从首次公开的宣传片中我们看到了熟悉的德雷克,他看上比以前显得苍老了一些。而场景看上去是在一个密林,此外还有悬挂着的数具尸体。本作依然由著名的顽皮狗工作室开发,对应平台为PS4,预定2015年发售。
作者: №Dante    时间: 2013-11-15 03:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-12 09:28 PM 编辑

《神秘海域4》惊现GameStop PS4游戏发售列表

现在关于神秘海域4的消息很少,顽皮狗也没有正式公布该作。所以这个商品可能是一个占位符,不过Nathan Drake的下一次冒险也只是时间问题。点击这里一起看看商店的图片吧。



  顽皮狗在Spike TV的PS4首发特别活动之前放出了一段有关PS4版《神秘海域》的神秘影像,视频中以一张藏宝图为主,而背后的旁白说着神秘的话语,大意为“有一些锁链你不可能打破,我被活埋在这里15年。你离开了我,我腐烂在这鬼地方,又不能回头。但是你不能逃脱过去,当它追赶上你,当你所有的谎言在你的身边崩溃。我会在那里,移动那些残骸,因为你欠我的!”

  顽皮狗的联合总裁Evan Wells说道,游戏将一如既往的出色,剧情、动态捕捉和游戏画面都回有一个飞跃般的进步。目前游戏的发售日尚未公布。



  顽皮狗正在制作PS4上的新一部《神秘海域》,在11月14日PS4首发活动上,记者对Christophe Balestra进行了采访,他就该作的画面进行了介绍。

  Christophe Balestra 称,在下一部《神秘海域》中制作团队将继续在故事剧情和动作捕捉上下功夫,他还透露,下一部作品将是一次画面上的“大跃进”,玩家们一定会被震惊。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-10 10:26 PM
【E3 2014】Drake冒险再开! 《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》2015 年问世

在PlayStation E3 媒体发表会最后,索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)正式公开了动作冒险游戏《秘境探险》系列最新作《秘境探险4:盗贼末路(暂译,Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,同步公开了从PS4 直接撷取而成的最新宣传影片。
《秘境探险4:盗贼末路》描述宝藏猎人奈森‧德瑞克(Nathan Drake)在他最后一次冒险的几年后,他被迫回到盗贼的世界,德瑞克展开了周游列国、寻找传说中海盗宝藏的冒险旅程。这次将会是德瑞克最大的冒险,将挑战他体能的极限、他对冒险的决心,还有就是他是否愿意牺牲来拯救他所爱的人。
PS4《秘境探险4:盗贼末路》由顽皮狗(Naughty Dog)开发,预定2015 年问世。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-10 06:34 PM
顽皮狗透露《神秘海域4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4:A Thief's End )》相关消息很快会公布


  顽皮狗的Evan Wells在近日的“顽皮狗30周年”展览中提到:“《神秘海域4》一直在很顺利的开发中,自从今年E3之后,我们就一直在努力的开发。我现在能说的就是,很快我们就会给大家展示一些东西。”而随后Evan Wells又再次强调了“很快”这两个字眼!


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-13 06:19 PM

  近年来成功打造出《神秘海域(Uncharted)》系列与《最后生还者(The Last of Us)》的顽皮狗(Naughty Dog),其联合总裁(co-president)Evan Wells 近日接受游戏媒体GameCrate 专访时透露,于2013 年11 月PS4 主机首发活动中正式对外发表的《神秘海域4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》有望在短期内公开新情报。

当被问及《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》的近况时,Evan Wells 回应:「本作开发的很顺利,自E3 展起我们便一直相当的努力,而我所能透露的就是有些新东西将会在短期内公开。」至于会在多短的时间内呢? Evan Wells 补充表示「非常短。」

  《神秘海域》系列首款PS4 作品《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》预定2015 年问世。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-7 05:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-7 06:24 AM 编辑

《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》公布实机游玩影片 衰神德瑞克再度展开寻宝之旅

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 2015 年推出的畅销动作冒险游戏 PS4 最新作《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》,在美国时间 12 月 6、7 日举办的玩家活动「PlayStation Experience」开幕发表会上,首度公开了展示实机游玩的片段,供玩家参考。

  《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》是曾横扫 2009 年年度游戏大奖的《神秘海域》系列最新作,也是首部登上 PS4 新世代主机的作品。故事叙述在结束最后一次的冒险数年后,已经退休的寻宝猎人主角奈森‧德瑞克(Nathan Drake)被逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  在这次的实机展示中,玩家可以见识到熟悉的探索冒险玩法。虽然退休多年但身手依旧矫健的德瑞克,靠着过人的攀爬能力穿越洞窟与丛林,在藉由新世代主机得以实现的茂密植被中隐藏自己的身形,与凶恶的匪徒展开激烈的枪战。透过 1080p Full HD 分辨率呈现更清晰细致的画面。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-22 07:32 AM
UC4 ~ Naughty Dog artist releases HD images of Nathan Drake’s character model


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-7 07:31 AM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-30 07:39 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-20 07:19 PM
頑皮狗公開《秘境探險4》最新人物模組 畫面逼近 CG 水準

  從 2007 年起頑皮狗替 PlayStation 3 製作的獨佔動作遊戲《秘境探險》,畫面逼真加上猶如電影般的劇情表現,廣受國內外玩家的好評。

  而最新作《秘境探險 4:盜賊末路》目前除了今年預計上市外,沒有更詳細的相關消息。

  不過日前頑皮狗的設計師 Frank Tzengi公開了最新的人物模組畫面。


  最新公開畫面讓人驚豔!頑皮狗在畫面的突破上令人相當驚喜!其水準逼近了 CG 品質!

  而 Frank Tzengi 在接受訪問時也曾說到:「遊戲跟電影是相當接近的,電影化的遊戲正是頑皮狗一直在做的事情。現在把遊戲做的接近電影的品質,這正是我要做的事情!」

  Frank Tzengi同時也說 PlayStation 4 強大的硬體,讓製作遊戲更有力。PlayStation 4 在多邊形上更有力,而且在地圖上能製作的更棒!因為 PlayStation 4 強大的硬體能力,更能讓我們(頑皮狗)更快的達到遊戲接近電影化的目的。

  不過前陣子頑皮狗也公開表示正在考慮是否要讓《秘境探險4:盜賊末路》運行 1080p / 60fps,還是要讓遊戲穩定而只有 30fps。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-12 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-12 06:34 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4 delayed to Spring 2016
《神秘海域4》延期至2016年春 为保证游戏品质



  在这篇博文中,顽皮狗的创意总监Neil Druckmann写道:“自从我们首度向您展示《神秘海域4:贼途末路》的游戏演示影像后,更多的游戏内容和故事已经先后完成,对我们来说这款游戏也变得比我们原先设想的更加费力。”



Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Coming Spring 2016

Since we showed you our first gameplay reveal of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, more of the game and story have come together, and it’s become clear to us that this game is much more ambitious than we originally envisioned.

After spending so many years with Nathan Drake, he means a lot to the team, and telling the climactic chapter of his adventures is a task we don’t take lightly — this game deserves every bit of the attention to detail, precise pacing, and nuanced storytelling Naughty Dog is known for. So we’ve made the difficult choice of pushing the game’s release date. Giving us a few extra months will make certain that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End not only meets the team’s high standards, but the high standards that gamers have come to expect from a Naughty Dog title.

Thank you for your patience — we know the extra wait will be excruciating, but you’ll see it will be worth it as we reveal more about Uncharted 4 over the next year. The team at Naughty Dog will be heads down working through 2015 making sure that Nathan Drake’s story gets the closure it deserves. Come Spring 2016, you and Nate are in for one thrilling, emotional ride.

Bruce Straley & Neil Druckmann - Directors, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-17 08:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-20 05:36 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4 Gameplay Walkthrough

【E3 15】《神秘海域4 贼途末路》实机示范游玩 展现德瑞克刺激冒险

  SCE 在刚刚结束的 E3 展前记者会最后,以现场实机操作展示旗下 PS4 大作《神秘海域4 贼途末路》游戏内容。

  《神秘海域4 贼途末路》是横扫 2009 年年度游戏大奖的《神秘海域》系列最新作,也是首部登上 PS4 新世代主机的作品。 故事叙述在结束最后一次的冒险数年后,已经退休的寻宝猎人主角奈森‧德瑞克(Nathan Drake)被逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  此次实机展示中可以看到德瑞克与苏利在彷佛是南美的城市中进行冒险,除了有在市集中激烈枪战外,还驾驶着吉普车在泥水中进行追逐。 在影片中可以看到德瑞克展示许多战斗动作,像是挥拳击倒敌人等,从游戏示范也可以感受到环境的可破坏程度似乎比前作来得更加进化。

  PS4《神秘海域4 贼途末路》预定 2016 年春季问世。


E3 2015: Uncharted 4 Vehicle Chase Gameplay

That was quite a press conference, huh? Now that you’ve recovered from those initial chills and thrills of Uncharted 4 here’s your chance to re-watch new gameplay from Nathan Drake’s final adventure. Or maybe this is your first time watching? If’s that’s the case, please click play before reading any further. You won’t want to miss this.

It’s very rewarding to finally show off all of our hard work on this new section of Drake’s escapades, set in a meticulously crafted, fictional, Madagascan city, and re-introducing his old friend and mentor, Victor Sullivan. Yes, in addition to his new, wild, rope swinging acrobatics, Nathan Drake will be able to drive various vehicles for the first time ever in franchise history. This is the most action-packed demo we’ve ever assembled for E3. If you’re at the show please stop by the Uncharted 4 theater in the PlayStation booth in West Hall to check out even more of what Drake and Sully are up to.

Can’t wait for Uncharted 4? Catch up on Nathan Drake’s adventures and get ready for his next one with Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, which releases October 9, 2015. Every copy of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection comes with access to Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End multiplayer beta. Also, if you live in the US and have an artistic itch, be sure to check out the We Love Fine Uncharted design contest happening now. Submit a winning design and you’ll be among the first to secure a copy of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End when it releases in 2016.



作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-19 07:43 AM
【E3 15】《神秘海域4 贼途末路》探索丰富度大幅提升 进入衰神德瑞克的冒险终章

  在本次 E3 展中,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)旗下 Naughty Dogs 开发的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《神秘海域4 贼途末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》对媒体展示了最新开发中内容的游玩示范。

  这段游玩示范由 Naughty Dogs 两大巨头、曾连手制作《最后生还者》的游戏总监布鲁斯‧史特拉雷(Bruce Straley)和创意总监尼尔‧杜克曼(Neil Druckmann)亲自示范解说,展示的内容与 PlayStation E3 展前发表会舞台上示范的内容相同,不过时间更长,带出更多故事剧情的细节。

PlayStation E3 展前发表会示范内容

  在这段示范中,玩家所熟悉的主角奈森‧德瑞克与亦师亦友的苏利,在人来人往的市集与敌对武装部队展开对抗,为了逃离装甲车的猛烈炮火,两人搭上路边的吉普车,朝向目的地的海边高塔前进。 途中两人又遭遇到装甲车紧追不舍的追杀,在市街与田野间展开激烈的飞车追逐,不断改变路线来避开配备有强大火力的装甲车。 在这段示范中,可以见识到游戏场景的规模与丰富度较前几代有着大幅的提升,不但建构了规模庞大的城市场景,而且其中出现的对象会与车辆有真实的物理互动,像是东西会被撞翻撞飞,柱子会被撞断等。

  历经千辛万苦终于摆脱装甲车之后,随即又发现奈森的兄长山姆‧德瑞克正骑着机车逃避敌人的追杀。 为了登上高架道路,奈森冒险使出套绳技巧,企图攀上卡车伸出的吊臂,但攀爬途中碰到许多迎面而来的障碍物撞击,发表会的示范就在一次看似难以挽回的撞击下戛然而止,但媒体示范的延长展示则是继续下去。 奈森好不容易爬上路面,却又被绳索拖着在地面上滑行,偏偏此时又出现许多骑乘机车与吉普车的敌人开枪狙杀,奈森在拖行途中仍发挥他过人的身手以手枪反击。

  顺利爬上车的奈森,顺利地将各方逼近的敌人一一解决,成功夺取敌人的吉普车,解救了山姆的危机,不过随即又碰到严重的翻车意外被困于着火的车底,千钧一发之际奈森成功逃离,并出奇不意地将前来探查的敌人击毙,搭上回头探查的山姆驾驶的机车离开。 但点满「祸不单行」参数的奈森,马上又遭遇到原本以为已经摆脱的装甲车追击,最后好不容易以机枪将装甲车的引擎破坏,在激烈的翻车爆炸之后结束了这场长达十多分钟的死亡追逐战。





  首先被问到这次示范内容的飞车追逐场面,是否只能照示范的路线走,抑或是可以有不同路线的选择? 对此游戏总监史特拉雷表示,游戏中准备了一整套的多重路线机制,以确保玩家能在大方向无误的状态下,自由选择以不同路线来达成任务。 因此玩家是可以选择走不同路线来摆脱装甲车追杀的,示范中的路线只是其中一种。

  史特拉雷同时提到,这次游戏收录更大的探索空间,示范中的吉普车是每代都有登场的东西,不过在 4 代中驾驶吉普车的桥段增加了非常多的探索要素,玩家可以细细体验。

  当被问到肉搏战强化的部分,史特拉雷表示,在这次示范一开始的地方,可以看到奈森被敌人挟持住,而且有其他敌人逼近围殴时,苏利主动上前阻止敌人并与之缠斗的场面,这部分就是这代在肉搏战上最大的强化,伙伴的 NPC 除了像以往一样在枪战场面会伸出援手之外,这次连肉搏战都会参与,就像是《最后生还者》中的乔尔与艾莉一样。 枪战部分同样根据前几代累积的经验不断调整强化,更为精炼。 关于头目战的部分,史特拉雷表示,像这次示范中的装甲车就是类似头目的定位,如同前几代的直升机、战车等。

  当被问到《神秘海域4》是否是系列的完结,还是后续还有其他的计划时,杜克曼表示《神秘海域4》将会是 “奈森‧德瑞克故事的终章”,史特拉雷则是相当配合地在一旁做出向天吶喊的绝望表情。 不过此一回答语带保留地把结束的对象局限在奈森‧德瑞克本身,而非整个系列。

  PS4《神秘海域4 贼途末路》预定 2016 年春季推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-2 06:57 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-2 06:41 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End E3 2015 Extended Gameplay Walkthrough
【E3 15】《神秘海域 4》E3 展示范影片完整版释出 面对九死一生的惊险挑战

  Naughty Dogs 开发、预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》,今日公布先前在 E3 展公开的 VIP 游玩示范,供玩家参考。

  这段 VIP 游玩示范与 PlayStation E3 展前发表会上的示范是同一段,不过时间更长,带出更多故事剧情的细节。 原本只针对参与闭门展示的 VIP 参观者公开,现在则是在 Twitch 的直播节目上首度对全球玩家公开。 玩家可以见识到传奇寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克过人的体能与超凡的身手。

游戏名称:神秘海域 4:盗贼末路
游戏原名:Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2016 年春季
建议售价:59.99 美元
游玩人数:1 人(联机多人)
开发厂商:Naughty Dog
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment


E3 2015: Uncharted 4 Sam Pursuit Gameplay

Our E3 press conference demo literally left Drake hanging and with good cause. We wanted to give attendees of E3 a treat and show them if Sully and Drake ever caught up to Nathan’s brother, Sam, in time. The reaction was pretty fantastic. Now, for everyone not able to see it at the show, for those who missed our Twitch broadcast earlier today, or for those who just want to watch it again and again, here it is.

Get ready for a wild ride as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will be careening into your living room in 2016.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-4 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-4 06:43 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Special Edition Announced for Europe



Your first look at the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Special Edition

Summer time is here. Time to sit back, relax and look forward to the games coming out this autumn. If you are anything like me, then you’re looking forward to Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. If so, I’ve got some news that might just make your day: the announcement of the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Special Edition.

And what would an Uncharted Special Edition be without some collectible treasures for your mantelpiece?

To that end, we’re including an epic 48-page The Art of Uncharted Trilogy artbook, which includes a hand-picked selection of concept art from Drake’s Fortune, Among Thieves and Drake’s Deception – something that all Uncharted fans will enjoy.

The Special Edition also comes with an exquisitely designed steelbook and a handful of stickers.

All this, obviously in addition to the three Uncharted single player campaigns remastered in 1080p and 60fps and exclusive access to the Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta.

Launching on 7th October in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and 9th October in UK and Ireland, this is definitely something worth dreaming about over the summer.

Fred Dutton - SCEE Blog Manager

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-14 07:07 PM
《神秘海域4 贼途末路》发售日泄露 将于明年9号3月2016年发售?

  《神秘海域4 贼途末路》的发售日一直没有明确,官方只给出了2016年初这样的大致范围。近日,一位德国玩家收到了当地亚马逊网站的邮件,其中标注了《神秘海域4》的发售日,如果这一日期属实,那么我们在明年3月9日就可以与粉丝猎人们见面了。

  本作是《神秘海域》系列最新作,也是系列首度登上PS4平台,多年的开发让玩家们对其充满了期待。游戏中我们依然要与Nathan Drake一起冒险,除了Sully这样的系列老角色将于我们见面外,Nathan的哥哥也将登场。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-18 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-18 06:16 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Story Trailer
《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》公布故事宣传影片 感性回顾德瑞克壮阔的冒险生涯

  Naughty Dog 制作,Bluepoint Games 移植,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 10 月 9 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏移植合辑《秘神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑(UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection)》,17 日在 PlayStation 官方 YouTube 频道公布故事宣传影片,供玩家参考。

  《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》由 Bluepoint Games 配合 PS4 硬件效能重新构筑,收录系列前 3 代《神秘海域:黄金城秘宝》、《神秘海域 2:盗亦有道》、《神秘海域 3:德瑞克的骗局》的单人战役模式。 画质将从 PS3 版的 720p 30fps 提升至 1080p 60fps,强化打光、材质与建模,此外还会追加全新的奖杯,以及随时可以暂停画面拍摄纪念写真的「照片模式」等新要素。


  此外,游戏中还会追加 3 种新游玩模式,包括:

  玩家可以使用甜甜圈德瑞克(胖子德瑞克)或其他 65 种角色造型来游玩全部 3 款游戏。



  购入者可获得最新作《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》多人模式测试资格,预购者可获得「奈森‧德瑞克包」,内含德瑞克的 1~3 代造型、潜水服造型、尼泊尔造型,以及黄金版 AK-47 与 92FS。




游戏原名:UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2015 年 10 月 7 日
语言版本:英文 / 繁体中文
开发厂商:Naughty Dog / Bluepoint Games
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment
官方网站:http://www.unchartedthegame.com/ ... ake_collection.html


Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Story Trailer Revealed

Every great adventure is made up of legendary tales. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection packs three thrilling adventures into one amazing collection. Nathan Drake has grown from man to legend as his story permeated our studio DNA and PlayStation lore. Here’s a glimpse of that transformation.

The exchange seen here between Sully and Drake is a defining moment in the Uncharted story. Sir Francis Drake’s motto “Greatness from small beginnings” has a special place in Nathan Drake’s backstory and frames his epic journeys. He achieved greatness from humble beginnings with a lot of help along the way. Sully became a father-figure and mentor of sorts for Nate and that relationship served as a rock in the often wild, always adventurous saga that you’ll play in Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is the culmination of years of hard work at our studio that has been lovingly rebuilt by the team at Bluepoint Games. It’s incredible to watch Drake run, leap, and shoot on the PS4 with enhanced graphics and gameplay.

Capturing those white-knuckle, trademark Uncharted moments has never been more fun than via the new Photo Mode tools built into the collection. Various improvements in lighting, rendering, texture mapping, and dynamic audio mean all three games are looking and sounding better than ever.

New Trophies and modes such as our Explorer, Speed Run, and Brutal Modes will invite long time adventurers to replay these classics while welcoming newcomers to discover Uncharted greatness.

• Explorer Mode is an all-new mode for beginners where combat difficulty is reduced greatly.

• Speed Run Mode adds a timer that allows players to track their gameplay time against their friends as they play sections of the game.

• Brutal Difficulty Mode is the ultimate challenge as the gameplay will be more punishing than Crushing Difficulty (unlocked after beating Crushing Difficulty in the same game).

You can even play all three single-player games in the collection as Doughnut Drake (or any one of over sixty-five other characters skins) if you’re so inclined. A lot of new polish, hard work, and love were put into making this the ultimate Uncharted collection.

If you want to see what Nathan Drake and his crew are up to next, you’ll only be able to get access to the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End multiplayer beta by purchasing Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. The game arrives October 9th, 2015. Uncover the legend and pre-order today.

Eric Monacelli - Community Strategist, Naughty Dog

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-21 06:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-21 06:50 PM 编辑

《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》中英韩文版 10 月 7 日上市 将推出亚洲独家限量版

  亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)宣布,由 Naughty Dog 制作,Bluepoint Games 移植的 PS4 动作冒险游戏合辑《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑(UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection)》,将于 10 月 7 日在亚洲同步推出中英韩文版一般版与限量版,预购将可获得特制特典。


  《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》由 Bluepoint Games 配合 PS4 硬件效能重新构筑,收录系列前 3 代《神秘海域:黄金城秘宝》、《神秘海域 2:盗亦有道》、《神秘海域 3:德瑞克的骗局》的故事,和德瑞克一同揭开世界各处宝藏背后的秘密,发掘自己的真实身份以及人生至重之事。

  游戏画质由 720p 30fps 提升至 1080p 60fps,强化打光、材质与建模,追加新奖杯,加入 3 种新游玩模式与新难度,以及与随时可以暂停画面拍摄纪念写真的「照片模式」等丰富新要素。

  购入《神秘海域:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》的玩家,将可以在《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》多人测试版推出后独享特别内容。 套装版首批特典与下载版早期购入特典为「奈森‧德瑞克包」,内含德瑞克的 1~3 代造型、潜水服造型、尼泊尔造型,以及黄金版 AK-47 与 92FS。 在台湾与香港指定通路预购一般版与限量版的玩家,还可以获得特制铝制水壶以及特制T恤等亚洲专属的预购特典。

下载版售价:马币RM 169












PlayStation Plus 会员特典
PS4 自定义主题

PS Plus 会员早期购入特典
PS Plus 会员于首两周购入下载版游戏,可获得追加下载内容「奈森‧德瑞克包」
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-1 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-1 07:19 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End launches March 18
《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》确定 3 月 18 日上市 将同步推出特别版与典藏版

  美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)宣布,PS4 动作冒险游戏《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》,确定将于 2016 年 3 月 18 日上市,官方同时公布特别版与典藏版的信息。

由 Alexander “That Kid Who Draws” Iaccarino 设计的典藏铁盒封面插画

  《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》是《神秘海域》系列首度登上 PS4 平台的最新作,故事叙述数年前退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  继先前宣布将延后至 2016 年春季推出后,本次官方终于确认《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》将于 2016 年 3 月 18 日在北美、欧洲与亚洲上市,将同步推出一般版、特别版与莱伯塔利典藏版。

《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》特别版(79.99 美元)

《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》莱伯塔利典藏版(119.99 美元)

《神秘海域 4:盗贼末路》数字豪华版(79.99 美元)

  其他版本的玩家亦可在 PlayStation Store 购买「神秘海域 4 三重包」。 先前已在 PlayStation Store 预购数字版的玩家可加价 20 美元升级为豪华版。 预购数字版的玩家可在上市前预载内容。



游戏名称:秘境探险 4:盗贼末路
游戏原名:Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2016 年 3 月 18 日
建议售价:一般版 59.99 美元,特别版 79.99 美元
莱伯塔利典藏版 119.99 美元,数字豪华版 79.99 美元
游玩人数:1 人(联机多人)
开发厂商:Naughty Dog
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment

Uncharted 4 Launches March 18th, 2016 on PS4

Mark your calendars, folks! We’re excited to announce that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will launch on March 18th, 2016.

As we all eagerly count down the days, we have news to share on all of our pre-order offerings, including two limited edition versions of the game: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Special Edition and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Libertalia Collector’s Edition. For our PlayStation Store customers, don’t worry, we’ve got something in store for you as well!

So, what comes in each package?

The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Special Edition ($79.99 USD, $99.99 CAD) contains a premium, collectible treatment plus an inside look at Naughty Dog’s development process. It includes:

• Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Blu-ray Disc
• Collectible Steelbook case designed by Alexander “That Kid Who Draws” Iaccarino
• 48-page hardcover art book by Dark Horse and Naughty Dog
• Naughty Dog & Pirate Sigil sticker sheet
• Naughty Dog Points: A pack of in-game currency to unlock various multiplayer content

If that’s not enough for you, the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Libertalia Collector’s Edition ($119.99 USD) includes everything listed above, plus:

• A 12″ premium Nathan Drake statue by Gentle Giant
• Three multiplayer outfits: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Heist Drake, and Desert Drake outfits
• Two custom weapon skins: Golden Weapon Skin and Desert Weapon Skin
• Henry Avery Sigil ball cap
• Madagascar Sidekick outfits

For those of you who prefer to own your games digitally, you’ll also be able to download the Uncharted 4 Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99 USD, $99.99 CAD) from PlayStation Store. The Digital Deluxe version will be available for pre-order on the store later this week, but here’s a look at what’s included. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available.

• A digital copy of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
• Uncharted 4 Triple Pack: Includes future access to the first-ever, single-player story add-on for the Uncharted series and two multiplayer packs that will unlock new, rare and legendary multiplayer items
• Instant unlock of two multiplayer customization items

The Triple Pack can also be purchased separately as an add-on. And if you already pre-ordered Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End through PlayStation Store, you can upgrade to the Digital Deluxe Edition for $20 more. And don’t forget — you can pre-order and pre-load from PlayStation Store and play the game the minute it’s released.

There’s also a Pre-Order Bonus Pack we’re adding to any pre-order of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (physical or digital). It includes the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune outfit multiplayer customization, the Golden Weapon customization, and a pack of Naughty Dog Points.

Our awesome retail partners are also offering special goodies depending on which retailer you choose pre-order with.

• Pre-order at GameStop to receive the Multiplayer Booster Pack to instantly unlock a variety of one-time use multiplayer boosts, and The Phurba Dagger Taunt based on the iconic symbol from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
• Pre-order at Amazon to receive the Snow Camo weapon customization and the Desert Drake outfit multiplayer customization.
• Pre-order via PlayStation Store to receive the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Dynamic Theme and the Desert Weapon customization.

Phew! We know that’s a lot to review, but I’m glad we can finally spill the beans on Naughty Dog’s biggest game yet. Who’s excited for March 18th?

David Bull - Brand Manager, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-15 06:24 AM
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection ~ Demo on Sep. 29, Uncharted 1 Gameplay


The demo for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will feature the 'Warzone' chapter from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-15 07:21 PM
【TGS 15】《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》曝光东京电玩展宣传影片

  今日在 SCEJA 2015 东京电玩展展前记者会中,PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》公开东京电玩展宣传影片。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是《秘境探险》系列首度登上 PS4 平台的最新作,故事叙述数年前退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。


  PS4《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》将于 2016 年 3 月 18 日同步在北美、欧洲与亚洲上市。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-18 07:10 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-30 07:42 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-7 06:48 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-9 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-28 06:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 07:53 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta Begins December 4
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》公布多人模式宣传影片 活用 AI 伙伴与超自然能力致胜

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 2016 年 3 月 18 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》,在 10 月 27 日举办的 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会中,首度公布了多人联机模式的实机画面宣传影片,供玩家参考。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是《秘境探险》系列首度登上 PS4 平台的最新作,故事叙述数年前退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》多人联机模式汲取前 2 代的经验,并加入众多新要素,包括:

  4 代的多人模式将采用较单人模式加倍的 60fps 画面更新率,提供更顺畅的对战体验。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》多人联机模式将在巴黎游戏周首度开放试玩。 凡购买《秘境探险:奈森‧德瑞克合辑》的玩家,皆可获得 12 月 4 日至 13 日举办的多人联机模式独家测试资格。



Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Revealed, Playable at PlayStation Experience

So it finally happened! The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Multiplayer was revealed to the world. The trailer shown earlier today at the PlayStation press conference for Paris Games Week gave people a glimpse of all the hard work the Naughty Dog multiplayer team has put into it.

And hey, if you’re joining us at PlayStation Experience this December, you’ll be able to go hands-on!

Over the course of development for Uncharted 4 Multiplayer there have been a number of ideas that sounded great on paper, which were tried and failed. This happened time and time again but through each iteration there was one nugget of “that is cool” that we would cling to and bring with us into the next iteration. We were constantly applying our lessons learned on our previous experiences with Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, and The Last of Us which helped shape an incredibly exciting, fast, and deeply rich multiplayer game.

Expect the teamwork, over-the-top action-adventure, and detail-rich gameplay environments you’ve come to expect from the Uncharted series Multiplayer mode. We have greatly enriched multiplayer with elements you may have caught in the trailer.

One thing we’ve done in particular is introduce a number of systems completely unique to Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Multiplayer.

• Sidekicks: When you are in a pinch you can call in your friendly Sidekick to help you. These are unique, AI controlled characters that come equipped with unique abilities that can help turn the tide of a battle.

• Mysticals: These are supernatural abilities from the Uncharted series that give a player unique powers. See if you can recognize what Mystical abilities we are showing off in the trailer.

• Last, you will be able to leverage the grappling hook in a number of locations in our multiplayer maps. We have also heavily leveraged this exciting mechanic for our melee. Yes, you will be able to land on people and take them out –would you expect less?

If you are at Paris Games Week, please join us at the PlayStation booth on the show floor to get your hands on our first playable demo of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Multiplayer. This demo will also be at PAX Australia from October 30th to November 1st, and at Lisboa Games Week from November 5th to November 8th.

If you can’t join us at one of these shows, you can gain exclusive access to the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta by buying Uncharted: The Nathan Drake collection. The Beta will run from December 4th to December 13th, 2015.

We look forward to seeing you online in the final, full version of Multiplayer when Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is released worldwide on March 18th, 2016.

Robert Cogburn - Lead Game Designer


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-2 06:11 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-4 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-5 07:30 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4 cinematic introduces Nadine Ross
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》释出 Game Awards 2015 宣传影片 新女性角色现身袭击德瑞克

  在美国时间 12 月 4 日开幕的「The Game Awards 2015」中,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)曝光了
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》的最新宣传影片,并揭露了新的女性角色。 影片中可以看到她袭击奈森‧德瑞克的动作场面。

  PS4《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》将于 2016 年 3 月 18 日同步在北美、欧洲与亚洲上市。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-5 04:26 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-6 08:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-6 10:35 AM 编辑

《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》释出新游玩影像 过场动画插入对话选项要素

  美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)在 12 月 6 日在美国旧金山莫斯科尼会议中心(Moscone Center)举办的年度玩家活动「PlayStation Experience 2015」开幕主题发表会中,释出了 Naughty Dog 制作的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》游玩影像, 藉由德瑞克和他的哥哥山姆的对话,可以确认到过场动画将会插入对话选项要素。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-7 07:52 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-8 07:36 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-18 05:59 PM
Brand new Uncharted 4 trailer showing before Star Wars: The Force Awakens

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-22 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-22 07:10 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End CG Teaser & Behind the Scenes Video
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》最新幕后视频公开

  今天除了《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的“影院限定宣传片”被官方公开了之外,顽皮狗也放出了一部全新的《神秘海域4:贼途末路》的幕后制作视频,而且根据制作人Neil Duckmann的说法这个幕后视频其实之前也是在部分影院随《原理觉醒》播出的。

  视频里主要为我们呈现了本作的演员们在制作《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》时的动作捕捉过程,而制作人则表示他想要把这部作品制作成“能够游玩的夏日大作”。相信制作人特意这么说的原因就在于“电影化游戏”的盛行让玩家颇有一种“看游戏”而不是玩游戏的感觉,而把电影感和游戏性结合的好也确实不是一件容易的事情。不过,好在从目前《神秘海域4》放出的宣传内容来看,本作在这点上做的还是不错的。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》预定于2016年3月18日发售,登陆PS4平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-24 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-24 06:24 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End delayed to April 26

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Arrives on April 26, 2016

Let’s start with the good news: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is wrapping up production and is shaping up to be the proper send off for Nathan Drake that we’ve promised you. The bad news is that we need a bit more time to finish the game so that it meets our standards and vision. Let’s cut to the chase, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has a new release date in North America of April 26, 2016.

This is our largest Uncharted game to date, and the team has been working incredibly hard to meet the challenge of closing out the game’s development in a timely manner. However, as we approached our final deadlines and started wrapping up the game’s levels, we realized that several key sequences needed extra resources to bring them to the finish line. After carefully considering all of our options, we decided to extend our schedule, making sure that we get a few more polish passes before submitting our gold master (the final disc for manufacturing).

Pushing the date is not an easy choice, and we wouldn’t do it if we didn’t feel in our hearts it’s the best course of action for the game. To you, our loyal fans, we hope you’ll accept our sincere apology. We know many of you have been waiting patiently for Nathan Drake’s final chapter, and now we humbly ask you to wait a bit longer.

On April 26, 2016 the most ambitious installment in the Uncharted series will be in your hands.

Neil Druckmann & Bruce Straley


确认延期 于2016年4月26日发售


  本作的导演Neil Druckmann和Bruce Straley通过PS官方博客透露了这一情报,同时也解释了延期的原因。他们表示本作的主要开发工作已经完毕,但是为了让游戏符合顽皮狗的标准和眼光,他们需要更多的时间来完成游戏。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-30 07:33 PM
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》特殊铁盒版公布

  德国亚马逊公布了一个特殊版本的铁盒装《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》,目前还没有关于其他区域发售这款特殊铁盒的消息,暂时为德亚限定。该版本的铁盒封面即为游戏中的地图,拿在手中估计就会自然而然的萌生出发探险的想法。可惜的是目前这款铁盒处于下架状态,何时有货还未可知。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-5 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-5 06:49 PM 编辑

Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PS4 Bundle Announced
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》特别限定版PS4公开 4月26日发售

      《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》特别限定版PlayStation 4正式公开,并确定将于4月26日在亚洲发售。

        《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》特别限定版PlayStation 4套装,在北美地区售价399.99美元并将于4月26日发售。内附蓝灰色的特别版PlayStation 4主机和DualShock 4手柄,及《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的BD蓝光实体版游戏。

        特别版的蓝灰色PlayStation 4主机,正面的光滑表面印有PlayStation图标和金色的《秘境探险》图标,及Nathan Drake的图像,而侧面则印金色拉丁文“SIC PARVIS MAGNA”,即Drake戒指中所印的“小处成就大事”。欧洲版为1TB版PS4,而北美版为500GB版PS4,亚洲版同为500GB硬盘,售价3280港币。

        欧美地区的《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》特别限定版PlayStation 4套装预购已经开始。预购特典有《秘境探险:德雷克的宝藏》服装,金武器外观,多人联机可用的《秘境探险》点数。亚洲地区销售信息仍待完全公开。

       蓝灰色的DualShock 4手柄亦将在3月单独发售,售价64.99美元。另外,蓝灰色版的PlayStation金奖杯无线耳机同样将在3月发售,售价99.99美元。在该无线耳机上,同样印有PlayStation图标和金色的《秘境探险》图标,并会配有Naughty Dog调制的 《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》游戏专用音效配置供下载使用。港版手柄售价468港币,耳机售价780港币,发售日都是4月26日 。

       PlayStation 4《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》中英文合版将于4月26日发售。


Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PS4 Bundle Out April 26th

To commemorate Uncharted 4’s April 26th release date, we’re rolling out the red — er, blue — carpet with a special Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PlayStation 4 Bundle. Unlike Nathan Drake, you don’t need to trek through Madagascar to find this treasure. Just pick one up in the U.S. and Canada on April 26th for $399.99 USD / $499.99 CAD. Pre-orders start later today.

This bundle includes a Limited Edition 500GB PS4 in Gray Blue featuring a silk-screened image of Nathan Drake, as well as a matching DualShock 4 and a copy of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End on Blu-ray. The limited edition PS4 also features the PlayStation logo, Uncharted logo, and the phrase “SIC PARVIS MAGNA” in gold. “SIC PARVIS MAGNA” is Latin for “Greatness from small beginnings” and is the same phrase engraved on Drake’s ring.

As a bonus, if you pre-order the Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PS4 Bundle, you’ll receive a voucher for an Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Outfit, Golden Weapon Skin, and Uncharted Points to use in Multiplayer Mode.

We’ll also sell the Gray Blue DualShock 4 separately in early March, ahead of the release of the bundle, for $64.99 USD / $89.99 CAD.

Lastly, a limited edition Gray Blue version of the Gold Wireless Headset will be available in early March for $99.99 USD / $119.99 CAD. This limited edition headset, which is the perfect companion for Uncharted 4 Multiplayer, features the same gray blue color as the PS4 included in the bundle, as well as the PlayStation logo and “SIC PARVIS MAGNA” in gold. A custom Uncharted 4 audio mode tuned specifically for PlayStation headsets by Naughty Dog will be available via the Headset Companion App when Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End launches on April 26th.

The launch of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is almost upon us and honestly, I couldn’t be more excited.

John Koller - Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-25 06:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-25 06:41 AM 编辑

Naughty Dog used Assassin's Creed IV artwork for the new Uncharted 4 Trailer


Update: Sony has swapped out the old Uncharted 4 trailer for a new one without Assassin's Creed art.

An update on the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Story Trailer

In our eagerness to get the story trailer out we made a regrettable mistake and didn’t thoroughly vet the art work used for an in game painting. We’ve already updated the trailer. We hold all artistry in high regard and take full responsibility for having allowed this to happen.

We want to sincerely apologize to everyone at Ubisoft, the Assassin’s Creed team, the original artist, and our fans.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-25 06:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-25 07:10 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Story Trailer
《秘境探险 4》释出剧情宣传影片 一窥传奇寻宝猎人为了挚爱牺牲的冒险终章

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 4 月 26 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,今(24)日公布剧情宣传影片,供玩家欣赏。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是《秘境探险》系列首度登上 PS4 平台的最新作,故事叙述数年前退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  在本次的剧情宣传影片中,以主角奈森与其兄山姆自幼的羁绊为主轴,替这场他生涯中最后的冒险篇章揭开序幕。 影片中带出了许多即将于游戏中出现的场面,包括雪山洞窟、丛林遗迹、热带岛屿、非洲草原等,还有亦师亦友的老搭挡苏利、挚爱的艾莲娜,以及许多首度登场的新面孔。


Uncharted 4 Story Trailer Revealed

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is almost done. The game’s launch is right around the corner — April 26th, 2016! Up until now we’ve dropped small hints about Nate’s final adventure. It’s time to finally pull the curtain back and give you the official Story Trailer. But before jumping into it, a warning:

We’re being careful not to reveal too much — but story trailers by their very nature contain some story spoilers. If you’re on a media blackout… what are you doing here? For everyone else, we have what we consider to be the best trailer in Naughty Dog’s history.

As you can see, there’s quite a bit at stake for Nathan Drake’s closing chapter. The team is working extremely hard to deliver our most ambitious game to date. We can’t tell you how excited we all are for you to play the final game.

There’s plenty more to show from now until launch. We’ll be dropping new info, screenshots, and behind-the-scenes videos on a regular basis. Until then, don’t forget you can preorder the game or the Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PS4 bundle.

Until next time. Now back to finishing Uncharted 4.

Neil Druckmann - Creative Director, Naughty Dog

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-2 06:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-2 06:25 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4 delayed two weeks to May 10
《秘境探险 4》再度延期至 5 月 10 日推出 预定本周末举办多人联机压力测试

  美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)总裁兼执行长尚‧雷登(Shawn Layden)今(2)日透过美国 PlayStation 官方部落格发表,由 Naughty Dog 开发的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,为了满足全球市场的需求,将再度延期至 5 月 10 日推出。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是畅销动作冒险游戏《秘境探险》系列 PS4 最新作,故事叙述已经退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  游戏最初预定 3 月 18 日推出,后续因为开发进度的问题而延后至 4 月 26 日(相关报导),如今则是因为生产供应问题而再度延期至 5 月 10 日推出。 以下为尚‧雷登官方发表数据原文。

尚‧雷登(Shawn Layden)发表于 2016 年 3 月 1 日 // 美国索尼计算机娱乐总裁兼执行长

相信大家都知道,Naughty Dog 正在赶工完成 Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End 的制作,游戏也按预定于本月稍后时间完成并开始生产。 为了要满足全球的庞大需求,确保世界各地的玩家都有机会在发售当日马上玩到本作,我们决定将发售日延后两个星期,以增加生产时间。 因此,Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End 的最新发售日将改为 2016 年 5 月 10 日。

我们很清楚这个消息将会让各位为相当失望,很抱歉又要让你们多等一会,才能玩到 Naughty Dog 的最新作品。 好消息是,本作将会是个不负所望的超级杰作──我们很有信心大家的期待不会落空,Naughty Dog 里的所有人也等不及要让各位体验奈森‧德瑞克的最后冒险。

非感谢大家一直对 PlayStation 的支持。

  此外,官方同时宣布,将于台湾时间 3 月 5 日~3 月 7 日进行《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》多人游玩压力测试,所有玩家都可以参与,测试版本预定今日稍晚会在 PlayStation Store 开放下载。

New Release Date for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

As you know, Naughty Dog is wrapping up production on Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End with the game on track to go gold and into production later this month. In an effort to meet the considerable worldwide demand, and to ensure that all gamers worldwide have the opportunity to play the game on day one, we have chosen to postpone the launch of the game by two weeks to allow for extra manufacturing time.

Therefore, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has a new worldwide release date of May 10, 2016.

We know this news might be disappointing, and we are sorry to have to make you wait a little longer to play Naughty Dog’s latest. The good news is that the game is phenomenal — we are fully confident that it will be worth the wait and the team at Naughty Dog is eager as ever for you to experience Nathan Drake’s final adventure.

We thank you for your continued support for PlayStation.

Shawn Layden - President and CEO, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-8 06:43 PM
《神秘海域 4》公测及完整版情报

  Naughty Dog旗下人气系列游戏《神秘海域 4》新一轮压力测试正在如火如荼的开展,为了表示诚意官方还特别为玩家淮备全新夜晚地图,即“Rooftops”,在这里主角德雷克会遇到许多隐蔽性极强的对手,也给整个寻宝之旅增添了不少刺激!

  程序设计师Edward Pereira以及游戏设计师Vinit Agarwal分享了关于该作的更多信息,总结如下。

·多人模式时,Naughty Dog一直考虑在其中加入潜行元素,不过他们意识到,就目前来看潜行似乎并不太适合多人模式。


·在参考测试期间玩家们的反馈后,Naughty Dog将会对游戏中的Brute进行调整,之后它不会单独进攻敌人的队伍,而是紧密围绕在玩家周围,所以想要再靠Brute来轻鬆团灭敌人将会困难得多。



·Naughty Dog最初想让每个职业限定几个人物角色,但是最终没有这样,而是让玩家选择自己喜欢的角色来玩各类喜欢的职业。

·在《神秘海域 4》裡,Nathan和Elena没有孩子。

·Naughty Dog现在还没有确定是否採用玩单人模式解锁多人模式内容的游戏方式。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-9 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-10 06:17 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4》公布幕后花絮影片 全力打造 “可游玩” 的好莱坞卖座巨片

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 5 月 10 日推出中文版的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,现公布幕后花絮影片供玩家参考。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是《秘境探险》系列首度登上 PS4 平台的最新作,故事叙述数年前退休的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、他的决心,以及他为了挚爱所做出的牺牲。

  在本次的幕后花絮影片中,包括创意总监尼尔‧达克曼(Neil Druckmann)与游戏总监布鲁斯‧史崔利(Bruce Straley)在内的关键制作班底都亲自现身说法,阐述这款向好莱坞卖座巨片看齐的系列完结篇的制作理念。 玩家可以见识到担任主角奈森‧德瑞克及其兄山姆‧德瑞克配音与动作演出的诺兰‧诺斯(Nolan North)与特洛伊‧巴克(Troy Baker)进行动作截取演出对手戏的场面。

※ 特洛伊‧巴克先前曾担任过《最后生还者》主角乔尔(Joel)的配音与动作演出

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-10 06:52 AM
The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ~ The Evolution of a Franchise


The Making of Uncharted 4: Watch the First Episode Now

We’ve got a great treat for you as we head into the final weeks of development — today, we are kicking off our five-episode behind-the-scenes series, The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The video team at PlayStation was given incredible access to our studio, game assets, and many of the people working on Uncharted 4, to craft a compelling series to cap off this final chapter for Nathan Drake.

We’re calling this first episode The Evolution of a Franchise. It’s a great way to kick off this “Making of” series, as we take a brief look how Naughty Dog and the Uncharted series has evolved since Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune made its debut on PS3 in 2007, including the influence of The Last of Us on the team and our development process.

The five-episode series is scheduled to be released throughout March and April, so check back to get a behind-the-scenes look at the Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. You’ll want to stick around for the full series — I would go so far as to say it was emotional for a few people here to watch by the time the series wrapped up.

Here’s a quick rundown at the upcoming episodes:

• The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: The Evolution of a Franchise
• The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: Growing up with Drake
• The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: Pushing Technical Boundaries Part 1
• The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: Pushing Technical Boundaries Part 2
• The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: In the End

The team is still hard at work finishing up Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and we’ll be revealing more leading up to the worldwide release on May 10th, 2016.

Arne Meyer - Director of Communications, Naughty Dog

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-17 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-17 07:06 PM 编辑

The Making of Uncharted 4 Episode 2 ~ Growing Up With Drake
《秘境探险 4》公布幕后花絮影片 阐述与德瑞克一起成长的 10 年经历

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 5 月 10 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,现公布第 2 部幕后花絮影片,供玩家欣赏。

  本次公布的第 2 部幕后花絮影片「与德瑞克一起成长(Growing Up With Drake)」,邀请到在系列问世这 10 年间参与制作的 Naughty Dog 团队关键成员,及饰演德瑞克、苏利文与爱莲娜的演员,感性分享自己伴随着主角德瑞克一起成长的历程,以及参与这次完结篇制作的感言。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-19 05:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-19 06:05 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4 has gone gold
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》已开发完成 将进厂压盘



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-23 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-23 06:23 PM 编辑

The Making of Uncharted 4 Episode 2 ~ Pushing Technical Boundaries
《秘境探险 4》公布幕后花絮影片 立足新世代平台扩展技术界线

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 5 月 10 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,现公布第 3 部幕后花絮影片,供玩家参考。

  本次公布的幕后花絮影片「扩展技术的界线 Part 1(Pushing Technical Boundaries)」,展示这次新作在新世代 PS4 主机上挑战技术界线的成果,包括关卡的规模、可探索的范围、游戏进行多路线选择、环境对象的互动、角色建模与贴图材质的提升、更为拟真的着色器特效、全新导入的同步脸部撷取等,众多的新技术与新手法,是如何让《 秘境探险 4》有着脱胎换骨的进化。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-24 06:59 AM
The Making of Uncharted 4 ~ Pushing Technical Boundaries Part 2

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-26 06:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-5 07:26 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4 'Heads or Tails' CG Trailer

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-31 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-31 06:56 PM 编辑

The Making of Uncharted 4 ~ In The End

《秘境探险 4》公布幕后花絮影片完结篇 迈向集系列之大成的最终结局

  Naughty Dog 制作,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 5 月 10 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,现公布幕后花絮影片完结篇,供玩家参考。

  本次公布的是幕后花絮影片的最后一集「最后(In The End)」,总结了制作团队对这次制作系列完结篇的期许,以及伴随系列走过漫漫 10 年的感想。 影片中曝光了不少新游戏内容片段。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-5 07:16 AM
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End - Madagascar Preview | PS4


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-7 07:12 AM
Uncharted 4 Special & Collector's Editions Trailers


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-11 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-11 06:32 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》系列回顾视频 一起回忆船长的过往

  距离《秘境探险4:贼途末路》的发售还剩下不到一个月的时间了,相信很多喜欢该系列粉丝们已等不及了。作为PS4独占平台上当之无愧的大作,这款作品值得所有PS4玩家进行尝试和体验和享受。如果你没有玩过前三部作品,但是又对第4代的剧情一头雾水的话,可以先来看看Python and Selkan制作的《秘境探险》系列剧情回顾视频。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-23 07:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-25 07:26 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》掠夺模式公开 相关宣传影像放出

  日前索尼和顽皮狗工作室公开了《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的新模式——掠夺模式(Plunder Mode),这是比较类似夺旗模式的一种模式,玩家们需要找到地图中的神像并将其带回己方的宝箱中。而和系列前作相比,本作的掠夺模式也有了一些变化,本作中玩家们持有神像的时候也能够敏捷移动了,而本作中掠夺模式将采用4VS4的形式对抗。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-26 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-26 06:29 PM 编辑

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Final Trailer
《秘境探险 4》公布最终宣传影片 传奇寻宝猎人重出江湖的最终冒险

  Naughty Dog 开发,新加坡索尼互动娱乐(SIES)预定 5 月 10 日在全国推出中文版的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,现公布最终宣传影片。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》是畅销动作冒险游戏《秘境探险》系列 PS4 最新作,故事叙述已经金盆洗手数年的寻宝猎人奈森‧德瑞克,受情势所逼重操旧业,踏上追寻传奇海盗宝藏背后阴谋的环球冒险。 这场他人生中最伟大的冒险将测试他的体能极限、决心,以及为了挚爱的牺牲付出。


官方同时公布了多人联机对战游玩模式的 4 对 4「夺宝战」实机游玩短片。



One Last Time: The Final Uncharted 4 Trailer

Just think: in a mere two weeks’ time, we’ll all be playing Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Naughty Dog has described Nathan Drake’s next adventure as his last — I sure hope it’s not! But just in case it is, let’s take one more look at what’s in store with the final trailer.

I adore Naughty Dog. Ever since they transformed game storytelling with The Last of Us, I believe they are the most vital game studio operating in the world today. What’s their secret? Look past the virtuoso art direction, put aside the spectacular action set pieces, and you’ll find characters driven by motivations we can all understand: loyalty, greed, sacrifice, revenge.

The secret sounds so simple, so elementary. But folks — making these vulnerable characters live and breathe so convincingly amidst a mammoth, white-knuckle epic is an extraordinary accomplishment.

With The Last of Us, I argued that Naughty Dog had created the game of the generation. With Uncharted 4, let’s see where they go next.

Sid Shuman - Senior Manager, Social Media

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-27 07:21 AM
Uncharted 4’s street date broken two weeks early

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-28 07:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-28 06:42 PM 编辑

Sony: Some stolen copies of Uncharted 4 may be circulating
《秘境探险 4》部分游戏片于运送途中遭窃 吉田修平呼吁玩家慎防剧情泄漏讯息

  索尼互动娱乐环球工作室(SIE WWS)总裁吉田修平,今(27)日在 PlayStation 官方部落格发表声明,表示预定 5 月 10 日推出的 PS4 游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,有部分游戏片在英国运送途中遭窃,虽已报警处理,但已有少数游戏片流入市面。

  吉田修平表示,他了解许多玩家期待游戏上市的心情,以他自己实际体验的感想,他认为这个等待是值得的。 如同大多数 Naughty Dog 出品的游戏,故事剧情的展开是这款游戏的体验中非常重要的要素,因此他特别提醒大家,那些取得遭窃游戏片的人有可能会流出涉及剧情泄漏的影片。 他呼吁认同制作团队才华与辛劳的玩家不要购买发售日前偷跑的游戏、助长剧情泄漏的歪风。

  此外,SIET 今日也公布了《秘境探险 4》幕后花絮影片「挑战技术极限篇(第一部)」中文字幕版,有兴趣的玩家可以深入了解首度登上 PS4 的《秘境探险 4》究竟有哪些技术上的突破。

Uncharted 4 Update

We have some unfortunate news to report that a number of copies of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End were stolen while in transit. While we are continuing to work with the police to resolve the matter — which is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation — it appears that a few copies of the game have surfaced in the UK.

We know that very many of you have been looking forward with great anticipation and excitement to the latest masterpiece from Naughty Dog. From what I have played of Nathan Drake’s latest adventure, I can tell you that it is very much worth the wait. As with most Naughty Dog games, the unfolding story is such an integral part of the experience and for this reason we wanted to warn you to beware of the potential for spoilers to be posted by people with access to stolen copies of the game.

An extremely talented team has worked long and hard to bring Nathan Drake’s greatest adventure to life and we would urge you to help us prevent this from being spoiled by purchasing copies of the game ahead of the launch date. Please rest assured we will be very vigilant to protect you from this as far as we can so you can enjoy Uncharted 4’s experience to its fullest on May 10.

Shuhei Yoshida - President, SIE Worldwide Studios


Update: All Uncharted 4 stock sold at CEX and on eBay was the result of a violent assault and theft, PlayStation has said.

"We can confirm that unfortunately some contents from a lorry transporting a variety of video game and DVD titles, including a quantity of the much anticipated Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, was stolen in the UK, during a violent assault," a spokesperson told MCV.

"We are doing everything in our power to assist the police in their ongoing criminal investigation.

"To be clear, we have yet to ship any stock of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End to retail and so any suggestion that UK retailers have broken the official street date is not correct.

"The official release date of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End remains May 10th.

"We would like to reassure our players and partners that we are taking all possible steps to make the launch of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End the success it deserves to be for the millions of fans of Naughty Dog and the Uncharted series."
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-2 06:59 PM
There are in-game filters on Uncharted 4, you can play the whole game with them

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-3 07:09 PM
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》全部多人模式地图与更新完全免费

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》设计师Robert Cogburn在PS官方博客上和我们分享了很多本作多人模式的细节。他提到,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》多人模式的全部DLC都将向玩家免费提供。同时,本作也存在课金系统,但玩家付费购买的道具都只是装饰性物品,不会对游戏的平衡性产生任何影响。即使各位不课金,也可以在游戏过程中获得这些道具。


  在之前的《秘境探险》系列作品中,多人模式的DLC地图均以付费的形式推出。Robert Cogburn称,多人模式免费更新是顽皮狗工作室找到的全新的发展方向,他们获得玩家的好评并保持住本作多人模式的活跃度。其实这一商业模式并不是该团队首创,343工作室已经将这一模式应用在《光环5:守护者》中了。从结果上来看这款作品也确实保持了一定的用户活跃度。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-24 06:41 PM
《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》首周全球销量超270万

  Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) 宣布,截至2016年5月16日,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》在PlayStation®4 (PS4®) 平台上的全球累积销量已经突破了270万*。在亚洲地区,本作是PlayStation®4至今销售速度最快的第一方游戏。这一惊人销售额在发售日首周后达成。

  《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》由擅长编写游戏故事的着名游戏工作室 Naughty Dog开发,是PlayStation®系列作的最新作品,亦是内森·德雷克最后的一场寻宝之旅。好评如潮的《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》收录全新的游戏系统、更广阔开放的环境、更棒的画质和动画,以及完全进化的多人游玩模式。

  Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios的主席Shawn Layden说:“感谢Naughty Dog团队打造出《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》,这是一个为互动娱乐树立了新标准的非一般体验。我们很高兴能看到那么多的玩家能与内森·德雷克一起踏上这次的冒险旅程,也很期待能继续带来PlayStation独家的精彩游戏体验。”*包括截至2016年5月16日的光碟实际销量与下载版销量。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-30 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-30 07:04 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4》释出多人模式 1.08 版大型更新与首波 DLC「失落的宝藏」

  Naughty Dog 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)发行,目前贩卖中的 PS4 本家独占动作冒险游戏《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)》,于美国时间 6 月 29 日释出多人模式的 1.08 版大型更新以及首波多人模式追加下载内容( DLC)「失落的宝藏(Lost Treasures)」。


  官方表示,自从 5 月 10 日正式开放多人模式以来,已经有超过 180 万名玩家玩过,总计累积 54 年的游玩时间。 多人模式对制作团队来说一直都很重要,因此将会持续开发与推出更新来强化游戏体验。 这次的 1.08 版将是多人模式上线以来的首个大型更新,更新档容量超过 1.3GB。 这次更新包含首个多人模式 DLC「失落的宝藏」,新增「等级系统」以及全新的「排行系统」。


「沉水遗迹(Sunken Ruins)」




在 1.08 版更新部分,则是追加以下内容:


  加入玩家建议的等级系统,目前等级上限为 70 级,每升 5 级就可以获得独家装饰道具奖励。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-13 07:48 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-1 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-1 06:43 PM 编辑

《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》全新多人模式情报地图

  今天顽皮狗工作室为《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》推出一张全新的多人模式地图。这次的更新是完全免费的,玩家将在地图“新德文”(New Devon)上展开新一轮狙击战。这一次的新地图将是《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》中最大的一幅,具有极大的开放性和各异的地形。显然,地图的设计充分考虑了射击战的需求,复杂的场景让远程装备和狙击手得以大展身手。此外,这次更新也对Rank机制做了调整,新的收集宝藏玩法也将被加入。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-22 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-31 06:09 PM
《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》新情报剧情DLC 独立发行

  《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》(Uncharted 4:A Thief End)本作发售已经半年了,虽然顽皮狗早前就公布有单人剧情 DLC 计划,可在这之后半年里似乎只对游戏的多人模式青睐有加,决口不提之前的承诺了。

  根据国外游戏媒体LetsPlayVideoGames的预计,在今年 12 月 3 日举办的PlayStation Experience 2016展会上,顽皮狗将会公布《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的单人剧情DLC。

  LetsPlayVideoGames 的预测并非空穴来风。他们在近期的伦敦动漫展上采访到了Nathan Drake 的配音演员 Troy Baker,并得到了他对“顽皮狗迄今为止最大剧情DLC”的确定,Troy 还透露说,这个DLC“很快”就会到来;此外,他们还得到了另一个神秘消息来源的爆料:《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》DLC的剧情仍会围绕Drake 兄弟的故事展开,如果你很期待Nathan Drake 女儿表现,那可能得多等等了,此外非常值得注意的是,这个DLC 可以在没有本体游戏的情况下独立运行。

  如果传言成真,对那些还没接触过本体游戏的玩家,的确会是一个好机会。另外方面也证明,这个剧情DLC 的内容的确非常丰富,甚至足以作为一个完整游戏了。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-22 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-22 07:22 AM 编辑

Uncharted 4 will add Survival mode in mid-December
《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》生存模式宣传片展示 12月中旬推出

  今天开发商顽皮狗公布了新的内容并放出宣传片展示了《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的全新生存模式。该模式分为合作和单人部分,将会在下周的PSX 上亮相,并于12月中旬正式推出。



Since announcing it as part of our Uncharted 4 Multiplayer road map back in May, one of the most common questions we get is: what’s in store for co-op? Well, today I’m excited to give you a first look at Uncharted 4: Survival, our new cooperative and solo mode that will make its public hands-on debut at PlayStation Experience next week and launch in mid-December.

Survival is a wave-based mode where you and up to two additional friends can take on swarms of increasingly powerful enemies and unique objectives. If you played Co-Op Arena from Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3, you’re going to feel right at home in Survival. We’ve built upon and evolved the core gameplay experience with an entirely new level of depth, challenge, and variety. From new enemy types and powerful new bosses to a dedicated progression system and expansive upgradable arsenal, Survival is all about strategy, camaraderie, and skill.

Across 50 waves and 10 maps, you’ll face off against Shoreline mercenaries, heavily armored Brutes, Snipers, Hunters, and more that will only get more precise, more aggressive, and better equipped as time goes on. Every 10 waves culminates in an intense boss battle, including our all-new Pirate Warlords. Inspired by the story of Uncharted 4, some of the Founders of Libertalia have arrived to hunt you down with powerful Mystical attacks. Don’t miss Henry Avery himself as the Djinn-wielding Warlord boss in the video above.

But Survival requires more than just dispatching enemies. To reach wave 50, you’ll need to work your way through objective modes where victory depends on defending a particular area, collecting treasures within a time limit, or taking out marked enemies. We might even throw a curveball at you from time to time, like when an active modifier makes it so only pistols, headshots, or melee attacks do damage to enemies. As you take out enemies and complete objectives, you’ll earn in-game cash, which can be used to unlock and equip weapons and gear via arsenal crates around the map. You can buy everything from Heavy Weapons, long guns, Mysticals, and more.

Survival also features its own dedicated progression system, Relic Challenges, and loadouts. As you rank up, you’ll earn upgrades for your weapons, as well as new items, such as Survival-exclusive boosters. There are also vanity items that can only earned by playing Survival, but can be used to deck out your character in both Survival and Multiplayer. Best of all, the challenge grows with you. Enemies will adapt to your increased firepower and there are multiple difficulties to choose from. Those that finish Survival on Hard Mode will unlock Crushing Mode, which as the name suggests, is the ultimate test of your will and determination.

But this is just a small taste of what to expect when Survival launches next month. To see more, be sure to check out IGN’s exclusive coverage and extended gameplay videos. And if you’re attending PlayStation Experience next week, come see us at the Uncharted 4: Survival booth to try out the mode for yourself.

Vinit Agarwal - Game Designer, Naughty Dog

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-4 06:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-6 07:30 AM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy announced for PS4
《秘境探险》独立章节游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将在 2017 年发售

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)在年度玩家活动「PlayStation Experience 2016」中宣布,将在 PS4 推出《秘境探险》的独立章节游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产(暂译,Uncharted:The Lost Legacy)》并且发表了预告影片。

  而官方也在 Blog 上给了更多的说明。 当《秘境探险 4》结束时,也代表了德瑞克这十年来的故事结束。 当制作小组思考该是诠释谁的剧情时,想到了完美又令人喜爱的克洛伊。 根据官方指出,PSX 释出的影片仅是游戏前期的部分。 玩家操作的克洛伊将会在遭到战争蹂躏的城市遇到佣兵集团的首领娜汀。

  娜汀是个冷静且熟练的作战指挥家,与机智灵敏的克洛伊形成有趣的对比。 在这个故事中,两人将携手合作,前进印度南部的西高止山脉,寻找当地神明象神失落已久的宝藏「獠牙」。

  在开始制作之后,顽皮狗发觉自己对于游戏的愿景不止于此,不该只是《秘境探险 4》的延伸(单纯的 DLC)而可以做的更多,之后决定做成独立章节。

  而《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将会发售实体版与数字版。 若是当初有购买豪华版以及季票的,千万别错过失落的遗产的下载代码,这份下载代码 12 月 13 日之后停止供应。


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Arrives Next Year on PS4

We’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years on a journey with Nathan Drake, but as his story came to a close in Uncharted 4 and we looked ahead to the series’ first-ever story DLC, we were faced with an unprecedented question: whose story did we want to tell next?

Over the years, we’ve assembled an incredible cast of characters, but of them all, we kept coming back to one in particular: Chloe Frazer. As the smooth-talking master thief who debuted in Uncharted 2, Chloe is not only one of our favorite characters, but we know she’s a favorite amongst our community. She’s also a strong and enigmatic character — in other words, perfect to be our lead protagonist in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.

We revealed a first look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at PlayStation Experience today with a nearly 9 minute video of gameplay. Check out the full clip below.

Our video shows an early section of the game where we find Chloe in a war-torn city on her way to a rooftop rendezvous with her partner, Nadine Ross. Much like Chloe, Nadine is a formidable and interesting character whose complex nature we just started exploring in her Uncharted 4 debut. She’s a skilled tactician, whose cool, calculating nature offers an important contrast to Chloe’s improvisation and wit. As they venture deep into India’s Western Ghats mountain range, they’ll need to work together to recover the long lost Tusk of Ganesh.

When we began to plot out the story and our vision for the game, we realized we were building something more than an extension of Uncharted 4, and instead, a standalone story in the Uncharted universe. We wanted this adventure to feature all of the hallmarks of the series, from cinematic storytelling set within exotic destinations, to dynamic combat and intricate puzzles. It’s our biggest story expansion to-date and will be available as a standalone game on store shelves and for digital download.

If you picked up the Uncharted 4 Digital Deluxe Edition or the Explorer’s Pack, you’ll get Uncharted: The Lost Legacy as a download at launch. Both versions will only be available until December 13, 2016, so don’t miss your chance to get Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at an amazing value.

Shaun Escayg - Creative Director, Naughty Dog
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-15 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-15 07:36 PM 编辑

《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》生存模式宣传片DLC 正式上线

  《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》的全新大型更新今日将正式推送。本次更新最主要的内容便是主打多人合作的模式“生存”!“生存”模式将支持3位玩家之间的合作守关(也可以单机带两个AI),总计50波敌人包括Boss战。据悉,“生存模式”将包含普通、中等、困难、粉碎、以及硬核五大难度,还将包含全新的奖杯。本次更新将有3.3GB。


  在生存模式中还将有“山王(King of the Hill)”的PVP游戏模式,以及两张全新的地图“Train Wreck”和“Prison.”。还将新增皮肤和自定义道具,包括在80级和90级解锁新关卡。合作任务的进度是单独的,玩家需要从第一个关卡开始。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-9 06:58 PM
《秘境探险 》电影版剧本完成

  《秘境探险 》的电影版最新终于有新的进展了,负责撰写影片剧本的 Joe Carnahan 今天通过个人的Instagram 表示,他已经完成了编剧的工作,“现在真正的(拍摄)工作要开始了”。

  根据曝光的剧本封面来看,电影的制片方为 Arad Production 与 Atlas Entertainment,但工作室仍为索尼影视娱乐。《秘境探险 》是 PlayStation 平台中最受欢迎的独占游戏之一,但是似乎改编电影的推进过程异常艰难,希望在剧本完成之后这样的情况能有所好转,让我们可以尽早在影院中见到德雷克 Nathan Drake 的表现。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-16 07:01 PM
转载 - 游侠网

  在国外媒体 Game Informer 最新一期的杂志报道中,有关《秘境探险:失落的遗产(Uncharted: The Lost Legacy)》的最新情报已经被大量曝光。其中游戏中大反派Asav 的资料和原画也首次公开。


  另外根据游戏创意总监Shaun Escayg的描述,Asav和当地政府有一段历史,其在过去感到自己在解决政府争端时间中被远,因此他成立了一支反抗军并制造争端从中获益。同时游戏中的主角之一,也是《秘境探险 4》的女反派Nadine 也曾经为 Asav 工作过。


  另外顽皮狗公司近日通过海外 PlayStation.Blog 表示,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人模式将会更新追加名为“King of the Hill”的新模式。

  1.21 版本的这次更新,除了追加非正常点数捕捉的游戏模式“King of the Hill”以外,还收录了 INSAS、Type-95、带瞄具的竞技用手枪等武器。另外还追加《美国末日》(The Last of Us)游戏内漫画“Savage Starlight”的特色衣装等,但是为了新地图的表现问题本次的更新会有延期的可能性。官方还将会提供被称为“Treasury”的新地图。

  版本1.21更新时间预定为2017 年 3 月 17 日。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-21 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-21 06:50 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy preview discusses level design, characters
《秘境探险:失落的遗产》大量细节 德雷克不会露面

  《秘境探险 4》独立DLC“失落的遗产”,如果你想在里面看到系列主角德雷克的话,那么你可能要失望了,因为德雷克并不会出现在这款DLC中。








First Look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Last month, I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at an early version of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Though still early in development, it’s showing loads of promise. I was able to get unprecedented access to the minds at developer Naughty Dog to learn more about its next Uncharted adventure.

First, the setting. In moving the action to the southern tip of India, The Lost Legacy injects a fresh surge of color and personality — closer to the pulpier feel of the original Uncharted, in some ways. “Beautiful, big landscapes to traverse and explore, that sense of a surprise around every corner,” Creative Director Shaun Escayg told me. “We wanted to bring more of that back.”

The Lost Legacy is a new story set six to 12 months after the events of Uncharted 4. The action kicks off with a search for a priceless relic — the Tusk of Ganesh — and a decidedly unlikely pairing.

Opposites Attract

Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross are reluctant partners who don’t always see eye-to-eye, but who must work together to obtain the priceless Tusk from a mysterious warlord named Asav. “I like to figure things out as I go,” Chloe mutters at one point in the gameplay demo. “I noticed,” Nadine snorts.

Why revisit Chloe? For Naughty Dog, it was an easy decision. She’s an interesting character with a darker moral compass compared to Drake. Writer Josh Scherr remarks: “They’re both treasure hunters. Drake has a bit of a hero complex, but Chloe looks out for number one, first and foremost.” It’s Chloe who initiates the hunt for the Tusk.

Nadine reenters the picture for different reasons, partially born out of the consequences of her actions in Uncharted 4. With Shoreline crumbling, she’s out of work and desperate.

“Chloe would need somebody with military expertise,” Escayg said. “In all of Uncharted, Nadine is probably the most rational and practical character we’ve ever introduced,” Scherr added. “She tends to take a direct approach.”

Bringing them together helps each character accentuate the other. “They’re opposites. Chloe is spontaneous and impulsive, where Nadine is by the book, structured,” Escayg explained. “That made for a good pairing.”

And you better believe that relationship is going to develop over the course of the game. “Both of them are in positions they aren’t used to being in,” Game Director Kurt Margenau said. “Chloe, in terms of taking charge. Nadine, who is used to running the show, is now the hired gun. They’re both figuring it out as they go.”

Wider Linear

With characters and the setup out of the way, it was time to get a closer look at the game itself. Based on what I saw, The Lost Legacy’s overall gameplay style will be familiar to Uncharted 4 veterans. But Naughty Dog is determined to add further refinements and enhancements based on lessons learned during Uncharted 4’s lengthy development cycle.

Starting with the level design. In one pivotal section of the game, the team wants to provide a more expansive environment that gives players more ways to explore at their own pace — “the biggest [area] ever for an Uncharted game,” Margenau mentioned.

While developing Uncharted 4, Naughty Dog had hoped to go even bigger on certain huge locations such as Madagascar, Art Director Tate Mosesian explained to me. But some concessions had to be made in the interests of maintaining the game’s development schedule. Not so with The Lost Legacy, where the game will benefit from an updated production process that can see up to five teams working on one location at a time.

In The Lost Legacy, this translates into a sprawling level with traversal challenges, environmental puzzles, shootouts, and more.

It’s honeycombed with secrets too, with new hidden treasures that will reward persistent players who try to traverse everything they can see.

There’s loads of environmental variety, too, partly thanks to the natural diversity seen in the Western Ghats region of southern India. You’ll explore lush jungles, soaring mountains, and ancient temples, in addition to the war-torn urban environment seen in the PSX 2016 reveal.

Tools of the Trade

There is some new combat gear to master, too. A silenced pistol (The first lethal stealth weapon in Uncharted history!) will add new tactical wrinkles to The Lost Legacy’s stealth play and expand your combat options.

Meanwhile, C4 proved so popular among Uncharted 4’s loyal multiplayer community that Naughty Dog couldn’t resist adding it to The Lost Legacy. Why not?

There also seems to be an increased range of options available for combat encounters. “There are entire combat setups that you can skip, go around, or approach from any direction,” Margenau explained. “It’s got a bigger, more organic feel, with more player choice and more stealth options.”

Another new mechanic, lockpicking, was first seen in the game’s PlayStation Experience 2016 debut trailer. Though the exact lockpicking mechanics are still a work in progress, the team was so fixated on capturing the tactile feel of the act in-game that they purchased a real lockpicking kit to practice with. That’s dedication!

One thing that definitely won’t be changing, though, is Naughty Dog’s approach to the series’ iconic action set pieces — some of the most memorable moments in gaming. “We obviously love them,” Margenau teased, adding that The Lost Legacy will include set pieces that do “things we’ve never done.” Sorry folks — I couldn’t squeeze anything more out of him than that.

To Catch a Thief

It’s worth noting that The Lost Legacy, which will be launching later this year as a standalone game, will be a lengthier experience than The Last of Us: Left Behind, but shorter than Uncharted 4.

As for fans hoping for a Nathan Drake cameo in The Lost Legacy? “We entertained a few possible ideas around including Nate as a secondary character,” Scherr explained. “But everything we did felt superfluous because we tied it all up with Uncharted 4.” Margenau was even more direct. “We’re not going to touch on Nathan Drake in this, at all.” So, uh, maybe don’t hold your breath.

“You can sort of imagine Drake sitting on the couch playing Crash Bandicoot while Chloe and Nadine are off galavanting,” Scherr joked. “Yeah, the Crash Bandicoot remaster,” Margenau added.

Sid Shuman Director - SIEA Social Media


《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》获SXSW 2016年度游戏奖

  在昨日于德克萨斯州奥斯汀举办的SXSW游戏颁奖典礼上,《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》荣获年度游戏大奖。在其他颁奖机构中多次获得年度游戏奖项的《斗阵特攻》也获得了SXSW的多个奖项。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-4 07:34 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-11 11:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-12 06:20 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Launches August 22 in NA, August 23 in Europe

  开发商顽皮狗和发行商 SIE 索尼互动娱乐今天公布《秘境探险:失落的遗产》是《秘境探险》系列最新的独立游戏章节,将会于今年 8 月 22 日登陆欧美地区PS4平台,售价39.99美元。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》最早于去年的 PlayStation Experience 展会上公布,该章节将以备受欢迎的 Chloe Frazer 为主角,她将在新章节里协助 Nadine Ross 保护一件古老印度宝物免遭歹徒之手。

  那些在指定零售商处预定该章节的玩家还可免费获得数字版《杰克与达斯特:旧世界的遗产》,以及由 Truant Pixel 设计的失落遗产 PS4 主题。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》为神海系列的首个独立章节,也是顽皮狗迄今为止推出的最为充实的剧情扩展包。这可以看作是一款独立游戏,当然购买过《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》数字豪华版或者探险者包的玩家也可以在发行时自动获得该内容。另外扩展包也可以进入《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人游戏。


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Launching August 22

We’ve been hard at work since revealing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at PSX building a story and an experience that joins a new protagonist, fan favorite Chloe Frazer, with all of the hallmarks of an Uncharted adventure. Today, we’re excited to share new footage and additional details about the game you’ve been eagerly waiting for—beginning with our release date. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will launch on August 22, 2017 in North America for $39.99 USD, $49.99 CAD. The Lost Legacy will arrive on August 23 in Europe.

In December we said that we’re approaching this project as a true Uncharted game—complete with its own deep narrative with complex character development, all-new destinations, refined gameplay, and blockbuster cinematic moments. We’re especially excited to have Chloe as our new protagonist and explore more of her story as she and Nadine venture across India in search of the fabled Tusk of Ganesh. To that end, we wanted to share a new scene from early on in the game as Chloe and Nadine try to unravel the clues leading to the Tusk’s location.

We’ve been hard at work since revealing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at PSX building a story and an experience that joins a new protagonist, fan favorite Chloe Frazer, with all of the hallmarks of an Uncharted adventure. Today, we’re excited to share new footage and additional details about the game you’ve been eagerly waiting for—beginning with our release date. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will launch on August 22, 2017 in North America for $39.99 USD, $49.99 CAD. The Lost Legacy will arrive on August 23 in Europe.




In December we said that we’re approaching this project as a true Uncharted game—complete with its own deep narrative with complex character development, all-new destinations, refined gameplay, and blockbuster cinematic moments. We’re especially excited to have Chloe as our new protagonist and explore more of her story as she and Nadine venture across India in search of the fabled Tusk of Ganesh. To that end, we wanted to share a new scene from early on in the game as Chloe and Nadine try to unravel the clues leading to the Tusk’s location. Check it out:

Finally, you may have heard that our friends at PlayStation are bringing all four of the original Jak and Daxter PS2 classics to the PS4 via PS Store later this year. As beloved games in Naughty Dog history, we couldn’t imagine a better pairing for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Anyone that pre-orders The Lost Legacy at participating retailers will receive a free digital copy of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy for PS4 when it launches on August 22. For those who pre-order on PS Store, you’ll also get an Uncharted: The Lost Legacy PS4 theme designed by Truant Pixel.

If you picked up the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Digital Deluxe Edition, Explorer’s Pack, or the Triple Pack, you’ll get Uncharted: The Lost Legacy as a digital download at launch. Owners of these products are not eligible for any pre-order bonuses.

We look forward to sharing more details about Uncharted: The Lost Legacy soon.


《秘境探险:失落的遗产》确定 8 月 22 日推出 剽悍双姝携手展开印度寻宝冒险

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)宣布,由 Naughty Dog 开发的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产(UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy)》确定将于 8 月 22 日推出,同时释出剧情演出影片。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》是《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的外传,以《秘境探险 2》初次登场的探险家克洛伊(Chloe)与《秘境探险 4》的佣兵团首领娜汀(Nadine)这两名剽悍的女性搭档为主角,叙述她们深入印度南部动荡不安的山脉地区,寻找失落古代遗产「象神之牙」的冒险。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》预定 8 月 22 日推出,价格 39.99 美元。 采独立发行,无须《秘境探险 4》即可游玩。 在 PlayStation Store 预购数字版可获得 Truant Pixel 设计的 PS4 主题为特典。 先前购买《秘境探险 4》豪华版、探险者版与三重包的玩家可免费获得数字版(不含特典)。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-4 06:32 PM
Uncharted 4 Celebrating Cinco De Mayo With Free Hat And Classic Mode

  顽皮狗工作室宣布,将于 2017 年 5 月 5 日正式上线《秘境探险4:贼途末路》多人模式中的经典模式。在经典模式中将没有雷达,没有购物设定,没有强大的神秘道具,除了手雷以外的投掷性武器均被废除。在取消了不少内容的同时,即时复活功能再次被引入。

  此外开发团队将多人模式和生存模式中的挑战奖励调高了50%,在 5 月 5 日至 5 月 8 日之间游玩本作的玩家还能够获得特殊的墨西哥帽。

  《秘境探险4:贼途末路》是顽皮狗工作室在去年推出的一款佳作,该系列的外传《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将于 2017 年 8 月 22 日正式上市。

Naughty Dog's ongoing support for Uncharted 4's multiplayer mode continues this week with a new mode, additional items, and more.

Returning to Uncharted 4 on May 5 is the Classic Mode, which will be available in the game's beta test playlist. It's a "back-to-basics" gametype, featuring no Mysticals, radar, downed state, or sidekicks. Naughty Dog has tested the mode before, back in November 2016, and the studio continues to ask players to try it and send in their feedback. For this latest test, instant respawns are enabled, while Hero weapons are restricted. Additionally, boosters for marking are turned off, while deployable gear are gone, except for grenades.

To mark the mode's return, and to celebrate Cinco De Mayo (May 5), Naughty Dog is offering a 50 percent bonus on Relics for all challenges. Plus, you can get the Mexico Cap just for logging in and playing multiplayer or Survival from May 5 through May 8. As you can see in the image above, the hat has the Mexican flag on it.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-1 01:47 PM

  今天刚刚 SIEH 宣布,PS4专用游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产 (Uncharted: The Lost Legacy)》蓝光光碟版与下载版(支援英文、繁体中文与韩文字幕)将于 2017 年 8 月 22 日推出,建议零售价为268港币(光盘版/下载版)。光盘版游戏首批将附送初回特典《杰克和达斯特:旧世界的遗产(Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy)》的下载代码,送完即止。下载版也将在游戏推出日起两星期内附送以上特典,请勿错过。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》是由备受赞誉的开发商顽皮狗工作室隆重推出的《神秘海域》系列游戏首部由高人气的克洛伊·佛瑞兹(Chloe Frazer)担纲主角的独立冒险故事。

  为了追查传说中的古老印度宝物,阻止它落入通过战争赚钱的冷血之徒手中,克洛伊·佛瑞兹(Chloe Frazer)必须与名声远播的佣兵娜蒂恩·罗斯(Nadine Ross)《神秘海域4:贼途末路》里的登场人物)联手出击,深入印度西高止山脉探险。两人必须携手合作,找出宝物并击败残暴的敌人,才能避免当地陷入混乱战局。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》同时将收录《秘境探险4:贼途末路》多人游戏功能及求生战模式。值得注意的是,拥有《秘境探险 4:贼途末路》季票的玩家可以免费获得《秘境探险:失落的遗产》,但无法获得初回特典。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 11:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 07:38 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy story trailer, screenshots

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)今日举办 E3 2017 展前记者会中,公开即将于 8 月 22 日上市、PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产(UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy)》最新游戏影片。

  由 Naughty Dog 开发《秘境探险:失落的遗产》是《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的外传,以《秘境探险 2》初次登场的探险家克洛伊(Chloe)与《秘境探险 4》的佣兵团首领娜汀(Nadine)这两名剽悍的女性搭档为主角,叙述她们深入印度南部动荡不安的山脉地区,寻找失落古代遗产「象神之牙」的冒险。

  为了展现游戏的气氛,SIE 特别以印度风味的音乐搭配幕后光影,来导引揭开《秘境探险:失落的遗产》宣传影片序幕:

  PS4《秘境探险:失落的遗产》预定 8 月 22 日问世。


Sony Interactive Entertainment and Naughty Dog debuted the story trailer for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy during the Sony E3 2017 press conference.

Here’s an overview of the trailer, via creative director Shaun Escayg on the PlayStation Blog:

As you can see, we’ve had a chance to take the best of Uncharted—the set pieces, puzzles, cinematic storytelling, and exotic locales—and tell a completely new story with Chloe Frazer at the helm. She’s on the hunt for the legendary golden Tusk of Ganesh forged by the ancient Hoysala Empire, and to find it, she enlists the help of Nadine Ross. However, if there’s anything we know about Chloe and Nadine, it’s that they both keep things close to the vest. Over the course of the story, we’ll explore Chloe and Nadine’s struggle to trust one another.

But they aren’t the only ones searching for the Tusk. The story trailer also introduces our new antagonist: Asav. He’s a calm, calculating, and ruthless warmonger who is waging a civil war in the region. To keep the Tusk from falling into Asav’s hands, Chloe and Nadine will travel from war-torn city streets to the depths of India’s Western Ghats mountain range and the ruins of the Hoysala Empire.

And here’s an overview of the game itself, via Sony:


From Naughty Dog, creators of critically-acclaimed Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, comes Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, a new standalone Uncharted experience for the PlayStation 4 system. For the first time in franchise history, fan-favorite Chloe Frazer will lead a new adventure featuring all of the hallmarks of the celebrated Uncharted franchise, including a new rich cinematic story, action-packed set pieces, exotic destinations, and intricate puzzles.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy follows treasure hunter Chloe Frazer on her journey to recover an ancient Indian artifact. In order to track it down – and keep it out of the hands of a ruthless war profiteer – she must enlist the help of former paramilitary leader turned gun-for-hire Nadine Ross. Together, Chloe and Nadine venture deep into the mountains of India’s Western Ghats to find the ruins of the Hoysala Empire and recover the legendary Tusk of Ganesh. Along the way, they’ll learn to work together and leverage their unique skills to unearth the mystery of the Tusk.

Key Features

A New Leading Character: In an unprecedented move for the Uncharted franchise, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will feature a new lead character – Chloe Frazer (Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3) – with Nadine Ross (Uncharted 4) aiding her along the way.

Dynamic Gameplay: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy builds upon the series’ acclaimed gameplay with new systems and refinements, including cinematic combat, exploration and traversal of jaw-dropping environments, complex puzzles, and more.

An-All New Setting: For the first time, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will take the series to the south-western coast of the Indian peninsula— the home of the former Hoysala Empire—which will feature an exotic mix of urban, jungle, and ancient ruins environments.

Uncharted Legacy: Includes action-packed moments and a captivating narrative that fans have come to expect from Naughty Dog and the Uncharted series.

Includes Multiplayer: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will come with Uncharted 4’s complete suite of multiplayer content, including its competitive multiplayer and cooperative Survival modes, as well as all of the DLC updates released since the launch of Uncharted 4. PlayStation Plus membership required – sold separately.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-21 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-21 06:46 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy E3 2017 Extended Gameplay Walkthrough
《秘境探险:失落的遗产》释出 E3 展加长版游玩影片 新一代遗迹破坏搭档登场

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)旗下 Naughty Dog 团队开发,预定 8 月 22 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产(UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy)》,现释出日前在 E3 展闭门剧院中展示的加长版实机游玩影片,供玩家欣赏。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》是《秘境探险 4》的外传,首度由系列人气角色克洛伊·佛瑞兹担任主角,叙述她与《秘境探险 4》剽悍无双的佣兵团首领娜汀·罗斯携手合作,深入印度南部动荡不安的山脉地区,寻找失落古代遗产「象神之牙」并击败残暴的敌人,避免当地陷入混乱战局。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》预定 8 月 22 日同步推出中英文合版,将收录《秘境探险 4》多人游戏功能及求生战模式。 先前有购买《秘境探险 4》豪华下载版与三重包的玩家可于发售当天免费获得下载版,但不含特典。 光盘版游戏将赠送 PS2 动作游戏《捷克与达斯特:旧世界的遗产》的 PS4 移植版(英文版)下载代码为初回特典。 下载版游戏于上市两周内购买亦附送同样特典。


Watch the Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Extended E3 Demo

Last week at E3, we were thrilled to share more of what we’ve been working on in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, including the debut of our new story trailer and a never-before-seen gameplay demo at the PlayStation booth. However, we wanted to make sure that everyone who couldn’t make it to the show had their chance to see it by posting it online. Check it out above.

The demo picks up after Chloe and Nadine have recovered a critical clue to finding the golden Tusk of Ganesh—an invaluable ancient artifact–and must navigate through the overgrown ruins of the long, lost Hoysala Empire. However, their paths soon cross with Asav, our new antagonist revealed in the E3 story trailer. Asav is a ruthless warmonger that’s also out for the Tusk and will stop at nothing to ensure he gets to it first. This level is also a testament to the beauty of India’s Western Ghats and just a small taste of the environments you’ll be exploring on August 22.

Alongside the new gameplay demo, today we also released our latest DLC update to Uncharted 4 Multiplayer and Survival, which will also be included with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at launch. The update adds two new weapons, three new Survival boosters, over 60 new character skins and vanity items, 13 new taunts, and more. The update also makes Classic Mode a permanent gametype and a new mode for Ranked play: King of the Hill. Visit NaughtyDog.com for a detailed breakdown of everything included.

We hope you enjoy our new update to Uncharted 4: Multiplayer and our first gameplay demo from Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. We’ve got more exciting plans for the road to the launch of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, so stay tuned to our official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram channels.

Scott Lowe - Senior Communications Manager, Naughty Dog

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-21 01:06 PM
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy goes gold

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has gone gold, developer Naughty Dog has announced. That means development is complete and the game is ready for mass production.

The action adventure game follows Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross, who in order to find an ancient Indian artifact, must venture deep into the Western Ghats mountains, discover the lost cities of the Hoysala Empire, and face a ruthless warmonger named Asav.

If you missed it last month, watch a 10-minute gameplay walkthrough here.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-25 10:34 PM
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy ‘Western Ghats’ gameplay, screenshots


Sony Interactive Entertainment and Naughty Dog have released a new, 14-minute gameplay video and screenshots of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy showing leads Chloe and Nadine explore the Western Ghats.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-3 11:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-4 07:11 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy ~ The Making of Video

  今天索尼 SIE PS4 游戏《秘境探险:失落的遗产》开发商 Naughty Dog 发布了该游戏的最新视频,这段视频围绕游戏开发过程展开,对于喜欢本作的玩家来说,能够在一定程度上了解游戏开发时的秘密,不容错过。

  视频中除了公布全新的游戏试玩及剧情桥段之外,来自 Naughty Dog 的开发人员也透露了为什么这一次的外传选择两位女性作为主角。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》作为该系列独立的外传作品,游戏的故事发生在《秘境探险4:盗贼末路》结束之后。本作将于 8 月 22 日发售繁体中英合版。


Get an Inside Look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

It's an exciting time for everyone here at Naughty Dog. After spending just over a year developing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, in just a few short weeks it'll be in your hands. In preparation, last week we revealed nearly 14 minutes of new gameplay footage and now, we're excited to share a behind-the-scenes look at the game. Our friends at PlayStation recently visited the studio to sit down with Creative Director, Shaun Escayg, and Game Director, Kurt Margenau to discuss how the project began, the story we ultimately wanted to tell, and some of the new gameplay elements you'll experience when the game launches, beginning on August 22.

Watch above to hear directly from Shaun and Kurt and see some brand-new footage from the game.

As we enter the home stretch for launch, we'll have more exciting things to share in the days and weeks ahead. Keep your eyes peeled and be sure to follow Naughty Dog on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see all the latest.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-16 10:44 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-17 11:25 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-18 03:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-18 06:37 PM 编辑


  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将在 8 月 22 日就要发售了,本作作为《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的一个独立 DLC 有着非常不错的品质和内容体验。


  游戏的创意指导 Shaun Escayg 在视频中提到,克洛伊的粉丝们在《秘境探险:失落的遗产》中,终于能够从一些核心层面上深入了解克洛伊这位角色。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》为神海系列的首个独立章节,也是顽皮狗迄今为止推出的最为充实的剧情扩展包。这可以看作是一款独立游戏,当然购买过《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》数字豪华版或者探险者包的玩家也可以在发行时自动获得该内容。另外扩展包也可以进入《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人游戏。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》 8 月 22 日上线,登录 PS4 平台,购买了《神秘海域4》豪华版的玩家能够直接下载这款作品。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-19 11:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-19 03:53 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy launch trailer
《秘境探险:失落遗产》发售预告 克洛伊惊险旅途


  《秘境探险:失落遗产》将于 2017 年 8 月 22 日发售,PS4 平台独占。该游戏IGN评分为7.5分,游民也进行了评测,给出了9.2分。俗话说小马过河,需要自己测量深浅,玩游戏也如人饮水,冷暖自知,想要了解这款游戏究竟如何,不如自己上手尝试一番!

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》为神海系列的首个独立章节,也是顽皮狗迄今为止推出的最为充实的剧情扩展包。这可以看作是一款独立游戏,当然购买过《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》数字豪华版或者探险者包的玩家也可以在发行时自动获得该内容。另外扩展包也可以进入《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人游戏。


Sony Interactive Entertainment and Naughty Dog have released the launch trailer for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.

The action adventure game follows Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross, who in order to find an ancient Indian artifact, must venture deep into the Western Ghats mountains, discover the lost cities of the Hoysala Empire, and face a ruthless warmonger named Asav.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe.





  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》为神海系列的首个独立章节,也是顽皮狗迄今为止推出的最为充实的剧情扩展包。这可以看作是一款独立游戏,当然购买过《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》数字豪华版或者探险者包的玩家也可以在发行时自动获得该内容。另外扩展包也可以进入《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》的多人游戏。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》 8 月 22 日上线,登录 PS4 平台,购买了《神秘海域4》豪华版的玩家能够直接下载这款作品。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-20 08:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-21 02:42 PM 编辑




  作为《秘境探险》系列的首个单独发售的剧情 DLC,本作不但更改了主角,还为系列带来了不少的新要素。视频中出现的消音手枪以及此前展示过的开锁系统都为系列老玩家带来了新鲜感。

  《秘境探险:失落的遗产》将在 2017 年 8 月 22 日正式上市,和系列前作一样,本作将支持中文。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-21 01:16 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-14 02:16 PM
Bruce Straley leaves Naughty Dog

Bruce Stralely, the director of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, The Last of Us, and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, has announced his departure from Naughty Dog.

Find the full departure message from Straley below.

It’s impossible to summarize 18 of the most influential years of my career in a blog post, but here we are — today, with the heaviest of hearts, I am announcing my departure from Naughty Dog.

This has been the hardest decision of my career. Naughty Dog is home. The Kennel is family. I’ve learned and grown so much from working with this incredible team. But after heading up three extremely demanding projects, and taking some extended time away from the office, I found my energy focusing in other directions, and I slowly realized this was the signal that it’s time to move on.

I joined the Kennel in 1999 as a texture artist on Crash Team Racing. Back before Naughty Dog even had a coffee maker. I was employee #15. From day one, I knew I was surrounded by some of the most talented, driven, and passionate people in the industry. They were pushing themselves to do things beyond what they even thought was possible, which in turn pushed me, and I loved it! I mean, it was also extremely intimidating, but the energy and determination to make something great, something we could all be proud of, was infectious. And that’s the way it still is to this day.

I’m leaving Naughty Dog with the strongest team it’s ever had, and that’s saying a lot. But more than the talent, it’s the people that I’ll miss the most. The work culture at Naughty Dog is about getting out of your seat and solving problems together. It’s what has allowed me to build so many friendships and gain so much respect for this stellar group of people. I get it —“it’s just work” — but when you spend as much time as we do together, in the pressure cooker of creative work and deadlines, you really get to know a person. And I’ve had my share of difficult and humbling moments. But having the privilege to see people grow beyond their concept of what’s possible for themselves technically, creatively, and personally has been the most rewarding aspect of my job and continues to motivate me to do the same. I’m so proud to have been a part of this team. I can’t wait to see what they create in the future.

With the deepest gratitude — thank you to everyone I’ve gotten to work with over the years. I’ll miss you and your energy profoundly. Thanks to Andy and Jason for taking a chance on me and setting the bar. Thanks to Amy and Neil for being great creative partners. Thanks to Christophe for all the support and inspiration — I’ve learned so much from you. And an extra special thanks to Evan Wells. You were the first person I met who truly inspired me to believe in the power of gaming, and if not for you I may never have made it to Naughty Dog in the first place. My appreciation goes way beyond what words can say.

And a sincere thanks to the fans. Knowing I was a part of creating something that touched or moved any of you made this whole thing worthwhile — and now I, too, get to anticipate the next Naughty Dog masterpiece!

As I close this chapter with a heavy heart and an appreciation for everything Naughty Dog has done for me, I open the next with an excitement to continue the journey into the creative process. I don’t have anything to announce just yet, but I look forward to the discovery and to sharing it with you all soon.

You can keep a lookout for any announcements on my Twitter: @bruce_straley.

Dog for life,
Bruce Straley
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-18 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-19 08:21 AM 编辑



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-4 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-4 06:44 PM 编辑

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy creative director Shaun Escayg leaves Naughty Dog after seven years

  今日《秘境探险:失落的遗产》创意总监Shaun Escayg宣布离职顽皮狗,开启新征程。

  在个人Twitter上,Escayg表示自己在7年前加入了这个优秀的团队,参与了当时还是设计初期的《最后生还者》的制作工作,随后自己还参与了《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》以及《秘境探险:失落的遗产》的制作,他会想念这里的一切。


Shaun Escayg, the creative director of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, has left Naughty Dog after seven years, the developer announced.

“Seven years ago I joined the talented team at Naughty Dog on a project still in its infancy, The Last Of Us,” Escayg said in atweet. “Well, the rest is history. Left Behind, Uncharted 4 were fleeting and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy pushed my creative growth even further—I will miss all my dogs.”

In anInstagram post, Escayg shared an image of The Avengers logo with the text “To new adventures—bring it 2018!,” suggesting he is moving to Crystal Dynamics to work on their upcoming The Avengers project.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-17 10:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-17 05:04 PM 编辑

Uncharted live-action fan film starring Nathan Fillion released
Nathan Fillion 内森·菲利安出演《秘境探险》自制短片

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/8811419892.html


  这则长 15 分钟的饭制短片由他扮演德雷克,《阿凡达》演员斯蒂芬·朗扮演苏利,莫西娅·梦露扮演艾莲娜,导演为曾拍摄过《僵局》(Gridlocked)的Allan Ungar。Allan是通过一位共同的朋友介绍而认识Nathan Fillion的,在他们碰面的晚餐中,Allan表达了他对《秘境探险》系列的热爱以及他的愿景,于是在今年五月两人便开始着手拍摄了这部微电影。


  外媒之前报导称,在《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》、《复仇者联盟3》中饰演新蜘蛛侠的英国演员汤姆·赫兰德将是《秘境探险》官方真人电影的主演,曾执导过《铁甲钢拳》(Real Steel)《博物馆奇妙夜》(Night at the Museum)的肖恩·利维是该电影的导演,官方电影的故事灵感来自于游戏《秘境探险 3》中年轻的德雷克以及他和苏利的第一次相识。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-14 06:18 PM

  近日《秘境探险》电影版导演肖恩·利维在接受外媒采访时表示“电影版《秘境探险》即将开拍,这将是一部重量级的作品,目前电影已经有了很好的剧本,并将由汤姆赫兰德(Tom Holland)担任主演。”

  索尼电影在近年来一直想把《秘境探险》的电影版搬上大荧幕,演员人选也经历过多次更换。马克.沃尔波格(Mark Wahlberg)被传将扮演德雷克这一角色,但在去年时终于确认了汤姆.赫兰德将扮演年轻版德雷克的消息。


      导演肖恩.利维(Shawn Levy)之前导演过《铁甲钢拳》、《博物馆奇妙夜》等多部影片,汤姆.赫兰德则是新版《蜘蛛侠》的扮演者,《秘境探险》电影版预计于2020年上映。

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