标题: 【PS4】Lily Bergamo リリィ・ベルガモ / Let It Die [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-19 11:06 PM
标题: 【PS4】Lily Bergamo リリィ・ベルガモ / Let It Die
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 06:48 PM 编辑


  日本亞洲索尼電腦娛樂(SCEJA)在 2013 年 9 月 9 日召開的「SCEJA Press Conference
2013」發表會上,發表了一款由 GungHo 與 GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE 共同合力打造的
動作遊戲新作《Lily Bergamo(リリィ・ベルガモ)》。

 根據發表會上登台介紹的 GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE 執行長兼知名製作人須田剛一
線上同樂的要素之外,也將會加入與 PS Vita 主機或是智慧型手機之間的連動功能。 本作預定
在 2014 年上市推出。

Lily Bergamo was turned into Let It Die, Coming to PS4 in 2015


Suda 51′s Let It Die is what Lily Bergamo became

Hot on the heels of Sony’s E3 press conference last night, Famitsu held an impromptu interview regarding the newly revealed Let It Die for the PlayStation 4 with designer Goichi Suda, aka Suda 51, of Grasshopper Manufacture and executive producer and Gung Ho Online president Kazuki Morishita.

While specifics on much of the gameplay remain a mystery for the time being, their lengthy discussion has shed light on a number of other aspects, especially with respect to the development team’s creative goals and overall history of the game thus far.

The interview begins with a brief discussion about the genesis of Let It Die and how it arrived at its current form. As it turns out, Let It Die is essentially the same game as the previously revealed Lily Bergamo that was shown off last fall, retaining the original idea of what the team is calling an “extreme action game” coupled with asynchronous online gameplay while expanding on them with survival aspects.

While it remains uncertain as to whether character designer Yusuke Kozaki will continue to contribute work to the game in this new form, it was confirmed that protagonist Tae Ioroi is no more, as players are now set to just play the game using their own avatars. The transition to the game in its current form commenced around the end of last year as a result of the previously mentioned creative soul searching that Suda and company underwent.

According to Suda, the basically gameplay conceit of Let It Die revolves around the idea of granting meaning to death in a video game. As such, the game is structured around the idea of death influencing gameplay, with one example being that if a player’s character dies in the game, their avatar can appear in another person’s game.

While Let It Die still has some traditional AI enemies, the majority of NPC characters are stated to actually be dead player characters’ avatars. This means that as more and more deaths occur in the game, the more that death itself will play an increasing role in the overall experience. As Suda himself puts it, the title is meant to in part convey the idea that it’s okay to die over and over again, as that’s at the very heart of the game’s identity.

Although information about the gameplay specifically remains sparse for the time being, Suda and Morishita did share a handful of tidbits about the overall structure and progression. All players will begin unarmed, wearing nothing but underwear and a gas mask. More equipment and weapons can be stolen off of defeated enemies, although there are stated to be other ways of accomplishing this as well given the game’s survival elements, which emphasize item procurement within a localized area.

Per the “extreme action game” moniker, the game has a large emphasis on action, with each weapon having its own distinct characteristics. Additionally, while there is a levelling system in place, Morishita claims it isn’t as straightforward as it is in many other games and won’t simply result in players getting stronger and more resilient to death. Similarly, the game has no explicit ranking system as of yet, although there are plans in place to make it players’ strength relative to each other intuitively apparent. The overall goal of the game is said to be something along the lines of being number one in the world although, again, the specifics are still being hashed out at the time of the interview.

The interview also touched upon Let It Die‘s free-to-play nature. While the development team is still deliberating how to go about monetizing the game, Morishita and Suda are both quick to emphasize that purchasable weapons aren’t being considered, as it’s believed that such a move would compromise the integrity of the game’s survival aspects. A smart phone companion app is also being developed in conjunction with the main game.

Suda concludes the interview by saying that Let It Die is set to be a huge departure from his past work in terms of creative philosophy. Indeed, he says it lacks many of his major trademarks, including a major overarching plotline, a chapter-based progression structure, and in-game maps, among other things.

Let It Die is slated to arrive sometime in 2015 for the PlayStation 4.

须田刚一新作《死亡对决》公布 宣传片欣赏

  在本届E3 2014索尼的发布会上,GungHo与须田刚一为我们带来了PS4的新作《死亡对决》(Let It Die)。作为一款由日本人打造的美式游戏本作一公开就备受瞩目。然而关于本作却有一个惊人的事实,那就是其实这个游戏是《复仇女神》变过来的?!



  更惊人的事实还在后面,本作竟是一款免费游戏(Free to play),这倒是很符合GungHo的风格。而在GungHo擅长的手机领域则会推出一款应用,在该应用里获得的一些东西会反映到游戏当中。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-8 06:52 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-23 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-24 07:00 AM 编辑




Suda51 talks PS4, Lily Bergamo

Suda51 discussed the PlayStation 4 as well as Lily Bergamo as part of a new Japanese “Conversations with Creators” interview. You can find a roundup of Suda51′s comments below.
“About Lily Bergamo… this time, the protagonist is female, with the rather difficult name of ‘Tae Ioroi,’ who will be the main character of the action game. When I say action, I don’t mean your regular action game, but rather, a ‘super action game’.”
- This will be achieved by including a growth element of some sort in the game
- Involves you gaining experience
- Grasshopper is challenging themselves with on the smartphone app that will be part of the game as well as online parts
- Grasshopper would like to find a unique way to utilize the PlayStation 4’s Dual Shock 4 touchpad
“When it comes to the GungHo group, online play is our biggest strength. As for the PlayStation 4, that’s [online function] the first part we observed, and we’d definitely like to challenge that. Regardless of whether it’s synchronized or asynchronous, we’re thinking of various ideas and images for online features.”
- Suda51 says the biggest thing about making a PS4 game aside from its memory is how easy it is to do it (much easier than it was previously on the PlayStation 3)

Message to the fans:
“I’m making Lily Bergamo with the intent of getting it to you guys as early as possible, but for now I’m putting together interesting ideas day-by-day, and putting it into data while making adjustments. Game development is always a gradual process, with more and more slowly piling up everyday; however, these days I’ve been putting a lot of importance into how I spend my time on it, and hope you guys look forward to it. We’d like to release Lily Bergamo after having made it as thoroughly as possible. Thank you for your continued support.”

Which of the five keywords of the PS4 (simple, immediate, social, integrated, personalized) he cares about the most…
The fact that it’s “immediate” is the most impressive. The point is that PS4 focuses the most on being a game machine.
Since our business is making games, I want to focus on making an interesting game and making it more attractive. Therefore we require a hardware that operates in an “immediate” way. When making a game this is what makes us feel at ease the most. Now, while developing the game, the response of the console just felt “immediate.”

How easy the PS4 is to work with…
It’s easy to work on. It’s very easy to work on compared to the PS3! I think it’s a given that most developers feel that way.
I think that point is directly connected to “immediate.” Since we can develop on it with ease, and that’s the best for us, it’s exciting.

On how he’s looking forward to the PS4…
I’m looking forward to February 22nd myself very much. I can’t wait to have the PS4 soon. Although I think that many of the players are awaiting for the PS4 even more than I do. I would like to make sure that we release Lily Bergamo as soon as possible. Please support Grasshopper Manufacture’s new work, Lily Bergamo!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-1 08:24 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-12 07:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-12 06:44 PM 编辑

Let It Die new screens ~ Suda51's free-to-play PS4 game
须田刚一“Suda51”新作《死亡对决(Let It Die)》确认出展PAX2016公开最新进展

  各位还记得这款游戏吗?这款就是当年的《Lily Bergamo(リリィ・ベルガモ)中文暂译:《复仇女神》》,去年在2014年E3正式名为《死亡对决(Let It Die)》。由须田刚一草蜢工作室与GungHo在线游戏娱乐公司共同制作的PS4平台新作《死亡对决》日前确认将出展PAX 2016,并公开了最新宣传影像,视频中须田刚一与本作的执行制作人森下一喜登场,展示了游戏开发环境与战斗场面。

  本作最早于E3 2014索尼展前发布会上发表,自TGS 2014公开新宣传片后就一直没有最新的动态消息了。《死亡对决》是一款免费游戏(Free to play),这做法是很符合GungHo的风格(手游方面)。而在GungHo擅长的手机领域则会推出一款应用,在该应用里获得的一些东西会反映到游戏当中。更多详情等待官方的续报吧。


Let It Day will be playable at PAX East

Platform: PS4
Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
Availability: TBA 2016
Website: http://www.letitdiethegame.com/

From the creative mind behind Lolipop Chainsaw and No More Heroes comes Let It Die! Death cancels everything, except the truth in this upcoming free-to-play survival action game. PAX East attendees will receive the first ever public hands-on demos of Let It Die and experience a piece of the action close up. Interviews with Suda51 are available to media by request.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-19 06:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-22 06:55 PM 编辑

Let It Die Cinematic Trailer ~ PS4
死亡将销毁一切 但真相除外!须田刚一“Suda51”新作《死亡对决(Let It Die)》公布预告影片 预定 2016 年内登场

  Grasshopper Manufacture 制作,GungHo Online Entertainment 预定 2016 年推出的 PS4 生存动作游戏《Let It Die》,日前公布预告影片,确认将于本周登场的 PAX East 展中首度展出试玩。

  《Let It Die》是由以《电锯甜心》、《杀手挽歌》等异色游戏闻名的游戏创作者须田刚一领军的 Grasshopper Manufacture 最新制作的 PS4 生存动作游戏,将采免费游玩(F2P)模式推出。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-16 07:55 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-6 07:43 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-5 07:33 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-9 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-9 07:53 PM 编辑

Let It Die First Developer Diary
《Let It Die》开发者日记第一篇

  开发商GungHo Online Entertainment 最近公布了旗下新作《Let It Die》开发者日记第一篇,游戏团队在访谈中为玩家讲述了游戏开发理念以及开发过程中的幕后故事。游戏主角Uncle Death和负责人Hideyuki Shun是这次采访的主要对象。这个访谈节目将会以月更的形式为大家带来不一样的《Let It Die》及幕后花絮。

  《Let It Die》是一款免费的生存动作类游戏,将在今年年内正式发行,平台为PS4。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-8 09:09 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-29 07:47 AM
Let It Die Third Developer Diary

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-4 07:21 AM
Let It Die Fourth Developer Diary, Character Details


The Eccentric Friends and Deadly Foes of Let It Die on PS4

As we approach the inevitable catastrophe known only as the “Earth Rage,” it’s time we formally meet some of the deadly denizens who will inhabit our post-civilization world and assist (or murder) you on your way up the Tower of Barbs.

The world of Let It Die is home to quite a colorful cast of characters. Seemingly ripped from the pages of a gritty pulp comic, yet infused with a kitschy “pop” aesthetic, these characters manage to be eccentric, eclectic, and sometimes even helpful!

Uncle Death (voiced by Jukka Hilden) is the first major character you will encounter on your adventure. This arcade-dwelling, skateboarding-slash-golf enthusiast literally brings you into the world as he introduces you to his favorite game ever. Luckily, he also sticks around to act as your personal guide and cheerleader. Providing a helpful reference book, some basic tips, and color commentary on your most brutal kills, Uncle Death is never too far from the action.

He’s blunt, but also quick to compliment those who earn it. As a personal quirk, he insists on calling you “senpai” (a Japanese term of respect typically reserved for upperclassmen or those with more seniority) despite being about a thousand years your elder. Don’t let his appearance fool you, this reaper is anything but grim. At times, he can be downright wacky, but he does seem to enjoy this violent chaos a little too much…

Kiwako Seto (Daveigh Chase) is the newest recruit at the most successful (presumably only) post-apocalyptic insurance company in town, Direct Hell. Despite the death and destruction around her, Kiwako is quite skilled at her job and manages to maintain composure despite her surroundings. She does tend to get a bit too excited upon witnessing what she considers to be a “GRUESOMAZING” death, but she never lets that stop her from politely offering her company’s standard insurance policy. You know, the one that brings you back from the dead. It’s the best seller, naturally.

When she’s not busy working, Kiwako enjoys riding around on her signature scooter, the Yotsuyama Sick TNG, and posting new (likely gruesome) photos to her Pinstagram account, @kiwa.v_v.kiwa.

The Tower of Barbs can be a pretty messy place, especially with all the death and destruction players leave behind in their wake. Luckily, The Jackals are there to clean it up and look classy doing it. Former criminals and former champions of a top secret martial arts championship, they were hand-picked by the mysterious Yotsuyama Group.

As part of their “cleaning” duties, they are required to collect dead fighters. Highly-leveled fighters command a pretty hefty price, so their corpses (and remaining equipment) could be quite the desirable commodity for would-be scavengers. The Jackals are armed with equipment far superior to just about anything a player might come across in the tower, so interrupt their work at your own peril!

Jackal X (Verne Troyer) is a former gangster and violent brute. Short tempered and possessing the skill to back it up, his beam saber will make quick work of those foolish enough to bother him. Jackal Y (Mark Rolston) is a former hitman and all around “cool guy.” He favors the more elegant beam gun when it’s time to dispatch his foes. Jackal Z (Traci Lords) is the only female in the group, and her past is shrouded in mystery. Though, perhaps her biggest mystery is how she obtained such an insane level of skill with her complicated-yet-deadly beam yo-yo!

And with that, we have finally met a few of the charming characters players will encounter in Let It Die. This colorful cast is brought to life with Grasshopper’s signature style and even more incredible voice acting talent such as Steve Blum, Matt Mercer, Patrick Seitz, Fred Tatasciore, Laraine Newman, Billy Dee Williams, and Mark Hamill.

Let It Die will be free-to-play and is coming soon exclusively to PS4. We hope you’ll stay tuned for more news and info about the latest installment of chaos brought to you by Grasshopper Manufacture and GungHo Online Entertainment.

Antonio Cara - Customer Operations Manager, GungHo Online Entertainment America

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-9 07:06 AM
Let It Die Game Overview & Screens ~ PS4


Let It Die is a hyper-violent hack-and-slash action experience with roguelike elements. Fight your way to the top in this free-to-play collaborative creation brought to you by Grasshopper Manufcature and GungHo Online Entertainment America.

Kill or Be Killed

Fight your way to the top in this chaotic and pulp survival action taking free-to-play to a whole new level. Begin your journey in your underwear and survive by any means necessary while taking advice from Uncle Death, a skateboarding reaper. Pry weapons and armor from the cold dead grasp of your fallen foes or craft even better gear. Eat mushrooms, frogs, and other odd creatures to keep your strength up or activate special abilities. Strategize when it’s best to fight or sneak away to fight another day. You may lose your belongings upon death, but death doesn’t always have to be the end...

Welcome to the Tower of Barbs

In the year 2026 AD, a large tectonic disturbance caused mass destruction around the world.

In the midst of the destruction, South Western Tokyo split off into the ocean where the seismic activity caused a large spire to rise out of the ocean piercing the island creating a tower-like structure deemed holy by some.

Rumor has it that a sacred treasure awaits at the top of the Tower of Barbs for those that survive the climb. Many dangers and mysteries remain hidden from the eyes of mankind and await those courageous enough to dare approach the tower.


• Hack and Slash with Roguelike-Elements – Survival is the name of the game within the brutal Tower of Barbs. Strengthen your Fighters and master their weapon wielding skills by hacking and slashing your way through the tenacious enemies and other players that stand in your way. Beware though, when killed in battle, your Fighter will lose everything you’ve accumulated since last visiting your base. Although, some may argue that dying is more of a choice than a lifestyle.

• Loot and Craft – Pick up and equip a variety of weapons and armor from the corpses of your enemies to make their strength yours. Craft your own equipment to gain the upper hand in battle! With a wide variety of equipment combinations, get creative in how you teach others what fear really looks like!

• Eat to Survive – Eat various mushrooms, frogs, and other creatures to stave off death. Creatures replenish HP while mushrooms may provide temporary stat boosts or other interesting effects! However, not all things should be eaten, so be on alert what you put in your mouth.

• Life After Death – Fighters that die will be reanimated in other player’s games equipped with the same armor and weapons they were wielding at the moment of their untimely death. However, other player’s reanimated Fighters will not go down easily without a fight. Defeat other player’s Fighters to obtain some of their gear and other valuable resources!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-12 07:36 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-13 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-17 06:57 AM 编辑

Let It Die Fifth Developer Diary

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-18 07:00 AM
Let It Die: Your Guide to Apocalyptic PVP


Let It Die: Your Guide to Apocalyptic PVP

Just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean we can’t still have some good-old-fashioned PVP fun! The post-apocalyptic setting for Let It Die provides the perfect backdrop for competition and glory!


Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the Tower of Barbs and had a good chance to die a few dozen times, you may start to notice the world around you changing just a little. And in a very literal way, you may become your own worst enemy!

Haterfication occurs on death and it’s the process by which a player’s death data becomes an incredibly deadly AI opponent. These “Haters” can be seen roaming the world with noticeable gamer tags. This should act as both a warning sign to avoid a deadly encounter as well as a beacon of hope for exclusive, useful loot! If you can defeat a Hater, the process can be rewarding indeed. Haters generated by other players can provide exclusive items; whereas, defeating your own Hater allows you to return it to your storage freezer as a usable Fighter character.

Haters provide an exciting challenge and helpful opportunity for resources, but they are just one element of the unique, asynchronous multiplayer experience waiting for players in Let It Die.

Player-versus-Player and Team Battles

After progressing through the first few floors of the Tower of Barbs, players gain access to the insanely creepy robotic NPC, Tetsuo. This clunky, shuffling monstrosity offers players the chance to sign up for a team and start raiding enemy Waiting Rooms. During a raid, you can steal enemy resources (Kill Coins and SPLithium) and accrue points for your team by defeating enemy Fighters.

There’s also a chance that a Fighter you’ve defeated will be knocked unconscious, allowing you to pick them up and drag them back to your base. While captured, enemy Fighters will remain trapped in your bathroom and generate a set amount of SPLithium over time. They also become inaccessible to their original user until they pay a set fee or rescue them during a revenge raid. As you and other members of your team continue to raid Waiting Rooms (individually) and defeat other teams’ Fighters, your team rank will increase. Go for glory and help your team reach the top of the leaderboards while simultaneously boosting your personal ranking within the team.

So how do you defend your own base? First off, make sure your Fighters are the best! You’ve got your own personal meat locker meant for storing Fighter bodies. Be sure to buy powerful ones when they become available and go on a few Tower runs to beef them up. Earn some EXP, gather up resources, and head back to your base. When enemies come to attack your Waiting Room, they’ll have to deal with the Fighters you’ve set in place to defend your goods.

It’s important to build up multiple Fighters so you can go on your own adventures while leaving your home base well protected. Just as you’re able to snag your opponent’s resources, they can do the same to you. Upgrading your Buffalo Bank (Kill Coin storage) and SPLithium Tank will not only allow you to accumulate more resources, it will also increase their HP to allow them to survive longer during raids.


Finally, if you are starving for resources and reputation, you can send Fighters you have in storage out on Expeditions. When you do so, they show up in another player’s world as a Hunter. Like Haters, they are quite tricky to defeat. The primary difference is that they will wander your opponent’s world for a set amount of time gathering up all kinds of useful goodies. If they can kill your opponent’s Fighter, they will also collect SPLithium. This roaming period lasts until their timer runs out or the enemy player can defeat the Hunter. There’s no punishment for having your Hunter defeated early, so feel free to send them out as often as you like. Just keep in mind, if they are out hunting, they aren’t protecting your base.

And with that, you’re ready to start your quest toward infamy. Will you be the one to guide your team to the top of the charts? Climb the Tower of Barbs, build your army, and test your mettle.

This is how we Let It Die!

Antonio Cara - Customer Operations Manager, GungHo Online Entertainment America

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-2 07:08 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-4 06:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-6 06:09 PM 编辑

《Let It Die》异色生存游戏北美上线营运 面对血腥残暴的终极生存考验

  由 GungHo Online Entertainment 旗下 Grasshopper Manufacture 制作的 PS4 生存动作游戏《Let It Die》,在这次的 PSX 活动中宣布自 12 月 3 日起在北美上线营运,采基本游玩免费的道具商城制营运。 现场并设置摊位,开放参观者与游戏角色 Coser 合影,以及提供游戏试玩。

  《Let It Die》是由曾推出《电锯甜心》、《杀手挽歌》等异色游戏闻名的游戏创作者须田刚一领军的 Grasshopper Manufacture 担纲制作的生存动作角色扮演游戏,具备一贯的黑色幽默风格与血腥残暴玩法。 故事叙述 2026 年因为地壳变动导致全世界遭受巨大灾害,日本东京的西南边被海隔开而成为孤岛,更因为不断的地震而垄起而变成高塔般的地形,其中潜藏了许多未知的谜团...


  游戏的操作相对来说比较复杂,基本的动作包括移动、调整视点、括跳跃、翻滚,而攻击部分则是依照装备而有所不同,角色的左右手都能分别装备多个武器,透过 L1 / L2 / R1 / R2 钮操作。 行动上的最大特征是角色本身有精力值的限制,会以体内心脏的状态来表示。 当玩家持续出招时,心跳就会不断加快,达到极限时角色将会暂时失去行动能力,非常危险。 因此在施展攻击时,必须随时留意精力消耗的状态,沉重的武器通常威力强大,但多半需要双手持用且耗费较多精力。

  玩家所扮演的角色一开始赤身裸体一无所有,只能凭借拳头来面对敌人。 当进入看似游乐园的关卡后,首先要面对第一个敌人的挑战。 因为手无寸铁,因此只能以打带跑的策略取胜。 顺利杀死敌人后,就可以取用敌人遗留的武器,GNN 编辑首先取得的武器是钉满铁钉的土制狼牙棒。 除了人类型的敌人之外,关卡中还会出现许多行动缓慢、看起来似人非人的敌人,这些活靶很好对付,而且会掉落大量金钱。 此外,关卡中散落有许多保箱,其中可以取得能提升能力的迷幻香菇。

  游戏中的武器种类丰富,就现场试玩的版本来说,就有单手挥舞的球棒、砍刀,威力不强但能持续伤害敌人的电动圆锯,双手挥舞的战斧等近战武器,还有十字弓、冲锋枪等远距离武器。 虽然就常识来说枪炮类的武器应该能所向披靡,但毕竟游戏是设定在一个疯狂的世界,这个世界的敌人都不是一两枪能打死打退的,远距离武器较弱的抑止力就成了需要留心之处,否则被手持强大近战武器的敌人逼近的话,会很难应对。 此时可以适时用肘击之类的搏击招式牵制敌人攻击,尽速拉开距离重整态势。 相对的,当遇到手持远距离武器的敌人时,则可以用同一个逻辑来克制。

  当玩家在迷宫中不幸阵亡时,画面上会出现一名俏丽的红衣女郎,询问玩家是否考虑采用她们公司的保险方案,此时可以花费「死亡徽章(Death Medal)」来原地复活续战斗。 游戏商城主要贩卖的就是这个道具。 试玩版中死亡徽章的数量没有限制,但实际游戏中就需要花钱购买。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-13 03:51 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-16 07:45 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-21 07:25 AM
Let It Die launches February 2 in Japan

Free-to-play, Grasshopper Manufacture-developed title Let It Die will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 2, 2017, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.

While Let It Die is a free-to-play title, because it was rated CERO Z in Japan, they need to charge 108 yen (approx. $1 USD) to make sure that users who download the game are able to use a credit card. The 108 yen will be given back via in-game items.

A physical version of Let It Die will also be released for 6,900 yen on March 9. It includes an otherwise unobtainable decal and more than 10,000 yen worth of in-game items.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-24 04:06 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-2-14 07:10 PM
PS4 平台免费生存动作游戏《让它去死》下载量已突破200万次

  发行商 GungHo Online Entertainment 今日宣布,旗下免费生存动作游戏《让它去死(Let It Die)》的全球下载量已经达到了200万。


  《让它去死》是一款PS4上的免费生存动作游戏,游戏于2016年12月3日登陆了欧美地区。日本地区的发售日为今年2月2日,售价为108日元,以确保下载游戏的玩家年龄足够大从而能够使用银行卡(这款游戏的分级是CERO Z (18+))。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-30 06:41 PM
PS4 动作生存游戏《Let It Die》3 月 30 日起正式支持繁体中文

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)今(30)日发布,于 2017 年 3 月 30 日发布 PlayStation 4 专用生存动作游戏《Let It Die》的繁体中文更新消息。 目前于 PlayStation Store 开放下载中的《Let It Die》可免费进行更新。


关于《Let It Die》

  《Let It Die》是由 GungHo Online Entertainment Co., Ltd. 与 GungHo Group 旗下以开发动作游戏闻名的 Grasshopper Manufacturer Co., Ltd. 强力连手专为 PlayStation 4 平台打造的生存动作游戏。 在死神大叔的引领下,游戏主人翁(玩家)以攻略因地壳变动而诞生的霸比塔塔顶为目标,投身游戏主机「DEATH DRIVE 128」,身上只穿著内衣裤,展开攻顶挑战。 游戏自 2016 年 12 月 3 日(六)在北美和欧洲上市以来已突破 200 万下载次数。 此次更追加繁体中文,让更多玩家享受本款游戏所带来的乐趣。

《Let It Die》游戏性


  玩家起初除内衣裤之外一无所有,必须在危机四伏的霸比塔中一路奋战,获得各种武器和装备,唯有如此才有机会攻略塔顶。 除了依靠强大的武器和装备之外,玩家也必须锻炼自身技巧,灵活运用「狂怒技」与「爆血攻击」等多种动作,方能克敌致胜。 付费道具「死神金属」虽然能够提供各式便利服务,例如扩充亡命袋容量、缩短武器店「直喷射」的研发时间,以及在紧急时刻利用「继续游玩险」,但最强大的武器绝对还是玩家自身苦练的技巧。

透过异步 PvP 和全世界的玩家开战

  全世界的玩家可以透过异步的 PvP 袭击彼此的「等待室」。 和自己所属区域的玩家连手进攻其他队伍,强取豪夺敌人的一切。 玩家可以依照自己的出身地或现居地选择队伍进行游玩。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-15 07:44 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-18 06:33 PM
生存动作游戏《LET IT DIE》进军 PC 平台 繁体中文版 26 日在 Steam 上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/168365.html

  GungHo Online Entertainment 今日宣布,生存动作游戏《LET IT DIE》确定将推出 PC 繁体中文版,预定 9 月 26 日在 Steam 平台上市。

  《LET IT DIE》由 GungHo Online Entertainment Co., Ltd. 与 GungHo Group 旗下 Grasshopper Manufacturer Co., Ltd. 打造,在死神大叔的引领下 ,游戏主人翁(玩家)以攻略因地壳变动而诞生的霸比塔塔顶为目标,投身游戏主机「DEATH DRIVE 128」,身上只穿著内衣裤,展开攻顶挑战,游戏原本为 PS4 版本,如今将登陆 PC 平台。

  玩家在游戏中起初除内衣裤外一无所有,必须在不断变动的霸比塔中一路奋战,使用各种武器和装备来打倒敌人,唯有如此才有机会攻略塔顶。 除了依靠强大的武器和装备之外,玩家也必须锻炼自身技巧,灵活运用「狂怒技」与「爆血攻击」等多种动作,方能克敌致胜。


  《LET IT DIE》PC 繁体中文版预定 9 月 26 日在 Steam 平台问世。

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