Participants of Malaysia My Second Home Programme are provided with various incentives to make their stay more comfortable and enjoyable in Malaysia.
Car Purchase
Each participant is allowed to bring in his/her own personal car OR to purchase a locally-assembled car without the need to pay import duty, excise duty and sales tax.
Car Import
Application to IMPORT a motorcar from the participant’s country of citizenship/last domicile must be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance within a period of six months from the endorsement date of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) social visit pass. The condition for such importation is that the MM2H participant should be the owner of the motorcar prior to obtaining the MM2H visa, as evidenced in the motorcar registration document.
Locally-Assembled Car
An Application to PURCHASE a new motorcar made or assembled in Malaysia must be must be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance within a period of one year from the endorsement date of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) social visit pass.
1 - Completed application forms with relevant documents which are submitted to Ministry of Finance will be processed within 10 working days.
2 - Do not make an outright purchase of the motorcar before obtaining approval for tax/duty exemption from the Ministry of Finance. However, a booking for a motorcar may be made prior to obtaining approval from the Treasury.
3 - Importation or purchase of motorcar must be for personal use only and not for commercial use.
4 - 'Personal Car' is referred to a car which was purchased by participant before joining the MM2H programme.
5 - Participants are only allowed to sell their imported/locally purchased car after 2 years' stay on the programme.