标题: 【PS4/XO/PC】DOOM [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 09:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-13 06:03 PM 编辑


E3《毁灭战士》全新作品登场 巨大恶魔降临

  E3 2014会场上,Bethesda公开了一款全新的DOOM——《毁灭战士》游戏视频,但本作未定名为《毁灭战士4》,在视频里官方将这款游戏命名为《DOOM(毁灭战士)》,并且即将登陆PS4平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-2 12:12 PM
Doom's appearance at QuakeCon 2014 will be exclusively for attendees

The Next DOOM at QuakeCon

You’ve been c[禁止售卖商品]ing for it for years, and now the wait is almost over. As announced in our E3 teaser trailer, fans in attendance at QuakeCon 2014 will have the opportunity to get a sneak peek at what’s been going on with the new DOOM game from id Software.

This an exclusive thing we are doing for attendees as part of our Annual QuakeCon Welcome presentation. We’ll have plenty more to show everyone at a later date, but we didn’t want another QuakeCon to go by without doing something special for the amazing QC community and id supporters that have been with us for more than 20 years.

Don’t miss out! QuakeCon 2014 takes place July 17th – 20th at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX. For more information on attending, visit quakecon.org.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-18 06:51 PM
《毁灭战士(DOOM)》重制版正式公开 确认登陆PS4平台

  日前在QuakeCon 2014中,著名游戏厂商Bethesda Softworks终于公开了《毁灭战士》系列新作。不过这款游戏并非大家期待已久的《毁灭战士4》,而是一款命名为《毁灭战士》的系列重启之作。本作将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台,开发商将以id Tech 6引擎来打造这款新作,游戏将能够在1080P分辨率下以60FPS运行。

  在QuakeCon 2014的展台中,游戏的执行制作人Marty Stratton表示:“这款新作被称作《毁灭战士》,而非《毁灭战士4》。这是一款起源的游戏,将重塑关于起源的一切。”

  在QuakeCon 2014中,官方介绍了本作的部分细节,其中着重展示了单人模式以及战斗的内容。在游戏中玩家们有机会获得普通的枪支或者大型枪支,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择使用。而本作的战斗也并不是仅限于枪战,有时候肉搏战也是必要的,而且玩家们还能够使用两段跳。此外本作中角色的生命值不再再生,玩家需要通过打败敌人来获得补充生命值的道具。官方还表示《毁灭战士》重制版将专注于高速行动以及运动中的枪战动作,和《毁灭战士》旧作类似。

The new 'Doom' Has Been Revealed at QuakeCon, First Details

The stream is off and it's Doom 4 time. First up: the trailer we saw a few weeks ago. Next: exec producer Marty Stratton.

"The game is called Doom, not Doom 4. It's an origin game, reimagining everything about the originals." - Stratton

"The game begins just outside of a massive research facility on the surface of Mars." - Stratton

Today's reveal will focus on combat, which is what the team has been focusing on.

First combat mechanic: demons. Mechanical, corrupt, hell knights.

Second mechanic: guns. Conventional guns. "Big" guns. The double barrel shotgun got a round of applause.

Doom will focus on high-speed movement and run-and-gun. Just like the old days.

Just saw some stills of an exterior, street-size level. Some combat will be hand-to-hand.

There will be a live gameplay demo on stage.

Doom will run on idTech 6, according to Stratton. Will support 1080p, 60 frames per second.

Gameplay demo getting started. Tons of gray steel walls, flames, and a shotgun that is comically large.

A key feature will be stunning enemies with a shot, then smashing their face with your boots. It's happened five times already.

A new twist on finding the yellow keycard: year off a corpse's arm and use it to open a handprint scanner.

Breaking: barrels just exploded. Repeat, we have exploding barrels.

Doesn't look like health regenerates. Enemies drop health when you squish them.

A demon just ripped the player's arms off and beat him to death with them. The room is breaking out into a standing ovation.

An adorable custodial droid is trying to clean up all the blood. It is not succeeding.

The player is now exploring a dank, Mars cave system. This looks like some of the atmospheric horror from Doom 3.

The hand-to-hand kill moves are varied and fantastically gory. And here comes the chainsaw.

There's a huge variety of enemies on display. Small demons swarming with giant bullet-sponges.

And the demo ends with the reveal of the giant, horned demon we saw in the teaser. An explosive demo, and more than we thought we'd see.


"We'll talk about the fast paced competitive multiplayer later"

Game has a weapon wheel

Procedural dynamic damage on enemies. Chainsaw rips. Double barrel shotgun booms. Plasma rifle sounds of old. Rocket launchers kill mancubus

Double jumping. Light parkour. BIG focus on melee combat and finishers. Sick finishers. RIP AND TEAR. HUGE GUTS.

Fought two barons of hell. Crazy AI. They'd climb after you. Swat away rockets. Flanked by smaller demons. Whole rooms full of demons.

Demo was played with an Xbox controller on a PC

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-19 06:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-19 06:19 PM 编辑

【E3 15】《毁灭战士》新作预告影片曝光 详情预定于 6 月 E3 展正式揭晓

  Bethesda Softworks 于 18 日公布了一段经典第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士(Doom)》新作的预告影片,同时宣布将于美国时间 6 月 14 日晚间举办的 E3 媒体发表会揭露实际游玩画面。

  Bethesda Softworks 预定在今年 E3 展首度单独举办自己的媒体发表会,本次公布的预告算是替这场发表会打头阵。 虽然影片只有短短 11 秒,真正有画面曝光的部分更是只有 3 秒左右,不过总算是确定了这款奠定第一人称射击游戏类型的经典系列在睽违多年之后终于又有新作问世。

  一般预料还会有更多新作在 Bethesda E3 媒体发表会上公布,有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-15 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-24 07:17 PM 编辑

Doom Unveiled, Coming Spring 2016
【E3 15】《毁灭战士》次世代新作曝光 进入最深地狱击杀恶魔!

  Bethesda 于今(15)日于年度电玩盛会「美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)」展前所举办的发表会中,揭露在游戏历史中占一席之地的第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士(DOOM)》将推出全新次世代新作。

  在发表会中,全新的《毁灭战士》首先以单人战役模式,展示了次世代等级的画面表现。 在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。 在展示中除了强调恐怖度强大的敌人角色外,系列经典的「散弹枪」和「电锯」也接连现身来致敬传统要素。 首度揭露的游戏实际游玩展示中,最后也现身了残暴的恶魔敌人来做收尾。

  接着也现身了多人联机的模式,除了一般的枪枝对射之外,玩家在接触地图的魔法阵之后,将会变身为强劲的恶魔角色,拥有更强的力量来击败对手。 除此,现场也揭露了「SNAP MAP」要素,强调玩家可以透过方便的地图制作工具,来发挥自己的创意来创作独特的地图甚至是游玩模式。

  在展示的最后,Bethesda 带玩家进入了最深的地狱,展示了《毁灭战士》新作令人惊艳的单人战役游玩样貌作为结尾。



Game Description

Developed by id software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and created multiplayer Deathmatch, DOOM returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. Expand your gameplay experience using DOOM SnapMap game editor to easily create, play, and share your content with the world.


You’ve come here for a reason. The Union Aerospace Corporation’s massive research facility on Mars is overwhelmed by fierce and powerful demons, and only one person stands between their world and ours. As the lone DOOM Marine, you’ve been activated to do one thing – kill them all.

Key Features

• A Relentless Campaign - There is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health as you beat back Hell’s raging demon hordes. Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement and an advanced melee system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways.

• Return of id Multiplayer - Dominate your opponents in DOOM’s signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. In both classic and all-new game modes, annihilate your enemies utilizing your personal blend of skill, powerful weapons, vertical movement, and unique power-ups that allow you to play as a demon.

• DOOM SnapMap – a powerful, but easy-to-use game and level editor – allows for limitless gameplay experiences on every platform. Without any previous experience or special expertise, any player can quickly and easily snap together and visually customize maps, add pre-defined or completely custom gameplay, and even edit game logic to create new modes. Instantly play your creation, share it with a friend, or make it available to players around the world – all in-game with the push of a button.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-24 06:56 AM
DOOM Multiplayer Debuts at QuakeCon 2015, Beta (& Alpha) Update

QuakeCon 2015: DOOM Beta (& Alpha) Update

Attendees at QuakeCon 2015 may be the first to go hands on with pre-alpha DOOM multiplayer, but we still have big plans for fans that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order.

In the coming months, we’ll be selecting Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players from the Wolfenstein: The New Order Beta pool to participate in the DOOM Multiplayer Alpha. To make sure you’re eligible, make sure you redeem your DOOM Beta code at wolfenstein.com/doom. If you purchased the game digitally through Steam, PSN, or Xbox Live, you’re already set — you have a digital entitlement that will ready you for the Alpha when it starts.

As a reminder, everyone that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: the New Order is eligible to participate in the multiplayer beta planned for next year before DOOM’s 2016 release.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-24 06:22 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-29 07:16 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-2 07:00 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-5 06:48 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-12 07:01 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-15 07:05 PM

  Bethesda宣布《毁灭战士》的多人Alpha测试登记已经向2014年5月26日之前购买《重返德军总部:新秩序》的玩家开放。虽然Alpha测试的开放时间还没有公开,但官方已经催促符合条件的玩家抓紧时间登记 - http://doom.com/en-gb/alpha 想来距离正式测试的时间应该不远了。


  对于不同世代主机之间测试资格继承的问题,官方表示之前购买PS3版本《重返狼穴:新秩序》的玩家可以获得PS4版的测试机会,而且联机无需PS+会员身份;之前购买Xbox 360或Xbox One版本的玩家将得到Xbox One版测试资格,但只有金会员才有联机测试的资格。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-22 03:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-22 07:05 PM 编辑




  此次Alpha测试已经向2014年5月26日之前购买《重返德军总部:新秩序(Wolfenstein: The New Order)》的玩家开放登记,还没有在官网进行登记的玩家可以点击这里进行资格验证方法的确认,以保证测试的顺利进行。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-23 07:21 AM
Doom Multiplayer Closed Alpha Gameplay Video


DOOM MP Closed Alpha FAQ

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-1 06:51 PM
《毁灭战士》Alpha 封测 3 日启动 公布 PC 版本硬件配备需求

  Bethesda Softworks 近日宣布旗下新作《毁灭战士(Doom)》预定北美东部标准时间 12 月 3 日起展开为期 4 天的 Alpha 封测,并公开 PC 版本硬件配备需求。

  PS4、Xbox One、PC《毁灭战士》是款第一人称射击游戏,玩家将在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。

  官方表示,本次《毁灭战士》Alpha 封测将开放全平台版本,测试版本仅支持英文字幕;于 2014 年 5 月 26 日前预购或购买《德军总部:新秩序》实体版与下载版,且拥有《毁灭战士》Beta 序号的玩家将有机会被抽选参与此次测试。 另外,参与本次的玩家都需要同意官方的「保密协议(NDA)」,而玩家不能发布或是分享任何有关本次 Alpha 封测的内容。

为了让游玩 PC 版本的玩家能有好的体验,官方也同时公布了最低配备需求与建议配备需求信息。

64-bit Windows 7/Windows 8.1
Intel Core i5 @ 3.3 GHz or better / AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz or better
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB VRAM) / AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB VRAM)
6GB HDD space
Steam account
High speed internet connection
*Please note that the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 680m and 860m models are below min spec for the DOOM Closed Alpha

64-bit Windows 7/Windows 8.1
Intel Core i7 @ 3.4GHz or better / AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0GHz or better
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3GB or more VRAM) / AMD Radeon R9 280 (3GB or more VRAM)
6GB HDD space
Steam account
High speed internet connection

  《毁灭战士(Doom)》预定北美东部标准时间 12 月 3 日上午 10 时起至 12 月 6 日下午 11 时 59 分止进行 Alpha 封测。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-8 07:16 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-5 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-5 06:53 PM 编辑

DOOM Launches May 13, Campaign Trailer, Collector’s Edition Announced
《毁灭战士》将于5月13日发售 限量收藏版公开

  Bethesda宣布《毁灭战士|Doom》新作将于2016年5月13日全球同步发售,平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。

  所有预购了本作的玩家(不论是普通版还是收藏版)都可以获得一个“恶魔多人包”,它包括了独特的多人模式物品,比如一组包括了三种皮肤、六种金属喷漆颜色和三个可以印在武器和装甲上的ID logo图案的恶魔装甲套件,以及一组六个Hack Modules可以让你在多人比赛中获得优势。


DOOM Available Worldwide May 13, 2016

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that DOOM will be available worldwide on Friday, May 13, 2016 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and PC. DOOM, the iconic game that defined a genre and considered one of the most influential games ever made, returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience.

DOOM is under development at id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and invented multiplayer Deathmatch. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. Expand your gameplay experience using DOOM SnapMap game editor to easily create, play, and share your content with the world. DOOM garnered numerous E3 2015 awards and in a recent preview, Game Informer aptly described the gameplay as “an absolute blast.”

Bethesda also revealed plans to release a premium collector’s edition of DOOM that will be available across the globe through participating retailers. The limited DOOM collector’s edition, created in conjunction with TriForce, includes an exclusive, fully-realized 12” tall collector’s statue of one of the game’s most iconic demons: the Revenant. Modelled from actual in-game 3D files and striking in appearance, the demonic Revenant stands on an LED-lit base with internal, slow-spinning turbine from the UAC facility on Mars. The DOOM collector’s edition also includes a copy of the game packaged in an exclusive, battle-worthy metal case.

The DOOM collector’s edition is available for pre-order through participating retailers and is priced at $119.99 (US). Players pre-ordering the DOOM collector’s edition or the standard edition of the game will receive the Demon Multiplayer Pack which contains a unique demon armour set with three skin variations, six metallic paint colours and three id logo patterns that can be applied to weapons and armour, plus a set of six Hack Modules – one-time consumable items that can give you an edge in a multiplayer match.

For more information, visit: http://doom.com/en-gb/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-12 06:39 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-23 06:21 PM
《毁灭战士》5 月中海外上市 公开新玩法「Warpath」、「Hack Modules」介绍

  Bethesda Softworks 先前已宣布 Xbox One / PS4 / PC《毁灭战士》预定于 5 月 13 日海外上市,而近日官方揭露新多人玩法「Warpath」和道具「Hack Modules」信息。

  新作《毁灭战士》是款第一人称射击游戏,玩家将在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。 官方强调,本作的多人玩法节奏快速、没有躲藏、狙击的设计,让玩家能在游戏中能体验肾上腺素激发的对战快感。


  目前的多人玩法已经在 QuakeCon 和一系列 Alpha 测试开放让玩家体验,而今日官方揭露新模式「Warpath」,此玩法采「山丘之王(King of the Hill)」风格设计,而不同的是占领点将延着明确的标示绕地图一圈;同时,恶魔将是在相对的路径上移动,因此玩家必须决定要直接冲向恶魔、聚集在占领点附近防御或掠夺、或是到处游走找寻敌人。

  而「Hack Modules」是一个可透过游戏中获得的一次性使用道具,玩越多拿越多且无法与他人交易;「Hack Modules」拥有不同的功能,包含定时器(显示 Hack Modules 重生时间)、惩罚(显示最后杀死你的玩家的位置和血量)、侦查兵(显示所有敌人的位置数秒)、生命符号(于敌人头上显示血量条)、能力探勘(显示附近能量位置)等。

  Xbox One / PS4 / PC《毁灭战士》预定于 5 月 13 日海外上市,售价美金 119.99 元;官方也宣布《毁灭战士》典藏版收录高 12 吋 PVC 模型等。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-4 07:10 AM
id Software shows alternative cover arts for DOOM

https://twitter.com/DOOM/status/ ... ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-10 06:54 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-10 06:53 PM 编辑

DOOM Multiplayer Trailer, Closed Beta between March 31 and April 3
《毁灭战士》内测3月31日开始 新宣传影像公开

  《毁灭战士》是由id Software所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2016年5月13日登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前Bethesda终于公开了本作多人模式内测的举行时间,根据官方的情报,本次Beta测试将于2016年3月31日至4月3日之间举行,而只有购买了《重返德军总部:新秩序》的玩家拥有参与内测的资格。

  本次内测将在PS4、XBOX One和PC这三个平台上进行,有资格参与内测的玩家可以抢先尝试本作的团队死亡(Team Deathmatch)模式和Warpath模式,此外还可以体验游戏中的Heatwave和Infernal这两张地图。



DOOM Multiplayer Closed Beta

DOOM’s multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. It’s bloody. It’s brutal. And it's VERY FAST. Prepare yourself with a glimpse into DOOM’s multiplayer mayhem in the latest trailer.

Players eligible for the DOOM Beta through their purchase of Wolfenstein: The New Order, your chance to play DOOM Multiplayer is coming! We will be running the Closed Beta between March 31 and April 3. To check eligibility requirements, please visit doom.com/beta. Participants will be able to try out Team Deathmatch and the recently revealed Warpath mode on two maps: Heatwave and Infernal.

DOOM releases on PS4, Xbox One and PC on Friday, May 13. Learn more about DOOM’s multiplayer, single-player, and its community tool, SnapMap, at the game’s official website, DOOM.com, and through featured content on Bethesda.net.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-17 06:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-17 07:16 PM 编辑

Doom trailer offers a look at all nine multiplayer maps

  《毁灭战士》开发商Bethesda 近日放出了9张多人对战的游戏地图以及宣传视频,并强调了几个玩家可以期待探索的图的环境。视频还展示了几个地图的复杂性、多层次性和隐秘通道,Bethesda 解释地图设计师希望玩家能保持移动和探索,避免蹲点和简单的狙击。《毁灭战士》将于2016年5月13日推出,登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。


DOOM – Multiplayer Maps Explored

From the blood-soaked UAC facilities on Mars to the fiery depths of Hell, DOOM multiplayer will take you on a tour of 9 deviously diverse locations. While each multiplayer map is distinct, they all share a few traits in common. For starters, you’ll need to stay in constant motion to stay alive; every map is constructed to keep the action brutally fast-paced. These multi-tiered combat arenas are littered with hazards, and packed with items that can turn the tide of combat at a moment’s notice. And while they all have secrets for you to uncover, none of them are built to allow for easy sniping or hiding points.

DOOM multiplayer launches with 9 unique maps, four of which are prominently featured in the video below. Check it out for a taste of what’ll you’ll experience when DOOM releases on May 13 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Along with what we showed in the video, a few more notes about the maps:

• Some maps include one- or two-way teleporters. Both humans and demons can use these, but weapon-fire can’t be teleported. (So don’t get cute and try to shoot rockets through a teleporter!)
• Need to leap to the top of a level? Look for a bounce pad. Both humans and demons can use these to quickly ascend to new heights.
• Like any good multiplayer map, you’ll find both explosive barrels and hazard canisters throughout. The former does exactly what you expect; the latter not only explodes but leaves behind hazardous slime – which, for a limited time, will continue to deliver damage to anyone unlucky enough to run through the glowing green muck.
• Speaking of green muck, some levels are surrounded by radioactive slime, which will harm humans. Fire will also deal damage to humans, as will energy/plasma (with the potential here for an instant kill, depending on the severity of the hazard). Demons are immune to all three of these hazards.
• And, as always, avoid lava and pits of death. Both are instant kills for humans and demons.

Full list of multiplayer maps available at DOOM’s launch

• Excavation. A modest-sized UAC mining outpost. Watch out for the rock grinder!
• Infernal. A mid-sized Hell map with both interior and exterior elements. Lots of platforms and chasms, along with teleporters.
• Chasm. This massive map takes you deep below the polar ice caps of Mars. A great place to play Freeze Tag.
• Disposal. This smaller map is the main waste processing facility for the UAC research and residential complexes. Unsurprisingly, it’s full of radioactive slime.
• Helix. This is where they experiment on demons and develop advanced weaponry. Which, naturally, makes it perfect for a quick round of Clan Arena.
• Perdition. Disjointed and sadistic, this ancient arena is populated by the agonized moans of unfortunate souls who have suffered within its realm.
• Sacrilegious. Set within a fracture of Hell, this map offers clear lines of sight. Move fast… or die faster.
• Heatwave. An industrial UAC facility with glistening halls that will soon be slicked with human (and demon) blood.
• Beneath. Before being beamed to Earth, the energies of Hell are harnessed in this symmetrical and cavernous location.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-22 07:04 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-22 06:42 PM 编辑

DOOM Multiplayer Modes Revealed
跨平台《毁灭战士》公布 6 个多人同玩模式游戏情报

  Bethesda Softworks 预定于 2016 年 5 月 19 日推出,售价 7,900 日币的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版 FPS 新作《毁灭战士》(DOOM),日前公布游戏中收录的 6 个多人同玩模式情报,其中随机选择即可变身为恶魔角色的「Demon Rune」(デーモンルーン)更成为本作最大特色。

  本作为 1993 年首发的《毁灭战士》重制作品,故事以通往地狱之门开启而被从中窜出的恶魔所霸占火星基地为舞台,描述单枪匹马潜入的星际战士冒险过程,除了透过移动来回复体力的新系统而衍生出来的快速动作之外,还将出现枪击、刀斩、踩踏甚至肢解身体等暴力血腥场景。 游戏收录了单人及多人同玩模式,以及可自创游戏内容及地图,体验无限游戏乐趣的「DOOM SnapMap」等要素。

◯Soul Harvest
为分组战斗的模式,可收集被打倒对手所掉落的「灵魂」作为分数,总数最多的一队获胜。 另外,当本身被攻击导致灵魂掉落时,队友可抢先捡拾可阻止敌队加分。 另外,因捡拾在最初击杀掉落的「Demon Rune」而变成恶魔的玩家可从被打倒的对手取得 2 具灵魂;反之如打倒恶魔则除了可收集到 5 具灵魂之外,也有机会可以回收 Demon Rune。

◯Freeze Tag
此模式为美国小孩普遍喜欢的人气捉迷藏「Freeze Tag」游戏化作品,一旦遭到 Gauss Cannon 或 Heavy Assault Rifle 等武器攻击将冻结而无法动弹,当全队都被冻结则告失败。 结冻的角色具有物理效果,将因枪击或地形影响而滑动,玩家必须一边靠近可帮忙解冻的队友附近,一边要注意不要误将同伴推落高炉中等,比赛中将充满许多无法预料的意外。 一定时间内不分胜负时在竞技场中央将出现 Demon Rune。

此为争夺 1 个在一定路线持续移动占领点的小队对战模式,只要攻下占领点即可加分,先获得指定总分的队伍即获胜。 在占领点对面会弹出 Demon Rune,各有对玩家有利之处,必须以战略性判断决定以何者为目标。

此为两队争夺 3 处占领点的战斗模式,Demon Rune 将随机在地图上弹出,因此在两者外围的进退将成为胜负关键。

◯Team Deathmatch
Demon Rune 将再次出现在此模式中,不同于 Soul Harvest 的是分数不会随着打倒恶魔而有变化,而是达到指定分数队伍才算获胜。

◯Clan Arena
在一旦被杀即无法复活的条件下,坚持到最后的队伍即获胜的消去法模式,体力及装甲均无法回复,含 Demon Rune 在内的道具将不会出现在本模式中。


DOOM - Multiplayer Modes Revealed

Six modes. Countless ways to kill. Infinite ways to die. Welcome to DOOM multiplayer, which delivers fast-paced and competitive combat in brutal, blood-spattered arenas. For a deeper dive into three of the modes you’ll be playing when DOOM is released on May 13, check out the video above.

Whether you’re fan of classic deathmatch or looking for a unique twist on multiplayer, DOOM has something for you. Here’s a rundown of the 6 modes available at launch.

Soul Harvest

Because sometimes just killing your enemies isn’t enough… Soul Harvest is similar to Team Deathmatch (see below), but instead of racking up points with every kill, players need to collect the souls of their fallen foes. Each soul will remain in the world for a limited time. These souls can be scooped up by anyone on either team. The catch? Only the opposing team earns points for grabbing a soul – but the teammates of the vanquished can play spoiler by seizing an ally’s soul to prevent their foes from gaining a soul point.

But there’s more to Soul Harvest than kill-and-collect. A demon rune will appear where the first player is killed, and this demon power-up has no time limit. In addition to the increased threat demons always bring, any enemy players killed by a demon drop two souls to claim instead of the usual one. And if you manage to slay a demon? You have the opportunity to pick up the five souls it leaves behind – and perhaps become the demon yourself.

Victory is earned by the first team to reach a preset score, or by the team with the most points when time runs out.

Freeze Tag

Remember how much fun it was to play freeze tag with your friends? Now imagine doing it with a Gauss Cannon. Or a Heavy Assault Rifle. On Mars.

Freeze Tag plays out a lot like the real-world equivalent (minus the heavy weaponry and hellish backdrop). Rather than killing your foes, opponents are instead frozen in place –immobilized in a block of ice. Teammates can thaw their allies by standing nearby for a set amount of time.

Players frozen within blocks of ice will slide around if they’re shot or otherwise jostled, leading to all kinds of chaotic possibilities – both planned and unplanned. If you find a frozen ally near a deadly hazard, for example, you can try to knock your teammate into the hazard so he’ll be destroyed; the shattered ally will then respawn. Or, you can try to prevent a foe from being thawed by knocking him away from an ally. Multiple allies can also be thawed if they’re close enough to a single active player, and frozen players will thaw more quickly if multiple active allies are all close enough.

For rounds that remain unresolved until only a few moments remain, a demon rune will drop into the arena to things along.

Victory is earned by the first team to completely freeze the opposing team. If there are still unfrozen players on both sides when time runs out, the team with the most active players will win the round.


King of the Hill gets even crazier in Warpath, where a single capture point moves around the map along a set (and clearly marked) pathway. And if that’s not enough, a demon rune marches along in lockstep – but on the opposite side of the path.

This combo of moving capture point and demon rune is what makes Warpath so darn fun. At any point players need to make a whole bunch of choices. Do you cluster up with your teammates in the capture point, speeding up the capture time and ensuring that the point remains yours? Do you race to the other side of the map, hoping to pick up the demon rune to quickly turn the tide of battle? Do you trail behind the capture point, trying to pick off your foes and protect the rear? Do you rush ahead and try to stop your foes from an uncontested capture with a frontal assault? And how do you manage to stay alive when the capture point slides over a void or deadly hazard? The unrelenting movement of the capture point makes Warpath a constant adrenaline rush – a non-stop tug of war for domination.

Points are accrued whenever your team controls the capture point. Victory is earned by the first team to reach a preset score, or by the team with the most points when time runs out.


Domination includes up to three static capture points that are spread out across a map. Players spawn on different sides of the map, and can control the capture points by clearing out any enemies and standing within the designated zone. Points are earned based on how long you control a capture point.

Of course, it wouldn’t be DOOM without a twist on this classic formula. In the case of Domination, the demon rune plays a key role. During a match, the rune will spawn randomly throughout the arena, and its appearance on the map will be announced to all players, giving everyone a chance to race for the rune. Because demons are more powerful than your standard soldier (as they are in all modes), the leading team will want the rune to prevent the other team from catching up. After all, if the losing team gets the demon rune first, they have a strong shot at tipping the scales by forcefully capturing a point and more easily holding their ground.

Victory is earned by the team that reaches a preset score, or by the team with the most points when the time runs out.

Team Deathmatch

One of the two purest takes on classic modes in DOOM multiplayer, Team Deathmatch pits two teams against each other in a straight-up kill-fest. Players can choose their loadouts, customize their marine and become the demon if they grab the rune while it’s in play. (Demon kills are scored the same as regular kills.) Power-ups and power weapons also play a key role here – we’ll have more info on those in our next video and feature. Victory is earned by the first team that reaches a preset score or by the team with the most points when time runs out.

Clan Arena

The other pure take on a classic mode, Clan Arena is a game of elimination: the last team standing wins. All pick-ups are removed from the map, and players won’t be able to restore their health or armor. Once you’re dead, you’re dead – no respawning. And demons aren’t available during this mode. Victory is earned by the team that fully eliminates all its foes – or by the team with the most remaining players when time runs out.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-25 06:56 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-25 07:09 PM 编辑

DOOM ~ Demons, Power Weapons & Power-Ups Detailed


  《毁灭战士》是由id Software所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2016年5月13日登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。


DOOM – Demons, Power Weapons & Power-Ups

For more than two decades, the DOOM marine has shot, smashed, blasted and chainsawed his way through heaving hordes of hellspawn. But come May 13, when DOOM releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, the demons will finally have their day. For the first time in the history of id’s seminal shooter, players can actually become a demon and wreak all kinds of havoc in intense multiplayer matches.

But that’s not all. Along with the newly playable demons, combatants can also grab hold of devastating power weapons and unique power-ups that enhance the intensely fun multiplayer mayhem. For a look at just a few of the demons, power weapons and power-ups in DOOM multiplayer, watch our new video.


The demons in multiplayer aren’t just a more powerful version of the DOOM marine. Many of the demons are based on their campaign counterparts, and each delivers a different set of devastating moves. Demons are also integrated into the gameplay modes, with some modes even making demons a key part of the combat. (For more on that, head to: DOOM – Multiplayer Modes Revealed.)

Baron of Hell

When you need to overpower other players, the Baron of Hell’s brute strength is unmatched. The Baron is perfect for those who want to rush right into the fray, dishing out the pain with vicious melee attacks and brutal Glory Kills. And if you ever find yourself surrounded as a Baron? Use your ground pound to damage a group of foes.

While the Baron of Hell is formidable, he’s not flawless. If you find yourself facing a Baron, it’s best to stand back and aim for its head or spine.


With its speed and agility, the Revenant is all about outmaneuvering its foes and then overwhelming them with its deadly dual missile launchers. While the Revenant can’t glide through an entire map, it can fly for short periods thanks to its jetpack, allowing it to leap over gaps, hover past hazards and deal damage from above the fray – making its explosive missiles even more powerful thanks to any potential splash damage.

Revenants are relatively weak for a demon, so players can quickly chip away at their health. A shot to the Revenant’s energy core will also deal big damage and temporarily disable its jetpack.


Just like its name suggests, this multiplayer-exclusive demon is great for tactical players who like to lurk in the shadows and ambush enemies before retreating back to safety. The Prowler can leap to most surfaces, jumping from high-point to high-point, getting into position and waiting for the right moment to ambush an unsuspecting foe. Capable of killing a marine in a single blow, the Prowler can see enemies even through walls, allowing it to set up its attacks and execute its kills with deadly precision.

With low health and no ranged attacks, the Prowler is most vulnerable when it’s on the ground surrounded by foes.


As slow and shambling as it looks, the Mancubus is a portly powerhouse who can crush its foes with its long-range rockets while soaking up damage thanks to its high health. Its rocket barrage isn’t the most accurate – but when you want to clear out an area, these arcing explosive shots can do the job like nothing else. The Mancubus also has a powerful, short-range area-of-effect venting attack that builds up from the heat generated when he fires his rockets; if he doesn’t vent, he risks overheating – but when he does vent, the Mancubus can destroy anyone foolish enough to get too close.

The only chance of surviving when a Mancubus is in play: Keep your distance and pepper this demon from the sides and back. Or, if you have a clear shot, aim right for the Mancubus’ chest cavity for a big blow.

Power Weapons

While the shotgun might be one of DOOM’s most iconic weapons – and can easily be added to any player’s loadout – these classic killing machines are available only as limited-use pick-ups that spawn during a multiplayer match. Grab a power weapon and you not only become even more lethal, but you can also spot enemies through walls. Use up the ammo and you’re done with the deadly device until it respawns again. Try not to die with ammo still in a power weapon, as it’s left behind for an enemy to grab!

Gauss Cannon

Fast and ferociously accurate, the Gauss Cannon fires speedy slugs that can go the distance – and blow through multiple foes without any loss in power.


If you hear the guttural roar of the chainsaw, you best get out of the way. This DOOM favorite delivers an instant kill to any marine – and can quickly slice away at a demon’s health.

BFG 9000

Just like in the classic DOOMs, the BFG continues to live up to its name. Its charged projectile will not only obliterate anything in its blast radius, but also dishes out the pain to anyone along the way with tendrils of electrical energy.


In DOOM, fortune favors the bold. That’s true for those seeking power-ups, which are typically located in high-risk (and highly trafficked) areas. DOOM’s power-ups are active for a limited period of time, enhancing your marine with unique buffs. As with power weapons, dying with an active power-up will leave it behind for other players to grab.


They’ll never see you coming. Just be careful: While you’re almost completely transparent (with the slightest distortion indicating your position), the effect is diminished when you fire a weapon or use equipment.


Why go fast when you can go even faster? Not only are you speedier (and can make longer leaps due to your enhanced momentum), but your rate of fire is also increased and some weapons will charge faster.


Rush into the fray with a bit of extra swagger, thanks to Regeneration. For a limited time, your health and armor will recharge – and even overcharge if you’re healthy enough.

Quad Damage

Everything is more powerful when you’ve got Quad Damage: primary fire, modified fire, even power weapons (if you have one equipped). Lethal equipment gets a boost as well.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-1 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-1 06:54 PM 编辑

DOOM 'Fight Like Hell' Cinematic Trailer

  日前Betheseda继续通过官方Youtube频道放出了旗下新作《毁灭战士》的新影像,本次公开的则是一段真人宣传片。这段宣传影像由曾经执导了《创:战纪(Tron: Legacy)》的《遗落战境(Oblivion)》的Joe Kosinski打造,宣传片制作非常精良,以非常逼真的方式再现了游戏中人类和恶魔之间的战斗,非常有看大片的感觉。那么,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏这段最新的宣传片吧!

  《毁灭战士》是由id Software所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2016年5月13日登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。本作的多人模式内测于2016年3月31日至4月3日之间在PS4、XBOX One和PC这三个平台上展开,有资格参与内测的玩家可以抢先尝试本作的团队死亡(Team Deathmatch)模式和Warpath模式,此外还可以体验游戏中的Heatwave和Infernal这两张地图。


DOOM – Fight Like Hell Cinematic Trailer

Fight. Like. Hell. Celebrate DOOM's upcoming launch with our all-new live-action cinematic trailer. Directed by Joe Kosinski (Oblivion, Tron: Legacy), the trailer evokes the pillars of DOOM's gameplay: relentless combat, terrifying demons, and bad-ass guns.

DOOM releases on Friday, May 13 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, and can be pre-ordered by heading to DOOM.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-7 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-7 07:02 PM 编辑

DOOM open beta begins April 15, $39.99 multiplayer DLC season pass announced
《毁灭战士(DOOm)》公测于4月15日开始 DLC情报公开


  本次的公测将在PS4、Xbox One和PC平台上展开,所有玩家均可下载并进行尝试。此外,本次的公测提供团队死亡(Team Deathmatch)和Warpath这两种模式,并包含Heatwave和Infernal这两张地图供玩家们体验。此外官方还公开了本作DLC的情报,Bethesda表示《毁灭战士》在5月13日发售后也并不意味着他们的服务就此结束,他们还会在2016年生下的时间中不断推出免费更新,其中包含各种地图和多人模式内容。


• 3张新地图• Three new maps
• 1个新武器• One new weapon
• 1个可用地图• One new playable demon
• 1个装甲套装• One new armour set
• 1个新装备• One new piece of equipment
• 新的黑客模板• New hack modules and taunts
• 新的定制颜色和图案• New customization colours and patterns

  《毁灭战士》是由id Software所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2016年5月13日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。

DOOM – Open Beta and Post-Launch Content

We’re pleased to announce DOOM’s Open Beta will run from 15-18 April. This Open Beta will not require a code and players will simply be able to logon to the platform of their choice and download to access Team Deathmatch and Warpath on the Heatwave and Infernal maps.

These maps and modes are just a fraction of what players will experience when the game launches May 13 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. In a recent video series we explored the maps, modes and power-ups of DOOM’s multiplayer – all things players have to look forward to at launch. But support for DOOM doesn’t end when the game is out. For the rest of the year, we expect to provide certain free content updates across SnapMap and multiplayer.

We know the DOOM community has always been about great user-generated content, and that’s something we want to continue to encourage with SnapMap, an innovative new component of DOOM designed to make creating, sharing and playing new game experiences fast and easy. On top of being able to access and play new modes and maps created by fellow gamers, id plans to offer content updates for SnapMap, including map modules; props and objects; additional features and functionality; AI enhancements; editing tool enhancements and more. Multiplayer will also receive content updates in the form of new game modes. Both of these SnapMap and multiplayer updates will be free to use and play.

In addition to the planned free support and content updates, we will also be releasing three premium multiplayer DLC packs after launch, which will get you a number of new maps, hack modules, playable demons, weapons and more. The first DLC will be available this summer and give you access to:

• Three new maps
• One new weapon
• One new playable demon
• One new armour set
• One new piece of equipment
• New hack modules and taunts
• New customization colours and patterns

Each DLC pack will cost $14.99, or you can get them all at a discount with the Season Pass for $39.99. Check your preferred retailer to pre-order the DOOM Season Pass.

For more information about the game please visit DOOM.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-12 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-12 06:15 PM 编辑

射击游戏新作《毁灭战士》Open Beta 测试即将于 15 日登场

  《毁灭战士》即将于美国东部标准时间 4 月 15 日至 17 日展开多人联机 Open Beta 测试,而游戏主程序则于美国东部标准时间 12 日起开放下载。

  Bethesda Softworks 旗下新作《毁灭战士》是款第一人称射击游戏,玩家将在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。 本次《毁灭战士》多人联机Open Beta 测试将开放所有玩家,抢先体验两张地图 Heatwave 和 Infernal, 、两个游戏模式 Team Deathmatch 与 Warpath、一名可操控恶魔,以及九种武器等内容。

  Xbox One / PS4 / PC《毁灭战士》预定 5 月 13 日海外上市。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-14 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-15 07:32 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-5 11:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-6 06:11 PM 编辑

DOOM Launch Trailer

  PC / PS4 / Xbox One《毁灭战士》即将于 5 月 13 日正式上市,Bethesda Softworks 今日抢先释出上市宣传影片,抢先带领玩家以第一人称视角进入游戏世界。

  《毁灭战士》是款第一人称射击游戏系列新作,玩家将在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。 官方强调,本作的多人玩法节奏快速、没有躲藏、狙击的设计,让玩家能在游戏中能体验肾上腺素激发的对战快感。

  Xbox One / PS4 / PC《毁灭战士》预定 5 月 13 日海外上市,并已于即日起开放预购;典藏版将收录高 12 吋 PVC 模型等。


DOOM – Get Ready to Fight Like Hell (Launch Details) - Bethesda.net
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-12 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-12 06:51 PM 编辑

DOOM ~ Guns, Demons, Speed

  Bethesda Softworks 旗下 id Software 开发,预定于 2016 年 5 月 19 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版 FPS 新作《毁灭战士》(DOOM),日前公布由执行制作 Marty Stratton 与创意总监 Hugo Martin 担任解说的开发者日志影片,主要介绍原作中很重要的枪、恶魔及速度等三大关键要素 ,透过 id Software 独家开发最新游戏引擎「id Tech 6」的图像,能将手持的枪械细部表现、依类型而有不同行动的恶魔,以及如何有效率地以手上的枪打倒眼前的恶魔等原作精髓展现得淋漓尽致。 另外,影片还介绍了武器及技能的升级要素,以及名为「Glory Kill」的新系统等内容。

  本作为自 2004 年推出《毁灭战士 3》以来睽违 12 年的最新作,是一款非重制而是经过调整后重新启动的作品,也因此未予以编号。 故事以通往地狱之门开启而被从中窜出的恶魔所霸占火星基地为舞台,描述单枪匹马潜入并与恶魔军团展开激战的星际战士冒险过程,除了透过移动来回复体力的新系统而衍生出来的快速动作之外,还将出现枪击、刀斩、踩踏甚至肢解身体等暴力血腥场景。


DOOM – Guns, Demons, Speed

Guns. Demons. Speed. In DOOM, it’s all about the combat. But there’s more to DOOM than just running and gunning. We go behind the scenes with DOOM’s Executive Producer Marty Stratton and Creative Director Hugo Martin to find out how you can customize the single-player experience to suit your playstyle – and we learn more about why playing DOOM feels like nothing else. See the game in action before DOOM releases worldwide on May 13.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-13 07:34 AM

NVIDIA releases DOOM PC footage of the game running with the Vulkan API


DOOM: Watch World-Exclusive Direct Feed, GeForce GTX-Powered, Vulkan-Accelerated 1080p 60 FPS Gameplay

At our GeForce GTX 1080 launch we teamed up with id Software to demonstrate DOOM running at up to 200 FPS, using the power of the world's fastest and most advanced graphics card, and the capabilities of the Vulkan graphics API. The footage was fast and furious, and silky smooth, but the short clip left gamers wanting more.

Speaking about the debut of the GeForce GTX 1080, Vulkan-enhanced footage last weekend, id Software Executive Producer Marty Stratton said, "Thanks again to NVIDIA for allowing us to show DOOM at their event in Austin on Saturday. We were thrilled with the response to the videos that some in the audience captured and posted, but we also know you'd like to see high-res, full-screen gameplay."

We're ecstatic then that id wanted to present fans a new, uncut 6-minute direct feed, 1920x1080, 60 FPS, 2.1GB PC gameplay video that shows the full fidelity, speed, and quality of DOOM, which launches this Friday on Steam. This is the world's first uncompressed direct feed footage from the GeForce GTX-powered, Vulkan-accelerated version of DOOM, running at full speed with a 120 degree field of view, giving you a perfect look at how DOOM plays on PC with settings and options cranked up. "This gameplay at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities", added Stratton.

Captured on a GeForce GTX Titan X after the event, because id Software "accidentally left their GeForce GTX 1080 at the event when packing up", the new video shows 6 minutes of uninterrupted footage from the Vulkan version of DOOM, which will be released in the not too distant future. If you're unfamiliar with Vulkan, it's a new graphics API renderer with a simpler, thinner driver, and efficient CPU multi-threading capabilities. Compared to DirectX or OpenGL, Vulkan has less latency and overhead, and can help your system reach new levels of performance. In simpler terms, Vulkan can help developers avoid CPU bottlenecks that limit performance, and can improve performance elsewhere, too.

On a GeForce GTX 1080, Vulkan-accelerated DOOM is going to run even faster, and be capable of running smoothly at higher resolutions, delivering an even higher quality experience that will further enhance fidelity on your PC.

For more on the Vulkan release of DOOM stay tuned to GeForce.com. To pre-order a copy of the game head on over to Steam.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-13 06:02 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-4 07:30 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-11 07:23 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-13 08:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-13 08:38 PM 编辑

DOOM 'Unto the Evil' Multiplayer DLC Announced
《毁灭战士4》'Unto the Evil' 多人DLC公布

  在Bethesda的E3发布会上公布《毁灭战士4》未来的内容进行了一定的介绍,表示将会为PS4/Xbox One/PC平台推出Demo版,而Demo将会包含单人游戏模式的首关。这与之前90年代老《毁灭战士》所使用的试玩模式Shareware倒是极为相似。

  另外Bethesda还公布了各种针对SnapMap的升级,以及游戏的首部多人DLC“UNTO THE EVIL”,该DLC将包含三张全新多人地图,一个名为收割者的可操作恶魔,一把新枪和全新护甲套装。最后《毁灭战士4》将会支持VR技术,搭档为HTC Vive。


DOOM at E3 2016 – Demo, Free Updates and Premium DLC

“Last month we had the privilege of releasing one of the most iconic titles in this industry to fans around the world,” said Executive Producer Marty Stratton at E3 2016. Hot on the heels of DOOM’s successful launch, Stratton then shared what’s still to come for id Software’s seminal shooter.

Free Demo

id Software built its mighty legacy on sharing, offering free demos of the original DOOM over two decades ago. In that same spirit, today’s DOOM will also offer a free demo of the full first level of game. This demo will available for a limited time only – during the week of E3. If you haven’t yet experienced the powerful guns, vicious demons and intense speed that’s made DOOM such a critical hit, now’s the perfect time.

SnapMap – Free Updates

Inspired by the community creations, id Software plans to provide free updates to DOOM’s innovative SnapMap creation tool, expanding everything from the visuals to the functionality and beyond. Here are some highlights that will be released in the coming months:

• New construction modules, including Hell visual themes
• New props, weapons and items
• New logic options
• New functionality, like the campaign’s popular weapon wheel, that will help creators build deeper single-player experiences
• Enhanced ways to easily find and play new content in the SnapMap hub

Multiplayer – Free Updates

In the next month, id Software will release two new modes:

• Exodus: a one-flag CTF mode that Stratton describes as a “uniquely DOOM experience”
• Sector: a multizone capture-and-hold mode

Later this summer, DOOM will also be updated with three additional free-for-all modes, including beloved classic mode. All of these new modes will be playable on any existing or future maps, and will be free for all players.
Multiplayer – Unto the Evil

DOOM’s first premium DLC pack will also release next month. Unto the Evil will include:

• Three new multiplayer maps: Offering, Cataclysm and Ritual
• A new player-controlled demon: Harvester
• A new weapon: UAC EMG Pistol
• New equipment: Kinetic Mine
• New ways to customize your DOOM marine, including additional armor sets, patterns, colors and taunts
• New hack modules

“With just a month past since our launch, we hope you’ve only scratched the surface of fun we packed into the game,” Stratton said. “And we can’t wait to give you even more ways to compete, create, play and fight like hell.”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-7 07:01 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-29 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-1 07:48 PM 编辑


  近日Bethesda和id Software已经放出了《毁灭战士》的最新更新补丁,而本次的更新主要为大家带来了两种全新的多人游戏模式。其中Exodus模式是一种夺旗模式,不过该模式包含移动的旗帜和基地。而Sector模式下,玩家们需要通过战斗来控制各个区域并获取点数。这两种模式将适用于现有和未来的所有地图。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-5 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-5 06:34 PM 编辑

Doom 'Unto the Evil' Multiplayer DLC Now Available


DOOM – Unto the Evil Now Available

Hot on the heels of the release of Free Update 2, DOOM’s first premium DLC, Unto the Evil, is now available. Unto the Evil brings three new diverse maps to DOOM multiplayer, in addition to a new weapon, a new playable demon and more. id Software is also introducing the PartyPlay system, which allows anyone to play any of the new maps from Unto the Evil, as long as you party up with a friend who owns the DLC. Similarly, if you own the DLC, the Unto the Evil DLC maps will be accessible to anyone who’s in your party as part of the map rotation.

Unto the Evil is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and can be purchased for $14.99 (£11.99 /
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-3 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-23 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-20 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-20 07:05 PM 编辑

《毁灭战士4》版本更新 加入街机及新多人模式

  今年发售的大作《毁灭战士4(Doom)》最令人欣喜的一点就是它回归到了经典的具有街机风格的射击游戏。通过游戏最近的更新信息我们可以了解到,Bethesda 和Id Software 希望把这一特色发扬光大。


  游戏还加入了“经典版块(Classic Modules)”,玩家可像之前的游戏一样自创关卡。除此之外,两款多人模式也包含在其中,分别是“领地(Possession)”及“血奔(Bloodrush)”。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-27 11:29 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-8 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-15 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-15 07:39 PM 编辑

《毁灭战士4》新DLC发布 内含新角色与新武器

  今日Bethesda 上线了《毁灭战士 4》最后一份付费DLC “血瀑”。这款新DLC为《毁灭战士4》多人模式引进了三张新地图,Empyrain、Boneyard以及Outbreak。此外,怪物阵营还增加了新的可使用角色Spectre Pinky,这种新怪物可以隐身对玩家进行攻击。除了以上更新外,新DLC还加入了一款全新的榴弹发射器,一款信徒护甲以及新的骇客模组、自定义图案等多项内容。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-16 07:44 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-2-27 07:04 PM
id合作总监谈《毁灭战士4》 将继续支持多人游戏部分

  B社旗下游戏《毁灭战士4(DOOM)》自从推出后,得到了很多玩家的好评。近日,id Software合作总监Marty Stratton表示仍然想要探索未来的可能性。

  在DICE 2017上,合作总监Marty Stratton表示:“我们留下了非常非常精彩的画布和大量的色彩来面向未来。”但至于细节方面,他并没有透露。Stratton表示id将会继续支持《毁灭战士4》的多人游戏部分,并表示工作室“仍然还有一些想要送给玩家的东西”。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-12 02:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-12 05:11 PM 编辑

Doom VFR announced for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive
《毁灭战士》系列 VR 新作《DOOM VFR》正式公开 支持 VR 与 PSVR

  Bethesda 今日稍早于美国举办的 E3 展前发表会中,首度发表了由 id Software 打造的《毁灭战士(Doom)》系列 VR 新作《DOOM VFR》,预计支持 HTC Vive 与 PSVR 平台,具体上市日期未定。



Bethesda Softworks and id Software announced Doom VFR, a virtual reality Doom game for PlayStation VR and HTC Vive, during the Bethesdsa Softworks E3 2017 press conference. It will launch in 2017.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bethesda:


Available for PlayStation VR and VIVE platforms, this Doom adventure will bathe you in virtual carnage. Developed by id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and modern VR, Doom VFR brings the fast-paced, brutal gameplay fans of the series love to virtual reality. Immerse yourself in the UAC facility on Mars and the depths of Hell, as your skills are put to the test through intense combat and challenging puzzle-solving. Play as a cybernetic survivor who is activated by the UAC to fight the demon invasion, maintain order, and prevent catastrophic failure at the Mars facility. Lay waste to an army of demonic foes as you explore and interact with the outlandish world of Doom from an entirely new perspective.


Set shortly after the demonic invasion on the UAC’s Martian research facility, you are the last known human survivor – until your death. Under a top-secret UAC operational contingency protocol, your consciousness is transferred to an artificial brain matrix. Your designated purpose: restore operational stability and use any means necessary to stop the onslaught of demons.

Key Features

Experience Doom combat and its iconic weapons and demons from an entirely new perspective.

Physically interact with the Doom universe as you seamlessly traverse across the UAC facility and Hell using teleportation and jet-strafe movement.

Explore all-new UAC Martian research facility areas and discover the unique abilities of a cybernetic UAC security operative.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-20 11:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 07:18 PM 编辑

Doom version 6.66 update launches today, unlocks all multiplayer DLC
《毁灭战士》发表 6.66 版更新 同步推出周末免费试玩


  Bethesda 今日透过官方论坛发表《毁灭战士》6.66 版更新消息,大改多人联机并推出周末免费试玩活动。


  隆重推出 6.66 版更新,本次改版将为《毁灭战士》带来全新的多人联机内容、修正,和优化。 请由下方问与答检视 6.66 版的内容及更新注记。

毁灭战士更新 6.66 版问与答

问:什么是「毁灭战士更新 6.66 版」?
答:6.66 版将为对《毁灭战士》的多人联机部分带来巨大变革,包括经过全面翻新过的等级系统、全新的符文系统、改良过的击杀通知、和臭虫修正。 同时,我们也为所有既有玩家进行升级,所有既有玩家将免费享有所有多人联机 DLC。
问:所有 DLC 都将随着 6.66 版改为免费吗?
答:没错,地图、武器、护甲外观、和恶魔等多人联机 DLC 均已纳为游戏的基础内容,免费提供给所有玩家。
答:经过翻新后的等级系统将抛弃先前的开箱抽奖方式,改为让玩家藉由提升等级或藉由完成挑战去解锁更多武器、恶魔、装备、和其他自定义选项。 例如,若玩家很想要一个头盔外观,则玩家现可藉由填满对应的挑战进度来直接解锁。
答:符文系统将取代先前的「黑客能力模块(Hack Module)」成为同样用于强化玩家能力的新系统,不同于前身的地方在于这些强化效果现会一贯地产生作用,不再需要玩家达成某条件才会生效。
答:本次改版也将翻新死亡画面,使其一并指出死亡方式,不再只列出击杀者是谁。 新的死亡画面将列出击杀者、使用的武器,还有造成的伤害量等信息。
答:会,所有玩家的多人联机纪录将随着 6.66 版受到重置,回归 0 级。

问:6.66 版何时推出?
答:6.66 版将紧接免费试玩周末活动前于 2017 年 7 月 19 日推出。 关于周末免费试玩活动的讯息请见下方。
问:全平台都会更新成 6.66 版吗?
答:没错,PC 平台、PlayStation 4 平台、Xbox One 平台都会有 6.66 版。
答:玩家可藉此活动体验 2016 年年度游戏。 免费试玩者可进行单人战役中的前两个关卡、完整进行多人联机和 SnapMap 的自定义地图。
Xbox One:
开始:北美中部时间 7 月 20 日 11:00、台湾时间 7 月 21 日 00:00。
结束:北美中部时间 7 月 23 日 23:00、台湾时间 7 月 24 日 12:00。
PC Steam:
开始:北美中部时间 7 月 20 日 12:00、台湾时间 7 月 21 日 01:00。
结束:北美中部时间 7 月 23 日 15:00、台湾时间 7 月 24 日 16:00。
开始:北美中部时间 7 月 27 日 11:00、台湾时间 7 月 28 日 00:00。
结束:北美中部时间 7 月 30 日 23:00、台湾时间 7 月 31 日 12:00。

6.66 版更新注记


修正玩家于鬼抓人(Freeze Tag)回合的开头进行重生时变得无法动弹。
修正在 Infernal Run 模式中在弹药耗尽的状态下捡起球会接着导致传接球动作出现问题。
修正名为「Aimbot Hax」的挑战无法用 Reaper 这项武器进行。
修正 Outbreak 这张地图中的强化物品生成不一致。

为「Grab Object(抓取对象)」操纵控制新增 XYZ 轴旋转。
修正促使 A.I. 误入原为阻挡恶魔和 A.I. 视线的阻挡体积的臭虫。
优化促使 A.I. 部分陷入原为阻挡恶魔的阻挡体积的碰撞问题。 -

Bethesda Softworks and id Software have announced that Doom version update 6.66, or what it calls “the ultimate Doom update,” is available today.

While the update offers fixes and other improvements across multiplayer and SnapMap, its biggest changes include unlocking multiplayer downloadable content for all players, a completely revised multiplayer progression system, a new runes system, better player information, and revised use interface, and free weekends.

Here’s the full overview:

■ Doom Update 6.66 – FAQ

What is Doom Update 6.66?

Update 6.66 brings substantial changes to the game’s multiplayer, with a revised progression system, new rune system for loadouts, enhanced kill notifications and bug fixes. In addition to these improvements, we’re upgrading all existing players’ content to include all multiplayer DLC.

Is all the DLC free with Update 6.66?

Yes, the multiplayer DLC is now bundled into the core Doom game for free, producing the definitive Doom experience. All of the DLC maps, weapons, armor sets and demons will be available for all players to enjoy.

What is the revised progression system?

The revised progression system will alter when and how players unlock additional guns, demons, equipment, and all of the player and weapon customization options. Instead of relying on the random distribution of unlocks, items now unlock through specific leveling requirements or through in-game challenges that the player can complete. For example, if there’s a specific helmet you want right now, you can work towards unlocking it by focusing your play style on the requirement.

What is the new rune system?

The all-new Runes replace the Hack Module system. Like Hack Modules, Runes enhance player abilities, but can be persistently equipped, which was not possible with the previous system.

What are enhanced kill notifications?

The death screen is getting an overhaul as well, now calling out how you were killed, not just who killed you. The new death screen will list out the combination of players, weapon types and damage inflicted.

Does the update reset your multiplayer progression?

Yes, Update 6.66 resets all players’ multiplayer level back to 0.

Veteran players will have the option to reset their unlock progression and experience the new progression system fresh, or retain all of their existing guns, equipment, demons and customization options that they’ve acquired or purchased while unlocking some of the new items in the revised progression system.

Do veteran players receive anything after the update?

If you’ve played multiplayer since Doom’s release, you’ll receive a special badge indicating your veteran status.

When is the release date for Update 6.66?

Free Update 6.66 will release globally on July 19, 2017, prior to our Doom Free Trials Weekend (details below).

Is Update 6.66 available on all platforms?

Yes, this update is free for all users on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

What is the Doom Free Trial Weekend?

The free weekend is a great time to get hands on with one of the biggest games of 2016. You can play the first two Campaign levels and all of Doom Multiplayer and SnapMap.  The full game can be unlocked. If you like what you play during the Free Weekend, we’re offering the full game for $14.99 (US) / £11.99 (UK) / $17.99 (AUS) (digital purchase only).

Will I retain all my multiplayer progression from the Free Trial weekend?

Yes, if you play multiplayer during the Free Trial weekend and then purchase Doom, you’ll keep all your progress and unlocks.

When is the Doom Free Trial weekend?

■ Update 6.66 Patch Notes



Doom is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-27 11:41 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-21 11:12 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-16 10:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-17 07:22 AM 编辑

DOOM for Switch Launches November 10
《毁灭战士 4》任天堂 Switch 版即将于11 月 10 日推出

  Bethesda Softworks 日前公布消息,针对任天堂Switch版的《毁灭战士4》将于11月10日正式发行。

  游戏的创意总监 Hugo Martin和执行制作人Marty Stratton表示游戏,包括内置的SnapMap功能都会完整的呈现在Switch版本中。

  前段时间有消息称游戏的多人模式会以单独下载的方式放出。Switch版本的移植工作由Panic Button完成,该工作室也进行着《火箭联盟》的Switch移植工作。




由代表FPS游戏体验先锋和死亡竞赛模式的缔造者id software推出的《毁灭战士4》将会隆重回归,为玩家带来残暴而富有挑战性的现代射击游戏体验。这里有各种无情的恶魔、强力的枪械以及快速流畅的移动,为玩家带来了紧张的第一人称战斗的基础,无论你是想要在单人战役里深入地狱屠杀恶魔,还是想在多样化的多人游戏里同好友对战。




Bethesda Announces November 10 Release Date for DOOM on Nintendo Switch in New Developer Video

We’re pleased to announce that id Software’s demon-blasting masterpiece, DOOM, will launch for the Nintendo Switch on November 10.

In a new id Software developer video released today by Nintendo, creative director Hugo Martin and executive producer Marty Stratton discuss the many features that players will experience in DOOM on Nintendo Switch, including the full single-player campaign (with all difficulty modes), Arcade Mode, and the entire suite of Multiplayer maps and modes, including all previously released DLC content. They also go into further depth about working with developer Panic Button to ensure DOOM on Nintendo Switch feels as fast, brutal, and true to the experience gamers have loved on other platforms.

Developed by id Software in conjunction with Panic Button, DOOM on Nintendo Switch brings the multi-award-winning 2016 first person shooter to a new audience. For more information on DOOM for Nintendo Switch, please visit Bethesda.net.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-11 07:12 AM
DOOM for Nintendo Switch Now Available, Launch Trailer


DOOM Now Available Worldwide for Nintendo Switch

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that the critically acclaimed first-person shooter, DOOM, is available now for Nintendo Switch™. The iconic game that defined a genre and is considered one of the most influential games ever made, returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter that can be taken anywhere with Nintendo Switch.

“We’re excited to welcome Nintendo fans back to the world of DOOM,” said Marty Stratton, executive producer at id Software. “This game is all about powerful guns, crazy demons, and fast, relentless gameplay, which we think Switch players will really enjoy.”

Developed by id Software in conjunction with Panic Button, DOOM on Nintendo Switch includes the award-winning 2016 first-person shooter plus all of the game’s multiplayer DLC and Arcade Mode. DOOM for Nintendo Switch is rated M for mature by the ERSB and is priced at $59.99. For more information, visit DOOM.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 02:30 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-11 05:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:34 PM 编辑

Doom: Eternal announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
《毁灭战士》系列新作《毁灭战士:永恒 DOOM ETERNAL》首度曝光

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/163843.html

  Bethesda Softworks 刚刚在 E3 展前记者会公开经典第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士》系列《毁灭战士:永恒(DOOM ETERNAL)》首部宣传影片。

  《毁灭战士:永恒》创意总监 Hugo Martin 表示,继 2016 年重启《毁灭战士》后,他们受到广大玩家的回响,许多玩家希望能够在游戏中展现更有威力,并且面对更加强大的 BOSS,而这一切,都将在《毁灭战士:永恒》中实现。

  Bethesda Softworks 今日仅在现场公开《毁灭战士:永恒》宣传影片,尚未公布相关平台与上市日期。 《毁灭战士:永恒》游戏总监 Marty Strattion 表示,《毁灭战士:永恒》完整内容将于今年秋季在 QuakeCon 中公开。


Bethesda Softworks and id Software announced Doom: Eternal for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during its E3 2018 press conference. A release date was not announced.

Developed by id Software, Doom: Eternal is the direct sequel to the award-winning and best-selling Doom (2016). Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. As the Doom Slayer, return to take your vengeance against the forces of Hell. Set to an all-new pulse pounding soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon, fight across dimensions as you slay new and classic demons with powerful new weapons and abilities.

Bethesda Softworks will reveal first gameplay for Doom: Eternal at QuakeCon 2018 on August 10.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-11 01:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-15 07:32 PM 编辑

DOOM Eternal Debut Gameplay and Details, Also Coming to Switch
《毁灭战士:永恒》将可操作恶魔 并预定发行 Nintendo Switch 版

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/166893.html

  id Software 公开了开发中的 FPS《毁灭战士:永恒》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)最新影片,同时介绍游戏系统新信息。 本次总长 25 分钟的影片,内容包含制作团队于得克萨斯州达拉斯活动「QuakeCon 2018」中进行的演讲,以及实际游玩片段。

  可以说是 FPS 开山鼻祖的《毁灭战士》系列最新作《毁灭战士:永恒》,虽然详细内容尚未正式发表,但这次游戏舞台似乎是地狱之门被开启的火星卫星. 火卫一、地球,还有浮游其中的各个太空站。 这也是首款使用 id Software 开发的游戏引擎「idTech 7」制作的游戏。 从影片可以看出,游戏呈现出美丽又充满疯狂的世界观氛围。

  本作与系列获得极高评价的重制版《毁灭战士》(2016 年)相比,增加了近 2 倍左右的恶魔种类,四脚步行生物机械蜘蛛(Arachnotron)和吐出火球的焰魔(Arch-vile)等,在系列初期作品就登场过的怪物们也会出现。 另外还追加了浮游型恶魔以及双手同时拿斧和霰弹枪的新敌人。

  从影片里可以看出,游戏性比前作更加强化。 玩家能在混沌血腥世界观底下,接连使出各种飞檐走壁、多采多姿的高速动作。

  本作武器也各个精彩有趣。 像是可以使用被称为「肉钩」的钩爪钩住敌人高速接近,在极近距离射击的霰弹枪、可以装在肩膀上的火炎发射器,还有一刺入就会在内部引起爆炸的「弩炮(ballista)」、可自由弹出的拳刃等,游戏里将登场各种疯狂的新兵器。

  另外本作还搭载了名为「Destructive Demons」的系统,依击中部位不同,敌人的破坏描写也会随之改变,在血腥演出上也刻划地十分用心。

  而玩家这次也可以操作恶魔了。 操作恶魔与其它玩家展开对战的模式「Invasion」会正式搭载。 关于「Invasion」是什么样的形式,或者是什么不同的新模式,目前还未完全说明。 似乎是操作恶魔的玩家们一起乱入其它玩家的活动,能享受到 1 对多的不对称打法。 从这点来看,本作想来会非常有挑战性。

  本次也发表《毁灭战士:永恒》将推出 Nintendo Switch 版,会以 30fps 固定帧率为目标开发。 游戏为了提供能满足更多粉丝要求的质量正努力开发中,似乎可以期待会获得比前作更高的评价。


◆本次的多人对战模式是id Software自己做的,前作的多人对战模式是由Certain Affinity开发的;

◆在前作中的地图编辑分享功能Snap Map在本作中取消,不过本作的监督Marty Stratton表示会在发售之后满足玩家们对这方面的需求。并且还表示将在之后推出本作的战役DLC;



About DOOM Eternal

Developed by id Software, DOOM Eternal is the direct sequel to the award-winning and best-selling DOOM (2016). Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power as you rip-and-tear your way across dimensions with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. Powered by idTech 7 and set to an all-new pulse-pounding soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon, DOOM Eternal puts you in control of the unstoppable DOOM Slayer as you blow apart new and classic demons with powerful weapons in unbelievable and never-before-seen worlds.

Key Features

• Slayer 2.0 – Unleash the overwhelming power of the DOOM Slayer. With updated armor and an arsenal of new and improved equipment, including a shoulder-mounted cannon with flamethrower, extendable blade, and a new dash ability, you’re faster and deadlier than ever. Destroy every demon in your path with an upgraded array of guns and mods, including the Super Shotgun’s new Meat Hook attachment to pull yourself point blank with the faces of hell.

• Rip More, Tear More – Obliterate more demons than ever before, each with their own attacks and abilities. Fan-favorite classics such as the Pain Elemental, Archvile, and Arachnotron make their return, while a horde of totally-new demons join the roster including the DOOM Hunter and corrupted Marauders. DOOM Eternal’s “destructible demons” system takes your power fantasy to new levels by ensuring that every trigger pull has never felt better.

• All-new Invasion – As the Slayer, allow real players to invade your campaign as demons for a dramatic and unpredictable twist anytime you’re playing the campaign. Or join the ranks of the damned yourself as you become a demon and invade a friend or other player’s campaign. Invade others either by yourself or with another player, as part of a hunting party, to give the Slayer a true taste of Hell.

• We’re Not on Mars Anymore – Rip and tear across epic, never-before-seen worlds. Witness the tumbling skyscrapers of Hell on Earth; battle through an invasion of the mammoth BFG 10,000 on Phobos; and discover the ancient secrets of the DOOM universe. With idTech7, every environment is brought to life in unprecedented detail.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-15 07:21 PM
《毁灭战士 永恒》将提供更多单人剧情DLC内容
转载 - 多玩(http://tv.duowan.com/1808/398189292055.html


  在QuakeCon2018上,《毁灭战士》游戏总监Marty Stratton公布了这一消息,他表示他们绝对会为《毁灭战士:永恒》发售后提供单人DLC内容给玩家。他甚至表示如果他有机会回到过去做一些与众不同的事情,他会给以前的《毁灭战士》推出更多单人DLC内容。

  《毁灭战士:永恒》在QuakeCon上公开的视频来看,本作拥有着非常丰富的内容。除了更多可以游玩的场景以及更加深刻的剧情之外,玩家还能够使用更加丰富的新武器来杀戮更多种类的恶魔。除此之外,id Software还向玩家展示了大量的场景艺术设计图,以及一个看起来像是游戏里另一个世界的神秘城市。

  在之前的《毁灭战士》游戏中,游戏通过法典与文件向玩家展示了各种不同的片段,这次游戏也将会揭露更多关于这个系列世界观下的背景故事。这一次的主角是一位来自另一世界Argent D’Nur的毁灭战士,在它的世界沦陷之后,他就不可阻挡的开始疯狂屠杀来自地狱的恶魔,直到他最后被封印在棺材里。而现在,他逃出来了,并且十分愤怒。


  《毁灭战士:永恒》将于2019年在Xbox One、PS4以及PC平台上发售。

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