标题: 【PS4/ARC】Tekken 7 [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-14 06:03 PM
标题: 【PS4/ARC】Tekken 7
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-28 07:06 PM 编辑
官方正式公布《铁拳7》 首支先导预告片放出
《铁拳7》的消息刚泄露,官方就立马跟上了,在EVO 2014上,Bandai Namco官方公布了《铁拳7》,并放出了游戏的首支先导预告片。
于此同时,《铁拳》的日本官网 - Tekken Official 也公布了这款预告片的日文版和英文版。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-26 06:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-27 07:40 AM 编辑
《铁拳7(Tekken 7)》圣地亚哥动漫展SDCC14完整版宣传影像公开
在此前举行的EVO 2014中,Bandai Namco正式公开了《铁拳》系列最新作《铁拳7》并为玩家们带来了游戏的首段预告片。而在正在进行的圣地亚哥动漫展中,官方再度放出了本作的宣传影像,本次的视频是之前的宣传片的完整版,继续以那位神秘女性为中心来讲述游戏中的一些背景故事。就像之前所说的那样,她应该就是三岛平八的妻子三岛一美,三岛一八的母亲,很有可能是本作的核心人物,三岛家血脉诅咒的历史也将揭开新章。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-9 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-11 06:36 PM 编辑
Tekken 7's first new character might be an Arab fighter
《铁拳7》或加入中东角色 制作人公开设计图
Katsuhiro Harada's message on Facebook
Hi everyone, this is Harada from the Tekken Project.
This will probably catch you all in a surprise, but I have a question I’d like to ask all of you “Tekken fans”. Asking a question like this is very rare in the history of Tekken development.
I believe all of you know by now that we are developing Tekken 7 at the moment. Of course, in Tekken 7, there will be “some” new characters that will be featured in the game. The ideas of these new characters are changing daily, and nothing is totally decided yet.
Today, I wanted to ask about “one of the ideas within the several new character ideas”. That is, a design concept of an Arab character. I would particularly like to hear the feedback from our Tekken fan community in the Middle Eastern countries (and of course, the all Tekken fan community).
However, the character lineup for Tekken 7 has not been decided! This character that we have shown you this time has not been decided as the character to be featured in the game yet. It will be decided depending on the reactions and feedback from the Tekken fan community.
Please do comment on this design concept that we have revealed this time.
To be honest, we did have an idea of an Arab fighter since 2008, but since most of the development team members are Japanese and do not know much about the Middle Eastern culture or clothes, we were not able to fully design it back then.
But in recent years I (Harada) have been visiting places such as Dubai and Saudi Arabia, and many of the development staff members have been learning about Middle Eastern culture and designs. From there we came up with this character’s outfit design.
If the Tekken fan community, especially those in the Middle Eastern area, end up liking this character, I would like to feature this character in the game.
On the other hand, if this character is not received well by the Middle Eastern Tekken fan community members, there is a possibility that the character will be considerably changed or letting go of the idea of featuring this character in the game.
The development team likes this design and think that this character is a cool Arab fighter, but if there is something in particular to mention, please do let us know. We would like it if you all do like the character as well.
(Some precautions again)
• Note that featuring this Arab character in the game is not decided yet at this moment and will need the push from the Tekken fan community.
• What we want you to look at is mainly the outfit concept, the fighting style, etc. but please do not debate about the gameplay portion at this stage.
• This is just a concept sketch. Nothing has been set in stone, so please do not jump the gun and think everything is already fixed and decided.
• We will not count as feedback those comments that use bad and inappropriate language or those that harm others. If it becomes a big issue, we will take down the post and seal it in the very firm Mishima Zaibatsu container box forever (and we will block you). We will erase those comments that does not relate to the topic. We look forward for Tekken fans to comment and feedback in a mannerly fashion.
• The development team will be reading the comments but will not (be able to) reply except for particular cases. In addition, we will have a cut-off time on the feedbacks after a certain time.
• There will be several new other characters in Tekken 7. We will not be revealing them yet. But I will collect feedbacks also about them in the future.
We ask for the Tekken fans’ help. Let’s build the excitement for Tekken 7 together. I thank you for your help in advance!
Post by Tekken Project Game Director / Chief Producer - Katsuhiro Harada (Twitter@Harada_TEKKEN)
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-12 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-14 06:26 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7 | Tekken 7》公布游戏介绍影片 导入新绘图引擎与远程联机对战等众多新要素
BANDAI NAMCO Games 制作,预定 2015 年 2 月推出营运的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(铁拳7)》,日前在 YouTube 官方频道公布游戏内容特色介绍宣传影片,供玩家参考。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用新硬件基板与 Unreal Engine 4 制作,以 1080p 60fps 呈现,绘图与特效表现大幅提升。追加 2 名新角色 “新星驱魔师” 克劳迪欧‧瑟拉菲诺与 “性感坏女孩” 卡塔莉纳‧奥菲斯,导入能硬抗对手上中段攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以一击逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等新系统,首度支持跨店铺网络联机远程对战。
《铁拳 7》预定 11 月 22、23 日在东京 / 大阪 / 福冈进行第 2 波店头测试。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-8 06:14 PM
《铁拳》系列公布 20 周年纪念特别影片 回顾经典 3D 格斗演进历程
BANDAI NAMCO Games 配合今(7)日下午在日本东京举办的「铁拳 20 周年粉丝感谢季」活动,在 YouTube 频道上释出活动开场影片的「铁拳 20 周年纪念特别影片」,供玩家欣赏。
《铁拳》是 1994 年 12 月由当时的 NAMCO(现 BANDAI NAMCO Games)推出的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏,采用与同月推出的 PlayStation 主机兼容的硬件基板制作,来年 3 月就推出家用移植版,之后一路维持与 PlayStation 的合作关系至今,与 PlayStation 共同迎接 20 周年纪念。
《铁拳》系列目前的最新作为开发中的《铁拳 7》,预计 2015 年 2 月推出营运。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-9 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-10 07:36 AM 编辑
Tekken 7 unveils new character Lucky Chloe
《铁拳 7》公布猫耳造型萌系新角色「幸运蔻依」
BANDAI NAMCO Games 于本周日(12 月 7 日)在本社的未来研究所举办人气 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列诞生 20 周年纪念的粉丝感谢季,会中公布了开发中新作《铁拳 7》的新角色。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用新硬件基板与 Unreal Engine 4 制作,以 1080p 60fps 呈现,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,导入能硬抗对手上中段攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统,首度支持跨店铺网络联机远程对战。
继先前公布「克劳迪欧‧瑟拉菲诺」与「卡塔莉纳‧奥菲斯」等 2 名新角色后,官方在 20 周年纪念感谢祭中又公布 1 名新角色「幸运蔻依(Lucky Chloe)」,是名有着金发碧眼双马尾、戴着猫耳造型耳机与穿著猫咪主题服装的可爱白人女孩,能施展如体操般轻盈优美的招式战斗。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-10 05:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-10 06:42 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》公开新角色「Lucky Chloe」以及 20 周年感谢祭活动花絮
2014 年 12 月 7 日位在东京 BANDAI NAMCO GAMES 未来研究所举办了人气对战格斗游戏《铁拳》20 周年纪念粉丝感谢祭。
经由抽签选出的大量铁拳粉丝们纷纷参加,不仅有期待已久的最新作《铁拳 7》的情报外,来自世界各国的招待选手们参加的「铁拳极限锦标赛 2 无限」等等盛大的赛事。
从庆祝影片中收录的《铁拳 7》最新情报,充满祭典热潮的第一部!
握着麦克风的开发团队代表原田胜弘表示:「转眼间就来到了 20 周年纪念,回想起来铁拳系列刚开始也有难题。像是开发《铁拳 3》时面临工作室重组,必须由零开始从头做起等近乎不可能的任务。」以及现在才能说出口的内心话:「《铁拳 6》发售后累积了家用版系列 4000 万的销量,成为了世界最畅销的格斗游戏系列。当然发售后也许多不满刺耳的声音浮现,不过我都认为是大家对我的支持。」
接着作为20周年庆祝节目,由搞笑艺人「铁拳」录制的影片中披露「铁拳的艺名也是我参考铁拳的,连发型也是参考平八的。」「最初游玩铁拳是 22 年前(注:今年为 20 周年)」「担任《铁拳 4》的项目负责人时也像是自己的亲戚般对待。」等等「铁拳式」的发言。最后也附上了「我和游戏是一心同体,接下来也作出更多更多的新系列作。还有一点,能不能设计一个以我为原型的被殴角色?」等祝福(?)的话。
本次也公开了开发中的《铁拳 7》最新情报,新角色 Lucky Chloe,戴着猫耳形状的耳机(耳罩?),像是舞蹈般的华丽战斗姿态,确实像是铁拳系列的角色设定。原田也表示「还有隐藏着一些意外的设定哦...」。
另外,《铁拳 7》中的登场角色,也将包含过去作品角色继续参战等等大量的可控角色,也请期待接下来的情报。
《铁拳 7》最新宣传影片释出 更多熟悉角色陆续登场
BANDAI NAMCO Games 今(10)日公布了预定 2015 年 2 月推出营运的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》的最新宣传影片,揭露更多系列熟悉的登场角色以及登场关卡。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用新硬件基板与 Unreal Engine 4 制作,以 1080p 60fps 呈现,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,导入能硬抗对手上中段攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统,首度支持跨店铺网络联机远程对战。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-1 06:41 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-10 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-11 07:08 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》公布片头动画影片 三岛父子档展开命运的最终对决!
BANDAI NAMCO Games 制作,即将于 2 月 18 日在日本各地指定游乐场先行推出营运的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》,今(10)日公布片头动画影片,供玩家欣赏。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用新硬件基板与 Unreal Engine 4 制作,以 1080p 60fps 呈现,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,导入能硬抗对手上中段攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统,首度支持跨店铺网络联机远程对战。
在本次公布的片头动画影片中,玩家可以见识到这次主轴的父子最终对决。从 1 代对峙至今的三岛平八与三岛一八,将在险恶的火山中,结束这场纠缠 4 个世代且牵动世界局势的战斗。另外,在先前系列中仅作为故事设定的平八之妻、一八之母「三岛一美」,这次终于露出庐山真面目。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-11 07:36 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-16 05:58 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-12 06:29 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-16 06:04 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-17 06:50 PM
《铁拳7》官方新影像放出 展示各角色精彩连段
《铁拳7》是《铁拳》系列的最新作品,也是BNGI公司非常重视的一款游戏,其街机版已经于2015年2月18日在日本先行运营。日前Bandai Namco通过《铁拳》系列的官方Youtube频道放出了一段新的展示影像,主要介绍了各位登场角色的精彩连段,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-19 07:37 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-20 07:41 AM
Tekken 7 datamined, more characters revealed
Tekken 7 Character Data Leaks Out, Jin Kazama, Devil Jin & New Character Revealed!
Thanks to some very special friends in Korea, we now have character data leaked from Tekken 7! Images include in-game character models for returning characters Jin Kazama and Devil Jin and also a brand new character. There's also one other new in-game photo but I don't know if it's a new character or a costume for an existing character. You can see the leaked images below!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-29 06:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-30 06:12 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-4-5 07:12 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-4-27 07:04 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-8 06:08 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-15 05:54 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-29 05:50 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-20 05:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-21 06:46 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》推出《偶像大师》合作服装 见识俏丽偶像的激烈拳脚对决
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 开发、目前营运中的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7》,宣布将展开「铁拳 20 周年 × 偶像大师 10 周年纪念」合作活动,推出《偶像大师》合作服装。
这次的合作服装是以《偶像大师》中的 8 名偶像舞台服装为蓝本,让《铁拳 7》中登场的 8 名女性格斗家(+ 保罗 ← 纯搞笑,未实际登场)穿上这些俏丽的舞台服展开激烈的拳脚对决。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-28 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 07:21 AM 编辑
《铁拳 7》释出最新宣传影片 确定推出 PS4 家用版
Tekken 7 coming to PS4
Blood Will be Drawn and Bones Splintered as Bandai Namco Entertainment America Announces Tekken 7 for Home Consoles
Leading interactive entertainment media publisher and developer Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. today announces Tekken 7 for home systems. With the Tekken franchise celebrating its 20th anniversary; the newest chapter of the series returns to its gameplay roots with classic 1 vs 1 bouts and its canon storyline centered on the eternal struggle for power amongst the members of the Mishima clan. With newcomer Kazumi Mishima joining the fight, the epic battle between father and son, and also husband and wife, will come to its fated conclusion in Tekken 7.
Tekken 7 is currently in development at Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.’s Tokyo, Japan studio under the leadership of franchise director, Katsuhiro Harada. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, Tekken 7 sets a new standard in graphics quality for the series, featuring highly detailed characters and dynamic environments. In its first appearance on home systems, Tekken 7 will feature numerous modes and enhancements beyond its arcade counterpart, including an in-depth story mode that lets players fully experience the canon storyline. Players will also be able to check out new fighters Kazumi Mishima, Claudio, Josie, Shaheen, Katarina, Lucky Chloe, Gigas, and more for the first time outside of the arcade.
“The Tekken series is not only a cornerstone series in BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.’s illustrious line-up of game franchises; it has also been a foundational game in the fighting game tournament community for over two decades.” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. “Tekken 7 promises to deliver an uncompromising fighting game experience that will deliver groundbreaking graphics, animation, and tournament style gameplay. Fighting game tournament players should be on notice as we’re setting our sights on lighting up the tournament scene with the hardest hitting Tekken game ever.”
Tekken 7 will be available in North America, Latin America, and Brazil for home systems.
For more information about everything in the Tekken universe, please visit: us.tekken.com.
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 营运中的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(铁拳7)》,制作人原田胜弘在 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会上宣布,确定将在 PS4 上推出家用版。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用新硬件基板与 Unreal Engine 4 制作,以 1080p 60fps 呈现,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,导入能硬抗对手上中段攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统,首度支持跨店铺网络联机远程对战。
发表会后续并宣布《铁拳 7》PS4 版将支持 PlayStation VR 虚拟现实功能。
游戏名称:铁拳 7
游戏原名:Tekken 7
游戏类型:3D 对战格斗
对应平台:PlayStation 4
游玩人数:1~2 人
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-30 07:22 PM
《铁拳7》将登陆XBOX ONE、PS4平台,发售时间未定。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-13 06:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-13 06:49 AM 编辑
Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Announced, Starring Street Fighter’s Akuma
《铁拳 7:命定报应》系列最新作闪电发表 《街头霸王》系列「豪鬼」涉入剧情关键
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 在今(12)日举办的《铁拳 7》官方世界大赛「THE KING OF IRON FIST TOURNAMENT 2015」中,正式发表人气 3d 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作《铁拳 7:命定报应(铁拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION)》,同时释出大型电玩版首波宣传影片。
《铁拳 7:命定报应》是人气格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,以《铁拳 7》的故事与系统加以强化,将加入来自《街头霸王》系列的关键角色「豪鬼」,不单只是客串登场,而是会与《铁拳》系列的故事剧情有着深刻的关联。 预定率先在大型电玩营运,再逐步移植到家用主机上推出。
影片中透露豪鬼介入《铁拳 7》故事、与平八展开对决的因缘,其他的登场角色还包括飞鸟、布莱恩、莉莉、卓古诺夫、里欧、金、拉斯、卡塔莉纳、冯威、克劳迪欧、晓雨、三岛一八。
先前《铁拳》与《快打旋风》两系列团队曾展开合作,预定推出以《街头霸王》系统为基础的《街头霸王 X 铁拳》以及以《铁拳》系统为基础的《铁拳 X 街头霸王》。 不过在 CAPCOM 率先推出《街头霸王 X 铁拳》市场反应却平平之后,BANDAI NAMCO 的《铁拳 X 街头霸王》就迟迟没有下文。 如今来自《街头霸王》系列的豪鬼,将以剧情关键角色的身分在《铁拳》系列最新作中登场,重现玩家熟悉的招式,可说是以另一种方式兑现了《铁拳》与《街头霸王》的合作承诺。
游戏名称:铁拳 7:命定报应
对应平台:大型电玩 Playstation 4
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-22 07:11 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-22 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-22 07:18 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-22 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-27 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-27 07:21 PM 编辑
Tekken 7: Fated Retribution ~ Nina Williams Revealed
《铁拳7:Fated Retribution》妮娜参战
全世界最大级别的格斗游戏赛事“EVO 2016”将于2016年7月15日开始,而日前《铁拳7》最新版本《铁拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION》已经确定成为该项赛事的比赛项目。官方也放出了相关的宣传片,并且在这段宣传片中确认妮娜将在本作中参战。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-6 03:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-6 03:56 PM 编辑
Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Arcade Introduction Trailer
《铁拳 7:命定报应》公布大型电玩版介绍影片 寂静暗杀者「妮娜‧威廉斯」参战!
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2016 年夏季营运的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7:命定报应(铁拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION)》,现公布产品介绍影片,供玩家参考。
《铁拳 7:命定报应》是人气格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,以《铁拳 7》的故事与系统加以强化的大型更新。 大幅翻新图像表现,以及服装设计与演出,提供更具临场感与爽快感的战斗。
游戏中将加入来自《终极快打旋风 4》的关键角色「豪鬼」,不单只是客串登场,而是会与《铁拳》系列的故事剧情有着深刻的关联,另外还把玩家熟悉的《快打旋风》系列必杀招式融入《铁拳》的系统中,导入豪鬼专属的「SUPER COMBO 计量表」与「EX 必杀技」系统。
在系统部分,本作追加了在红血濒死的「狂怒(Rage)」状态下可以发动的攻击特化要素「狂怒攻击(Rage Attack)」,依照角色的不同而有不同的性能与效果。 另外,既有的「狂怒必杀技(Rage Arts)」则是会根据残余体力的状态改变威力,残余体力越少、攻击威力就越大。
在《铁拳 7》首度导入的网络对战部分,这次将支持店铺指定对战,以及藉由手机来操作的好友配对对战。 原本《铁拳 7》的角色自定义道具、段位等数据,都可以转移到本作中继续使用。 网络服务平台「Tekken-Net」网站大幅翻新,提供大型电玩机台、PC 与手机更便利的连动操作环境。 追加更多各具魅力的角色自定义道具,后续还会透过在线更新陆续追加新角色与新道具等内容。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-11 09:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-11 05:49 PM 编辑
Tekken 7: Fated Retribution trailer introduces 'Rage Attack' system
加入全新狂怒机制 《铁拳7;Fated Retribution》精彩预告片一览
我们目前依然等待着《铁拳7》主机版的发售日,而《铁拳7:Fated Retribution》已经陆续透露更多新情报新消息新系统了。日前《铁拳7:Fated Retribution》的全新预告片展示了游戏全新的新系统“狂怒攻击机制”。一旦你在对战过程中处于濒死状态,你就会进入狂怒状态,可以开启新的狂怒攻击。这个模式下动作具有丰富且实用的属性,有一些看起来特酷,如三岛一八的招式。这些和游戏中超级大招又不太一样。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-14 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-15 06:17 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 for Consoles & PC Launches Early 2017
【E3 16】《铁拳 7》释出平八与豪鬼对决影片 系列首度推出 PC 版
在今日(13)稍早举行的微软 E3 展前发表会当中,家用主机版《铁拳 7》发表了最新的宣传影片,收录三岛平八与豪鬼对决的场面。
《铁拳》系列制作人原田胜弘也在现场宣布,将在即日起算起一周内免费提供《铁拳 TT 2》给微软金会员游玩
《铁拳 7》家用版本将对应 Xbox One、PlayStation 4、PC 平台,预计 2017 年初问世。
Bandai Namco Entertainment Takes Tekken 7 Unbridled Fighting Game Action to Xbox One, PS4 and Steam
Leading interactive entertainment media publisher and developer Bandai Namco Entertainment America today announces that Tekken 7 will be coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam for PCs in early 2017 for the Americas. Tekken 7 returns the storied fighting game franchise to its purest form with bone-crushing head-to-head bouts, new developments in the game’s canon storyline centered on the struggle for power amongst the members of the Mishima clan, and technical prowess that will take the eSports fighting game circuit by storm.
Tekken 7 is currently in development at Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Tokyo, Japan studio under the leadership of famed franchise director, Katsuhiro Harada. Powered by Unreal Engine 4 for the first time ever, Tekken 7 takes the graphics quality of the series to new heights; featuring highly detailed characters and dynamic environments. When it debuts on home consoles and PCs, Tekken 7 will deliver numerous modes and enhancements beyond its arcade counterpart, including an epic Story Mode that enables players to fully experience Tekken’s canon storyline. Players will also be able to play as new fighters such as Kazumi Mishima, Claudio, Josie, Shaheen, Katarina, Lucky Chloe, Gigas, and Akuma from the Street Fighter franchise amongst an impressive stable of fighters for the first-time-ever outside of arcades.
“We’re excited to bring one of the most celebrated and hardcore competitive fighting games to the Xbox One and PC gaming audiences.” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing at Bandai Namco Entertainment America. “Tekken 7 is poised to heat up the eSports scene and taking it to Xbox One and PC audiences will further expand the pool of talented competitive tournament players nationwide. With Tekken 7 we’re focused on electrifying the competitive fighting game tournament circuit with the hardest hitting Tekken game yet.”
In celebration of Tekken 7’s announcement for Xbox One, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be free to download for a limited time for Xbox Live Gold members starting June 13, 2016 at 11:00AM PDT and ending on June 21, 2016 at 3:00AM PDT.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-16 07:59 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-18 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-18 06:18 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 adds Bob and new character Master Raven
《铁拳 7》宣布将加入新角色「Bob」与「Master Raven」
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,目前在大型电玩场营运以及将会在 2017 年春季移植至 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台的格斗游戏《铁拳 7(铁拳7)》,在 18 日举办的美国格斗游戏大赛「EVO 2016」由制作人原田胜弘登台宣布将会追加新角色「Bob」以及「Master Raven」。
大型电玩版《铁拳 7:命定报应》目前营运中。 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 家用版《铁拳 7》预定于 2017 年春季上市。
Bandai Namco confirmed two moew characters set to join Tekken 7 at EVO 2016. They are Bob, who first debuted in Tekken 6, and Master Raven, a character new to the Tekken universe.
Tekken 7 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2017.
Watch trailers for the new fighters below.
Bob 是《铁拳 6》初次登场的角色,原本有着健美的体魄,但后来他认为唯有庞大的身躯才有办法对付体格壮硕的对手,因此拼命将自己增胖,并透过激烈锻炼达成兼具力量与速度的身手。
Introduced in Tekken 6, Bob is an American fighter that practices Freestyle Karate as his chosen fighting style. Possessing great strength, uncanny speed, and a wide range of attacks, Bob is one of the most well rounded fighters in the TEKKEN series.
Master Raven
Master Raven 是《铁拳 7》全新登场的角色,其名称与招式与老班底 Raven 似乎有所关联...
The original Raven made his debut in Tekken 5 with origins that are still murky today. Now Master Raven enters the fight in Tekken 7, executing her ninjutsu fighting skills with exceptional power and precision. Master Raven has no problem tearing her opponents apart in The King of Iron Fist Tournament.
As a bonus, here’s the opening to the arcade version of Tekken 7: Fated Retribution:
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-17 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-19 07:38 AM 编辑
Tekken 7 Adds Lee Chaolan and Violet, Story Details
《铁拳 7》老班底「李超狼」登场 施展华丽脚技的贵公子
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,目前营运中的大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7:命定报应(Tekken 7 Fated Retribution)》,现公布系列老班底「李超狼」将参战的消息与影片。
《铁拳 7:命定报应》是人气格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,以《铁拳 7》的故事与系统加以强化的大型更新。 大幅翻新图像表现,以及服装设计与演出,提供更具临场感与爽快感的战斗。
本次公布的新参战角色「李超狼」是从初代作就登场至今的系列元老角色,身为三岛财阀当家「三岛平八」的养子,自幼与平八的亲生儿子「三岛一八」一起接受菁英教育,但未获平八传授三岛家家传的三岛流喧哗空手。 野心勃勃的他于是自己刻苦修练武术,擅长以华丽的腿技战斗。
New Characters and Story Details Revealed for Tekken 7 During Gamescom
Leading interactive entertainment company Bandai Namco Entertainmenttoday announced, during the Gamescom showcase, that fan favorite fighter Lee Chaolan returns together with his secret alter ego Violet for the latest King of the Iron Fist Tournament!
Lee Chaolan was adopted by Heihachi Mishima, meant to be a rival to his son Kazuya. As Kazuya’s adopted brother, Lee was given the same education and upbringing fitting of the Mishima clan. After being expelled from the Mishima Zaibatsu for reasons unknown, Lee founded Violet Systems, a tech company specializing in development on humanoid robotics, and was quite successful.
Shortly after, the world became embroiled in conflict between the Mishima Zaibatsu, headed by Heihachi Mishima, and the G Corporation, secretly controlled by Kazuya Mishima. As most of the world was cautiously watching and trying to decide which side would be most beneficial to support, Lee had his own plans, as he had nothing but extreme hatred for both Heihachi and Kazuya. One method he choose to exact his revenge on the father and son was to covertly support Lars Alexandersson, who had turned on the Mishima Zaibatsu, but this was only the beginning of what he had in store for the Mishimas.
Tekken 7’s engaging story mode is composed of several hours of gameplay (including side stories that players can unlock progressively). Not only can you play as the Mishimas in Story Mode, but there are other arcs that involve fighters outside of the Mishima clan, such as Claudio Serafino, and his group of exorcists.
The Archers of Sirius are a group of exorcists who have been banishing supernatural entities from this world since ancient times. A highly secretive organization, its existence is unknown to the public. Although it is not known how their existence was revealed, the Archers of Sirius were suddenly approached by the Mishima Zaibatsu. They were heavy-handedly requested by the Mishima Zaibatsu to join their conglomerate, but naturally refused. This did not stop the persistent pressure from Mishima Zaibatsu, however.
Eventually, the news of this approach from the Mishima Zaibatsu reached the de facto leader of the Archers of Sirius, Claudio Serafino. Determined to uncover the motives behind the Mishima Zaibatsu’s actions, Claudio begins to investigate the powerful conglomerate.
New screenshots have also been revealed, showing a very young Kazuya fighting his father with more details to be revealed while experiencing the story of the game. Lastly a new stage for Claudio shows off the fantastic graphical quality of Tekken 7.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-23 06:20 PM
《铁拳 7》公布 PC 版 4K 60fps 游玩影片 以高档 PC 配备呈现极致画面效果
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2017 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》,在 NVIDIA YouTube 游戏频道「NVIDIA Gaming Network」释出一段使用 NVIDIA 显示适配器以 4K 分辨率 60fps 运作的开发中版本实际游玩影片,供玩家参考。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用最新游戏引擎 Unreal Engine 4 制作,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,并导入能硬抗对手攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统。 目前在大型电玩平台上营运最新版本《铁拳 7:命定报应》。
官方表示 PC 版目前仍在开发中,因此 4K 分辨率的支持还未确定是否会提供,不过玩家可以先从这段开发中版本的 4K 60fps 运作影片,来体验以高档 PC 配备呈现极致画面效果的演出。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-3 03:23 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-18 01:53 PM
《铁拳 7》PS4 移植版试玩影片 确认实机游玩样貌
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2017 年春季移植至 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台的 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》,目前在东京电玩展游玩了本游戏最新的 PS4 移植版本的画面影片。
《铁拳 7》是老牌 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作,采用最新游戏引擎 Unreal Engine 4 制作,绘图与特效表现大幅提升,并导入能硬抗对手攻击并加以反击的「威力粉碎」以及足以逆转局面的「狂怒必杀技」等系统。 目前在大型电玩平台上营运最新版本《铁拳 7:命定报应》。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-8 09:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-12 06:59 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》公布新参战角色「米盖尔」及最新宣传影片
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 在近(8)日于西班牙首都巴塞隆纳举办的活动「Barcelona Game World 2016」中,公布了该公司旗下游戏《铁拳 7(铁拳7)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)的新参战角色「米盖尔(ミゲル)」,更一并公布了米盖尔的宣传影片。
于《铁拳 6(铁拳6)》里首度登场的「米盖尔」,在本作品里被设定为,由于发誓要向其报仇的仇人风间仁下落不明,因而失去目标跌入人生谷底的状态下于游戏内登场。
《铁拳 7》于「Barcelona Game World 2016」里公布家用版追加角色「米盖尔」的参战告知
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于 10 月 8 日,在西班牙巴塞隆纳所举行的「Barcelona Game World 2016」里,公布了《铁拳 7》的新参战角色!
◆ 家用版追加角色「米盖尔」参战!
米盖尔. 卡巴拿路. 罗祖(Miguel Caballero Rojo)
因为突如其来的轰炸,而失去妹妹的米盖尔. 卡巴拿路. 罗祖。
米盖尔在得知此事是三岛财阀所为后,其人生就仅执着于向身为其首领风间 仁复仇而活。
之后,他从新闻报导中得知,仁在三岛财阀与 G 社两大势力日渐扩大的激烈冲突中突然失踪,而三岛财阀的首领将由三岛 平八再度担任的消息。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-29 08:01 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-19 07:25 AM
Tekken 7 'Your Story, Your Fight' Trailer
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-25 06:23 PM
铁拳首度中文化! PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM《铁拳 7》繁体中文版 2017 年春季发售
台湾万代南梦宫娱乐于今(25)日宣布,由万代南梦宫娱乐中文化中心翻译制作,PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / STEAM(PC)《铁拳 7》将推出繁体中文版,预定在 2017 年春季上市,售价尚未公布。
三年蛰伏 《铁拳》回归家用主机并首度推出繁体中文版
强调直觉操作与充满特色的角色群,充分享受无比魄力的对决,全球累积销售量更超过 4,400 万的《铁拳》系列,经过三年蛰伏,透过 Unreal Engine4 引擎全新打造,重新登陆家用主机。
台湾万代南梦宫娱乐表示,为了让更多玩家能深度体会《铁拳》系列无法阻挡的进化,超过 20 年来的等待,系列首度中文化终于在《铁拳 7》实现。
向全世界宣战而展开大规模战争的三岛财阀,对上为了对抗庞大的三岛家势力而崛起的 G 企业。 两大势力正在相互较劲、你死我活之际,却又突然传出三岛财阀现任首领「风间仁」行踪不明的消息。 群龙无首的三岛财阀陷入混乱,而 G 企业也趁机取得了优势。
此时。 一名男子独自取得了三岛财阀的掌控权,这名男子就是「三岛平八」,说他是三岛财阀的本体也不为过的三岛财阀初代首领。 重新回到平八掌控的三岛财阀迅速站稳了脚步,战况也再次陷入了胶着。 同一时间,平八再度向全球公开了即将举办 The King of Iron Fist Tournament 的宣告,胜者将获得成为三岛财阀首领的资格。 这也是他趁机扳导暗中掌控着 G 企业的儿子「三岛一八」的战略之一。 三岛平八与一八,父与子的争斗,即将迈向终结。
PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / STEAM(PC)《铁拳 7》繁体中文版预定 2017 年春季发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-11 06:09 PM
Tekken 7 adds Kuma and Panda, online tournaments support
《铁拳 7》双熊争霸新加入角色宣传片公布
昨晚12 月 10 日在格斗游戏大会“THE KING OF IRON FIST TOURNAMENT 2016”活动期间,万代南梦宫NBEI 正式宣布旗下游戏《铁拳 7:命定报应(铁拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION)》将加入两位新角色,他们分别为“Kuma”和“熊猫”,可谓有“双熊争霸,谁与争锋”之势,通过预告以及截图可以看出两位角色都是战力爆棚的悍将。正如原田克洋曾说过的《铁拳7》游戏简单、接地气,换言之格斗游戏不靠武装道具,是真正的肉搏。同时游戏中加入“在线淘汰模式”,最多支持8人对战,同时为玩家提供在线聊天、观战辅助功能。
Kuma and Panda revealed as playable for Tekken 7 with new online tournament support!
As Heihachi Mishima’s pet, Kuma joins his master into the Tekken Force. He proves his unfailing loyalty by trying to protect the Mishima Zaibatsu while he was believing his master was dead. Defeated by Jin Kazama, he finally found Heihachi again and became one of the most essential member of the Tekken Force.
Panda is Ling Xiaoyu’s pet and bodyguard. After the disappearance of Jin Kazama, Xiaoyu set out to find him, totally ignoring the dangers it involved. Worrying for his master as she never returned from her journey, Panda ran after her to bring her to her senses.
The new Online Tournament Mode will allow players to participate and create their own online tournaments they will enjoy with 7 other participants. Among the many features implemented in this new mode, players will find single and double elimination options, secured entrance for tournament with passwords as well as a Spectator Mode. As the outcome of the tournament, contestants will win in-game content such as fight money and various items.
In Tekken 7, all fights are personal! Prepare to enter the ring as Tekken 7 will be available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and Steam for PC early 2017. To find out more about Tekken 7, please head over to the official website Tekken.com.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-19 09:52 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-23 10:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-23 11:03 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》将于6 月 1 日发售于家用平台PS4以及Xbox One
Bandai Namco 今日正式宣布了《铁拳7》家用机版的发售日,原定于“2017年初”发售今天将正式延迟发售日期为 2017 年 6 月 2 日。
本次《铁拳7》将会首次推出季票机制,并且将包含在豪华版内,内容包括:两个额外的可选角色,一种新的游戏模式和上百种人物服装,并且游戏还会赠送30件金属光泽的闪亮服装,让玩家们借此在“铁拳争霸赛(Iron Fist Tournament)”中脱颖而出。
此外亚马逊也上架了《铁拳7》收藏版的PS4版和Xbox One版,内容包括三岛平八和三岛一八的手办,《铁拳7》原声音轨,铁制书,收藏盒以及游戏软件。
《铁拳7》日版将于早一天上市于2017 年 6 月 1 日发售,而《铁拳7》欧美则是 2017 年 6 月 2 日登陆PS4和Xbox One,本作国际版(英文版)也确定会登陆PC平台同样是 6 月 2 日。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-24 07:05 PM
繁体中文版《铁拳 7》6 月 1 日发售预定 三岛家爱恨交织的因果循环画下句点
台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(24)日宣布,与万代南梦宫娱乐中文化中心共同翻译制作的 PS4 / Xbox One《铁拳 7》繁体中文版,预定将抢先全球与日本同步于 2017 年 6 月 1 日发售,PC / STEAM 版预定将于 2017 年 6 月 2 日发售。
《铁拳 7》将加入全新参战角色以及更多熟悉的角色。 来自世界各地的人们,为了完成自身的愿望,怀着各种野心而决定参加「The King of Iron Fist Tournament」。 寻找曾收养自己的那名恩人的 Katarina、G 企业的新主力人型兵器 Gigas、调查着挚友不明死因的 Shaheen、正在执行情搜任务的 Master Raven、抗拒加入三岛集团的驱魔师集团之首的 Claudio、向往着三岛集团的格斗系少女 Josie、与 G 企业缔结独家和约而且将日本偶像文化发扬光大的 Lucky Chloe 以及平八之妻, 三岛一美。 首度参战家用主机的角色更包含誓言向风间仁复仇的 Miguel、平八的宠物 Kuma、出发寻找主人凌晓雨的宠物兼保镳 Panda,和身为平八养子却憎恨着其父子的李超狼。
全球累积销售量超过 4,000 万的《铁拳》系列全新舞台,震撼玩家的视觉。
动感活跃「Rage art」、「POWER CRUSH」战斗系统,考验直觉操作。
《铁拳 7》将支持最多同时八人进行在线对战的「在线锦标赛模式」。 除了一般的淘汰赛以外,更追加连续败北两次后才会从锦标赛中除名的「双败淘汰制」。 此外,玩家在等待赛程的空档中,亦能同时观战,并透过聊天系统与其他对战对手交流。
首批特典 「艾莉莎」
永恒的女吸血鬼,降临。 首批特典将拥有提前使用权。
※ 内容可能未经公布进行部份变更。
※ 使用下载代码时,必须拥有 Sony Entertainment Network 的账号,并确认网络联机环境。
※ 请留意下载代码的使用期限。
PS4 / Xbox One《铁拳 7》繁体中文版预定将与全球同步于 2017 年 6 月 1 日发售,PC / STEAM 版预定将于 2017 年 6 月 2 日发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-25 06:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-25 08:05 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 ‘Eliza’ DLC character reveal trailer
Bandai Namco has released the character reveal trailer for Eliza in Tekken 7, who is included as a bonus for users who pre-order the game.
Eliza is the famed, eternal-living vampire character that made her Tekken debut in Tekken Revolution for PlayStation 3.
Tekken 7 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 2.
《铁拳7》女吸血鬼艾莉莎预告片公布 黑丝高跟大欧派诱惑无限!
Bandai Namco 今日为旗下著名的格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》放出了一部新的预告片介绍了DLC 角色性感吸血鬼艾莉莎 (Eliza)。
只要你预订了游戏,就可以获得这个DLC角色。她是一个永生不死的女吸血鬼,而这让她看起来总是昏昏欲睡的。艾莉莎出生于1000 年前,出生地不详。她是拥有强大的力量,一直靠吸血生存的女吸血鬼。在数百年前本打算进入棺材休眠存储力量,但是休眠的棺材不翼而飞导致现在完全不能控制睡眠,有时候会突然睡着。在《铁拳》中,她是难得一见的远距离攻击的吸血鬼。她首次登场亮相是在PS3的《铁拳:革命》中。
《铁拳7》将会登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。其中PS4/Xbox One 版发售日为 2017 年 6 月 1 日,PC 版为 2017 年 6 月 2 日。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-2 10:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-2 11:08 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 adds Eddy Gordo
《铁拳7》新登场角色预告 艾迪·戈尔多回归
Namco Bandai Entertainment 万代南梦宫公布了《铁拳 7》的新人物艾迪·戈尔多,这也是《铁拳》系列的经典人物之一。
艾迪·戈尔多(Eddy Gordo)是著名卡普威勒大师的徒弟,卡普威勒大师曾是三岛仁八的对手,最终被三岛平八陷害入狱。艾迪·戈尔多与师父的孙女有着亦师亦友的关系,三岛一八是其杀父仇人。
《铁拳7》将于 2017 年 6 月 2 日正式发售,登陆PC,Xbox One和PS4.
Eddy Gordo will be a playable character in Tekken 7, Bandai Namco announced.
Here’s an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco:
Brazilian Capoeira combines dance, acrobatics, and music to form a deadly martial art. When practiced by an expert practitioner such as Eddy Gordo, bodies will break, blood will be spilled, and battles will be won.
Eddy Gordo’s connection to the Mishima Zaibatsu began when he pleaded with Jin Kazama to help treat the serious illness afflicting his Capoeira master. In return for the treatment, Eddy would wield his deadly skills at Jin’s command. Unfortunately for Eddy, not even the technology of the Mishima Zaibatsu could save Eddy’s master and he soon swore to take vengeance against the Mishima Zaibatsu led by Kazuya Mishima.
Tekken 7 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 2.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-16 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-16 11:37 PM 编辑
格斗游戏大作《铁拳7》季票详情及发售时间表公布 !
Tekken 7 DLC to add two guest characters from other games
即将在今年6月发售的《铁拳7(Tekken 7)》是很多格斗游戏玩家非常期待的一款游戏。今日游戏发行商万代南梦宫在其官网上公布了游戏季票详细以及相关的发售时间表。
《铁拳 7》之前已经在日本登陆了街机平台,其将在今年 6 月 2 号在 PC、PS4 以及Xbox One 平台发售。
Tekken 7 will add two new exclusive guest characters from other video game licenses as paid downloadable content, Bandai Namco announced.
The company provided a small outline of some of the additions included in the game’s post-release downloadable content schedule:
Batch #1 (Summer 2017)
New game mode
More than 50 new costumes
Batch #2 (Winter 2017)
One exclusive playable guest character from another video game license
Batch #3 (Spring 2018)
One exclusive playable guest character from another video game license
Season Pass Bonus
35 exclusive metallic costumes
While the previously announced Season Pass includes all three batches of content, each piece of content can be purchased individually.
According to Bandai Namco, Tekken 7 will also feature free characters panels that players can use to customize their favorite character’s image displayed on the loading screen. Bandai Namco is collaborating with various artists across the world for this feature.
Tekken 7 is is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 2.
Tekken 7 DLC to add two guest characters from other games
Tekken 7 to Feature Two Nwq Exclusive Guests Characters From Other Videogames' Licenses!
Tekken 7 continues to reveal its hidden secrets as Bandai Namco Entertainment UK unveils today the additional content to be released from the game launch, on June 2nd.
The first batch, to be released this Summer 2017, will provide a brand-new game mode and more than 50 new costumes. The second and third batches of content, to be released respectively this Winter 2017 and next Spring 2018, will both feature one exclusive playable guest character from other videogames’ licenses with, each time, a special stage and special costumes for these guest characters. This 3 post launch pieces of content will be purchasable individually but will also be available through the Season Pass that will grant to each buyers 35 exclusive metallic costumes.
During the coming year, all players from all platforms will also enjoy free character panels they will be able to use to customise their favourite character’s image displayed during the loading screen. Through a partnership with various worldwide artists, each player will have their own way to defy their friends and rivals! Stay tuned for more info!
In Tekken 7, all fights are personal! Prepare to enter the ring as Tekken 7 will be available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and for PC on June 2nd ,2017. Pre-order now to get access to Eliza, the famed vampire character from Tekken Revolution, and purchase the Tekken 7 Collector’s Edition containing the Deluxe Edition including the Season Pass (only available in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australasian territories) and a spectacular statue featuring a dynamic pose with Kazuya fly kicking Heihachi in mid-air, a special SteelBook™, and the official Tekken 7 soundtrack.
To find out more about Tekken 7, please head over to the official website Tekken.com.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-24 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-24 06:52 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 for PS4, Xbox One and PC Character Trailer and TV Commercial
《铁拳 7》角色介绍影像第一弹公布 恶魔仁登场
今天 Bandai Namco 公开了《铁拳》系列最新作《铁拳 7》的最新宣传片,本次的新影像为角色介绍影像第一弹,通过这段宣传片大家可以了解马歇尔·洛、冯威、鲍勃、布莱恩·弗瑞、恶魔仁、花郎、Gigas和卡特琳娜这几位角色在游戏中的实际表现。
《铁拳 7》亚日版将于 2017 年 6月 1 日登陆 PS4 和 XBOX One 平台,Steam 版则将于 6 月 2 日发售,而游戏的繁中版则将与日版同步发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-27 06:16 PM
转载 - 电玩巴士
《铁拳 7》日版将于 2017 年 6 月 1 日登陆 PS4 和 XBOX One 平台,Steam 版则将于 6 月 2 日发售,而游戏的繁中版则将与日版同步发售。日前最新的情报解说了本作故事模式和其他游戏模式的一些细节,同时还讲解了系统相关的内容,下面就为大家介绍一下。
平八与一八的故事 “The Mishima Saga”
本作的故事模式名为“The Mishima Saga”,将描述从一八的幼年期开始到三岛父子争斗的结局为止的故事。在描写这场漫长的父子争斗历史的同时,还将解明目前为止的故事中包含了各种谜团的事件的真相。可以说,本作的故事模式将描绘集系列大成的故事。
关键人物1 妮娜·威廉姆斯
关键人物2 李超狼
关键人物3 豪鬼
关键人物4 阿丽莎·波斯克诺维奇
Power Smash
Super Slow
Rage Arts
Rage Drive
这是一种威力很高、即使被防御也能够以有力的状态持续攻击的高性能特殊技。在实际战斗的时候,玩家需要根据状况来选择使用Rage Arts和Rage Drive,利用最合适的手段来进行攻击。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-27 10:57 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-1 01:27 PM
《铁拳7》PS VR模式体验视频放出 第三人称围观对战
《铁拳7》即将于6月1日发售,其中PS4版将会支持PlayStation VR,现在我们终于知道了它在PS VR上游玩是什么样子。
下面这则视频来自YouTube用户Shirrako,可以从中看到《铁拳7》PS VR模式的实机画面。前半段视频为(从街霸里出差过来的)豪鬼和恶魔仁的对战,后半段是尼娜的角色定制。
《铁拳7》将于6月1日上市,中文版也将同步发售,VR模式仅在PS VR上推出。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-3 10:42 PM
《铁拳 7》中文版 6 月同步登场 最新宣传影片揭露三岛一家横跨三代的恩怨情仇
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 6 月同步推出繁体中文版的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC Steam 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》,现释出最新宣传影片,供玩家参考。
《铁拳 7》是全世界累计销售超过 4400 万套的人气 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作。 首度采用 Unreal Engine 4 制作,大幅提升 3D 绘图表现。 承袭《铁拳 6》系统加以改良进化,导入「威力粉碎」以及「狂怒必杀技」等新系统。 游戏故事将总结巨大财阀「三岛财阀」家族横跨父子孙三代的恩怨情仇,同时加入来自《快打旋风》系列的知名角色「豪鬼」作为故事关键角色。
家用版收录大型电玩版登场角色与家用版专属角色。 收录崭新的故事模式「三岛传奇」,导入无接缝的剧情演出与对战格斗桥段,让玩家完整参与以三岛一家为主轴的铁血斗争。 收录 1994 年至 2017 年共 23 年间横跨 7 代游戏与各种衍生作品动画插画的「艺廊」模式。 提供丰富角色自定义要素。 支持因特网全球联机对战,提供「段位对战」、「锦标赛」等多样化联机对战玩法。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-4 10:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-4 10:46 PM 编辑
Kazumi对战Lee!《铁拳 7》最新对战演示视频发布
《铁拳 7》是全世界累计销售超过 4400 万套的人气 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作。 首度采用 Unreal Engine 4 制作,大幅提升 3D 绘图表现。 承袭《铁拳 6》系统加以改良进化,导入「威力粉碎」以及「狂怒必杀技」等新系统。 游戏故事将总结巨大财阀「三岛财阀」家族横跨父子孙三代的恩怨情仇,同时加入来自《快打旋风》系列的知名角色「豪鬼」作为故事关键角色。
家用版收录大型电玩版登场角色与家用版专属角色。 收录崭新的故事模式「三岛传奇」,导入无接缝的剧情演出与对战格斗桥段,让玩家完整参与以三岛一家为主轴的铁血斗争。 收录 1994 年至 2017 年共 23 年间横跨 7 代游戏与各种衍生作品动画插画的「艺廊」模式。 提供丰富角色自定义要素。 支持因特网全球联机对战,提供「段位对战」、「锦标赛」等多样化联机对战玩法。
《铁拳7》将于6月1日上市,中文版也将同步发售,PS4/Xbox One/PC平台,VR模式仅在PS VR上推出。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-11 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-12 07:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-13 07:26 AM 编辑
《铁拳 7》繁体中文版首批特典内容公开 与日本同步 6 月 1 日发售
台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(12)日宣布,PS4 / Xbox One《铁拳 7》繁体中文版将抢先全球与日本同步于 2017 年 6 月 1 日发售,PC 实体下载版(STEAM)将于 2017 年 6 月 2 日发售。 另 PS4 平台独家推出豪华版及限定版让玩家有更多购买选择。
全球累积 4400 万套 最畅销的 3D 对战格斗游戏
《铁拳》系列作品已在全球累积 4400 万套以上销量,广受玩家喜爱。 而新作《铁拳 7》则承袭魄力十足的对战画面及丰富多样的角色选择之特色,并采用「Unreal Engine 4」创造更绚丽的游戏画面,带给玩家更多视觉震撼。
新对战系统-起死回生的必杀技「Rage Art」、发挥各角色特长的「Rage Drive」、善用反击技巧的「Power Crush」、以及慢动作及双面迎击演出、更有深度的场景变化等等;新生的《铁拳 7》操作简单、考验直觉反应,并邀请玩家见证三岛父子的最终决战。
备受玩家高度期待的《铁拳 7》,今再确认追加多款特典让玩家能珍藏更多回忆,使游戏体验更丰富。 各版本收录特典内容如下:
PS4 豪华版:内含《铁拳 7》游戏本体、季票
PS4 限定版:内含《铁拳 7》游戏本体、季票、游戏原声带、特制铁盒、一八、平八模型
《铁拳 7》精美绘制外盒
一八、平八模型(约 30x45cm)
PC 实体下载版(STEAM):《铁拳 7》数字版游戏序号、精装指南书
精装指南书:全 144 页,详细刊载角色操作方式,帮助玩家快速上手;更收录开发团队美术图、原田胜弘及 Michael Murray 两位制作人访谈等精彩内容!
PS4/Xbox One/PC 实体下载版(STEAM)首批封入特典:追加可操作角色「Eliza」下载代码(日后采用付费下载方式)及「Yoshimitsu」形象金属钥匙圈。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-17 06:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-17 06:15 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 ‘Character Episode 2’ trailer
Bandai Namco has released the first in a series of “Character Episode” trailers for Tekken 7.
The second in Bandai Namco’s series of Tekken 7 “Character Episode” trailers introduces King, Jack, Steve Fox, Nina Williams, Lucky Chloe, Eddy Gordo, and Miguel Caballero Rojo.
If you missed it, the first Character Episode trailer featured Marshall Law, Feng Wei, Bob, Bryan Fury, Devil Jin, Hwoarang, Gigas, and Katarina Alves.
Tekken 7 is is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 2.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-17 11:05 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-20 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-22 06:08 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-23 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-23 11:01 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-24 07:30 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-25 07:22 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-25 05:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-26 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-26 07:19 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-29 06:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-30 07:22 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-31 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-2 06:19 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-2 10:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-3 07:25 AM 编辑
Tekken 7 Launch Trailer
Tekken 7 Now Available
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe is glad to announce that Tekken 7 is now available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC. All fights are personal and the Mishima one is about to invade your world. Are you ready to fight till the very end?
Be prepared to face more than 36 playable characters, including Akuma from Street Fighter, the final showdown of the 20-year-long Mishima Feud, new mechanics and moves like Rage arts, Power Crushes and Rage Drives, a terrific customisation feature with a ridiculous number of items and for the first time ever on PlayStation VR. This is just the beginning.
Have fun and be part of one of the greatest fighting party games ever made with the multiplayer mode. Train with your friends, fights against international players to get better and push your limits. The aim? Turn on your parties and taste the real flavor of Pizza Fight night, enjoying the game and of course prove you are the best no matter what.
This year your rage will be expanded over the boundaries of your house thanks to Tekken World Tour an international tournament series for the iconic fighting franchise Tekken. The 2017 tour sees Bandai Namco Entertainment teaming up with Twitch to bring competitors from around the world together to fight. Tekken World Tour will qualify the best Tekken 7 players from each region – Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific - into the Tekken World Tour Finals. More info on the tour: tekkenworldtour.com.
In Tekken 7, all fights are personal! Prepare to enter the ring as Tekken 7 in now available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-6 10:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-7 07:49 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》预定 8 月下旬释出首波 DLC 追加经典游戏模式「终极铁拳保龄球」
Tekken 7 DLC ‘Ultimate Tekken Bowl’ announced
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(7)日公布预告影片,透露贩卖中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》将于 8 月下旬释出第 1 波 DLC,追加先前系列曾收录过的游戏模式「铁拳保龄球」的加强版「终极铁拳保龄球(ULTIMATE TEKKEN BOWL)」。
「铁拳保龄球」是操作《铁拳》登场角色来游玩保龄球的游戏模式,最初是在 PS2 版《铁拳 TT》中登场,后续在 PSP 版《铁拳:黑暗复苏》中亦曾再度登场,2011 年还曾经推出过免费版手机 App。 如今系列总监原田胜弘亲自现身,揭露此模式将于 8 月下旬透过 DLC 再次复出。
Bandai Namco has announced that “Ultimate Tekken Bowl,” one of the Tekken series’ most popular bonus games, is returning for Tekken 7‘s first downloadable content pack launching in August.
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-17 07:08 PM
Tekken 7 adds Geese Howard from Fatal Fury as DLC this winter
《铁拳 7》与《饿狼传说》展开新一波合作 南镇霸主「杰斯」跨刀参战!
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于美国时间 7 月 16 日晚间在拉斯韦加斯举办的「EVO 2017」格斗游戏大赛决赛中宣布,旗下贩卖中的对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》将与 SNK 老牌对战格斗游戏《饿狼传说》展开新一波合作,《饿狼传说》系列的第一反派「杰斯‧侯活(Geese Howard ※)」将成为继《快打旋风》 系列的豪鬼之后,第 2 名跨刀参战的角色。
※ 旧译基思‧霍华德,现依照《拳皇 XIV》中文版官方译名
在官方释出的宣传影片中,霸气的杰斯与君临《铁拳》世界的三岛一族展开正面冲突。 影片中可以见识到杰斯以日本古武术为基础的武打招式,以及熟悉的必杀技「烈风拳」、「疾风拳」、「双重烈风拳」、「当身投」,还有代表性的超必杀技「Raging Strom」与「罗生门」等。
《铁拳 7》包含「杰斯‧侯活」的第 2 波 DLC 预定 2017 年冬季释出。
Tekken 7 will add Geese Howard from Fatal Fury as a playable character via downloadable content this winter.
Here’s an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco:
Geese Howard from Fatal Fury enters the Tekken 7 ring! Facing off against the likes of Heihachi, Paul, and Akuma, Geese Howard sports his signature red hakama training pants as he vows to destroy the Tekken fighters. Jump into the arena where the Tekken and Fatal Fury universes collide!
Tekken 7 is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-18 06:43 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-22 05:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-22 05:23 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 teams up with renowned artists for in-game panel art due out as free DLC in September
《铁拳 7》漫展邀请知名画师创作新人物 作免费DLC
Namco Bandai 在圣地亚哥 2017 漫展期间公布旗下格斗游戏《铁拳 7》正在集结一支世界知名画师组成的队伍,如墨西哥裔美国卡通和涂鸦大师Mister Cartoon,旧金山街头艺术家和图像设计师Jeremy Fish,以及作画风格刺激的美国艺术家Ron English,他们将合作创作《铁拳 7》新角色,这些角色将会作为免费 DLC 发布,时间为 9 月份。
《铁拳 7》目前已经登陆PC,PS4和Xbox One。
Bandai Namco announced during its fighting games panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017 that it has teamed up with world-renowned artists such as famed Mexican-American cartoon and graffiti artist Mister Cartoon, San Francisco-based street artist and graphic designer Jeremy Fish, and provocative American artist Ron English to create new in-game character panels for Tekken 7, which will be released as free downloadable content in September.
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-18 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-19 11:33 AM 编辑
Tekken Mobile announced for iOS, Android
对战格斗游戏《铁拳》即将推出手机版 事前登录今日正式展开
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe S.A.S. 于今(18)日发表智能型手机新作《铁拳》(iOS / Android),事前登录同步对外开放,收费型态为基本免费 + 道具付费制。
根据官方介绍,本作是让玩家可以在手机平台上游玩对战格斗游戏《铁拳》的新作,追求在手机游戏当中首屈一指的画面,玩家可以透过直觉的简单操作来发动连段 combo。
《铁拳》手机版的事前登录活动已经开跑,越多人注册,全球发行时发送的奖励就会越多。 更多活动相关讯息,可参考官方网页。https://www.tekken-mobile.com/
Bandai Namco has announced a new Tekken game for iOS and Android devices simply titled Tekken.
Pre-registration is currently available at the game’s official website. The more people who register, the more in-game rewards players will receive when the game launches. The game was soft-launched via the iOS App Store today in Canada, meaning Canadian residents can start playing today.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:
Tekken, the world’s most successful fighting game franchise has been brought to mobile! Join Paul, Kazuya, Xiayou, Law, Panda, Nina, and all other famous fighters to engage in an intuitive, deep combat system featuring fighting techniques from all around the world. Take on the role of the Dojo Master, collecting, upgrading and battling with your favorite fighters from the legendary Tekken franchise!
What’s your next move?
Tekken Features
Collect over 100 characters with unique fighting styles
Upgrade and unlock over 20 unique special moves for each fighter
Battle it out in Unique Game modes including Story Mode missions, online versus battles in Dojo Challenge and rotating Live Event challenges!
Story Mode – Explore the world of Tekken
Join the legendary fighter, Kazuya Mishima, as he battles against his toughest adversary yet! Battle through a map-based campaign featuring unique encounters and specialized and powerful bosses.
Build specialized teams to take down unique missions
Explore dynamic battle maps to uncover compelling challenges and rewards
Dojo Challenge – Online Versus Battles
Build a team and battle against your friends and the community in this online versus mode
Players build teams of attackers and defenders to compete in monthly seasons for unique rewards
Ranked ladders allow players to progress and measure up against the best players in the world
Players record and upload their own in-game fighting styles into the AI of their dojo, giving them an authentic feel
Live Events – Brand new content to experience daily
Live events feature daily, weekly and monthly rotating content. A fresh experience every time you play!
Special themed events will provide unique experiences and encounters
Rare characters and content available during Special Events
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-24 11:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-25 01:20 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 DLC #1 launches August 31
《铁拳7》最新DLC 公布发售日期 8 月 31 日
《铁拳 7》官方日前公布了游戏最新 DLC 的发布时间和预告视频,游戏的最新 DLC 名为《终极铁拳保龄球》,将在 8 月 31 日正式发售,本次的DLC包含在游戏的季票中,同时北美的玩家也可以单独购买这个DLC。
- 血复仇校服(小宇和阿丽莎)
- 泳衣(全部女角色)
- 偶像大师服装(全部女角色)
- 日本传统服装(所有男角色)
Tekken 7‘s first downloadable content will launch on August 31 and include Ultimate Tekken Bowl among other notable items, Bandai Namco announced.
In addition Ultimate Tekken Bowl, the downloadable content will include:
- Blood Vengeance School Uniforms (for Xiaoyu & Alisa)
- Swimwear
- Swimsuits (All female fighters)
- Vintage 1920’s bathing suits
- Idolmaster-themed outfits (All female fighters)
- Traditional Japanese Fundoshi (All male fighters)
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-10-11 02:51 PM
Tekken 7 has sold over two million copies as of September, director Katsuhiro Harada said on Twitter. The game launched worldwide on June 2.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-11-13 02:20 PM
Tekken 7 adds DLC character Noctis from Final Fantasy XV in spring 2018
《铁拳 7》来自《Final Fantasy XV》的复国王子「诺克提斯」跨刀参战!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/155134.html)
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于美国时间 12 日举办的铁拳世界巡回赛中宣布,系列最新作《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》将于 2018 年春季释出第 3 波 DLC,加入 SQUARE ENIX 畅销角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XV》的主角「诺克提斯·路希斯·切拉姆(Noctis Lucis Caelum)」。
从目前公布的揭露影片中,可以得知诺克提斯是接受好友拉斯(Lars)的请托处理格斗与狩猎任务。 对战中他将施展熟悉的幻影剑与魔法,以移形换位的能力应战。 除了角色之外,还会加入《Final Fantasy XV》经典场景的格斗擂台-席德妮(Cidney)经营的加油维修站「锤头鲨」。
《铁拳 7》DLC 3 预定 2018 年春季释出,将收录新角色「诺克提斯」与新场景「锤头鲨」。
Tekken 7 will add Final Fantasy XV protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum as a playable character via downloadable content in spring 2018, Bandai Namco announced.
Here’s an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco:
Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV enters the Tekken 7 ring! Wielding his signature Engine Blade, Noctis is ready to deal heavy hard-hitting blows as he takes on the likes of Yoshimitsu, Devil Jin, Jack 7, and the rest of the Tekken 7 fighters when he enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament in spring 2018!
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-11-29 05:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-30 06:19 PM 编辑
《铁拳 7》南镇霸主「基思」正式参战! 展现存在感十足的反派领袖魅力
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/155916.html)
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》,现正式释出第 2 波下载内容,开放来自《饿狼传说》系列的客串角色「基思‧ 霍华德(Geese Howard)」供玩家下载使用,同时公布宣传介绍影片,供玩家欣赏。
※ SNK 在《拳皇 XIV》中文版中采用的官方译名为「杰斯‧侯活」,本报导改用较接近台湾习惯的译名
在这次的 DLC 2 中,除了基思本身之外,还收录了以他为主题的关卡「霍华德庄园」,2 套额外的上下身服装,以及 SNK 玩家相当熟悉的基思关卡专属配乐「Soy Sauce for Geese」。
《铁拳 7》第 2 波 DLC 客串角色
Geese Howard
国 籍:美国
巨大复合企业霍华德业务(Howard Connection)的总帅,支配南镇地下活动的最高权力者。 精通日本古武术,擅长接下对手攻击后再将对方抛摔出去的「当身投」。 是名散发压倒性存在感的邪恶领袖。 因为对恶魔因子感兴趣,所以主动参加了「The King of Iron Fist Tournament」。
《铁拳 7》DLC 2「基思‧霍华德」组合包今(30)日释出。
Tekken 7 DLC character Geese Howard launches November 30
Tekken 7 will add Geese Howard from Fatal Fury as a playable character via paid downloadable content on November 30, the company announced.
The Geese Howard add-on will include Geese Howard as a new playable character, a new original stage, and costumes.
Geese Howard will also be playable in “Ultimate Tekken Bowl” mode, which was added in the first downloadable content for Tekken 7, but will not be added to Story Mode.
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-3-15 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-15 08:34 PM 编辑
Noctis DLC for Tekken 7 Coming March 20, New Trailer
《铁拳 7》第 3 波 DLC 确定 3 月 20 日释出 追加《FF XV》主角「诺克提斯」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/160121.html)
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 14 日宣布,贩卖中的对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7(Tekken 7)》将于 3 月 20 日释出第 3 波 DLC,价格 800 日圆(未税)。 DLC3 中将追加 SQUARE ENIX 角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XV》的主角「诺克提斯·路希斯·切拉姆」以及对应的舞台与服装。
DLC3 故事叙述诺克提斯接受来自《铁拳》系列的好友拉斯(Lars)请托,前往《铁拳 7》的世界处理格斗与狩猎任务。 对战中他将施展原作熟悉的瞬间移动、魔法与幻影剑等招式应战。 此外还会收录《Final Fantasy XV》经典场景「锤头鲨(Hammerhead)」的格斗舞台,以及诺克提斯的特有服装(休闲风格 / 路西斯王的礼服 / 莫古陆行风格 / 格斗王的服装 / 天选之王的服装)。
「诺克提斯·路希斯·切拉姆(Noctis Lucis Caelum)」
名字 :诺克提斯·路希斯·切拉姆
可在「Ultimate Tekken Bowl」中使用诺克提斯
只要同时购入 DLC1 与 DLC3 或者购入计票,即可在 DLC1 追加的新模式「Ultimate Tekken Bowl(终极铁拳保龄球)」中使用诺克提斯来游玩。 但在本篇中并不会追加诺克提斯的故事。
Noctis Lucis Caelum Pack Available 20th March, 2018
Bandai Namco Entertainment today announced via a new trailer that Noctis, the 114th heir apparent to the Lucian throne, joins the fray from Final Fantasy XV on 20th March, 2018!
In Tekken 7 – DLC3: Noctis Lucis Caelum Pack, players will be able to experience a new level of combat as they warp around the enemy while invoking Armiger, the power of kings! This pack includes Noctis Lucis Caelum as a playable character, the exclusive stage "Hammerhead," as well as the BGM "Stand Your Ground / Final Fantasy XV," the BGM "Apocalypsis Noctis Remix / Tekken 7," and five Noctis costumes! Noctis Lucis Caelum is also playable in DLC1's "Ultimate Tekken Bowl."
In Tekken 7 all fights are personal! Prepare to enter the ring as Tekken 7 is available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Tekken 7 – DLC3: Noctis Lucis Caelum Pack will be available 20th March, 2018.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-3-19 02:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-19 03:00 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 for arcades Summer Lesson collaboration event announced
《铁拳 7:命定报应》推出《夏日课程》合作内容 众女角化身水手服女学生展开激斗
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/160266.html)
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 宣布,营运中的大型电玩对战格斗游戏《铁拳 7:命定报应(铁拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION)》将自 4 月 4 日起展开与自家虚拟现实互动游戏《夏日课程(サマーレッスン)》的合作 。
本次是大型电玩版《铁拳 7:命定报应》的第 3 波自家 IP 合作内容,将提供以《夏日课程》系列女主角「宫本光」、「艾莉森‧史诺」与「新城千里」为主题的女性角色专用造型自定义配件,让游戏中所有女性角色都能化身水手服女学生、热裤 金发美少女或是我行我素大小姐的装扮。
Following its Idolmaster and Taiko Drum Master collaborations, the arcade version of Tekken 7: Fated Retribution will begin a collaboration event with Bandai Namco’s Summer Lesson series on April 4, the company announced.
The collaboration event will consist of the following content:
Hikari Miyamoto costumes for Asuka, Kazumi, Josie, and Eliza
Allison Snow costumes for Xiaoyu, Katarina, Master Raven, and Nina
Chisato Shinjo costumes for Lili, Lucky Chloe, and Alisa
Summer Lesson collaboration interface
“Fluffy Allison” item (usable by all characters)
“Fluffy Chisato” item (usable by all characters)
“Fluffy Hikari” item (usable by all characters)
Bandai Namco did not announce whether the console and PC versions of Tekken 7 would receive the Summer Lesson collaboration content, but both the Idolmaster content and Taiko Drum Master content were released, so the possibility of the Summer Lesson content making its way over is very likely.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-5 12:47 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-6 03:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-6 04:40 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 Getting Anna Williams, Lei Wulong and NEGAN from The Walking Dead
《铁拳7》联动《行尸走肉》 大佬级Boss尼根加入战斗
《铁拳7》已经登陆Xbox One,PS4,PC三大平台,第二季发布后将会上架全平台,敬请期待。
Tekken 7 Season 2 Overview
Introducing a brand new lineup of warriors stepping into the Tekken 7 ring! With Season 2 of the Tekken 7 Season Pass, fighters such as Anna Williams, Lei Wulong and Negan from AMC’s The Walking Dead join the fight!
Your eyes do not deceive you, your pounding heart does not betray you; Negan from AMC’s The Walking Dead is making his way into Tekken 7 to deal a world of pain in the Tekken universe. Negan, beloved by fans of The Walking Dead for his charismatic yet sinister demeanor, is ready to destroy all challengers, regardless of their stature in the Tekken universe.
As the personal bodyguard of Kazuya Mishima, Anna Williams is a beautiful and intelligent officer with deadly fighting skills, and serves to drive her sister Nina crazy!
Lei Wulong makes his long awaited return to Tekken, sporting new digs and his deadly Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, and Dragon styles!
Tekken 7 Season Pass 2 is coming soon to PS4, XB1, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-7 03:37 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-20 06:48 PM
Tekken 7 DLC characters Anna Williams and Lei Wulong launch September 6
《铁拳7》第二季将于9月6日开战 安娜和雷武龙同日登场
在上周末举办的《铁拳7》大赛“TOKYO TEKKEN MASTERS”上,万代南梦宫公布本作第二季更新将于9月6日推出,第二季DLC季票价格为2800日元+税。
《铁拳7》目前正在发售当中,对应PS4、Xbox One、PC(Steam)平台。
Tekken 7 downloadable content characters Anna Williams and Lei Wulong will launch on September 6 for $4.99 / 500 yen each, Bandai Namco announced.
On the same day, the game’s Season Pass 2, which includes both characters in addition to Negan from AMC’s The Walking Dead and three other characters that are still to be announced, will launch for $25.99 / 2,800 yen. It will also include the addition of “Simple Combos” and “Assist” features,” rank system changes, point and gauge visualizations, and large-scale battle balance adjustments (including the new “Wall Bound” element).
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-26 04:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-26 04:44 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 Season 2 ‘Wall Bounds’ trailer
万代南梦宫为其动作格斗类游戏《铁拳7(Tekken 7)》为第二季内容公布了一段新的宣传视频「WallBound」,展示了游戏中的撞墙反弹系统,看上去这种机制挺暴力的,而且也更方便了玩家在墙边打出连招。
《铁拳 7》第二季还会在下个月带来两位新的角色 —— 精英斗士「雷武龙」和「安娜威廉姆斯」。同时还有三位目前尚未确认的新角色。这两位角色将会在 9 月 6 日上线。
《铁拳 7》将支持PC、PS4和Xbox One,并且带有繁体中文。
Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Tekken 7 highlighting one of the major changes coming to the game’s second season: “Wall Bounds.”
Tekken 7 Season 2 will begin on September 6 with the launch of downloadable content characters Anna Williams and Lei Wulong for $4.99 / 500 yen each.
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-5 10:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-5 10:37 PM 编辑
Tekken 7 Season 2 overview trailer
万代南梦宫为其动作格斗类游戏《铁拳7(Tekken 7)》为第二季内容公布了一段新第二季介绍宣传片。第二季DLC季票价格为2800日元+税。
《铁拳 7》第二季还会在明天带来两位新的角色 —— 精英斗士「雷武龙」和「安娜威廉姆斯」。同时还有三位目前尚未确认的新角色。
《铁拳 7》将支持PC、PS4和Xbox One,并且带有繁体中文。
Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Tekken 7 highlighting the game’s second season.
Tekken 7 Season 2 began on September 6 with the launch of downloadable content characters Anna Williams and Lei Wulong for $4.99 / 500 yen each.
Tekken 7 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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