标题: 【PS3/Xbox 360】Assassin's Creed Rogue [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-6 07:29 AM
标题: 【PS3/Xbox 360】Assassin's Creed Rogue
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-6 06:08 PM 编辑


Assassin's Creed Rogue World Premiere Cinematic Trailer
『Assassin's Creed Rogue (刺客教條:叛變)』預告片公開!

《刺客教條:叛變》正式确认将于PS3 与Xbox 360 平台推出,在系列作中首度扮演圣殿骑士来猎杀自己过去的刺客弟兄。 PS3繁体中文版将与全球同步在11 月11 日发售、另将于Xbox 360推出英文版。

本作背景发生是在七年战争,玩家将可首次以圣殿骑士的角度来游玩,并且将会衔接《Assassin's Creed III (刺客教條 3)》与《Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (刺客教條4)》背景年代之间的故事剧情。

Allegiances Change and Revenge Rules in Ubisoft's assassin's Creed Rogue

Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Rogue, an exciting new installment in the franchise currently in development for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, will be available worldwide on November 11.

Assassin’s Creed Rogue is being developed by Ubisoft Sofia, in collaboration with Ubisoft’s Singapore, Montreal, Quebec, Chengdu, Milan and Bucharest studios. Set in the middle of the 18th century during the Seven Years War, Assassin’s Creed Rogue gives players new locations across North America to explore, including the frozen North Atlantic, the Appalachian River Valley and New York. In Assassin’s Creed Rogue, players experience the Assassin’s Creed universe through the eyes of a Templar. As Shay Patrick Cormac, players suffer the brotherhood’s betrayal and transform into an Assassin hunter.

The acclaimed naval components from previous Assassin’s Creed games have been enhanced in Assassin’s Creed Rogue. The game also gives players new weapons to use on both land and sea in pursuit of taking down the Assassins, including a new ship called the Morrigan.

“We know that there are many Assassin’s Creed fans with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles who want to get their hands on a new Assassin’s Creed game this year,” says Martin Capel, game director, Ubisoft Sofia. “Assassin’s Creed Rogue completes the North American saga started with Assassin’s Creed III and Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag and gives previous generation console owners an exclusive opportunity to experience fan-requested features, such as playing as a Templar.”


1751. North America. Amidst the chaos and violence of the French and Indian War, Shay Patrick Cormac, a fearless young member of the Assassins order, undergoes a dark transformation that will shape the future of the brotherhood forever. After arguing over a dangerous mission gone tragically wrong, Shay is betrayed by the Assassins who attempt to end his life. Cast aside by those he once called brothers, Shay sets out on a mission to wipe out all who turned against him and ultimately become the most feared Assassin hunter in history.

Introducing Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the darkest chapter in the Assassin’s Creed franchise yet. As Shay, you will experience the slow transformation from Assassin to Assassin Hunter. Follow your own creed and set off on an extraordinary journey through New York City, the wild river valley, and far away to the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic in pursuit of your ultimate goal to bring down the Assassins

Key Features

• Become the Ultimate Assassin Hunter

For the first time ever, experience the Assassin’s Creed universe from the perspective of a Templar. Play as Shay, who, in addition to the deadly skills of a Master Assassin, also possesses never before seen skills and weapons of the enemy:

- Equip Shay’s deadly air rifle to be used for both short and long range combat. Distract, eliminate, or confuse your enemies by using a variety of ammunition, including specialised grenades

- Protect yourself from hidden Assassins in the crowd with your enhanced eagle vision. Use your vision to constantly assess your surroundings and detect Assassins hiding in the shadows, on rooftops, and in the crowds

• Slowly Descend into Darkness

Witness Shay’s transformation from an adventurous assassin to a grim and committed Templar willing to hunt down his former brotherhood. Experience first-hand the events that will lead Shay down a dark path and set him on a course that will forever change the fate of the Assassins.

• New and Improved Naval Gameplay

Cast off in your ship, The Morrigan, and fight your way through the icy seas of the North Atlantic and the narrow waters of America’s river valleys. Assassin’s Creed® Rogue builds on the award winning naval experience from Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ with all new gameplay including:

- New enemy tactics: Defend yourself from reverse boarding as the Assassins attempt to board your ship and overthrow your crew. Fight them off quickly to avoid losing too many crew members.

- New weapons such as burning oil, which leaves a trail of fire behind to burn enemy ships, and the puckle gun, capable of delivering continuous machine-gun-like fire.

- Use the arctic to your advantage: Destroy icebergs to gain additional loot or ram through ice sheets to overtake enemy ships.

• Vast Diverse Open World to Explore

Shay’s story will allow you to explore three unique environments.

- The North Atlantic Ocean. Experience the cold winds and towering icebergs of the arctic in this expansive naval playground.

- The River Valley. A large hybrid setting of the Native American Frontier mixing seamless river navigation and ground exploration.

- New York City. One of the most well-known cities in the world, fully recreated as it existed in the 18th century


  此前已有传闻透露,除了对应次世代平台的《刺客信条:大革命》外,育碧公司还在开发一款本世代平台的《刺客信条》游戏。而日前育碧公司就正式公开了《刺客信条:叛变(Assassin’s Creed Rogue)》,并确认这款系列最新作将于2014年11月11日登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台。

  《刺客信条:叛变》由育碧索菲亚工作室负责开发,并与育碧新加坡、蒙特利尔、魁北克、成都、米兰和布加特斯特等几家工作室进行合作。本作的舞台设置在18世纪中叶的七年战争时期,而在游戏中玩家们可以探索北美地区的许多新场景,比如北大西洋、阿巴拉契亚河谷还有纽约。此外在本作中,玩家们将在系列中首次以圣殿骑士的视角来看待游戏的世界。玩家们将扮演主角Shay Patrick Cormac,他遭到了兄弟会的背叛,因而转变成了一位刺客猎人。


  育碧索菲亚工作室的游戏总监Martin Capel表示:“我们知道许多拥有PS3和XBOX 360的《刺客信条》粉丝希望在今年尝试《刺客信条》新作。《刺客信条:叛变》将完成起始于《刺客信条3》以及《刺客信条4:黑旗》的北美传说,并让本世代主机拥有者有机会体验许多粉丝想要的功能,比如操作圣殿骑士。”


  1751年的北美。经历了法国和印度之战的混乱之后,年轻无畏的刺客成员Shay Patrick Cormac在经历了一个黑暗的转变后,将会永远改变兄弟会的未来。在争论某个导致悲剧错误的任务后,Shay遭到了刺客们的背叛,他们试图终结Shay的生命。因为被那些他曾称呼为兄弟的人的背弃,Shay开始进行的任务就是要消灭那些所有对他反目为敌的人,他最终将成为历史上最可怕的刺客猎人。










作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 07:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-9 06:31 PM 编辑

《刺客信条:叛变(Assassin's Creed Rogue)》实际游戏影像 展示新场景
鲜血淋漓的战争! 《刺客教条:叛变》公布最新游玩特报

        Ubisoft 今日(9 月6 日)公开《刺客教条:叛变》(Assassin's Creed Rogue)的最新实机游玩特报。

        影片中可以看到主角『谢伊.派崔克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)』漫步在雷电交加的雪地上,以及一些旧角色如阿德和疑似阿基里斯的人物。其中当然也不乏怵目惊心的残忍厮杀与充满弥天炮火的壮阔海战。

        故事设定在18 世纪中叶七年战争时期,《刺客教条:叛变》将为玩家在北美洲带来更多可探索区域,包含北大西洋极地水域、阿帕拉契山脉荒野河谷以及纽约,本作中玩家将以圣殿骑士的角度来体验《刺客教条》的世界观。

        主角谢伊.派崔克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)这名年轻无畏的刺客,在遭逢兄弟会的背叛后转而成为一名「刺客猎杀者」,他将从中体会从刺客转变为圣殿骑士的历程,成就最终目标───摧毁刺客组织。

        《刺客教条:叛变》将会在今年11 月11 日与全球同步在台湾推出PS3 繁体中文版、同时将会在Xbox 360 发行英文版。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-3 07:29 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-6 07:37 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-12 05:56 PM

  Ubisoft 今日公开即将于11 月13 日在PS3 与Xbox 360 平台上推出的《刺客教条:叛变》最新中文字幕实机预告片,并且选用了知名乐团「30 秒上火星」歌曲作为主题配乐。本作主角谢伊.派崔克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)这名年轻无畏的刺客,在遭逢兄弟会的背叛后转变为一名「刺客猎杀者」、转而对抗昔日同袍。

  故事设定在18 世纪中叶七年战争时期,《刺客教条:叛变》将为玩家在北美洲带来更多可探索区域,包含北大西洋极地水域、阿帕拉契山脉荒野河谷以及纽约,跨足海上、陆上以及城市。在游戏中,玩家将可运用全新武器、驾驶包含名为莫琳根号(The Morrigan)的船舰,航行在充满机运的极地世界,包含冲撞冰原找出暗藏的地点、善用冰山作为海战的掩护,抵御会登舰并且占领你的船舰与屠杀船员的刺客。


  《刺客教条:叛变》以「质疑你的信念」作为主要诉求,透过全新角度切入这场介于刺客组织与圣殿骑士的千年战争,透过介于西元1752 年至1761 年间的故事来衔接《刺客教条3》与《刺客教条4:黑旗》的情节、串联起一系列有关于美洲殖民时期的刺客传奇篇章,包含海尔森、阿德瓦勒等前作角色也将在本作中登场。

  《刺客教条:叛变》将会在今年11 月13 日与欧洲同步推出PS3 繁体中文版、同时将在Xbox 360 发行英文版。欲知更多详情,请参阅Ubisoft 官方中文专页http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 取得最新动态。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-27 07:30 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-2 07:40 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-14 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-14 06:15 PM 编辑

Assassin's Creed Rogue Story Trailer, Confirmed for PC
《刺客教条:叛变》公布最新故事特报公开2015 年正式进军PC 市场!

        由Ubisoft 制作发行的动作游戏《刺客教条:叛变(Assassin's Creed Rogue)》在今天(10 月14 日)公布新一部故事特报。

        影片继续以游戏的主角「谢伊.派崔克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)」为中心,并继续扩展在9 月6 号时公布的实机游玩的内容,位玩家介绍了谢伊这位由刺客叛变为圣殿骑士的家伙究竟是何许人也。


        更重要的是,在本特报的最后宣布了本作将会在2015 年进军PC 市场!虽然原先《刺客教条:叛变》只确定会在Xbox 360 与PS3 平​​台上市,但相信玩家对于Ubisoft 的这项有前例的做法都不会感到太意外。

       《刺客教条:叛变》将会在今年11 月13 日与全球同步在台湾推出PS3 繁体中文版、同时将会在Xbox 360 发行英文版。 PC 版预定将在 2015 年上市。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-14 06:59 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-11 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-11 07:05 PM 编辑

《刺客教条:叛变》释出上市宣传影片 成为「刺客猎杀者」对抗昔日刺客同袍

  Ubisoft 所发行,于今(11)日上市的 PS3 / Xbox 360 版《刺客教条:叛变(Assassin's Creed Rogue)》,官方配合本作的发售释出上市宣传影片,来供玩家一窥游戏的样貌。

  《刺客教条:叛变》是在本世代主机上推出首款以圣殿骑士观点展开的《刺客教条》系列作品,玩家在影片中可以看到本作主角谢伊.派崔克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)这名年轻无畏的刺客,在遭逢兄弟会的背叛后转变为一名「刺客猎杀者」、转而对抗昔日同袍。并也可以在影片中确认到系列中熟悉的角色登场,系列粉丝不妨留意。

  PS3 / Xbox 360 版《刺客教条:叛变》于 11 月 11 日上市,PC 版于 2015 年上市。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-14 06:09 PM
成为刺客猎杀者《刺客教条:叛变(Assassin's Creed Rogue)》PS3 中文版上市

  Ubisoft 今日宣布,首度以圣殿骑士观点展开的《刺客教条》系列作品、同时衔接《刺客教条 3》与《刺客教条 4:黑旗》时代背景间剧情的《刺客教条︰叛变》,现已在 PS3 推出繁体中文版。



  《刺客教条》的世界从来都不是黑白分明的 — 和圣殿骑士双方都坚定地身处于灰色地带。但是,这两帮人却是完全对立,并会付出一切达到理想。由于一次兄弟会进行的任务发生错误,刺客谢伊.帕特里克.寇马可(Shay Patrick Cormac)开始质疑他对兄弟会的从属关系;但是和圣殿骑士一样,刺客要求毫无疑问的忠诚。由于他的忠诚动摇,刺客决定除去叛徒、消灭谢伊。由于他受伤的关系,而被一个家庭收容照料,对方给了自己儿子的衣服给谢伊:一件圣殿骑士的衣袍。为了报答恩情,他渐渐接触到圣殿骑士的使命,并走上复仇之路。谢伊决定消灭北美洲的刺客兄弟会,而圣殿骑士则给予他所需的东西。

  《刺客教条︰叛变》制作人 Karl van der Luhe 表示:「最后他了解到,圣殿骑士的动机和自己的信仰较相似。这并不是一个『堕落黑暗』的结局,反而是一个『内心领悟』的结局。圣殿骑士和刺客其实目标相同,只是达到的方法有异而已」。但这场复仇故事的核心是一名被怨恨和背叛主宰的人,谢伊不是一个冷血的杀手;虽然他残酷和手段高明,但他并不陶醉于猎杀昔日同袍的过程,谢伊只把它当作纠正事情的必要方法。


  谢伊是系列作品中的全新角色,但玩家在冒险旅途上将会碰到很多熟悉的脸孔。《叛变》故事设定于《刺客教条 4:黑旗》和《刺客教条 3》之间,并衔接其中剧情上的空隙。在《刺客教条 4》的结局,刺客兄弟会如日中天、但是在《刺客教条 3》它却是破碎的,甚至如同灭亡。阿基利斯只剩下自己,而自己的教条则被完全消灭、而康纳则要靠自己从头开始。

  游戏制作人 Balabanov 表示:「我们希望玩家游玩时《叛变》时,向自己一直以来对刺客和圣殿骑士的认知提出疑问。我们不想为任何一方定义忠奸。我们希望呈现这块灰色地带;我们提出疑问,但不一定提供答案。要得出答案,就要靠自己回答」。

  质疑你的信念,《刺客教条︰叛变》PS3 繁体中文版今日上市、同时推出 Xbox 360 英文版,另将于 2015 年上半年推出 PC 繁体中文版;欲知更多详情,请参阅 Ubisoft 官方中文专页 http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 取得最新动态。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-9 07:01 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-6 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-6 06:21 PM 编辑

Assassin’s Creed Rogue Coming to PC on March 10, Eye-tracking Support
《刺客教条︰叛变》宣布 PC 繁体中文版上市日期 加入「眼动追踪」技术

  Ubisoft 于今(6)日宣布,《刺客教条:叛变》PC 繁体中文版将于 3 月 24 日在亚洲地区正式发售,并公开 PC 版最低系统配备需求信息。官方同时表示,首批预购 PC 版的玩家将可获得限量的艺术图集。

  《刺客教条:叛变》中玩家将扮演谢伊.派崔克.寇马可,从刺客组织叛变至刺客猎人的全新冒险。本作的故事背景发生在公元 1752 年,正好是七年战争爆发的期间。带来了全新的游戏场景让玩家进行探索,包括冰冻的北大西洋、阿帕拉契河谷以及纽约。



  另外,位于 Ubisoft 基辅工作室的《刺客教条:叛变》PC 版开发团队,更首次与 Tobii Tech 合作、将眼动追踪技术导入到游戏中,这也是游戏史上第一次把如此规模的游戏导入与鼠标、键盘互补的全新科技。

  官方指出:「使用搭载 Tobii 眼动追踪功能的 SteelSeries Sentry 来游玩《刺客教条:叛变》 PC 版的玩家将能够体验真正的游戏带入感。当玩家看向画面的左方或右方,游戏视野将会做出对应的画面移动,探索这全新的视觉领域、创造出『无限屏幕』的体验。」

《刺客教条:叛变》PC 版最低系统配备需求:
操作系统:Windows® 7 SP1(64 位)、Windows® 8(64 位)、Windows® 8.1(64 位)
处理器:Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz 或 AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz
显示适配器:具备 1GB 显示内存以上之 NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 或 AMD Radeon HD5670 或 Intel HD 4600(详见支持列表 ※)
光驱:DVD-ROM 双层光驱(仅于光盘安装时使用)
DirectX:DirectX(June 2010)
声卡:DirectX 兼容声卡并安装最新驱动程序
支持周边:键盘、鼠标、Windows 专用 Xbox 360 控制器、Tobii EyeX 控制器
上市时支持的显示适配器:NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 或以上、GeForce 500、600、700、900 系列;AMD Radeon HD5670 或以上、HD6000、HD7000、R7、R9 系列;Intel HD 4600、HD 5200。笔电版本显示适配器也许可以执行游戏,但不在正式支持列表之中,游戏仅支持以上所列之显示芯片组。

  《刺客教条:叛变》PC 繁体中文版将于 3 月 24 日推出,数字豪华版将于数字商店同步发行、亚洲地区数字版,玩家将可取得独占的探险包、圣殿骑士包以及包括二个额外任务、多种武器与自定义化船只的配件。


Announces Release Date for Assassin's Creed Rogue on Windows PC

Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Rogue for Windows PC will be available for sale on March 10, 2015 across EMEA territories.

Developed by Ubisoft Sofia, in collaboration with Ubisoft’s Singapore, Montreal, Quebec, Chengdu, Milan and Bucharest studios, Assassin’s Creed Rogue takes players to new adventures with Shay Patrick Cormac, a member of the Brotherhood who becomes an Assassin Hunter. Starting in 1752, Assassin’s Creed Rogue is set during the Seven Years War and gives players new locations across North America to explore, including the frozen North Atlantic, the Appalachian River Valley and New York. As Shay Patrick Cormac, players suffer the brotherhood’s betrayal and experience the Assassin’s Creed universe through the eyes of a Templar. Ubisoft Kiev adapted Assassin’s Creed Rogue for Windows PC.

The acclaimed naval components from previous Assassin’s Creed games have been enhanced in Assassin’s Creed Rogue. The game also gives players new weapons to use on both land and sea in pursuit of taking down the Assassins, including a new ship called the Morrigan.

Players who pre-order any edition of Assassin’s Creed Rogue for Windows PC from the Uplay Shop will receive one of seven bonus Assassin’s Creed games of their choosing. Pre-ordering the PC digital version will also grant two additional bonus packs: The Siege of Fort de Sable and The Explorer.

A Collector’s Bundle is also available for Assassin’s Creed Rogue PC, exclusively on Uplay Shop. It includes a collector’s box, an artbook, 3 lithographs in an envelope and the original game soundtrack. Players will also get access to one extra single player missions and additional items such as armour and weapons!

The Assassin’s Creed Rogue PC development team in Kiev have partnered with Tobii Tech to integrate eye tracking input as a component of gameplay. This is the first game of this scale to offer this entirely new, complementary input to the keyboard and mouse. Players using the SteelSeries Sentry (with Tobii eye tracking) when playing Assassin’s Creed Rogue will experience true gaming immersion: as the player looks to the left or right of the screen, the camera will pan to accommodate the exploration of this new visual territory, creating an “infinite screen” experience.

Assassin’s Creed Rogue is also available on the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.

For more information about Assassin’s Creed Rogue, please visit assassinscreed.com/rogue, twitter.com/assassinscreed, and facebook.com/assassinscreed.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-20 05:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-21 07:39 AM 编辑

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered Now Available, Launch Trailer
《刺客教条:叛变》PS4 / Xbox One 重制版即日登场 画质提升收录所有 DLC 内容

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/160381.html

  Ubisoft 今(20)日宣布,《刺客教条:叛变 重制版》现已于 PS4 / PS4 Pro、Xbox One / Xbox One X 平台发售。 《刺客教条:叛变 重制版》将包含所有《刺客教条:叛变》可下载内容,包括两个额外任务「岗恩爵士护甲的任务」和「围攻紫貂堡」,收录武器、自定义物品和特殊套装,同时追加内含《刺客教条:起源》巴耶克传奇套装的「圣殿骑士大师包」与「 探险者包」。

《刺客教条:叛变 重制版》上市预告片 [中文字幕]

负责本作开发的 Ubisoft 索非亚工作室,重制《刺客教条:叛变》以支持新世代主机的舞台,并支持 PS4 Pro 和 Xbox One X 的 4K 超高画质( PS4 / Xbox One 支持 1080p 高画质)。 透过更高的画面分辨率、更棒的环境呈现、更上层楼的视觉效果和更细腻的材质,带来更华丽且更引人入胜的游戏体验。 欢迎新玩家或老玩家前来体验或回味谢伊在 18 世纪北美洲的精彩冒险。


Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered Available Today

Today, Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered is an enhanced version of the 2014 release, which charts the story of Shay Patrick Cormac’s departure from the Assassin’s brotherhood to becoming a member of the Templar Order.

Created by Ubisoft Sofia, the studio that developed the original Assassin’s Creed Rogue, this remaster further enriches the franchise’s current-gen catalogue, and the game will shine in 4K on PlayStation®4 Pro and Xbox One X (and run 1080p on PS4™ and Xbox One).

Thanks to higher resolution, improved environment rendering, visual effects and textures, Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered will offer an even more beautiful and immersive gaming experience that invites fans of the series and new players alike to discover or rediscover Shay’s adventures in 18th-century North America.

For more information about Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered, please visit the UbiBlog.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-26 06:27 PM

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