15/8/14,星期五凌晨3點到4點,我伯伯在柔佛第二通道,KM14.6J Lebuhraya Link Kedua(Selatan),前往新加坡路上發生交通意外身亡。如有目擊者,希望能盡快聯絡鐘先生 (016-6639996, 016-6475225),我們不是要追究, 只是想了解事情的真相。請大家幫忙分享, 功德無量,謝謝!
15/8/14, 3-4am, friday, my uncle encounter an fatal accident at Johor second link(south), KM14.6J, on the way to singapore. We hope to find anyone who witness the accident, please contact Mr. Chong, 016-6639996 or 016-6475225. Please help me to share it, thank you!