标题: 【Xbox One/PS4/PC】Just Cause 3 [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-5 07:01 AM
标题: 【Xbox One/PS4/PC】Just Cause 3
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-14 06:04 PM 编辑
Avalanche Studios has clarified that Just Cause 3 will not have microtransactions
Just Cause 3 Unveiled!
“When will you make Just Cause 3?"
We’ve lost count of the times we’ve been asked that question in the last few years. No matter if we’ve issued a press release about building a new studio, sponsored some event or posted photos of food to our personal Instagram accounts – the most frequent topic of conversation has somehow always been Rico and his huge sandbox world filled with crazy emergent gameplay.
Well, we’re beyond excited to finally unveil Just Cause 3 to the world! In a massive 12 page blowout, Game Informer are sharing their impressions after hours of exclusive hands-on time with the game. Rico is also gracing their cover, where he’s leaping from a building while firing his grapple mid-air, surrounded by helicopters and fighter jets. It’s an artist’s rendition, but the scenario could just as easily have been created in-game – the chaotic diorama is exactly what Just Cause is all about.
Following last week's rumours and speculation, we also wanted to take the opportunity to address a few misconceptions. Those leaked screenshots were taken from an ancient version of Just Cause 3. Like most games, this one went through an exploratory phase where we looked at different control schemes, different technologies, different business models. Those leaked screenshots show aspects of that process, and in no way reflect the game we are making today.
To be perfectly clear: Just Cause 3 will be available in 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It will be distributed as a retail box and digital download. It is not a Free To Play game. It does not feature in-game micro transactions.
Does that mean we'll release the game and call it quits? Nope. Beyond launch, we are likely to look into DLC packs and items as part of our ambition to support Just Cause 3 and its players for many years to come, but until that time we’re completely focused on making the best Just Cause game we possibly can. Rest assured it will be a huge, fully packed and extremely rewarding experience right out of the gate.
We can't wait to see your reactions to what we've created. Just Cause 3 truly represents the next generation of chaotic sandbox fun. But just like real sandboxes, ours doesn't really come to life until it's populated by crazy kids refusing to let go of the red barrel as it's shooting across the sky about to explode in a sea of fire, and... Wait, where are we going with this again?
Christofer Sundberg, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Avalanche Studios
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-7 06:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-12 07:15 AM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Xbox One Screenshots Leaked
So today here at xbox underground we got our hands on some exclusive Just Cause 3 Xbox One screenshots. These are legitimate screenshots taken from a debug build of the game on Xbox one.
《正当防卫3》更多泄露截图 或有微交易要素
此前曾有传闻透露,国外论坛Xbox Underground放出了四张据说是《正当防卫3》的泄露截图。而日前该论坛又放出了三张本作的全新泄露截图,这批截图不仅有游戏场景和人物的画面,还包含游戏加载画面和微交易方面的内容。
实际上早在2014年4月时Square Enix公司就曾经注册了《正当防卫3》的域名,不过此后该公司并没有什么新动作。本次连续出现本作的相关传闻是否意味着本作已经正式着手开发了呢?具体情报还有待官方证实。
消息来源 - http://xbox-underground.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=47
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-13 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-14 06:06 PM 编辑
驰骋天际的高度自由《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》正式发表 预定 2015 年问世
于 2010 年推出 2 代后,其系列开发团队 Avalanche Studios 便陆续暗示着续作的可能性,日前终于藉由最新一期的 Game Informer 杂志正式发表了开放世界动作游戏《正当防卫(Just Cause)》系列最新作《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》,并独家曝光了 3 张画面截图。本作预定 2015 年在 PS4、Xbox One、PC 等 3 平台上发售。而在线游戏平台 Steam 也公开了初步的设定与特色供玩家们参考。
根据 Steam 上的数据,本作的故事发生在邻近地中海、饱受血腥残酷统治的 Medici 共和国,当时手握大权的是一名对于权力集度迷恋的独裁者 - Di Ravello 将军,玩家则是依旧要扮演系列主角 Rico Rodriguez,必须设法运用任何手段瓦解将军的势力。游戏内共有着超过 400 平方英哩的空间让玩家可以直上天际或是潜入海底享受极致的自由性,而为数众多的武器、装备与载具则能够激发玩家的想象力以最富创意的方式完成使命。
保留前作就有的抓钩与降落伞,让主角无论是在高速移动或是攀爬大楼、劫持载具都能更加得心应手。而拜背景设定在地中海所赐,除了宛如度假天堂的景色外,Rico Rodriguez 还可穿上飞鼠装横越各个山头,并在岛屿上从事跳伞等极限动作,体验毫无垂直限制的乐趣。当然不可或缺的挑战任务与收藏品也一样也没少,等待着玩家细细挖掘。
此外,Avalanche Studios 随后发出了声明驳斥日前的传闻,《正当防卫 3》将不会是一款「免费游玩(Free to Play)」作品,且系统内不会有「微交易(Microtransactions)」机制。
PS4、Xbox One、PC《正当防卫 3》预定 2015 年问世。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-18 06:58 PM
《正当防卫3(Just Cause 3)》制作人访谈视频 打造沙箱游戏
此前一段时间,关于《正当防卫3》的传闻可谓源源不断,而不久前国外媒体Game Informer则透露了《正当防卫3》的正式情报,并确认游戏将于2015年登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前Game Informer更通过其Youtube频道放出了一段本作的制作人访谈视频,通过采访Avalanche Studios的联合创始人Christofer Sundberg以及游戏总监Roland Lesterlin,让大家了解开发商是如何打造本作的沙箱游戏世界的。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-12 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-2 05:57 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-13 11:25 PM
Just Cause 3 Debut Trailer & Screens
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-4-25 07:13 AM
Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal trailer coming next Tuesday
Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal trailer coming next Tuesday
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are delighted to announce that the world-first gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 3 will be released on Tuesday 28th April at 2pm UK time.
Also revealed for the very first time today is the explosive pack artwork that will be taking centre stage for the game.
Just Cause 3 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC in Holiday 2015.
Be the first to see the trailer and all future video reveals by subscribing to the official Just Cause YouTube channel here.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-4-28 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-4-29 06:22 PM 编辑
睽违了将近5年之久,Avalanche Studios旗下的沙盒式动作游戏代表作《正当防卫》系列终于要在今年推出续作,官方于28日首次公开了第一支实机宣传预告。
发行商Square Enix同时公布预购玩家将能够获得「Weaponised Vehicle Pack」(武装载具包)下载内容,包含三辆搭载强大火力的独家豪华载具。
Just Cause 3 Gameplay Reveal Trailer Released
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are delighted to debut the world-first gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 3. Captured straight from actual gameplay, the trailer shows Rico Rodriguez unleashing his unique brand of chaos and destruction across the Mediterranean island paradise of Medici as he seeks to destroy General Di Ravello’s hold on power by any means necessary.
Pre-order Just Cause 3 now and secure the Weaponised Vehicle Pack, shown at the end of the trailer. The Weaponised Vehicle Pack includes 3x exclusive luxury vehicles primed for action and fully loaded with the firepower to kick start a revolution.
Just Cause 3 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC in Holiday 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-20 05:44 PM
Just Cause 3 Launches December 1
Just Cause 3 Launching December 1st 2015
To support the news that JUST CAUSE 3 will be launching globally on December 1st, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are proud to release their latest trailer - ‘THIS IS JUST CAUSE 3”, a full reveal of all the features, challenges, vehicles and weapons that players all around the world are eagerly waiting to get their hands on this Holiday.
“Just Cause 3 is one of our most anticipated titles and we’re excited to build on everything the community loved about Just Cause 2,” said Phil Rogers, CEO at Square Enix. “With a beautiful 400 square-mile sandbox, Just Cause 3 will offer players almost endless hours of creativity, destruction and awe-inspiring stunts this December 1.”
Get ready to set the world on fire on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-10 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-10 06:55 AM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition Announced
Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition Pre-Order Now Live
The community has spoken -- Square Enix today revealed the items that will be included in the Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition, the ultimate collection for the open world action game launching December 1. In addition to the Day One Edition of the game, the Collector’s Edition will contain a variety of collectibles, including the fan-voted centerpiece -- a faithfully recreated 15-inch display version of Rico’s trademark grappling hook. Players interested in this community-curated collection can pre-order now from participating retail sites for £79.99 /$109.99.
“Much like the high-octane action of Just Cause 3, we wanted to give fans a Collector’s Edition that speaks to their breed of fun,” said Senior Product Marketing Manager, Damian Garcia. “Out of all the items we offered, the grappling hook was by far the most popular, and the fans made a solid choice to elevate this collection.”
The Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition includes
• Day One Edition of Just Cause 3
• Replica version of Rico’s famous grappling hook
• Weaponized Vehicle Pack in-game content
• 24-inch by 24-inch poster map of the Mediterranean archipelago of Medici
• 32-page, hardcover art book
Just Cause 3 launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC on December 1, 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-16 06:38 AM
Just Cause 3 E3 2015 Playthrough Video
'Official E3 Playthrough' & Interactive 'Choose Your Own Chaos' YouTube Traieler, Released Today
Following an incredibly successful E3 for Just Cause 3 – with 10 award wins and over 20 nominations - Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are proud to share the new 'Official E3 Playthrough' trailer.
The island republic of Medici is the ultimate sandbox. With Rico’s new abilities and countless weapons and vehicles, there’s an infinite amount of possibilities around every corner. Each obstacle presents countless options for an explosive outcome – how creative can you be with Rico’s vast arsenal of equipment?
"At E3, we wanted to show our fans a sneak peek into the sheer volume of creative choices they will have access to in the game," said Christofer Sundberg, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Avalanche Studios, "Today, we're excited to share the fun with the rest of our Just Cause fans around the world."
In addition to this, we’re also sharing the multi-path, 'Choose Your Own Chaos' trailer from the E3 show floor – an expanded version of the 'Official E3 Playthrough' allowing you to choose how the action unfolds at key moments.
Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-30 07:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-30 07:00 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary: Who is Rico
《正当防卫3》新视频 制作组为玩家介绍Rico
《正当防卫3》预定于2015年末发售,登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary series launched
Today sees the first release in the Just Cause 3 dev diary series. This first video offers insight from Avalanche Studios about who Rico Rodriguez is, what new skills and abilities he’s bringing to the table for his third outing, and how the team have brought him to life.
“He’s gotten older,” explains Game Director Roland Lesterlin in the video, “he’s got his scars from his years in Panau and San Esperito. We wanted to give him that background. What would it be like if you set off a nuke? Twice?”
If you missed it, we’ve also released a Meet the Team’ Vignette, which offers a glimpse behind the curtain at Avalanche Studios, introducing some of the key team working on Just Cause 3.
Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-5 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-7 07:40 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-26 06:56 AM
Square Enix giving away actual island in Just Cause 3 competition
Square Enix Announces Just Cause 3 Win an Island Competition
Square Enix today announced a competition and released a new trailer entitled “Skydive” that will give North American players who pre-order the Just Cause 3 Day 1 edition a chance to win their own real-life island.
The contest will be an exercise in destruction, with participants racing to score the most Chaos Points by unleashing Rico Rodriguez’s collection of guns, bombs, vehicles and his faithful grappling hook to wreak havoc all over the in-game island of Medici. The more creative and inventive the mayhem, the more Chaos Points players will earn, with an actual island at stake for the top-scoring winner.
The Just Cause 3 Win an Island Competition will begin at the game’s launch on Dec. 1, 2015 and run for 90 days. To receive a contest entry code, participants must pre-order the Just Cause 3 Day 1 edition for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Details, territories and rules can be found at jc3winanisland.com.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-28 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-28 05:59 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary: Destruction
Just Cause 3 Destruction dev diary available now
The second entry in the Just Cause 3 Dev Diary series takes a close look at the destruction that sits at the heart of the game. In the video, the Avalanche team discuss the dynamic nature of the technology and the unique scenarios that this gives birth to:
“We’ve been focused purely on the new generation of high-end technology from the very beginning of development” said Game Director Roland Lesterlin “this huge amount of extra horsepower allows us to do things that simply weren’t possible until now”.
The Destruction Dev Diary takes a look at these things in action.
Anybody attending PAX Prime should head over to the Sphinx theatre at 15:00 Pacific on August 28th to join Avalanche Studio's Fred Hooper (Lead VFX artist) and Niklas Norin (Lead AI Designer) alongside Havok's Cormac O'Brien as they reveal how their technology and expertise combines to create the incredible destruction and chaos that lies at the heart of Just Cause 3.
The Just Cause 3 – A Beautiful Playground if Creatuve Destruction panel – hosted by Greg Miller – will explore how the game’s 400 square-mile sandbox combines Destruction, Physics and AI to create the explosive emergent gameplay that the Just Cause series has set new standards for.
Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-16 06:37 AM
Just Cause 3 Getting Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass
Just Cause 3 DLC: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass
The Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass includes 3 incredible DLC packs and exclusive Flame Wingsuit and Parachute Skins, which no fan will want to miss!
It’s never over for Rico Rodriguez; explore Medici with 3 new game-changing explosive experiences including new action-packed missions, new enemy types, weapons, gadgets and unique vehicles that transform the Just Cause 3 world.
The 3 add on packs will become available post launch and will unlock 7 days early for all pass holders. The skins will unlock day one.
This content requires the base game Just Cause 3 in order to play.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-25 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-29 07:34 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-2 07:00 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-2 02:53 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary: World
Just Cause 3 Unveils Its Huge 400 Square Mile MapP
The third entry in the Just Cause 3 Dev Diary series takes a closer look at Rico’s place of birth; the gigantic 400 square mile Mediterranean island of Medici.
While beautiful and serene on the surface, Medici is under the tyrannous reign of the dictator General Di Ravello and is far from peaceful. This island paradise provides the player with a highly explosive playground of destruction coming December 1st 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-9 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-9 07:04 AM 编辑
Just Cause 3 'On A Mission' New York Comic Con Trailer Released
Coinciding with this year’s New York Comic Con, we’re pleased to release the new gameplay trailer On a Mission. The trailer highlights how JUST CAUSE 3’s sandbox gameplay flows into missions, as Rico makes use of his vast arsenal of weapons and abilities to defeat General Di Ravello’ forces.
In this mission, Rico must protect the town of Costa Del Porto from the General’s tanks before breaking his friend Mario out of prison and escorting him to safety. Di Ravello believes the odds are stacked in his favour, but with Rico the General may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-21 10:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-22 07:11 PM 编辑
《正当防卫3》360°全景预告片 简易式VR体验
《正当防卫3》以高自由度为卖点,游戏中玩家可以使用种类繁多的武器和载具与敌人进行周旋。本作将于2015年12月1日上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-24 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-27 06:19 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Story Trailer
《正当防卫 3》公布游戏剧情介绍影片
Square Enix 预定于 2015 年 12 月 1 日在欧美地区推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版开放世界型动作游戏《正当防卫 3》(ジャストコーズ3/Just Cause 3),日前公布最新英文发音宣传影片。
距前作《正当防卫2》发行已睽违 5 年之久的本作,描述精通地下活动,专门颠覆政府的 CIA 情报员里可. 罗德里格斯(リコ・ロドリゲス)挑战以军事独裁手段统治某个地中海假想国家「美第奇岛」(メディチ岛)的 Di Ravello(ディ・ラベロ)将军的过程,美第奇岛是里可的故乡,也因此对当地居民寄予更多同情,与前作系列相比,似乎更偏重在个人故事情节的铺陈。
本作为一款让玩家在 1,000 平方公里的广大地图中自由移动并执行任务的开放世界类型游戏,可驾驶战斗机或穿上飞鼠装任意翱翔,连好莱坞也望尘莫及的爆破及破坏演出效果更是远远超越前作。
Breaking News: Just Cause 3 Has Explosions... and a Story
Every good action game has big explosions and Just Cause 3 has more explosions per minute than most. The thing that makes explosions enjoyable is a good reason for things to go BANG. Today’s brand new story trailer reveals more details about just that.
Rico and the rebels will be joined by other key characters in their mission to liberate the island of Medici from the clutches of the tyrannous dictator General Di Ravello. The evil D.R.M. (Di Ravello’s Military) have harnessed the power of a resource called Bavarium and are using it as both a powerful explosive and an almost unlimited energy source.
Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-30 07:27 AM
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary: Story
Just Cause 3: Story & Missions Dev Diary Available Now
The fourth – and penultimate - entry in the Just Cause 3 Dev Diary series takes a look at the story and missions driving Just Cause 3’ s explosive action.
In Just Cause 3, Rico Rodriguez returns to his homeland – the Mediterranean island of Medici. Far from the paradise it might appear on the surface, Medici is ruled by the dictator General Di Ravello, who uses the island’s resources to further his plans of world domination. Thankfully, Rico is no stranger to removing tyrannous dictators from power, and takes charge of the rebellion.
“Our missions are an excuse for you to try cool things,” explains Francesco Antolini, Principal Designer at Avalanche Studios. “…we've kept the same philosophy from the rest of the game which leaves the player free to experiment and reach their goals however they prefer.”
As well as highlighting the story and events leading up to the start of the game, the video takes a look at characters and the technologies behind them. In the video, there’s a fantastic insight into performance capture and the camera tech Avalanche Studios has used in bringing Just Cause 3’s cast to life.
Just Cause 3, developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix, is due for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end PCs December 1st, 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-13 07:23 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-18 10:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-20 07:45 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-21 07:23 AM
Winners of 'My Just Cause 3 trailer' competition compiled into a YouTube playlist
YouTube Playslit
'My Just Cause 3 trailer' competition Winners shortlisted
Square Enix, Avalanche Studios and Gibson/Cakewalk would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter their work into the competition for the community-created launch trailer for Just Cause 3.
We were blown away by the number of entrants and the quality of the trailers. It’s been incredibly hard to whittle down the entries from thousands to single digits – but here we are with a top 21.
In our view, each video in the top 21 shows a highly commendable level of skill, effort or originality in one of the three categories – Action, Humour and Music.
We wanted to give each of these videos a moment in the public eye as they all deserve our applause and gratitude – THANK YOU.
As thanks, everyone in this playlist will receive an exclusive Just Cause 3 Xmas Jumper, Magnetic Rico, signed copy of the Just Cause 3 Comic and copy of the game on their preferred platform.
You’ll be first to hear when we announce the three category winners, and – of course - the overall winner, who are all deserving winners of the impressive prize bundle.
Just Cause 3, developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix, is due for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end PCs December 1st, 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-24 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-24 06:44 PM 编辑
《正当防卫 3》释出游戏引擎开发日志影片、4K 解像度及新宣传影片
SQUARE ENIX 发行,Avalanche Studios 研发,预定在 12 月 1 日在 PlayStation 4、Xbox ONE 以及 PC 平台上推出的开放世界冒险游戏《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》,新释出开发日志影片「引擎篇」来说明开发幕后。
影片中揭露游戏强调地图中的巨大建筑对象皆可以遭到破坏,并根据爆炸或其他破坏机制来产生显著的崩坏效果。 Avalanche Studios 强调玩家在游戏中只需透过简单的一颗按钮,即可以藉由本作强调的物理机制演算来产生大规模连锁反应破坏。
另外,在数日前官方也释出了《正当防卫 3》的新宣传影片,以及本作以 4K 分辨率来运算的影片,供有兴趣的玩家确认。
《正当防卫 3》延续着系列作品风格,玩家在一个近 400 平方英哩的巨大开放世界里面探险,从天空到海底并运用着如同兵工厂般的武器、设备以及载具大肆破坏。 在《正当防卫 3》中,玩家将再次操作瑞可(Rico)进出战场,使用熟悉的抓钩以及降落伞要素,两样装备在本作都可更进一步强化,加上全新的飞鼠装翱翔在地中海群岛上。 使出浑身解数来击败对于权利疯狂地追求的独裁军阀头子。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-25 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-30 06:37 PM 编辑
《正当防卫 3》长约 1 小时游戏实玩影片释出
Square Enix 预定于 2016 年 1 月 21 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版开放世界型动作游戏《正当防卫 3》(ジャストコーズ3/Just Cause 3),日前公布长约1小时游戏实玩影片,以爬上飞行中的直升机展开火箭攻击揭开序幕,陆续展开坦克炮击、桥梁爆破以及发电所破坏等华丽动作,以超越好莱坞电影拍摄手法展开令人摒息的快速攻击。
本作描述精通地下活动,专门颠覆政府的 CIA 情报员里可. 罗德里格斯挑战以军事独裁手段统治某个地中海假想国家「美第奇共和国」的迪拉贝洛将军的过程。 玩家将以这个占地有东京一半面积约 1000平方km 的广阔开放世界岛屿为舞台,体验上天下海,操控数种武器、载具以及丰富新追加道具,为解救第二故乡再度卷起混乱与破坏的旋风。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-30 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-1 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-1 07:30 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Launch Trailer
Just Cause 3 Launch Trailer Available Now
The response to the Just Cause 3 Trailer Competition was overwhelming, with some 1200 entries showcasing the talent of the Just Cause community. Choosing a winner was extremely hard, but the energy, humour and general quality of our chosen winner cemented him as the panel’s favorite.
One day ahead of the December 1st Launch we’re incredibly excited to share the talents of CoolTwinSkittles, whose work has won him a place in Just Cause history. 'Explosion Rap Trailer' has won its place as the game’s official launch trailer.
The competition spanned several categories and we’re equally excited to share our other winners:
Best Music – The Wooden Box – “I'm on fire”, as chosen by Gibson
Best Action – Dippen
Best Humor – CoolTwinSkittles
Thanks to everybody that took the time to enter a trailer into the competition; we are genuinely blown away by the talent and dedication of our community.
Just Cause 3, developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix, is out Dec 1st on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end PCs.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-18 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-18 07:42 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-1 07:20 AM
Just Cause 3 multiplayer mod in the works
Happy New Year 2016!
As we make our way into the New Year we wanted to take a moment to show off a little somethin’ somethin’ we’ve been working on! Introducing, JC3-MP!
We’re incredibly excited to show off the progress we’ve made these last few weeks. Moving forward you can expect frequent updates on our progress along with exciting new developments as they happen.
From all of us on the Just Cause Multiplayer team, we’d like to wish you all a happy New Year!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-27 07:43 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-19 07:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-19 07:11 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass Details Revealed
《正当防卫3》新DLC详情公布 空中堡垒即将杀到
以无视物理定律为卖点的《正当防卫3》在推出一段时间之后正式公布了其后续DLC的详情。本作季票名为“空陆海”,顾名思义,制作组将提供三个DLC令玩家“上天”、“入地”、“下海”。游戏的首个DLC“空中堡垒(Sky Fortress)”将于2016年3月上市,购买季票的玩家可以提前一周玩到这一扩展内容。
以“陆地”为主题的DLC名为“陆上装甲(Land Mech Assault)”,其中将引入一个强力载具和一系列新任务。这一载具除了拥有坦克般的装甲能力之外,还配备有重力枪,可谓超强。“海洋”主题DLC的内容将于稍后放出。
Just Cause 3 Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass Details Revealed
The first Just Cause 3 content pack entitled Sky Fortress is launching March 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high end PC and holders of the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass will be able to play it a week before is goes on sale as a standalone download . The new Sky Fortress Trailer is available now.
“If Just Cause 3 is over-the-top action then the Air, Land and Sea Expansion pass aims to stand on its shoulders and reach even higher,” said Tobias Andersson, Senior Producer at Avalanche Studios. “An incredible amount of time has been spent ensuring every new item is fully integrated into the main game and can be used during existing missions. Rico’s new Bavarium Wingsuit will fundamentally alter the core gameplay of Just Cause 3 and we can’t wait to see the crazy stunts that players perform with it.”
Sky Fortress contains a brand new set of missions that introduce a new threat – a huge and terrifying Sky Fortress and an army of deadly robotic drones. To tackle his deadly new adversary, Rico Rodriguez will use a new upgradeable, rocket-powered, weaponised ‘Bavarium Wingsuit’ fitted with shoulder mounted machine guns and auto targeting missiles - alongside his new ‘Eviction’ personal defence drone and ‘Bavarium Splitter’ assault rifle.
The second pack in the Expansion Pass entitled Land Mech Assault will contain another new series of missions that introduce a unique new vehicle that can be carried over into the main game; a heavily armoured mech armed with a gravity gun that allows objects to be picked up and powerfully thrown in any direction. Although the mech is as strong as a tank, it is highly manoeuvrable and agile and behaves unlike anything else in the game.
The Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass concludes with the Bavarium Sea Heist - details of which will be revealed in the following months.
The Sky Fortress pack will be priced at $11.99 whilst the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99. All three content packs will be available before the end of summer 2016 and released one week early to Expansion Pass holders.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-4 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-4 07:21 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 'Sky Fortress' content pack coming March 8
近日,官方正式宣布《正当防卫3》首个DLC“空中堡垒(Sky Fortress)”将于2016年3月8日上架,购买了季票的玩家在当天就能下载,其他玩家则要等到3月15日才可以进行购买。
● 缩短20%-50%的载入时间;
● 修复几个导致游戏崩溃的bug;
● 提升游戏流畅度;
● 提前加入和DLC相关的游戏系统。
Sky Fortress Available March 8 for Expansion Pass Holders
Just Cause 3’s first content pack entitled Sky Fortress will be available on March 8th for all holders of the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass and will go on general sale on March 15.
Sky Fortress contains a brand new set of missions that introduce a new threat – the eDEN Corporation and their huge and terrifying Sky Fortress, with its army of deadly robotic drones. To tackle his deadly new adversary, Rico Rodriguez will use a new upgradeable, rocket-powered, weaponised ‘Bavarium Wingsuit’ fitted with shoulder mounted machine guns and auto targeting missiles - alongside his new ‘Eviction’ personal defence drone and ‘Bavarium Splitter’ assault rifle, all of which can be carried over into the main game.
“The new content will fundamentally alter how our players approach the game - we’re really looking forward to seeing how fans adapt to the new Wingsuit,” said Tobias Andersson, Senior Producer at Avalanche Studios. “The new story missions, challenges and gadgets that can be taken into the main game really mix things up, and we can’t wait for players to revisit Medici and start getting even more creative."
The Sky Fortress pack will be priced at $11.99 whilst the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99. All three content packs will be available before the end of summer 2016 and released one week early to Expansion Pass holders.
In preparation for the new content, the main game will also be receiving a new update on Friday March 4th that includes the following fixes:
• Reduced initial loading time and in-game loading screens by 20-50%
• Fixed several memory leaks resulting in crashes
• Reduced a number of random crashes
• Improved streaming of game world
• Some performance optimizations related to hitches and stuttering
• Implemented DLC system in preparation of the Air, Land and Sea packages
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-1 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-1 06:42 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 'Mech Land Assault' DLC Launches June 10
《正当防卫3》游戏发售后Square Enix 还准备了“海陆空”季票,顾名思义,这个季票将包括海陆空三个主题DLC。目前季票的首个DLC“空中堡垒(Sky Fortress)”已经在3月15日正式上线,今日SE公布了第二个DLC“机甲陆地突击(Mech Land Assault)”的发售日和首批游戏截图。
据官方表示,“机甲陆地突击”DLC带领玩家进入到一个新的岛屿Lacrima,这是一个废弃的研究基地所在地,也是神秘黑手所经营的战俘营。这个地区由高达的强力机甲防守着,主角Rico需要新的Bavarium Power Core枪来关闭这些机甲的护盾然后入侵它们。一旦成功后,Rico可以使用这些机甲的强力火炮以及GRIP重力枪把敌人撕成碎片。
最后官方表示,《正当防卫3》季票最后一个DLC叫做“Bavarium Sea Heist(海上打劫)”,将于2016年夏末推出。
Just Cause 3 'Mech Land Assault' Due June 3
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault, the second content pack from the Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass will be on sale June 3 for Expansion Pass Holders, with a wider release to follow on June 10.
Mech Land Assault takes Rico Rodriguez to the new island of Lacrima, home to an abandoned eDen research base and a prison camp run by the mysterious Black Hand. Defended by huge powerful Mechs, Rico will need the new Bavarium Power Core rifle to disable their shields and hijack them. Once inside, Rico can use their powerful cannons and the GRIP Gravity Guns to hurl and smash the enemy into pieces.
• Pilot two types of powerful Mech and drive them anywhere in Medici.
• Unleash the Mech’s Gravitational Remote Influence Projector or “GRIP” to attract and hurl objects at your enemies.
• Jump and smash helicopters from the sky or ground pound tanks with the GRIPS’s “Force Pulse” attack.
• Prove your skills and earn upgrades in Mech arena challenges.
• Call in a Rebel Mech buddy for extra firepower when the going gets tough.
• Includes a powerful new energy weapon, the Bavarium Power Core rifle.
The Bavarium Wingsuit from the Sky Fortress DLC fundamentally changed how Rico could traverse Medici. This time, we wanted to shake up how Rico interacts with his environment in a similar way,” explained Tobias Andersson, Senior Producer at Avalanche Studios. “The new Mechs allow Rico to throw enemies, vehicles and chaos objects around like tennis balls – increasing the scope for physics-based fun. Whether you’re juggling a small car or punching helicopters out of the sky, the Mechs give you the opportunity to mess with your surroundings in creative, explosive ways.”
The Mech Land Assault pack is priced at $11.99 whilst the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99. The final content pack – Bavarium Sea Heist – will be released by the end of summer 2016, released one week early to Expansion Pass holders.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-3 06:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-4 07:10 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault DLC Available Now for Expansion Pack Holders
《正当防卫3:机甲陆地突击》(Mech Land Assault)现已向《正当防卫3》季卡持有者开放。这也是《正当防卫3》“海陆空”DLC季卡的第二部分内容,加入了一个全新的岛屿,并开放了让主角跳进机甲彻底毁灭敌人的能力。
Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault DLC Available Now for Expansion Pack Holders
Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault, the second content pack from the Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass is out now for Expansion Pass Holders, and will go on sale as a separate add-on for everyone else on June 10th. To celebrate the release, the first new gameplay trailer has been made available today showing Rico causing chaotic destruction in brand new, gravity-defying ways.
Mech Land Assault takes Rico Rodriguez to the new island of Lacrima, home to an abandoned eDen research base and a prison camp run by the mysterious Black Hand. Defended by huge powerful Mechs, Rico will need the new Bavarium Power Core rifle to disable their shields and hijack them. Once inside, Rico can use their powerful cannons and the GRIP Gravity Guns to hurl and smash the enemy into pieces.
• Pilot two types of powerful Mech and drive them anywhere in Medici.
• Unleash the Mech’s Gravitational Remote Influence Projector or “GRIP” to attract and hurl objects at your enemies.
• Jump and smash helicopters from the sky or ground pound tanks with the GRIPS’s “Force Pulse” attack.
• Prove your skills and earn upgrades in Mech arena challenges.
• Call in a Rebel Mech buddy for extra firepower when the going gets tough.
• Includes a powerful new energy weapon, the Bavarium Power Core rifle.
The Mech Land Assault pack is priced at $11.99 whilst the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99. The final content pack – Bavarium Sea Heist – will be released by the end of summer 2016, released one week early to Expansion Pass holders.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-10 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-10 07:18 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault DLC Launch Trailer
《正当防卫3》季卡玩家已经在上周就体验到“机甲陆地突击”(Mech Land Assault)这款DLC了,而厂商今天公布了这款DLC的上市预告片。在新DLC中Rico可以驾驶机甲直接对空中的直升机发动打击。预告片采用了90年代风格的动画,不过在结尾处还是有实际的游戏画面的。“机甲陆地突击”是“海陆空”季卡套装的第二款DLC内容。
Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault Laucnh Trailer Available Now
Following an early release for Expansion Pass holders, Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault - the second content pack from the Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass - is out on 10th June for everybody, and there’s a brand new animated launch trailer to mark the occasion.
The launch trailer, released today, shows Just Cause’s signature destruction realised in an animated style, as Rico’s mechanized loader punches a helicopter out of the sky.
Mech Land Assault takes Rico Rodriguez to the new island of Lacrima, home to an abandoned eDEN research base and a prison camp run by the mysterious Black Hand. Defended by huge powerful Mechs, Rico will need the new Bavarium Power Core rifle to disable their shields and hijack them. Once inside, Rico can use their powerful cannons and the GRIP Gravity Guns to hurl and smash the enemy into pieces.
• Pilot two types of powerful Mech and drive them anywhere in Medici.
• Unleash the Mech’s Gravitational Remote Influence Projector or “GRIP” to attract and hurl objects at your enemies.
• Jump and smash helicopters from the sky or ground pound tanks with the GRIPS’s “Force Pulse” attack.
• Prove your skills and earn upgrades in Mech arena challenges.
• Call in a Rebel Mech buddy for extra firepower when the going gets tough.
• Includes a powerful new energy weapon, the Bavarium Power Core rifle.
The Mech Land Assault pack is priced at $11.99 whilst the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99. The final content pack – Bavarium Sea Heist – will be released by the end of summer 2016, released one week early to Expansion Pass holders.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-11 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-11 06:45 PM 编辑
Just Cause 3 'Bavarium Sea Heist' DLC Launches August 11
SE公布了《正当防卫3》的第三个DLC“Bavarium海大劫案(Bavarium Sea Heist)”的预告片。购买了本作季票的玩家可以在2016年8月11日体验到这一最新扩展内容,其他玩家则要等到8月18日。
和之前一样,玩家将在这个扩展内容中玩到新的任务并获得新的武器。Rico将在DLC中将驾驶新的快艇在海面上驰骋,同时他还将渗透到神秘的研究机构Stingray中盗窃由Eden制作的最为稀有与强力的武器“Eden Spark”。
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist DLC Coming August 11
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios today announced that Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist, the third and final content pack of the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass, will be available to all expansion pass holders from August 11 and will go on sale as a separate add-on for everyone else from August 18. To celebrate the release, a brand new launch trailer is now available.
“Our aim with the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass was to completely alter the way players tackle the game and we’ve achieved just that,” said Marcus Andrews, Lead Designer of the Air, Land & Sea content at Avalanche Studios. “Each of the three packs of new tools allows the player to wreak havoc in fresh, creative, and unique ways that ensures both new and existing fans of Just Cause 3 will have hours of additional content and an enormous number of ways to approach any situation”.
Brave the dangerous waters of West Medici in your new rocket boat and infiltrate the Stingray, a mysterious research facility, home of the rarest and strongest weapon ever created by the Eden Corporation. This content pack includes a brand new location to explore, missions, a new challenge type, the heavily armed rocket boat and the devastating “Eden Spark” lightning gun.
• Liberate the Medici coastal waters of Scolio, home to Eden Research stations and the mysterious “Stingray” base.
• Drive the deadly rocket boat “Loochador”, using its multi-lock missile launchers and miniguns to defeat the formidable Black Hand Fleet.
• Infiltrate the Stingray base to steal the deadly “Eden Spark” lightning gun and unleash elemental death on your enemies in all new storyline and missions.
• Power up the Eden Spark further with mods earned in the “Boat Invader” challenge.
The Bavarium Sea Heist content pack is priced at $5.99 whilst the entire Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass is available for $24.99.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-12 07:01 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-19 06:56 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-27 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-8 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-8 06:37 PM 编辑
Jason Momoa to Star in Just Cause Film Adaptation as Rico
《正当防卫》电影确认!《权力的游戏》Jason Momoa 担任主角
据外媒 deadline 报导,Avalanche Studios 和 Square Enix 旗下备受欢迎的游戏《正当防卫(Just Cause)》系列将被改编成电影,目前已经正在制作,由《权力的游戏》中杰森·莫玛(Jason Momoa)担任主角。
据报导曾执导San Andreas 、Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 的导演布拉德·佩顿(Brad Peyton)将执导《正当防卫》电影,曾参与制作Happy Feet、Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World的作家约翰·科里(John Collee)将负责电影剧本。
《正当防卫》系列第一部于2006 年上市,主角是玩家们非常熟悉 Rico 大叔,整个系列以爽快的突突突、多种枪械载具、无所不能的抓钩而备受欢迎,整个游戏氛围太像一部好莱坞动作大片了!
Aquaman’s Jason Momoa to Star, Brad Peyton to Direct Just Cause Film Based on Popular Video Game
A feature film based on the popular Square Enix video game Just Cause is getting closer to reality and the plans are to make a big-screen franchise from it. Jason Momoa, who stars as Aquaman in the hotly anticipated Justice League and has his own spin-off film for the character, has signed on to star and Brad Peyton has stepped in to helm the feature film from a screenplay by John Collee (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World). Both Momoa and Peyton have worked together before on Netflix’s Frontier. Peyton directed Warner Bros.’ San Andreas which ended up with a global box office take of $473.9M.
The story, like the game, follows Rico Rodriguez (Momoa) who is an operative for an organization known as the Agency. The plot of the movie is under wraps but it is expected to deal in some way with Rico’s crisis of conscience while on a mission.
Producing will be Peyton and Jeff Fierson through their ASAP Entertainment banner and Roy Lee through his Vertigo Entertainment, Adrian Askarieh through his banner Prime Universe Films; Eva Cao through her Supernova Entertainment; and Mason XU and Fan Dong through DNA Co. Ltd. China-based DNA also provided the financing for the film.
20th Century Fox has first rights to worldwide distribution, except for China where DNA will distribute through a local distribution partner. In fact, the project was initially set up at the studio before obtaining independent financing.
The action/adventure is based on the Square Enix game and developed by Avalanche Studios.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-9 11:03 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-16 11:56 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-8 02:42 PM
今天有玩家发现,Steam登陆后的弹窗广告中赫然出现了《正当防卫4》的身影。不过当用户点击详情时,并未显示任何《正当防卫4》相关的信息,或是跳转至游戏的详情页面,而是直接返回到了 Steam 商店的首页。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 05:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:41 PM 编辑
Just Cause 4 announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
《正当防卫 4》正式发表 首支宣传影片同步曝光 游戏预定 12 月推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/163835.html)
由 Avalanche Studios 研发、SQUARE ENIX 发行《正当防卫》系列新作《正当防卫 4》,今日于 Xbox E3 展前发表会正式公开,并释出了首部宣传影片。
以开放式世界做为冒险主轴的《正当防卫》系列,这次的《正当防卫 4》是以南美洲作为主题。 在宣传影片中除了可看见漂亮的光影表现外,诸多载具的运用也是亮点之一。
《正当防卫 4》目前预定将于 12 月 4 日发售。
Square Enix announced Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch on December 4.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, Just Cause 4 takes the series incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of tornadoes and other Extreme Weather events. Just Cause 4 has four distinct biomes: Rainforest, Grasslands, Alpine & Desert. With each biome offering its own individual, fully simulated weather event, players will have a truly unique experience as they traverse this deep, diverse world.
Rico Rodriguez returns in Just Cause 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customisable. Making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.
“We’ve taken everything that players loved from our previous games and with brand new features, enhanced physics and core gameplay improvements, we’ve created the most ambitious Just Cause experience to date,” said Francesco Antolini, Game Director at Avalanche Studios. “The introduction of Extreme Weather is a complete game changer – players will not have seen anything like this in a videogame. We have created fully physicalized tornadoes, blizzards, sandstorms and torrential downpours which affect gameplay in a very real way. All of this is now possible thanks to our brand new Apex engine.”
The new Apex engine underpins everything in Just Cause 4. It delivers the most interactive, extreme weather simulations ever seen in a videogame, complimented by incredible visuals, unparalleled physics and endless creative possibilities.
Just Cause 4 will be available in standard, Digital Deluxe, and Gold Editions. Here is an overview of each:
Standard Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
Digital Deluxe Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
24 hour early access
Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit
Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet
Gold Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
24 hour early access
Expansion Pass (Daredevils, Demons, and Danger)
Golden Gear Pack
Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit
Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet
Visit the official website here https://justcause.square-enix-games.com/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-12 06:35 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-13 06:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 09:52 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-14 01:55 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-26 06:23 PM
《正当防卫 4》物理仿真沙盒游戏再进化 体验席卷大地的龙卷风无匹威力
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/164519.html)
在日前举办的 E3 展中,SQUARE ENIX 展出了由瑞典 Avalanche Studios 开发的《正当防卫(Just Cause)》系列最新作《正当防卫 4(Just Cause 4)》,除了由制作团队亲自示范之外,游戏总监法兰西 斯科‧安东里尼(Francesco Antolini)并接受媒体访问,畅谈游戏特色。
《正当防卫 4》是款着重于物理仿真的沙盒式开放世界动作游戏,玩家将再度扮演特务瑞可. 罗德里格斯(Rico Rodriguez),这次他将来到一个虚构的南美洲国家「索里斯(Solis)」,为了追查自身过往的真相,他将与反抗军势力一同对抗私人军事组织「黑手军(Black Hand)」。
这次游戏的舞台「索里斯」是个融合了多样化地形地貌与气候的南美洲偏乡国度,面积达到 1024 平方公里,从潮湿闷热的雨林、干燥酷热的沙漠到白雪霭霭的山峰,横跨热带、温带到寒带的气候。 在熙熙攘攘的城市到绿意盎然的乡村之间,有着大量的惊奇事物等着玩家去探索。
瑞可这次的任务是带领索里斯的反抗军击败私人军事组织黑手军,找出瑞可父亲生前与索里斯以及极端气候之间牵扯的真相。 该军队具备高科技与强大武力,由至今最勇猛、高明且难以预测的对手加布耶拉‧莫拉雷斯(Gabriella Morales)所率领,将让瑞可陷入前所未有的险境之中。
游戏承袭先前系列作逛受玩家欢迎的沙盒式玩法加以强化,玩家可以透过各式各样的物理仿真机制来创造自己的玩法。 导入全新自制游戏引擎「Avalanche APEX」,物理仿真效果大幅进化,并以 “风” 的仿真为重点主题。 玩家在使用飞行伞或飞鼠装时,将能充分感受到风的影响。
前作导入并大受玩家欢迎的「抓钩」,这次同样有大幅的进化。 除了用来抓取物体与快速移动之外,玩家将能运用全新进化的功能来自定义抓钩,发射各式各样不同类型的抓钩箭矢,像是链接后能收紧缆绳的收缩箭矢,能推动物体运动的喷射箭矢,能让物体漂浮到空中的气球箭矢, 能让漂浮物体自动跟随自己的无人机箭矢等,让玩家创造属于自己的花式特技、破坏手法与游玩风格。
举例来说,玩家可以在吊车吊臂上种下多个喷射箭矢,启动后就能来个疯狂大旋转扫荡敌人。 或者是在货柜的四角先种下气球箭矢,后方种下喷射箭矢,启动后就能制造出飞行移动平台。
而 “风” 的极致则是席卷一切的「龙卷风」,此一极端的大气现象将摧毁所有路径上的建筑与设备,带动的强大气流也会影响周遭的一切。 例如朝龙卷风发射火箭弹,那么火箭弹将会顺着龙卷风的风向不断旋转,制作团队戏称此为「火箭旋风(Rocknado)」。 肆虐索里斯的黑手军会利用特殊的装置改变龙卷风的路径来破坏城镇、消灭敌对势力,瑞可必须尽力阻止黑手军的计谋。
此外,武器系统也有长足的进步,除了数量增加为 2 倍以上之外,所有武器都具备第二型态,例如能定点架设盾牌防御的步枪等。 玩家必须活用二型态才能顺利对抗势力庞大的敌人威胁。 载具的数量从前作的 70 多种增加到 100 种以上,包括军用喷射机、直升机、工程车、超级跑车等。
游戏总监弗朗西斯科‧安东里尼表示,这次游戏最大的进步就是「龙卷风」(笑),导入全新游戏引擎带来更强大的物理仿真,除了基本的物理与化学反应之外,最有感的就是仿真各种 “风” 的表现。 而地球上最为极端的风莫过于「龙卷风」,因此这次会让龙卷风成为重点主题之一。
虽然这次游戏舞台的规模跟前作相同,不过内容更为丰富。 前作的地图是由一大两小三个岛屿所构成,但这次的索里斯则是一个完整连贯的单一地图,地形地貌与气候的变化更是丰富。
安东里尼表示,游戏目前还在开发阶段,还无法确切评估游玩时间,不过如果完全只冲主线、其他支线都不碰的话,那么大概十几个小时可以破关。 不过这一系列的精髓就是完全自由的沙盒式开放世界玩法,加上这次加入了更丰富多样的物理仿真、抓钩能力与探索内容,想玩多久完全取决于玩家本身,虽然游戏仍只专注于单人模式,没有多人模式,但想玩上百个小时都不成问题。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-29 06:55 PM
《正当防卫 4》繁体中文版将于 12 月 4 日与全球同步发售
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/164790.html)
台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(29)日宣布,由 Avalanche Studios 开发的开放世界动作游戏《Just Cause(正当防卫)》系列全新续作《Just Cause 4(正当防卫 4)》。 繁/简体中文版将于 12 月 4 日在 Xbox One / PlayStation 4/PC/STEAM 平台与全球同步发售。
《Just Cause 4》游戏简介
游戏中有四种特殊生态系雨林、草原、高山和沙漠。 每种生态系皆呈现精心仿真的天候环境,当玩家穿梭在这个深不可测、神秘多样的世界展开冒险时,将能身历其境感受游戏世界的魅力。
此外,主角瑞可将带着他的降落伞、飞行装还有招牌钩索帅气回归《Just Cause 4》,这些装备将升级并加入全新功能,玩家可随心所欲调整、打造创新又强大的装备工具。
Avalanche Studios 的游戏总监 Francesco Antolini 表示:「我们延续前作中备受玩家喜爱的一切内容,并加上全新功能、强化物理特性并改善核心玩法,以求带给玩家前所未有的《Just Cause》游戏体验。 极端天气的引进将完全改变游戏规则—这也是玩家在电玩游戏中从未见过的,我们打造出完全符合物理演算的龙卷风、暴风雪、沙尘暴和倾盆大雨,以极度拟真的方式改变游戏体验,而这一系列创新都要归功于采用全新的 Apex 引擎。 Apex 引擎是《Just Cause 4》的基石,其互动性极端天气仿真功能将带给玩家令人惊叹的视觉效果、物理演算和无穷的可能性。 」
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-7-18 10:24 PM
Just Cause 4 "Making Of" Videos Released
Just Cause 4: Making Of Series
Following the announcement of Just Cause 4 at E3 this year, we’ve seen a lot of excitement generated around the game. In order to provide more information on what to expect from the game, we are excited to share with you the first five videos in our “Just Cause 4 Making Of” series. Straight from the mouths of the developers, this series delivers key, new information as well as detailing all of the most impressive new features in Just Cause 4.
The following videos are ready to be viewed now:
Apex Power - YouTube Link
Named upon the concept of an Apex being a pinnacle or peak, the team at Avalanche discuss the new Apex Engine, built from the ground up to enable them to create the most dynamic instalment of the Just Cause series with best-in class features.
Force of Nature - YouTube Link
The team explain how Rico, a force of nature in his own right, will work through and with the elements of tornadoes, sandstorms and torrential rain, and detail the simulation systems necessary for allowing extreme weather the perfect combination of realism and fun.
The Grapple Hook - YouTube Link
The embodiment of Rico is the grappling hook, the ultimate sandbox tool. Not only can it still achieve the same explosive destruction that players had in previous titles, it also now has new abilities, new options, and is fully customisable.
Redefining Rico - YouTube Link
A best in class sandbox with unrivalled physics would be nothing without a hero to match. A new challenge awaits for Rico, he has left the agency and gone rogue. He returns in Just Cause 4 with more depth and complexity, but is no less the action hero fans have come to expect.
The World of Solis - YouTube Link
The team explains how they created 500 years of backstory to inspire the world design and narrative, from colonial style original settlers to contemporary buildings.
Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, JUST CAUSE 4 takes the series incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of fully simulated tornadoes and other Extreme Weather events. Rico Rodriguez returns in JUST CAUSE 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customisable. Making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.
Just Cause 4 is available to pre-order now before it is unleashed unto the world on the 4th of December.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-21 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-21 09:29 PM 编辑
Just Cause 4 ‘Tornado’ gameplay reveal trailer
《正当防卫 4》释出试玩片段 善用龙卷风强大威力与敌人搏斗完成任务
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167109.html)
由 Avalanche Studios 开发的开放世界动作游戏《Just Cause(正当防卫)》系列全新续作《Just Cause 4(正当防卫 4)》近日于欧洲游戏展 Gamescom 2018 期间释出试玩影片,供玩家参考。 《Just Cause 4(正当防卫 4)》预计在 12 月 4 日于 Xbox One / PlayStation 4/PC/STEAM 平台与全球同步发售,而繁体中文/简体中文版亦将同步上市。
故事描述特务瑞可. 罗德里格斯来到位于南美洲的索里斯,这是一块充斥着冲突、压迫还有极端气候,而且广大辽阔的是非之地。 而玩家在游戏中将可运用飞鼠装在天际翱翔,随心所欲的进行高空跳伞、定点跳伞和自由落体。
而玩家最终目标即为带领反抗军击败拥有高科技的私人军队组织黑手军,与至今最勇猛、高明且不可预测的对手,加布耶拉. 莫拉雷斯正面对决,并找出瑞可父亲生前与索里斯以及极端气候之间牵扯的真相。
本作将《Just Cause(正当防卫)》最具代表性的动作机制推向全新境界,在高耸入云的龙卷风和热带闪电风暴等极端天气中与众多敌人搏斗。 而 游戏将采用前所未见的动作机制,让玩家得以善用极端的天气现象作为优势。
此次的试玩影片中,描述主角瑞可在任务中透过载具并善用龙卷风来解决敌人。 同时藉由导入全新自制游戏引擎「Avalanche APEX」,让玩家在使用飞行伞或飞鼠装时充分感受到风的影响。
Publisher Square Enix and developer Avalanche Studios have released the gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 4.
The trailer highlights the power and scale of the tornado weather simulations players will experience in the game. Just Cause 4 features “fully physicalized, gigantic tornadoes” that “rip through the landscape, send huge pieces of debris spiralling through the air, and tear airplanes out of the sky.” The trajectory of every object in the tornado’s path is calculated in real time.
Rico’s grappling hook also returns in Just Cause 4, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customize. The video also highlights some of these key new features, including the ability to remotely attach multiple boosters and airlifters to any object in the game.
Just Cause 4 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on December 4.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-2 11:07 PM
最近,Square Enix公布了三张全新的《正当防卫4(Just Cause 4)》游戏截图,展示了游戏中的绝美场景。由于该作将会使用非常强大的新一代APEX引擎,所以画质效果非常棒。
《正当防卫4》将会在今年的12月4日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-14 06:52 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-14 10:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-16 03:11 PM 编辑
《正当防卫4》最新宣传视频公开 演示游戏中环境要素
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/2700821066.html)
近日《正当防卫4》官方释出了本作地图 “Solis” 中多种不同的环境要素宣传视频。“Solis”是一个架空位于南美的国家,地图囊括了山脉、平原、沙漠等多种环境,此次玩家将操作主角在这里展开不一样的冒险,玩家既可以坐上座驾驰骋在宽阔的平原上,也可以身穿飞鼠装在雪山之间滑翔,自由度上本作将延续前作的水准,让玩家可以尽情地使用自己的游戏方式游玩。
本作预计12月4日发售登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-26 11:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-26 07:37 PM 编辑
Just Cause 4 ‘Rico’s Rival’ trailer
Publisher Square Enix and developer Avalanche Studios have released a new trailer for Just Cause 4 introducing character Gabriela Morales, leader of the infamous Black Hand and “Rico’s toughest adversary yet.”
Just Cause 4 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on December 4.
《正当防卫4》新预告片 展示“黑手”组织及其女性头目
近日 Avalanche Studios 官方发布了一个《正当防卫4》新预告视频,介绍了游戏中的反派,“黑手”组织的女头目Gabriela Morales。
在《正当防卫》的世界中,“黑手”是世界上最大的雇佣兵组织,Gabriela Morales是这个组织的首领,也是主角Rico的敌人,她出生在游戏中虚构的南美国家索利斯,建立了“黑手”组织,这样她就不必再生活在恐惧之中,她认为Rico其实和她很像。大家认为Rico靠自己的力量是无法击败Gabriela的,他需要有自己的军队来对抗“黑手”。
《正当防卫 4》将于 12 月 4 日发售,登陆 PC、PS4 和 Xbox One 平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-10-7 10:59 PM
《正当防卫4》新宣传片「The Black Hand」公开 展示游戏中的敌人要素
今日《正当防卫4》官方公开了本作的最新宣传视频,此次视频整体围绕这游戏中的敌人「The Black Hand」进行介绍。从视频中可以看到本作中存在着十分多样的敌人种类,包括了普通的敌人部队、可以隐身的幽灵部队、重型的泰坦部队等。
《正当防卫4》预计12月4日发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-10-10 10:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-10 11:10 AM 编辑
《正当防卫4》新预告片 描述开发人员详细介绍游戏中更沉浸的叙事手法
Square Enix 和 Avalanche 昨晚发布了一段新的解说预告片,详细介绍了《正当防卫4(Just Cause 4)》中的剧情系统和叙事手法。这段视频没有太多实机演示内容,主要是一些开发人员在讲述幕后的制作过程。
《正当防卫4》将会在12月4日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-10-11 11:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-11 04:59 PM 编辑
Just Cause 4 Story Trailer
昨天,Avalanche Studios和Square Enix刚刚发布了一段视频介绍《正当防卫4(Just Cause 4)》中沉浸的剧情叙述方式,今天他们又公布了游戏的故事预告片,展现了精彩炫酷的游戏内场景,以及主角的敌人和朋友。
《正当防卫4》将于12月4日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC。
Just Cause 4 Story Trailer Released Today
Now rogue from the Agency, in Just Cause 4 Rico Rodriguez travels to the South American inspired Island of Solís, hell bent on uncovering the truth behind his father’s death. Solís is a place ravished by powerful storms and tornados, it’s in a state of unrest and on the brink of war. The ruthless Black Hand militia, led by the dangerous Gabriella, are using everything they have to keep the situation under control. Rico soon forms an alliance with Mira, a rebellious dissident before finding himself leading an army as he fights, grapples and wingsuits his way through conspiracies and chaos.
Just Cause 4 is a landmark entry to the series, releasing December 4th 2018 on Xbox One, PC and PS4.
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