标题: The Game Awards [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-21 06:02 PM
标题: The Game Awards
The Game Awards ~ Live on December 5 in Las Vegas
The Game Awards颁奖典礼将于2014.12.5举行
今年将不会再举办VGA以及VGX了,取而代之的则是由索尼、微软、任天堂以及维尔福赞助的新活动The Game Awards,值得一提的是在本次活动将会同步在XBOX LIVE、PSN以及Steam平台直播,同时维尔福的在线商店Steam将会举行限期打折活动,各位玩家们可以关注一下。
就像之前的VGA以及VGX,The Game Awards将会有以下特色活动,颁奖、全球范围内首次公开的消息,音乐表演以及其它惊喜活动。
Martin Tremblay(华纳兄弟互动娱乐主管):“今年在游戏界中将会是令人兴奋地一年,因为我们将能和朋友、同事还有全球的粉丝们一起庆祝The Game Awards。”
彼得·摩尔(EA首席运营官):“EA在用游戏团结世界玩家的路上一直走在前面,这次活动将会是我们更进一步的新机会。我们期待着能够在The Game Award中支持我们业界的伙伴们。”
菲尔·斯宾塞(XBOX总裁):“XBOX非常荣幸能够成为The Game Awards的一员并且很高兴能够庆祝游戏业一年内最具创意和影响力的作品。同时我也很高兴全世界的XBOX ONE以及XBOX 360玩家能够通过XBOX LIVE在线同步收看本次活动。”
Jennifer Kolbe(R星出版副主管):“我们一直以来都坚信游戏有着能够给我们带来激励、挑战和娱乐的潜力,并且我们也期待着能够和整个业界一起在The Game Awards庆祝。”
Yves Guillemot(育碧CEO):“The Game Awards是一个能够嘉奖那些在游戏业中有着突出贡献的游戏、开发者以及玩家的特殊活动。我们期待着能在这个十二月和大家一起庆祝游戏的力量。”
Gabe Newell(维尔福创始人):“维尔福对于和能和全球1亿Steam用户一起庆祝The Game Awards感到很兴奋。”
Video Games Wii Rise on December 5 at 'The Game Awards 2014'
On December 5, videogame creators, press, and fans around the world will come together to celebrate all things videogames with The Game Awards 2014. Built to honor every aspect of the world’s most dynamic form of entertainment, The Game Awards 2014 will highlight the cultural significance of the $100B a year gaming industry with awards, world premieres, musical performances, and appearances by game developers, eSports players and online content creators. The Game Awards 2014 is a new show created specifically to acknowledge the place of videogames at the center of modern entertainment and culture.
“The Game Awards 2014 will celebrate our collective love of games and the passion we all hold in our hearts for this incredible entertainment medium,” said Geoff Keighley, Producer, The Game Awards 2014. “Gaming has never been stronger, and this year we will recognize the fastest-selling launch year in history for new game consoles, the rise of eSports and mobile gaming around the globe, and preview the games that will make 2015 the biggest year yet.”
Airing live from the state-of-the-art AXIS Theater in front the industry and the public, The Game Awards 2014 will be viewable around the world across a record number of gaming devices, platforms, media partners and services. More details on ways to watch the show will be released in the coming weeks at thegameawards.com Public tickets for the awards will be available for sale via TicketMaster on Tuesday, November 11.
The Game Awards 2014 is produced by Geoff Keighley, with the guidance of an advisory board that includes Reggie Fils-Aime (President and COO, Nintendo of America), Yves Guillemot (Co-Founder and CEO, Ubisoft), Hideo Kojima (Executive Contents Director, Kojima Productions), Shawn Layden (CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America), Peter Moore (COO, Electronic Arts), Rockstar Games, Phil Spencer (Head of Xbox, Microsoft), Martin Tremblay (President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) and Valve.
“The Game Awards is a special event to honor the achievements in gaming, our talented developers and devoted fans. We look forward to celebrating the power of games this December,” said Yves Guillemot, Co-founder and CEO, Ubisoft.
“PlayStation looks forward to seeing our fans and celebrating with them both at The Game Awards and The PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas this December,” said Shawn Layden, CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America. “For those who can’t join us in person, we will be livestreaming the weekend on PlayStation Network.”
“Electronic Arts has long championed the way gaming brings together players with the talented teams behind the world’s greatest video games, and this event will be an exciting new opportunity to do just that,” said Peter Moore, COO, Electronic Arts. “We look forward to supporting The Game Awards alongside our friends in the industry.”
“We have long been believers in the potential for videogames to inspire, challenge and entertain, and we look forward to standing with the industry to celebrate the medium at The Game Awards this year," said Jennifer Kolbe, VP of Publishing, Rockstar Games.
“Xbox is proud to be a part of The Game Awards and to celebrate the creative and innovative work that happens across the gaming industry all year long,” said Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, Microsoft. “I am pleased Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners around the world will be able to watch the entire program through Xbox Live.”
“It’s been an amazing year in games and we’re excited to celebrate the industry’s achievements at The Game Awards alongside friends, colleagues and fans around the world,” said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
“Valve is excited to share The Game Awards with over 100 million users on Steam around the world,” said Gabe Newell, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Valve. Alongside the free livestream, Steam will offer a special limited time Steam Sale as part of The Game Awards 2014 broadcast. More details will be announced closer to the event.
For more information visit thegameawards.com or follow twitter.com/thegameawards
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-21 06:07 PM
由资深游戏人 Geoff Keighley 主导,并结合小岛秀夫、Xbox 部门主管菲尔‧史宾瑟(Phil Spencer)、美国任天堂总裁瑞吉‧费斯艾米(Reggie Fils-Aime)等重量级人士以及 Rockstar Games、Valve 两大游戏商所一起筹备的年末颁奖盛事「游戏大奖(The Game Awards)」,21 日公布了各奖项的提名名单,并在同步曝光的宣传影片结尾处,暗示 Rocksteady 正在开发中的《蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉骑士(Batman: Arkham Knight)》届时有望在活动进行期间首度放映最新的宣传影片。
◆ 年度游戏
- 《魔兵惊天录 2(Bayonetta 2)》
- 《黑暗灵魂 2(Dark Souls II)》
- 《闇龙纪元:异端审判(Dragon Age: Inquisition)》
- 《炉石战记(Hearthstone)》
- 《中土世界:魔多之影(Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor)》
◆ 年度工作室
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Monolith Productions(本年度作品《中土世界:魔多之影》
- Nintendo
- Telltale Games(知名作品《阴尸路》、《与狼同行》)
- Ubisoft Montreal(本年度作品《看门狗》、《刺客教条:大革命》)
◆ 最佳独立游戏
- 《Broken Age》
- 《纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)》
- 《铲子骑士(Shovel Knight)》
- 《Transistor》
- 《消失的伊桑‧卡特(The Vanishing of Ethan Carter)》
- ※ 颁奖典礼上还将发表新的独立游戏
◆ 最佳掌上型游戏
- 《Bravely Default》
- 《纪念碑谷》
- 《炉石战记》
- 《任天堂明星大乱斗 N3DS》
- 《Threes!》
◆ 最佳剧情
- 《南方四贱客:真实之杖》
- 《阴尸路:第二季》
- 《与狼同行》
- 《英勇之心:伟大战争》
- 《德军总部:新秩序》
◆ 最佳配乐
- 《异形:孤立》
- 《光明之子》
- 《天命》
- 《落日飙神》
- 《Transistor》
◆ 最佳演出
- Adam Harrington(作品《与狼同行》)
- Kevin Spacey(作品《决胜时刻:先进战争》)
- Melissa Hutchinson(作品《阴尸路》)
- Trey Parker(作品《南方四贱客:真实之杖》)
- Troy Baker(作品《中土世界:魔多之影》)
◆ Games For Change(奖励愿尝试新鲜事的游戏)
- 《Mountain》
- 《Never Alone》
- 《最后生还者:抛诸脑后》
- 《This War of Mine》
- 《英勇之心:伟大战争》
◆ 最佳强化移植作品
- 《侠盗猎车手 5》
- 《神奇宝贝 终极红宝石 / 始源蓝宝石》
- 《最后生还者 重制版》
- 《最后一战:士官长合辑》
- 《古墓奇兵 决定版》
◆ 最佳射击游戏
- 《决胜时刻:先进战争》
- 《天命》
- 《极地战嚎 4》
- 《神兵泰坦》
- 《德军总部:新秩序》
◆ 最佳动作 / 冒险游戏
- 《异形:孤立》
- 《刺客教条:大革命》
- 《魔兵惊天录 2》
- 《中土世界:魔多之影》
- 《落日飙神》
◆ 最佳角色扮演游戏
- 《Bravely Default》
- 《黑暗灵魂 2》
- 《神谕:原罪(Divinity: Original Sin)》
- 《闇龙纪元:异端审判》
- 《南方四贱客:真实之杖》
◆ 最佳格斗游戏
- 《杀手本能:第二季(Killer Instinct: Season Two)》
- 《女神异闻录 4 无敌究极背桥摔》
- 《任天堂明星大乱斗 N3DS》
- 《任天堂明星大乱斗 Wii U》
- 《终极快打旋风 4》
◆ 最佳家庭游戏
- 《迪斯尼无限世界 2.0(Disney Infinity 2.0)》
- 《幻想曲:音乐进化(Fantasia: Music Evolved)》
- 《玛利欧赛车 8》
- 《宝贝龙冒险:陷阱队(Skylanders: Trap Team)》
- 《朋友收藏集 新生活》
◆ 最佳运动 / 竞速游戏
- 《国际足盟大赛 15(FIFA 15)》
- 《极限竞速:地平线 2(Forza Horizon 2)》
- 《玛利欧赛车 8》
- 《NBA 2K15》
- 《特技摩托赛:聚变(Trials Fusion)》
◆ 最佳在线体验
- 《决胜时刻:先进战争》
- 《黑暗灵魂 2》
- 《天命》
- 《炉石战记》
- 《神兵泰坦》
◆ 最受期待作品
- 《蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉骑士》
- 《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》
- 《恶灵进化(Evolve)》
- 《巫师 3:狂猎(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)》
- 《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》
◆ 年度电竞选手
- Martin “Rekkles” Larsson
- Matt “NaDeSHoT” Haag
- Xu “Fy” Linsen
- James “Firebat” Kostesich
- Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund
◆ 年度电竞队伍
- Samsung White
- Evil Geniuses
- Edward Gaming
- Newbee
- Ninjas in Pajamas
◆ 指针玩家
- Jeff Gerstmann
- PewDiePie
- StampyLongHead
- TotalBiscuit
- Evan “Vanoss” Fong
◆ 最佳玩家创作
- Twitch《神奇宝贝》互动游玩事件
- 「路易吉」死亡凝视
- 《我的世界(Minecraft)》之歌「Mine the Diamond」
- 《我的世界》泰坦城(TITAN City)
- 最佳《萨尔达传说》饶舌歌曲
「游戏大奖」预定于 12 月 5 日在拉斯韦加斯的 AXIS 剧院举行,并会透过 Steam、PlayStation Network、Xbox Live、Twitch、YouTube 等平台同步直播。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-2 07:34 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-6 12:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-6 12:30 PM 编辑
EA publishing Hazelight's (Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons devs) next game
Gone Home developer announces Tacoma
Adr1ft coming to PS4, Xbox One & PC in summer 2015
Adr1ft - Developed by Three One Zero
Adr1ft is an immersive First Person Experience (FPX) that tells the story of an astronaut in peril. Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the catastrophic event that took the lives of everyone on board. The player fights to stay alive by exploring the wreckage for precious resources, and overcomes the challenges of an unforgiving environment to repair the damaged emergency escape vehicle and safely return home.
“The Three One Zero team epitomizes the tremendous passion and creativity of independent game development,” said Ian Howe, president, 505 Games. “I’ve wanted to publish Adr1ft from the moment I first saw it at DICE; we’re looking forward to working with Three One Zero to deliver a bold new gaming experience to all types of players.”
Three One Zero is being led by founders Adam Orth on the creative side and Omar Aziz on the technology side. At its core, Adr1ft is an emotional journey through action, consequence and redemption. In the end, the player will be left to contemplate the parallels between the choices he makes within the game and the ones he makes in real life.
“I’m very happy to be partnering with 505 Games for Adr1ft” said Orth. “From the very beginning, Ian Howe and his team have passionately understood the game Omar and I are trying to make. They have empowered us with the freedom to explore and create something special with Adr1ft, both traditionally and with VR technology. It’s clear from games like Payday 2, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and some of their upcoming titles that 505 is not afraid to take chances and give gamers something fresh and new. That’s important to us. That’s what we’re all about. We’re excited to be part of that.”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-6 03:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-6 03:55 PM 编辑
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