标题: 【PS4/PC】Street Fighter V [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-5 11:14 PM
标题: 【PS4/PC】Street Fighter V
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-7 06:23 AM 编辑

游戏名称:街头霸王 5
游戏原名:Street Fighter V
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PC
游玩人数:1~2 人


《街头霸王 5》预告影片提前曝光!将由 PS4 与 PC 平台独占发行

  CAPCOM 旗下格斗游戏代表作《街头霸王》系列,方才在 YouTube 上提前泄漏了系列最新作《街头霸王 5》的预告影片,除了曝光部分游戏画面外,还确定将由 PS4 与 PC 平台独占发行。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-7 05:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-8 07:20 AM 编辑

《街头霸王 5》正式发表 释出首波宣传影片 游乐器版将由 PS4 独占发行

  CAPCOM 在美国时间 12 月 6、7 日举办的「PlayStation Experience」活动中,正式公布旗下畅销格斗游戏《街头霸王》系列最新作《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》,并释出首波预告影片与游玩影片,游乐器版将由 PS4 独占发行,另外还预定推出 PC 版,两版本可相互联机对战。


  《街头霸王 5》的首部预告片日前在 YouTube 上率先遭到泄漏,不过随即进行了全面的下架处理,如今官方终于在 PlayStation Experience 活动中正式发表,同时还公布了另一段以隆与春丽进行对战的游玩影片,可以更清楚见识到 5 代在角色建模、背景描绘与招式特效的大幅进化。

  《街头霸王》系列制作人小野义德登台时表示,预定 12 月 13 日(六)在美国旧金山举办的「CAPCOM 杯」中,将会透露更多关于《街头霸王 5》的消息,有兴趣的玩家不妨密切注意。

Street Fighter V Announced Exclusively for PlayStation 4 and PC

Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced Street Fighter V exclusively for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and for PC. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next game in the legendary series will offer cross-platform play that will unite Street Fighter fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. More game details on Street Fighter V, including release timing, will be coming soon.

“Throughout all of our discussions with Sony Computer Entertainment, it is clear that we share a mutual belief that the fighting genre has a huge opportunity for growth,” said Matt Dahlgren, Capcom’s Associate Director of Brand Marketing and eSports. “The announcement today is just the first step, of many, in creating the next generation Street Fighter experience our fans have been asking for.”

“Partnering with Capcom to deliver one of the most popular video game franchises of all time as a console exclusive to our PlayStation family is a huge undertaking and an honor we take incredibly seriously,” said Adam Boyes, VP of Publisher & Developer Relations at Sony Computer Entertainment America. “We can’t wait to show Street Fighter and PlayStation fans what we have in store for them.”

The first gameplay demonstration of Street Fighter V will take place at the Capcom Cup grand finals tournament happening next Saturday, December 13 in San Francisco, CA. Tune in to the live broadcast at twitch.tv/capcomfighters to catch the first look, along with all of the tournament action.

Also announced today, Sony Computer Entertainment America will be bringing Ultra Street Fighter IV to the PS4, solidifying this historic partnership and demonstrating both companies commitment to providing a variety of true benefits to fighting game fans worldwide.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-15 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-15 06:40 PM 编辑

《街头霸王 5》释出最新宣传影片 《ZERO》系列老班底 “纳许” 确定登场

  CAPCOM 于 12 月 13 日在旧金山举办的「CAPCOM 杯决赛」中,公布了开发中新作《街头霸王5(Street Fighter V)》的最新宣传影片,透露《ZERO》系列老班底 “纳许” 登场的讯息。


  本次公布的宣传影片与先前公布的游玩影片大致相同,不过标题多了 “1+” 字样,影片最后则是出现疑似纳许(Nash)的角色,制作人小野义德也以纳许的扮相登台,进一步确认这位在前传《快打旋风 ZERO》系列登场、原本被认为已经死去的凯尔战友,将会以某种形式再度复出。

  另外,这次的 CAPCOM 杯最后是由 Evil Genius 旗下的百地雄介(Yusuke Momochi)夺冠。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-18 07:30 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-19 07:06 AM
Street Fighter V being built on Unreal Engine 4

Capcom and Epic Join Forces for Street Fighter V

At PSX (PlayStation Experience) in Las Vegas on December 5, Capcom gave the world the first look at Street Fighter V. Announced exclusively for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC, and providing cross-platform play that will unite fans into a centralized player base, the upcoming title is poised to take the company’s fighting game franchise in an all new direction. Announced today, Capcom and Epic Games revealed that the new Street Fighter is being built upon Unreal Engine 4, Epic Games’ very latest game engine technology. This new license agreement with Capcom arms their Street Fighter V development teams with Epic's best-in-class development technology for years to come.

“Our goal with the next generation of Street Fighter is to take our beloved fighting game franchise and bring it to our fans in the best way possible,” said Bochan Kim, Producer, Capcom. “In order to fully deliver on that promise, we know we have to incorporate the latest and greatest technology available, which is why we partnered with Epic Games to power Street Fighter V using Unreal Engine 4.”

“I have been a very loyal fan of this historic franchise since the debut of the first Street Fighter in 1987. This opportunity to help the development team using Unreal Engine 4 for the new title is a great honor for Epic, and I couldn’t be more proud,” said Taka Kawasaki, Territory Manager of Epic Games Japan. “We know that the expectation level of fans is extremely high, so the support staff of both Epic Japan and Epic HQ have been providing dedicated support to help the team realize the very best performance from Unreal Engine 4 and deliver the highest quality experience to players.”

Street Fighter V joins a long line of games that have been announced recently and shown to be powered by Unreal Engine 4. Crackdown, EVE: Valkyrie, Fable Legends and many others round out the rapidly growing list of games using the engine. Developed by Epic Games, the award-winning Unreal Engine is known for world-class graphics, tools and scalability across PC, console, mobile, Web and VR.

Visit unrealengine.com to access Unreal Engine 4, and follow @UnrealEngine for updates.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-25 07:23 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-25 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-25 06:57 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V ~ Charlie Nash Returns, Online Beta Announced
《街头霸王 5》公布新角色「纳许」宣传影片 美军战士睽违多年再度回归

  CAPCOM 制作,目前开发中的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》,今(25)日释出最新宣传影片,揭露再度回归的新角色「纳许(Nash)」的招式,供玩家参考。

  纳许最早在系列前传的《街头霸王 ZERO》系列中登场,是凯尔的好友,担任美国空军中尉。正义感十足的他,当年为了调查军方高层与贩毒组织夏都尔(Shadaloo)之间的关系而独自展开调查行动,却不幸坠落瀑布下落不明,众人皆以为他已经死去,不过时隔多年之后又再度复出。

  从本次公布的影片与画面中,可见识到再度复出的纳许右额、右臂都有明显的人造修补痕迹,显示纳许在当年那次意外中受到重伤,在不知名组织 / 人物的协助下以半改造人的形式复活。动作招式大幅翻新,但仍保有音速爆击(Sonic Boom)等熟悉的必杀技,还获得瞬间移动的能力。

  另外,影片最后还出现了疑似夏都尔统帅「贝卡(Vega / M.Bison)」的模糊轮廓。


Announcing the Return of Nash and the Street Fighter V Online Beta Program

We are happy to announce two huge pieces of news for the upcoming Street Fighter V… the return of Nash, and the online beta program!

Charlie Nash has been a fan favorite character in the Street Fighter series for years and finally makes his comeback in Street Fighter V, although noticeably a little... different. For those who are unfamiliar with him, continue on for a quick history lesson.

First mentioned in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991) by Guile during his quest for revenge; Nash was a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and one of Guile’s best friends. Although it was hinted that M.Bison was involved in Charlie’s disappearance in the past, it was never really fully explained...

...Until the Street Fighter Alpha series that is. In Street Fighter Alpha II (1996) we see firsthand that a helicopter controlled by M.Bison’s forces make quick work of Nash as M.Bison gets away. Initially presumed to be dead by both friends and foes alike, Nash’s return shows that his story is far from over.

While the mysteries surrounding his return will become clear later on, for now we’re pleased to announce that the originator of the Sonic Boom is back with quite a few new tricks that you can see in the photos below.

What is Nash’s goal in SFV? You will have to wait and see.

The second piece of news is perhaps the most exciting of all. Also announced today, we will be performing the largest and most ambitious online beta program in franchise history with Street Fighter V on PS4 and PC! These tests will be essential to collect your feedback and to ensure that Street Fighter V is the best iteration yet. In North America, players who pre-order the game will automatically be enrolled into the beta program.

More details, including timing on the beta program will be revealed in the future so stay tuned for updates.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-10 06:26 PM
传 CAPCOM 疑似走漏《街头霸王 5》将于 2016 年春季发售?!

  2014 年 12 月初在美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)所主办的「PlayStation Experience」活动上,正式发表的老牌对战格斗游戏《街头霸王》系列最新作《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》,在 CAPCOM 自家社群网站「Capcom Unity」宣传现正(美国时间 3 月 6 日 ~ 8 日)在波士顿进行的「PAX East」电玩展所贩卖的周边商品时,似乎意外透露了本作会于 2016 年春季推出的计划。


  目前表示仅会在 PS4 与 PC 平台上发售的《街头霸王 5》,除一开始发表时最先曝光的「隆」与「春丽」外,日前确定「纳许(Nash)」将再度回归,并且暗示下一名公开的角色将是「贝卡(Vega / M.Bison)」。此外,CAPCOM 也宣布凡在北美有预购游戏的玩家,即能无条件地取得日后参加线上 Beta 测试的资格。

  PS4 / PC《街头霸王 5》目前尚未正式发表发售时间,至于 PS4 版本之《终极街头霸王 4》将于今年春季上市。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-20 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-20 06:22 PM 编辑

一夜白发?! 《街头霸王 5》宣布经典反派「贝卡」登场 释出战斗影片

  CAPCOM 今(20)日宣布,PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》将会收录系列知名的头目角色「贝卡(ベガ)」,同时公开了该角色的战斗影片。

  在公开的信息中,可以看到尊为秘密犯罪组织夏都尔领袖的经典反派角色「贝卡」,《街头霸王 5》中外观上最大的改变是发色从黑色变为 “苍白”。 在招式上虽然和历代同样是以超能力为主轴,但加入了消除飞行道具反击、滑踢追加浮空追击、以及不明的红色特效等新改变。 5 代的贝卡和以往系列有着一定程度的差异性,玩家不妨留意影片中的细节。



游戏名称:街头霸王 5
游戏原名:Street Fighter V
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PC
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-11 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-11 07:19 PM 编辑

《街头霸王5》杂志偷跑 新系统和新场景介绍








  系统介绍之三:Critical Arts



  以伦敦为原型的场景首次加入到《街头霸王》系列中,场景名字为“国王的十字车站(King’s Cross Station)”,背景还有很多女王护卫队的士兵在巡逻。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-18 08:10 PM
《街头霸王 5》公开新战斗系统以及四名参战角色情报

  CAPCOM 公司于 6 月 12 日,公开《快打旋风》系列最新正统续作,《街头霸王(ストリートファイターV)》(PC / PlayStation 4)新战斗系统,以及四名登场角色情报。


  这次新加入的战斗系统,有需要消秏所有「EX 计量表(EXゲージ)」来发动的「最终奥义」,也就是「致命武技(クリティカルアーツ)」,消秏「V计量表(Vゲージ)」就可以从格挡状态下发动反击的「V 反击(V 反击)」,消秏所有「V计量表」来发动的「V 板机(Vトリガー)」,以及可以充份突显出个角色不同特色的固有招式「V 技能(Vスキル)」。 关于致命武器,可以看到隆的真空波动拳和春丽的凤翼扇等等招式,感觉和《街头霸王 4》(PC / PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 / 大型电玩)的究极连续技很雷同,不过全新的「V」系列系统就很令人在意了。

  这次还公开了已经决定将会参战的四个角色,隆、春丽、纳许、贝卡的个人资料,以及各角色拥有的部份致命武技、必杀技、V 技能、V 反击。 大家可以透过公开的游戏画面,来猜想这些招式的性能。

■ 介绍《快打旋风 5》的全新战斗系统!

《街头霸王 5》这次主打「RISE UP」为主题,除了格斗游戏领域外,还企图要登上电子竞技最高峰。 在这次公开的情报当中,要和大家介绍本作新加入的战斗系统,以及过去已经公开之角色所拥有的招式。 运用独特招式来打倒对手吧!

◆ 致命武技

《街头霸王 5》最大最强的必杀技!

要消秏所有 EX 计量表来发动的最终奥义。 每个角色都拥有自己独特的致命武技,招式演出也非常值得注意!


隆的致命武技「真空波动拳」。 是系列作中大家耳熟能详的超必杀技,和本作的特效主轴,也就是主打流体的「气迹」组合起来,演出更有魄力! 威力当然也不同反响


这是春丽的致命武技「凤翼扇」。 左右脚交互踢出百裂脚,最后再把敌人高高踢飞的招式。 十足爽快!

◆ V 反击


只要消秏 V 计量表,就可以从格挡状态下发动反击! 在和对手陷入乱斗时,就可以先努力应付对手,最后再以反击一口气掌握局势!


◆ V 板机


必须要消秏所有 V 计量表来发动的「V 板机」,可以说是本作关键,也是玩家最有效的王牌!



◆ V 技能


能将各个角色独特个性完全发挥出来的固有技! 可以反弹对手的飞行道具,又或者是发动特殊跳跃,可以说是全新的动作! 因为在战斗中可以不断使用,所以在攻击时可以多多利用 V 技能哦。



■ 角色介绍

◆ 不屈之拳 隆(リュウ)



● 身高 175cm
● 体重 85kg
● 职业/隶属 格斗家
● 喜欢的东西 所有武道、水羊羹


【V 板机】电刃练气
在靠手施展出的通常技和必杀技加上电刃属性的威力强化! 还可以让波动拳先蓄力再发动

加强版波动拳。 如果有先使用 V 板机的话,还会施展出更强悍的电刃波动拳!

◆ 蓝色翡翠 春丽


以华丽踢技作战的 ICPO 警官。 为了寻找下落不明的父亲,于是在 18 岁时成为刑警。

● 身高 169cm
● 体种 秘密
● 职业/隶属 ICPO 警官
● 喜欢的东西 水果、西式点心




【V 反击】双发劲
配合对手攻击时机发动反击技。 改变战斗流向,想办法制造出攻击机会!

◆ 背理的复仇者 纳许(ナッシュ)


在《街头霸王 ZERO》系列登场的凯尔(ガイル)好友。 明明应该已经过世,但却又以这副模样出现的理由是......

● 身高 186cm
● 体重 93kg
● 职业/隶属 无业
● 喜欢的东西 没有


在半空中发动由上向下攻击的踢技! 可以拿来向对手发动奇袭攻击


【V 技能】子弹抹消(バレットクリア)
可以消除对手飞行道具的特殊打击技。 消除掉飞行道具时,还可以吸收能量转换成自己的 V 计量表!

◆ 最凶最恶 贝卡(ベガ)


以全新造出复出的秘密犯罪组织夏都尔(シャドルー)总帅。 是受人惧怕的精神感应力量用户。

‧身高 182cm
‧体重 112kg
‧职业/隶属 夏都尔总帅
‧喜欢的东西 征服世界


【V 技能】精神感应反射(サイコリジェクト)


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-20 05:03 PM
Street Fighter V Adds Birdie & Cammy, Out Spring 2016



Two New Characters Added to Street Fighter V Roster, Beta Program and Release Timing Detailed

Here come TWO new challengers! Announced today at the Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. press conference, as part of the 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Capcom has confirmed the additions of Cammy and Birdie to the esteemed Street Fighter V lineup. Both characters will make their return to the Street Fighter universe, where they join previously-announced classic characters Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash, and M. Bison. Many more new and returning characters will be added to the diverse roster, offering a wide variety of fighting styles for players to choose from.

Cammy has been a staple of the Street Fighter series since her debut in Super Street Fighter II, and returns faster and stronger than ever before in the upcoming Street Fighter V. Utilizing a wide variety of quick ground and aerial attacks to pressure her opponents, her rush down style will suit offensive minded players of all types. Birdie makes his long awaited return, having last appeared in the Street Fighter Alpha series over 10 years ago. Completely redesigned and reimagined, Birdie's "larger than life" look masks the fierce power packed into his long range chain attacks and up-close command grabs, making him a threat from every distance.

Also announced today, the first online beta program for Street Fighter V will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 players and will run for five days, from July 23 to July 28. In North America, those who pre-order the game through select retailers or through PlayStation Network (PSN) will be granted automatic access to the beta. In Europe and Asia, players interested in participating in the beta program can visit www.streetfighter.com and follow the various steps to sign up for a chance to join the fight! Additional beta programs will be taking place throughout the rest of the year and more details will be shared at a later date.

Finally, Capcom officially confirmed that Street Fighter V for PS4 and PC will be released in Spring 2016.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-25 07:35 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-8 07:05 AM

Street Fighter V Beta Details

Street Fighter V Beta Breakdown

What’s up everyone? With the first Beta for Street Fighter V fast approaching on July 23rd, we felt that this would be the perfect time to let you all know what you can expect when you log in and also answer some questions that fans have voiced as of late.

The first Beta kicks off on July 23rd (18:00 PT), July 24th (03:00 CEST/10:00 JST)) for 5 days and is exclusive to PS4 users. The primary purpose of this Beta is to test the online net code, as this is something that Capcom is taking very seriously with Street Fighter V. The data that we receive from this Beta will help us to improve the net code in the final product, so we thank you in advance for participating in the Beta.

Here are some other details about the Beta:


Throughout the course of the Beta, all six characters will be available. This means that players will be able try out all the characters that were present on the E3 build. To set expectations clearly, the Beta will roll out with four characters playable immediately, with Birdie and Cammy becoming playable on Saturday, July 25. The reason for their delayed release is that in addition to testing out the net code, we’re also testing out our new content delivery system.

Gameplay Flow

When players boot the game up and go past the start screen, they’ll be taken to the character select screen.

Players should choose the character they would like to fight others with, as they will not be able to select a different character before heading into battle.

Once they select their character, players will be placed into training mode while an opponent is found. Upon finding an opponent, players will be transported back to the versus screen and begin their match shortly thereafter.

After the match is complete, players will then be brought back to the Grid where they will go back into queue for the next match.

Unfortunately there will be no local versus mode during this Beta. Once again, the primary purpose of this Beta is to test the online functionality.


While players are awaiting their match, they’ll be training in the Grid. Versus matches will take place in either the Bustling Side Street (China), Terminal Station (London) or in the brand new stage the Forgotten Waterfall. Here’s a look at what the Forgotten Waterfall looks like.

Look familiar? Maybe you’ve seen the top of it in a previous Street Fighter. Each of the stages has been inspired by various locales throughout the world with the Forgotten Waterfall’s inspiration being directly pulled from New Zealand.

PS3 Stick Functionality

At this moment in time we’re currently evaluating PS3 joystick and controller functionality for the final product. That said, PS3 joysticks and controllers will not work for this beta.

Now that you know what to expect, players should read up on how the new battle systems work to get ready for battle. For those interested in signing up for the beta, please read the instructions below and follow those which pertain to your region.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-10 06:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-14 06:21 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds redesigned Ken
更加华丽的足技踢进擂台! 《街头霸王5》公布老面孔「肯」参战及释出影片

  CAPCOM 于近日公布,该公司预定将于 2016 年春季发售的对战格斗游戏《街头霸王5(ストリートファイターV)》(PC / PlayStation 4)的新情报。 发表系列老面孔「肯(ケン)」将参战,更一并公开收录他所施展出各种动作在内的宣传影片。

  肯除了是隆的师兄弟及好友外,还身兼他的劲敌。 仅从宣传影片里可观察到,与过去的系列作品相同,肯仍旧是以足技为主体来进行战斗。 当 V 板机「HEAT RUSH(ヒートラッシュ)」发动时,将会使必杀技追加火焰属性等,是个带有相当炫丽之特效的角色。



New Character Added to Street Fighter V Roster, Playable at San Diego Comic-Con

Announced today during the annual Street Fighter panel at San Diego Comic-Con, a new character has joined the exclusive Street Fighter V roster. Ken, the master of the flaming Shoryuken, has just been confirmed and is now playable on the Comic-Con show floor (Capcom booth #215). One of the key protagonists in the legendary Street Fighter series, Ken brings an array of new abilities to Street Fighter V, where his tricky mix-ups and flashy combos have the ability to bewilder opponents and deal huge damage. Ken joins the six previously-announced characters Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash, M. Bison, Cammy and Birdie, with plenty more new and returning characters still to come.

As a reminder, the first online beta program for Street Fighter V will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 players and will run for five days, starting from July 23 (6pm PDT) in North America/ July 24 (3am CEST) in Europe. In North America, those who pre-order the game through select retailers or through PlayStation™ Network (PSN) will be granted automatic access to the beta. In Europe and Asia, players interested in participating in the beta program can visit streetfighter.com and follow the various steps to sign up for a chance to join the fight! Additional beta programs will be taking place throughout the rest of the year and more details will be shared at a later date.

◆ 肯

身高:175 cm
体重:83 kg
职业/隶属:马斯特斯家 当家/格斗家。



【V 反击(Vリバーサル)】「旋风铊落踵」



【V 板机(Vトリガー)】「HEAT RUSH」

必杀技追加火焰属性,并使突进性能提升! 也请玩家们特别注意缠绕于肯身上的火焰特效。


【V 技能(Vスキル)】「奋迅脚」

将普通技取消使出特殊的前方冲刺! 由于能够作为衍生技来连接攻击动作,如缩短与对手的距离,或进行奇袭攻击等,具备了各式各样的用途。



系列作品中玩家们所熟知的升龙拳,在本作品中仍旧健在。 在 V 板机发动中威力及招式表现上都会有所变化!



跟据弱・中・强钮,来使踢击次数及轨道产生变化。 更能藉由适度于地面与空中运用,而使攻势蕴含着变化性。



「红莲炎迅脚」 以缠绕火焰的踢技来将对手踢上空中,并同时施展出连续攻击。 当视角改变,最后朝向脸孔所踢出的一击真是令人感到爽快!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-20 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-20 06:20 PM 编辑

All Street Fighter V DLC characters will be earnable free through gameplay

Photos and info from EVO 2015 Street Fighter V Panel


Street Fighter V: A New Way to Play

Hey everyone!

We just announced some big Street Fighter V news today at the Capcom panel here at EVO 2015. There is quite a lot of information to take in, so buckle down and read carefully!

First and foremost, Street Fighter V will feature a brand new service-based approach with regards to post-launch content. With this approach come several key changes to our content strategy:

1. The initial release is the only disc you will ever need to own
2. All balance and system adjustments will be available for free
3. All post-launch gameplay related content will be earnable for free by playing the game

That’s right; Street Fighter V will be the first iteration in the franchise where it is possible for dedicated players to earn all gameplay related content (such as characters) for free, simply by playing the game. Long gone are the days of forced Super and Ultra upgrades! Enjoy free balance updates as soon as they become available, and find and choose the post-launch characters that you want to get.

Speaking of characters, Street Fighter V will launch with a core roster of 16 playable characters, with 4 of them being brand new fighters to the Street Fighter universe. Post-launch, we will be adding new characters to the roster on a continuous basis, which will provide new content for players to enjoy. Again, every post-launch character released will be earnable for free through gameplay!

Looking back on the Street Fighter IV series, we had always released bundles of content all at once, like with Super Street Fighter IV and Ultra Street Fighter IV. While these one-time updates did revive interest in the series every few years, it was difficult to keep players engaged for long periods of time unless they were competitive. This also punished players who took a break from playing the game, because if they wanted to start again in a few years, they would be forced to purchase an upgrade to join the existing player pool who had already moved on to a new version. On top of that, this old method also forced players to purchase all of the new content, even if only a few characters may have appealed to them.

With Street Fighter V, we want to change the way that players interact with the series, and create an ever-evolving environment for players to enjoy. By releasing new characters on a regular basis, it will ensure that there is always new content to look forward to in the short term, and it prevents the competitive environment from ever becoming stale.

Players also have more freedom in their decisions, as they only need to purchase or earn the content that appeals to them. This will also create more long-term engagement, because the more you play the game, the more you are rewarded and can earn new content. The player base is never shrunk by requiring a paid update like in years past. Players can take a break from the game, but then come back at any time and continue to play with the characters they already own, with the newest gameplay balance.

We are able to execute this service-based model by introducing an in-game economy to Street Fighter V. There are two types of currency that make the economy go round:

• Fight Money - This is basic currency that players earn through playing the game. Once players accumulate enough Fight Money, they can use it to earn new post-launch gameplay content, such as characters, for free!

• Zenny - This is premium currency that players can purchase with real money to immediately gain access to post-launch content.

We will be using later beta phases to test the economy and ensure it works in a fair way for everyone.

Phew! That was a lot of info, so we hope it all makes sense to everyone. We are extremely excited about this new post-launch strategy, and we’ll be talking about more specific details at a later date. For now, we hope everyone is excited to start playing and earning content!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-20 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-20 06:47 PM 编辑

Brand New Character Necalli Revealed for Street Fighter V

  CAPCOM 在美国拉斯维加斯举办的格斗游戏比赛「Evolution 2015」中,公布了开发中的PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王5(Street Fighter V)》的新登场角色「涅考利( Necalli)」。


Brand New SFV Character and Gameplay Details Revealed at EVO 2015!

Announced at EVO 2015 in Las Vegas, Capcom confirmed the first brand new fighter to join the Street Fighter V roster - the mysterious Necalli! You can check out his fighting style in the latest gameplay trailer and screenshots just released on the press site.

Capcom also confirmed the details of the content plan for Street Fighter V. The initial game purchase will be the only disc or full game download you will ever need to own. For the first time ever, all post-launch gameplay related content will be earnable via gameplay, totally free of charge. Players will also have the option to purchase the content as soon as it’s available if they wish to do so. Any balance and system adjustments will be available for free also. Releasing in Spring 2016, the title will launch with a core roster of 16 characters, including 4 brand new fighters to the Street Fighter universe. Capcom will continually add additional characters, making this the first iteration in the franchise where it’s possible for dedicated players to continue to expand on their gameplay experience without the need to purchase further titles in the series.

About Necalli

Possessing a wide variety of savage and close range attacks, all of Necalli’s moves have been forged through the heat of battle to ensure he’s inflicting maximum pain upon his opponents. Making full use of the Battle System mechanics, Necalli’s V-Skill allows him to pound the ground with both fists, creating an explosion that damages the enemy whereas the powerful V-Trigger allows him to channel a mysterious energy that changes his hair colour and alters his personality for a short period of time. Capcom will be revealing more information on Necalli’s origin and storyline in the coming months so stay tuned for more details.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-27 06:50 PM
《街头霸王 5》PS4 版本中文化 与其他版本同步推出
完整报导 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/118424.html

  香港索尼计算机娱乐(SCEH)与 CAPCOM 今(25)日在「香港动漫电玩节」[词语过滤-#0048]同宣布,《街头霸王 5》PS4 版本将推出繁体中文版,并与其他版本同步推出。

  CAPCOM 旗下格斗游戏代表作《街头霸王》系列新作《街头霸王 5》于近日展开 Beta 测试,同时官方同步于香港动漫电玩节中宣布游戏中文化。


  《街头霸王 5》预计 2016 年上市,繁体中文版将与其他版本全球同步推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-28 06:49 AM
Street Fighter V beta taken offline, now postponed indefinitely

Street Fighter V Beta Postponed Until a Later Date

Capcom offers its sincerest apologies to everyone who participated in this first beta test. While the purpose of a beta is to work out these type of issues, it was very clear that the issues we faced were more severe than we were prepared for. After three days of testing, while we were making progress and collecting valuable data, we felt the majority of players were not having a good experience, and the best course of action would be to take the servers offline for extended maintenance. We will be postponing our first beta phase until we believe the experience is going to be a positive one for players.

To be clear, this first beta test attempt will not count toward our previously announced beta test allotments. There will still be at least three full beta tests prior to the game’s launch. So for those in the Americas that feel disappointed that they were not able to experience their pre-order incentive, there will be plenty of opportunities prior to launch to experience the game.

Additionally, we are working on a worthwhile in-game incentive for the players that participated in the first beta test. While we can't confirm specifics just yet, we will have more details on this in the coming weeks.

To all of the European and Asian players that felt like they were missing out on the beta since we limited it to North America on Friday and Saturday, we apologize for the inconvenience. Due to the state of the server issues, we had to limit the numbers to a smaller pool in order to identify issues and potential solutions. Either way, we will still be providing these players with an incentive as well, as all territories were inconvenienced.

To all of the players that participated and supported us through this initial phase, we cannot thank you enough. We understand how frustrating it is to be so close to playing the game you are excited for, and to not have it working. The whole team here is very disappointed that we were unable to deliver a proper beta experience this time. Thank you so much for your continued support, and we promise that we will have a better experience for you with the future betas.

We will be sharing more details when available, but for now, we appreciate your patience as we work on solutions to offer the experience that we had intended.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-4 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-4 06:53 PM 编辑

Vega Revealed for Street Fighter V
《街头霸王5》巴洛克确认参战 角色宣传片放出




The Spanish Ninja claws his way into Street Fighter V!

We’re pleased to announce that Vega, the Spanish Ninja, will be joining the Street Fighter V roster. You can check out the return of the masked warrior in the brand new trailer and assets available now on the press site. Attendees at gamescom this week will be able to see the claw himself in action with a brand new playable build available at the Sony Booth in Hall 7 Booth C-020. The build will also include the recently announced new challenger, Necalli, along with returning characters Birdie and Nash, in addition to fan favorites Ken, Chun-Li, Ryu, Cammy and M. Bison.

About Vega

Vega brings with him a brand new set of tricks, as well as a new appearance. Still possessing his trademark speed and quickness, he now has access to two distinct fighting modes: claw or no-claw. With the no-claw style giving him access to command grabs as well as new attack properties, players will need to toggle between both styles to pull off that winning KO at the end of the fight. Vega’s powerful V-Trigger is the Bloody Kiss, which sees him throw a rose at high velocity towards his opponent, before he charges at full speed right behind it, delivering a series of brutal attacks. This Spanish matador is definitely a fighter to keep your eye on, if you can.

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

Street Fighter V will be released exclusively for the PlayStation®4 and PC in Spring 2016. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-6 07:11 PM
《街头霸王 5》狂野贵公子「巴洛克」参战 新技巧「卸下铁爪」将成为对战关键

  CAPCOM 于近日(2015 年 8 月 4 日)公布,将于对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイター V)》(PC / PS4)里,参战的玩家操作角色「巴洛克(バルログ)」,及最新的宣传影片。


  身为贝卡麾下的四天王,并且是系列玩家们所熟悉的角色「巴洛克」,也将于本作品内登场。 V 板机的「血腥罪恶・嫣红(ブラッディベーゼ・ルージュ)」,彷佛是体现出身为自恋狂的他所信奉的「美丽至上」主义,是将蔷薇投向对手,命中后以超高速的突进来将一切撕裂的新技巧。

  虽然在本作品里巴洛克的战斗风格仍是运用铁爪进行攻击,但这次能藉由新技巧「卸下铁爪(スイッチングクロー)」来脱下铁爪。 与以往的系列作品相同,当铁爪累积至一定伤害后将会自动脱落,并无法再次装备,因此如何妥善运用此技巧将成为对战时的关键。

《街头霸王 5》宣传影片 8

PS4/PC《街头霸王 5》

决定让《街头霸王》系列里玩家们所熟悉的角色「巴洛克」参战! 以白色面具与三钩铁爪所使出的西班牙忍术,仍旧健在于本作品内。 究竟他在《快打旋风 5》里获得了什么样的进化呢? 将于本次的报导中介绍!



是西班牙代表的格斗家,邪恶组织夏都尔的干部。 是个信奉「美丽至上」的自恋狂。


■ 身高:186cm
■ 体重:84kg
■ 职业/隶属:夏都尔四天王
■ 喜欢的东西:美丽的事物/自己/蔷薇

V 板机(V トリガー)


将蔷薇投向对手,命中后以超高速的突进来将一切撕裂。 分为站立、蹲下、空中等三种类型,可配合对手的行动来进行奇袭!


V 技能(V スキル)



由于上半身为无敌状态,能够穿过飞行道具等攻击。 按住按钮还能够衍生出铁爪攻击!




是从对手背后抓住对手并踩踏墙壁,再从空中撞击地面的投掷技,仅有在空手状态下才能够使用。 从空中施展的「饭纲落」也仍旧健在,玩家可因应状况来分别运用。



施展自连续回转的身体撞击衍生至下坠踢的连续攻击。 由于空隙较小,作为压制并持续削减体力的技巧相当的有效。



在装备铁爪的状态下,受到一定以上的伤害将会使铁爪脱落。 由于无法再次装备,请谨记妥善的穿脱铁爪来进行战斗!





是对被踢至空中的对手,施展出浑身一击的致命武技。 周遭还会有着蔷薇飞散等,具有巴洛克风格般演出手法的华丽技巧!



但不同的是,只要让铁爪掉落一次,就无法再度装回。 妥善运用「卸下铁爪」反复地进行穿脱,就能使铁爪不致于被击落,如能活用仅可在空手状态下使用的「大地饭纲落」等招式,将能够享受因应目前为止所没有的状况来进行战斗的乐趣!

※ 图片为开发中内容。 图片的内容皆为 PlayStation 4 版的画面。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-21 06:33 PM
《街头霸王 5》本周六日将再度展开日本亚洲地区封闭测试

  CAPCOM 今(21)日发表,原定 7 月 24 日至 29 日举办、但因故中止的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》封闭测试,将于 8 月 22、23 日再度在日本亚洲地区举办。

  《街头霸王 5》原本预定于 7 月 24 日至 29 日举办封测日本亚洲地区的封测,但 24 日上线后因为发生诸多问题而临时中止测试。 官方这次则是宣布将卷土重来再度进行封测。 预定举办的时间为 8 月 22、23 日的 14:00~22:00(日本时间),仅针对日本亚洲地区先前登记获选的玩家。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-27 06:22 AM
Street Fighter V beta returns on August 28

Street Fighter V Worldwide Beta Test Update

As a lot of you may have known, we’ve recently been holding regional server stress tests and have experienced minimal issues. Due to the promising results received, we are now moving forward with our worldwide beta test.

The worldwide beta test will begin on August 28th at 4pm PST (August 29th 12:00am BST/ 8:00am JST), and will continue for five days and end on September 2nd at 7am PST (3:00pm BST/11:00pm JST). Outside of the servers being shut down for periodic maintenance, we expect everything to run continuously throughout the entire five day beta period.

Although we want you all to experience the awesomeness that is Street Fighter V during this time, please note that this is a beta and users may run into connectivity issues. This data is extremely helpful to us, as it will ensure that the final product will have the most optimal net code. In case there are issues, be sure to follow @SFVServer on Twitter for the latest updates on the status of the server.

Lastly, to help ensure that those that log into the beta have the best possible experience, we recommend the following:

• Wired internet connections provide more stable speeds than Wi-Fi, so use a wired connection if you can.

• Avoid downloading files in the background while playing, as it takes up bandwidth and slows your connection.

Make sure to bring your A game. The world is waiting!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-28 07:00 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-28 06:39 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds Rainbow Mika
《街头霸王 5》人气角色「彩虹美华」重出江湖 以华丽摔角演出强化战斗力

  CAPCOM 于今日(8 月 28 日)发表,女子摔角手「彩虹美华(レインボー・ミカ)」将在《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイターV)》(PC / PlayStation 4)中以新参战角色身分登场。

  彩虹美华是在《街头霸王 ZERO3(ストリートファイターZERO3)》登场的角色,格斗类型为摔角。 受到核心玩家支持的她,终于得以在此次的最新作中登场。 以「如能在麦克风演出时持续嘶吼,将会使下回施展投掷技时的伤害值提升。 」之类的招式,让她不论是在性能上或是演出上,都更像是个带有摔角手风格的角色。


Here comes a new character!

由于其强烈的个性而在玩家中具有高人气的「彩虹美华」将参战《街头霸王 5》! 更以不断磨练的多样化摔角技巧,及在外观上的演出受到了众玩家们的瞩目!!

◆ 彩虹美华
本名七川美华(ななかわ みか)。 憧憬着传说的「红色台风」桑基尔夫,而如愿成为了摔角选手。

■ 身高:168 cm
■ 体重:70 kg
■ 职业/隶属:女子职业摔角手。
■ 喜欢的事物:桑基尔夫大人的摔角理念

【V 板机(Vトリガー)】「来自前方的抚子(前からナデシコ)」
美华的宿敌摔角手「抚子」于场上乱入! 还能以方向钮施展出「来自后方的抚子」、「来自上方的抚子」,并藉此来改变抚子的出现地点。


【V 技能(Vスキル)】「热血麦克风演出(热血マイクパフォーマンス)」
在演出后将会使下回施展投掷技时的伤害值提升。 持续按住按钮将可以持续进行喊话,如长时间进行喊话,也会根据其长度使伤害值提升。






与抚子相互配合所施展出的致命武技! 将浮在空中的对手合力以臀部攻击进行夹杀!



R. Mika Wrestles Her Way Into Street Fighter V!

Yet another new challenger joins the illustrious Street Fighter V roster! Last seen in Street Fighter Alpha 3, R. Mika (aka Rainbow Mika) is making her long-awaited return to the Street Fighter universe. Fans can check out this high-flying flamboyant wrestler in the brand new trailer and assets available now on the press site. Attendees at PAX Prime (Seattle, WA) this weekend (August 28-31) will have the opportunity to grapple with R. Mika in a brand new playable demo available at the Capcom Booth #3103. The PAX event demo will also include the other previously-announced new and returning challengers, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, and Necalli.

About Vega

As an aspiring young wrestler, Mika dreamed of one day becoming a star in the ring, much like her idol Zangief. Training under the strict tutelage of her coach, she traveled the world engaging in random matches with street fighters in order to spread her name and popularity. R. Mika’s wrestling prowess will be on full display in Street Fighter V, as she dazzles opponents with a wide variety of high-flying moves. This time around, her wrestling tag-team partner Nadeshiko assists in the fight! By calling Nadeshiko at the right time using R. Mika’s V-Trigger ability, players will be able to set up sneaky attacks and punishing command grab mix-ups that are sure to deliver devastating amounts of damage. Players who enjoy putting on a stunning display of fear-inducing close-combat guessing games will find R. Mika a colorful and rewarding way to play.

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

Street Fighter V will be released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 and PC in Spring 2016. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-1 06:54 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-2 07:14 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Collector's Edition and Pre Order Costumes Announced
《街头霸王 5》公布北美通路预购特典服装与典藏版信息

  美国 CAPCOM 官方部落格于 8 月 31 日公布了 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》北美地区特定实体 / 虚拟通路的预购特典服装以及典藏版的信息,供玩家参考。

  先前在北美地区预购《街头霸王 5》只能获得 beta 测试的资格,如今官方则是确认将提供特定实体 / 虚拟通路独家的预购特典服装,分别为隆、倩咪、贝卡与春丽的战斗服,详细如下:

  另外,官方还预定在北美地区推出 PS4 典藏版,价格 99.99 美元。

《街头霸王 5》典藏版

《街头霸王 5》游戏光盘
10 吋完整涂装隆塑像
48 页硬皮封面画册

Street Fighter V Pre-order Costumes and Collector’s Edition for North America

Hey everyone!

We have some exciting news to share with all you Street Fighter V fans out there. Up until now in North America, pre-ordering the game would just get you access to the online beta, but we’re happy to announce that we’ll be adding extra goodies on top of that!

Depending on which North American retailer you pre-order at, you’ll receive an exclusive alternate costume at launch for one of four characters:

GameStop: Battle Costume Ryu

战斗服 隆

Strong and grizzly, Ryu emerges from a long period of training ready for the next opponent!

Best Buy: Battle Costume Cammy
BEST BUY 预购特典服装

战斗服 倩咪

Decked out in mission gear, Cammy is ready to complete her next objective!

Amazon: Battle Costume M. Bison
AMAZON 预购特典服装

战斗服 贝卡

The evil dictator M. Bison dons an extra sinister looking, ominous black outfit!

PlayStation Store/PC Digital: Battle Costume Chun-Li
PlayStation Store / PC 数字版预购特典服装

战斗服 春丽

Wearing one of her signature black dresses, Chun-Li always fights in style!

So on top of the online beta access from pre-ordering, you’ll also be able to enjoy these stylish threads and really bring the beatdowns with flair. This extra pre-order bonus applies to all previous and future pre-orders, so if you’ve already pre-ordered the game, you are set!

But wait! There’s even more great news; we present to you: the Street Fighter V Collector’s Edition!

Going on sale for MSRP $99.99 in North America, the Street Fighter V Collector’s Edition is the ultimate package for fans of the series! Check out all the contents below (and please note that above image is stll work in progress):

• SFV game disc - The standard SFV game disc and case is included in every Collector’s Edition.

• 10 inch, fully painted Ryu statue - Meticulously articulated and commanding in stature, the sculpture depicts Ryu preparing for his next battle. The Collector’s Edition packaging is specially windowed as well so that you can see the top half of the statue from the outside.

• 48p hardcover artbook - Jam-packed with design sketches and other behind-the-scenes materials that shed light behind the development process of the game.

• Code Cards for additional downloadable content:

- Udon Digital Street Fighter Comics (A collection of some of Udon’s finest work with the Street Fighter comic series.)

- SFV Soundtrack Sampler (Curated selection of some of the best tunes from the game.)

- Twitch One-Month Subscription to Capcom Fighters channel. This bonus is actually included with every standard copy of SFV, and gives a free one-month subscription to the Capcom Fighters channel on Twitch, which grants exclusive access to special Street Fighter chat emoticons, as well as video archive access.

The Collector’s Edition should be up for pre-order at select retailers soon, so be sure to keep an eye out as quantities will be limited! And yes, if you pre-order the Collector’s Edition, you will also get online beta access, as well as the exclusive pre-order costume for that retailer if they have one.

That’s all the news we have to share for now, but check back periodically for new updates on everything Street Fighter V. Till next time; it’s back to the online beta for me!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-3 07:06 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-12 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-14 07:06 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V's second new character revealed as Rashid
《街头霸王 5》中东格斗家「拉希德」登场 化身沙漠旋风席卷一切!

  CAPCOM 制作,预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王》,制作人小野义德在杜拜举办的「GAMES15」活动中,公布了来自中东的新登场角色「拉希德(Rashid)」。

  拉希德是《街头霸王 5》初次登场的新角色,出身中东的他以白袍、头巾与凉鞋的典型阿拉伯男子装束亮相,运用「风」的力量,施展以空中翻滚、地面翻滚与旋转为主的独特格斗招式。


Brand New Character Rashid Spins Into Street Fighter V!

Another NEW challenger has been introduced to the Street Fighter V roster! Rashid was recently revealed at the Games 15 event in Dubai, where Yoshinori Ono took to the stage to introduce the newest member of the Street Fighter family to the crowd. Attendees at Games 15 were then treated to a brand new playable demo starring Rashid, in addition to all of the previously announced challengers: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, Necalli and R. Mika.

About Rashid

Joining the series from the Middle East, Rashid is an easy going and laid back character that has a very keen interest in technology and the latest gadgets on the market. His fighting style takes cues from parkour and he mixes it up with his unique ability to harness the power of wind. Always first in line to buy new tech, he uses these devices to research and create his fast-paced acrobatic moves, leaving his opponents in the dust and wondering what’s coming next.

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

For the first time in Street Fighter history, all post-launch gameplay-related content in Street Fighter V can be earnable via gameplay, free of charge. All balance and system adjustments will also be available for free, so players will always have access to the most current version. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite PlayStation 4 and PC fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-17 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-20 07:30 AM 编辑

Karin Announced for Street Fighter V
【TGS 15】《街头霸王 5》公开新角色《ZERO3》格斗大小姐「神月花梨」回归擂台

  CAPCOM 制作,预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイター V)》,在今日(9 / 17)举办的东京电玩展中,于快打旋风舞台活动宣布新参战角色「神月花梨(神月かりん)」。


  神月花梨过去曾在《街头霸王 ZERO3(ストリートファイター ZERO3)》和《CAPCOM FIGHTING Jam》,以及其他 CAPCOM 相关跨界游戏中登场,为系列中人气女性角色之一。 睽违多年回归《街头霸王》正传系列,玩家终于得以再度亲手操作神月花梨于擂台展开激斗。

Introducing Karin and the Capcom Fighters Network to Street Fighter V - Capcom Unity

Fan Favorite Character Karin Returns in Street Fighter V!

The long-awaited return of one of the most popular Street Fighter characters ever was announced live moments ago at Tokyo Game Show (TGS) in Japan. Karin Kanzuki, last appearing in Street Fighter Alpha 3, is officially making her highly anticipated return to the series and has been confirmed for Street Fighter V. Attendees at TGS are invited to play the new demo build that includes Karin, in addition to all of the previously announced new and returning challengers: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, Necalli, Rashid and R. Mika. The Street Fighter V roster count is now at 12... who will be next?

Also announced today, the Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) has been confirmed as the official community destination that will be integrated into the online infrastructure of Street Fighter V. Fans and players will be able to visit CFN at any time to view player profiles, match statistics, replay videos, as well as register friends and send battle invitations. Players can quickly and easily see where the action is happening via a global "heat map" and stay up to date on the latest game news and tournament information. Additional CFN details and features will be shared in the coming months leading up to the release of Street Fighter V.

About Karin

Behind Karin's golden locks and razer-sharp sharp wit lies a true martial artist trained in the unique "Kanzuki style" of fighting. Utilizing her new dash move allows her to close distances quickly with her opponents and go in for quick high-low attacks or throws. Her well-rounded skills allow her to possess a full set of tools and deploy a wide array of strikes and maneuvers that will have opponents feeling the pressure. For fans who've longed for her return, or for those just looking for a quick fighter with lots of versatility, Karin is a welcome addition to Street Fighter V!

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

Street Fighter V will be released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 and PC in Spring 2016. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-19 07:19 AM
《街头霸王5》制作人揭露全新战斗系统「V」设计理念 亚洲开放十万名二次封测资格

  知名格斗游戏《快街头霸王》系列最新作《快打旋风5》本次在东京电玩展宣布曾在《街头霸王 ZERO3》的人气角色「神月花梨」正式参战,在舞台活动后,《街头霸王》执行制作人「小野义德」、助理制作人「绫野智章」接受台湾媒体专访,揭示本作重新设计的战斗系统,以及将开放亚洲十万人共同参与的二次封闭测试。




  绫野智章首先与台湾媒体分享了舞台活动后的一件趣事,因为要赶着接受专访所以来不及换下衣服,但在经过舞台区时看到台上的美丽女艺人而驻足了一下,被玩家撞见并在推特上表示「我看到绫野制作人正在看着女艺人,可是他身上还穿著春丽的服装,这样真的好吗? 」的有趣推文。

  小野义德透露「神月花梨」的回归,是因为这个角色在当初推出《街头霸王 ZERO3》大型机台版举办的票选当中,是日本玩家最喜爱的角色。 而包括花梨在内的新角选择策略,小野义德表示「彩虹美华」是他长久以来的私心期盼,讲了八年都未被采纳,直到他将制作美华作为团队的绩效目标时,工作团队才表示「怎不早点说呢? 」而在杜拜电玩展公开的拉席德(Rashid),制作团队希望他能够继隆之后,成为新世代的主角,而挑选了具有神秘色彩的中东作为背景设定,相较于龙的白色服装、赤手空拳,拉席德的服装则是特别设定、以及其单眼眼镜的配件。 而涅考利(Necalli)设定是拥有古代神秘力量的谜样角色,也是现今发表的内容中,唯一会变身的角色。



  绫野智章展示了重新设计的的《街头霸王5》战斗系统,除了四代拥有的 EX 气条外,增加了新的 V 气条以及衍生而出的 V SKILL、VTRIGGER 启动角色特征技能,有能够一击必杀的特性存在,而上述两者在每个角色的特性都不一样,以「隆」的场合下, V SKILL是无损伤害的格档,而 V Triggers 则是使用后所有技能都会产生电流,让晕眩值更高。 此外与前作类似的操作概念,也有引入耗一格 EX 气槽的 VREVERSALS 闪躲反击动作、CRITICAL ART 则是本代的必杀招。





  小野义德透露了会重新设计战斗系统的理由,源自八年前四代推出时,考虑到新世代玩家入门的问题,以及与既有玩家的技术门坎,才将输入指令简化,也因此受到玩家欢迎。 但随着玩家熟悉游戏就会发展出更复杂的连技。 因此在五代时,以重新设计的系统,让新旧玩家都在同一个起跑点上重新学习。 他也透露本作会引入一个网络社群系统「Capcom Fighter Network」将可以观察全球玩家的爱用角、游戏习惯,进而方便玩家找寻向性符合的对手,希望藉此降低玩家世代的差距

  《街头霸王5》在 16 日的 SCEJA 发表会中,宣布了在亚洲将发行中、英、韩语言版本,小野感性表示这是在今年的台北国际电玩展中,为玩家实现当时发行中文版的承诺。 但中文化的时间由于地区时差关系,会稍迟些推出,但不会让玩家等太久,一定是同期发售,开发团队也会以同日发售为目标继续努力。 他开玩笑表示「如果玩家等太久才玩到,下次台北电玩展我会剃光头谢罪! 」绫野智章则指出简体中文版由于政府严格的软件审查机制,势必无法同步发售。


  鉴于《街头霸王5》第一次封测的联机问题,小野义德对造成玩家困扰表示不好意思,但开发团队像他承诺不会再发生。 因此《街头霸王5》将开放 PSPLUS 会员申请二次封测,将于 10月 8 日~14日开放报名,亚洲区名额将开放十万人。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-23 06:14 PM
《街头霸王 5》公开 PC 版本建议计算机配备规格 预告下次测试将支持跨平台联机游玩

  CAPCOM 今日在北美官方网站公布预定 2016 年春季的对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5》 PC 版本建议配备,同时预告未来推出第二次 Beta 测试时,将支持 PS4 与 PC 版本跨平台联机游玩。

  CAPCOM 今日公布了《街头霸王 5》 PC 版计算机配备最低规格与建议规格:

操作系统: Windows 7 64-bit

最低规格:Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz
建议规格: Intel Core i5-4690K @3.50GHz

最低规格:6 GB DDR3
建议规格:8 GB DDR3

最低规格:Nvidia GTX 480 (或以上)
Nvidia GTX 570 (或以上)
Nvidia GTX 670 (或以上)
建议规格:Nvidia GTX 960


DirectX 版本:
DirectX 11

DirectX 兼容声卡或内建芯片

  CAPCOM 表示,《街头霸王 5》 PC 版将会支持 Steamworks,而他们预定在未来公开第二次封闭测试的时程,届时封测将允许 PS4 与 PC 版本跨平台联机游玩。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-24 06:26 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-2 06:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-2 06:27 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds Zangief
《街头霸王 5》红色旋风「桑吉尔夫」再次登场 以超越极限的强化肉体迎战对手

  CAPCOM 制作,预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5》,今(2)日宣布自《街头霸王2》登场至今的系列老班底「桑吉尔夫(Zangief)」将参战的消息。

  出身前苏联的摔角手桑吉尔夫是名身高 214 公分、体重 181 公斤的巨汉,有着「红色旋风」的外号。 经过千传百炼的肉体具备顶级的攻击力与体力,擅长以肉体优势施展猛烈的冲撞攻击以及强力的摔角招式。 这次除了继承先前的招式之外,还增加了能将肌肉硬化抵挡对手攻击的能力。

喜好:摔角 / 哥萨克舞













Zangief Piledrives His Way Into Street Fighter V!

Revealed today at the IgroMir event in Russia, the 'Red Cyclone' has muscled his way into Street Fighter V! A popular mainstay within the legendary series and the most prominent wrestler within it, Zangief has made many previous appearances while fighting for "Mother Russia." Those lucky enough to be at IgroMir will have the opportunity to play a brand new demo build featuring Zangief, along with all of the previously confirmed characters: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, Necalli, R. Mika, Rashid and Karin.

About Zangief

When it comes to raw strength, not many of the World Warriors can compete with Zangief. Training day and night, he believes that the only way to victory is to have a body complete with perfect muscles. Due to his intense training, which includes wrestling bears, Zangief is able to lift even the heaviest opponents with ease! In Street Fighter V, Zangief shows off the results of his training through his newfound V-Skill (Iron Muscle) and V-Trigger (Cyclone Lariat). But, these are just the tip of the iceberg, as Zangief has many more new tactics in store for any opponent that challenges him and his raw power.

About Street Fighter V

he legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V in Spring 2016! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

For the first time in Street Fighter history, all post-launch gameplay-related content in Street Fighter V can be earnable via gameplay, free of charge. All balance and system adjustments will also be available for free, so players will always have access to the most current version. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite PlayStation 4 and PC fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-2 06:02 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-8 06:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-9 07:08 AM 编辑

《街头霸王 5》新角色巴西女格斗家「劳拉」参战! 施展放电柔术与脚技力克群雄

  CAPCOM 制作,预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5》,今(8)日公布全新登场角色「劳拉(Laura)」将参战的消息,以及劳拉的首部宣传影片供玩家参考。

  劳拉是出身巴西的女性格斗家,从影片中可知她施展的是融合巴西当地特色武术「巴西柔术」与「卡波耶拉」的擒拿与踢击招式。 此外,由于她出招的时候身上会发出电光,还能发出缓慢飞行的电网,不禁让人联想到同样出身巴西、以放电招式广为人知的老班底「布兰卡(Blanka)」。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-8 06:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-8 06:24 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V second beta begins October 22
《街头霸王 5》今日起募集第二次封闭 β 测试资格 实际操作新角色跨平台对战

  CAPCOM 制作,预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイターV)》,今日(10 / 7)宣布自即日起至 10 月 14 日止,开始募集第二次封闭 β 测试(CBT2)资格。

  官方指出,PS4 版本的测试资格将针对 PlayStation Plus 会员展开征集,并且率先在 10 月 22 ~ 23 日开启 CBT2 服务器实际启动测试。 而在 10 月 24 ~ 25 日则是开放 PS4 / PC 开放测试,并且可跨平台对战。 CBT2 募集玩家人数也从第一次的开放测试 1 万人增加到 10 万名玩家。

  欲参与测试的玩家,PS4 版本必须拥有 PlayStation Plus 会员资格,联机至日本 PlayStation Store 领取 CBT2 抽选券即可。 另外,拥有第一次封闭 β 测试资格以及参加了日本「PlayStation LIVE Circuit 2015」的玩家,皆可不必经过抽选即可加入 CBT2 的行列。 关于 Steam 平台的玩家,目前 CAPCOM 也开始了 PC 版本的预购活动,已预约购入者即可参加 CBT2。

  ※ 10 / 8 15:00 更新:PlayStation_TW 官方粉丝团新发布,台湾地区同样将在 10 月 22 日至 25 日释出《街头霸王 5》第二波封测资格,自即日(10 / 8)起至 14 日止开始募集。 玩家拥有 PS Plus 会籍,下载「参加券」即有机会参加台湾区的测试。 「参加券」下载链接:https://goo.gl/NepMBY(* 曾下载过第一回封测参加券的玩家均可无条件参加本次封测活动)

  CBT2 开放的可使用角色,开放了和 CBT1 不同的六名新角色,其中包含了 4 名 5 代新收录的操作角色。 同时也对应 Capcom Fighters NetWork 功能,可先行体验排名确认、其他玩家个人对战数据和回放画面搜寻等功能。

  最后,在本次 CBT2 登入日数两天以上的玩家,还可以免费获得 10 月 28 日上架的 PS4 版本《终极街头霸王 4(ウルトラストリートファイターIV)》的「惊悚服装 豪腕包(ホラーコスチューム 豪腕パック)」的下载权力。

Street Fighter V Beta #2 details

Hey everyone, I come bearing titillating details on our second Street Fighter V global beta coming your way on October 22nd and running through October 25th (dates subject to change, exact times to be specified later). There are a lot of things we plan to test over the four days the beta is live, most importantly, cross-platform play between PC users and PS4 users!

Before we get into the nitty gritty details, I would like to first and foremost reiterate that this is a beta, and as such, users may experience issues. It’s these issues, however, that provide Capcom with valuable information to ensure that Street Fighter V is as optimized as possible upon final release, so we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Now that we got that out of the way, on to what you can expect to see in this global beta.

PC Play

We’re opening up beta access to PC users for the first time. Please check the minimum specs post here to make sure that your PC is able to run SFV properly. Although the minimum specs will allow you to run SFV on your PC, the recommended specs will ensure you have an optimal SFV experience. PC users gain access to the beta starting October 24th.

PS4 to PC Cross-Platform Play

We will be testing out PS4 to PC cross-platform play functionality on October 24th and 25th. This is a first for us and we are very excited for players across both platforms to finally have a chance to battle one another. Make sure to bring your best strategies as the number of people that you can fight against will be that much larger this time around.


Since the last beta, we’ve announced quite a few new characters and I’m pleased to confirm that they will be selectable during the beta. When the beta launches, Ken, Necalli, Vega and R. Mika will be selectable. As we’re still reviewing our content delivery system, Rashid will be added in on day two (October 23rd) and Karin added on day three (October 24th). The characters from the previous beta: Ryu, Chun-Li, Cammy, Birdie, Nash and M. Bison will not be selectable this time around.

Ranked Matchmaking

Do you desire to only play the strongest around? Well, ranked matchmaking will definitely be the way to go. Players will be automatically paired with someone of equal skill, with pairings becoming more difficult the better one performs. GET HYPE!

Combined Leaderboards

We will be keeping track of the beta’s cream of the crop through our leaderboards. This is the perfect time to show everyone (PC and PS4 users) that you’re the best around as your name shines brightly above the others.

Player Search

Interested in seeing what strategies the top players on the leaderboard are employing? Well, with the implementation of player search functionality, you can see what they’re doing and also check out their fighter profile.

Fight Money Unlockables

During the last beta, many players accumulated a lot of Fight Money, which they weren’t able to use. This changes as we’re testing out the ability to unlock items through fight money. Players can look forward to unlocking titles and maybe even the Kanzuki Estate stage.

Oh and just so we’re all on the same page, all things acquired (Fight Money, leaderboard status, titles) will only be available during this beta and will not carry over onto the next beta nor onto final release. The Fight Money pricing of items available to unlock and the rate that Fight Money is obtained are both still placeholder, and will not be indicative of the final product.

Learn how you can gain access and supported countries on Capcom-Unity
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-9 06:06 PM
Street Fighter V newcomer Laura officially announced

All New Character for Street Fighter V Announced at Brasil Game Show!

Revealed moments ago by Yoshinori Ono from Brasil Game Show (BGS), newcomer and Brazilian native Laura Matsuda has been introduced into the world of Street Fighter and is confirmed as a playable character in Street Fighter V.

About Laura

Joining the series from her homeland in Brazil, Laura Matsuda is a Jiu-Jitsu specialist, a first for the Street Fighter series. Continuing the tradition of the famed Matsuda fighting style, Laura is constantly looking for strong opponents around the world to defeat, in an effort to spread the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu's name and prestige. Laura's methodical grapple technique comes equipped with a stunning "Thunder Clap" projectile that zaps opponents and leaves them questioning if they should get in close, or keep their distance. By activating her "Spark Show" state, Laura's projectiles fly further and her attacks and grabs have increased stun damage. Using a variety of quick moving attacks and effective command grabs, Laura will become a favorite for players who enjoy "up close and personal" mind games.

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V in Spring 2016! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

For the first time in Street Fighter history, all post-launch gameplay-related content in Street Fighter V can be earnable via gameplay, free of charge. All balance and system adjustments will also be available for free, so players will always have access to the most current version. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite PlayStation 4 and PC fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-15 07:33 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-20 06:16 PM
《街头霸王 5》第二次 Beta 测试预定 21 日开放 公布详细测试计划

  Capcom 公布《街头霸王 5》第二次 Beta 测试时程细节,PS4 版本将于太平洋标准时间 21 日抢先开放,PC 版本测试则预定 23 日登场。

  预定 2016 年春季推出的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5》预定于 21 日起展开第二次 Beta 测试。

  官方表示,太平洋标准时间 21 日下午 6 时起将先开放《街头霸王 5》PS4 版本第二次 Beta 测试,玩家可抢先使用拳(Ken)、涅卡利(Necalli)、贝卡(Vega),以及彩虹美华(R.Mika)进行体验。 接下来官方预定太平洋标准时间 22 日下午 2 时关闭服务器,并进行 12 个小时的维修,直到太平洋标准时间 23 日早上 9 时才会再次开放,PC 版本也会在此时间点一同展开 Beta 测试,并开放角色「拉希德(Rashid)」,而角色「神月花梨(Karin)」则预计同日下午 5 时登场。


  《街头霸王 5》第二次 Beta 测试预定太平洋标准时间 21 日起至 25 日止开放。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-28 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 07:02 AM 编辑

Street Fighter V Launches February 16, Dalshim Revealed
《街头霸王 5》印度瑜珈大师「塔尔锡」参战 确定 2016 年 2 月 16 日上市

  CAPCOM 目前开发中的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5》,在 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会上公布了参战角色「塔尔锡」,同时确认游戏将于 2016 年 2 月 16 日在欧美推出。

  制作人小野义德同时确认,游戏除了初始的 16 名角色之外,将于上市后 1 年内陆续释出 6 名新角色供玩家使用,这些新角色无须另行付费,全都可以透过游玩过程赚取的游戏币免费取得。

  塔尔锡是自《街头霸王 2》登场至今的老班底,出身印度、精通瑜珈术的他,能施展超乎常识的独特攻击招式,像是伸展扭曲躯干肢体,从口中喷出火焰等。 这次他将以全新的造型登场。

身高:176 公分(可变)
体重:48 公斤(可变)
喜好:咖哩 / 冥想








Street Fighter V Release Date, Dhalsim and Post Launch Character Plans Revealed! - Capcom Unity

Street Fighter V Release Date, New Challenger and Post Launch Details!

Revealed today during the Sony press conference at Paris Games Week, a host of brand new information for Street Fighter V was shared. Yoshinori Ono took to the stage to confirm that the title will be launching across Europe and North America on February 16, 2016! Additionally, everyone’s favorite yoga-inspired fighter, Dhalsim, has stretched his way into the Street Fighter V roster. Attendees at Paris Games Week will have the opportunity to play the first ever demo build featuring Dhalsim, as well all of the previously confirmed characters: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, Necalli, R. Mika, Rashid, Karin, Zangief and Laura.

Also during the conference today, new details were shared regarding post launch support plans for Street Fighter V. Over the course of 2016, six new characters will be added to the title, bringing the total roster up from 16 at launch to 22 by the end of next year. Additionally, gameplay content, costumes, new challenges and balance system updates will be continually made available throughout 2016 and beyond.

All gameplay related content, including the new characters, will be available for players to purchase for free by earning the in-game reward currency called Fight Money. Fight Money can be earned by players through in-game activities such as undertaking daily goals and leveling up individual characters. For those who just can’t wait to unlock each piece of new content, content can also be purchased instantly using real in-game money, named Zenny. All gameplay updates and balance changes will be made available to all players at the same time for free. This new release strategy means that for the first time ever, the initial purchase of Street Fighter V is all that players will need to make in order to stay current with the game and enjoy all future content.

About Dhalsim

Debuting in Street Fighter II, Dhalsim’s yoga fighting style means that using his long range limbs and slow projectiles will frustrate even the most aggressive of his World Warrior opponents. Although he’s a pacifist, Dhalsim is always saving others whether it’s helping to raise money for the poor or destroying dams that are keeping water from reaching his village. In Street Fighter V, Dhalsim joins the fray again with some new training under his rope belt and new yoga skills to unleash, including his V-Skill (Yoga Float) and V-Trigger (Yoga Burner).

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V on February 16, 2016! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite PlayStation 4 and PC fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-5 07:28 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-16 06:00 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-18 07:12 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-24 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-24 06:33 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Day One Steelbook Edition Announced for Europe

  今日CAPCOM Europe 公布了《街头霸王5》欧版首日版的铁盒封面。首日铁盒版中除了含有一张实体版游戏之外,封面、封底和内封都经过了特别设计,非常具有中国风格。


Day One Steelbook Edition Confirmed for Street Fighter V!

A limited edition Day One Steelbook for Street Fighter V on PlayStation 4 will be available to purchase at retail across Europe when the game launches on 16th February 2016*.

The steelbook contains all the content from the game, packaged up in a special Ryu themed box which showcases the titles iconic China stage. A must have keep sake for all Street Fighter fans collections.

*Please check individual retailers and local Capcom community channels in the coming weeks for stockist and pricing details.

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite PlayStation 4 and PC fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-27 08:30 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-6 07:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-6 11:07 AM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds new character F.A.N.G., first six DLC characters announced
《街头霸王 5》公布新角色「F.A.N.G」 上市一年内将陆续更新六名新斗士

  美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)在 12 月 6 日在美国旧金山莫斯科尼会议中心(Moscone Center)举办的年度玩家活动「PlayStation Experience 2015」开幕主题发表会中,来自 CAPCOM 的游戏制作人小野义德登台,发表了 PS4 / PC《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイターV)》新角色「F.A.N. G」,这名身形消瘦头戴墨镜的神秘角色,将是和游戏中反派组织 “夏都尔” 关系匪浅的人物。


  小野义德同时也在舞台上发表《街头霸王 5》上市后一年内,将会依序更新追加 6 名追加角色,分别是亚历克斯(Alex)、凯尔(Guile)、拜森(欧美版名为 Balrog)、伊吹(Ibuki)、蛛俐(Juri)以及尤瑞安(Urien)。 同时也将推出下载季票,将可以拥有上述角色下载权。

F.A.N.G Finally Emerges in SFV and PSX Announcements! - Capcom Unity

Here Comes the Final Challenger in Street Fighter V!

Earlier today at PlayStation Experience (PSX) in San Francisco, Capcom revealed tons of new Street Fighter V details!

First up, the final character to be confirmed for the initial launch roster in Street Fighter V was revealed. Becoming the 16th challenger, F.A.N.G emerges from the shadows to take his self-proclaimed spot as the second in command of Shadaloo! When he's not busy overseeing Shadaloo's operations, he shows his passion through conducting evil experiments within Shadaloo's research facility. His sinister long range attacks and slippery movements, paired with his ability to poison his opponents, is enough to leave his opponents feeling ill. You can see F.A.N.G's poisonous moves in action in the brand new gameplay trailer, along with new screens and artwork, over on the press site now.

Capcom also confirmed today the names of the six challengers who will be added into Street Fighter V throughout 2016: Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri and Urien. All of these characters are earnable through gameplay for free, but for those who can't wait, they will also be available to purchase for instant access. More details on exact release timing for each of the characters will be shared next year.
Also confirmed at the PlayStation Experience earlier today was the Street Fighter V 2016 Season Pass for PS4. The Pass will be available to purchase for USD 29.99 / EUR 29.99 / GBP 24.99 and will give players instant access to all six additional characters when they are released, as well as a premium costume for each and an exclusive PS4 theme. The Season Pass is available to pre-order now in North America. For European consumers, there is also a Street Fighter V Deluxe Edition available to pre-order on the PlayStation Store now. The Deluxe Edition contains the full game and the 2016 Season Pass. Until launch, it's available to pre-order at a 10% discounted rate of GBP 71.99 / EUR 89.99. After that time, it will increase to GBP 79.99 / EUR 99.99.

There are two ways to receive bonus content in Street Fighter V - through Fight Money (obtained for free by completing various in-game challenges) and Zenny (purchased using real money and used to receive the content immediately). Zenny will be available to purchase in various options, some of these are listed below:

• 100 Zenny = Purchase for USD 0.99 / EUR 0.99 / GBP 0.79
• 550 Zenny = Purchase for USD 4.99/EUR 4.99/GBP 3.99 (receive a 50 Zenny bonus)
• 1200 Zenny = Purchase for USD 9.99/EUR 9.99/GBP 7.99 (receive a 200 Zenny bonus)
• 4000 Zenny = Purchase for USD 29.99/ EUR 29.99/GBP 24.99 (receive a 1000 Zenny bonus)

Street Fighter V aims to provide players with choices for how they access all game content, ensuring that the initial purchase of the game is the only one that fans will ever have to make in able to receive all future content.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-7 07:30 PM


  本作的开场动画同样是水墨风格,游戏中的全部角色都在这段视频中出现。在官方放出的角色介绍完整版动画中,更是可以看到本作首发时全部16角色的演示。在现场,小野义德还确认本作将在2015年12月18日至20日举行第三轮测试,PS Plus会员均可参加。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-8 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-8 06:30 PM 编辑

《街头霸王5》日本版Hot 配套版公布
Street Fighter V 'HOT! Package' Japanese Cover Art

Today Capcom showcased a really lovely Japanese cover art of Street Fighter V featuring the the alternate costumes included in the “hot package” that will be awarded to those who pre-order the game.

  卡普空旗下人气系列格斗游戏《街头霸王5》将推出Hot 配套版,作为PS4预购版本附赠玩家多种福利,大致如下:

Hot 配套版将会包含

  对于粉丝而言,《街头霸王5》此前已经联合多家销售商推出特典角色服装、甚至服装颜色选择。所以HOT 配套版对于笔者而言亮点在于封面,在设计师Kiki笔下训练时的大胡子隆和性感春丽相互依偎,绝对吸引玩家。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-14 06:32 PM
《街头霸王5》繁中版发售日现巴哈商城 与美版同步

  据巴哈姆特商城的预购页面,格斗游戏系列大作《街头霸王5》中文版将于2016年2月16日上市http://buy.gamer.com.tw/atmItem.php?sn=19394 ,售价1990新台币。


本作的e-Capcom限定版将分Hot 配套版和珍藏版双版本发售。


  购买Hot 配套版的玩家除了可以获得珍藏版中的全部内容之外,还将得到隆和春丽的特别服装、额外的1000游戏货币Zenny、额外一个特殊称号以及特别版游戏封面,售价为12990日元(不含税)。

  本作的日版将于2016年2月18日(英文版2月16日)发售,将登陆PS4和PC平台。详情本报可以参考官方网站 - http://www.e-capcom.com/sfv/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-18 07:30 AM
Street Fighter V third beta fully detailed

Street Fighter V 3rd BETA Details

Hey everyone. The 3rd SFV online beta is nearly upon us! Running on both PS4 and PC from 12/18 12:01 AM PT (8:01 AM GMT) until 12/20 @ 10 PM PT (12/21 @ 6 AM GMT), here is a breakdown of the content and characters you can expect, along with a detailed schedule that outlines the server maintenance periods as well.


The beta will initially start with six selectable characters:

Ryu - Birdie - Cammy - Necalli - Nash - Laura

Dhalsim and Zangief will become available later during the beta period. And who knows, there might be a few more character surprises along the way!


• Ranked Match - Fight for glory and status in high stakes matches!

• Casual Match - Enjoy more casual matches without pressure.

• Training - Improve your skills against a training dummy with a variety of options and settings.

• Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) - Check out the latest leaderboard rankings, search for replays, and rivals.

• Battle Setting - Customize your character profile and button configuration, among other options.

• Options - Manage the screen and sound settings.


12/18 00:01 PT (12/18 08:01 GMT) – SFV 3rd beta starts for PS4 and PC users
12/18 08:00 PT (12/18 16:00 GMT) – Servers down for 10 hour maintenance
12/18 18:00 PT (12/19 02:00 GMT) – Servers back online, play resumes
12/19 18:00 PT (12/20 02:00 GMT) – Servers down for 10 hour maintenance
12/20 04:00 PT (12/20 12:00 GMT) – Servers back online, play resumes
12/20 22:00 PT (12/21 06:00 GMT) – SFV 3rd beta concludes

Remember, every beta test participant will receive a number of beta invite codes to share with their friends, so be sure to spread the love. See you warriors online!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-24 07:32 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-12 06:56 PM
PS4 专用游戏《STREET FIGHER V》即将于亚洲正式发售! 并推出亚洲限量限定版!

  SCET 今日宣布 PS4 专用游戏《STREET FIGHER V》将于 2016 年 2 月 16 日正式发售。 本作为《STREET FIGHTER》系列之最新作品。 亚洲一般版建议售价为 NT$ 1,590,另有特别为亚洲的玩家朋友们准备,含预定于欧洲贩卖的原创设计铁盒、加上亚洲原创 16 角色指令表及限定商品代码同捆之「《STREET FIGHTER V》SPECIAL SHORYUKEN EDITION (中英韩日文版)」限定版,建议售价为 NT$ 1,790,数量有限,请勿错过!

  此外,下载版将附上《STREET FIGHER V》亚洲原创主题特典。 《STREET FIGHTER》系列于 1987 年在大型电玩上推出第 1 个作品之后,1991 年发售的《STREET FIGHTER II》造成绝大的轰动,革新的对战系统不但带领风潮,家用游戏版本更在全世界创下系列累计出货 3,600 万张(2014 年 9 月 30 日统计)的傲人成绩,并且确立了对战格斗的游戏类型。

  《STREET FIGHER V》为《STREET FIGHTER》系列正统续作之最新作品! 富有个性的新旧角色共 16人 ,于发售时即可使用,并搭载可提升角色个性的全新战斗系统与串联起玩家之间交流的「CAPCOM FIGHTERS NET WORK(CFN)」。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-21 07:16 AM
Alternate Costumes Discovered in Latest Street Fighter V Beta Update

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-22 06:51 PM
《街头霸王 5》与日本 Sony Store 合作推出 4 种限定款式 PS4 主机

  CAPCOM 宣布,预定 2 月 18 日在日本推出的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》,将与日本 Sony Store 合作推出 PS4 限量合作款式「街头霸王 5 特别包」,价格 37480 日圆(未税),21 日起在 Sony Store 银座 / 名古屋 / 大阪与在线商店开放预购。

  本次发表的「街头霸王 5 特别包」将分为 4 种设计款式,包括「PS4 街头霸王 5 Edition」、「PS4 街头霸王 5 春丽、劳拉 Edition」、「PS4 街头霸王 5 隆 Edition」、「PS4 街头霸王 5 隆、涅考利 Edition」,都是以特别设计的硬盘上盖搭配标准版 PS4 500GB 主机而成,不含游戏。

「PS4 街头霸王 5 Edition」

「PS4 街头霸王 5 春丽、劳拉 Edition」

「PS4 街头霸王 5 隆 Edition」

「PS4 街头霸王 5 隆、涅考利 Edition」


「街头霸王 5 原创包装套」

「街头霸王 5 村田雄介主题」
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-26 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-26 07:21 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V story expansion to release in June, final beta announced







Street Fighter V Story Details and Final Beta

Hey everyone. I’ve been itching to tell you all about this for the longest time and now I finally can! We are happy to reveal the single player story details for Street Fighter V! There are two main components to the story experience: Character Stories and the Cinematic Story Expansion. Details below!

Character Stories

We knew there would be a lot of new players who are jumping into the franchise for the very first time so we wanted to provide a way for everyone to become familiar with the eclectic personalities of each fighter. Each character has their own storyline that provides background information on what drives them to fight, and what their relationships are to the other characters.

Each story has been illustrated by renowned Japanese illustrator, Bengus, who worked on a variety of Capcom titles in the past. I think you’ll find his colorful, throwback style fits perfectly with the background tales we want to tell about each character. What answers does Ryu seek in his never-ending journey? What happened to Charlie Nash after his apparent demise in Street Fighter Alpha? Who is Necalli and what does he want? Play the Character Stories to find out all these answers and more! Once you complete all of them you’ll be ready for the next part of the story experience, which is…

Cinematic Story Expansion

For the first time in franchise history, we are creating a cinematic story experience that takes players deep into the Street Fighter action and mythology through beautifully rendered cutscenes. The Story Expansion will be available to all players as a FREE content update, releasing in June 2016. Chronologically in the Street Fighter storyline, it takes place between the events of Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III, and fully explains everything that transpired in that electrifying time period.

If you got goosebumps from watching the trailer, know that you are definitely NOT alone. As you can see from the trailer, M. Bison and Shadaloo will be a main focus of the story…and I can’t say much more than that right now, but if you watch closely you’ll see a multitude of hints that we dropped in the footage. We’ll have more details to share about this FREE update in the coming months so stay tuned!

Finally, as a big THANK YOU to all the fans who have supported us throughout the year, we are holding one final beta starting January 30 at 12:01 AM PT (8:01 AM GMT), and ending January 31 at 7 PM PT (February 1 at 3 AM GMT). If you have been on the fence about getting the game, this will be your last chance to try it out before release so be sure to pre-order at streetfighter.com/purchase for beta access, as well as exclusive costumes! I mean, just look at this guy!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-27 08:02 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-28 06:31 PM
《街头霸王5》新影像 各角色e-Capom限定配色





作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-31 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-9 01:02 AM 编辑

Street Fighter V Game Modes Trailer


Street Fighter V Game Modes Trailer released!

Today, on stage at the Taipei Game Show, Capcom released a new trailer exploring all of the different game modes players can expect at launch for Street Fighter V. Just some of the modes to be featured in the trailer are Tutorial mode for first time fighters, Character Story mode where players can begin to explore the background of their favourites, and even Survival mode where more experienced World Warriors can test their strengths, facing competitor after competitor, with a goal of unchallenged victory.

There will also be a large number of free game-related content updates coming post-launch, including the recently-announced and much anticipated Cinematic Story Expansion, which will build on the existing character story elements that are available at launch and be released as a free update for all players in June 2016.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-1 07:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-9 01:02 AM 编辑

《街头霸王5》最新介绍视频 6大模式详细介绍

  2016年2月16日即将在PS4、PC上正式开战的《街头霸王5》最新公开了全面的介绍视频,介绍了本作游戏的6大主要模式:教学模式、故事模式、生存模式、训练模式、网络对战模式以及CFN(CAPCOM Fighters Network)模式,其中生存模式为本作首次追加的游戏模式,玩家可以在生存模式中不断挑战设定了各种条件的关卡,来挑战极限。



【TpGS 16】《快打旋風 5》大型故事模式更新夏季登場 公布各模式內容詳情
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-5 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-5 07:05 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V 'Ken' character introduction trailer
《街头霸王5》最新宣传片放出 介绍登场角色肯


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-8 07:01 AM
Street Fighter V Zangief, Necalli & Nash character introduction trailers



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-9 01:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-9 01:09 AM 编辑

Street Fighter V Full Length CG Trailer

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-11 08:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-11 08:53 AM 编辑





作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-12 05:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-12 05:51 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V details Story Mode costumes, Survival and Challenge Modes



All Costume - https://www.flickr.com/photos/endless-1/sets/72157662229417643/

SFV Character Story Costumes and New Mode Details

The February 16th release date for Street Fighter V is just around the corner, and a ton of news just dropped yesterday at a special pre-launch event in Japan. Never fear because I’m here to fill you all in!

First off, we officially revealed all the different Character Story Mode costumes! Each Character Story sheds light on the background and motivations of each individual fighter. As these stories take place in the past, you’ll see that everyone has a different look compared to their new threads in SFV!

By completing each Character Story, you’ll be able to unlock their corresponding Story Mode costume for purchase in the in-game store, once it launches in March.

Next, we revealed new details about Survival Mode. In this mode, your health and EX Gauge carry over between each match against the CPU. You are able to earn points with each victory, which can in turn be used to purchase special power ups, such as health or attack or defense increases, etc., to help you last longer. Purchasing more power ups reduces your overall score though, so there is a trade-off. By clearing the four difficulty levels of Survival Mode, you’ll be able to earn new colors and in-game titles for your character!

Continuing on, details about Challenge Mode were also announced for the first time. Challenge Mode consists of 4 sub-modes, each of which has been designed to help you improve your skills and gameplay:

- Battle Tips

• Learn the ins and outs of Street Fighter V through helpful demonstration and tutorial content. Contains content for each of the 16 characters, as well as advice geared towards all levels of players.
• Available March 2016

- Trials

• Put your skills to the ultimate test with combo trials for all 16 characters, ranging from basic to pro combos.
• Available March 2016

- Targets

• Complete daily renewing goals to earn fight money, in-game titles, and other cool content.
• Available soon after launch.

- Extra Battle

• Fight against special CPU bosses in the ultimate challenge. Earn in-game rewards upon completion.
• Available soon after launch.

Finally, some news tidbits: online battle lobbies will support two players at launch, but eight person lobbies as well as Spectator mode will be patched into the game as part of the March 2016 update. We are happy to officially confirm that legacy PS3 fightsticks will work with Street Fighter V at launch! A big thanks to Lab Zero for making this a possibility.

And one final thing (I promise), some of you may have heard the news that Alex will be available to all Street Fighter V players in March 2016 as well, and I’m happy to re-confirm that news here. At launch, playing through most of the single player content (in fact, just the Character Stories) will give you enough Fight Money to get Alex for free! We’ll have more information to share on Alex and the other post launch characters soon, so stay tuned.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-14 08:32 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-15 07:21 AM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-16 07:28 PM




作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-17 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-17 07:02 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Launch Trailer & Screenshots
《街头霸王5》正式上市 游戏发售宣传影像公开




Rise Up! Street Fighter V Releases on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC

Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced the release of Street Fighter V exclusively for the PlayStation4 computer entertainment system and Windows PC. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the latest game in the renowned series offers cross-platform play that unites Street Fighter fans into a unified player base for the first time ever. In North America, the game is currently available physically and digitally on PlayStation 4 and as a digital download on Windows PC for MSRP $59.99. European consumers can purchase both platform releases at retail and digitally. For European pricing, please check local retailers.

The legendary fighting franchise returns today with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

The initial Street Fighter V purchase will be the only one that consumers need to make to ensure they always have the most up to date version of the title. A cinematic story expansion will be released in June 2016 as a free update and over the course of 2016 (and beyond) further gameplay content, costumes, new challenges and balance system updates will continually be made available to all players. For the first time in Street Fighter history, all of the post launch gameplay content will be earnable completely free of charge through completing various in-game challenges and receiving earned in-game currency, called Fight Money. For those who just can’t wait to unlock each piece of new content, content can also be obtained instantly using purchased in-game currency, called Zenny.

The first of the 2016 content updates will come in March, when the in-game store opens and adds a new World Warrior to the roster – Alex. Players who have played through the majority of the single player content at launch will have earned enough in-game Fight Money to be able to add Alex to their Street Fighter V rosters for no additional cost.Screen Shot - https://goo.gl/photos/yUKiCn9QRY3i9upL6
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-18 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-18 07:14 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-19 07:21 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-20 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-21 07:14 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-22 07:09 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-23 07:02 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-26 07:41 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-7 07:26 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-9 07:16 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-11 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-14 06:26 PM 编辑

《街头霸王 5》公布首名追加角色「亚历克斯」详情 新世代青年格斗家登场

  CAPCOM 开发,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter V)》,现公布预定于近日更新中加入的首名追加角色「亚历克斯(Alex)」以及更新内容的详情 。


  亚历克斯是在《街头霸王 3》系列中接替隆与拳成为新世代主角的角色,是名住在纽约车屋的青年格斗家,自幼父母双亡,由父亲好友汤姆抚养长大,并教导他关于武术的一切。 为了追求强悍而持续不断修行,但足不出纽约且平常没有任何武术锻炼以外的其他嗜好,让汤姆相当担心。

身高:195 公分
体重:111 公斤
职业 / 隶属:格斗家
喜欢的事物:训练 / 家人



V-Trigger:狂怒移形(Rage Shift)


致命武技:大榔头(Heavy Hammer)



  新增锻炼游戏技巧的「挑战模式」,其中分为依照特定主题进行示范与练习的「示范教学(Demonstrations)」,以及透过一连测试来验证练习结果的「考验(Trials)」两种。 示范教学又分为 12 个初等战斗课程、11 个中等战斗课程、4 个高等战斗课程与 17 个角色个别课程。


  可以使用游玩过程中赚取的 Fight Money 来购买追加角色或是服装。


  格斗大厅现在可以容纳最多 8 名玩家。此外,本次更新还修正了部分 Bug,以及调整角色的招式平衡。


Street Fighter V Alex Screenshots

In Street Fighter V, Alex returns as a powerful grappler that can inflict big damage with his close range Power Bomb command grab and his long limbs to fight from midrange distances. The threat doesn’t end there however, as Alex has a variety of special attacks that can cover a large portion of the screen for those times when the opponent keeps him out. Players looking for a methodical grappler who can do big burst damage up close, yet still do well at midrange, will find themselves perfectly at home with Alex.

V-Skill: Overhaul

Alex stretches and gets ready to land the next killer blow. Once Alex finishes his animation, the very next attack he pulls off will count as a hard hit and damage the opponent as if they were counter attacked. If that attack misses or is blocked however, he loses the hard hit bonus.

V-Trigger: Rage Shift

Alex channels his wrestling training and gains access to a brand new clothesline attack. This attack can be charged and during that time, it can parry an attack. Upon full charge, if Alex makes contact with a blocking opponent, he will break their guard, leaving them open to an immediate attack.

Critical Art: Heavy Hammer

Alex hits the opponent with a thunderous chop that knocks the opponent around. He then grabs them and takes them up to the highest of heights in a crucifix hold, only to viciously drop them down on their heads at the fastest of speeds.

Alex will become available when the update is scheduled to go live later this month. Remember, by playing through all Character Story Mode content, you will earn more than enough Fight Money to buy Alex for free!

New Character Alex and SFV Update Details - Capcom Unity
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-18 07:26 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-25 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-25 07:08 PM 编辑





  同时,CAPCOM称,在Zenny商店没有正式投入使用之前,所有的DLC角色都将采用同样的政策。在Zenny商店上线之后,所有的DLC角色就需要通过游戏内货币Fight Money、Zenny或是季票三种途径来获得了。每名角色的价格为100000Fight Money,每件服装价格为40000Fight Money。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-26 06:11 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-31 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-31 07:04 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Alex Release Trailer
《街头霸王5》新可用角色Alex上线 宣传片放出




Alex Joins Street Fighter V Roster!

Today, Capcom will release the first post launch character to join the illustrious Street Fighter V lineup. Fan favorite Alex made his first appearance in Street Fighter III back in 1997, and he hits the streets again as a brash grappler whose bold attitude often gets him into trouble. His parents died while he was still young, so he was raised by his father’s friend who taught him everything he knows about fighting. Alex will be battle ready beginning today at around 18.00 GMT / 19.00 CET for all Street Fighter V players on PS4 and PC.

To see Alex in action, check out the new trailer and screenshots on the press site.

Also launching today, the In-Game Shop for earned currency (aka Fight Money) lets players spend their hard earned Fight Money to purchase extra game content, such as new characters (100,000 FM each) and Story Mode Costumes (40,000 FM each). Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri, and Urien will be releasing later this year and each will have a Story Mode costume available for purchase using Fight Money. Additional content will be announced at a later date.

Since the In-Game Shop for real currency (aka Zenny) is not available just yet, Capcom is offering Alex as a free trial period to all players, until the Zenny shop launches. This also applies to any future DLC character that releases prior to the Zenny shop launching. Once the Zenny shop launches, the free trial for DLC characters that released prior to the Zenny shop opening will end, and players will need to use Fight Money, Zenny, or the Season Pass to access those characters.

To learn more about Alex and the recent game updates, go here.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-1 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-6 06:42 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-18 06:48 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-19 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-19 06:49 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Guile Screenshots
《街头霸王 5》「凯尔」参战《街头霸王 2》著名舞台「空军基地」一同登场

  CAPCOM 于今(19)日公布,PC / PlayStation 4 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(ストリートファイターV)》的第二波追加角色决定释出系列知名的「凯尔(ガイル)」。


  此外,也将介绍与角色同时开放,玩家们所熟悉的音速爆击(ソニックブーム)及脚刀(サマーソルトキック)等各种必杀技,并送上于本作中复活令人怀念的《街头霸王 2(ストリートファイターII)》凯尔舞台的「空军基地(Air Force Bases)」,以及将于 4 月 23 日于日本横滨预定举行的店头体验会等情报,也请玩家们一并确认。

《街头霸王 5》第二波追加角色决定为「凯尔」!

现正好评发售中的《街头霸王 5》,公布了第二位追加角色「凯尔」! 将限期开放供玩家们使用,并能于角色故事及挑战模式下使用该角色。 此外,购买季票的玩家还能够取得战斗服装、如能通过故事模式则能取得故事中的服装。 限期开放的结束时间为直到 ZENNY 商店正式开放为止。 在这之后则必需使用 FIGHT MONEY 或 ZENNY 来购买该角色,也请玩家们多加留意。


无法攻陷的移动要塞 凯尔

看似冷静沉着但事实上是个热血男儿,外表及举止都相当的酷,是个硬汉般的战士。 为了祖国的和平而战。 对于贝卡所率领的夏都尔(シャドルー)的存在,当成是扰乱世界和平的邪恶,另外对好友纳许(ナッシュ)之仇,抱持着特别的想法。

■ 身高:182cm
■ 体重:99kg
■ 职业 / 隶属:隶属美国空军的军人
■ 喜欢的东西:美式咖啡

V 板机(Vトリガー):硬派重拳手(ソリッドパンチャー)

是时间消耗型的 V 板机。 在有效时间内能施展出以单一按钮就能连续发射音速爆击的「音速爆裂(ソニックブレイク)」!

V 技能(Vスキル)音速光刃(ソニックブレイド)

释放出停滞的真空波的 V 技能。 将音速光刃重迭上音速爆击,就能变化为强力的飞行道具「音速交锋(ソニッククロス)」!

身为凯尔代名词的「音速爆击」与「脚刀」仍旧健在于《街头霸王 5》中。 由于仍是身为系列作品中的 “集气角色” 之故,而具备了仔细看穿对手之动向来进行战斗的风格。


由双手释放出真空波。 是招空隙小,不论是进攻或防守都能使用,为凯尔攻击主轴的必杀技。


向后方翻转的同时施展出强劲的踢击。 威力高,作为对空技具有相当出色的性能。


能在保持蹲下的同时进行移动喔! 由于能够在进行下集气时持续向前移动,因此能够藉此给予对手压力。


于前方设置大型的音速爆击,来斩杀对手! 如在发动 V 板机时则会变画为强力的「音速暴雨(テンペスト)」。

令人怀念的舞台于《街头霸王 5》中复苏! 《街头霸王 2》的凯尔舞台复活!

本舞台与凯尔相同为限期开放。 限期开放结束后能够以 FIGHT MONEY 或 ZENNY 来购买该舞台。 左右两侧所设置的木箱,以及舞台后方的那些角色们也都忠实地重现。 想必会让人想起于《街头霸王 2》里所展开的火热战斗及那时的回忆。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-20 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-20 06:17 PM 编辑


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-29 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-4 07:32 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-30 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-30 06:36 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Ibuki Reveal Trailer
《街头霸王 5》官方 Youtube 频道释出新影片 透露女子高中生忍者「伊吹」即将参战

  CAPCOM 制作的 PC / PS4 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王 5(Street Fighter 5)》,今(30)日在官方频道释出新影片,透露下一位参战的角色将为来自日本的女高中生忍者「伊吹(Ibuki)」。

  伊吹是在《街头霸王 3》首度登场的角色,在《超级街头霸王 4》也再度参战。 在 5 代中再次手握参战权的她,将身着高中制服,以矫健的身手来投出苦无和炸弹,以高速的行动扰乱对手。

  官方同时预告,《街头霸王 5》将会在 6 月更新免费的故事模式内容,将收录超过 1 个小时的 “剧院式内容” 并补完从《街头霸王 4》连接到《快打旋风 5》的空白剧情。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-10 07:25 AM
Street Fighter V 'A Shadow Falls' Story Expansion and June Update Detailed

SFV Cinematic Story and Additional June Updates

Big news today! June will be a huge month for Street Fighter V as we introduce the biggest update to the game yet. Tons and tons of new content is in the pipeline and we can't wait to tell you all about what’s in the works. But first, hit the jump and let’s talk about what’s coming to all SFV players in late June.

Cinematic Story: “A Shadow Falls”

The SFV Story Expansion is a 3~4 hour experience titled “A Shadow Falls” and will be released at the end of this month as free DLC to all SFV players. The 5 chapter story takes place between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III and bridges the events that happen in between the two stories. This is the first time in franchise history that fans will be able to play through this type of cinematic experience in a Street Fighter game.

The Street Fighter V Cinematic Story Expansion, “A Shadow Falls,” depicts the ultimate battle between the evil Shadaloo organization and the heroic World Warriors who rise up against them. Seven “Black Moons” are deployed by Shadaloo, granting M. Bison unimaginable power and enveloping the earth in total darkness. Seeing the moons mysteriously appear in the sky, Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li embark on an epic journey around the world to retrieve fragment pieces that are the key to stopping the “Black Moons” before it’s too late. Along the way, they encounter the rest of the World Warriors, each of whom have their own agendas and motivations in mind. The final battle between good and evil begins now… who will RISE UP?

The next related piece of awesome news: all six DLC characters are fully playable in the story mode. That’s right, in addition to Alex, Guile, and Ibuki, that means that Balrog, Urien, and Juri are also playable! The official release of these characters will not be until later in the year, which means everyone will get to play them in advance through this mode. For the DLC characters that haven’t been released at the time the story comes out, those characters shouldn’t be considered final or tournament ready, as they still need to be properly polished and balanced. So, think of this as a free preview of the characters and enjoy playing with them before they get officially released in the other competitive game modes.

Finally, you’ll be able to earn Fight Money from completing the story mode as well! A higher difficulty becomes unlocked after clearing the normal mode, which you can also earn extra Fight Money from:

Normal Mode = 30,000 Fight Money

Extra Mode* = 50,000 Fight Money

Total = 80,000 Fight Money

*Extra Mode (higher difficulty) unlocks after you complete Normal mode

In-Game Currency System Changes

We have an important announcement regarding the in-game currency system. We will no longer be introducing Zenny to Street Fighter V as a real money currency option. After extensive testing and development, we came to the conclusion that it was not necessary in order to carry out our original vision for the product. Instead, we will be utilizing the PlayStation Store and Steam stores to carry out real money transactions.

Our plan for the in-game economy of SFV was always to provide players with choice. Fight Money remains as the basic currency that players can earn for FREE through gameplay and utilize to purchase characters and other awesome downloadable content like stages and costumes. For players who want to just purchase the content outright, instead of introducing Zenny, the process will be much more familiar with purchases happening through the established first party infrastructures.

The in-game store will be upgraded with the PlayStation Store and Steam real money purchase options as part of the update in late June. At the same time, the free trial period for Alex and Guile will come to an end as we previously had stated. Players will need to either obtain the characters through Fight Money, real money, or the season pass to continue using them after the update. We hope that everyone has enjoyed throwing down with these fearsome fighters and feels inclined to pick them up after testing them out during the free trial period!

We know fans have also been wondering about how content will be priced, so we created this handy chart which breaks down the content in Fight Money and real money pricing

Additional Content in June Update

The premium Battle Costumes for every character released so far will go on sale this month, and will be available for purchase with real currency only. Now everyone will have access to this hunk of a man.

Story mode costumes will also be available for purchase this month, meaning you will no longer need to complete the Character Stories to gain access to the content. Story mode costumes can be purchased with either Fight Money or real currency. We’ll be breaking down all of the costumes coming with the June update in another blog this month. There may be even more surprises in store, so stayed tuned!

Future Content

Daily Challenges are currently being re-tooled and optimized for the game, and we will share the new timing of this feature as soon as we more details. The feature will now be called “Targets,” and they will still be daily goals for players to complete and generate Fight Money, which can be used to purchase in-game content like new characters and costumes. New single player modes including Extra Battle and Versus CPU are also in the works. We’ll share more details on these modes and features as soon as we can.

That’s all for now, but stay tuned as we’ll take a closer look at the many June update features in the days and weeks ahead.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-27 05:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-28 07:04 AM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds both Balrog and Ibuki on July 1
《街头霸王 5》公布新角色拳王「麦克‧拜森」宣传影片 夏都尔四天王重出江湖

  CAPCOM 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王  5(Street Fighter V)》,现公布新角色「麦克‧拜森(M. Bison,海外版为 Barlog)」的宣传影片,预定周五开放使用。


  麦克‧拜森是《街头霸王》系列剧情关键的犯罪组织「夏都尔(Shadaloo)」的四天王之一,直属总帅贝卡(Vega,海外版为 M. Bison)。 角色的设定是参照重量级拳王麦克‧泰森,因名称与造型与泰森太过相似有侵权疑虑,因此在海外发行时将几个主要反派角色的名字互调,包括:

  影片末尾还揭露了第一年追加角色阵容中最后两名「蛛俐(Juri)」与「尤瑞安(Urien)」的身影。 目前夏都尔四天王中还有「沙加特(Sagat)」与「阿顿(Adon)」师徒还没有登场。

Balrog to be included with Ibuki and the Cinematic Story Mode Update - Capcom Unity
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-28 07:14 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-1 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-1 06:49 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V 'A Shadow Falls' Cinematic Story DLC Launch Trailer
《街头霸王5》剧情模式预告片 全部角色亮相


  此次加入的新剧情名为“A Shadow Falls”,这一DLC将以5个章节讲述一段发生在《街头霸王3》和《街头霸王4》之间的故事。届时玩家将使用全部16名角色来体验这段精彩的故事,同时,6名新的DLC角色也将有精彩的表现。这次的更新还将为游戏加入两个新的场景、服装和游戏内商店,同时制作组将游戏中的配对系统进行了改进。


Street Fighter V “A Shadow Falls” and Two New Characters Release Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Capcom will release a major new update for Street Fighter V. The update will include a ton of new content, including the highly-anticipated cinematic story mode titled “A Shadow Falls” as well as the next two characters to join the roster: Ibuki and Balrog. The story mode will be available to all players as free content, and all released post-launch characters can be purchased using in-game earned Fight Money or real currency.

“A Shadow Falls”

The Street Fighter V cinematic story expansion is divided into five acts and takes place between Street Fight er IV and Street Fighter III, bridging the events that happen in between the two stories. “A Shadow Falls,” depicts the ultimate battle between the evil Shadaloo organization and the heroic World Warriors who rise up against them. As the story unfolds, players will enter battles using each of the core 16 characters, in addition to the 6 (released and unreleased) 2016 DLC characters, each with their own unique contribution to the epic clash. “A Shadow Falls” is free downloadable content available to all players and it marks the first time in franchise history that consumers will be able to play through this type of cinematic experience in a Street Fighter game. The epic battle between good and evil begins soon… who will RISE UP?


Announced earlier this week, Balrog is one of the most iconic characters in Street Fighter history, first appearing as a boss character in Street Fighter II. He’s always been one of the most vicious characters to ever appear in the series, using his devastating boxing style and questionable tactics to do whatever it takes to win a fight. Balrog’s playstyle in Street Fighter V puts the focus on his powerful punches, and with the use of his V-Trigger, he can chain these attacks together to deal some serious damage.


Also being added to the SFV roster, Ibuki is a very tricky, technical character with loads of new ninjutsu tricks up her sleeve. Ibuki is a mobile character with various target combos, but now she has even more ways to mix-up the opponent with the ability to glide through the air and toss out ninja bombs, making it very difficult to predict where she will land and where her next attack will come from.

In addition to “A Shadow Falls” and the next two characters, the update will also include:

• New stages – Balrog’s Las Vegas stage and Karin’s Kanzuki Family Private Beach stage are brand new and will be available to purchase using Fight Money or real currency. Additionally, three new alternate stage options will become available.

• New costume options – Premium Battle Costumes for all 20 released characters, as well as Karin’s Premium Summer Costume, will be available to purchase using real currency. Balrog and Ibuki’s Story Costumes will be purchasable using either Fighter Money or real currency.

• In-game Currency Shop – The in-game store will be upgraded with the PlayStation Store and Steam real money purchase options, for their respective platform. For players who want to purchase content like new characters, stages and costumes outright without using Fight Money, the process will be familiar with purchases happening through the established first party infrastructures.

• Matchmaking improvements – Faster and smarter matching, resulting in higher quality matches and a better online experience overall.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-1 07:33 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-16 07:26 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-22 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-22 06:46 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V Adds Juri on July 26

  在今日的SDCC 2016上 CAPCOM官方宣布《街头霸王5》的新角色朱莉 Juri 将在2016年7月26日正式在游戏中上线。

  朱莉早前是在《街头霸王4》中登场。在本作中,她的V技能(V-skill)Kasatsushu的效果是冲刺到对手背后攻击,该技能可以通过前冲或后退来进行取消。其V触发招式(V-Trigger)名为风水引擎Type Alpha,发动该技能时,朱莉可以取消任何普通攻击。



Juri Joins the Street Fighter V Roster - Capcom Unity

■ Juri

Introduced in Super Street Fighter IV, Juri is a provocative S.I.N. agent from South Korea who goes by the codename of “Spider” and worked under Seth. Juri is a sadistic fighter who enjoys violence and loves tormenting her prey, with a tendency to get involved in anything she deems as fun or dangerous. Fueled by hatred of Shadaloo and M.Bison for the murder of her parents, Juri joined S.I.N. to seek revenge and doesn’t care who she has to annihilate to achieve her goals.

Juri returns to Street Fighter V with a brand new look and some tricks up her sleeves. A trained expert in Taekwondo, Juri also possesses a ki booster called the Feng Shui Engine equipped in her left eye to aid her during battles. She focuses on flashy, fast and furious kicks, and has a wide range of ki-based attacks at her disposal. Her trademark moves are her ki-based fireball attack and pinwheel kick.

What has Juri been up to since defeating Seth? Why is she back? Be sure to check out the free story DLC “A Shadow Falls” to find out!

V-Skill: Kasatsushu

Juri builds charges up and rushes at the opponent, kicking them from behind. Juri can choose to charge Kasatsushu by holding down the V-Skill command. During this charge, she can cancel Kasatsushu at any time by inputting a forward or backward dash. Additionally, she maintains her charge level after the cancel.

V-Trigger: Feng Shui Engine Type Alpha

Juri activates the Feng Shui Engine which allows her to cancel all of her standard attacks, both in the air and on the ground, into one another. In addition, each strength of her Fuharenkyaku attacks will remain in their charged state.

Critical Art: Sakkai Fuhazan

Juri kicks out a large slicing blast towards the opponent that hits multiple times.

Juri will be available to download on the PlayStation and Steam Stores starting July 26. Fans attending San Diego Comic Con this week will be able to experience playing Juri first hand at the Street Fighter V booth, so be sure to stop by!

We will be conducting server maintenance from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT on Tuesday, July 26 in preparation of the release of Juri.

Juri’s Story and Premium Battle costumes will also become available at the same time she releases on the 26th.

■ Summer Costumes

Also just announced at our SDCC panel, summer is turning up the heat, so what better option to stay cool than a new batch of summer themed costumes? Yes, we are happy to announce 3 more Premium Summer costumes for Street Fighter V!

In addition to the Chun-Li and R. Mika summer outfits which are already available, we have three more outfits for Cammy, Laura, and Ibuki coming your way! Each Premium Summer costume is priced at $3.99 and will be available on July 26th as well. Be sure to grab them on the PlayStation and Steam Stores along with our new DLC character Juri when the day comes! Till next time!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-27 07:32 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-7 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-7 07:00 PM 编辑

《街头霸王5》新角色介绍视频 逆光的霸道尤里安

  Capcom今天放出了 PS4/PC 游戏《街头霸王5》的第 6 位新追加角色——尤里安的最新角色介绍和展示视频。

逆光的霸道 尤里安


V-Trigger:Age Reflector






作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-21 07:12 AM

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