标题: 新山(CS附近) 聘请 Tax Associates [打印本页] 作者: channel_u2810 时间: 2015-1-20 05:36 PM 标题: 新山(CS附近) 聘请 Tax Associates 公司名称 : WK Chung Management Sdn Bhd
公司地址 : Suite 807 (8th Floor), Merlin Tower, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 Johor Bahru
公司简介 : 专业呈报所得税
工作性质 : To carry out tax assignment
工作地点 : Suite 807 (8th Floor), Merlin Tower, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 Johor Bahru
工作时间 : 早上九点至傍晚六点 (9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.)
工作日期 : 星期一至星期五 (Monday to Friday)
工钱 : 底薪 RM1,000 至 RM2,000 (视经验而定) Salary will commensurate with qualification and experience.
条件 : (1) 至少拥有LCCI Qualification 或同等文凭;
(2) 鼓励正在修读 Diploma/Degree in Accountancy, CAT, FIA & ACCA Qualification 和刚毕业的考生前来申请;
(3) 全职职位数位;
(4) 优先考虑有责任感, 积极活跃,拥有交际能力和肯学习的对象;and
(5) 有工作经验者优先考量。
(1) Candidates must possess at least a LCCI Qualification or equivalent;
(2) Candidates who are presently pursuing Diploma/Degree in Accountancy, CAT, FIA & ACCA Qualification and fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
(3) Full-Time position(s) available; and
(4) Responsible, proactive and organised individuals with strong interpersonal skills & willing to learn are more preferable.
(5) Prefer experienced candidates.
有兴趣的应征者请把你们的resume邮寄到我们的电邮信箱 - recruitment@ca.com.my 以安排时间面试。谢谢。作者: channel_u2810 时间: 2015-3-7 06:19 PM
公司名称 : WK Chung Management Sdn Bhd
公司地址 : Suite 807 (8th Floor), Merlin Tower, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 Johor Bahru
公司简介 : 专业呈报所得税
工作性质 : To carry out tax assignment
工作地点 : Suite 807 (8th Floor), Merlin Tower, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 Johor Bahru
工作时间 : 早上九点至傍晚六点 (9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.)
工作日期 : 星期一至星期五 (Monday to Friday)
工钱 : 底薪 RM1,000 至 RM2,000 (视经验而定) Salary will commensurate with qualification and experience.
条件 : (1) 至少拥有LCCI Qualification 或同等文凭;
(2) 鼓励正在修读 Diploma/Degree in Accountancy, CAT, FIA & ACCA Qualification 和刚毕业的考生前来申请;
(3) 全职职位数位;
(4) 优先考虑有责任感, 积极活跃,拥有交际能力和肯学习的对象;and
(5) 有工作经验者优先考量。
(1) Candidates must possess at least a LCCI Qualification or equivalent;
(2) Candidates who are presently pursuing Diploma/Degree in Accountancy, CAT, FIA & ACCA Qualification and fresh graduates are encouraged to apply;
(3) Full-Time position(s) available; and
(4) Responsible, proactive and organised individuals with strong interpersonal skills & willing to learn are more preferable.
(5) Prefer experienced candidates.