Kickstarter 的計畫中最值得一提的便是製作團隊為募集金額所設定的目標,遊戲本身將在募得 4 萬 4 千美元之後製作並發行個人電腦版本,若能募得 13 萬美元,製作團隊將特別邀請以《Final Fantasy V》(音效)和《超時空之鑰》等遊戲配樂聞名的光田康典來參與遊戲的配樂工作,光田本人也表示很有興趣和《永恆的邊緣》的作曲家們合作。此外,曾在《獵魔紅帽》以及《英雄聯盟》等作品中負責美術設計的 Yan Shu 也將會加入製作陣容,擔任概念插畫創作。
Edge of Eternity: a brief taste of Yasunori Mitsuda’ soundtrack
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter, Yasunori Mitsuda is now a key member of the team developing Edge of Eternity. He is the composer of the main themes from the soundtrack of the early anticipated JRPG by Midgar Studio.
Last March, the famous Japanese composer joined forces with Cedric Menendez, the sound designer, to oversee the recording of his musics with the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, in Slovakia. A great soundtrack is a key feature of all classic JRPG and the Midgar Studio is very proud to have in the team the composer of Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Soul Sacrifice and many others.
Midgar just unveiled a short making-off video showing the artists at work and offering a glimpse of the upcoming fabulous soundtrack, with a dozen of original musics composed by Mitsuda.
Midgar also just unveiled a pack of screenshots showing the latest version of the game.
They also released a video showing the new battle system they developed for the game. It mixes ATB dynamic turn based combat, strategic position and amazing magic!
As a reminder, Edge of Eternity is a JRPG inspired by the classics of Japanese rpg mixed with more modern western influences. It offers a unique universe with fantasy and sci-fi elements and will offer the players an epic journey following a deep branching story.作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-9 07:24 PM 《永恒边缘》公布最新预告片 开放世界的神奇旅程!
Midgar工作室今日发布了旗下日式RPG作品《永恒边缘》(Edge of Eternity)的最新预告片。《永恒边缘》将提供独特游戏体验,传统与革新的游戏机制相结合,设置在英雄奇幻剧背景之下,拥有丰富的故事剧情。
We’ve been up to our necks into the development of Edge of Eternity. It is about time we share with you a bit of the good things we’ve been working on, lately.
First of all, what we have here is a... new Logo!
The previous logo was good for what it was, but it was still a bit far from the epic scope of a project like “Edge of Eternity.” As time went by and as the game began to evolve, we felt that our logo should be a little more fleshed out.
So Manon Sam has been working tirelessly to produce something that would be representative of the game, its story and its concepts.
Nifty! What’s the story behind this one, I wonder.