1) Build a full height Conrete wall at the back yard and left a space for a door size
2) hack away the front door side wall and install a door level with sliding glass panel
Living Room
1) Build in Tv Console
2) Plaster Ceiling
3) Wooden or PVC Pillar between living hall and dining area
1) Build in cabinet
2) cooker hood and hob
1) Vinyl Tiles
Study Corner
1) Build in table and cabinet
Master Bedroom
1) build in cabinet
2) build in wardrobe
3) Temper glass for balcony
Let me have your estimated cost breakdown per item. TQ
欲知更多详情如图和layout plan,
可以私讯我 作者: 天国的阶梯123 时间: 2015-5-28 06:54 AM
0137839998 david.我听了评语新家刚给他估了价,没错的话应该会给他做家私。油漆我找0167288970 jayden用nippon paint 的。石膏选了0197789981啊材。我比较了很多而且询问了很多意见的。希望帮得到你,也帮帮那几位uncle.个人觉得这几个都很老实,口碑好,价格公道。现还在选择灶头师傅作者: renzo.idesign 时间: 2015-5-28 11:32 AM
你好...我们可以帮你estimate估价,欢迎把floor plan pm我们哦作者: Jayzee 时间: 2015-5-28 01:39 PM
天国的阶梯123 发表于 2015-5-28 06:54 AM
答应了各位装修师父替他们打广告哈哈。因为他们都让我这个安娣满意他们的服务态度还有价钱。很paiseh叫他们 ...