古墓丽影:崛起 作为闻名世界的动作冒险游戏,《古墓丽影》从1996发售第一部起,以平均两年一部的速度不断推出新作,凭借当时独特的“女英雄”主题以及冒险射击相搭配的游戏模式很快成为众多玩家的当头之爱,更加塑造出劳拉·克劳馥的经典形象。 故事讲述邪马台事件后,劳拉已经成长为老练的探险者,在《古墓丽影:崛起 | Rise of the Tomb Raider》中,劳拉将会被送往冰封的西伯利亚寻找一个遗失的邪恶秘密。为了解决墓穴的谜题与致命的敌人,劳拉需要制作新的求生工具,而一个秘密组织已经埋伏在阴影中。 Xbox 平台限时独占游戏《古墓丽影:崛起 | Rise of the Tomb Raider》的情况。Crystal Dynamics负责 Xbox One 版本,Nixxes 开发 Xbox 360 版。Crystal Dynamics表示自己丝毫没有考虑到 360 版本会怎样,一心负责 Xbox one 版的开发。 《古墓奇兵:崛起》预计将于今年秋季上市,并且只在Xbox 360 以及Xbox One 平台上推出。这是Square Enix 与微软达成的商业契约,也让微软成为了这款游戏的发行商。 这款游戏是2013 年在多平台上推出的系列重新开机作品《古墓奇兵》之续作,或许未来也有可能会在PlayStation 系列家用主机上推出,因为微软和Square Enix 达成的契约只有保证限时独占、而非完全独占。 英文名称:Rise of the Tomb Raider 中文名称:古墓丽影:崛起 游戏类型:动作冒险 游戏制作:Crystal Dynamics 游戏发行:Microsoft 游戏平台:Xbox360/Xbox one 上市时间:2015年11月10日 [youtube]PhGEFLcPHsY[/youtube] [youtube]lJQwDnoRueU[/youtube] |
TR10 Language Options
Got some official info regarding language options for you guys. The following are confirmed by CD:
Full Localization (In-game Text & Voice)
•Latin American Spanish
•Brazilian Portuguese
•Traditional Chinese
•Simplified Chinese
In-Game Text:
Note that the available options on a disc may differ depending on what territory you buy the game from.
Lara Croft’s latest adventure with Rise of the Tomb Raider is a bit of an odd one; it’s releasing exclusively on Xbox platforms for a year before being released on PS4 and PC, but it’s also releasing on the aging Xbox 360. It’s a little odd, but not completely unheard of.
Microsoft and Square Enix haven’t really been paying the Xbox 360 version that much attention when it comes to marketing the follow up to Tomb Raider so we’ve been left wondering what Rise of the Tomb Raider will look like on the last-gen machine.
Related: Rise of the Tomb Raider won’t come with multiplayer
Thankfully some new screenshots should give everyone an idea of what to expect from the last-gen release which is being handled by Dutch development studio Nixxes.
Below are some images comparing the 360 and Xbox One versions. The difference is huge and makes us lot at The Games Cabin thankful that we ditched the last-gen consoles a long time ago.
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