标题: 【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Far Cry Primal [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-7 07:05 AM
标题: 【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Far Cry Primal
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-7 06:39 PM 编辑

Far Cry Primal Officially Announced for PS4, Xbox One & PC
Ubisoft 宣布《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》以石器时代作为背景 中文化正式确认

  Ubisoft 今日(10 / 7)宣布,《极地战嚎》系列下一部作品设定在野蛮且原始的「石器时代」作为游戏舞台;《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源(Far Cry Primal)》预定将于 2016 年 2 月 23 日在 PS4 与 Xbox One 平台推出、PC 版稍晚于 3 月上市,官方同时确认将在全平台同步推出繁体中文版。

   Ubisoft 蒙特娄与另外三间 Ubisoft 旗下工作室携手开发的《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》,将带来五脏俱全的单人游戏体验,让玩家回到史前一万年、也就是由长毛象和剑齿虎等巨大野兽主宰地球的时代。 曾使战火席卷热带地区与攀上喜马拉雅山、获奖无数的《极地战嚎》系列品牌,这次将掀起人类求生的原始战争,透过创新的开放世界沙盒式游戏机制,将巨大的野兽、震撼的环境以及无法预知的野蛮敌人结合在一起。



  玩家在游戏中将扮演「塔卡」(Takkar),一位老练的猎人,也是他所属族群中的最后幸存者。 踏上「欧罗斯(Oros)」这片宏伟又野蛮土地的玩家,只有唯一一个目标:在这个人类被当成猎物的世界中生存下去。 在这个旅程中,他会遇见许多令人难忘的人与事,而遇到的这些人也将协助玩家击退并且驯服荒野上的危险;玩家将展开旅程,成为驯服荒野的第一人,并且挣脱灭绝命运。 过程中,他们将运用猎得的野兽骨头制作武器和工具、狩猎食物、学习用火、击退凶残的掠食者并对抗其它部落,进而征服这个世界。

  「我们将藉由《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》引领玩家来到最后一次冰河时期尾声,当时的人类不但不在食物链最顶层,而且每天还得为了求生而奋战,Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室执行制作人 Dan Hay 表示:「《极地战嚎》系列带给了我们众多乐趣。 基于其粗旷不羁的本质,我们可以朝任何方向创造出独特的游戏体验,而这就是我们目前开发中的《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》。 」

  「作为游戏的主轴,《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》源自于一个简单但强而有力的概念。 」Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室创意总监 Jean-Christophe Guyot 表示:「这是人类与大自然间的对决。 但是,石器时代的大自然比人类更加厉害,而且万物都在为了食物与生存而战。 《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》让玩家置身在争斗的最前线,并体验人类第一次的据地为王。 」

  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》繁体中文版将于 2016 年 2 月 23 日与欧美同步在 PS4、Xbox One 平台推出,PC 版本预定 3 月份上市。


游戏原名:Far Cry: Primal
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
发售日期:PS4 / Xbox One 版 2016 年 2 月 23 日,PC 版 2016 年 2 月
语言版本:英文 / 繁体中文



Ubisoft Takes Far Cry to the Stone Age in Far Cry Primal

Today, Ubisoft announced the development of Far Cry Primal, the next exciting chapter in the critically acclaimed Far Cry franchise, set during the savage Stone Age. Far Cry Primal hits shelves worldwide on February 23, 2016 for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One. The game will also ship on Windows PC in March 2016.

Developed by Ubisoft Montréal in collaboration with Ubisoft Toronto, Ubisoft Shanghai Studio and Ubisoft Kiev Studio, Far Cry Primal is a full-fledged single player experience that will take gamers to 10,000 BC in history to a time when massive beasts like the woolly mammoth and sabretooth tiger ruled the Earth.

The award-winning franchise that stormed the tropics and climbed the Himalayas now brings its innovative open world sandbox gameplay to a time when humans were not at the top of the food chain but were fighting to climb it, bringing together massive beasts, breathtaking environments and unpredictable savage encounters.

Gamers play as TAKKAR, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of his hunting group. Arriving in the majestic and savage land of Oros, players will pursue one single goal; survive in a world where humans are the prey. They will meet a cast of memorable characters who will help them push back and tame the dangers of the wild. Players will journey as the first human to tame the wilderness and rise above extinction. Along the way, they will have to hunt for food, master fire, fend off fierce predators, craft weapons and tools partly from the bones of slain beasts and face off against other tribes to conquer Oros.

“The interesting thing about Far Cry is that it’s flexible. So when a team proposed to explore the idea of a Far Cry taking place during the Stone Age, we just said ‘let’s hear it!’ And the more we heard about it, the more we realized how much of a damn good idea it actually was,” said Dan Hay, executive producer, Ubisoft.

“The Stone Age is the perfect setting for a Far Cry game,” said Jean-Christophe Guyot, creative director, Ubisoft. “Far Cry usually puts you at the edge of the known world, in a beautiful, lawless and savage frontier. The Stone Age is, in a way, the very first frontier for humankind; it’s the time when humans put a stick in the ground and claimed land for their own, the time when we started climbing the food chain. That came with conflict, against other humans of course, but also against nature itself.”

For more information on Far Cry Primal, please visit farcrygame.com.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-23 06:31 PM




  本作将于2016年2月23日发售,届时将登陆PS4和Xbox One平台,PC版则要等到3月才能发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-4 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-4 07:15 PM 编辑

《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》曝光「万兽之王」新影片 公开 PS4 典藏版内容

  Ubisoft 今日在 The Game Awards 2015 颁奖典礼中,曝光了旗下 PC/PS4/Xbox One《极地战嚎》系列新作《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源(Far Cry Primal)》新一波宣传影片「万兽之王」,同步公开《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》预购特典与 PS4 典藏版内容,所有版本预购游戏的玩家将可获得「长毛象传奇」(Legend of the Mammoth)额外任务。

  玩家在游戏中将扮演「塔卡」(Takkar),一位老练的猎人,也是他所属族群中的最后幸存者。 踏上「欧罗斯(Oros)」这片宏伟又野蛮土地的玩家,只有唯一一个目标:在这个人类被当成猎物的世界中生存下去。 在这个旅程中,他会遇见许多令人难忘的人与事,而遇到的这些人也将协助玩家击退并且驯服荒野上的危险;玩家将展开旅程,成为驯服荒野的第一人,并且挣脱灭绝命运。 过程中,他们将运用猎得的野兽骨头制作武器和工具、狩猎食物、学习用火、击退凶残的掠食者并对抗其它部落,进而征服这个世界。

  在今日公开的宣传影片中,可以看到众多的野生动物,与面对野兽的战斗场面。 影片强调游戏系统将可让玩家驯服在辽阔世界中所遇到的掠食猛兽,驯服并把牠们当作武器使用。 无论是狼、剑齿虎还是穴熊,甚至是蜜獾,玩家将能随时召唤这些动物并随意运用,用来击败敌人、侦察区域,或是在战斗或狩猎中让对手分心。 有了这些凶猛的生物随侍在侧,玩家将有许多机会迎战并击败敌人,夺回整个欧罗斯大陆的控制权。





  Ubisoft 表示,石器时代是个危险之地,《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》PS4 中文典藏版所提供给玩家典藏内容将可让玩家充份了解游戏世界,并精通游戏中的《极地战嚎》史前语言,提高在欧罗斯(Oros)生存下来的机会。

PS4 中文典藏版内容物

- 受困的年老长毛象:嗜血的猎人设下陷阱困住家族的领袖,攻破猎人的营地并拯救家族长老脱困。
- 猎捕猎人:复仇的时刻来临,领导你的家族消灭会对你们造成生存威胁的危险。

  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》将引领玩家重回到数万年前的石器时代中叶。 在这个极度危险且冒险无穷的时代里,地球由巨大的长毛象和剑齿虎统治着,当时的人类不但非处于食物链最顶层,还得力争上游。 身为所属狩猎族群的最后幸存者,玩家将学会制造致命的武器、抵御凶残的掠食者、智取敌人部落,试图征服欧罗斯这个地方并成为顶尖的掠食者。

  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》预定将于 2016 年 2 月 23 日在 PS4 与 Xbox One 平台推出、PC 版于 3 月 1 日上市,且将在全平台同步推出繁体中文版。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-5 07:21 AM
Far Cry Primal European Collector's Edition Revealed

Far Cry Primal Colelctor's Edition Revealed

Today, Ubisoft has revealed the content of the different Collector’s Editions for its upcoming title, Far Cry Primal. The latest installment of the critically acclaimed Far Cry franchise will hit the stores on February 23rd, 2016 on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the games and entertainment system from Microsoft. The game will release on March 1st 2016 on Windows PC.

Collector’s Edition

The Stone Age is a dangerous place, but the Far Cry Primal Collector’s edition will equip every player and Far Cry fan with the best premium package to survive Oros, allowing them to understand the terrain and master the prehistoric in-game language.
It includes:

Physical Content

• Far Cry Primal game.

• Exclusive Far Cry Primal Collector Box with sabretooth skull opening.

• Official Wenja phrasebook: your guide in Oros, full of useful words and in-game sentences. It is a condensed collection of the work of specialists/experts that have adapted a unique language for this game, based on the Proto-Indo European language.

• Exclusive Steelbook.

• Far Cry Primal map of Oros.

• The official game soundtrack and Wenja audio recordings to discover the basics of Far Cry Primal’s official language.

Digital Content

• “Legend of the Mammoth” missions: Up to 45 minutes of additional gameplay, where the player will have the unique opportunity to play as the largest animal in Oros, the almighty mammoth, and feel the power to stomp its enemies and defend its herd from other beasts and humans.

- Duel of beasts: A powerful rhino spirit dares to challenge your might. Battle him and his herd across treacherous cliffs to assert your dominance.

- The trapped elder: Bloodthirsty hunters have trapped your leader. Crash their camp and lead the elder to freedom.

- Hunt the hunter: The time for revenge is now. Lead your herd to crush those who threaten your survival.

• A new weapon, the Blood Shasti Club: A bloodstained club of bone and teeth once wielded by Ull, the vicious leader of the Udam. This weapon is unbreakable and cannot be consumed by flame.

• 4 enhancement packs: Offers early access to rare resources and unique customisation options.

Digital Apex Edition

This edition includes the standard game plus all additional digital content:

• “Legend of the Mammoth” missions.

• A new weapon, the Blood Shasti Club: A bloodstained club of bone and teeth once wielded by Ull, the vicious leader of the Udam. This weapon is unbreakable and cannot be consumed by flame.

• 4 enhancement packs: Offers early access to rare resources and unique customisation options.

Last night, during The Game Awards that took place in Los Angeles, Ubisoft premiered its “Beast Master” Trailer, a brand new feature that will enable players to tame the predators they find in the open-world and use them as weapons. From wolves to sabretooth tigers to cave bears, and, yes, even the honey badger, players will be able to summon these animals at any moment and use them as they prefer, from taking down their enemy, scouting the area, or acting as a distraction during battle and hunts. With those animals at their side, the player will have many opportunities to fight and defeat his enemies to take back control over all Oros.

Far Cry Primal brings players back to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when woolly mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth, a time when humans were not at the top of the food chain but were fighting to climb it. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the apex predator.

For more information about Far Cry Primal, please visit farcrygame.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-12-5 07:33 AM
Far Cry Primal 'Beast Master' trailer, 10 Minutes Gameplay Walkthrough




Far Cry Primal Unleashes the Beast Master

Today, Ubisoft revealed Beast Master, a new feature empowering players to tame predators they find in the open world and use them as weapons. From wolves to sabretooth tigers to cave bears, and yes, even the honey badger, players will be able to summon these animals at any moment and use them as they like, from taking down their enemy, scouting the area or acting as a distraction during battle and hunts. With these animals at the player’s side, there will be many opportunities to fight enemies to take back control of Oros.

The latest installment of the critically acclaimed Far Cry franchise will hit stores on February 23, 2016, on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One and will release on March 1 for Windows PC.

Additionally, Ubisoft has announced the Far Cry Primal Deluxe Edition with SteelBook for customers in North America.

Deluxe Edition with SteelBook (North America)

The Far Cry Primal Deluxe Edition with SteelBook is the ultimate package for fans to get access to all digital content available and the exclusive collectible SteelBook.

Physical Content

• Far Cry Primal game

• Exclusive SteelBook

• Map of Oros

• Official soundtrack

Digital Content

• Legend of the Mammoth missions – In three bonus missions you’ll see the world through the eyes of Oros’ largest beast: the mammoth.

- Duel of Beasts: Prove that you are the mightiest creature in Oros as you battle a powerful rhino spirit and his herd.

- The Trapped Elder: Hunters have captured your leader and you must break into their camp and free him, smashing everything that gets in your way.

- Hunt the Hunter: Lead your herd into battle and crush those who threaten you.

• Blood Shasti Club – Once wielded by Ull, the leader of the bloodthirsty Udam tribe, this bloody club is unbreakable and cannot be destroyed by fire.

• Four enhancement packs – Get early access to rare resources and unique customization options.

Far Cry Primal brings players back to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when woolly mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth, a time when humans were not at the top of the food chain but were fighting to climb it. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the apex predator.

For more information about Far Cry Primal, please visit farcrygame.com.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-8 06:49 PM
《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》公开 PC 版硬件配备需求信息

  Ubisoft 公开新作《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源(Far Cry Primal)》PC 版硬件配备需求信息。

  PC / PS4 / Xbox One《极地战嚎》系列新作《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》游戏舞台设定在野蛮且原始的「石器时代」,玩家将回到史前一万年、也就是由长毛象和剑齿虎等巨大野兽主宰地球的时代。

  游戏即将于 2 月底陆续上市,官方今日抢先公开 PC 版本硬件最低配备、建议配备需求。




《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》预定将于 2016 年 2 月 23 日在 PS4 与 Xbox One 平台推出、PC 版于 3 月 1 日上市,且将在全平台同步推出繁体中文版。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-18 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-19 07:18 AM 编辑

Far Cry Primal promotion invites you to sleep in a cave


Ubisoft Presents Cavebnb: A Stone Age Hotel Experience

Today, Ubisoft announced the launch of CaveBnB, an online contest developed for Far Cry Primal, the latest installment of its best-selling franchise.

Far Cry, the award-winning franchise that has stormed the tropics and climbed the Himalayas, now brings its innovative open world sandbox gameplay to a time when humans were not at the top of the food chain but were fighting to climb it, bringing together massive beasts, breathtaking environments and unpredictable savage encounters.

CaveBnB will give players the opportunity to experience the wild and untamed world of Far Cry Primal, while travelling back in time to the Stone Age to discover the extreme conditions in which our ancestors lived. The winner, accompanied by a person of their choice, will travel to an undisclosed location in France and participate in expert survival training, pushing them to their limits. By day, they will develop new skills, and by night, they will have to use them to survive. (Contest Competition Rules)

Participants will have to show their primal instinct and prove in one tweet that they have what it takes to win the two day survival experience. The Twitter competition will start at 10:00 UK time on January 18th and end at 23:59 UK time on January 21st. To take part in the CaveBnB contest, users will have to add the hashtag #cavebnb and mention @farcrygame in their tweet.

Far Cry Primal will be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23rd. The game will be released on March 1st for windows PC.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-21 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-21 07:39 PM 编辑


  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》是育碧所推出的《极地战嚎》系列最新作,本作将于2016年2月23日登陆PS4和XBOX One平台,游戏的繁体中文版也将同步发售。日前官方公开了本作的新宣传片,为大家介绍了本作的主角Takkar。根据官方所提供的情报,Takkar来到Oros帮助这里的居民面对强大而致命的敌人,躲避灭绝的危险。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-22 06:22 PM
《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》揭露最新预告片 中文版实机试玩活动即将开跑

  Ubisoft 今日揭露最新《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》中文版「石器时代之王」预告片,同时宣布将在 1 月 28 日至 2 月 3 日间、在台北地下街领先电玩展带来《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》PS4 繁体中文版首次公开实机试玩;此外在台北信义区街头亦设置有户外长毛象造景,每个周末更将有史前野人与剑齿虎现身与民众互动合影。


  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》将引领玩家重回数万年前的石器时代中叶。 在这个极度危险且冒险无穷的时代里,地球由巨大的长毛象和剑齿虎统治着,当时的人类不但非处于食物链最顶层,还得力争上游。 身为所属狩猎族群的最后幸存者,玩家将学会制造致命的武器、抵御凶残的掠食者、智取敌人部落,试图征服欧罗斯这个地方并成为顶尖的掠食者。



2016 台北电玩展中文版实机试玩活动





  本次石器时代独特且丰富的背景将为《极地战嚎》系列作品中一直以来备受赞誉的开放式世界体验带来全新风味,玩家在游戏中将透过采集资源、制作武器、寻找庇护场所、狩猎、保护自己免受来自荒野与其它各式威胁,以及探索未知地区,这些都将构成《野蛮纪源》的核心游玩体验;透过全新导入的游戏系统「万兽之王」,玩家还可驯服各种掠食者、 并且运用他们来取得优势。


  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》繁体中文版将于 2016 年 2 月 23 日与全球同步在 PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One 推出、PC 版稍晚于 3 月 1 日上市,预购将可获得「长毛象传奇」(Legend of the Mammoth)额外任务。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-27 07:29 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-29 07:55 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-5 07:41 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-11 08:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-17 06:39 PM 编辑





  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》预定于2016年2月23日发售,登陆XBOX ONE以及PS4平台。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-16 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-16 07:26 PM 编辑

Far Cry Primal Trailer Shows 'Legend of the Mammoth' Bonus DLC


Far Cry Primal - Legend of the Mammoth

Pre-order now and get "Legend of the Mammoth", 3 exclusive extra missions.

Drink from the shaman's cup to experience life as a mammoth. Use your immense strength to fight for your herd's survival. Includes the Legend of the Mammoth missions (‘Duel of Beasts’, ‘Hunt the Hunters’ and ‘The Trapped Elder’).

Far Cry Primal will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, coming out the 23rd of February 2016. PC release on March 1st 2016.




作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-18 06:58 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-19 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-19 07:13 PM 编辑

Far Cry Primal Developer Diary ~ 'Bringing the Stone Age to Life'
《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》开发日志 打造游戏世界



Discover how the Far Cry Primal team recreated the world and people of the Stone Age, from the visual design of Oros to the languages its people speak. Far Cry Primal releases on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23.

Watch the all-new 101 trailer for a gameplay overview of Far Cry Primal in 5 minutes. Discover all you need to know about Far Cry Primal’s weapons, powerful Beast Master abilities, and vicious human foes. Available February 23, 2016.

Please SUBSCRIBE and visit our official channels for exclusive access and the latest information on all things Far Cry:


About Far Cry Primal:

The award-winning Far Cry franchise that stormed the tropics and the Himalayas now enters the original fight for humanity’s survival with its innovative open-world sandbox gameplay, bringing together massive beasts, breathtaking environments, and unpredictable savage encounters.

Welcome to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth, and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators, and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator.

Key Features:

You will play as Takkar, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of your group. You have one goal: survival in a world where you are the prey.

This isn’t the Stone Age you thought you knew. This is the Stone Age with irreverence and mayhem. This is the Stone Age by Far Cry.

After the last Ice Age, the glaciers retreated to leave behind a land blooming with nature and resources where humans and animals alike can thrive – provided they have what it takes to prove their dominance.

© 2015 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Based on Crytek’s original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. Powered by Crytek’s technology “CryEngine.”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-19 07:39 AM
Far Cry Primal Marketing ~ PS4 & DualShock 4 crafted from stone


A Primal Take on Modern Gaming

Today, Ubisoft Entertainment has released a range of stunning photos of a hand-crafted Sony PlayStation 4 and DualShock 4 controllers, to mark the upcoming launch of Far Cry Primal on February 23rd, 2016.

Working free-hand, accredited master carver and stone mason, Nick Roberson, was commissioned to intricately replicate these items from stone, to showcase the Stone Age era that the franchise moves to in the latest installment.

In addition to the PS4 console and controllers, Nick Roberson was also commissioned to craft an entire gaming den from hand-carved finest Fletcher Band sandstone. The den was also kitted out with a stone television, pizza box, beer can and an impressive carved coffee table.

The result is a stunning image of a prehistoric take on the contemporary items of today, as regularly seen in modern gaming pads across the country.

Footage of the main pieces being chiseled can be viewed here in the official video feature.

“This project was undertaken to highlight the vast landscape and rich setting of the Stone Age era in Far Cry Primal,” comments Tom Goldberger, Senior PR Manager at Ubisoft. “Nick has managed to immortalize, in stone, the beautiful, elegant designs of these iconic items with unbelievable accuracy.”

Stonemason, Nick Roberson, who has over 20 years of experience, which has seen him take on commissions for Hollywood movies, comments on his involvement on creating the man cave; “This project was a great challenge for me and I really enjoyed seeing the modern and techy items come together in this natural form. The buttons of the controllers were certainly tricky but I’m delighted with the final results and the fantastic way they’ve been collated for the shoot.”

Far Cry Primal is available to own on February 23rd on the Sony PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Microsoft Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and will be available on Windows PC on March 1st, 2016.

For more information regarding Far Cry Primal, visit: ubisoft.com/far-cry-primal
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-20 07:32 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-23 06:49 PM
重现石器时代的史前求生探险《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》宣布上市 揭露真人预告片

  Ubisoft 今日宣布,剑齿虎和长毛象统治世界的《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》,现已在全球 PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One 平台上推出、PC 版稍晚于 3 月 1 日上市。 《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》是《极地战嚎》系列最新力作,将创新的开放世界沙盒游戏机制带进了极度危险且冒险无穷的背景时空,让玩家得靠不停的战斗求生得以攀上食物链的最顶层。


  由 Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室领衔开发的《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》将游戏舞台设定在公元前 10,000 年的宏伟欧罗斯(Oros)大地,这里是人类的第一个战争前线。 玩家将来到蛮荒的石器时代,扮演「塔卡」这位经验老到的猎人、他也是所属狩猎族群里的最后幸存者。 塔卡为了找到、救出与保护其他温迦(Wenja)部落的四散族人,他必须制造致命的武器、抵御凶残的掠食者、智取敌人部落,并成为顶尖掠食者。



  「塔卡」能够使用各式各样的武器,包括致命的双弓、蜜蜂炸弹和火焰。 除了这些之外,「塔卡」驯服与指挥野兽的特殊能力可让玩家驯服在开放世界里发现的掠食者,并以牠们作为工具和武器。 玩家将能随时召唤猫头鹰或蜜獾等动物来击败敌人和狩猎。 有了这些忠心的伙伴与玩家并肩作战,就算欧罗斯及其栖息地的生物残酷凶残,温迦部落将得以繁荣昌盛。

  《极地战嚎:野蛮纪源》繁体中文版于 2016 年 2 月 23 日与全球同步在 PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One 推出、PC 版稍晚于 3 月 1 日上市,首批特别版收录「长毛象传奇」(Legend of the Mammoth)额外任务,另限量加赠特典解锁内容「长毛象包」、「剑齿虎包」或「猫头鹰包」

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-2 07:30 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-31 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-31 06:59 PM 编辑

Free Survival Mode is Coming to Far Cry Primal on April 12

  育碧近日在官方博客中透露将于2016年4月12日在PS4、Xbox One和PC平台同步上架《孤岛惊魂:野蛮纪源》免费更新补丁,本次更新补丁内容主要包括全新的幸存者模式。另外,PC版更新补丁还将包含游戏4K高清贴图。




  游戏总监Thomas Simon还介绍了幸存者模式下Takkar驯服及命令动物的变化,玩家控制的野兽不再那么强大。玩家能够控制的最强的动物、如剑齿类和熊等,会变得更难被驯服,必须攻击它们到半血状态,然后再进行诱捕和驯服。官方博客中还提及了幸存者模式中动物盟友方面更详细的变动,最受关注和最直接的变化是动物死后你将永远失去你的宝宝,普通动物你还能去再驯服一只一样的,Bloodfang Sabretooth这样的传奇野兽死了就真的没了。


  《孤岛惊魂:野蛮纪源》包含全新幸存者模式的更新补丁将与2016年4月12日推出,在PS4、Xbox One和PC平台同步上架。


Free Survivor Mode Coming to Far Cry Primal

The fight for survival in Far Cry Primal’s vast Stone Age wilderness is about to get a lot more brutal. If conquering rival tribes and taming deadly predators has left you hungry for a new, harsher challenge, we have some exciting news: Far Cry Primal is getting a Survivor mode, which will arrive as a free patch for all platforms on April 12.

“The idea of doing this mode actually started from the team, saying they wanted to create this mode based on feedback they got from the community,” says Thomas Simon, Far Cry Primal’s game director. “The keystone of that survival mode is the change in the exploration, crafting, and difficulty of the game to make it even more realistic. After that, there are options the player can activate to go further.”

The biggest such option is the addition of permadeath. If you felt the stakes weren’t high enough before, you can now turn on full permadeath, which means your game is over the first time you die (except in vision missions, which aren’t “real”). If that seems too abrupt, there’s also a second-chance option that gives you one backup life, which is then replenished at certain completion points.

“We’ve also decided to make this combo of Survivor and permadeath available at any difficulty level,” says Simon, “so even players that don’t necessarily like to play extremely hard difficulty modes can still enjoy the change of experience in Survivor, and also try permadeath if they want to.”

Permadeath is only the beginning. Survivor mode adds a stamina gauge, making protagonist Takkar slower and weaker when it runs out, and forcing him to sleep in order to replenish it. The minimap is now turned off by default, pushing you to pay more attention to your surroundings, and the fog of war has been strengthened, lessening the amount of the map you reveal as you explore. You’ll encounter humans and animals less often as you explore, which means hunting takes a little more patience. Even fast travel is a little tougher, as it now consumes stamina and food.

Takkar himself has also been weakened in a few key ways. He can no longer rain remote-control death on foes using his owl, for example, and crafting ammo now takes a few seconds, instead of being instantaneous. He’s also now a lot more susceptible to cold, which increases his dependency on fire, and makes crafting cold-weather gear a top priority if you’re planning to venture into the chillier parts of Oros. On the upside, the duration of Takkar’s Hunter Vision has been increased – which should come in handy for surviving the longer, darker, deadlier nights that now befall the land of Oros.

Survivor mode also retools one of Far Cry Primal’s biggest cornerstones, the animals that Takkar can tame and command. “The beasts you’re going to control are going to get less powerful,” says Simon. “The most powerful beasts you control, like sabretooths and bears, will not let themselves be tamed so easily. You’re going to have to fight them up to the moment that they are at half-life, then bait them and tame them.”

The most striking and immediate change to beast mastery, however, is that animals who die are gone for good. You’ll still have a chance to save them before they die, but if your previous strategy for, say, taking down a fort was to hide while your all-but-disposable animal friends winnowed down the enemy’s numbers, you may want to come up with a new plan. That’s especially true if you’re able to bring Far Cry Primal’s legendary beasts under your control; while you can always tame another leopard or wolf, creatures like the Bloodfang Sabretooth can’t ever be brought back once lost.

So is there a benefit to all this, aside from grueling satisfaction and the pride that comes from extreme challenge? Of course, says Simon.

“We’ve created four new Ubisoft Club challenges,” says Simon, adding that new PlayStation Trophies or Xbox Live Achievements aren’t possible in a free update. “If you go for the ultimate challenge – activating Survivor mode, playing on expert difficulty and activating permadeath – you have the hardest and most insane challenge possible for the game, and there’s a special reward at the moment you complete the game. I won’t spoil it.”

Survivor mode will be available as a free patch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 12, and the PC patch will also add 4K textures to the game. Also, you can check out Survivor mode with an in-depth livestream on twitch.tv/ubisoft on March 7th at 9:30AM PDT.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-14 07:26 AM

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