标题: 【PS4】Gran Turismo Sport [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-28 07:11 AM
标题: 【PS4】Gran Turismo Sport
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 07:40 AM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Announced for PS4
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》正式发表 与百年历史的 FIA 合作展开虚拟赛车运动

  索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)在 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会上宣布,将推出与国际汽车联盟(FIA)合作的《跑车浪漫旅》系列 PS4 最新作《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》以竞速赛车运动为主题,将与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的国际汽车联盟合作,预定分为代表国家参赛的「国家杯」与代表车厂参赛的「车厂杯」赛事,优胜者将获邀参加年度 FIA 典礼接受表扬。 将支持 PlayStation VR 虚拟现实玩法,预定 2016 年初进行测试。


游戏名称:跑车浪漫旅 竞速
游戏原名:Gran Turismo Sport
对应平台:PlayStation 4
开发厂商:Polyphony Digital
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment


Gran Turismo Sport Coming to PS4 in 2016

Racing fans, brace yourselves — this evening at the Paris Games Week PlayStation Press Conference, Kazunori Yamauchi, along with SCEE CEO & President Jim Ryan, unveiled on stage the latest Gran Turismo iteration: Gran Turismo Sport, coming to PS4 in 2016.

On stage, the Polyphony team talked about the advances that PS4 offers to allow them to continue to improve the graphics, physics, and sound to deliver the most realistic driving simulator to date. But with GT Sport they’re looking to deliver more than that; to deliver a revolution in the way that people experience driving games, a figurative “rebirth” of motorsports.

FIA Gran Turismo Championships

In Gran Turismo Sport, there will be two FIA online championships running simultaneously. In the Nations Cup, players will be able represent their home country. Whilst in the Manufacturers Cup, players will be driving on behalf of their favorite car manufacturer.

Players will not only be able to race as drivers themselves, they’ll also be able to root for their home country or their favorite manufacturers teams.

The winner of the championship will be awarded at the FIA prize giving ceremony, alongside real life motorsports champions. This will be a historic moment, the first time a video game will officially be recognized as part of the real motoring world.

FIA Partnership

Working alongside the historic FIA, to develop a game that continues to be more realistic and authentic, the online racing championships promise to offer something new for players.

But it’s not just about online racing; the GT teams have continued to build on the games legacy of accessibility to ensure that the game is open to all to enjoy.

With the beta expected to begin in Spring 2016, it won’t be long before players can experience all GT has to offer on the power of PS4.

Penrose Tackie - European Brand Manager

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-9 06:32 PM
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》与PS VR同日发售?

  众所周知PS VR将于今年10月在欧美地区发售,但具体的上市日期还没有确定。近日,德国Playstationfriends上赫然出现了PS VR的发售日,令人更为惊喜的是《GT Sport》将和PS VR同日上市!

  根据该网站的页面显示,PS VR和《GT Sport》将在2016年10月12日在德国地区上市。按照两款产品同日发售的情形来看,这款竞速题材的新作很有可能成为PS VR的首发护航大作。


  从目前来看,索尼很有可能在今年的E3发布会上公布PS VR的具体发售日期,或许到时候我们可以同样听到《GT port》的新消息。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-13 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-18 06:26 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport new trailer coming May 19
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》预定 5 月 19、20 日在伦敦举办体验会 将首度揭露内容详情

  由 Polyphony Digital 开发,与国际汽车联盟(FIA)合作的 PS4 竞速赛车游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,预定 5 月 19、20 日在英国伦敦举办体验会,首度开放试玩。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作。 有别于以往以「驾驶仿真」为主题的设定,改以「竞速赛车」为主题。 与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的国际汽车联盟合作。 游戏中将分为代表国家参赛的「国家杯」与代表车厂参赛的「车厂杯」等联机赛事,优胜者将获邀参加年度 FIA 典礼颁奖。 预定支持 PlayStation VR 虚拟现实。

  本次的体验会以「揭幕(Unveiling)」为主题,预定 5 月 19、20 日在英国伦敦奥林匹克公园的铜箱馆举办,19 日为媒体公开日,20 日为一般公开日。 媒体日活动实况预定当天 18:45 起在《跑车浪漫旅》官方 YouTube 频道播出。 一般日制作人山内一典及开发团队将亲自与来场的粉丝进行创意讨论分享,还可欣赏现场展示的赛车,或是参加在会场周边进行的同乘行走体验。

  体验会现场除了将首度开放《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》试玩之外,还会展示「Vision Gran Turismo」诞生的 8 台等比例车辆模型以及 2 台 1/4 比例车辆模型,打造出世界首创的梦幻名车沙龙。

  由于游戏于去年 10 月在巴黎游戏周正式发表后,至今并未公布过任何实际游戏内容,只公布一段概念影片。 如今则是直接举办体验会对大众开放试玩,除了将揭开内容的神秘面纱之外,预料还会确认上市时程以及 PS VR 支持等详情。 喜爱《跑车浪漫旅》系列的玩家不妨多多留意。

New Gran Turismo Sport Footage Debuting Live May 19

Hello GT fans! We’re thrilled to announce that on 19th May we’ll be streaming brand-new Gran Turismo Sport footage from an exclusive London event, and sharing new details about the latest entry in Polyphony Digital’s acclaimed racing series. Not only that, but we’ll also be streaming Pre-Season Test of FIA Gran Turismo Championship Cups- the Nations Cup Pre-Season Test and the Manufacturer Fan Cup Pre-Season Test. We will also be lucky enough to have 9 full-scale Vision GT Cars and 2 ¼ size models present at the event, which is a world first!

If you want to stay in the know, make sure you watch the stream via either the Gran Turismo or PlayStation YouTube channel on May 19 at 10:45am PT:

The stream will be hosted by a mix of GT and motoring experts. Our hosts will be providing you with English commentary on the following activities:

• 10:45am PT – 11:00am PT: Run down of the day’s events, news and a showcase of the brand new GT Sport trailer.

• 11:00am PT – 12:30pm PT: Nations Cup Pre-Season Test and the Manufacturer Fan Cup Pre-Season Test of the FIA Gran Turismo Championships [not necessarily in order]:

- The Manufacturer Fan Cup Pre-Season Test
- The Nations Cup Pre-Season Test

• 12:30pm BST – 1:00pm PT: Trophy ceremonies [1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each cup]

We’re pleased to announce that we’ll have very limited places up for grabs for fans on the second day of the two-day London event, on Friday 20th May. Look out for more information soon on how to get involved on our PlayStation UK social channels and GT Planet.

Hope you join us on the stream!

Kazunori Yamauchi - Producer, Gran Turismo
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-20 07:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-20 07:15 AM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Releasing in November, Gameplay Trailer
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》确定 11 月 15 日推出 化身职业车手挑战 FIA 认证赛事

  由 Polyphony Digital 开发、索尼互动娱乐(SIE)发行,与国际汽车联盟(FIA)合作的 PS4 竞速赛车游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,今(19)日在英国伦敦举办的体验会正式宣布,将于 11 月 15 日在美洲 / 亚洲 / 大洋洲、11 月 16 日在欧洲、11 月 18 日在英国上市。



  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的 FIA 合作。


  游戏中玩家将能驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的 137 台汽车,包含来自「Vision Gran Turismo」的未来概念车款、独占原型车款及真实世界的车款,驰骋在 19 个地点 27 条路线的赛道上,包括知名的「东京高速公路」、赛车圣堂的「纽堡林北侧赛道」及纯粹竞速的「北方群岛高速道路」等。

  游戏采用全新的物理仿真引擎,提供更真实的操控感,以及能满足初次接触之新手玩家与经验丰富之老手玩家的驾驶体验。 收录 20 台由世界各大知名车厂与品牌专为《跑车浪漫旅》构思设计的 Vision Gran Turismo 未来概念车款,包括布加迪、奥斯顿‧马丁与梅赛德斯‧奔驰等。 收录让玩家透过车厂观点回顾汽车发展史与未来展望的互动模式。 首度加入车身涂装编辑器。 崭新拍照模式,收录全球超过 1000 个地知名景点,运用先进的技术让玩家拍出如真实照片般生动的写真。

  在主题的「竞速」部分,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的 FIA 合作,玩家将能参加代表国家参赛的「国家杯」与代表车厂参赛的「车厂杯」赛事,是唯一获得 FIA 官方认可的虚拟竞速赛事。 玩家可以创造与经营自己的职业车手分身来投入这些赛事,有机会登上年度 FIA 典礼接受表扬。 经过强化的赛事配对功能,让玩家能与好友或是来自全球各地不同年龄、地区与驾驶经验的对手齐聚一堂一较高下。 或是实时观看世界顶尖好手的对决,见证传奇的诞生。


游戏名称:跑车浪漫旅 竞速
游戏原名:Gran Turismo Sport
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:美洲 / 亚洲 / 大洋洲 2016 年 11 月 15 日
     欧洲 2016 年 11 月 16 日、英国 2016 年 11 月 18 日
开发厂商:Polyphony Digital
发行厂商:Sony Interactive Entertainment


Gran Turismo Sport Launches on PS4 November 15th, 2016

GT Fans! The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived!

Following the exclusive event in London today, CEO of Polyphony Digital Kazunori Yamauchi officially announced Gran Turismo Sport on PS4 would be released on November 15th, 2016 (16th November in Europe and 18th November in UK)

GT Sport is the world’s first racing experience to be built from the ground up to bring global, online competitions sanctioned by the highest governing body of international motorsports, the FIA (Federation International Automobile). Create your legacy as you represent and compete for your home country or favorite manufacturer through multiple race classes, including GT3, Prototype, Rally, and more.

Additionally, we’re excited to announce the pre-order offerings for GT Sport are available today! Those who pre-order the game will receive early access to a 3-Car Pack, including:

• Ford Mustang Group B Rally Car
• Toyota FT-1 Vision GT Group 3
• Peugeot 908 HDi FAP LMP1

GT Sport – Limited Edition

To commemorate the release of Gran Turismo being introduced on PlayStation 4 for the very first time, we created GT Sport Limited Edition for our hardcore racing fans. Priced at just $69.99 ($89.99 CAD), the Limited Edition contains more than $130 in content including:

• GT Sport Starter Pack (8x Cars) – Gain immediate access to cars within various race class, including GT4, Rally, and more
• $1MM In-Game Credit – Build and customize your personalized garage
• Livery Sticker Pack – Bonus livery of numerous brands and logos
• 30x PS4 GT Sport Themed Avatars – Based on selected GT Sport featured vehicles
• Racing Helmet – For your customized driver profile
• Limited Edition Steel Book and Packaging

Don’t forget, we’re just a few short hours away from the Pre-Season Test of the FIA Gran Turismo Championship stream! Show starts today, May 19, at 10:45am PT.

For more information on GT Sport, follow us on Facebook, Gran-Turismo.com, or PlayStation.com.

Ken Chan - Product Manager, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-20 07:06 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-20 07:07 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-11 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-11 04:31 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport E3 2016 Gameplay Trailer
【E3 16】《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》释出实机撷取宣传影片 打造属于全民的赛车运动

  Polyphony Digital 开发、索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 11 月 15 日全球同步上市的 PS4 竞速赛车游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,于 E3 展前夕释出第 2 波实机撷取宣传影片。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作。 游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  游戏采用全新物理仿真引擎,提供更真实的操控感以及能满足初次接触之新手玩家与经验丰富之老手玩家的驾驶体验。 收录由世界各大知名车厂与品牌专为《跑车浪漫旅》构思设计的未来概念车款。 收录让玩家回顾汽车发展史与展望未来的互动模式。 首度加入车身涂装编辑器。 崭新的拍照模式,收录全球超过 1000 个知名景点,运用先进技术让玩家拍出如真实照片般生动的写真。


Welcome to the Future of Motorsport — Gran Turismo Sport’s E3 Trailer

GT Fans! With E3 2016 just around the corner, we thought we’d give the community a first look at some of the new features in Gran Turismo Sport, including Livery Editor, Social Features, LIVE Broadcast and Photo Scapes modes.

Gran Turismo’s legacy of innovation is rekindled once again with the next iteration of Polyphony Digital’s eSports-focused racing simulator. More than 15 years ago Kazunori Yamauchi and his team introduced console gamers to real-world physics, and more recently, Gran Turismo has trailblazed new paths across the gaming and automotive industries with programs such as Vision Gran Turismo and GT Academy. Building on GT Academy’s success, GT Sport empowers gamers of all skill levels to compete in high-stakes racing with FIA-certified championships.

If you haven’t had a chance to see what the future of motorsport holds, check out the first Gran Turismo FIA Championship Pre-Season Test that was held in London last month.

32 of the world’s fastest GT players competed head-to-head in two championships – Nations Cup and Manufacturers Fan Cup. After a series of intense battles across the newly introduced Tokyo Expressway and the ever-popular Nürburgring Nordschleife, Takuya Takahashi of Japan walked away with top honors in the Nations Cup, while Carlos Martinez (Spain) and Yusuke Tomibayashi (Japan) was crowned victor of the Manufacturers Fan Cup.

The game’s newest trailer shows off GT Sport’s most compelling features and provides an exhilarating look at the future of motorsport – enjoy!

We hope you’ll stay tuned to PlayStation’s channels next week as Yamauchi-san will join our team at E3 to show off more gameplay on the PlayStation LiveCast. If you’re at E3 this year, you can stop by the PlayStation booth to play GT Sport for yourself!

For more information on GT Sport, follow us on Facebook, Gran-Turismo.com, or PlayStation.com.

Ken Chan - Product Manager, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-29 07:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-1 06:47 PM 编辑

PS4 独占游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》中英文合版 11 月 15 日上市 宣布预购方案内容
《跑車浪漫旅 競速》山內一典領軍挑戰虛擬賽車運動領域 收錄與本傳同等的豐富內容

  台湾香港索尼互动娱乐(SIETK) 今日宣布, PlayStation 4(PS4)独占游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》(中英文合版)将于 2016 年 11 月 15 日在实体店铺推出一般版(RM239)、限定版(RM269)和典藏版(RM499);PlayStation Store 则会推出数字下载版的一般版(RM239)和豪华版(RM269)。




《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将从今天开放预购

  在实体店铺预购一般版与限定版的玩家将可获得 Gran Turismo Sport 原创玻璃杯,预购典藏版的玩家将可获赠 Gran Turismo Sport 原创设计雨伞;预购数字下载版的玩家则可获得 500,000 的游戏点数、动态主题和下列 3 台车的先行取得权。

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》游戏简介

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》挑战 PS4 性能极限的新次元如相片般写实的图像、所有玩家都能上手的简易又有深度的全新车辆物理仿真。 彻底改变相片的世界的全新拍照模式「Scapes」、可让玩家观赏和 FIA(国际赛车联盟)合作的世界选手选拔赛的「竞速模式」。 新内容满载,为初入门者敞开大门的系列最新作品《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》终于登场。


《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》 (一般版)
支持平台:PlayStation 4
建议售价:蓝光光盘版 / 数字下载版 RM239

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》 豪华版(数字下载版)
支持平台:PlayStation 4
PS4 游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》(中英文合版)下载版
DLC 特典
8 台车的先行取得权
1 百万游戏点数
PS4 个人造型

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》 典藏版
支持平台:PlayStation 4
PS4 游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》限定版内容
特殊设计 1 / 43 汽车模型(Nissan Concept 2020 Vision Gran Turismo)

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》 (限定版)
支持平台:PlayStation 4
建议售价:蓝光光盘版 / 数字下载版 RM269
PS4 游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》蓝光光盘
DLC 特典
8 台车的先行取得权
1 百万游戏点数
PS4 个人造型


2016 年 7 月 29 日起开放预购

PlayStation Store 预购特典
■ 一般版 & 限定版:原创设计玻璃杯
■ 典藏版:特制雨伞

■ 下列 3 台车的先行取得权

■ 500,000 游戏点数
■ 动态主题
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-31 08:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-31 08:07 AM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》宣布延期至 2017 年推出 基于「追求完美 不愿妥协」的理念

  Polyphony Digital 总裁、畅销竞速赛车游戏《跑车浪漫旅(Gran Turismo)》系列制作人山内一典,今(30)透过官方网站正式宣布,原定 11 月 15 日推出的 PS4 最新作《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,因为需要更多时间来提升质量,因此决定延期至 2017 年推出。

  山内在给玩家的布告中表示,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》导入了物理图形渲染、音效仿真、景观相片模式等许多新技术,这些新功能都会和全新的运动模式结合在一起,是制作团队最具雄心壮志的作品之一。 虽然自公布以来制作团队已经付出许多心力,但仍需要更多时间才能让游戏达到完美。 基于不想对游戏有任何妥协的理念,因此做出延期的艰难决定,将之推迟至 2017 年推出。

  目前尚未确定《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》确切的发售日期。

Gran Turismo Sport Update

Hello GT Community — I am sharing some news today that we have made the difficult decision to delay the release of Gran Turismo Sport to 2017. GT Sport is Polyphony’s foremost competitive gaming title, with high expectations from both the fans and from within our team.

From the start this title has been one of our most ambitious undertakings by using the latest technologies, such as physics-based rendering and sound simulations, and Scapes photo mode. In combining these features with a new Sport mode, we are offering a competitive gaming experience to truly reinvent what it means to be a racing game. We’ve been excited and humbled by the response each time that we’ve shared new gameplay with everyone.

However, as we approach our planned release date in November, we realize we need more time to perfect GT Sport, which we’ve already dedicated so much effort towards since announcing the title. We do not want to compromise the experience in any way. While we cannot confirm a new release date at this time, we are more committed than ever to making GT Sport the best Gran Turismo game to date.

GT Sport will continue to be shown at several gaming events around the world. I hope everyone has the opportunity to experience first-hand the yet-to-be revealed cutting edge experiences that will be achieved by GT Sport.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Kazunori Yamauchi - Founder of Polyphony Digital, Creator of Gran Turismo

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-4 05:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-5 06:23 PM 编辑

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》迈入 4K 60fps HDR 新领域 追求极致影像规格呈现

  Polyphony Digital 制作,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定2017 年推出的PS4 竞速赛车游戏《跑车浪漫旅竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,在这次美国PSX 活动中公布最新宣传影片,制作人山内一典并亲自接受媒体采访,揭露游戏支援4K 解析度、60fps 流畅度、HDR 高动态影像与广色域等进阶影像规格的详情,并首度展出PlayStation VR 虚拟实境的试玩机台,供与参观者试玩。


  《跑车浪漫旅竞速》是全球累计销售超过7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶模拟血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作。游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  游戏采用全新物理模拟引擎,提供更真实的操控感以及能满足初次接触之新手玩家与经验丰富之老手玩家的驾驶体验。收录由世界各大知名车厂与品牌专为《跑车浪漫旅》构思设计的未来概念车款。收录让玩家回顾汽车发展史与展望未来的互动模式。首度加入车身涂装编辑器。崭新的拍照模式,收录全球超过 1000 个知名景点,运用先进技术让玩家拍出如真实照片般生动的写真。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-7 11:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-7 11:21 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport unveils Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo by Pininfarina
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》最新预告 Fittipaldi EF7 Vision 照片级画质

  索尼互娱今天公布了多张竞速类游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的实机截图,同时也发布了一段超跑菲蒂帕尔迪 EF7 (Fittipaldi EF7 Vision)的预告短片。

  预告中展示的这款跑车是由两届F1冠军埃默森-菲蒂帕尔迪所创办的独立车厂Fittipaldi Motors携手HWA、宾尼法利纳联手打造的,这款跑车今天刚刚在日内瓦车展上正式公布,该车型只会限量生产。

  虽然我们可能没办法有幸拥有一辆菲蒂帕尔迪EF7,不过在《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》中,它将作为独占车型出现在游戏中,各位老司机们届时可以驾驶这辆马力强劲的超跑兜兜风了。在今天官方公布的截图与预告中我们也可以看到,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的赛场风景非常怡人,几乎任何一张截图都能达到壁纸级。试想一下,驾驶着一辆曲线迷人的超跑在林荫赛道上风驰电掣般驶过,是一件多么惬意的事情。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》目前尚未公布具体发售日期,不过本作确认会在今年发售,PS4平台独占,敬请期待。


Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo by Pininfarina unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show - Gran-Turismo.com

The Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo by Pininfarina, which will be unveiled at the 87th Geneva Motor Show that begins on March 9, will be exclusively available in the upcoming Gran Turismo Sport for PlayStation 4, Sony announced.

The car is the latest addition to the Vision Gran Turismo Project, the result of a collaboration between Gran Turismo developer Polyphony Digital and different brands of car manufacturers around the world. This project, which began as a celebration of Gran Turismo‘s 15th anniversary, has already developed more than 20 concept cars.

The Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo by Pininfarina prototype is presented under the brand of famous racing driver Emerson Fittipaldi. According to the Gran Turismo official website, “The ultra-light, all carbon-fiber supercar fuses the vision of F1 and Indy Car champion Fittipaldi, iconic Italian design company Pininfarina and race-bred German engineering firm HWA AG, and fulfills Fittipaldi’s dream to produce a car with fierce performance, for drivers of all skill levels.”

Gran Turismo Sport is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2017.












作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-8 11:52 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-10 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-13 06:50 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta Begins March 17
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》预定 3 月 18 日在美国进行封测 其余地区将陆续展开

转载 - 巴哈姆特
  由山内一典领军的 Polyphony Digital 开发、索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 2017 年全球同步推出的 PS4 真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,日前宣布将于 3 月 18 日起在美国展开首波封闭测试(Closed Beta),之后并预定陆续在日本与欧洲地区展开封测。

  官方同时公布了一段以 4K 60fps 录制的封测片头动画影片,供玩家参考。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作。 游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  游戏采用全新物理仿真引擎,提供能满足新手玩家与老手玩家的真实操控驾驶体验。 收录世界各大知名车厂与品牌专为《跑车浪漫旅》构思设计的未来概念车款。 让玩家回顾汽车发展史与展望未来的互动模式。 首度加入车身涂装编辑器。 崭新的拍照模式,收录全球超过 1000 个知名景点,运用先进技术让玩家拍出如真实照片般生动的写真。 支持 PS VR 虚拟现实驾驶玩法。

  游戏原定于 2016 年 11 月推出,后因追求质量而延后至 2017 年,2016 年 12 月 PSX 活动时进一步发表了 PS VR 模式、HDR 模式、PS4 Pro 4K 模式支持的详情。 如今则是宣布展开封测,离正式完成上市又更进一步。 有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意这波封测活动在各地展开的消息。

  此外,官方日前还宣布与瑞士手表品牌 TAG Heuer(泰格豪雅)合作。


U.S. Sign up (Phase One) - EU Sign up (Phase Two)

Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta Announcement

Hello GT fans!

We are extremely excited at Polyphony to announce the Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta. Beta participants will get a sneak peek at how Gran Turismo will pave the future of racing, competing in highly competitive races against other users across the country, and eventually, across the globe.

Participants will be able to choose from a select rotation of cars and tracks each day to race online against others during the Beta phases. Track and car selections will vary during this period, and we made sure to offer different race class categories and course configurations to properly test our GT fans!

This will also be the first time users will see how the Driver Profile is integrated within GT Sport. The introduction of Sportsmanship Rating (tracks a player’s behavior and manners on-track) and Driver Rating (represents the overall speed of the player and how well they perform in races) will ensure those that race online will be equally matched, naturally creating a balanced group of competitive drivers for every race.

The initial phase of the closed Beta, starting on March 17th, will only be open to selected US PSN IDs, so be sure to check your “Messages” on the PS4 dashboard to see if you’ve been invited.
As with most Beta programs, in order for the development team to capture data in an optimal manner, the sample size needs to be increased gradually and in stages. While we begin to roll out the Beta, we have decided that the time differences across the U.S. are best matched to the development team in Tokyo.

During the initial phase, our servers will be open for users during specific times across the day. We will share these times closer to the Beta launch across our social channels and GT.com.

As the Beta begins to increase in size, those who have signed up within the PlayStation Europe forum or received a direct e-mail will be selected to participate in Phase 2 of the closed Beta. Spaces will be limited so, if you don’t get into Phase 2, make sure you stay tuned for future Beta activities in the run-up to launch!

Kazunori Yamauchi - President of Polyphony Digital

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-12 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-12 06:51 PM 编辑

Porsche Officially Confirmed for Gran Turismo Sport
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》初次加入保时捷跑车

  索尼赛车游戏巨制《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》日前公布保时捷跑车,该作由以精益求精著称的山内一典打造,因为保时捷跑车之前与EA定制独占协议,随着最近协议到期,保时捷可以与其他游戏合作,本次即为《跑车浪漫旅》系列新作《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》初次加入保时捷跑车。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》最近展开全球测试,4 月 15 日还将登陆欧洲展开Beta测试《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》目前尚未公布具体发售日期,不过本作确认会在今年发售,PS4平台独占,敬请期待。


Gran Turismo Sport Porsche 1.jpg

Gran Turismo Sport Porsche 2.jpg

Gran Turismo Sport Porsche 3.jpg

Gran Turismo Sport Porsche 4.jpg

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-27 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-27 04:38 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Porsche Trailer
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》保时捷 Porsche 宣传片

  此前我们曾报导 SIE 正式宣布保时捷(Porsche)系列跑车将加入《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(GT Sports)》中的新闻,今天官方则正式放出了首个宣传片。

  在上面的视频中,大家可以看到两辆保时捷 911GT3 RS 在游戏中实际比赛的画面(这两辆车比赛的赛道是纽北,而《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》则将在纽北上比赛的那种惊心动魄的感觉很好的复制并呈现了出来。)

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》预定于年内发售,登录PS4平台。


Porsche is Coming to Gran Turismo

Today we're thrilled to confirm that Porsche will be making its first appearance in a Gran Turismo game when 'Gran Turismo Sport' is released later this year.

We are really excited about our newly-formed partnership. Porsche have been exhibiting exemplary strength in motorsports, and with its many victories in endurance racing, they’re famous for being the "King of Endurance". The vehicle names, all derived from races such as the Carrera, Targa and Panamera, are a direct sign of the deep historical relationship running alongside motorsport, which has always been part of Porsche’s DNA. The manufacturer’s involvement is less about prestige, but a matter of principle for the continuous improvement of their products with technology deriving from motorsports.

Similarly, in recent years Polyphony’s relationship with real world motorsports has been increasing, with series Producer Kazunori Yamauchi participating in the Nürburgring 24 Hour race and the upcoming FIA Gran Turismo Championships.

Both Polyphony and Porsche share a common principle and philosophy in promoting sustainable motoring across the next generation. Sports car fans who dreamt of getting behind the wheel of a Porsche through Gran Turismo Sport can now look forward to it later this year.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-23 07:33 AM
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将展开亚洲区 Beta 版封测 知名跑车品牌「保时捷」首度参赛!

  Polyphony Digital 开发、索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 2017 年推出的 PS4 专用真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》,日前宣布将于亚洲区展开 Beta 版封闭测试,并自 19 日起开始在官方网站招募测试玩家,凡是持有亚洲区 SEN 账号的玩家皆可报名参加抽选。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7664 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作。 游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》继 3 月起陆续在北美与欧洲区展开封测,如今则是确认将接着在亚洲区展开封测,但现阶段仅开放报名,确切时间尚未公布。 目前封测的 Beta 版已经更新到 1.04 版。

  官方日前还宣布,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将首度加入德国知名跑车品牌「保时捷(Porsche)」的车辆,是《跑车浪漫旅》系列 20 年来首度,并公布「Porsche 911 GT3 RS」的影片与画面。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 11:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 07:55 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport launches this fall, E3 2017 trailers
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》释出最新宣传影片 游戏将于今年秋季问世

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)于 2017 年在美国洛杉矶举办的 E3 电玩展 PlayStation 展前发表会中,释出了 PS4 专用真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的最新宣传影片,并公开游戏将于 2017 年秋季推出的消息。



  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是《跑车浪漫旅》系列最新作品,作品承袭了真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作,让玩家有机会在游戏中驾驶各式车款,驰骋在知名赛道上。

  而本作继之前于各地展开封闭测试后,官方于这次的 E3 展前发表会中,释出了最新宣传影片,并且公开游戏将于秋季推出的消息。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-27 07:18 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-13 11:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-14 06:49 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport Launches October 17
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》中文版 10 月 17 日开跑! 将同步推出一般版、限定版与典藏版

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)发表,由 Polyphony Digital 开发的PS4 真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》中英文合版,确定将于 10 月 17 日(二)同步在台湾与香港推出套装一般版、限定版、限量典藏版与数字一般版、豪华版。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》是全球累计销售超过 7690 万套的《跑车浪漫旅》系列首款 PS4 新作,承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作。 游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》原定 2016 年 11 月 15 日推出,不过因为制作完成度因素而宣布延期至 2017 年推出。 2017 年 E3 展宣布将于秋季推出,如今则是正式确定上市日期为 10 月 17 日。


Gran Turismo Sport Launches October 17 on PS4

Hello GT Fans! I’m extremely excited to confirm that Gran Turismo Sport will be launching on October 17 in North America. Following the successful completion of our Closed Beta phase, as announced earlier this week, we are now entering the final stages of polishing as we prepare for launch.

Between now and launch you can expect to hear a lot more from the GT team as we unveil more information on the many features included in Gran Turismo Sport, including the campaign mode, various creative tools, as well as a full reveal on all the cars and tracks you can look forward to racing on launch day!

In the meantime, I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and PDI to express my gratitude for the continued support of GT fans and PlayStation supporters around the world during this beta period. We’re as keen as all of you to get the game into players’ hands, and can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of the game when it launches in October.

We’ve strived to create something that delivers an unprecedented experience in terms of the graphics, sound, and physics simulation; an experience that can only be enjoyed on PlayStation.

Gran Turismo Sport is available to pre-order now from both PlayStation Store and retailers across Europe.

For more information please continue to check out the official PlayStation channels and the Gran Turismo website.

Kazunori Yamauchi - President of Polyphony Digital, Creator of Gran Turismo


  Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited(SIEH)/ Taiwan Limited (SIET) 宣布,全世界累积销售超过7,690万张的「Gran Turismo」系列最新作品PlayStation®4(PS4™)专用软件《Gran Turismo Sport》将于 2017 年 10 月 17 日(二)在亚洲地区发售,一般版建议售价:马币 RM229、初回限定「限定版」建议售价:马币 269,初回限定「典藏版」建议售价:马币 RM499。

  初回限定的PS4™ 专用软件「Gran Turismo Sport 限定版」包含供玩家鉴赏车辆相片的「画集」,以及集结8辆可在游戏内使用的车辆的「车辆包」等DLC。此外,购买PS4™专用软件《Gran Turismo Sport》一般版、「限定版」和「典藏版」更会获赠集结3辆可在游戏内使用的车辆的「抢先3辆车套件包」的共通的初回特典DLC。另外,在PlayStation™Store上将备有收录PS4™软件「Gran Turismo Sport」与「限定版」DLC的「Gran Turismo Sport 限定版 (数位下载版)」供玩家选购,售价为 马币 RM269。稍后将会展开门市预订活动,预订详情将容后公布。


我非常高兴要告诉各位,Gran Turismo Sport将会在今年10月17日在亚洲区发售。在我们的Beta封闭测试圆满结束后,如同我们本周稍早的发表,我们正在进入让一切尽善尽美准备发售的最后阶段。

在发售之前,我们还有好多关于Turismo Sport令人兴奋的新消息要和各位分享,包含竞赛模式的内容、众多创意工具,还有在发售当日可供您游玩的收录车辆和赛道的一览表等内容!

同时,我要藉由这个机会代表我自己和PDI所有同仁,对全世界所有支持GT的粉丝们以及PlayStation® 的爱好者们在Beta封闭测试期间的持续协助,表示最诚挚的谢意。我们和你们所有人一样想要将这款游戏尽快送到玩家们的手上,也已经等不及要在10月发售后听到所有人对本作的感想。

我们致力于为大家带来前所未有的图像、音效和物理模拟的体验,这一切皆为PlayStation® 独享。』

「Gran Turismo」系列作制作人 山内一典

『Gran Turismo Sport』初回一般版。


『Gran Turismo Sport』初回典藏版


『Gran Turismo Sport』初回特別版


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-28 07:09 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-2 07:26 PM
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》制作人称 本作可以支持8K输出

  今天海外媒体 Finder 的记者采访了《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的制作人山内一典。在采访的过程中,山内一典向到场的记者展示了本作中车辆的建模细节,并分享了有关本作的更多故事。

  山内一典表示《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》中的每一辆车,都要花费多达六个月的时间来进行制作。其细节已经超越了PS4 Pro的表现范围,因此,Polyphony与其说是在为本世代主机做游戏,倒不如说是在为下一代主机,比如 PS5准备游戏。他觉得《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》在 8K 分辨率下运行也没有问题。

  作为《跑车浪漫旅》系列的制作人,山内一典一直致力于在游戏中还原驾驶的真实感受,因此无论是从手感还是建模的细节上,山内一典都十分的认真,这时众所周知的。从他在采访中所透露中的消息,难道说PS5的目标是8K输出吗?而且《GT Sport》真的能够运营到PS5上市的时候吗?在《极限竞速》系列越来越优秀,制作周期也越来越稳定的今天,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》到底能够维持多久的热度呢?让我们拭目以待。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将在 2017 年 10 月 17 日正式上市,本作的简体中文版也在制作当中。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-17 11:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-17 11:40 AM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport three new trailers

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital have released three new trailers for Gran Turismo Sport.

Gran Turismo Sport is due out for PlayStation 4 on October 17 in the Americas, October 18 in Europe, and October 19 in Japan.

Watch the trailers below.

Advanced Matchmaking

The GT Sport mode is the future of online racing, proposed by the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) and Gran Turismo. The ‘Advanced Matchmaking System’ matches players with the same level of skill and sportsmanship together, and the BoP (Balance of Performance) will equalize the performance of the race machines, creating a fair and exciting motorsport in an online environment.


Racing in PlayStation VR

Gran Turismo Sport is the world’s first racing experience to be built from the ground up to bring global, online competitions sanctioned by the highest governing body of international motorsports, the FIA (Federation International Automobile). Create your legacy as you represent and compete for your home country or favorite manufacturer.


What do you race for?

Gran Turismo Sport is the world’s first racing experience to be built from the ground up to bring global, online competitions sanctioned by the highest governing body of international motorsports, the FIA (Federation International Automobile). Create your legacy as you represent and compete for your home country or favorite manufacturer.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-22 05:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-22 06:37 PM 编辑

PS4 Pro、PS4 主机《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》同捆组 10 月 17 日在台限量发售
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/151448.html

  索尼台湾互动娱乐(SIET)今(22)日宣布,将在 2017 年 10 月 17 日(二)推出 PlayStation 4 Pro(PS4 Pro)主机、PS4 主机搭配 PS4 专用游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》(中英文合版)的两款主机同捆组合,建议售价分别为新台币 14,680 元以及 10,980 元。 此外,「DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器 Gran Turismo Sport 特别版」也将于同日限量推出,建议售价新台币 1,780 元。

  本次推出 PS4 Pro(HDD 硬盘:1TB)和 PS4 专用游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》(中英文合版)的数量限定商品「PlayStation 4 Pro Gran Turismo Sport 同捆组」,与 PS4(HDD 硬盘:500GB※1)和 PS4 专用游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》(中英文合版)的数量限定商品「PlayStation 4 Gran Turismo Sport 同捆组」;而同日发售的限量商品「DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器 Gran Turismo Sport 特别版」,更特别采用极致黑和银色的双色,并在中央搭配「Gran Turismo」系列 logo 的设计。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》(中英文合版)收录了 Bugatti、Aston Martin 和 Mercedes Benz 等厂商合作开发的 Vision Gran Turismo 概念车,以及实际存在共计 150 台以上的车辆,玩家将可在世界各地 17 个地点 28 种配置的赛道上尽情驰骋。 透过全新的物理引擎和丰富的自定义机能,实现了真实的驾车体验,亦可实际在竞赛中累积经验和对手一较高下。 此外,本作导入了世界首创 FIA(国际汽车联盟)官方认证的冠军赛,将可享受到将真实的「Gran Turismo」在线对战作为赛车竞技的乐趣。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-13 06:23 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-3 10:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-4 03:48 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport four-day demo launches October 9
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将进行4天免费体验测试 存档可继承

  SIE宣布在10月9日至10月12日期间PS4新作《GT SPORT》将进行4天免费体验测试,期间获得的钱和车可以部分继承到正式版中。PS PLUS会员将可以在10月7日预下载测试客户端,非会员则需要等到10月9日才可以下载。

  除此之外 Sony Interactive Entrainment 香港于今日宣布,将在2017年10月17日发售的PS4游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》将于10月9日至10月12日,在亚洲地区推出期间限定体验版。

  《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》期间限定体验版将会有本篇作品所收录的活动模式、竞技模式、街机模式、景色模式、赛道编辑器等,供玩家体验。而在期间限定体验版内取得的游戏内点数(最高至一百万点)和车辆亦可在正式版本的游戏中沿用。

■ 期间限定体验版公开时间及详细信息

※「Gran Turismo Sport」期间限定体验版的游戏将于2017年10月9日(一)11:00至10月12日(四)11:00的期间内在PlayStation™Store开放下载。

Sony Interactive Entertainment will release a free, four-day demo of Gran Turismo Sport via the PlayStation Store from October 9 to 12, the company announced.

PlayStation Plus members will be able to pre-load the demo starting October 7 at 8:00 a.m. PT, with access to the game starting on October 9 at 12:00 a.m. PT. Everyone else can download and access the demo starting on October 9 at 6:00 p.m. PT. The demo will come to an end on October 12 at 8:00 a.m. PT.

The credit players earn in the demo (up to $1MM) and personalized garage vehicles can be transferred to the full game.

Here’s an overview of the demo, via the PlayStation Blog:

At the start of the demo, drivers will have the option to experience a taste of Sport, Campaign, or Arcade mode. New features such as the innovative Scapes Photography mode and Custom Livery Editor are also available for the very first time.

In Sport mode, drivers can prove just how fast they are by putting down their fastest lap time. At the end of each qualifying session, it’s an all-out battle with up to 24 cars against drivers with similar performance abilities ensuring each race is equal, fair, and highly competitive.

Campaign mode gives players the chance to improve their driving skills across numerous challenges, missions, and circuit experiences. Each of these modes play a key role in making every driver better prepared for racing online against others. As you complete various trial and Daily Workouts, you will be awarded with numerous vehicle unlocks, in-game currency, and Experience Points, furthering your Driver Profile and personal garage.

For those looking to just jump in and drive, the Arcade mode offers a wide range of vehicle classes on three pre-selected circuit configurations with different terrains. Whether you want to go for high-speed oval racing on Northern Isle, hone your technical skills on Dragon Trail, or drift sideways through the corners in rally, race on your own terms as you choose from multiple driving aids including braking and or steering to hone your skills. You can also race against a friend offline in the classic 2-player split screen mode.

The True HDR workflow and physics-based rendering tech of Scapes must be experienced firsthand to be truly appreciated. This is not your traditional photo mode as each photo location contains all the light energy information of that scene, enabling you to place your personalized car in hundreds of real world locations.

To round out the demo experience, the Livery Editor allows you to add your own personal touch of customization through numerous logo designs. You can also change the color of the car, wheels, mirrors, hood, spoiler, and much more.

Gran Turismo Sport is due out for PlayStation 4 on October 17 in the Americas, October 18 in Europe, and October 19 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-5 10:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-6 07:28 AM 编辑


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-13 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-16 02:48 PM 编辑

《跑车浪漫旅》释出系列诞生 20 周年纪念影片 最新作《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》17 日正式登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/153843.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)旗下 Polyphony Digital 开发,1997 年 12 月 23 日在初代 PlayStation 主机推出的真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅(Gran Turismo)》,于今(2017)年迎接诞生 20 周年纪念。 最新作 PS4《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》则预定于本周二 10 月 17 日正式推出。 官方特别配合 20 周年纪念与新作登场,释出一段系列 20 周年回顾影片,供玩家参考。

  《跑车浪漫旅》系列是由山内一典领军的 Polyphony Digital 团队制作,以重现各种真实车辆驾驶感受为主轴、被官方定义为 “真实驾车仿真器” 的竞速赛车游戏,1997 年底在 PS1 上登场之后便广受全球赛车游戏玩家乃至于一般汽车爱好者所喜爱,在真实车坛亦拥有极大影响力。 其后陆续在 PlayStation 家族主机推出 12 款系列作,截至 2017 年 3 月系列累计销售套数达 7690 万套。

的系列制作人山内一典,分享他对汽车爱好的启蒙、历经 20 年时间持续参与制作的感想,以及在每款作品背后默默贡献付出之 PD 团队成员的优异表现。 从系列初期就参与制作筹划的 SIE 环球工作室总裁吉田修平,也以一个协作统筹者的身分对此系列的功业发表自己的感想。

  即将于本周二登场的系列首款 PS4 新作《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》,将承袭《跑车浪漫旅》的真实驾驶仿真血统,并与拥有上百年竞速赛事策划经验的「国际汽车联盟(FIA)」 合作,以回归竞速运动本质为主轴。 游戏中玩家将驾驶速度最快、最受欢迎的汽车,驰骋在世界各地的知名赛道上,突破性别、年龄与地区的限制,一同参与这场由赛车领域国际权威认证的虚拟赛车运动。

  游戏中将收录 150 台从外观、内装到性能皆精心打造的汽车,根据各自的特性分为量产车的 Gr. N、不同级别改装赛车的 Gr. 4 与 Gr. 3,纯味竞赛而生的竞速原型车 Gr. 1,越野赛改装车的 Gr. B,以及各大车厂与潮流品牌与《 跑车浪漫旅》合作打造的科幻概念车 Gr. X 共 6 大类。

  在核心的「竞技模式」部分,将收录两大在线竞赛模式,包含每天举办的「每日竞赛」以及与 FIA 合作举办的「FIA Gran Turismo 冠军赛」。 玩家可以在每日竞赛中与来自世界各地的车手切磋琢磨,提升自己的驾驶技术。 在 FIA Gran Turismo 冠军赛中投身喜爱厂牌的「车厂系列赛」或是代表自己所属国家 / 地区的「国家杯」赛事,争夺欧洲、美洲与亚洲三大区的顶尖车手宝座。

  竞技模式将导入众多创新机制来确保竞赛的公正,在赛事配对部分,将使用「驾驶员评级(DR)」与「运动员精神评级(SR)」两个指针来评价玩家的技术。 DR 显示玩家的驾驶速度,SR 则表示玩家在赛事中遵守规则的程度,竞技模式会使用这些指针来公正地为玩家配对,让每个玩家都能与适合的对手愉快地进行比赛。 参赛车辆将依照前述的 6 大类别来区分,部分赛事将导入「性能平衡(BoP)」机制,自动调整最大输出马力与车重,以确保参赛车辆的公平。

  游戏特别邀请英国知名英国一级方程序赛车车手刘易斯·哈密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton),以世界顶尖专业车手的观点来体验游戏,与山内一典分享取得优异成绩的驾驶技巧与车辆调教心得。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-13 11:18 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-16 02:40 PM
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》超级同捆组登场 定价 139 万 8000 元 全球限量一组!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/153853.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)旗下 Polyphony Digital 开发的真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅(Gran Turismo)》,最新作 PS4《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》将于10 月 17 日正式推出。 今(16)日于发表会上释出《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》超级同捆组合,内容物相当丰富,当然价格也相当引人注目, 定价为新台币 139 万 8000 元,全球仅限量一组!


《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》超级同捆组合如下:
PS4 Pro
PS VR 豪华全配包
PS PLUS 12 个月会籍
Thrustmaster T-GT 高阶方向盘控制器
APIGA AP1 专业赛车座椅
2018 年式 MAZDA MX-5 跑车(魂动红)
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》游戏片


  此外,现场也展出了 2018 年式 MAZDA MX-5 跑车(魂动红)。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-18 06:50 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-21 07:24 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-3 07:39 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-9 06:39 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-23 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-23 07:52 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport details November 27 and December updates
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》公布近期更新计划 将陆续追加新车、新功能与新单人模式等内容

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/155642.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)宣布,Polyphony Digital 制作,10 月 17 日推出至今全球累积游玩时间超过 2600 万小时的 PS4 真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》将于 11 月 27 日释出 1.06 版更新,免费追加 3 台新车,部分模式开放脱机游玩,以及游戏调整与优化。


更新档 1.06(2017 年 11 月 27 日发布)

  11 月 27 日起游戏将陆续追加新车辆与新赛道,首波将免费提供以下 3 台新车。

IsoRivolta Zagato Vision Gran Turismo(Gr.X)




Audi R18(Audi Sport Team Joes)(Gr.1)




Cobra 427(N.500)




  除了新车之外,本次更新后将开放,「赛道编辑器」、「Scapes 模式」和「活动模式」脱机游玩(必须连网才能保存进度)。 同时还会进行一些游戏调整和优化让整体游戏更加平衡。

GT League(2017 年 12 月)

  12 月的免费更新将带来全新的单人游玩模式「GT League」。 该模式是以之前系列作的「GT 模式」为基础,玩家现在可以在初学者、专业车手等级的系列赛中竞争,或是参加耐力赛。

GT League 首页画面

GT League 初学者联盟

GT League 假日杯

GT League FF 挑战

GT League 俱乐部杯


GT League FR 挑战

GT League Boxer Spirit

新车辆(2017 年 12 月)

  此外,将在 2017 年 12 月的免费更新提供下述 12 台车:

Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A(FD)
Nissan Skyline GT-R V・spec II(R32)
Nissan Skyline GT-R V・spec II Nür(R34)
Ford F-150 SVT Raptor
Lamborghini Countach LP400
Ferrari F40
Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
Suzuki Swift Sport
Volkswagen Sambabus Type 2(T1)
Chris Holstrom Concepts 1967 Chevy Nova
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible(C3)

  从现在开始到 2018 年 3 月之前,《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》预计将会追加 50 台车。 而 3 月之后也会持续进行更新,此外还会加入新的赛道。 更多信息将陆续于 GT 系列官方网站公布。

Sony Interactive Entertainment has detailed some of the updates coming to Gran Turismo Sport, starting with the version 1.06 update in December.

Get the details below.

Patch 1.06 (Coming November 27th, 2017)

From November 27th we’ll begin rolling out new cars, and kicking off with these three free new cars.

In addition to the new cars, when the patch drops on November 27 you can also look forward to the Livery Editor, Scapes and Campaign modes becoming available to play offline (you will still require internet access to save your progress). There will also be various tweaks and adjustments to balance the gameplay.

GT League (Coming December 2017)

Launching as part of our free December update, we’ll be introducing a brand new single player mode called “GT League”. Based on the old “GT mode” of previous titles, players can now look forward to racing through a series of cup competitions from beginner to pro levels, and and even partake in endurance races!

Check out the screenshots below to get a sneak peek of what you can expect in December. We’ll be adding more races to these leagues in 2018.

New Cars: (Coming December 2017)

In addition, the following 12 cars will be added to the game in the free update of December 2017:

Mazda — RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD)
Nissan — Skyline GT-R V・spec II (R32)
Nissan — Skyline GT-R V・spec II Nür (R34)
Ford — F-150 SVT Raptor
Lamborghini — Countach LP400
Ferrari — F40
Ferrari — Enzo Ferrari
Suzuki — Swift Sport
Volkswagen — Samba Bus Type 2 (T1)
Chris Holstrom Concepts — 1967 Chevy Nova
Chevrolet — Corvette Stingray Convertible (C3)

From now to March 2018, a total of approximately 50 cars are already planned for addition to the game. And the updates will continue beyond March! You can of course look forward to the addition of new tracks as well, so stay tuned!

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-23 07:38 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-22 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-22 10:55 PM 编辑


Gran Turismo Sport version 1.10 update now available

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital have released the version 1.10 update for Gran Turismo Sport.

Here is a full overview of the update, via the PlayStation Blog:

GT League

GT League is a single player game mode that includes several series of races that have appeared in past GT titles, including fan favorites such as the ‘Sunday Cup’, ‘Clubman Cup’ and ‘FF Challenge’, in which you’ll be able to tune and race a wide variety of cars.

New Cars

Take to the track in 12 brand new cars, including new additions to the Ferrari and Lamborghini line-up, as well as a brand new manufacturer in KTM and the introduction of the 2013 Sema Award winner from “Chris Holstrom Concepts.”

Also dropping today, we’re excited to introduce the first of our Lewis Hamilton mentor videos, as Lewis takes to the Nürburgring GP circuit. Never before has a four-time world champion sat down and offered such detailed insight into their driving technique and philosophy.

This latest update provides two videos; a standard and extended version, both of which are packed with tips and practical advice that will help you become a better racer. Both videos provide a real insight into how Lewis races – from how he selects his racing lines and braking points, to his general racing philosophy that guides how he tackles every circuit. It was an honor to sit down with Lewis at the peak of his career and get a better understanding of what makes him tick. Nothing like this has been captured before, and I believe this will provide useful insight for GT fans and future generations of racers.

Both videos can be found in the Lewis Hamilton section of the Brand Central area. Here’s a peek:


There is still more to come for Gran Turismo Sport, as Sony notes that “there are plenty of exciting plans being finalized for 2018.”

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-26 01:23 PM

Gran Turismo Sport version 1.11 update launches January 26

Sony Interactive Entertainment will release the version 1.11 update for Gran Turismo Sport on January 26, the company announced. It adds 10 new cars, new tracks with eight different layouts, and four new GT League events.

Get the full list of changes below.

New Vehicles

Rolling into Brand Central this month are 10 unmissable new cars, including fan favorites like the Toyota Supra RZ and legendary Ferrari 330P4 and Jaguar XJ13. Plus, for the connoisseurs among you, we’ve also added the Toyota 2000GT. Check out the complete line-up:

New Tracks

Next up, the famous classic high-speed track Autodromo Nazionale Monza finally makes its debut in Gran Turismo Sport and we’ve added a total of eight challenging layouts to master, including three non-GP versions of the Autodrome Lago Maggiore – Centre, East and West.

GT League Events

Finally, following the launch of GT League with update 1.10, we know you’ve been itching for more category races in which to test your racing mettle. So this month, we’re providing just that with the addition of four exciting new events, including:

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-1 12:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-1 06:59 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport version 1.13 update now available, adds new GT Events, 12 new cars, more

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital have released the version 1.13 update for Gran Turismo Sport, which adds new events to GT League, 12 new cars, and more.

Get the full patch notes below.

Main Features Implemented

Other Improvements and Adjustments

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》释出 2 月更新 追加 12 台新车与新赛道配置
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/159595.html

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)2 月 28 日宣布,目前贩卖中的 PS4 真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》已释出 2 月更新档案。



  2 月的更新档案收录「Toyota Supra 3.0GT Turbo A ’88 」、「Toyota MR2 GT-S ’97」、「Alpine A110 Première édition ’17」及「Subaru WRX STI Isle of Man Time Attack Car ‘16」等 12 台新车,以及蓝月湾赛场的「内场区 A」、「内场区 B」的赛道配置(正向 / 逆向)。








Subaru 竞赛车


经典 Toyota 汽车

  去年 12 月追加的单人模式的「GT League」,在 2 月的更新中也追加了可让「Gran Turismo F1500T-A」参加的活动在内的 3 种新活动。 周日杯(新手联赛)、俱乐部族群杯(业余联赛)、Premium Sport Lounge(专业联赛)、Porsche Cup(耐力联赛)中亦追加了新回合。





Alpine A110 1600S ’72(N100)
Alpine A110 Première édition ’17(N300)
Audi R8 4.2 FSI R tronic ‘07(N400)
De Tomaso Pantera ’71(N300)
Dodge Challenger R/T ’70(N400)
Ford Mustang Mach 1 ’71(N300)
Gran Turismo F1500T-A(Gr.X)
Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 ’11(N700)
Subaru WRX STI Isle of Man Time Attack Car ‘16(Gr.X)
Subaru Falken Tire / Turn 14 Distribution BRZ ’17(Gr.X)
Toyota Supra 3.0GT Turbo A ’88(N300)
Toyota MR2 GT-S ’97(N200)


Alpine A110 1600S ’72(N100)


Alpine A110 Première édition ’17(N300)


Audi R8 4.2 FSI R tronic ‘07(N400)


De Tomaso Pantera ’71(N300)


Dodge Challenger R/T ’70(N400)


Ford Mustang Mach 1 ’71(N300)


Gran Turismo F1500T-A(Gr.X)


Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 ’11(N700)


Subaru WRX STI Isle of Man Time Attack Car ‘16(Gr.X)


Subaru Falken Tire / Turn 14 Distribution BRZ ’17(Gr.X)


Toyota Supra 3.0GT Turbo A ’88(N300)


Toyota MR2 GT-S ’97(N200)

蓝月湾赛场:内场区 A(逆向:内场区 A II)
蓝月湾赛场:内场区 B(逆向:内场区 B II)




蓝月湾赛场:内场区 A(逆向:内场区 A II)




蓝月湾赛场:内场区 B(逆向:内场区 B II)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-1 11:31 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 02:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-29 07:14 PM 编辑


Gran Turismo Sport version 1.15 update launches today
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》公布 3 月更新1.15 版本 VR计时赛、新赛道和新车等等

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)宣布,Polyphony Digital 制作,2017 年 10 月 17 日推出至今全球累积游玩时间超过 2600 万小时的 PS4 真实驾车仿真器《跑车浪漫旅 竞速(Gran Turismo Sport)》公布了 3 月更新1.15 版本内容,其中包含全新的筑波赛车场、13 辆新车以及全新的 VR 计时赛。


新增13辆新车,其中包含多款 Super GT 赛车

Lexus au TOM'S RC F ‘16 (Gr.2)
Nissan MOTUL AUTECH GT-R ‘16 (Gr.2)
Gran Turismo Red Bull X2014 Standard ‘14 (Gr.X)
Gran Turismo Red Bull X2014 Junior ‘14 (Gr.X)
Aston Martin DB11 '16 (N600)
BMW M3 Sport Evolution '89 (N200)
Eckerts Rod & Custom Mach Forty (N800)
Ford GT40 Mark I '66 (N400)
Lexus RC F GT3 (Emil Frey Racing) '17 (Gr.3)
Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90 (N200)
Nissan GT-R NISMO '17 (N600)
Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V・spec (R33) '97 (N300)



新增3场“GT League”活动

Nissan GT-R 杯(新手联盟)


Red Bull X-Junior 系列赛(业余联盟)

  入门级别的 Red Bull X 系列赛,也是 X2014 Jr.单一车种赛。


  Group 2 类别车款专属赛事;虽是纯正赛车,外观与驾驶感受仍宛如路驾车款


  “VR 计时争夺赛”已加入 VR 之旅模式中。现在开始,玩家可以享受 3D 视角/360度视野计时争夺赛的驾驭乐趣。

  Scapes 精选区新增“樱花”。

  MINI 与 Renault Sport的“Brand Central”新增博物馆内容。

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital will release the version 1.15 update for Gran Turismo Sport today at 7:00 p.m. PT / 10:00 p.m. ET, the companies announced. It will add 13 new cars, a new track, virtual reality trials, and more.

Here are the patch notes, via Gran-Turismo.com:

1. Thirteen new cars, including Super GT race machines, will be added.

Lexus au Tom’s RC F ‘16 (Gr.2)
Nissan Motul Autech GT-R ‘16 (Gr.2)
Honda Raybrig NSX Concept-GT ‘16 (Gr.2)
Gran Turismo Red Bull X2014 Standard ‘14 (Gr.X)
Gran Turismo Red Bull X2014 Junior ‘14 (Gr.X)
Aston Martin DB11 ’16 (N600)
BMW M3 Sport Evolution ’89 (N200)
Eckerts Rod & Custom Mach Forty (N800)
Ford GT40 Mark I ’66 (N400)
Lexus RC F GT3 (Emil Frey Racing) ’17 (Gr.3)
Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) ’90 (N200)
Nissan GT-R Nismo ’17 (N600)
Nissan Skyline GT-R V・spec (R33) ’97 (N300)

2. Tsukuba Circuit, a popular technical race track, will be added.

Located in Shimotsuma City in the Ibaraki prefecture, Tsukuba Circuit is one of the closest race facilities to Tokyo and has long been popular as a testing center for manufacturers and magazine. The track is fairly compact, stretching a mere 2,045m, but the layout is exceptionally challenging, mixing a variety of long sweepers with tight corners. Since it opened in 1970, Tsukuba has hosted many big events such as the All-Japan Touring Car Championships and has become a benchmark for rating the performance of automobiles by the media.

3. The following three events will be added to “GT League:”

Nissan GT-R Cup (Beginner League) – This one-make race features the GT-R, Nissan’s menacing high-performance sports coupe.
Red Bull X-Junior Series (Amateur League) – This one-make race is an entry-level event with the Red Bull X Series, X2014 Jr.
All-Japan GT Car Championships (Professional League) – This Group 2 category event includes pure-bred race machines based on road-going production cars.

4. More additional features will be added.

“VR Time Trial” has been added to the VR Tour Mode. You can now enjoy Time Trials in a 3D view/360-degree environment.
“Cherry Blossoms” has been added to the “Featured” section of Scapes.
Museums have been added to the Mini and Renault Sport “Brand Central” section.

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-4 11:24 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-11 10:52 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-1 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-2 11:40 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-4 10:37 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-15 11:16 PM
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947786.jhtml

  SIE 今天宣布,备受全球玩家喜爱的《GT赛车》台译:《跑车浪漫旅》系列截止到2018年5月5日全球累积销量已达8040万套。系列首部作品于1997年推出,迄今为止共发售了13款作品,其中 PS4 最新作《GT赛车 Sport》刚刚在去年10月正式推出。



  最后,《GT赛车 Sport》还将与国际汽车联合会合作,共同举办 2018 FIA Gran Turismo 锦标赛。选手们将参加一系列比赛,来角逐出此次锦标赛的最终赢家。更多细节,会在即将到来的“线上赛季”公布。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-30 04:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-30 08:24 PM 编辑


Gran Turismo Sport version 1.19 update launches today
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》1.19更新更新档案公布 新模式新车辆新赛道

  Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited(SIEH)本日宣布将发布PlayStation®4 (PS4™)热销游戏《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的1.19更新档案。本次更新包含了众多Sport模式的新增功能、9台新车、1条新赛道和各种GT League的新活动。


  同时亦追加了9台新车,当中包含了传奇的Group C车辆、2台Renault的热门车种、2台复古的意大利车以及新/旧款的日本跑车。

  位于法国西部小镇,世界三大赛事之一的利曼24小时耐力赛的比赛场地,萨森赛车场是这次的新赛道。此外,GT League的单人游玩模式中亦新增了3个新活动;而Scapes、Brand Central 和环道赛体验也都推出了新内容。


・Fiat 500F’68

・Jaguar XJR-9’88

・Lamborghini Miura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706’67

・Sauber Mercedes C9’89

・Mitsubishi LANCER Evolution IV GSR’96

・Nissan R92CP’92

・Renault Sport Megane Trophy’11

・Renault Sport Clio R.S. 220 EDC Trophy’16

・Subaru BRZ S’15



■新增GT League 活动




而Clio杯赛(新手联盟)、FR挑战+ (业余联盟)、F1500冠军赛(专业联盟)和Gr.1 产品耐力系列赛(耐力赛联盟)亦有新回合。

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital will release the version 1.19 update for Gran Turismo Sport today, the companies announced. It will add nine new cars, the Circuit de la Sarthe stage, and more.

Here are the patch notes, via Gran-Turismo.com:

1. A ‘Sport Mode Registration Details’ screen will be added.

A player’s Registration Details page will be added to the ‘Sport’ mode. Those who enter their locale information will be able to see their local ranking in the Championship Rankings screen.

2. The following 3 events will be added to the ‘GT League’:

Group 4 Cup (Beginner League) – You’ll find plenty of power and excellent handling in these Group 4 races.
World Hatchback Championship (Amateur League) – A race for hatchbacks; cars with an upward opening hatch in the rear.
Lamborghini Cup (Professional League) – A festival of raging bulls. A race event just for Lamborghini.
In addition, new Rounds have been added to the following events: Clio Cup (Beginner League), FR Challenge+ (Amateur League), F1500 Championship (Professional League) and Gr.1 Prototype Endurance Series (Endurance League).

3. 9 new cars, including legendary Group C machines, will be added.

Fiat 500 F ’68 (N100)
Jaguar XJR-9 ’88 (Gr.1)
Lamborghini Miura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706 ’67 (N400)
Sauber Mercedes C9 ’89 (Gr.1)
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR ’96 (N300)
Nissan R92CP ’92 (Gr.1)
Renault Sport Mégane Trophy ’11 (Gr.4)
Renault Sport Clio R.S. 220 EDC Trophy ’16 (N200)
Subaru BRZ S ’15 (N200)

4. Circuit de la Sarthe, the stage of the famed 24-Hour race, will be added.

‘Circuit de la Sarthe’ (With Chicane / No Chicane)

Total Length: 13,629m Elevation Change: 37.3m Number of Turns: 38 Longest Straight: 1,679m (With Chicane)

This is a circuit located in the City of Le Mans in Western France. It is famous as the host circuit for what is considered one of the 3 greatest races in the world, the Le Mans 24-Hour Race. Since its opening in 1923, the circuit has been the stage for many famous battles throughout the years. It also happens to be one of the highest paced tracks in the world, truly putting the aerodynamics of racing machines to the test. In addition to the modern layout including a chicane with a total length of 13.6km, the old chicaneless layout is also included. Experience the battle of aerodynamic performance on the original 5.7km straight.

5. More additional features will be added.

Scapes – Additional Scapes spot will be added to the special featured ‘Le Mans’ section.
Brand Central – “Fiat” will be added to Europe > Italy; Additional Scapes spots will be added to Porsche.
Circuit Experience – Dragon Trail – Gardens has been added to the ‘Circuit Experience’.

There will be various other features, improvements and fixes implemented in this update. Please enjoy the continuing evolution of Gran Turismo Sport.

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-18 10:54 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-30 04:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-30 05:07 PM 编辑

Gran Turismo Sport version 1.23 update launches today
《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》七月升级上线 增加经典赛车和新赛道

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/3412220145.html

  索尼互动娱乐近日放出了《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》的 7 月升级预告片 。此次升级新增了一条全新赛道,同时加入7辆经典赛车,对人物定制系统行了升级。



  同时此次更新还增加了了7辆经典赛车,包括1991年产的马自达787B、1968年产的法拉利250GTO CN.3729 GT、福特GT LM Spec II Test Car、2002年产的大发Copen Active Top、2015年产的本田S660、1991年产的本田Beat、2017年产的梅赛德斯-AMG F! W08 EQ Power+。

  本次升级预计于 7 月 30 日上线。



Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital will release the version 1.23 update for Gran Turismo Sport today, the companies announced.

The version 1.23 update will add the new Sainte-Croix Circuit with its geometric shapes, decal feature expansion for helmets and racing gear, the addition of a driver avatar photo feature in Scapes, and eight new machines including the Mercedes F1 and the Mazda 787B.

Here are the full patch notes, via Gran-Turismo.com:

1. Eight new models, including the Mercedes F1 and Mazda 787B, will join the GT lineup.

• Mercedes AMG F1 W08 EQ Power+ 2017 (Gr.X)
• Mazda 787B ’91 (Gr.1)
• Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car (Gr.3)
• Ferrari 250 GTO CN.3729GT ’62 (Gr.X)
• Honda S660 ’15 (N100)
• Honda Beat ’91 (N100)
• Daihatsu Copen Active Top ’02 (N100)

2. Take on a scenic new race track, the “Circuit de Sainte-Croix,” that boasts six geometric layouts.

Circuit de Sainte-Croix (A/B/C): Circuit de Sainte-Croix, Layout A: Total Length, 9,477m; Elevation Change, 44m; Number of corners, 19; Longest Straight, 915m. This original track, based on the one near Sainte-Croix Lake, located in Provence, Southern France, stretches for 10km. You can choose from three different configurations here, which are labeled A, B and C. The track features geometric-shaped corners, from 90-degree benders to radial turns. You can also run each layout in reverse.

3. A new option allows you to purchase cars from the PlayStation Store.

Cars that cost less than 2,000,000 in-game Cr. can now be purchased directly through the PS Store, in addition to your standard in-game purchases.

4. You will now be able to apply decals to Racing Suits and Helmets.

Until now, players were only able to change the color of their Racing Suits and Helmets, but they will soon be able to apply decals to them.

5. The following three events will be added to the “GT League:”

• Lightweight K Cup (Beginner League): This is a race for compact cars available only in Japan, powered by 660-cc displacement engines.
• Nostalgic Car Festival (Amateur League): Bask in the beautiful design and sensuous sounds of famed cars from a bygone era.
• Mercedes AMG Grand Prix (Professional League): This one-make event features the F1 W08 EQ Power+, which led Lewis Hamilton to his series victory in 2017.

Also, new Rounds have been added to the following events: F150 Raptor Survival (Beginner League), 4WD Challenge (Amateur League), Vision Gran Turismo Trophy+ (Professional League) and Porsche Cup (Endurance League).

6. Look for even more additional features.

Scapes: Players will now be able to place drivers in various backgrounds in the “Scenes Containing People” collection, which is new section in Spots. Additional Scapes spots have been added to the “Tokyo Outer Ring Road, Chiba” collection.
Circuit Experience: Circuit de la Sarthe has been added to the “Circuit Experience.”
There will be various other features, improvements and fixes implemented in this update. Please enjoy the continuing evolution of Gran Turismo Sport.

Gran Turismo Sport is available now for PlayStation 4.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-29 07:25 PM
「夏之竞速」PS4《Gran Turismo Sport》8月更新:

本月收录8款新车以「在赛车史上留名的老牌赛车」及「既实用又动感十足的意大利小钢炮」为主题;新赛道为奥地利「Red Bull 赛道」—— 挑战由紧迫锐角弯道和长全开区段连结而成之高速赛道!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-26 05:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-26 07:01 PM 编辑

《跑车浪漫旅 竞速》今日更新 追加新赛道「富士高速」及9台新车
转载 - 官方网站(https://www.gran-turismo.com/tw/news/00_1032998.html

  SIE今日公布PS4《GT Sport》将在今日发布9月更新档案,追加新赛道「富士高速赛道」、9台新车、Sport模式的新机能和「GT League」的全新活动。

  本月新追加的赛道是位于灵峰富士山山麓,日本首屈一指的高速赛道「富士高速赛道」。自从1961年启用以来,举办过无数的大型活动,成为许多知名决胜场面的舞台。除了多数赛事所使用的「富士高速赛道 - F」,更收录了撷取后半部份捷径的「富士高速赛道 - GT」的配置。


  此外,在单人游玩模式的「GT League」追加了3个活动,而「Sport模式」则追加了可浏览过去冠军赛排名的档案,「Scapes」、「环道赛体验」也有新增要素。


・Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 carrozzata da ZAGATO CN.AR750106 '65
・BMW M3 GT (BMW Motorsport) '11
・Mazda RX500 '70
lymouth XNR Ghia Roadster '60
・Honda NSX Type R '92
・Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX TwinTurbo 2 seater (Z32) '89
orsche 911 GT3 (996) ’01
orsche 911 GT3 (997) '08
・Dodge Viper SRT10 Coupe '06


GT League 新增活动
・Group 1 盃赛(专业联盟)

  请持续关注Gran Turismo官方网站取得更多Gran Turismo Sport和线上更新的最新资讯。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-5 06:20 PM

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