标题: 【PS4/Xbox One】The Evil Within 2 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-22 06:57 PM
标题: 【PS4/Xbox One】The Evil Within 2
三上真司将公布新作《恶灵附身 2(The Evil Within 2)》

  “生化之父”三上真司目前带领的工作室Tango Gameworks旗下新作将会在不久后的未来公佈,外界目前猜测最有可能的答案之一还是前作《恶灵附身 》的续作计划。此外之前关闭了一段时间的Tango官网也重新开启,正在招募开发人才。



2、该游戏属于“Survival action”,生存动作类型,具体细节还不清楚。

3、游戏预计会在《毁灭战士 4》发售期间公佈。

  作为生化之父,三上真司在离开CAPCOM后成立了白金工作室,2010年又自己独立组建了新的Tango Gameworks工作室,在获得Bethesda的支持后,在2014年完成了恐怖游戏《恶灵附身 》,虽然有著各种争议,但以一款全新恐怖之作来说,表现已经算是出色,游戏也留下了不少续作的可能性,如果新作确实是《恶灵附身  2》也不会让大家感到意外。

官方网站再次启动更新新面貌 - http://www.tangogameworks.com/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-12 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-12 07:00 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
前往深渊面对最深沉的恐惧! 《邪灵入侵 2》预定今年 10 月问世

  恐怖生存游戏《邪灵入侵》系列最新作《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》今日稍早于 Bethesda E3 展前发表会首度公开,同时官方也正式确认游戏将在 10 月 13 日周五在 PS4 / Xbox One 与 PC 平台推出。

  玩家在《邪灵入侵 2》中将再次扮演警探赛巴斯汀,深入充满梦魇的黑暗世界设法救回他的女儿。 如同初代一般,本作继承了厚重到让人喘不过气的压迫感,扭曲且充斥着恶意的场景将挑战主角与玩家的意志力,唯有不断地克服眼前挑战才有机会获得救赎。

  《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》预计在今年 10 月的 13 号星期五正式于全球发行。


Bethesda Softworks and Tango Gameworks announced The Evil Within 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during the Bethesdsa Softworks E3 2017 press conference. It will launch on October 13.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bethesda:


From mastermind Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within 2 takes the acclaimed franchise to a new level with its unique blend of psychological thrills and true survival horror.

You are Detective Sebastian Castellanos and at your lowest point. But when given a chance to save your daughter, you must enter a world filled with nightmares and discover the dark origins of a once-idyllic town to bring her back. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around you. Will you face adversity head on with weapons and traps, or sneak through the shadows to survive?


Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost everything, including his daughter, Lily. To save her, he is forced to partner with Mobius, the shadowy organization responsible for the destruction of Sebastian’s former life. Sebastian must descend into one of their terrible creations, the disturbing world of Union. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner, and he must rely on his wits to survive. For his last chance at redemption, the only way out is in.

Key Features

Story of Redemption – Sebastian must descend into the nightmare to win back his life and family.

Discover Horrifying Domains – Explore as far or quickly as you dare through a world where nothing is quite what it seems, though be sure to prepare wisely.

Choose How to Survive – Attack from the shadows with the crossbow, run like hell, or go in guns blazing with very limited ammo.

Face Disturbing Enemies – Survive encounters with sadistic enemies and meet characters who may lead – or mislead – you on your path to redemption.

Visceral Horror and Suspense – Enter a twisted world filled with anxiety-inducing thrills and disturbing horrors around every corner.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 06:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-14 10:54 AM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 story and gameplay trailers

Following last night’s announcement, new story and gameplay trailers of The Evil Within 2 has surfaced by way of the game’s Amazon product page.

The Evil Within 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 13.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-16 07:08 PM
《邪灵入侵 2》《德军总部 2:新巨像》确认推出繁体中文版

  游戏厂商 Bethesda 今日举办 E3 2017 展前记者会,官方正式公布了《邪灵入侵 2》、《德军总部 2:新巨像》等一系列作品。在发布会之后,台湾媒体采访了Bethesda 相关业务在亚洲方面的负责人 Harvey Chen,他确认包括《德军总部 2:新巨像》、《邪灵入侵 2》、《耻辱:界外魔之死》在内的未来 Bethesda 出品的游戏,都会增加对中文的支持。

  有趣的是《邪灵入侵 2》的制作人三上真司特地强调,由于初代的中文化是与 SIEJA 中文化中心合作,所以只有 PS4 和 PS3 两个版本包含中文。而第2 代的中文化工作已经移交给了Bethesda 自己,因此他要求全平台的作品都要有中文化,让所有以中文为母语的玩家都能充分体验游戏的内容。

  Harvey 还透露,目前 Bethesda 游戏的中文化都是由美国本公司孚则 ,不过因为不同游戏之间的风格有很大的差异,因此在美国初步中文化之后,他这边还会协助进行更加细致的调整,另语言习惯更加符合不同地区玩家的特点。

  最后他还透露目前 Bethesda 正着手进行一项专门针对大中华区的游戏专案,虽然在这次的E3 展前发布会上并没有进行公布,但在年内会寻找合适的时机为大家进行展示,让我们共同期待吧。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-19 10:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 07:28 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 'Survive' Gameplay Trailer
《邪灵入侵 2》释出「生存」游戏预告片 逃离正在崩解的 STEM 世界

  Bethesda 发行,由恐怖游戏之父三上真司,以及 Tango Gameworks 的鬼才团队结合心理惊悚和生死关头的恐惧,合力推出的最新作《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》,已经释出最新的游戏预告片「生存」。

  赛巴斯汀必须跟时间赛跑,一边力求生存,一边找出女儿莉莉,带她逃离正在崩解的 STEM 世界。 搜救途中,过去的鬼魂和内心的不安全感不断侵扰赛巴斯汀,所幸他从未放弃希望。 赛巴斯汀决意深入全新的 STEM 世界,全力解决面前的阻碍,救回莉莉。


  预购《邪灵入侵 2》即可获得「最后机会包」(The Last Chance Pack)。 下列道具将帮助玩家保命,在梦魇般的合乐镇撑得更久,击退恐怖的敌人,救回女儿莉莉。 最后机会包内含:

  点放手枪(Burst Handgun):最后机会包的限定武器,可装填找到或制造的手枪子弹。
制造补给品(Crafting Supplies):带着这些补给品潜入合乐镇,用来升级常用武器,制造额外弹药,或是设置陷阱伤害敌人。
医疗用品(Medical Supplies):你必须先保住自己的性命,才有可能救出莉莉。 这些医疗用品可以派上用场,助你更深入这个混乱的世界。

  《邪灵入侵 2》将于 10 月 13 日黑色星期五登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。


The Evil Within 2 – “Survive” Gameplay Trailer

That’s the mantra running through Sebastian Castellanos’ mind. Plagued by memories of the daughter he couldn’t save and a mystery he could never solve, he begins to lose himself in his past mistakes. Sebastian lives out his nightmares every day, unable to pull himself from his downward spiral. Until an old friend-turned-traitor reenters his life with an offer: Return to the nightmare and save your daughter. The Evil Within 2 gives a broken man the chance to make things right and find the peace he so deserves, but he’ll have to go through hell first.

It’s a race against time for Sebastian as he fights to survive and find Lily before she’s lost forever in a crumbling STEM world. As he searches, he is haunted by the ghosts of his past and his own insecurities, but he never loses hope. Determined to save Lily, Sebastian will travel to the depths of this new STEM world and face off against anything it throws at him.

Of course, how he goes about his mission is completely up to you. In The Evil Within 2, you are free to explore as much or as little as you choose, and upgrade your weapons and yourself accordingly. Do you prefer a stealthy approach, complete with setting traps and sneaking around threats in your path? Or would you rather go in guns blazing and take down anything that dares to stand between you and Lily? Or, perhaps, you’ll mix and match gameplay styles to suit your mood.

Provided you can scrounge up the resources, you can play the game however you see fit. As you explore the world, you’ll be able to follow side quests, track down supply caches for those much-needed resources, and uncover clues that could help you solve the mystery of Mobius and STEM.

The Evil Within 2 will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC this October on Friday the 13th.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-3 11:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-4 06:21 PM 编辑

《邪灵入侵 2》升级系统扩展 主角风格多样可自定义

  《邪灵入侵 2》制作团队现在的目标之一就是扩展游戏风格和玩家选择,他们希望让游戏变得更加多样化,允许玩家自定义主角的风格和发展路线。



  玩家也可以在《邪灵入侵 2》中解锁强大的主动技能,比如每次射击都会暂时增强伤害等。这些强大的主动技能将花费大量的绿色凝胶,玩家必须理智地思考,权衡它们与升级被动技能之间的重要性。就武器而言,玩家也可以自行调整射击武器的火力、弹药容量、装弹时间和射速。

  另外,玩家还可以在《邪灵入侵 2》中制作特殊弹药,这意味着玩家要进行资源收集,弹药在游戏中是十分稀缺的,所以制作弹药成为了非常重要的一环。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-11 07:04 PM
IGN《邪恶入侵 2》三上真司专访 游戏其实到处都有他个人的影子

  今年 E3 公布的“三上真司负责的《邪恶入侵2》”让很多恐怖游戏粉丝以及三上粉丝为之兴奋,不过也因为后来的更正称新人来负责开发工作让不少玩家感到担忧。对于这部作品三上真司和新作的掌舵人John Johanas接受了IGN的采访,三上坦诚有才能的新人让自己看到了更多希望,而在游戏的设计和故事上其实都有自己的影子。而对于老东家的《生化危机》系列新作,他也提出了表扬。

  可以说对于《邪恶入侵 2》,一定没有人比这两位亲力亲为的制作人更为了解。游戏将在10月13日正式发售,关于它就来看看这段访谈吧!

问:什么时候开始制作《邪恶入侵 2》的呢?大致的时间计划能透露一下嘛?
三上:是在2015年3月开始制作《邪恶入侵 2》的,游戏的制作时间计划和其他的项目大体都是一样的,所以从中期到后期的制作工作十分紧张。

问:为什么决定让John Johanas来担任游戏的导演,而不是让自己来负责呢?
三上:我希望Tango Gameworks是一个能给予年轻和有天赋的创作人机会的地方。John非常有天分,即使不是《邪恶入侵 2》也会有其他机会找上他。


问:自《邪恶入侵》后,恐怖游戏类型发生了一些改变,现在像《逃生》和《异形:隔离》也成为了一种恐怖游戏的标准,不能杀死坏人,而是只能逃跑和躲藏已经成为一种趋势。这些要素在《邪恶入侵 》和DLC中都有体现,那么《邪恶入侵 2》中会否还会有这样的要素。

John Johanas:我认为这种纯粹的恐怖游玩体验非常吸引,我也非常喜欢这样的表现方式,但是任何事情都不能过度。所以坚持原始的恐怖也是不错的选择,有的时候逃跑和躲藏的确比战斗可能更有乐趣,但对于《邪恶入侵2》的大部分内容,如果玩家准备的正确,那么就可以应对这些敌人。


John Johanas:我们需要一个能让塞巴斯蒂安去挑战全世界的理由,以此来回到Stem系统里。考虑到他在上一作的经历,相信他一定并不想回到那里,所以只有家人能够让他冒着极其危险的环境来再次进行挑战。


John Johanas:《邪恶入侵2》并非是一款开放世界的游戏,但是有些地方的地图会非常大,同时玩家也会在这里面临许多的选择。这同时也是我们目前制作的最大的地图规模,这样做的目的也是让玩家在推进故事前能够通过探索来做足自己的准备。

John Johanas:开始的时候我们并没有收获到这方面很好的评价,所以这一次会以标准普通的比例来进行。

John Johanas:这一设定是《邪恶入侵》系列中的重要部分,因此同样会在新作中出现,但这一次的变化会变得更加和谐一些,这一次在变化发生的时间和方式上也会更有逻辑一些。

John Johanas:这一次玩家会来到更多不同的地点,每一个地点都有其独特的艺术感,我们也努力在游戏中加入更多精神上恐惧的东西,而非单单是血腥的场景。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-16 10:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-17 06:46 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 ‘The Twisted, Deadly Photographer’ trailer
《邪灵入侵 2》释出只眼艺术家「斯特凡诺」介绍影片

  Bethesda 发行,由恐怖游戏之父三上真司,以及 Tango Gameworks 的鬼才团队结合心理惊悚和生死关头的恐惧,合力推出的最新作《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》,在今(17)日释出最新的游戏预告影片。

  《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》游戏中,玩家不只要面对无数的凶恶怪物,还要面对进入到 STEM 世界的人类 “怪物”。 其中一名就是拥有无限想象力的残酷艺术家「斯特凡诺(Stefano)」。

  新的影片介绍了这名「斯特凡诺(Stefano)」的身世。 他过去是一名战场摄影记者,在那个时期他失去了其中一只眼睛。 遭到疯狂吞噬的他,开启了新的 “眼界”,他认为人命遭到掠夺的瞬间,是人最开放最美丽的一个时刻。 获得了新的意义从战场回归的斯特凡诺,已经如坐针毡,无法只坐着痴等着完美的瞬间的到来。 他决定主动出击,寻找猎物断气的美丽时刻,圆满他对艺术的执着。

  《邪灵入侵 2》将于 10 月 13 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。

Bethesda Softworks and Tango Gameworks have released a new trailer for The Evil Within 2 dubbed “The Twisted, Deadly Photographer.”

Here’s an overview of the trailer, via Bethesda Softworks:

Not only will Sebastian have to contend with the myriad horrific creatures waiting for him in The Evil Within 2, he’ll also have to deal with the human “monsters” who have made their way into the new STEM world.

Wretched creatures like Stefano Valentini, an artist with dark proclivities and unbounded imagination. You’ll see examples of his work scattered throughout Union – from grisly photographs of his victims, to the “moment of death” tableaus he creates, capturing the last seconds of a person’s life in a tangible, looping scene.

The Evil Within 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 13.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-3 01:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-3 04:32 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 'Gruesome, Giggling Guardian' Gameplay
《邪灵入侵 2》最新官方试玩

  Bethesdsa 于今日早些时候发布了一个标题为“Gruesome, Giggling Guardian”的试玩视频。这个视频长达五分钟,可以看到视频伊始显示是位于游戏的第二章,在视频中主角会遭遇到一个造型怪异的BOSS,被称为守护者。


  《邪灵入侵 2》将在 10 月 13 日 PlayStation 4,Xbox One以及PC平台。


The Evil Within 2 – First Encounter with Guardian

A breathless chase down a hallway. Echoing laughter and the whirring of a sawblade dogging your steps. If you’re brave enough to look behind you, you’ll see the maelstrom of body parts that make up the monstrous creature known as Guardian. Aside from a handful of brief glimpses in trailers, the recent hands-on demo for The Evil Within 2 was our first real up-close-and-personal encounter with Guardian, and those headed to PAX West will be next in line to meet her. Check out the full encounter from early in the game in this video.

Are you ready to face off against Guardian and the many other horrors waiting for you in The Evil Within 2? This chase is just a snippet of what players have experienced in the hands-on demo. You can see our exploration of one of the game’s haunting locations here and check out some press impressions below.

• IGN - The Evil Within 2 Feels Familiar, but That’s a Good Thing

• Rely on Horror - The Evil Within 2 Shocks And Awes In More Ways Than One

• Game Informer - Hands-On With The Evil Within 2 – Bigger Scares, Bigger World

• Engadget - 'The Evil Within 2' is better because it spaces out the scares

The Evil Within 2 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on Friday the 13th this October. As Sebastian Castellanos, you’ll have to dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 11:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-13 06:34 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 'Race Against Time' Gameplay Trailer
《邪灵入侵 2》释出「与时间赛跑」游戏预告片 面对超乎想象的恐惧

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/152465.html

  Bethesda 发行,由恐怖游戏之父三上真司,以及 Tango Gameworks 团队结合心理惊悚和生死关头的恐惧,合力推出的最新作《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》,在今(13)日释出最新的游戏预告影片。

在《邪灵入侵 2》里,时间会跟你作对

  玩家将化身为赛巴斯汀 ‧ 卡斯特拉诺,面对超乎想象的恐惧,在 STEM 的梦魇世界里寻找你的女儿,赶在整个系统崩毁之前,安全带她离开。 除了在街上徘徊的可怕生物之外,你还必须与史蒂芬诺与西奥多等变态角色斗法。 他们在 STEM 世界里头打造出了可怕的家园,并将这扭曲的世界塑造成他们想要的模样。 要是整个世界遭到抹灭,赛巴斯汀与莉莉就永远不可能逃出生天。

  《邪灵入侵 2》将于 2017 年 10 月 13 日星期五,于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台上全球同步推出。


The Evil Within 2 – “Race Against Time” Gameplay Trailer

Time is not on your side in The Evil Within 2. As Sebastian Castellanos, you will face unimaginable terrors as you fight to find your daughter within the nightmare of STEM and get her out safely before the entire system crumbles around you. On top of the hideous creatures that roam the streets, you’ll also have to contend with the likes of Stefano and Theodore – twisted individuals who have made their horrific homes inside of STEM and are warping the weakened world to suit their wills. Should the world be completely destroyed, there won’t be any escape for Sebastian or Lily. But Sebastian isn’t completely alone; several Mobius agents have also made their way into STEM and may be willing to offer some help. See the ruined world and a few of these agents in the latest trailer.

The Evil Within 2 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on Friday the 13th this October. As Sebastian Castellanos, you’ll have to dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-22 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-23 03:54 PM 编辑

《邪灵入侵 2》游戏变得更加开放

  GameSpot 近日采访到了《邪灵入侵 2》的制作人三上真司和 John Johanas,探讨了关于新作的相关问题。


  另外针对短期开发所面临的最大困难是什么,三上真司表示《邪灵入侵》是一部线性故事剧情的游戏作品,而这一次的《邪灵入侵 2》》会比前作显得更为开放些,这对于恐怖游戏来说无疑也是一种挑战。Johanas表示游戏的开放度其实是最难把握的东西,制作组可以无限延展游戏的开放性,但是必须要做到一个合适的度,针对恐怖要素和开放内容的融合他们在开发过程中其实进行了无数尝试。


  发售日期方面,《邪灵入侵 2》将于10月13日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。


三上真司希望《邪灵入侵 2》能够登陆Switch平台

  作为三上真司 Tango Gameworks 的新游戏作品《邪灵入侵 2》将在 10 月 13 日正式发售,游戏将登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台,不过也有不少玩家希望本作能够登陆Switch平台,对此三上真司表示他也非常希望看到《邪灵入侵 2》登陆任天堂的新游戏平台。

  三上真司认为Switch版本的《邪灵入侵 2》应该会很有意思,如果有机会的话他还是非常希望能够制作这一版本。

  不过目前Bethesda丝滑还没有将本作带上Switch的打算,已确定登陆 Switch 的Bethesda游戏分别为《上古卷轴V:天际》、《毁灭战士》和新作《德军总部 2:新巨像》。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-27 11:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-28 02:28 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 ‘Wrathful, Righteous Priest’ trailer
《邪灵入侵 2》新角色“愤怒的正义牧师”宣传片公开

  Bethesda 和 Tango Gameworks 今天公开了一段新的《邪灵入侵 2》的游戏宣传片,介绍了游戏中的神秘人物 Theodore。

  在官方的介绍中,Theodore 是所有《邪灵入侵 2》人物中最神秘的一个,他的过去也充满了谜团,因此玩家需要在游戏中解开他所隐藏的秘密。莫比乌斯希望得到Stem来控制大众,而Theodore认为这样的做法是不正确的。Theodore认为自己比莫比乌斯更有资格获得Stem,并希望使用Stem来扩大自己的影响力。


  《邪灵入侵 2》将于10月13日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。


The Evil Within 2 – Theodore and Harbinger

Father Theodore has been kept under wraps since the announce of The Evil Within 2. He has made appearances here and there (most notably in the latest gameplay trailer), but the man has remained an enigma up until now. Along with Stefano, Theodore is one of the main antagonists in The Evil Within 2, and he’s finally ready to reveal his message to the masses – a message that promises a “righteous” fury and immolation to those who oppose him. Sebastian will need to survive the wrath of this master manipulator if he is going to have any hope of finding Lily and escaping the nightmare of STEM.

Of all the characters in The Evil Within 2, Theodore is perhaps the most shrouded in mystery. Any detail about his past pushes into HUGE SPOILER territory. In other words, you’ll have to play the game in order to unlock the secrets he hides.

“Theodore is the kind of person who always hides his true face,” says Game Director John Johanas. “He’s showcased as a religious figure, but he’s very much a manipulator in the way he speaks to you and tries to get you on his side. He portrays himself as someone who is friendly and trying to help you, but you can see clearly in his demeanor and the way he creates this world of his that there is obviously something very dark beneath the surface.”

All-Seeing, All-Knowing

“He’s certainly charismatic,” adds writer Trent Haaga. “He uses the same sorts of techniques as a lot of cult leaders. It’s called neuro-linguistic programming. It’s the way in which you speak to somebody and the words you choose and the way you seem to be benevolent. You make them feel like you’re trying to help them, when in reality you’re just serving your own purposes. This is the very essence of what Theodore does.”

And it’s the very essence of how he seeks to exert his own control over not just the citizens of Union, but also Sebastian.

“If Stefano has the ability to stop time with his camera in STEM, Theodore’s ability is that he can see through you,” explains Johanas. “He can see what you’re hiding and what your weaknesses are and he can use all of that against you. That’s the spider’s web he traps Sebastian in. He makes all these grand promises, but he only serves his own purposes.”

Theodore has his own reasons for being in STEM that are separate from Mobius’ goals, which he sees as misguided. Though what he’s actually after only becomes apparent as Sebastian becomes more entangled in his world.

In His Name

Like Stefano, Theodore isn’t alone in STEM, although unlike Stefano – who commands the gruesome and terrifying Guardian and Obscura – Theodore’s main helpers aren’t creatures he created. Referred to as Harbingers, they are normal people whose minds Theodore has bent to his will. These Harbingers wield flamethrowers and seem to exist solely to carry out Theodore’s fiery will, burning any who would stand in the way of his pursuits.

“The Harbingers are people who do Theodore’s bidding,” Johanas tells us. “Theodore doesn’t act on his own, as Stefano does. He’s a manipulator, so he gets people to join him, and those people become zealots whose mission is to protect the world that Theodore is trying to create.”

“If Theodore is the puppet master,” Haaga continues, “the Harbingers are his most powerful puppets.”

The Evil Within 2 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on Friday the 13th this October.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-12 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-12 04:50 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 Launch Trailer
《邪灵入侵 2》公布限制级上市宣传影片 唯有更进一步方能寻得出路

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/153686.html

  Tango Gameworks 开发,Bethesda 即将于本周五 10 月 13 日推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 生存恐怖游戏《邪灵入侵 2(The Evil Within 2)》,日前释出上市宣传影片供玩家欣赏。

  《邪灵入侵 2》是《恶灵古堡》系列之父三上真司领军打造之原创生存惊悚游戏《邪灵入侵》的续篇新作,以能让人类意识进入虚拟异度空间的心灵装置「 STEM」为故事核心,叙述退休警探赛巴斯汀再度进入这个由人类意识构成的超现实世界中,拯救原本以为已经死去的女儿莉莉。


  《邪灵入侵 2》预定这个周五 10 月 13 日发售,Xbox One,PS4,PC平台,同时也有繁体中文版。


The Evil Within 2 | Launch Trailer Released

To celebrate the upcoming launch of The Evil Within 2 this Friday the 13th, we’ve just released the official launch trailer.

In The Evil Within 2, Sebastian Castellanos must once again confront unspeakable horrors within the nightmare born from the infamous STEM. This time, however, Sebastian’s mission is personal: He’s searching for his daughter Lily, who he thought he had lost many years ago, and it’s now a race against time as the world crumbles around him. Sebastian must rescue Lily before everything falls apart and they are both lost in STEM.

But it’s not just the grotesque creatures that freely wander the streets of Union that Sebastian must face in his hunt to find Lily… STEM is a world that can be bent and broken to the will of a few particularly deranged individuals. And the real horror may be the human monsters trapped inside, with the twisted photographer Stefano and the ‘righteous’ priest Theodore both intent on warping the weakened system to their will.

Are you ready to return to the nightmare? Will you find Lily before Stefano and Theodore tear the world apart? Check out Bethesda.net for even more details and insights from the team at Tango Gameworks, and remember, the only way out…is in.

Dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter. The Evil Within 2 will launch worldwide Friday 13th October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. For more information about the game, visit TheEvilWithin.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-17 04:33 PM
Bethesda 宣布推出《邪灵入侵 2》PS4 Pro补丁

  不久前 Bethesda 和 Tango Gameworks 确认将会为 Xbox One X 推出《邪灵入侵 2》的补丁,后来却没有公开 PS4 Pro 的相关补丁。今日官方终于确认将推出 PS4 Pro 的补丁,目前开发组正在进行补丁的制作。

  Bethesda 在论坛上公开了这一消息,确认 PS4 Pro 的补丁和 Xbox One X 的补丁正在一起制作中,至于进一步的消息,Bethesda 表示会在未来不断跟进公开。

  《邪灵入侵 2》现已于10 月 13 日正式发售,对应平台为 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC,本次游戏相较前作在画面上有了不错的提升。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-9 07:52 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-15 06:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-17 02:12 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 2 Gets First-Person Mode, Now Available for All
《邪灵入侵 2》将更新加入“第一人称模式”公开

  Bethesda 和 Tango Gameworks 前天公开了一段新的《邪灵入侵 2》的游戏模式宣传片,在这之前官方在PC版《恶灵附身2》里隐藏了一个第一人称模式,不过需要通过控制台调出来,你可以游戏当成FPS打通,更能凸显恐怖的气氛,来看看下面公布的官方演示。对于一款恐怖游戏而言,仅仅是视角上的变动也能促成极大的感官差异,《绝命精神病院》系列和《生化危机 7》就通过第一人称营造了紧张且压抑的氛围。

  我们尚且不知道为何Tango Gameworks在游戏中遗留了这个模式,暂且当之为一个彩蛋吧,你可以在游戏控制台中输入:pl_FPS 1来启动第一人称模式,不过如今游戏官方推出补丁,正式在选项里加入了FPS模式,新补丁还让游戏可以把原生的2240 x 1260的分辨率渲染到3840 x 2160以发挥4K显示器的效果。

  开发团队可能也考虑到了这一点,Tango Gameworks的制作人Shinsaku Ohara表示:


  《邪灵入侵 2》现已在去年 10月13日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。


The Evil Within 2 – First-Person Mode Now Available

Right after The Evil Within 2 launched, inquisitive fans discovered something: a first-person mode that was limited to a specific part of the game’s story could be (with some finagling) extended to other areas of the game. The community began c[禁止售卖商品]ing for this feature to be officially extended to the rest of the game, and the development team at Tango Gameworks has listened. The entirety of The Evil Within 2 can now be played in first-person on PS4, Xbox One and PC in a free update.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out The Evil Within 2 and want to try it out before you buy it, you can download the Free Trial and play through the opening chapters of the game. All save data will carry over if you choose to upgrade to the full game. The new first-person mode is also available to try out in the Free Trial. As an added bonus, should you decide you want the full game, you can take advantage of the digital sale and get the game for 50% off. The sale kicks off today and will run through February 19 on Steam and February 20 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

If you already have The Evil Within 2, changing to first-person is as simple as flipping a switch in the menu. You’ll be able to change this at any point, so you can experience the game however you like.

For more on the new mode, we spoke to Producer Shinsaku Ohara about the process and challenges of bringing a first-person perspective to a third-person game.

What made you decide to get this feature working for the whole game?

We experimented a bit with first-person in the full game, but it was more of an afterthought and a little bit of playing around on our side, since we designed the game in third-person.

Some savvy users figured out a way to activate this mode outside of its intended area, and the reaction to it was pretty positive, so we said, “What the heck. Let’s put it in as a bonus for all platforms.” A lot of players like playing horror games in first-person, so for those who want to see some of the game’s situations through Sebastian’s eyes, it’s a really neat experience.

What kind of development work goes into implementing an entirely new POV into a finished game? Did you run into any unique challenges?

The Evil Within 2 wasn’t designed as a first-person game, so obviously it was pretty difficult. We like to think of it as a “high-level hack” so we don’t want people to compare this with DOOM or anything like that. There were some scenes that just didn’t work, so it jumps back and forth a bit to third-person. But we made sure the game’s an enjoyable experience and hopefully people will enjoy playing in this mode.

Do you have a favorite moment to experience in first-person?

I think exploring Union in first-person makes the scale feel even bigger than it does when you’re in third-person. Also, being able to see our environments and enemies up close allows players to get an even better look at how much effort went into their designs.

The Evil Within 2 is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC and has received high praise from critics. As Sebastian Castellanos, you’ll have to dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter.


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