标题: 【PSV】Caligula -カリギュラ- [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-25 06:42 PM
标题: 【PSV】Caligula -カリギュラ-
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-26 07:16 PM 编辑

FuRyu's new RPG for PS Vita 'Caligula' Teaser Trailer
PS Vita 版 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》发表,预告影片释出



  FURYU(フリュー)宣布,将于 2016 年 6 月 23 日推出 PS Vita 版校园 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》(Caligula -カリギュラ-),实体版售价 7,538 日币,下载版 6,900 日币,官方并公布最新游戏情报及预告影片。


  本作标题中的 Caligula 以「越不能看的东西就越想看、越得不到的东西就越想获得」的「卡里古拉效应」(カリギュラ効果)为名,以虚拟现实世界「Mobius」(メビウス)为舞台,描述 9 名男女试图返回现实世界的过程。 制作团队成员包括监督山中拓也、编剧里见直及角色设计おぐち等人。


■创造 Mobius 的「μ」(ミュウ/声:上田丽奈)
由人类创造出来的唱歌软件,能唱出多种组合人声,将主角们从痛苦的现实中救出,也是一手打造 Mobius 的幕后黑手。



  被关在 Mobius 的主角们成为所有人类理想中的高中生,在这个虚拟现实世界中度过 3 年幸福的校园生活,也渐渐遗忘曾让他们感到痛苦的现实世界。 但之后慢慢有人注意到这里并非真的现实世界,于是基于各种返回现实的个人理由而组成了「回家社」(帰宅部),开始找寻回到现实的方法,但其中成员也有人宁愿向 Mobius 求救也不想回到现实,似乎有难言之隐。




  另外,游戏中还将出现一群与主角们对立,负责提供乐曲给虚拟偶像 μ 使用的「执拗反复」(オスティナート)作曲者,将意图脱离 Mobius,扰乱秩序的回家社视为背叛者,欲除之而后快。官方网站公式 - http://www.cs.furyu.jp/caligula/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-5 06:51 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-7 06:37 PM 编辑

PS Vita 版 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》公布首波宣传影片

  FURYU(フリュー)预定于 2016 年 6 月 23 日推出,实体版售价 7,538 日币,下载版 6,900 日币的 PS Vita 版校园 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》(Caligula -カリギュラ-),日前公布首波宣传影片,除了收录事件场景及战斗场景之外,与主角对立的「执拗反复」(オスティナート)乐手们的视觉图也首度曝光。

  本作标题中的 Caligula 以「越不能看的东西就越想看、越得不到的东西就越想获得」的「卡里古拉效应」(カリギュラ効果)为名,以虚拟现实世界「Mobius」(メビウス)为舞台,描述 9 名男女试图返回现实世界的过程。

(1)《卡里古拉》完整专辑 CD

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-8 07:20 PM
《卡里古拉》对抗强敌的新技能 虚构连锁系统

  《卡里古拉(Caligula -カリギュラ-)》是furyu在近期公开的PSV平台RPG,本作是一款以现代病理、心理创伤为焦点的校园式RPG,卡里古拉意味着“越是看不见的东西就越想看见,越是不能得到的东西就越想得到”的“卡里古拉效应”。本作中9名男女将在假象的异世界“Mobius”冒险,以归还到现实世界为目的。本次杂志会详细介绍独创的战斗系统“虚构连锁”以及与玩家所对立的BOSS级角色,执拗反复的乐师——“sweetP”。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-10 07:21 PM

  《卡里古拉》是Furyu的谜之完全新作RPG《Caligula -カリギュラ-》,登陆PSV平台,本作以现代病理与创伤为焦点,以假想现实世界“梅比乌斯”为舞台,9位少男少女为了回归现实世界而引发了一连串故事。负责本作的包括山中拓也、里见直(《女神异闻录》、《女神异闻录2罪/罚》脚本)、おぐち。









交流 被囚禁在“莫比乌斯”的学生们








  与敌人对抗之力“净化音效(Katharsis effect)”随着游戏的进行,μ的疯狂追随者“Digihead”阻挡在了主人公一行人的面前。与疯狂追随者对抗之力“净化音效”是一种将主人公一行人表皮穿透显现在外的一种兵器。此兵器会随着人不同而外观也不同,看起来并不仅仅是武器,到底还有什么其他的玄机在内呢。


Sweet P(声优:新田惠海)

“我是Sweet P,贵安♪”

  Sweet P是本次公开的新角色,也是阻挡在主人公一行人面前的第二个BOSS级角色,身为一名乐曲师,她的造型打扮类似一个青春少女,身边带着一个类似宠物的家伙,在莫比乌斯中拥有非常高的人气。另外从她的外观就能看出来她所创造的乐曲全部以少女风为主,所以在女性粉丝中也拥有非常高的人气。


战斗系统 将技能连接的系统——“虚构连锁”


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-14 07:14 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-14 06:43 PM
全新学园青少年小说 RPG 《Caligula》6 月 23 日发售 设法逃离虚拟理想世界归还现实

  FuRyu 于近日(2015 年 2 月 25 日)公布,PlayStation Vita 专用游戏软件《Caligula (Caligula - カリギュラ -)》将于 6 月 23 日发售。 价格分别为实体版 6980 日圆(未税),下载版则为 6389 日圆(未税)。


  本作品是,目标从以萌生自我意志的虚拟偶像「μ(ミュウ)」(声优:上田丽奈)所创造出的理想世界「梅比乌斯(メビウス)」中返回现实的原创学园青少年小说 RPG。


  外,也公布了收录主题曲及 μ 所演唱歌曲的专辑 CD 及能于游戏内使用的「泳装」下载序号等四种预约特典,有兴趣的玩家不妨从下面的报导中进行确认。

次世代学园青少年小说 RPG、开始启动!
PlayStation Vita《Caligula》将预定于 6 月 23 日(四)发售!


FuRyu 于近日(2015 年 2 月 25 日)公布,PlayStation Vita 游戏软件《Caligula》目前正朝向预定于 6 月 23 日(四)发售,而持续制作中的情报。

本作品以具有 “越不能看就越想看,越不能做的事就越想做” 这种意义的「Caligula 效果」来作为标题,是款原创的青少年小说 RPG。

萌生自我意志的虚拟偶像「μ」,为了拯救人们而创造出能过着理想学校生活的虚拟世界「梅比乌斯」。 但抱持着难以受到理解的各种现实烦恼的主角们,却对这个「梅比乌斯」里的理想生活逐渐地产生疑问,而组成了以各自的意志,决心要返回 “现实” 的 “回家社”。 尝试着要归还现实世界之中。

透过绝对般的偶像(アイドル),将直接鲜明地投射出登场角色内心的阴暗处。 是否要踏入那个不应踏入的领域,全都取决于玩家。

剧本为里见直、角色设计由备受瞩目的おぐち、音效方面除了増子津可灿之外,还请到了以网络领域为中心活跃着的 9 位著名音乐作曲家。 是由这群风格独特的制作团队,为玩家们送上了这款次世代学园青少年小说 RPG。




[主题曲] idolatry - アイドラトリィ -
「团体名」RePLiCA(米蕾(声优:中村绘里子))x 史依多 P(声优:新田惠海)x 颂恩(声优:大坪由佳))



(1)《Caligula》完整专辑 CD

收录了从经手本作品歌曲的 9 位作曲家所制作的原创歌曲,至附有 μ 歌声为止的共九首歌曲外,再加上为了本作品所特别组成的特别团体 RePLiCA 所演唱的主题曲『idolatry - アイドラトリィ -』合计总共十首曲子的完整专辑。










作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-14 06:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-16 07:06 PM 编辑

《Caligula》公布战斗系统「幻想连锁」详情以及新角色「SWEET P」等最新情报

  FuRyu 于近日(2016 年 3 月 11 日)公布,将于 6 月 23 日 发售的 PlayStation Vita 专用游戏软件《Caligula (Caligula - カリギュラ -)》的最新情报。

  本作品是,目标从以萌生自我意志的虚拟偶像「μ(ミュウ)」所创造出的理想世界「梅比乌斯(メビウス)」中返回现实的原创学园青年小说 RPG。

  这次将介绍利用称之为幻想力的力量,来进行连续攻击的系统「幻想连锁(イマジナリーチェイン)」的详细情报。 幻想连锁是,在战斗时选择指令使伙伴的行动变为可视化,如此一来就能事先确认该如何进行战斗的系统。 由于能够在事先判读敌我双方行动的同时再加以实行,不论是谁都能够创造出简单且华丽的连续攻击。

  此外也公布了,在梅比乌斯里持续生活的 500 位学生们的存在,以及众多的主要角色们所隶属、通称「回家社(帰宅部)」的成员才具有的超常能力「净化特效(カタルシスエフェクト)」,与回家社敌对的顽固低音(オスティナート)的乐士「SWEET P(スイート P)」(声优:新田惠海)等情报,也请玩家们尽速确认。



PlayStation Vita《Caligula》

由 FuRyu 所制作的 PlayStation Vita 游戏软件《Caligula》,于即日( 3 月 11 日)起于官方网站内,公布角色情报、战斗系统等,多项游戏情报。


在战斗时藉由指令来选择伙伴的行动,使 “幻想” 变为可视化,能够事先确认该采取什么样的行动。 选择成员的行动后将依序更新“幻想”,由于能够在事先判读敌我双方行动的同时再加以实行,不论是谁都能够简单地创造出华丽的连续攻击,是具有全新感受的战斗系统。

【1】让伙伴的其中一人施展出具有击飞属性的攻击。 能够确认敌人被击飞至空中后陷入无防备的状态。


【2】接着对毫无防备的敌人,选择朝向空中进行的攻击。 在 “幻想” 之中,能确认敌人是否被攻击命中。


【3】更进一步,选择让第三位成员施展朝向空中的追击。 “幻想” 也将随着更新,被攻击连续击中的敌人将会就这样毫无防备地被击落。


【4】最后,第四位成员对倒地的目标,进行最后一击。 在 “幻想” 内如确认 4 个人的攻击相互链接后就可以移至实行阶段。





500 位以上具有个性的学生们

在持续过着理想般学校生活的乌托邦世界 “梅比乌斯” 里有着 500 位以上的学生登场,并各自抱持着想法生活着。 全部的学生都存在着固定的名字及个人资料,虽然各自抱持着在现实中受到的创伤及烦恼,但这些都在梅比乌斯里被遗忘了。 他们之间的关联,或许将会是离开这个梅比乌斯的线索也说不定...




交流的结果,也将根据对方的反应而产生变化。 他们各自享受着在梅比乌斯的生活。


如拉近与对方的距离,将会开起对方的个人资料。 在 500 位以上的学生内不存在着任一件相同的数据。













净化特效是呈现出异常巨大手枪的形状。 两手的手腕铐着沉重的手铐。

战斗风格是中 ~ 远距离的攻击手。










公布与回家社敌对的顽固低音的乐士之一「SWEET P」!



作曲家:OSTER project


以长睫毛所凸显出的眼睛为其特征。 创作出与本人的外表相同带有少女情怀、粉彩、童话般等少女系嗜好的歌曲,是在一部分的女性层里具有疯狂般人气而自豪的乐士。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-23 06:34 PM
PS Vita 版《卡里古拉》官网公布 10 名主要角色语音试听

  FURYU(フリュー)预定于 2016 年 6 月 23 日推出,实体版售价 7,538 日币,下载版 6,900 日币的 PS Vita 版校园 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》(Caligula -カリギュラ-),官网于日前公布登场人物的语音试听,包括除了主角以外的 10 名角色每名均可试听 2 种台词。 另外,还可听到佐竹笙悟(CV:武内骏辅)与筱原美笛(CV:高桥李依)「净化特效(カタルシスエフェクト)」(只有回家部成员才拥有的特异功能)发动中的声音。

  本作标题中的 Caligula 以「越不能看的东西就越想看、越得不到的东西就越想获得」的「卡里古拉效应」(カリギュラ効果)为名,以虚拟现实世界「Mobius」(メビウス)为舞台,描述 9 名男女试图返回现实世界的过程。

官方网站 - http://www.cs.furyu.jp/caligula/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-24 07:13 PM

  Furyu推出的PSV平台完全新作RPG《卡里古拉(Caligula -カリギュラ-)》本周杂志公开新情报,这次介绍了伙伴的战斗型,以及作为敌人的乐师们相关内容。游戏预定于2016年6月23日发售。


















作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-29 07:13 PM


  FuRyu 于近(25)日,公开预定在 6 月 23 日发售的 PlayStation Vita 专用软件《Caligula》最新情报。




○ 在作战同时必须活用技能改变未来!

在作战时,可能会因为敌人的行动,或是当时战况,而碰上连续技没办法稳定维持的场面。 在碰上这种场面时,可以藉由变更发动连续技的角色,或是选择能应对情况的技能等等,对应不同情况来改写「幻想」,让连续技可以稳定维持下去。


看到鼓太郎想要把敌人打上空中! 这种影像后,发现因为对手施展格挡,而没办法打上空中!


主角和铃奈因为选择施展可以命中空中敌人的技能,所以无法施展连续技,接受美奈选择能命中倒地中对手的技能也打不中。 完全失败。


于是主角就变更为拥有破坏格挡属性的攻击。 这时再次确认影像,就看到未来被改变了...?


先由主角破坏敌人的格挡! 之后的攻击全部都能连接起来... 于是时间继续流动


施展出完全不停顿的连续技,在一回合内歼灭敌人! 就算碰上棘手的敌人,只要利用幻想视觉,就能够顺利获胜!

○ 歌曲对于学生们的侵食

在梅比乌斯当中生活的学生,都设有名为「侵食率」的数值。 这个是显示学生到底多依赖梅比乌斯,而失去自我的程度。


在乐士所支配的迷宫当中,会播放μ的乐曲,提高学生们的侵食度。 侵食率过高的学生就会化为敌人,碰上他们就会开始战斗


侵食率提升的原因有很多。 在播放μ的乐曲,或是附近发生战斗...... 他们是会因为在梅比乌斯中,承受的各种压力而产生变化,十分脆弱的存在。


还可能会发生刚才还能和你正常交谈的学生,受到 μ 的乐曲侵食,化为敌人发动攻击的情况。

■ 公开全新角色

○ 新公开的两名角色净化特效



净化特效(カタルシスエフェクト)是装备在双手上的手甲。 让原本就已经不小的体形,看起来更巨大,外形就像在突显自己拥有的力量一样。 战斗风格是近距离攻击手兼坦克。 拥有许多可以突破战局的直接攻击方式,并且会靠自己坚韧的肉体来保护回家社成员。



净化特效的外形看似弓箭。 虽然看起来也像是美丽的天使双翼,但却是禁止任何人靠近的坚牢障壁。 战斗风格是远距离全能型。 不用在意自己的位置,可以完全集中在攻击上,而且还能够辅助队友的可靠存在。



○ 首次公开两名顽固低音(オスティナート)乐手「米蕾」和「帅 P」



作曲家:蝶蝶 P

以梅比乌斯内的水上乐园(マリンリゾート)为根据地,让许多男人服侍自己,过着自由生活的『女王』型人物。 音乐才能也非常丰富,而且外形美丽,所以有许多忠实乐迷。 对于拿下第一有着足以称为异常的执着,就连对在梅比乌斯内,可以说是神一般的偶像 μ,都抱持强烈的对抗心理。



帅 P(イケ P)



和主角一行人就读同一所高中的二年级生。 是维弦的同班同学,打扮很有乐园风格。 对于自己的外貌十分有自信,是个完完全全的自恋狂,随时保持最帅气的表情。 最大目标就是要获得乐迷的赞赏,为了确认自己有多受欢迎,所以持续投注心力在演唱活动上。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-19 07:27 PM
PS Vita 版《卡里古拉》公布豪华预购特典情报

  FURYU(フリュー)预定于 2016 年 6 月 23 日推出,实体版售价 7,538 日币,下载版 6,900 日币的 PS Vita 版校园 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》(Caligula -カリギュラ-),官网于日前公布「豪华 4 大预购特典」详细内容。

(1)《卡里古拉》完整专辑 CD
收录了 9 名本作作曲家创作配上 μ(CV:上田丽奈)歌声的原创乐曲共 9 首,以及由 RePLiCA(ミレイ(CV:中村绘里子)×スイートP(CV:新田恵海)×ソーン(CV:大坪由佳)演唱的主题歌共 10 首乐曲。


收录含角色设计おぐち作品在内的多幅游戏插画及 μ 的角色设定数据等丰富内容。








作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-20 06:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-20 07:58 PM 编辑


  Furyu推出的PSV平台完全新作RPG《卡里古拉(Caligula -カリギュラ-)》公开了第二弹PV宣传影像,介绍了剧情、登场角色、战斗系统等内容。本作是一款以现代病理、心理创伤为焦点的校园式RPG,9名男女将在假象的异世界“Mobius”冒险,目的为归还到现实世界。游戏预定于6月23日发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-5 06:31 PM
PSV 新作 RPG《Caligula》公布峯泽维弦、守田鸣子等五位新角色情报

  FuRyu 于前日更新 PlayStation Vita 专用游戏软件《Caligula (Caligula - カリギュラ -)》的官方网站,并公布了回家社(帰宅部)成员的净化特效(カタルシスエフェクト),新乐士,以及掌握故事关键的角色。 此外也提供试听语音供玩家欣赏。

公布回家社成员 “峯泽维弦” 与“守田鸣子”的 “净化效果” 印象插画!

峯泽维弦 声优:梅原裕一郎




战斗风格是近距离的攻击手。 虽然不擅长防御,但特别强化了连击的性能,在具备了所需的条件后,就会连续发动如怒涛般的乱舞攻击。



守田鸣子 声优:小泽亚李



最为显著的是将爱用的背包变质化,制造出能随心所欲地移动的 2 具 BIT。





还公布了另一位虚拟偶像 “亚里亚(アリア)”

亚里亚 声优:下田麻美


是与 μ 于同时期制造出来的虚拟偶像。 由于在梅比乌斯(メビウス)内 μ 的力量过于强大之故,而无法保持原有的姿态而变为可爱小人般的模样。

为了阻止创造出梅比乌斯,变得奇怪的 μ ,而选上想要回到现实的主角们,并赋予他们战斗所需的力量。

相对于天真浪漫,惹人怜爱的 μ,她有着开朗活泼容易亲近的个性。





少年多尔(少年ドール) 声优:花守由美里


以梅比乌斯内的巨大图书馆为住处,完全隔绝与外界之接触的少年。 时常盖着可挡住眼部的斗篷,而无法窥探到其表情。





影刃(シャドウナイフ) 声优:内田雄马


在梅比乌斯内诛杀背叛者的正义英雄。 能自由运用操纵影子与小刀的能力来制裁邪恶。 在乐士之中由于具有特化战斗的能力,也担任着 μ 的护卫一职。






(1)《Caligula》完整专辑 CD

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-13 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-13 06:57 PM 编辑

Caligula 'Imaginary Chain' Battle System Gameplay ~ PS Vita

  Furyu推出的PSV平台完全新作RPG《卡里古拉(Caligula -カリギュラ-)》官方公开新实机试玩影像,主要演示了本作独特的战斗系统“虚构连锁”。



Imaginary Chain

“Imaginary Chain” is a system used during battle that lets you see how your selected commands will play out beforehand by visualizing a “fantasy.” The “fantasy” will update for each member action you select, so while first pre-reading the actions of both allies and enemies, you can then put them into effect. It’s a system where anyone can easily put together a string of fancy combos.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-16 06:38 PM

  索尼商店宣布将推出RPG游戏《卡里古拉》联动款限定PSV刻印主机,分Catharsis Flower ver. / μ ver. / Extreme ver. / Corolla ver.全4种类,预定于6月23日与游戏同天发售,售价每款20980日元(未含税),套装中还包含特别活动参加应募券、3种PSV用原创主题与特别包装盒。http://www.cs.furyu.jp/caligula/special/special.php

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-20 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-20 07:11 PM 编辑

Caligula 'Students of Mobius' Battle System Gameplay ~ PS Vita

  Furyu推出的PSV平台完全新作RPG《卡里古拉(Caligula -カリギュラ-)》官方公开新实机试玩影像,这次主要介绍了与NPC间的交流。游戏预定于2016年6月23日发售。



Caligula ~ Students of Mobius

The students living in Mobius have a parameter known as their “erosion rate,” which shows how dependent they are on Mobius and how far they’ve lost themselves. The music of μ, the creator of Mobius, increases this parameter. Students whose erosion rates have increased turn into enemies, and a battle will ensue if they discover you.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-29 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-16 06:34 PM
《卡里古拉》公布收录 10 首乐曲的试听影片

  FURYU(フリュー)预定于 2016 年 6 月 23 日推出,实体版售价 7,538 日币,下载版 6,900 日币的 PS Vita 版校园 RPG 新作《卡里古拉》(Caligula -カリギュラ-),日前公布收录了游戏[词语过滤-#0048] 10 首歌曲的试听影片,以淡入淡出的效果呈现歌曲精华所在,包括由豪华班底打造而成的主题歌「idolatry-アイドラトリィ-」以及由 9 名活跃在动画界的作曲者专为本作所创作的 9 首乐曲等。 另外,收录像片[词语过滤-#0048] 10 首完整乐曲的专辑 CD 也将成为预购特典之一,其他特典还包括视觉书、游戏内使用回家部全体成员泳装下载码,以及将在游戏上市后举办的特别活动兑换券等丰富好礼。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-16 07:40 PM

  FuRyu 于日前公开同公司预定在 6 月 23 日发售的 PlayStation Vita 专用 RPG《Caligula》,新支持角色以及「烙印(スティグマ)」系统等情报。


  而烙卬则是用来强化主角一行人的系统,简单来说就是指「装备」。 烙印是把人类内心「残留思念(心残り)」结晶化的产物,在梅比乌斯内各处都可取得。 可以区分为理论武装(攻击性的精神)、思想基础(防卫性的精神)和心灵创伤(其他种类的精神)三种不同类型,总数似乎超过一百种。 回家社的社员,就要透过组合这些精神来作战。

  另外还公开了可以用作为预约特典之一,附在游戏里的应募券,申请入场的特别活动中,将会有泽城千春和苍井翔太参与演出。 对玩家来说是大好消息。

PlayStation Vita 专用软件


■ 从各个方面支持主角一行人的资优生「水口茉莉绘」登场!

◆ 水口茉莉绘 配音:浏上舞


就读于梅比乌斯内学园的二年级生。 是主角的同班同学。



■ 从乐士转而成为回家社伙伴的「响键介」净化特效版造形也一并公开!

◆ 响键介 配音:苍井翔太


眼镜是其注册商标的现代少年。 说话尖酸刻薄,个性有点差。

以及出现在腰间的羽翼。 羽翼是人类本来不会拥有的器官。



■ 公开扮演各种不同装备品的「烙印」系统情报!

在《Caligula》游戏当中,是由称为「烙印」的系统,取代一般 RPG 里的装备品。 烙印是把人类内心「残留思念」结晶化的产物,在梅比乌斯内各处都可取得。 可以区分成以下三种不同类型:

‧ 理论武装(攻击性的精神)
‧ 思想基础(防卫性的精神)
‧ 心灵创伤(其他种类的精神)



每一个烙印都是使用代表人类精神状态的用语。 回家社社员要透过组合精神来作战





烙印就算是名字一样,能力也各有不同,有各自设定好的【稀有度】。 因为能力值和附加在上面的技能也都不同,如果能捡到够强悍的烙印,就能大幅提升战斗时的优势。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-23 06:47 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-10 03:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-10 04:09 PM 编辑

The Caligula Effect series ‘Two Big News Reveals Presentation’ set for November 17



FuRyu will host a live stream on November 17 at 19:30 JST where it will share two big news reveals regarding its The Caligula Effect series. It will be available for viewing on YouTube and Niconico.

The Caligula Effect first launched for PS Vita in Japan on June 6, 2017, followed by North America and Europe in May 2017. It has since been developed into various goods, including a novelization and character song CD.

The “Two Big News Reveals Presentation” will feature voice talents Reina Ueda, Chiharu Sawashiro, Ari Ozawa, Soma Saito, and Asami Shimoda, as well as The Caligula Effect producer Takuya Yamanaka and more.

Further information was not announced.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-18 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-21 07:36 AM 编辑

FuRyu Announces The Caligula Effect: Overdose for PS4
PS Vita 学园 RPG《Caligula》将于 2018 年推出 PS4 完整重制版本及电视动画

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/155482.html

  FuRyu 于近(17)日举办了「《Caligula(Caligula - カリギュラ -)》2 大新情报发表会」,并公布电视动画版《Caligula》将于 2018 年 4 月开始播放,而 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《 Caligula Overdose(カリギュラ オーバードーズ)》则将于 5 月 17 日发售。

  2016 年发售的《Caligula》,是以「越不能看就越想看,越不能做的事就越想做」的「Caligula 效应」为题材,于 PlayStation Vita 推出的学园青年小说 RPG。

  本次发表会中公布的《Caligula Overdose》是将 PS Vita 版,追加新角色、故事、结局等要素,更加入众多改良点移植至 PS4 上的游戏。

  根据制作人山中拓也表示,因应移植至 PS4 将针对演出、视觉表现、处理等层面全面强化,并追加禁断乐士路线、新回家社社员、乐士、乐曲等新要素,让人越发期待本作的推出。


  另外 2018 年 4 月开播的电视动画《Caligula - カリギュラ -》,则是以动画版主角式岛律(声优:泽城千春)为主轴来展开故事。

FuRyu 旗下家用游戏首度动画化
同时公布 PlayStation 4《Caligula Overdose》、电视动画《Caligula》

FuRyu 于近日公布,目前正着手开发中的《Caligula》系列最新作,PlayStation 4 专用游戏《Caligula Overdose》将于 2018 年 5 月 17 日发售。


PlayStation 4《Caligula Overdose》商品情报

《Caligula》的标题源自「Caligula 效应」,代表着「越不能看就越想看,越不能做的事就越想做」,是一款于 2016 年 6 月在 PS Vita 平台发售的异色学园青年小说 RPG。

如今这款《Caligula》被赋予 OVERDOSE 之名,不仅追加新角色、故事、结局,也加入了许多针对前作内容的改良点,正如其标题所示是一款 “强化过度” 的作品。 不仅为了前作粉丝,也为未曾接触过前作的玩家送上超出重制范畴的份量与完成度。


• 剧本:里见直
• 角色设计:Oguchi(おぐち)
• 游戏音效:増子津可灿
• 游戏内乐曲:40mP、OSTER project、Polyphonic Branch、蝶々P、亚沙、164、YM 、cosMo@暴走 P、みきと P、DECO*27、ピノキオピー


• 《Caligula Overdose》特制专辑 CD
• 特制小册子
• 能于游戏内使用的「便服」下载序号
• 特别活动参加应募卷
预定演出成员:上田丽奈、泽城千春、武内骏辅、田中美海、新田惠海、斋藤壮马、大坪由佳 等

※ 数量有限。 可能未经告知就更改商品内容、规格。

• 游戏名称:《Caligula Overdose》
• 支持平台:PlayStation 4
• 发售日期:2018 年 5 月 17 日(四)
• 游戏类型:RPG
• 价格:实体版 7980 日圆(未税)/下载版 7980 日圆(未税)
• 游玩人数:1 人
• 日本 CERO 分级:预定审查


「破坏理想(你),返回现实(地狱)――。 」

PlayStation Vita 专用软件,以杀死偶像 X 现代病理为主题的次世代学园青年小说 RPG《Caligula》决定电视动画化! 预定自 2018 年 4 月开始播放!


电视动画《Caligula》自 2018 年 4 月开始播放

式岛 律:泽城 千春
μ:上田 丽奈
佐竹 笙悟:武内 骏辅
峯泽 维弦:梅原 裕一郎
巴 鼓太郎:细谷 佳正
响 键介:苍井 翔太
柏叶 琴乃:村川 梨衣
守田 鸣子:小泽 亚李
筱原 美笛:高桥 李依
神乐 铃奈:田中 美海
水口 茉莉绘:渕上 舞
亚里亚:下田 麻美
SWEET P:新田 惠海
米蕾:中村 绘里子
帅 P:斋藤 壮马
影刃:内田 雄马
颂:大坪 由佳


FuRyu has announced The Caligula Effect: Overdose, an Unreal Engine 4-based remake of The Caligula Effect for PlayStation 4. It will launch on May 17, 2018 in Japan for 7,980 yen.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose features drastically upgraded direction, visuals, and processing, a “Forbidden Musician Route” that doubles the scenario, multiple endings, new Go-Home Club members, new musicians, and new songs.

Here’s the full overview:

The Caligula Effect Reborn on PlayStation 4 and Unreal Engine 4

The UI has been completely remade, usability has improved, and the game can be enjoyed more comfortably.

Scenario Volume Doubled: Forbidden Musician Route Added and Multiple Endings

Break into the secrets of the musicians with the Forbidden Musician Route. What is the price of betrayal…?

A Female Protagonist Added

The development of the story and the reaction of the people around you will change depending on your gender. The female protagonist is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.

Two New Go-Home Club Members Added

Ayana Amamoto (voiced by Maria Naganawa) and Eijin Biwasaka (voiced by Kenji Akabane).

Two New Musicians Added

Kusanashi (character of and composed by Pinokopii, voiced by ???) and Stork (character of and composed by DECO*27, voiced by ???).


Pre-orders will include the following four bonuses:

• The Caligula Effect: Overdose Special Album CD – A special album with 10 newly added songs in addition to the theme song.
• Special Booklet – A booklet featuring interviews with the composers, a short story, and more.
• “Plain Clothes” Costume DLC – A download code to obtain the plain clothes for all Go-Home Club members. (There are no plans to sell this as paid downloadable content.)
• Special Event Participation Application Ticket – An application ticket to participate in a special event that will be held after the game releases. Reina Ueda, Chiharu Sawashiro, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Mirei Tanaka, Emi Nitta, Soma Saito, Yuka Otsubo, and more are planned to appear.


The Caligula Effect anime announced

An anime based on the PS Vita game The Caligula Effect will air in April 2018, FuRyu announced.

The anime will feature the same cast members from the video game.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-21 06:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-23 05:04 PM 编辑

The Caligula Effect: Overdose staff discuss remake in Weekly Famitsu

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with The Caligula Effect: Overdose producer Takuya Yamanaka, scenario writer Tadashi Satomi, and character designer Oguchi on the newly announced remake.

Get the tidbits below.

• The previous game was largely a success. However, we regretted not being able to put some things into the game.
• So rather than make a sequel, we decided to remake the previous game.
• We tossed the user interface of the previous game entirely, and are remaking it with white and gold as our base colors.
• We’re not just limited to the user interface, we’re revising everything that we’re concerned about.
• Since it was my first title that dealt with modern pathology, I wasn’t sure how far I to go, so I held back, but since a lot of people embraced it, I will try to go further this time.
• Since we’re adding new characters, we’re reorganizing the story from the beginning. Since Overdose doesn’t simply add to the scenario of the previous game, it’s being rewritten from the beginning.
• Depending on the gender of the protagonist, the reactions of your peers and the content of your dialogue options will change.
• If you choose to play as a girl, there will be places you can go where a male protagonist can’t go.
• We’ll be recording the new characters’ lines from here on, but it seems like we’ll be putting Kenji Akabane (Eijin’s voice actor) through his paces.
• I had so much fun writing the Musician Route that it ended up about twice as long as the Go-Home Club scenario from the previous game.
• The Musician Route will have a mechanism related to a certain system from the previous game. You can enjoy it with the sense of reading a mystery. There will also be surprising new mechanisms.
• You can play the Musician Route on your first playthrough, in which you can form a party with the musicians.
• The protagonist becomes an ally of the musicians, so that means nto only additional characters, but also new songs…
• The TV anime starting in April 2018 will be one cour. The anime will also have new songs.
• We’re trying to get people excited in order to make this into a series. We’re making it again with the feeling of the series’ first entry.
• Development is currently 70 percent complete.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17, 2018 in Japan.

《Caligula Overdose》新要素与新角色详细介绍 大幅进化

  Furyu不久前举办发表会正式公布了PS4版的《卡里古拉 过量》,而本周的电击PS杂志配合着PS4版的新画面详细介绍了这款作品的特色。

  《卡里古拉 过量》是根据PSV版《卡里古拉》经过大幅度修改的重制作品,目前预定在2018年5月17日发售。游戏以含有过剩摄取药物含义的“OVERDOSE”为副标题,展现了游戏在重制时添加的内容之多。












  执拗反复的乐士是为了维持梅比乌斯为谬提供乐曲的作曲者集团。为他们提供乐曲的都是现实中著名的VOCALOID P主们。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-23 07:28 AM
Historia developing The Caligula Effect: Overdose

Historia, a Japanese studio that specializes in Unreal Engine 4 development, is developing the newly announced The Caligula Effect: Overdose for FuRyu, the publisher revealed on Twitter.

The developer’s credits include system work for level designs in the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, the full development of Airtone for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, and a multitude of other mobile and virtual reality content.

Here’s a piece of development staff fan art Historia shared on Twitter:

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17, 2018 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-20 02:52 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose Japanese pre-order bonus costume DLC ‘Plain Clothes’ designs revealed
《卡里古拉 过量》预约特典私服DLC公开设计样图

  预定于2018年5月17日发售的PS4游戏《卡里古拉 过量》公开了预约特典之一“角色私服DLC”的设计样图。这套服装今后不会单独推出,因此只有预约游戏才能拥有。


FuRyu has revealed the designs for the “Plain Clothes” costume downloadable content included as a pre-order bonus for The Caligula Effect: Overdose in Japan.

By redeeming the code included with your pre-order, you will be able to obtain the Oguchi-designed “Plain Clothes” costumes for all members of the Go-Home Club. FuRyu previously noted there are no plans to sell these as paid downloadable content, meaning that pre-orders will be the only way to obtain them.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17, 2018 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-27 05:05 PM
《Caligula Overdose》《卡里古拉 过量》PS4 版新界面展示及与 PSV 版的画面对比
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201712/5388816672.html)

  FuRyu's 预定于 2018 年 5 月 17 日发售的PS4游戏《卡里古拉 过量》在本周Fami通杂志中公开了一波游戏画面,其中有和PSV版原作的画面对比并展示了PS4全新设计的用户界面。本作为PSV版《卡里古拉》采用UE4引擎重制的作品,相比原作除了画面提升外还加入了大量新要素。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:19 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose details dual routes, systems, and characters

FuRyu has relaunched the official website for The Caligula Effect: Overdose, providing a host of new details about the game’s dual story routes, updated features, and new and returning characters.

Get the information below.

■ Introduction

Mobius is a perfect digital world created for the imagined benefit of humanity by μ, a virtual idol vocaloid program that attained sentience and self-awareness.

Only humans who are suffering in the real world and strongly related to μ’s songs are lured into Mobius.

Once they enter, people often forget that the real world exists. Regardless of age or gender, they are turned into students and forced to experience high school over and over, which μ considers “the most radiant time in a person’s life.”

In order to grant the wishes of every Mobius resident, μ curates Mobius’ creative energy by singing songs composed by the “Ostinato Musicians.”

Currently, the city called Miyabi is the only physical area that exists within Mobius. Its buildings and terrain are drawn from the residents’ memories of the real world.

In The Caligula Effect: Overdose, the story progresses as two major routes, the “Go-Home Club Route” and the “Musicians Route.”

Go-Home Club Route

In Mobius, inhabitants become their “ideal selves” that they couldn’t achieve in the real world and then repeat high school endlessly. The protagonist (you) and his or her classmates are outsiders within Mobius that have realized the existence of a reality outside Mobius. Each student has a strong desire to return to reality for their own individual reasons, and form an organization called the “Go-Home Club” to find a way to escape Mboius in order to return to reality.

Of course, for the Mobius inhabitants outside of the Go-Home Club, they are more than happy to remain in this happy world. The Go-Home Club, which is trying to destroy this happiness and return to harsh reality, can only be considered traitors in this world. As the president of the Go-Home Club, the protagonist (you), who meets another songstress named Aria and gains the power to fight, challenges the creator μ and her Ostinato Musician subordinates, and will find a way to escape Mobius by any means necessary. Even if it means kiling the creator that freed them from their own suffering.

Musicians Route

The Ostinato Musicians are composers who protect μ and provide music. In order to preserve the world of Mobius, the Ostinato Musicians are trying to eliminate the disruptive Go-Home Club. The protagonist, who became the president of the Go-Home Club, meets Thorn, the leader of the Ostinato Musicians expected to be the enemy.

Thorn speaks. “I understand that you suffered, and came to Mobius.”

Thorn asks. “And yet, do you truly want to return to reality?”

Thorn laughs. “You are only being used. You must learn both sides of the story.

Using the power of μ, Thorn gives the protagonist the abilities of a Musician, as well as a new appearance as a Musician. From that point, the protagonist (you), will use your appearances as the president of the Go-Home Club pursuing μ, and as an Ostinato Musician protecting μ, to fully understand both sides of the story of Mobius, the world of happiness. And you will eventually be faced with a final decision. Betraying the trust of your comrades comes with a massive toll, and what lies ahead is…

Character Scenarios

In Mobius, you can become a high school students regardless of your age or gender, and attain your ideal self. In other words, your appearance and gender in Mboius is not necessarily the same as in reality.

Even though they are not the Go-Home Club, the Ostinato Musicians are no exception to this fact. They also suffered in reality for their own reasons, and were imprisoned by Mobius. Each has their own deep trauma and complex.

Each of the Ostinato Musicians are covering up their suffering in reality, and only the protagonist (you) can get to the core of their secrets.

However, if you sense danger or develop a feeling of dislike in the true nature they are about to reveal, it is not a problem to turn back. The raw pain that they display may betray the image that the protagonist (you) wanted to love and get closer to.

■ System

The Caligula Effect Reconstructed in Unreal Engine 4

The comfort of the controls, the production, and the visuals have been completely redone. The unique “Imaginary Chain” battle system has also been further evolved to become easier to play. Many improvements over the previous game are included to achieve optimal gameplay. As the name implies, it has overdosed.

Imaginary Chain: New Sensation Command Battles that Combine the Exhiliaration of an Action Game with the Strategy of a Tactical RPG

New sensation command battles that combine the exhilaration of an action game with the strategy of a tactical RPG. The battle system visualizes and predicts character actions before they occur. In The Caligula Effect: Overdose, the battle system has been reformed from the previous game, and has evolved to become even easier to play.

Causality Link: Friendships with Students Gone Astray in Mobius Have Also Been Enhanced

There are over 500 students in the game, each with their own unique names and profile. In the real world, they all experienced trauma and escape to Mobius to live an idyllic high school life. In The Caligula Effect: Overdose, friendships with students who have lost their way in Mobius have also been enhanced. And also in the game, your connections with them will become the key to going home.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:20 PM
■ Characters

◆ Go-Home Club

Protagonist (voiced by Chiharu Sawashiro)

As the president of the Go-Home Club, his goal is to escape from the false-but-perfect world Mobius.

Despite the fact that he was the last to join the Go-Home Club, various circumstances compelled Shogo to hand over the presidency to him.

NEW: Protagonist (Female) (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro)

As the president of the Go-Home Club, his goal is to escape from the false-but-perfect world Mobius.

Despite the fact that she was the last to join the Go-Home Club, various circumstances compelled Shogo to hand over the presidency to her.

Shogo Satake (voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi)

A 3rd Year student, he’s the former president of the Go-Home Club.

Despite only being 18 years old inside Mobius, it seems he has experienced the “loop” in Mobius many times.

He is prone to philosophical thoughts and has a lethargic demeanor. He hides deep hopelessness and a strong desire for the real world behind his sleepy-looking eyes.

Izuru Minezawa (voiced by Yuichiro Umehara)

A 2nd Year student on the verge of an awakening.

He’s 17 in Mobius and has been trapped there for one year.

His appearance in Mobius is that of a little-known deceased celebrity from the real world. Izuru is withdrawn and emotionless, demonstrating no concern or interest in associating with others.

He knows that Mobius is a false world, but refuses the Go-Home Club’s repeated invitations. He prefers to seek his own means of escape.

Kotaro Tomoe (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya)

Kotaro is a nosy boy whose cheerful attitude doesn’t fit his large build. He often sets the mood at the Go-Home Club.

Kotaro simply can’t leave people alone if they need help. His favorite words are “love” and “friendship.” He has a deep respect for his father and does not hesitate to say that his dream is to become a rescue worker. When you first meet him, he seems like a good guy—bright and energetic—but as time goes on, it becomes apparent that he’s a troublemaker.

Kensuke Hibiki (voiced by Shota Aoi)

Kensuke is a 1st Year high school student.

He is 16 in Mobius and has been there for two years.

An Ostinato Musician who produces songs for μ, Kensuke is an enemy of the Go-Home Club. His battle with the Go-Home Club forces him to question his own existence and he ultimately decides to join his former enemies in their quest to return home.

Kotono Kashiawaba (voiced by Rie Murakawa)

A beautiful young girl with a soothing quality and a prim, mature aura about her.

She’s charming in a way that manages to be both innocent and seductive. She’s kind to all she meets, making her extremely popular with boys.

Kotono fills an older sister role in the Go-Home Club.

Naruko Morita (voiced by Ari Ozawa)

Naruko is a 2nd Year high school student. She is 17 years old and has been in Mobius for one year.

An insatiably curious 2nd Year student, she loves rumors and scandals. She acts like a paparazzi sometimes. She multitasks well and can post on social media while carrying on a conversation about a totally different subject.

She’s been investigating the Go-Home Club, which has recently become a sensationalist trending topic throughout the school.

Mifue Shinohara (voiced by Rie Takanashi)

Mifue has short-cropped hair and large eyes. She eats and laughs a lot. Her favorite things are whipped cream and chocolate cornets.

She has a cheerful, bold personality, and often lightens the mood among the other girls.

She’s good friends with Suzuna, who is in the same grade as her.

Suzuna Kagura (voiced by Minami Tanaka)

She’s a quiet girl that always has a forlorn look on her face…

She has trouble maintaining eye contact when she speaks.

She’s timid, but once she sets her mind to something she’ll always find a way to achieve it. When she’s determined, her voice is sometimes so loud that people around her have to cover their ears or risk deafness.

NEW: Ayana Amamoto (voiced by Maria Naganawa)

A second-year high school student who is quick-witted, strong-willed, and has eye-catching beauty.

However, she has trouble speaking and even making eye-contact with men. She is often violent to the men that oppose her, and the men in the Go-Home Club are no exception.

It seems that her behavior and reactions will change in a big way depending on whether the protagonist is male or female.

NEW: Eijin Biwasaka (voiced by Kenji Akabane)

An third-year high school student who has a handsome face and friendly smile in addition to his intellect and eloquent, gentleman-like speech.

Even without being told, he is already aware of Mobius’ secrets including that this world is not real and that they are on the third-year loop.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:20 PM
◆ Ostintao Musicians

Sweet-P (voiced by Emi Nitta)
Composer: OSTER Project

Dressed in fanciful fairytale pastels, Sweet-P is both Mobius’ premier fashion icon and an Ostinato Musician.

She is distinguished by her long eyelashes and big, beautiful eyes.

Just like her fashion, Sweet-P’s songs exhibit a delicate, feminine quality. Some girls go absolutely nuts over her music.

Shonen-Doll (voiced by Yumiri Hanamori)
Composer: Polyphonic Branch

Shonen-Doll is a young boy who dwells in Mobius’ enormous library, choosing to competely isolate himself from the outside world.

He always wears a low-hanging hood that obscures his face and hides his expressions.

Sneering at the masses, he writes gloomy, violent songs that attack people with social lives, who he interprets as weak for having to work in a flock in order to accomplish anything worthwhile.

He engages a lot of difficult concepts in his work and has a strong group of fanatical devotees who tend to embrace solitude and individuality and see his music as salvation.

Mirei (voiced by Eriko Nakamura)
Composer: CyoucyoP

Mirei lives an idle life of luxury, fawned over by male followers inside her stronghold in Mobius’ Marine Resort.

She is an arrogant and selfish debutante who behaves as though she is the center of the world; however (except for her personality) she truly is exceptional at everything.

She boasts an immense popularity based on her goregous appearance and exceptional musical genius.

She is so obsessed with being number one that she even sees μ, the absolute idol inside of Mobius, as her rival.

Ike-P (voiced by Souma Saito)
Composer: Asa

Ike-P is a 2nd Year student that attends the same school as the main characters.

He’s a classmate of Izuru who definitely looks like he’s in a band.

He is a natural narcissist who has a justified confidence in his looks — he’s always striking a pose just to show off.

He’s popular with girls and always wants to improve himself. For some reason, he’s constantly plotting against Izuru.

His distinct style sometimes makes him unapproachable.

Shadow Knife (voiced by Yuma Uchida)
Composer: 164

A law-abiding hero who adores justice, he executes those who rebel in Mobius.

He skillfully wields shadows and knives to punish the wicked and the rebellious.

He serves as μ’s personal bodyguard due to his unique and effective combat abilities.

He often does and says awkwardly theatrical things, such as, “he’s the weakest of us Ostinato Musicians,” which makes it difficult for others to respond.

There is a theory that his name, apparence, and even combat abilities are identical to that of an anime character that was popular a few years ago.

Thorn (voiced by Yuka Otsubo)
Composer: CosMo@Bousou-P

Thorn is the leader of the Ostinato Musicians.

Thorn is a lovely young girl with a sickly appearance. She appears before the protagonist’s party in an uncanny, phantasmal way — she always shows up where she couldn’t possibly be.

She is the oldest and first composer of μ’s songs, known for her enormously popular dark and brooding love songs.

μ trusts Thorn completely and obediently follows her orders.

Wicked (voiced by ???)
Composer: YM

A Musician completely shrouded in mystery. Generally only her existence and songs are known, but there is not a single person who knows what she looks like.

Her songs are filled with intense violence and ridicule everything, delivering a shocking blow to listeners.

NEW: Kuchinashi
Composer: Pinocchio-P

A young female Musician with a typically listless expression.

Rather than speaking from the mouth using her natural voice, she converses through a special mouth mechanism that creates a synthesized voice.

More often than not, she suppresses any feelings of excitement.

Extremely individualistic, she often keeps to herself even when gathered among fellow Musicians.

NEW: Stork (voiced by ???)
Composer: DECO*27

By far the most suspicious Musician, even among the other unique Musicians.

As his name implies, he wears a stork costume and excels at making love songs that captivate the women of Mobius.

He is a good-natured man with a gentlemanly manner of speaking, but for some reason has a tendency to not treat his fellow musicians very well.

He has the powerful ability to “mimic everything,” and stands in the way of the Go-Home Club.

◆ μ and Aria

Aria (voiced by Asami Shimoda)

She’s a virtuadoll that was created around the same time as μ.

She was forced to take a smaller form in Mobius because of μ’s vast power.

She wants to stop μ, who has become steadily more unhinged since creating Mobius, and return to the real world. To this end, she selects the main characters and grants them the ability to fight.

In contrast to the lovely, immaculate, and perfectionist μ, her personality is bright, cheerful, and casual, which makes it easy for her to make friends.

μ (Mu) (voiced by Reina Ueda)

μ is a vocal synthesizer software that will obediently sing anything her user inputs.

Little by little, a seed of consciousness and self-awareness germinated within her. The songs people told her to sing alerted her to the agony of reality, so she created the eternally-youthful world of Mobius in order to save a tortured humanity.

Now she flies throughout Mobius, bringing bliss to all she meets and ensuring that the smiles never end.

◆ Other

Marie Mizuguchi (voiced by Mai Fuchigami)

In Mobius, Marie is a 2nd Year student and classmate of the protagonist.

She is an exceptional honors student with a gentle demeanor that makes her approachable.

Even while participating in the Go-Home Club’s occasionally dubious activities, she watches over the main characters without too much prying. This is particularly true for the main character, whom she supports as a close friend.

She is destined to be caught in the conflict between the Go-Home Club and the Ostinato Musicians.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17, 2018 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:28 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:33 PM

https://gematsu.com/gallery/albu ... 017_12-28-17_032jpg

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:35 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:37 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-29 06:39 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-23 03:59 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose PS4 models announced for Japan
《Caligula Overdose》《卡里古拉 过量》将推出限定PS4主机

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/7449617086.html)

  FuRyu's 预定于 2018 年 5 月 17 日发售的PS4游戏《卡里古拉 过量》今天 SIEJA 宣布《卡里古拉 过量》白色限定PS4主机,该限定机有两种图案的刻印顶盖,分别是μ ver.和Extreme ver.。限定机套装内包含白色PS4主机标配一套、刻印图案PS4顶盖、《卡里古拉 过量》PS4原创主题以及特殊包装盒。不含游戏。

  价格方面 500GB 配单顶盖版价格为33480日元+税、双顶盖版36480日元+税。1TB配单顶盖版价格为38480日元+税、双顶盖版41480日元+税。

  《卡里古拉 过量》是根据PSV版《卡里古拉》经过大幅度修改的重制作品,目前预定在2018年5月17日发售。游戏以含有过剩摄取药物含义的“OVERDOSE”为副标题,展现了游戏在重制时添加的内容之多。

https://pur.store.sony.jp/ps4/pr ... H-2100_OD_purchase/

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia and FuRYu have announced two The Caligula Effect: Overdose Limited Edition PlayStation 4 models for Japan due out alongside the game on May 17.

The models, which are available for pre-order now via the Sony Store, will be available in both “μ Version” and “Extreme Version” options. The former features an illustration of character μ on the top cover, while the latter features a pattern and chibi versions of character Aria and μ. It costs 33,480 yen for the 500 gigabyte unit and 38,480 yen for the one terabyte unit. If you want both top covers, you can get them with either size unit for an extra 3,000 yen.

The limited edition model will also include a The Caligula Effect: Overdose PlayStation 4 original theme and The Caligula Effect: Overdose-themed original design packaging.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-26 03:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-27 07:07 PM 编辑

The Caligula Effect anime teaser trailer, latest visuals
《卡里古拉 过量》与TV动画《卡里古拉》公开最新宣传片

  PS4新作《卡里古拉 过量》公开了游戏介绍视频,本作将在5月17日正式发售,游戏内容为PSV游戏《卡里古拉》的重制版,游戏对原有的一系列问题进行了修改并追加了大量新要素。




FuRyu has released the teaser trailer and two new visuals (pictured above) for the upcoming The Caligula Effect television anime.

As previously announced, the anime will begin airing in April on Tokyo MX and other networks. It is being produced by animation house Satelight and features the same cast members from the original PS Vita game and upcoming PlayStation 4 remake. The protagonist, who is named by the player in the game, is named Ritsu Shikishima in the anime.


RPG 游戏改编《Caligula》动画公开前导宣传影片及新视觉图

  由 Aquria 制作,FuRyu 发行的角色扮演类游戏《Caligula》,以其为原著改编的同名电视动画,官方近日公开了前导宣传影片及新视觉图,另外也释出制作团队及主题曲等消息。

  在莫比乌斯世界内,人们不必承受现实世界中的痛苦,并且可以享受虚拟世界的高中生活。 身处在此世界中的主角意识到他们事实上是生活在虚拟世界中。 因此他创设了「归宅部」,目的为逃离莫比乌斯以及监视这个世界的程序「μ」。 逃离过程中,「归宅部」需要与身为「μ」的支持者的团体「乐士」对抗,「归宅部」的成员都被视为为背叛者——

  制作团队方面由执导过《末日时在做什么? 有没有空? 可以来拯救吗? 》的和田纯一担纲监督、制作公司则是出品过《超时空要塞 Δ》、《博德豚骨拉面团》的「SATELIGHT」。 片头曲「パラダイムボックス」及片尾曲「HYPNO」分别交由担任剧中主要男性和女性角色配音的声优演唱。 动画《Caligula》预计今年 4 月开始播映。


卡基 P:苍井翔太
苏特 P:新田惠海



动画《Caligula》官方网站 - http://caligula-anime.com/


The Caligula Effect: Overdose full-length trailer

FuRyu has released the first full-length trailer for The Caligula Effect: Overdose.

The trailer confirms that new Ostinato Musician Stork will be voiced by Shugo Nakamura, and Kuchinashi will be voiced by Himika Akaneya.

The upcoming RPG, an Unreal Engine 4 remake of the June 2016-launched PS Vita title, features upgraded direction, visuals, and processing, a “Forbidden Musician Route” two times the volume of the main scenario, a female protagonist option, multiple endings, new Go-Home club members and Ostinato Musicians, and new songs.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17 in Japan.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-28 06:42 PM
《卡里古拉 过量》主题曲试听 中村绘里子新田惠海等人演唱

  FuRyu 发行的角色扮演类游戏 PS4 新作《卡里古拉 过量》公开了游戏的主题歌《Cradle》的试听视频,是一首颇为洗脑的歌曲。

  该主题曲由出演游戏角色的声优中村绘里子、新田惠海、大坪由佳、茜屋日海夏组成的临时组合“RePLiCA”演唱,其完整版专辑将作为 5 月 17 日发售的游戏首发特典附送。

  《卡里古拉 过量》是根据PSV版《卡里古拉》经过大幅度修改的重制作品,目前预定在2018年5月17日发售。游戏以含有过剩摄取药物含义的“OVERDOSE”为副标题,展现了游戏在重制时添加的内容之多。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-1 06:08 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose Japanese box art

The Amazon Japan product page for The Caligula Effect: Overdose has been updated with the game’s official Japanese box art.

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-3 03:22 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose details Himari Minamide, Kouki Tadokoro

FuRyu has updated the official Japanese website for The Caligula Effect: Overdose with information and screenshots introducing new characters Himari Minamide and Kouki Tadokoro, who are listed under the “Others” section of the character page. Additionally, there is some information about the game system.

Get the details below.

■ System

Choose from over 500 characters to form your very own party.

Despite being in the ideal world that is Mobius, each class has its own disturbances. By listening to the troubles of numerous students, you can see fragments of the events occurring in each class.

All of the students that exist in Mobius can be added to the party by deepening your relationships. This also makes it easy to see their stats, allowing you to put together your very own party, such as one that specializes in attacking, accuracy rate, and the like.

■ Characters

Himari Minamide (voice actress not announced)

A dead girl. She was 20 years-old. Though not known by many, she was the center for the underground idol group Uzume Tai. She died an unnatural death as the result of a gruesome incident.

Kouki Tadokoro (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita)

A fanatic who religiously supports μ, and does not care for the troubles of others. Due to his self-important personality, μ and the musicians’ control have no effect on him, and he is abhorred as the selfish “Ego Head.”

The Caligula Effect: Overdose is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 17 in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-15 04:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-15 10:49 PM 编辑

学园青年小说 RPG《Caligula Overdose》将于秋季发售 PS4 繁体中文版
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/162621.html

  H2 Interactive 和 ARC SYSTEM WORKS S 亚洲携手合作,将于今年秋季发售由 FURYU 制作的 PlayStation 4 学园 RPG《Caligula Overdose》繁体中文版。

  《Caligula Overdose》是 2016 年于日本的 PlayStation VITA 平台推出的《Caligula》重制版,叙述在虚拟偶像「μ」创造的一个虚拟世界「 莫比乌斯(Mobius)」,被封闭在其中的角色群,为了回到现实世界所发生的故事。 发售时,在日本以独特的回合制战斗系统、好感度系统、完成度高的故事情节和采用在网络上活动的日本有名音乐家制作的 BGM 等受到好评。

  过着和平高中生活的主角和朋友们,有一天日常生活中感到了不自然,意识到了自己属于的这世界为虚拟创造世界。 主角群以「Caligula 效应」觉醒各自的武器,为了回到原来世界对抗创造虚拟世界的虚拟偶像「μ」和「μ」的拥护者们。

  首次开始游戏时,可从两名主人公中选择一名,和装备独特武器的同伴们一起战斗敌人。 尤其是在游戏中登场的敌人角色的设计,以实际在网络上活动的日本有名音乐家为基础,且该音乐家创作的音乐收录在游戏内。

Simulation 与 Action 结合的回合制战斗系统



  玩家要主角群与学生们建立关系,按人物亲密度招募 500 名以上的学生们成为自己的同伴。

RPG 新手也可以享受的简单(EASY)模式

  针对首次游玩角色扮演游戏,或觉得角色扮演游戏难度过高的玩家对象追加的模式。 任何玩家都能完成的难度,容易理解故事情节和世界观。


  为了更好的传达《Caligula Overdose》的迷人的世界观和故事情节,将进行繁体中文本地化。

游戏名称:Caligula Overdose
发售日期:2018 年
游玩人数:1 人

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-15 11:09 PM
《Caligula Overdose》公布发售日当天开放下载的数据更新内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/162618.html

  FuRyu 预计 2018 年 5 月 17 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《Caligula Overdose(カリギュラ オーバードーズ)》近(14)日公布将于发售日当天开放下载数据更新,以及其详细内容。
本作是将 2016 年于 PS Vita 平台推出的学园青年小说 RPG《Caligula(- カリギュラ -)》,针对 PlayStation 4 主机升级的版本。 电视动画版也自 2018 年 4 月开始播映,吸引许多原作粉丝及动画观众期待本作发售。

  名为「ver1.01」的更新档案,将收录「追加通关后游玩要素」与「扩充/调整游戏系统」,以及 bug 修正等内容。 详情请参考官方网站或下列报导。

《Caligula Overdose》
开放下载数据更新 ver1.01


游戏通关后并达成某个条件,就能混合回家社社员、乐士组成队伍。 能够自由组队享受世界悬赏(ワールドリワード)等挑战项目。 而战斗中发生的沟通对白,也有设计回家社社员与乐士之间的对白,可以试试看各式各样的组合。



通关存盘,可以与过去击倒的头目再度战斗。 只要再度造访与头目交战的地方就能选择再战。 与回家社的再战中,主角能以乐士. Lucid 的外表造访 Grand Guignol 的最后之门。


收集游戏中掉落的文字,与 “具有特殊创伤” 的敌人战斗。




战斗中按下 OPTIONS 按钮,主角以外的角色就会自动选择技能行动。

在主选单的道具、WIRE 追加排序功能。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-23 06:40 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-6 01:31 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose coming west for PS4, Switch, and PC in early 2019
《Caligula Overdose》登陆Switch 与 Steam平台 2019年初发售

  日本一美国分部(NISA)宣布在欧美地区代理发行Furyu的RPG游戏《卡里古拉 过量》,预定于2019年初发售。不过美版除了原本的PS4平台外,还预定登陆Switch与PC(Steam)平台。

  本作是将 2016 年于 PS Vita 平台推出的学园青年小说 RPG《Caligula(- カリギュラ -)》,针对 PlayStation 4 主机升级的版本。 电视动画版也自 2018 年 4 月开始播映,吸引许多原作粉丝及动画观众期待本作发售。

  以下是在Anime Expo 2018上公开的美版宣传视频。另外本作的PS4中文版目前预定于2018年秋季推出。


The Caligula Effect: Overdose is coming to PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in North America and Europe in early 2019, publisher NIS America announced at Anime Expo 2018.

A $64.99 limited edition including a copy of the game, official soundtrack, official hardcover art book, “Beautiful Lies” tear-resistant poster, and collector’s box is currently available for pre-order on the NIS America Online Store (PS4, Switch).

Here is an overview of the game, via NIS America:


Mobius. An idyllic world that exists for the sake of letting people forget about the pain and problems of reality. In this world created by a sentient vocaloid program, μ (Mu), reality and fantasy has become blurred, allowing people to relive their high school years in bliss. Yet in this seemingly beautiful and perfect world, something is amiss. Escape from this false paradise with your fellow students and return to reality in The Caligula Effect: Overdose!

Key Features

• An Overdose of New Features – The Caligula Effect: Overdose boasts enhanced visuals and gameplay! Explore new scenarios, endings, and the “Forbidden Musician Route” while escaping the virtual world of Mobius.

• The New Faces of Kishimai High – Play as the newly added female protagonist! Plus, meet two new members of the Go-Home Club, who each have their own new Ostinato Musician to face.

• Use the Imaginary Chain! – Turn-based battle meets exhilarating action in this refined JRPG battle system! Develop a flawless strategy after using the Imaginary Chain to predict what your enemies will do next!

• Unite and Escape – Sometimes, it’s hard to go at it alone. Befriend over 500 other students in this imaginary paradise to improve your skills in battle and ultimately return to reality.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-8 07:36 PM
PS4《Caligula Overdose》简体中文版将于今秋发售

  H2 Interactive宣布,H2 Interactive和ARC SYSTEM WORKS亚洲分店合作将于今年秋季发售由FURYU发行的PlayStation4学园RPG《Caligula Overdose》简体中文版。

  《Caligula Overdose》简体中文版不仅提供原作的日文,而且提供中文和英文。8月中旬会在一些网站开始预购。

  《Caligula Overdose》是将2016年于日本的PlayStation®VITA平台专用推出的《Caligula》的重置版,虚拟偶像「μ」创造的一个虚拟世界「莫比乌斯(Mobius)」里封闭的角色群为了回到现实世界发生的故事。发售时,在日本以独特的回合制战斗系统、好感度系统、完成度高的故事情节和采用在网络上活动的日本有名音乐家制作的BGM等受到了好评。

过和平的高效生活的主角和朋友们,有一天日常生活中感到了不自然,意识到了自己属于的这世界为虚拟创造世界。主角群以「Caligula 效应」觉醒各自的武器,为了回到原来世界对抗创造虚拟世界的虚拟偶像「μ」和「μ」的拥护者。





为了玩家更好的传达《Caligula Overdose》的迷人的世界观和故事情节,将于进行简体中文和英文本地化。

请了解关于《Caligula Overdose》的更多内容,请在官方网站(http://www.h2interactive.co.kr/)获取。

■ 限定版
《Caligula Overdose》PS4简体中文版除了一般版以外,还会将发售限定版,限定版构成丰富多彩。限定版也是和一般版一样8月中旬会在一些网站开始预购。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-29 07:21 PM
《Caligula Overdose》公布简体中文版发售日期及限定版内容
转载 - H2 Interactive

  发行商 H2 Interactive 宣布《Caligula Overdose》的简体中文版将于 10 月 31 日发售,并公开一组中文游戏画面及限定版情报。限定版将包含游戏本身、限定外盒、原创设计铁盒、特别音乐CD、画册以及谬的MBLOCK。


  H2 Interactive宣布,H2 Interactive和ARC SYSTEM WORKS亚洲分店合作将于10月31日发售由FURYU发行的PlayStation®4学园RPG《Caligula Overdose》简体中文版。《Caligula Overdose》简体中文版不仅提供原作的日文,而且提供中文和英文。

  《Caligula Overdose》是将2016年于日本的PlayStation®VITA平台专用推出的《Caligula》的重置版,虚拟偶像「μ」创造的一个虚拟世界「莫比乌斯(Mobius)」里封闭的角色群为了回到现实世界发生的故事。发售时,在日本以独特的回合制战斗系统、好感度系统、完成度高的故事情节和采用在网络上活动的日本有名音乐家制作的BGM等受到了好评。


  过和平的高效生活的主角和朋友们,有一天日常生活中感到了不自然,意识到了自己属于的这世界为虚拟创造世界。主角群以「Caligula 效应」觉醒各自的武器,为了回到原来世界对抗创造虚拟世界的虚拟偶像「μ」和「μ」的拥护者。









  为了玩家更好的传达《Caligula Overdose》的迷人的世界观和故事情节,将于进行简体中文和英文本地化。

■ 限定版内容

  《Caligula Overdose》PS4简体中文版除了一般版以外,还会将发售限定版,限定版构成丰富多彩。

「《Caligula Overdose》限定版」将包含以下丰富内容:
● PS4 《Caligula Overdose》亚洲版游戏本体
● PS4 《Caligula Overdose》限定版外盒
● SCANAVO 原创设计铁盒
● 《Caligula Overdose》特别原声音乐 CD(收录 13 首曲目)
● 《Caligula Overdose》画册
● 《Caligula Overdose》「μ」MBLOCK

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-30 07:29 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-2 09:13 PM
The Caligula Effect: Overdose Story Trailer


About The Caligula Effect: Overdose

Mobius. An idyllic world that exists for the sake of letting people forget about the pain and problems of reality. In this world created by a sentient vocaloid program, μ (Mu), reality and fantasy has become blurred, allowing people to relive their high school years in bliss. Yet in this seemingly beautiful and perfect world, something is amiss. Escape from this false paradise with your fellow students and return to reality in The Caligula Effect: Overdose!

Key Features

• An Overdose of New Features – The Caligula Effect: Overdose boasts enhanced visuals and gameplay! Explore new scenarios, endings, and the “Forbidden Musician Route” while escaping the virtual world of Mobius.

• The New Faces of Kishimai High – Play as the newly added female protagonist! Plus, meet two new members of the Go-Home Club, who each have their own new Ostinato Musician to face.

• Use the Imaginary Chain! – Turn-based battle meets exhilarating action in this refined JRPG battle system! Develop a flawless strategy after using the Imaginary Chain to predict what your enemies will do next!

• Unite and Escape – Sometimes, it’s hard to go at it alone. Befriend over 500 other students in this imaginary paradise to improve your skills in battle and ultimately return to reality.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-1 11:17 PM
PS4 学园 RPG《Caligula Overdose》繁体中文下载版开始预购
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/168995.html

  H2 Interactive 宣布和 ARC SYSTEM WORKS 亚洲分店合作,将于 10 月 31 日发售的 PlayStation 4 学园 RPG《Caligula Overdose》繁体中文下载版(一般版与数字豪华版),今日开 始预购。


  《Caligula Overdose》是将 2016 年于日本的 PlayStation VITA 平台专用推出的《Caligula》的重制版,虚拟偶像「μ」创造的一个虚拟世界「莫比乌斯(Mobius)」里封闭的角色群为了回到现实世 界发生的故事。 发售时,在日本以独特的回合制战斗系统、好感度系统、完成度高的故事情节和采用在网络上活动的日本有名音乐家制作的 BGM 等受到了好评。

《Caligula Overdose》繁体中文下载版预购介绍

  《Caligula Overdose》繁体中文下载版有一般版和数字豪华版两种,从今日到 10 月 30 日(发售日的前天)预购下载版一般版和数字豪华版的玩家,能收到期间限定特典原声音乐(收录 10 首曲目)。 而且能收到更换主角和归宅部角色衣服的「预购奖励的归宅部私服装套组」DLC 12 种。


  另外,将提供 PlayStation Store 限定特典 PlayStation 4 限定主题。 该主题不管购买时期,只要购买下载版一般版或数字豪华版的玩家都能收到 PlayStation 4 限定主题。

购买《Caligula Overdose》数字豪华版时提供特别优惠

  从今天开始预购的《Caligula Overdose》下载版中购买数字版时,将提供购买一般版时提供的数字装套组 DLC, 还获得以下的超豪华特典。

• 泳装衣装 DLC(12 种):以主角和归宅部角色的服装能更换泳装衣装的 DLC。 (强调各个个性特设计的)
• 游戏道具「烙印」:强化游戏角色的能力,特殊道具「奇迹天启」。
• 个人造型「角色头像」24 种:主角和归宅部角色, 奥斯蒂纳托的乐师, 仿真偶像「μ」和「亚里亚」来设计的「角色头像」。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-7 10:54 PM

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