标题: Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon [打印本页] 作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-26 11:36 PM 标题: Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-29 07:28 AM 编辑
New Pokémon Games Announced via Pokémon Direct
For 20 years, Pokémon has delighted millions of fans of all ages and has become one of the most successful entertainment brands in the world. During today’s Pokémon Direct presentation, Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, announced Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the newest additions to a legendary series that has sold more than 275 million video games since the debut of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green in 1996 for the Game Boy system in Japan. Developed by GAME FREAK inc., Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will be launching late 2016 exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems and, for the first time, will offer Traditional and Simplified Chinese as language options.
“The Pokémon core series games are the centre of the Pokémon universe and provide some of the most memorable Pokémon moments for our fans,” said J.C. Smith, senior director of Consumer Marketing at The Pokémon Company International. “I can’t wait to see what fans think of the new adventures they’ll find in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.”
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will also have Pokémon Bank functionality. This online storage application will make it possible for fans to move Pokémon wirelessly from Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, and Pokémon Yellow, which come to the Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS on February 27, to Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Pokémon from Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y can also be transferred to Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon through Pokémon Bank. More details about this exciting feature can be found here: Pokemon.co.uk/bank
The Pokémon Company International has unveiled the first details of the highly anticipated titles Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, starting with a first look at three new first-partner Pokémon and the packaging. Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will launch in Europe on November 23, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
Following in the tradition of previous games in the Pokémon series, players choose one of three special Pokémon to be their first partner. These are among the first Pokémon players will encounter in the game. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, players will be able to choose between the newly discovered Grass- and Flying-type Pokémon Rowlet, Fire-type Litten, and Water-type Popplio.
For a Pokémon Trainer, knowing the Pokémon types and how they match up against one another in battle is vital. Grass-type Pokémon are strong against Water types, but weak against Fire types. Fire-type Pokémon are strong against Grass types and weak against Water types. And Water-type Pokémon are strong against Fire types, but weak against Grass types.
Meet the three new first-partner Pokémon that will join Trainers on their adventures in the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games!
The first of the potential partners is the highly adaptable Grass Quill Pokémon, Rowlet. This Pokémon can fly silently through the skies, sneaking up on its opponent without being noticed. It can attack its opponents using powerful kicks, and it can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers. Rowlet can survey its environment and turn its neck nearly 180 degrees from front to back, so it can see directly behind itself. When in battle, Rowlet turns its head to face its Trainer when waiting for instructions.
Name: Litten
Category: Fire Cat Pokémon
Height: 1 '04 "
Weight: 9.5 lbs.
Type: Fire
Starting Move: Ember
The cool-headed Fire Cat Pokémon, Litten, is the next choice for a first-partner Pokémon. Litten’s fur is rich in oils and is immensely flammable. It constantly grooms itself by licking its coat, collecting loose fur into balls. It then ignites these hairballs to create fireball attacks. When the time comes for Litten to molt, it burns off all of its fur in one glorious blaze.
Name: Popplio
Category: Sea Lion Pokémon
Height: 1 '04 "
Weight: 16.5 lbs.
Type: Water
Starting Move: Water Gun
The third possibility is the acrobatic Sea Lion Pokémon, Popplio. Popplio can create balloons made of water from its nose and utilize them to create a variety of different strategies and attacks in battle. This Pokémon is better at moving in the water than on land, and can swim at speeds over 25 mph. On land, it uses the elasticity of the balloons it creates to perform jumps and acrobatic stunts.
A brand-new trailer that showcases these three new partner Pokémon, brand new game play in action can be found here.
More information and details about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will be unveiled throughout the course of 2016.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-3 07:11 AM Pokémon Sun & Moon's legendaries, trainers and more revealed in latest trailer
Legendary Pokémon Unveiled for Pokémon Sun and Moon
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo today introduced the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala that can be found in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The latest generation of Pokémon video games will launch on November 18 in North America and November 23 in Europe, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. In addition to the details about these powerful Pokémon, new characters in the game and new features were also revealed.
The two legendary Pokémon that appear on the packaging of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon play a crucial role in the story. Solgaleo and Lunala hold the key to the adventure that can be found in these highly anticipated games.
Name: Solgaleo
Category: Sunne Pokémon
Height: 11′02″
Weight: 507.1 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Steel
Ability: Full Metal Body
Honoured as an emissary of the sun since ancient times, Solgaleo is referred to with reverence as “the beast that devours the sun.” Solgaleo’s body holds a vast amount of energy, and it shines with light when it is active. It has a flowing mane with a remarkable resemblance to the sun. Its signature move is Sunsteel Strike, an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability. Solgaleo’s Ability is Full Metal Body, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Full Metal Body Ability, a Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.
Since ancient times, Lunala has been honoured as an emissary of the moon. Referred to with reverence as “the beast that calls the moon,” Lunala is constantly absorbing light and converting it into energy. With its wings spread to absorb the surrounding light and glittering like the crescent moon, it resembles a beautiful night sky. Lunala’s signature Moongeist Beam attack releases an ominous beam of light that disregards the target’s Ability.
Lunala’s Ability is Shadow Shield, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon take place in the Alola region, which centres around four tropical islands and one artificial island. Many Pokémon that have never been seen before inhabit the lush islands of the Alola region. The story begins right after the main character moves to the Alola region. After choosing to play as a hero or heroine, players can customize their character’s name and appearance. No sooner have they arrived than their adventures begin to unfold, and they meet many fascinating people as they travel through the region.
Professor Kukui is the Alola region’s Pokémon professor. The professor is passionate about his research into Pokémon moves and has sometimes taken direct hits from Pokémon if there was something to be learned from it. Sporting a white lab coat, Professor Kukui has his own unique style.
Lillie is a mysterious girl who assists the professor. This young girl is about the same age as the player’s character and is Professor Kukui’s assistant. She’s not fond of making Pokémon fight in battles, but she loves reading and has read a great number of books. Lillie will play an important role in the story of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.
Hau is a Pokémon-loving young boy with a big appetite. He is the same age as the player’s character. Hau becomes one of the main character’s first friends. He has a real weakness for malasadas, a famous treat in the Alola region, and is always in search of malasada shops. Hau is a big-hearted boy who really loves Pokémon.
The Pokédex is a convenient tool that records information about the Pokémon that players see and catch during their adventure. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Professor Kukui provides a special Pokédex known as the Rotom Pokédex. It is inhabited by Rotom, a Pokémon with the power to reside in various electronic appliances. The Rotom Pokédex does much more than record Pokémon info—it has its own personality. Besides showing the player’s current location and their next destination, the Rotom Pokédex also provides advice on where to go next, based on the conversations players have with other characters.
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, a QR Scanner function allows players to see information about Pokémon when they scan QR Code patterns. By scanning in special QR Code patterns, fans can register Pokémon of the Alola region to their Pokédex and find out where they live. If they scan in the QR Code for a Pokémon that they haven’t yet caught, players can check its habitat and search it out.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-3 07:28 AM 《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》公布传说神兽、冒险舞台与登场角色新信息
Pokémon 今(2)日公布了预定 11 月 18 日推出的 N3DS 角色扮演游戏《精灵宝可梦 太阳/月亮(Pokémon Sun & Moon)》的传说神兽、冒险舞台与登场角色等新信息,供玩家参考。
Nekkoala, a Normal type Koala Pokemon & Iwanko, a Rock type Dog Pokemon作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-12 07:07 AM
[youtube]nDTKAX-UcQs[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-15 06:39 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-16 06:51 PM 编辑
Salandit Revealed for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
Another new Pokémon has just been revealed for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon! Meet Salandit, the Toxic Lizard Pokemon!
Salandit emits toxic gas, together with flames, from the base of its tail. This poisonous gas has a sweet smell, and anyone who unknowingly breathes it in will become dizzy. Salandit is not a very powerful Pokémon, but its cunning nature allows it to battle fiercely by throwing its opponents off balance.
Salandit females not only release toxic gases, they can also emit pheromones that attract males of all species, including Pokémon and humans. Inhaling these pheromones may cause opponents to be controlled by Salandit’s will.
Salandit has the Corrosion Ability, a new Ability that no other Pokémon has possessed before. With the Corrosion Ability, it becomes possible to inflict the Poisoned status condition even on Steel and Poison type Pokémon.
Salandit Revealed for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
The Pokémon Company International announced new features and Pokémon which will be appearing in the much anticipated video games Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, available exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
Wimpod is the Turn Tail Pokémon. This Pokémon is a cowardly scavenger which eats or stores anything that’s been dropped in the sea, so it’s highly valued across the Alola region as a cleaner of the sea. Wimpod has the new Ability Wimp Out, which causes this Pokémon to run away or swap out for another Pokémon when its HP drops below half in battle.
Fruit Pokémon Bounsweet gives off a delicious aroma. This aroma has a calming effect on humans, so many people across Alola let them live inside their homes as an air freshener.
Comfey, the Posy Picker Pokémon, picks flowers to carry around. Comfey uses its soothing aroma to help treat people and Pokémon at Pokémon Centers and hospitals.
Name: Mudsdale
Type: Ground
Mudsdale is the Draft Horse Pokémon, possessing incredible power and endurance. Its legs are coated in protective mud, and its kick can destroy a car in a single blow. Mudsdale can have the Ability
Stamina, a new Ability which raises a Pokémon’s Defense by one when it’s hit by an attack.
Name: Bewear
Type: Normal/Fighting
Bewear is the Strong Arm Pokémon that must never be approached carelessly. With its stout and highly developed arms and legs, Bewear loves to give crushing bear hugs which will split anything in two.
Name: Mimikyu
Type: Ghost/Fairy
As the Disguise Pokémon, Mimikyu lives its life constantly covered by its cloth. Mimikyu’s Disguise Ability allows it to escape danger from an enemy’s attack one time, changing its appearance afterward.
New features are coming to the Pokémon Global Link, a website which connects players around the world who are enjoying the Pokémon series. The Pokémon Global Link will be ending its current Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y service. It will be updated to make it compatible with Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and to introduce Friendly Competitions, a new function which allows players to become competition hosts and hold their own original competitions, where they can set the regulations. Two types of Friendly Competition will be available, Online and Live.
• Online Competitions - These are competitions which are played over the internet. Players will be matched with an opponent and compete against each other for the best rating. These competitions can be open to Pokémon Trainers all over the world, or they can be set to only allow pre-approved Trainers to enter.
• Live Competitions - These competitions allow players to host a competition and play together with friends and other Trainers who are in the same space. The Digital Player ID that contains competition regulations is generated as a QR Code, and by scanning the QR code into a 3DS system, participants can join and battle according to the set regulations.
Also announced is the new Hyper Training function which can be used to increase Pokémon’s power. Traditionally, Pokémon grow stronger by raising their levels and increasing their base stats. However, such power is still affected by the individual strengths innate to each Pokémon. Hyper Training allows Pokémon that have grown to Lv. 100 to increase their individual strengths, which has not been possible in previous Pokémon games. You can now make your Lv. 100 Pokémon even stronger. Hyper Training is done by Mr. Hyper, a new character who can be found somewhere in the Alola region. By using Bottle Caps, a new item obtainable in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, players will be able to carry out Hyper Training on their Pokémon. The Mythical Pokémon Magearna, planned for distribution in Europe later, will be distributed with a Bottle Cap held item.
Pokémon Sun Sun and Pokemon Moon are due out for 3DS on November 18 in North America and November 23 in Europe. For more information, please visit pokemon-sunmoon.com. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-2 07:33 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-2 06:51 PM 编辑
Pokémon Sun and Moon Details Nine New Pokémon and Features
《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》公布适应阿罗拉地区宝可梦以及「Z 招式」强大绝招 完整报导
Z-Moves and Undiscovered Pokémon Announced for Pokémon Sun and Moon!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo revealed powerful Z-Moves in addition to new characters and Pokémon that can be found in the highly anticipated Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon video games, available exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. These fascinating Alola region characters and Pokémon will appear in the latest generation of Pokémon video games that will launch in North America on November 18.
在 Z 招式下气势十足的宝可梦对战!
用 Z 招式的条件是宝可梦(Pokémon)须学会和每种属性的 Z 纯晶一致的属性招式,并且携带着 Z 纯晶。 在实际的游戏画面中,每种属性的 Z 招式发动时,会有强大气势的招式呈现画面上。
Z-Moves are a new element that has been introduced into the Pokémon battles in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Z-Moves are powerful moves that can only be used once during battle. The explosive force of a Z-Move is the result of both the Trainer and Pokémon releasing their full power together when their wishes resonate with each other. All Pokémon are capable of using Z-Moves in battle.
To use Z-Moves, two key items are required: a Z-Ring and a Z-Crystal. The Z-Ring fits on a Trainer’s arm, and Z-Crystals are set into it. If a Pokémon holds the same variety of Z-Crystal as its Trainer, the two will be able to resonate with one another.
TOMY International will be releasing the Z-Ring for sale at participating retailers. When a player uses a Z-Move in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon, their real-life Z-Ring will light up, vibrate, and play sounds to go along with the video and sounds in the game.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon take place on an archipelago of tropical islands—four nature-filled islands and one man-made island. The Alola region is known as a resort area that attracts tourists from all over the world.
Alola is surrounded by the sea and has a diverse ecology made up of Pokémon that are native to the region along with Pokémon that have more recently arrived in Alola from other regions. In Alola, humans and Pokémon coexist in a very close relationship and a culture has developed that is different from that in other regions.
One aspect of the unique Alola culture is the island challenge, an adventurous rite that involves traveling through each of the four islands. This event helps young people grow into fine Pokémon Trainers. As the main character of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, each player is destined to attempt this island challenge. To complete the island challenge, young trial-goers must overcome the trials on each of the four islands. These trials are not limited to battling with Pokémon. They take a variety of forms including finding items or completing tests of knowledge.
At the end of each trial, a mighty Pokémon known as a Totem Pokémon will be waiting. A Totem Pokémon is much larger than others of its species, and its body is enveloped in a special aura. When Totem Pokémon battle, they summon ally Pokémon to join them. With the support of these allies, the Totem Pokémon become more powerful. Pokémon other than Totem Pokémon also sometimes call on allies to aid them.
The final trial on each island is called the grand trial where Pokémon battle against the kahuna who leads that island. If a trial-goer succeeds in clearing this grand trial, they will be publicly recognized as having cleared all of the island’s trials and can move on to the next island.
Each trial has a captain whose role is to provide guidance to trial-goers. All of the captains are Trainers who undertook trials in their own island challenge several years earlier.
Lana is a captain who is an expert with Water-type Pokémon. She is dedicated to her family and is a reliable older sister who watches over her younger sisters. Captain Mallow is an expert with Grass-type Pokémon. She loves cooking, but it seems that sometimes her taste is a bit particular. Specializing in Electric-type Pokémon, Captain Sophocles is good with mechanics and has invented various machines. Captain Kiawe’s expertise is in Fire-type Pokémon, and together with his Marowak, he studies the traditional dances that have been passed down in the Alola region.
Each of Alola’s four islands has a leader, called the island kahuna, who governs the island. Kahunas are chosen by the Pokémon known as guardian deities, which are also found on each island. Hala is the kahuna of Melemele Island, where the main character has just moved to, and he is also the rival character Hau’s grandfather. Hala’s skill is renowned in the Alola region. He gives the player their first partner Pokémon and expects great things from them.
In the Alola region, certain Pokémon help people reach places that are not accessible using human strength alone. This practice of traveling on Ride Pokémon is typical of the culture of the Alola region, where humans and Pokémon are closely bound together. These Pokémon do not join the player’s team, but they can be called upon anytime for help.
Fomantis is nocturnal, and it performs photosynthesis while it sleeps during the day by spreading out its leaves in all directions. Because of the danger of staying in the same location two days in a row, Fomantis begins its search for the next day’s spot as soon as the sun sets.
For Fomantis, photosynthesis is not just a source of energy—it is a necessity to achieve the strength and brilliant coloration of its evolved form. Photosynthesis is precious to Fomantis, and it will fiercely attack those who get in the way of that process.
Fomantis excel at long-range attacks like Razor Leaf and Solar Beam. Solar Beam is indeed a powerful move, but since it uses up the energy that the Pokemon has stored through photosynthesis, Fomantis rarely uses it.
Lurantis draws opponents near to itself with its flowerlike appearance and aroma—and then it takes them down. It’s said to be the most gorgeous of all Grass-type Pokemon, due to its brilliant coloration and elegant moves. Lurantis’s appearance is maintained through detailed grooming. It will trust a Trainer who does a good job of caring for it, but it will apparently have a difficult time growing closer to a lazy Trainer.
Lurantis can learn Solar Blade, a move that releases a blade-shaped beam to mince up its foes. The blade is so sharp it is said it can slice a rock in half! Solar Blade is a move that no Pokemon has been able to learn before. With Solar Blade, Lurantis absorbs energy from the sun on the first move and then unleashes a powerful attack on the second turn. Lurantis is the Totem Pokemon of Lush Jungle, the site of an Akala Island trial. It will overwhelm trial-goers with the powerful combos it unleashes with the Pokemon allies it calls.
Gumshoos’s method of targeting prey is the exact opposite of Yungoos’s strategy. While Yungoos prowls around, Gumshoos stakes out its prey’s usual routes and waits patiently for it to come by.
Gumshoos has a tenacious personality, which is why it targets one prey for so long without wavering. But when the sun goes down, it runs low on stamina, falling asleep right on the spot. Gumshoos can withstand a great deal of hunger. It’s able to stay perfectly still while waiting for its prey, keeping watch without eating a thing.
Minior are formed in the stratosphere and live by absorbing the detritus around them. When they’ve consumed a large quantity of particles, their bodies become heavy, and they fall toward the planet’s surface. Minior has a hard and heavy outer shell with a core inside it. The Meteor Pokemon seems to be made in such a way that if its shell breaks, it becomes lighter and can deal out quick attacks.
When its shell breaks, the core in its center is revealed. You won’t know what color will appear until this happens!
Minior has the new Shields Down Ability, which no other Pokemon has had before. With the Shields Down Ability, it will have excellent defensive capabilities as long as its shell is intact. It will also be protected from status conditions. But when its HP drops below half, its shell will break, and it will change to a form better suited to attacking.
Minior’s core will change color depending on the particular color of the debris it has absorbed. Its pastel coloration has a cute look, so this Pokemon is often used as a design motif for clothing and accessories.
Mudbray could once be found all over the world, but it was overhunted and ended up on the verge of extinction. It’s said that the Alola region is the only place in the world where Mudbray can still be found in the wild.
Mudbray boasts superhuman strength—a surprise, considering its small body. Mudbray can carry loads up to 50 times its own weight on its back or dragging behind it.
Mudbray loves playing in the mud. It’s easy to live in harmony with this Pokemon, as long as you provide an environment where it can play in the mud. If it can’t frolic in the mire, however, Mudbray will become stressed and may stop listening to orders.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-2 06:04 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-2 06:44 PM 编辑
Oricorio changes its form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Since it has four different forms—the same as the number of islands in Alola—it would seem that different Oricorio live on each of the islands.
The Baile Style Oricorio is very passionate, and power fills its body when it dances. It sends downy fluff flying during its intense dances. By igniting this fluff, it can unleash a fiery dance attack.
Oricorio has the new Dancer Ability that no other Pokemon has had before. If another Pokemon in the field uses a dancing move, then Oricorio will be able to use the same move immediately afterward, thanks to its Dancer Ability.
Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.
Oricorio changes its form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Since it has four different forms—the same as the number of islands in Alola—it would seem that different Oricorio live on each of the islands.
The Pom-Pom Style Oricorio is very friendly toward people, and it uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum. When it dances, its feathers are charged with static electricity. It can attack with these charged feathers, and sometimes it unleashes a powerful electric shock.
Oricorio has the new Dancer Ability that no other Pokemon has had before. If another Pokemon in the field uses a dancing move, then Oricorio will be able to use the same move immediately afterward, thanks to its Dancer Ability.
Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.
Oricorio changes its form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Since it has four different forms—the same as the number of islands in Alola—it would seem that different Oricorio live on each of the islands.
The Pa’u Style Oricorio acts at its own pace, which sometimes makes it difficult to deal with. It sharpens its spirited moves through dance, which increases its psychic power. It’s said that this dance expresses its gratitude to the guardian deity Pokemon.
Oricorio has the new Dancer Ability that no other Pokemon has had before. If another Pokemon in the field uses a dancing move, then Oricorio will be able to use the same move immediately afterward, thanks to its Dancer Ability.
Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.
Oricorio changes its form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Since it has four different forms—the same as the number of islands in Alola—it would seem that different Oricorio live on each of the islands.
The Sensu Style Oricorio is quiet and collected. By means of its dance, it gathers the spirits drifting about in an area and borrows their power to fight. People who migrated from Kanto feel a great liking for this Pokemon because its dance reminds them of their homeland.
Oricorio has the new Dancer Ability that no other Pokemon has had before. If another Pokemon in the field uses a dancing move, then Oricorio will be able to use the same move immediately afterward, thanks to its Dancer Ability.
Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.
Sandshrew have historically lived in desert areas. But the frequent eruptions of nearby volcanoes drove the Sandshrew to abandon the desert and migrate to snowy mountains, where they took on this form.
Sandshrew body changed to adapt to the harsh environment of the snowy mountains. The Alolan Sandshrew has a shell of ice covering its skin, which is like hard steel. It excels defensively but it lacks and cant c u r l its body into a ball like a Ground-type Sandshrew can.
Its heavy weight makes the Alolan Sandshrew slower than a normal Sandshrew, but the claws on its hands and feet allow it to move across ice without slipping. When it wants to move quickly, it uses its stomach to slide across the ice like a curling rock.
The Alolan Sandshrew of the snowy mountains evolve into Alolan Sandslash with spiny backs that are covered in ice. Thanks to their icy coating, these spines are large and sharp. Alolan Sandslash hide themselves in the snow when strong enemies appear, leaving only their needles exposed and ready for business.
The weight of the ice that covers its body makes these Alolan Sandslash heavier than normal Sandslash, and this causes them to be slower. Yet in snow fields and on ice, they move by creating a path with their claws, and so they’re able to move with swiftness.
The sprays of snow kicked up by Alolan Sandslash’s movements are so beautiful that many photographers head for the snowy peaks to capture the moment. However, Sandslash live deep in the mountains, and there is great danger of becoming stranded, so it’s forbidden to climb the mountains without permission.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-2 06:44 PM
It is said that Vulpix came to the Alola region together with humans, but the Fox Pokemon moved to the snowy mountain peaks to avoid the normal habitats of other Pokemon, and thus it ended up taking on this form.
These Alolan Vulpix live on high mountains that remain covered in snow year-round. They live in small packs of two to five individuals, helping one another survive.
Alolan Vulpix can freeze anything solid by expelling breath at a temperature of −58 degrees Fahrenheit (−50° C) from its mouth. It doesn’t fare well in the heat, but when the temperature gets too high, it produces ice from its tail to lower the surrounding temperature.
Alolan Ninetales live on a snowy peak that is revered in the Alola region as a holy mountain. They are treated as sacred emissaries, and people meet them with awe and fear. This Pokemon’s personality is extremely gentle, and at times it has helped humans who seem to be in distress. However, it shows no mercy at all to anyone or anything that dares to damage its territory!
The Alolan Ninetales is able to produce ice crystals from the fur that covers its body. It can use these ice crystals to block attacks, or it can form balls of ice with them, which it fires like bullets at opponents. The power of these ice missiles is great enough to pulverize rock!
The environment of the Alola region, where strong sunlight pours down all year round, brought about this change in Exeggutor’s form. The people of Alola boast that the Alolan Exeggutor is the true form of Exeggutor.
Unlike other Exeggutor, the Alolan Exeggutor has a fourth head—on its tail! This fourth head controls the tail independently and can take on opponents to the rear that can’t be reached by the main heads’ attacks.
This Pokemon excels at whipping its long neck like a lash to attack with its hard heads. But that neck can sometimes become a weakness…
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-11 07:05 AM Pokémon Sun and Moon August 12 Update Leaks
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-11 06:16 PM Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer shows Team Skull, new Pokemon and Alola variants
《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》抢先释出新影像 透露反派及阿罗拉版「喵喵」「雷丘」样貌!
预定在 11 月 18 日发售的 Nintendo 3DS 角色扮演游戏《精灵宝可梦(Pokémon)》系列最新作品《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮(Pokémon Sun / Moon)》,Pokémon 在今(11)日于官方 Youtube 频道上传了新游戏影像,抢先曝光了更多游戏内容。
[youtube]7VmMURRKWFk[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-19 06:56 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-20 07:25 AM 编辑
Pokémon Sun and Moon reveals new Pokémon Turnator
New Alola region Pokémon revealed at gamescom in Cologne!
Earlier today on stage at gamescom in Germany, Game Freaks’s Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori unveiled the brand-new Pokémon Turtonator which can be found in the Alola region in the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon video games.
The Blast Turtle Pokémon Turtonator lives around volcanoes and camouflages itself as a rock to wait for its prey. This Pokémon feeds on sulfur and other materials found near volcanic craters, and as a result its shell is covered in a layer of explosive material. During battle, when something strikes Turtonator, sparks fly from the horns on its shell, igniting this layer and causing an explosion.
Turtonator can learn the exclusive move Shell Trap. With this move, the Pokémon lays a trap for the opponent at the start of the turn. If Turtonator is hit by an opponent’s physical attack during that turn, the trap triggers an explosion resulting in huge damage to the opponent.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will launch in Europe on 23 November 2016, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-2 07:02 AM Pokémon Sun and Moon reveals Alolan Rattata, Munchlax early purchase bonus
Early purchasers of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon to receive exclusive Munchlax
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo unveiled details about a unique Munchlax that evolves into Pulverizing Snorlax for those who purchase Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon by Wednesday, January 11, 2017. A new regional variant Pokémon, Alolan Rattata, was also unveiled for the video games launching on November 23, 2016, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family systems.
Munchlax and Snorlax
The early purchase bonus Munchlax, which must be received via players’ Internet connection by January 11, 2017, is holding a special item called Snorlium Z. By evolving Munchlax into Snorlax and having it hold the Snorlium Z, Snorlax becomes able to use a special Z-Move that cannot be used by any other Pokémon—Pulverizing Pancake.
The bonus Munchlax will also know the move Hold Back, which it could not normally learn. Hold Back is an attack move that leaves its opponent with just 1 HP. It can reliably weaken an opposing Pokémon, so it comes in handy when trying to catch wild Pokémon.
The Munchlax being gifted will also know the move Happy Hour, another move it normally couldn’t learn. When players use Happy Hour during a Trainer battle, they’ll receive twice as much prize money after the battle for use on their adventure.
Type: Normal
Munchlax is a big eater that wolfs down its own weight in food once a day, gulping it down practically without chewing! It also hides food under the hair on its body. But then it forgets about it...
Type: Normal
Snorlax is a Pokémon that has blocked the path of many a Trainer. It’s not satisfied unless it eats in excess of 880 pounds of food every day. When it’s done eating, it promptly goes to sleep. Snorlax’s typical day consists of nothing more than eating and sleeping. It gets fatter and fatter, and it moves less and less. Its stomach is extremely strong, and its digestive juices can dissolve any kind of poison, so eating rotten food doesn’t affect it.
Additional new regional variant Pokémon
Alolan Rattata
Type: Dark/Normal
Unlike ordinary Rattata, urban areas are Alolan Rattata’s main habitat. They are nocturnal and live in nests of several dozen. Alolan Rattata have an excellent aptitude for sniffing out delicious fresh foods in Alola. They pay no attention to foods that aren’t fresh. Alolan Raticate serve as their boss.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-2 07:25 AM 《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》公布早期购入特典 见识卡比兽认真起来的威力!
何谓 Z 招式
Z 招式是在阿罗拉地区被使用的特别的宝可梦招式,由训练家把自然之力「Z 力量」传送到宝可梦身上,让宝可梦的招式增强为强劲的招式。 由于训练家和宝可梦也都竭尽全力,在 1 场对战中只可使用 1 次,可是该招式的威力已远远比到目前为止宝可梦的招式强劲得多。
存在着可使用特别的 Z 招式的宝可梦!
力量提升前的每种招式属性各自有对应的 Z 招式存在着,所有宝可梦皆可使用。 但是,据说以阿罗拉雷丘(Raichu)为首的部分宝可梦可使用其他宝可梦不能使用的特别 Z 招式。
与小卡比兽一起以早期购入特典形式赠送之道具「卡比兽 Z」也是只有卡比兽才可使用的特别的 Z招式所需的道具。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-3 07:19 AM
[youtube]pKieqhDHDq4[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-7 07:02 AM Pokémon Sun and Moon details new Pokemon, Aether Foundation, Ultra Beasts, more
Exciting New Details Revealed for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
Newly revealed Pokémon include:
Type: Null
Type: Normal
Type: Null is a Synthetic Pokémon which was constructed to synthesize the strengths of various Pokémon, making it adaptable enough to complete a mission that requires a Pokémon as strong as the Pokémon of mythology. The mask fitted to this Pokémon’s head is a piece of equipment designed to control its power. Type: Null is the partner Pokémon of a newly revealed character - Gladion, the taciturn enforcer of Team Skull, who places a high value on being strong in battle.
Type: Dragon
The Scaly Pokémon Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior and never neglects its training in its pursuit of becoming stronger. This Pokémon uses the scales on its head as a weapon both offensively and defensively. It lives in harsh locales, like canyons, where it can train.
Alolan Raticate
Type: Dark/Normal
Raticate in Alola live in urban areas, leading to a higher-calorie diet than that of Raticate elsewhere. This means they have tough bodies but have gotten a lot fatter. They stockpile huge amounts of food in their nests and prefer fresh fruit and high-class ingredients. Alolan Raticate is the Totem Pokémon of the trial that takes place in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island in Pokémon Moon.
Brand-new characters in the story were also announced—members of the Aether Foundation, an organization that works in the Alola region and conducts various research projects. Residing on Aether Paradise, the artificial island that they created, their goal is to care for and provide shelter to Pokémon that have been hurt. Members of the Aether Foundation include:
The beautiful Lusamine is the president of the Aether Foundation.
Faba can be identified by his signature accessory—green sunglasses. He is the Aether Foundation’s second-in-command.
As the assistant branch chief of Aether Paradise, Wicke has a very caring personality and supports Faba. She is loved by all of the Aether Foundation’s employees.
Employees of the Aether Foundation
The staff members of the Aether Foundation appear to have various uniforms depending on which division they belong to.
All over Alola, rumours speak of creatures that possess mighty powers and pose a threat to humans and Pokémon. They’re called Ultra Beasts, and there are said to be multiple Ultra Beasts in existence. It seems that the Aether Foundation is conducting research on these Ultra Beasts, referring to each of them by a code name. UB-01 is an Ultra Beast that has a body composed of a glass-like substance. It constantly changes shape, and its movements resemble that of a young girl. Whilst evidence of something like a survival instinct can be observed in UB-01, no one knows whether it has a will of its own or any emotions at all.
Whilst exploring Alola in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, players will encounter Dexio and Sina. These two originally appeared in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y as the professor’s assistants. They will give you an item called the Zygarde Cube and ask you to collect Zygarde Cores and Zygarde Cells which can be found all around Alola. If you collect enough, the path to finding Zygarde may become clearer!
A brand-new feature called the Poké Finder will debut in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. This feature allows players to take pictures of the Pokémon they find. It’s loaded into the Rotom Dex and, when used in certain spots scattered throughout the Alola region, you can snap pictures of Pokémon. The pictures you take will be evaluated, and as you take better pictures, more features—like the ability to zoom—become available.
A huge difference between the two game versions - Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon - was also announced. In previous games, you could discover certain Pokémon in only one of the two versions of the game. Now, in addition to this feature, there will be a difference in the way time is set in the two games. The two worlds of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are 12 hours apart and are tied to the actual time in real life. Pokémon Sun operates on the same time as your Nintendo 3DS system, but time in the world of Pokémon Moon is shifted by 12 hours. Some Totem Pokémon which appear in the trials throughout the game will also be different in each version. Players will encounter different Pokémon on the same route depending on whether it is day or night, which means players will have different experiences according to their chosen version of the game.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-7 07:27 AM 《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》揭露 2 个不同世界的秘密与阿罗拉地区的全新宝可梦
New 3DS XL Pokémon Sun and Moon 'Solgaleo Lunala Black Edition' Model Announced
New Nintendo 3DS XL System Inspired by Upcoming Pokémon Games Arrives in Stores Oct. 28
To prepare for the launches of both the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games on Nov. 18, fans will be able to purchase a New Nintendo 3DS XL system inspired by the games starting on Oct. 28 at the suggested retail price of $199.99. That’s three weeks before the games come out – plenty of time to break the system in before diving into the new Pokémon adventures (sold separately). The limited-edition system sports a slick black color with both of the new Legendary Pokémon, Solgaleo and Lunala, gracing the cover.
“This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beloved Pokémon series and people have never been talking about Pokémon more,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Playing Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon on this new Pokémon system is the best way for fans to show their love for this iconic series.”
When the games launch on Nov. 18, fans can also purchase the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Dual Pack, which includes both games, as well as two codes that will unlock 100 Poké Balls each. The Dual Pack will be available at select retailers at a suggested retail price of $79.99.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon introduce players to the latest edition of the Pokémon core series. Taking place in the tropical Alola Region composed of numerous islands, the games include many new features to the series, including a new battle system called Battle Royal, powerful new Z-Moves and the ability to ride several different Pokémon with Poké Ride.
For more information about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, visit pokemon-sunmoon.com.
The Pokémon Company International is excited to announce Pokémon Generations, an all-new Pokémon animated series of shorts, launching on the official Pokémon YouTube channel this Friday, 16 September, at 5pm BST. A first-look trailer revealing the series and giving a sneak peek at the animation has just gone live.
Pokémon Generations looks back at each generation of the Pokémon video game series, diving into the stories of the games more deeply and getting to know characters and Pokémon better. Visit each region, from Kanto to Kalos, to relive the world of Pokémon like never before! Pokémon Generations consists of 18 episodes, each running between three and five minutes in length, with the first two episodes launching on 16 September 2016.
The accompanying assets include several pieces of concept art from the series, including early drawings of video game characters, N and Team Plasma Grunts from Pokémon Blac k, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, and Pokémon White 2 Versions, and Professor Sycamore from Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, as well as scenes from the Kanto, Unova and Kalos regions.
Be sure to tune into youtube.com/pokemon on 16 September to relive classic Pokémon video game moments!
听说在《精灵宝可梦 太阳/月亮》的冒险旅程中,「究极异兽」们会侵袭阿罗拉地区。 目的和其数量完全没有头绪。 除了目前已经现身的UB01、02之外,好像亦有多只的「究极异兽」存在着。作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-21 07:10 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-21 07:25 AM 编辑
Pokémon Sun & Moon ~ Version-exclusive Pokémon and New Features Revealed
New Details and More Differences Between Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Revealed!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo revealed new information for the latest games in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, coming to Europe on 23 November and available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
Newly revealed Pokémon include:
Passimian (Pokemon Sun-exclusive)
Type: Fighting
The Teamwork Pokémon Passimian attack by throwing Berries at their foes. They tend to live in troops of 20–30 Passimian, who all follow one leader. These tribes work in teams to train and improve their skills. This Pokémon has the Ability Receiver, an Ability which no previous Pokémon has had. With the Receiver Ability, Passimian can inherit the Ability of an ally who faints in battle. Passimian only appear in Pokémon Sun.
Oranguru (Pokemon Moon-exclusive)
Type: Normal/Psychic
The Sage Pokémon Oranguru live in the solitary deeps of the Alolan forests and, in fact, were once known as ‘the people of the forests’. Oranguru hold a fan-like object made of leaves and are known to be kind to other Pokémon in the forest, often giving injured Pokémon medicine or hungry Pokémon food. This Pokémon can exclusively learn the new move Instruct, a move which can make the selected target use its most recent move again immediately. Oranguru only appear in Pokémon Moon.
The previously revealed Puppy Pokémon Rockruff can evolve into a different form depending on whether you are playing Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon.
Lycanroc (Midday Form) (Pokemon Sun-exclusive)
Type: Rock
In the world of Pokémon Sun, Rockruff is bathed in profuse amounts of solar energy, and Solgaleo’s influence causes this Pokémon to evolve into Lycanroc’s Midday Form. This form is known for speedy movement which can confound its opponents. A very loyal Pokémon, Lycanroc Midday Form dodges opponents’ strikes whilst attacking with the sharp rocks of its mane. Lycanroc Midday Form can learn Accelerock, a new move unique to the Pokémon, which is guaranteed to strike first, damaging opponents by slamming into them very quickly.
Lycanroc (Midnight Form) (Pokemon Moon-exclusive)
Type: Rock
In the world of Pokémon Moon, Rockruff is bathed in an abundance of lunar energy, and Lunala’s influence causes this Pokémon to evolve into Lycanroc’s Midnight Form. This Pokémon will sacrifice its own safety to strike down its foes. The stronger an opponent is, the more excited Lycanroc Midnight Form becomes, its eyes glowing with the thrill of battle. This Pokémon feels a deep trust towards a Trainer who can draw forth its true power.
Two new Pokémon-specific Z-moves were also announced for some fan-favourite Pokémon:
Exclusive Z-Move: Catastropika
Pikachu’s exclusive Z-Move, Catastropika, is a super-powered attack move where Pikachu borrows its Trainer’s strength, wraps itself in extra-high-voltage electric power, and charges into its opponents. This is Pikachu’s most powerful attack.
Exclusive Z-Move: Extreme Evoboost
Eevee’s exclusive Z-Move, Extreme Evoboost, gathers together Sylveon, Jolteon and more – all of the eight Pokémon that Eevee can evolve into – and grants their powers to Eevee. This highly powerful move raises Eevee’s Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Speed by 2.
The popular character-customisation feature makes a return in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Personalise your character’s clothing, hairstyle and eye colour as you venture through the Alola region. Now, you can even dye your fashions to change their colour and make sure you pull off your favourite look whilst out adventuring.
The Pokémon Refresh feature lets you care for your Pokémon. After a battle, Pokémon can sometimes end up rumpled and dirty. Pokémon Refresh lets you clean them up, care for them, feed them Poké Beans and even cure status conditions like poisoning and paralysis that were inflicted on them in battle. Pokémon that have been looked after in Pokémon Refresh can grow very affectionate and will battle to the utmost for you. This means that sometimes they may avoid attacks from opposing Pokémon or even hold out when they’re on the verge of fainting. Take good care of all your Pokémon in Pokémon Refresh, and they will be great allies on your adventure.
The Nintendo 3DS downloadable software Pokémon Bank, an application that enables players to put Pokémon they’ve been on past adventures with into internet-based storage boxes, will be receiving an update in January 2017. This update will give the Pokémon Bank application compatibility with Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and include a new National Pokédex feature. The Pokédex feature reads saved data from any compatible titles you connect to Pokémon Bank and collects information about all the Pokémon you have caught. You can then check out all of this information in the Pokémon Bank application and even see Pokémon that don’t natively appear in the Alola region. Poké Transporter will also be updated to make the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow compatible with Pokémon Bank. This means that Pokémon that players have caught in the VC-original Kanto games will be able to be transferred across into Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-21 07:27 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-21 07:30 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-4 11:39 PM Pokémon Sun and Moon New Info ~ Starter evolutions, Demo Oct. 18, Ash-Greninja
First-Partner Pokémon Evolutions, a Special Demo and More Announced for Pokémon Sun and pokémon Moon!
The Pokémon Company International showcased a bunch of new information for the latest games in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, coming to Europe on 23 November and available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
The evolved forms of the three first-partner Pokémon, Dartrix, Torracat and Brionne, were unveiled:
Type: Grass-Flying
The Blade Quill Pokémon Dartrix evolves from Rowlet. Dartrix attacks by throwing its knife-edged feathers, and it possesses extremely sharp senses. This Pokémon can detect opponents behind it and can throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokémon cares a great deal about its appearance, grooming its feathers in every spare moment it has.
Type: Fire
The Fire Cat Pokémon Torracat evolves from Litten. This Pokémon produces flames for its attacks from a bell-like sac attached at the base of its throat. Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack relentlessly. Its mane can sense what is going on around it, even in the dark, and is able to detect the presence of hidden enemies.
Type: Water
The Pop Star Pokémon Brionne evolves from Popplio. Brionne can dance in perfect time with others and is always cheery and positive. A very hard worker, Brionne learns dances by imitating other members of its colony and can sometimes even learn dances from humans. As this Pokémon dances, it creates balloons and slaps them into its target, making them explode and deal damage to its opponents.
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, communication features are gathered together in the new Festival Plaza. Players will be able to see other people playing near them, or other players that are connected to the internet to battle or trade. By talking to people and listening to their requests in Festival Plaza, players can receive Festival Coins. There are cool stores to spend Festival Coins in, such as dye houses, goody shops (where rare items are sold) and even bouncy castles for Pokémon to train in. As players gather more Festival Coins, their Festival Plaza will rank up, yielding rewards and making more activities available. Players will even gain the ability to host missions, where multiple players can work together to try to achieve certain goals.
Another new feature that was announced was Poké Pelago. In Poké Pelago, Pokémon that are stored in a PC Box can explore a variety of isles, play on athletic equipment and enjoy other fun activities. If players send many Pokémon to Poké Pelago, they can develop more facilities on the isles and also develop new kinds of isles. As these isles are developed and increase in number, they will allow players to obtain items and even raise Pokémon.
Mega Evolution is making a return as well. Pokémon that were able to Mega Evolve in previous Pokémon games will also be able to Mega Evolve in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The Mega Stones for Pokémon with the capability to Mega Evolve that appear in the Alola region may be received from characters in the game or obtained from special shops.
The Pokémon Global Link will be updated for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and will be available from the games’ launch date. The updated Pokémon Global Link site will have new features, including new online competitions, global missions and more. More information and features on the upcoming site can be found here.
The Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version was also unveiled and will be available to download directly from Nintendo eShop or via the official Nintendo website starting from 18 October. The Special Demo Version introduces players to the Alola region and features Ash-Greninja, the Pokémon that appears alongside the hero Ash in the animated TV series Pokémon the Series: XYZ. Players will be able to transfer their Ash-Greninja from the Special Demo Version to their full version of Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon once the game launches on 23 November.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-5 06:07 PM 《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》公开御三家宝可梦进化后的样子 特别体验版 18 日登场
从 Nintendo eShop 进行下载
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作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-15 07:12 AM New Pokémon and Characters Revealed for Pokémon Sun and Moon
New Pokémon and Characters Announced for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo showcased new information for the latest games in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, coming to Europe on 23 November and available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
The following new Pokémon have been unveiled:
Type: Normal
The Synthetic Pokémon Silvally is the evolution of Type: Null. This Pokémon changes its type when exclusive items are inserted into the drive on its head, and its somatic cells mutate and glow with different colors of light depending on its type. Silvally has the new Ability RKS System, which causes this Pokémon to change type when holding specific type-related items. It also has the exclusive move Multi-Attack, an attack which changes depending on which type-related item it is holding.
Type: Dragon-Fighting
Hakamo-o is the Evolution of Jangmo-o. Hakamo-o dance before battle to show their strength, clanging their scales together. A solitary Pokémon that enjoys training alone, its scales are often torn off, but they grow back nearly immediately. Hakamo-o view the number of lost scales as proof of how ferociously they have fought in battle.
Type: Dragon-Fighting
Kommo-o is the Evolution of Hakamo-o. There is a legend that says Kommo-o are covered in glittering scales in order to drive away a great darkness covering the world. This Pokémon can learn the new move Clanging Scales. When using this attack, Kommo-o scrapes the scales covering its body against one another, attacking with a loud c[禁止售卖商品]. After using this move, Kommo-o’s Defense is lowered.
Type: Grass
The Fruit Pokémon Steenee is the Evolution of Bounsweet. The calyx on this Pokémon’s head is very hard, and Steenee attacks by smacking its opponent with it, combined with kicks from its tough legs. This Pokémon’s fragrance is even more delectable than that of Bounsweet.
Type: Grass
Only the strongest of Steenee are able to evolve into Tsareena. A very noble Pokémon, Tsareena use their strength to protect and rule over Bounsweet as their queen. This Pokémon attacks with very powerful, majestic kicks and uses its powerful fragrance to mesmerize its opponents. Some Tsareena have the exclusive new ability Queenly Majesty, which prevents opponents from using priority moves.
Type: Bug-Fairy
Ribombee is the Evolution of Cutiefly. This Pokémon collects flower nectar and pollen to make into balls, known as Pollen Puffs, which it can then launch at its opponent in battle. Some of the Pollen Puffs that Ribombee make also have relaxing effects or can relieve tiredness. These Pollen Puffs are distributed all over the Alola region.
Alolan Grimer
Type: Poison-Dark
As the population of the Alola region increased, dealing with garbage became a serious problem. As a solution, Grimer were imported from other regions and fed primarily on garbage, so their body composition changed—as did their form. What appear to be teeth in this Pokémon’s mouth are in fact residual toxins from the garbage it eats, which have hardened and crystallized. There are more than a hundred Alolan Grimer in Alola’s garbage-processing plants.
Alolan Muk
Type: Poison-Dark
Alolan Muk evolves from Alolan Grimer. The Muk in the Alola region produce and store their toxins within their bodies so, unlike Muk in other regions, you won’t detect any unpleasant aromas when you draw near one. Alolan Muk has the same poisonous crystals as Alolan Grimer, but they are all over the surface of its body. Alolan Muk uses them to attack, just like other Pokémon use their fangs or claws.
Two new characters who will appear in the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games were also announced. Introducing Olivia and Ilima:
Olivia is the kahuna of Akala Island, the second island you visit across your island challenge. She is extraordinarily skilled and has served as a kahuna since a young age. Although highly skilled, she insists that she is just a normal girl.
A graduate of the Trainers’ school and an expert in Normal-type Pokémon, Captain Ilima is considered a hero by the students of his former school.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-18 06:16 PM 《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮 特别体验版》今日起释出下载 可获得「小智版甲贺忍蛙」
在 Nintendo 3DS 启动 Nintendo eShop 后,便可从 Nintendo eShop 下载《精灵宝可梦 太阳 / 月亮》特别体验版。 透过 Nintendo 3DS 系列主机的照相机功能,无需在「Nintendo eShop」进行搜寻,便可轻松地直接移动至商品的画面。 在 Nintendo 3DS 系列主机的「HOME 选单」中按 L 键和 R 键,启动照相机。 透过点触在下屏幕的左方之图标读取 QR Code,便可简单地移动至商品的画面。
New Z-Move Details and New Pokémon Anoounced for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo showcased new information for the latest games in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, available in Europe on 23 November and available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
The following new Pokémon were officially revealed:
Alolan Diglett
Type: Ground–Steel
The Mole Pokémon Alolan Diglett live near volcanic areas, so they have few places to hide themselves away. It’s said they developed the hairlike metallic whiskers which grow from the top of their heads as a survival mechanism for the hostile volcanic environment. Their whiskers enable them to sense surrounding areas without exposing their face above ground. Alolan Diglett can have the Tangling Hair Ability, which is a new Ability that no other Pokémon has previously had. With the Tangling Hair Ability, opponents that hit this Pokémon with a move that makes direct contact will have their speed lowered by 1.
Alolan Dugtrio
Type: Ground–Steel
Alolan Dugtrio is the evolved form of Alolan Diglett. Alolan Dugtrio’s whiskers grow throughout its life at a very slow rate, shining with a brilliance akin to that of golden hair. In the Alola region, this Pokémon is revered as an incarnation of the god of the land, and it’s treated with great importance. Removing any of this Pokémon’s whiskers is strictly prohibited. There is a superstitious belief that many Alolan Dugtrio come out of their burrows on a day when a volcano will erupt.
Also revealed were the following new Ultra Beasts:
UB-05 Glutton
This beast has an astounding appetite, and it will completely devour anything in front of its eyes. It’s said that it devours not only objects, but the ground, rivers, and even the seas. There is a belief that it converts the abnormal amount it eats entirely into energy to sustain itself, leaving no waste product behind. Whether this is true or not is a mystery.
UB-03 Lighting
Another of the Ultra Beasts is known as UB-03 Lighting. More will be revealed during the players’ adventures around the Alola region.
The image of one additional Pokémon was also revealed, but players will have to pick up the games when they launch on 23 November to find out more about this mysterious Pokémon!
Each of the three Pokémon that you can choose as your first partner during your adventure have an exclusive Z-Move that they can use only after they fully evolve. These moves are:
Sinister Arrow Raid
Pokémon: Decidueye
Decidueye slices through the air together with a hail of arrow quills, crashing into the target before dealing the final blow with its arrows.
Malicious Moonsault
Pokémon: Incineroar
With flames spouting from its flame belt, Incineroar leaps high into the sky and dives straight down onto its target.
Oceanic Operetta
Pokémon: Primarina
Primarina manipulates a huge balloon using its voice, then causes it to explode over its target’s head, dealing a lot of damage.
Z-Moves are special moves that a Pokémon can use when it’s holding a Z-Crystal that corresponds to its move’s type. Their effects vary greatly depending on whether they’re based on attack moves or status moves. Z-Moves based on attack moves have far greater power than standard moves, but how powerful they will be seems to depend on the power of the original move that a Z-Move is based on. Since Z-Moves are full-powered attacks, they also seem to be impossible to fully ward off with moves like Protect and Detect—they still do some damage. When you use your Z-Power based on a status move, it will be powered up with additional effects. These effects come in many varieties, including raising your own Pokémon’s stats, healing the next Pokémon to switch in and more!
A special QR Code is also planned for distribution via the Pokémon TV app from 6 December in Europe. Once scanned in the game, the code enables players to obtain the Mythical Pokémon Magearna. Not only that, but players who purchase Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and connect to the internet between 23 November 2016 and 11 January 2017 can obtain a special Munchlax and a Snorlium Z via the Mystery Gift function. You can even start your adventure early with the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version—available now for download from Nintendo eShop at no charge. Players can transfer their Greninja from the demo version to their full game version of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon when it launches later this month.
For more information, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/SunMoon.作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-18 06:28 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-19 03:33 PM 编辑
The Pokemon Company公司宣布,精灵宝可梦在3DS上的全新作品『精灵宝可梦 太阳/月亮』的第一批出货全球达到一千万套!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-17 07:23 AM
[youtube]tRlmJ-jcIKg[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-15 07:19 AM
[youtube]3vcwT1Swh9M[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-24 06:55 AM
[youtube]OVmGD0rT_Ac[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-28 07:26 AM
[youtube]l7ETpcylnR4[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-13 07:02 AM The Pokémon Company International has decided to dub the Magikarp Song
[youtube]H3x3-22Gi3g[/youtube] 作者: Juff-T 时间: 2017-6-6 06:37 PM
买了pokemon moon, 听说可以和sun的圣兽交换?作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-6 11:00 PM
Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, and Game Freak have announced Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon for 3DS. Both games will launch worldwide on November 17.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon offer an alternate story taking place in the world of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, featuring Pokemon that did not appear in the original versions. New features will allow you to enjoy adventure even more
Pokemon Gold and Silver coming to 3DS Virtual Console on September 22
经典复刻! 《精灵宝可梦 金 / 银》将登上 3DS 虚拟平台
任天堂在今(6)日晚间 11:00(大马时间同日晚间 10:00)举办的在线直播发表会「Pokémon Direct 2017.6.6」中宣布,在 Game Boy Color 推出的经典游戏《精灵宝可梦 金 / 银》将会在 3DS 推出虚拟平台(バーチャルコンソール)复刻版本,并忠实重现 Game Boy Color 版的怀旧游戏画面。 另外,也预定支持宝可梦银行(Pokémon Bank)在线传送服务。
3DS 虚拟平台《精灵宝可梦 金 / 银》预定从 9 月 22 日起释出下载。
Nintendo will release Pokemon Gold Version and Pokemon Silver Version for the 3DS Virtual Console via the Nintendo eShop on September 22, the company announced.
Both games will be compatible with the Pokemon Bank.
A new form of Pokemon Lycanroc called “Dusk Form Lycanroc” will appear in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, The Pokemon Company announced.
The colors of Dusk Form Lycanroc’s body and eyes differ from those of previously discovered Lycanroc forms, Midday Form and Midnight Form. Dusk Form Lycanroc will not be obtainable by ordinary methods such as discovering the Pokemon in the wild.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17.
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo have announced a brand-new form of the Pokémon Lycanroc, along with information on how to obtain it in the upcoming Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon video games.
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the Pokémon Rockruff could evolve into either Midday Form Lycanroc or Midnight Form Lycanroc. In the upcoming video games Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, however, a new version of Lycanroc will be available—Dusk Form Lycanroc.
Dusk Form Lycanroc
Type: Rock
Ability: Tough Claws
Dusk Form Lycanroc features characteristics of both Lycanroc Midday Form and Lycanroc Midnight Form. It stands on all fours and has behavioral traits similar to Midday Form, but when it attacks, its eyes glow red, much like Midnight Form. Dusk Form Lycanroc has a tranquil demeanor and always remains calm. This Pokémon is obedient towards a Trainer that it trusts. It has an intense fighting spirit, and as a result, prefers to do combat at close quarters.
Rockruff caught through normal gameplay cannot evolve into Dusk Form Lycanroc. A unique Rockruff that can evolve into Dusk Form Lycanroc will be wirelessly distributed via Nintendo Network as a special early purchase bonus for owners of Pokémon Ultra Sun or Pokémon Ultra Moon. Players will be able to receive their Rockruff from the games’ launch on 17 November until 10 January 2018. More details are planned to be announced later this year. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-19 10:58 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-19 04:14 PM 编辑
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon New Trailer and Details
Pokémon Company International 和 Nintendo 官方预计于 2017 年 11 月 17 日发售的3DS 平台游戏《精灵宝可梦究极之日/月》于日前公开全新游戏PV,在PV中我们可以看到主人公的全新造型。
New Details Announced for Upcomuing Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo have revealed more details for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, including a new story, Z-Power Ring information and new main character styles!
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the story centered heavily around the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala. In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, a new story unfolds featuring Necrozma alongside the Legendary duo. Ominous dark clouds begin to spread and the secrets of Necrozma and the Alola region, which were never disclosed in the previous games, will finally come to light.
The main characters that appear in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon will feature brand new styles. Players can pick their appearance at the beginning of the game and choose either Rowlet, Litten or Popplio to begin their as-yet-unknown adventure in style. Also discovered in the story is a new Z-Power Ring which players will acquire in the game and can activate to use an even wider variety of Z-Moves. A physical toy of the new Z-Power Ring will be available at launch to purchase and interacts with the video games.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon launch exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on 17 November and a special Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon – Ultra Dual Edition will also be available. The Ultra Dual Edition features exclusively designed packaging and contains a copy of both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon.
For more information, please visit pokemon.com.作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-29 06:08 PM Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Veteran Trainer’s Dual Pack announced for North America
Nintendo has announced a Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon “Veteran Trainer’s Dual Pack” for North America, which includes both games and a few other bonuses.
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon Veteran Trainer’s Dual Pack
This dual pack, which will be available at select retailers, includes both the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, as well as 16 art cards. Fans also will receive a digital download card for 200 Poké Balls. This special dual pack goes on sale Nov. 17 at a suggested retail price of $79.99. For more information about Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, visit pokemon.com/ultrasunmoon.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-14 02:19 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-14 06:13 PM 编辑
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon reveal new details, Poke Ball-themed New 2DS XL, more
The Pokemon Company shared new details about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon during today’s Nintendo Direct broadcast.
Get the information below.
During the presentation, it was revealed that the mysterious Pokemon shown on the packages of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon are in fact Necrozma. After taking over the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo in Pokemon Ultra Sun or the Legendary Pokemon Lunala in Pokemon Ultra Moon, Necrozma becomes Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma! Dusk Mane Necrozma can use Solgaleo’s signature move Sunsteel Strike and Dawn Wings Necrozma can use Lunala’s signature move Moongeist Beam. Alongside these new forms of Necrozma, two new Ultra Beasts, UB Assembly and UB Burst, were also shown. Details about these mysterious beings will be unveiled later.
Fans who purchase either game before January 10, 2018 will receive the in-game special early purchase gift Rockruff that can evolve into the new Dusk Form Lycanroc will know different moves depending on which version of the game you buy. In Pokemon Ultra Sun, it will know the move Fire Fang, while in Pokemon Ultra Moon, it will know the move Thunder Fang. The special Rockruff will be distributed holding a Focus Band and will also know the move Happy Hour which will allow you to receive twice as much prize money after battle. An exclusive Z-Move for Lycanroc was also revealed—Splintered Stormshards. This new Rock-type Z-Move can remove various effects from a terrain, and can be used by having a Lycanroc learn the move Stone Edge and then having it hold the special Z-Crystal Lycanium Z. All three Lycanroc, Midday Form, Midnight Form and Dusk Form, can use Splintered Stormshards.
A Pokemon-themed New Nintendo 2DS XL system was unveiled. The New Nintendo 2DS XL design has a Poke Ball motif with a three-dimensional replica of the Poke Ball’s button in the center of the system’s body. The new design launches November 3.
On September 22, the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console titles Pokemon Gold Version and Pokemon Silver Version will be released worldwide on Nintendo eShop. Fans who purchase either of the games will receive a special code which will grant them the Mythical Pokemon Celebi in the Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun or Pokemon Ultra Moon video games. Special themes for each game will also be available for fans who purchase Pokemon Gold Version or Pokemon Silver Version by January 15.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon details revisited island challenges, Mantine surfing, photo club, more
The Pokemon Company has released new details, video, and screenshots of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon detailing revisited island challenges, Mantine surfing, the Alola Photo Club, and more.
Get the details below.
■ Alola Region
Island Challenges Revisited
The island challenge is a ritual passed down in the Alola region. Its intention is to help children grow into full-fledged Pokemon Trainers. To complete the island challenge, you must face trials on each of four islands.
Some trials in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon seem to play out in different ways than they did in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
The trials are hosted by the captains found on each island.
The content of the trials can vary from running around the area to trying to solve puzzles.
At the end of each trial, you’ll face a powerful Pokemon known as a totem. If you defeat it, you’ll complete the trial.
The final trial of each island is the grand trial, where you face off in battle against the leader of that island—the island kahuna!
There’s even a new trial with Mina, one of the captains who serve as guides for these trials.
Hau is a boy who becomes your friend as soon as you move to Alola. He’s the same age as you. Hau is known to be a laid-back guy, but through the island challenge, he will come to terms with his reasons for participating in Pokemon battles.
Lillie is a girl about your age. She’s acting as Professor Kukui’s assistant for her own reasons. After experiencing many things during her adventures with you, Lillie will discover a new side of herself.
It has been revealed that the mysterious Pokemon shown on the Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon packages is in fact Necrozma, after it has taken over the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo or Lunala. These forms of Necrozma are called Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma.
During your island challenge, you’ll be confronted with troubles involving the Legendary Pokemon Necrozma. You’ll meet mysterious people and Pokemon as you witness the new danger closing in on the Alola region.
■ Cool Features
Ride the Waves with Mantine Surf!
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, you’ll be able to have fun with Mantine Surf, a sport that lets you do some surfing while riding on Mantine’s back. Mantine Surf isn’t just a way to get between islands—it’s also a sport where you compete for the highest score by pulling off different cool moves! Try to become a top-notch Mantine Surfer by riding Mantine like a pro!
Dash Around Alola with Ride Pokemon
Once you get the Ride Pager item, you’ll be able to go on Ride Pokemon and reach places you couldn’t get to before. As you progress through your adventure, you’ll meet and then gain access to various Ride Pokemon. Dash through the world of Alola with the help of Pokemon!
Take Great Photos with the Alola Photo Shoot
Take all sorts of photos with the Pokemon you like at the brand-new Alola Photo Club! You choose the Pokemon to appear together with you in the photo, as well as your outfit, the background, camera angle, and more, so you can take the perfect picture. Get an amazing photo with your favorite Pokemon—and show it off to your friends!
After the shoot, you’ll be able to decorate your photo with frames and stickers. You’ll also be able to show other players the photos you took through communication features.
Taking a photo with a Pokemon also makes that Pokemon more affectionate toward you. As their affection toward you increases, your Pokemon will try to do even better than usual during battles. Strengthen your bonds with your Pokemon!
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17.作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-22 11:06 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-25 04:10 PM 编辑
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon details new Ultra Beasts, Ultra Wormholes, more
The Pokemon Company has released new details, video, and screenshots of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon detailing three new Ultra Beasts, Ultra Wormholes to travel beyond Alola, and more.
While UB Assembly may appear to be made up of stones stacked atop one another, apparently each “stone” is in fact a separate life-form, and this UB is made up of an assemblage of these life-forms.
When confronting another, or when feeling particularly enraged, the eyes on each of these stones begin to glow red.
UB Burst tricks targets into letting their guard down as it draws near with its funny gait, swaying this way and that—then shocks them by blowing up its own head without warning. Before they can recover their senses, it steals their vitality, which it’s said to use as a source of energy.
Its head is made up of collection of curious sparks, and it appears to have the wondrous ability to freely remove its own head and make it explode!
—UB Burst’s go-to move: Mind Blown
With this Fire-type special move, the user sacrifices half of its maximum HP to deal damage. It seems par for the course for UB Burst, which attacks others by blowing up its own head. And despite its comical appearance, this move packs some serious power.
■ Alola Region
To the Worlds That Await Beyond!
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, you’ll be able to ride on the backs of the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala to travel through an Ultra Wormhole and reach the worlds that lie beyond.
The Ultra Wormholes are strange pockets of space that have been seen in the Alola region before. In Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, players saw a hint of the worlds that could lie beyond them, but most of the truth remained shrouded in mystery.
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, you can explore the various worlds that lie through these Ultra Wormholes. Within an Ultra Wormhole, there are countless warp holes that lead to different worlds. Try exploring different worlds by passing through these warp holes! You can even go to the home worlds of the mysterious Ultra Beasts!
Arrive at Ultra Megalopolis
By traveling through an Ultra Wormhole, you can reach Ultra Megalopolis—a world that has had its light stolen by Necrozma. Within this world, wrapped in darkness, a mysterious tower-like building shines with brilliant light. What could possibly wait atop it?
The Ultra Recon Squad
The Ultra Recon Squad is a mysterious group that has come from a world that lies beyond an Ultra Wormhole. For what purpose have they come to the Alola region?
Players will see the story told from somewhat different perspectives in each version, with Dulse and Zossie playing a central role in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Soliera and Phyco taking that role in Pokemon Ultra Moon.
From left to right: Dulse, Zossie, Soliera, and Phyco.
The Ultra Recon Squad Brings UB Adhesive
The Ultra Recon Squad brings with them an Ultra Beast never before seen. It is known by the code name UB Adhesive. Ultra Beasts possess mighty powers and could pose a threat to humans and Pokemon, so they are feared.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon details new Necrozma Z-Moves, powered-up Rotom Dex
The Pokemon Company has released new details, video, and screenshots of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon detailing new Necrozma Z-Moves “Searing Sunraze Smash” and “Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom,” and the powered-up Rotom Dex.
Get the details below.
■ New Z-Moves for Solgaleo and Lunala
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, new exclusive Z-Moves make their debut for Solgaleo and Lunala—Searing Sunraze Smash and Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom.
There is one other Pokemon that can learn Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam, the moves needed to unleash these extremely powerful Z-Moves—Necrozma.
That’s right—a Necrozma that knows Sunsteel Strike or Moongeist Beam will be able to unleash Searing Sunraze Smash or Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom.
It seems there is even greater power still lurking within Necrozma, as well. Just how much power lies hidden within it?
Searing Sunraze Smash Z-Move
Searing Sunraze Smash is a new Steel-type Z-Move that can be used if you have a Solgaleo that knows Sunsteel Strike hold the exclusive Z-Crystal Solganium Z. This attack damages a target while ignoring any effects of the target’s Ability. A Searing Sunraze Smash from Solgaleo will be extremely powerful!
Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom Z-Move
Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom is a new Ghost-type Z-Move that can be used if you have a Lunala that knows Moongeist Beam hold the exclusive Z-Crystal Lunalium Z. This attack also damages a target while ignoring any effects of the target’s Ability. The Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom that Lunala unleashes boasts tremendous power!
A Powered-Up Rotom Dex!
The Rotom Dex is a special item. It’s a Pokedex—a tool that records information about the Pokemon that you find and catch during your adventures—but with a Rotom inside! (Rotom is a Pokemon that is able to enter various electronic appliances.)
In your adventures in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, you’ll grow closer to Rotom the more you communicate with it, and as you do, it will come to help you even more in your journey. Rotom’s personality will change based on how you communicate with it. Perhaps the Rotom that joins you on your adventure will come to act a bit like you!
Deepen your bonds with Rotom as you travel around the world of Alola! It’ll make your adventure more lively and support you on your way!
Introducing Roto Loto
Roto Loto is a feature that lets you get items from your Rotom Dex as you get closer to Rotom. These special items that you get from your Rotom Dex’s Roto Loto come in different varieties, with some increasing the Exp. Points or prize money that you receive for a set period of time, while others might make it easier to catch Pokemon or have other effects. You may choose to use these Rotom Powers from your Bag whenever you’d like!
Use Z-Moves Again with Rotom’s Z-Power
If you become close enough with Rotom, it’ll use a special power for you called Rotom’s Z-Power! This lets you use a second Z-Move in battle, even though you’re normally limited to using only one Z-Move per battle!
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon will launch worldwide for 3DS on November 17.
The Secret of Necrozma - New Information Announced for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon!
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo today announced new details for the upcoming games Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon.
In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, the Legendary Pokémon Necrozma takes on the overwhelmingly powerful form of Dusk Mane Necrozma or of Dawn Wings Necrozma by capturing the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo or Lunala. More of the mysterious Pokémon Necrozma will soon be uncovered, as a new image of Necrozma enveloped in bright light has been revealed. What kind of secret does Necrozma hold? All will become clear throughout players’ adventures across Alola!
In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, players will be able to teach their Pokémon moves in exchange for Battle Points (BP)—moves that they would not be able to learn by leveling up or through any Technical Machine TM. Players can earn BP by winning battles in the Alola region’s battle facilities, such as the Battle Royal Dome and the Battle Tree, or by using Mantine Surf from various beaches. Players can teach moves to the Pokémon that travel with them on their journey or even to the Legendary Pokémon that they catch passing through the Ultra Wormhole.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon will launch this Friday, 17 November, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. A special 3DS theme will also release on the same day. For more details about today’s announcement, please visit Pokemon.co.uk/UltraSunMoon.