First Look: Santa Monica Studio’s New God of War on PS4
Everything, everywhere changes.
Change is an essential part of life. In creative development change is often the explosive spark that transforms good enough into truly memorable.
Several years ago we at Santa Monica Studio began the journey of creating a new God of War. All of us recognized a special honor and responsibility to create a different and better and truly more memorable experience than before. I realized early on that we had to make changes in every aspect of the game.
I knew I didn’t want to simply reboot the franchise, starting over with a retelling of the origin story. I wanted to reimagine the gameplay, give players a fresh perspective and a new tactile experience while delving deeper into the emotional journey of Kratos to explore the compelling drama that unfolds when an immortal demigod makes a decision to change.
For Kratos, this change means breaking the cycle of violence, distrust and deception that his family, the Greek pantheon, perpetuated for so long. That cycle drove a whole host of bad decisions – the ill-fated deal with Ares, the murder of his family and a rage fueled descent into madness and vengeance that ultimately ended with the epic destruction of Olympus.
It also means learning how to control his rage, the intensely turbulent monster that lives within him, steering him down ever-darker paths. Kratos needed to figure out how to put the monster back in the box, how to control when he does and does not let that monster out.
Kratos’ rage has provoked a ton of bad decisions in his life, so I was fascinated to see what would happen if he actually made a good one. What would that look like? How would he struggle with this very difficult and unfamiliar road? And more importantly, why would he do this?
The last question was answered in my own life with the birth of my son, a tremendously transformative event that had me thinking about all kinds of change in life. It is hard for human beings to truly change, but one thing that can really motivate us is the thought of being responsible for a life, and especially the life of our child. The weight of that responsibility drives the instinct to protect, to want to prevent the mistakes of our past being delivered upon them. There is no end to the lengths we will go, no adversity we will not overcome, to be better… for them.
Once the decision to change was made, things got really interesting for Kratos and for all of us here at SMS. The road to creating a new God of War is a seemingly endless climb up an impossibly enormous mountain, filled with countless gut-wrenching failures and joyfully sweet successes.
Change is hard, but through it all we persevere, getting back up each time we are knocked down and celebrating each breakthrough, knowing that this journey ends in the realization of a collective vision – a great change in something we all hold very dear – a chance for us all to be better.
This playable gameplay teaser is an early first glimpse at the new beginning for God of War. We are so very eager to show you more as the game continues to take shape.
在昨天 EA 宣布关闭《死亡空间》工作室Visceral Games的声明中,EA副总裁写道新的《星球大战》项目已经变成了一款单人线性剧情游戏,而不得不推翻之前所有的设计回炉再造。就这一问题,《战神》总监Cory Barlog发推称“我就喜欢单人线性剧情游戏,当有人认为‘线性’这一标签是坏事的时候,我就会觉得非常难过。因为在线性剧情里玩家依然可以有自由度。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-12-9 01:40 PM God of War is 25 to 30 hours-long
The early 2018-due God of War title for PlayStation 4 will take about 25 to 30 hours to complete, director Cory Barlog confirmed at the PlayStation Experience 2017 opening celebration.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-1-5 02:39 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-5 02:42 PM 编辑
Game Informer预定将从接下来的1月6日开始在专题页面刊登有关圣莫尼卡新作《战神4》的独家报道访谈内容、整个2月期的封面故事围绕着编辑前往圣莫尼卡工作室亲手试玩本作、深入战斗了解奎托斯的新武器与能力如何改变战场、采访开发团队聆听他们如何重构战神系列规则使玩家更接近动作游戏本质、以及游戏中奎托斯与其子之间关系的表现展开、无论是系列的新入坑者还是老司机、身为玩家的你都会想知晓这场纵贯北欧神话的史诗之旅的方方面面、地址为: ... 1919&GroupKeys=
-Combat is based on prioritizing enemies, it's not as chaotic as in the past. For example certain enemies are resistant to Leviathan which is Kratos Axe, others are impossible to stagger.
-Use of your surroundings is important to get through combat scenarios. Gives players a few different choices in completing combat scenarios.
-Leviathan is can be thrown to freeze certain enemies and a button needs to be pushed to summon it back to you.
-Not sure if this was known, but there's no jump button
-Shield is used to parry and as well in melee combat
-Arteus (Kratos' Son) is an extension of Kratos moveset, can be used to attack certain enemies by pushing the square button.
-While not being directed in combat Aretus will rain arrows on enemies which will increase their stun meter, once they are stunned Kratos can grab the enemies and either rip them apart or use them as weapons. The example given is a specific enemy creates an area of effect attack that launches the rest of the enemies in the air
-No more jumping or swimming
-Kratos and Arteus use boats to traverse the environment when appropriate
Upgrade System:
-Skills, armor, weapons can all be upgraded
-Uses some type of crafting system that the developers are being tight lipped about
-Can craft different types of armor
-Skill upgrades and crafting of armor applies to Arteus as well
-There are rune slots on the axe that can change the properties of the weapon for both light and heavy attack
-Being tight lipped about other weapons appearing in the game, but say that the Axe and Shield are the star of the show.
-They wanted to get away from the destroy all Gods mentality that they had in previous God of Wars so they Made Kratos more vulnerable. The only time he really goes insane in combat is during Spartan Rage where he starts demolishing characters with just his fists.
-After Ascension it was hard to get the higher ups to sign off onto another God of War game, they were pretty much done with the franchise, Cory had to pitch something great and fresh in order to get the game greenlit.
-Cory speaking about the future of God of War mentions the Mayan Era or the Egyptian Era
-Cory mentions he wants this new direction of God of War to reach way more people and go into Uncharted and Assassins Creed levels and to grow the franchise
The February 2018 issue of Game Informer will feature God of War as its cover story, the magazine announced.
“For our February cover story, we visited Santa Monica Studio to play God of War ourselves, diving into the combat to see how Kratos’ new array of gear and abilities change the battlefield,” Game Informer wrote. “We interviewed the team about reimagining the God of War formula, bringing players closer to the action, and how Kratos’ relationship with his son manifests in gameplay. Whether you’re a newcomer to the series or an old fan, you’ll want to learn all about this epic journey through Norse mythology.”
In addition to the magazine coverage, Game Informer’s website will have exclusive features, including interviews, concept art, and more throughout the month of January.
God of War is due out for PlayStation 4 in early 2018.
GameInformer 最近针对即将于今年春季发售的《战神》做了很多相关内容,其中就包括编辑 Joe Juba 对游戏创意总监 Cory Barlog 的采访。采访的方法比较有趣,采用了快问快答的形式,于是其中就少不了各种非常神秘的问题和套路,下边是完整的7分钟视频,Joe Juba 一共问了102个问题,Cory Barlog 是如何作答的呢?
游戏原名:God of War
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2018 年 4 月 20 日
建议售价:数字豪华版 69.99 美元,典藏版 129.99 美元,石匠版 149.99 美元
游玩人数:1 人
开发厂商:SIE Santa Monica Studio
发行厂商:Sony interactive Entertainment
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐 / 香港索尼互动娱乐
God of War Out April 20
People of PlayStation the world over, God of War is launching April 20, 2018.
I would love to write a long blog post here but, apparently, I have a game to get done by 4/20 so I gotta get back to work as soon as possible.
First, let me say that this is my favorite release day of my entire career. If I live to be 100, I do not think I will be able to top this release day.
There has been a long journey just to reach this point, so it’s a little bittersweet to think that we are only a few months away from that journey finally coming to an end. While I am sad, I am also excited because it means everyone will get their hands on this crazy adventure we have been crafting for nearly five years!
Speaking of trailers. Yeah, I just lost interest finding an elegant way to get here from the last paragraph so I just went for it. That is just how I roll. I really am ecstatic that I can finally show you this beautiful trailer we have been cooking up in the creative kitchens of Santa Monica Studio headquarters. It will give you more insight on why Kratos and Atreus are going on their journey as well as provide a glimpse at some new bits of action.
So, April 20, 2018…mark the date on your calendar, people. Clear that schedule, tell your significant other they are wonderful, because that is always a nice thing to do, and then wonder what you will do with all that free time you have now that you don’t need to keep asking me when the release date is.
Thank you everyone for your continued support of our game-making addiction. I will do my best to keep sharing information as we head towards launch.
... But wait, there’s more! I’m proud to share our limited Collector’s Editions and Digital Deluxe Edition, whose every component is connected back to the Norse universe and story of our game.
Pre-Order Offer
I should first mention, if you pre-order any edition (or already did) at a supporting retailer, you’ll acquire these three legendary shield skins (which you’ll need internet connectivity to access!) for Kratos to bash and defend against all manner of creatures we created in the brutal Norse wilds.
If you pre-order any edition at GameStop or EB Games, you’ll also receive Luck of Ages XP Boost, which grants +10 Luck and has 1 Enchantment Slot.
Luck influences the following:
• Increase XP gain
• Increase Hacksilver gain
• Increase the ability to trigger Perks
The 9’’ statue was crafted by our team in collaboration with the incredible folks at Gentle Giant. The cloth map is a unique companion to your journey, and an art piece on its own. The Huldra Bros carvings pack as much detail as their personas do in game. Just a few of the highlights, not to mention the digital items as well!
Stone Mason Edition | $149.99 USD/$199.99 CAD (EB Games Exclusive in Canada)
Available in the US and Canada only, this edition includes everything in the Collector’s Edition along with four very distinct, rare items directly from the game. You might recognize Atreus’ wooden Horse and Troll carvings from our E3 2016 debut. They complete the collection with the Huldra Bros, btw. The Stone Mason Ring is a finely crafted piece of jewelry, whose story we won’t spoil. The talking Mimir Head keychain may be your personal favorite after you interact with him in game. Massive credit to Gentle Giant capturing the exquisite detail of these!
If digital only is king for you, we didn’t forget. Adorn the legendary Death’s Vow Armor Set to increase your strength, and honor the solemn promise that sends Kratos and Atreus on their journey through the Norse wilds of Midgard and beyond. The digital comic book from Dark Horse, Issue #0 starts to unearth the story of Kratos before his quest with Atreus begins. Not to mention both the digital comic and mini art book will come with exclusive creator commentary tracks.
Finally, available to addresses in the US and Canada only, pre-order this Digital Deluxe beauty to get a sweet, exclusive, shiny, limited-run God of War physical pin.
Mark your calendars for God of War’s release on April 20! If you’re not convinced yet, watch that trailer one more time or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more development updates!
Behind the Scenes of God of War’s Epic Half-Time Show
As you may have seen this weekend, Kratos and Atreus made a special – and unexpected — guest appearance in Oakland, CA.
The immersive illusion employed cutting-edge technology called “projection mapping” to bring Kratos, Atreus, and the Norse world of God of War to life in front of thousands of fans. You can check out a recording of the performance above.
This projection-mapping magic uses ultra-bright video projectors together with powerful media server engines to paint vivid imagery complete with sense of motion and depth directly onto large surfaces. It could be a building, a wall around Asgard, a World Serpent…or in this case, the basketball court during half time. Because when you think of Norse myth, you think — basketball. Of course!
Santa Monica Studio drove the creative process over several months in collaboration with a fantastic company called Platige Image to ensure it aligned with our studio’s vision for the game. After storyboarding the epic action sequence, we mo-capped the official in-game stunt performers for both Kratos and Atreus to ensure both characters moved and behaved in an authentic fashion.
This action vignette shows Kratos and Atreus facing off against Draugr, Helwalkers and one particularly unhappy Ogre. While this sequence does not appear in the game, its inspiration comes directly from Kratos and Atreus’ adventure.
This is just one more step closer to God of War’s April 20th release date, so stay tuned for more exciting info and content in the weeks leading up to the launch.
A big thank you to everyone who collaborated to bring this vision to life.
这款主机同捆组中包含的特制 PS4 Pro 主机将以这次游戏中主角克雷多斯所使用的全新武器「利维坦之斧」为主题,采用被称为「利维坦灰」的银灰色底色,将斧头的轮廓呈现在上盖,搭配斧面上所雕饰、 在游戏中用来强化能力的技能树以及用来施展特殊攻击的卢恩宝石槽等图样。
搭配的 DS4 无线控制器采用相同配色,右侧印有胡睹兄弟标志,触碰板印有游戏标题字样。
官方同时确认《战神》在 PS4 Pro 上将以棋盘格渲染来呈现 4K 动态分辨率画面,在 1080p 电视上亦可透过超取样技术来获得更佳的画质,同时支持高动态广色域的 HDR 画面输出。
「PlayStation 4 Pro God of War Limited Edition」产品概要
产品名称:PlayStation 4 Pro God of War Limited Edition
发售日:2018 年 4 月 20 日
建议零售价:新台币 14480 元 / 港币 3580 元 / 马币 RM2199
PlayStation 4 Pro主机(CUH-7100 系列、1TB 硬盘机) x 1 ※ 原创设计
DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器 x 1 ※ 原创设计
PS4 游戏《战神(God of War)》Blu-ray Disc 版(包括免费特典下载内容:XP 增幅、锻炉圆盾、光之精灵魂盾及暗影蛰伏盾) x 1
免费追加内容下载卡 x 1:死亡誓言盔甲、流亡人守护者盾、Dark Horse 漫画下载版、美术画集下载版及动态主题
免费 PlayStation Plus 3 个月会籍之特典卡 x 1
Introducing the Limited Edition God of War PS4 Pro Bundle
We are excited to announce that a Limited Edition God of War PlayStation 4 Pro bundle will launch alongside the game on April 20, 2018. This special bundle features a fully customized PS4 Pro console inspired by Kratos’ Axe, a Leviathan Gray DualShock 4 wireless controller with insignia, a physical copy of God of War and digital content. This limited edition bundle will be available across the U.S. and Canada for $399.99 USD (MSRP) / $499.99 CAD (MSRP). Pre-orders start today.
This Limited Edition PS4 Pro was designed in close collaboration with Santa Monica Studio, bringing to life Kratos’ Leviathan Axe. We asked Shannon Studstill, Head of Santa Monica Studio, to share some background on the inspiration behind the special design of the custom PS4 Pro:
“When we designed Kratos’ new Leviathan Axe, we knew it would have far more meaning not only to the game, but to our fans. Santa Monica Studio was extremely proud to adorn the custom PS4 Pro with the Leviathan Axe in such detailed fashion. We spent a painstaking amount of time to ensure this PS4 Pro was special, for the special fans who will cherish it.
The top surface is the Axe skill tree you’ll use in-game to upgrade your axe, along with the runic gem slots on the handle that enable unique special attacks. The side panels are trimmed with a beautiful Norse design, and the runes each represent a realm in the game. The Leviathan Gray DualShock 4 wireless controller has the Huldra Brothers brand on it (just like the Axe), and a very subtle God of War logo on the touchpad.
I enjoyed every bit of the design process with Cory and the team, because we were united in our vision of what we wanted the custom PS4 Pro to embody. The game looks absolutely stunning on PS4 Pro and we can’t wait to share a new beginning for God of War when it launches on April 20.”
When played on PS4 Pro with a 4K TV, God of War outputs in a dynamic 4K resolution achieved through a 2160p checkerboard. Players with 1080p HDTVs will also benefit from increased image clarity via supersampling of a higher resolution onto their display. Across all PS4s, God of War also features HDR lighting and a wide color gamut for those with TVs that support HDR.
Mary Yee - Vice President, PlayStation Marketing, SIEA
索尼互动娱乐环球工作室(SIE WWS)圣塔莫尼卡工作室开发,预定 4 月 20 日同步推出中文版的 PS4 动作游戏《战神(God of War)》,现公布摄影总监多利‧雅拉吉(Dori Arazi)主持的演出幕后花絮影片「一镜到底的战神 (God of War in a Single Shot)」,供玩家欣赏。
在这次的演出幕后花絮影片中,由负责《战神》中所有演出画面摄影的多利‧雅拉吉讲说这次采用的摄影手法。 虽然是采用动作撷取而非直接拍摄,但摄影团队并未采用传统的 A / B 拍摄法,而是导入需要更多协调安排的一镜到底拍摄法搭配纪录片风格,呈现令人感同身受的演出。
Perfect movement; no cuts; no errors, not even a single load screen. Could be a legendary story. Dori Arazi, God of War Director of Cinematography, opens the lens on achieving what was once thought impossible – never taking the players eyes away from the journey.
The latest PlayStation Underground features five minutes of new gameplay from God of War, showcasing another one of the game’s trolls, as well as some of the “off-the-beaten-path exploration elements” in the game.
God of War is due out for PlayStation 4 on April 20. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-4-9 10:59 PM
「New Game+」模式是基于玩家意见制作的新模式。 玩家首先必须以任一难度破关一次才能开启。 以 New Game+ 开启新游戏后,将能继承上一轮破关时的状态直接开始,包含装备、符文、护身符、资源与能力都会保留,会有等级更高、更困难的敌人登场,部分敌人会有新的招式。
玩家可以收集新的资源「回火炉渣(Skap Slag)」来打造与升级全新的稀有装备,透过探索极致威力的新盔甲套组与符文的新自定义选项,以全新的方式重新体验游戏。 此外,破关一次之后,不论是一般 New Game 或是 New Game+ 都能略过剧情过场演出,让玩家专注于动作挑战。
玩家只要在更新前曾经全破过,更新释出时就能立即开启 New Game+ 功能。
God of War will add New Game+ via a free update on August 20, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer SIE Santa Monica Studio announced.
To access New Game+, you will have to complete the story campaign of God of War on any difficulty.
With New Game+ comes along a host of new gear, more difficult enemies, and cinematic skipping!
• Relive the journey of Kratos and Atreus with all of your previous armors, enchantments, talismans, resources and abilities on the difficulty of your choosing.
• Test your skills against higher level enemies; some of which might even have a few new tricks up their sleeves!
• Unique to New Game+ is a brand new rarity level of equipment to craft and upgrade! Collect ‘Skap Slag’, a new resource to upgrade your gear to the best of the best from our finest blacksmiths.
• Play the game in a whole new way by exploring new customization options with extremely powerful new armor sets and enchantments.
• Finally, get right back into the action with the newly added ability to skip through cinematics in both normal and New Game+ modes once a full play through has been completed.