《往日不再》是一款采用开放世界的动作冒险游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演主角「Deacon St. John」,在极限环境中求生、与疑似感染者作战,并体验人性的现实与希望。
Days Gone: Bend Studio’s New Open-World PS4 Adventure
It’s been a little over four years since we released Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PS Vita and you may be wondering what Bend Studio’s been up to. Well, it’s finally time to share what we’ve been working on. Today during the PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference we debuted our brand new original franchise, Days Gone. The PlayStation team, as well as the press conference production crew at the Shrine Auditorium, gave us the perfect venue to showcase some of the hard work we’ve been putting into the game’s characters, story, open-world environments, Drifter bike and dangerous encounters. The team is very excited about the reactions we’ve seen so far and we’re looking forward to a very busy E3.
Set in the beautiful, volcanic scarred high-desert of the Pacific Northwest, Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game where you play as Deacon St. John, a Drifter and bounty hunter who would rather risk the dangers of the broken road than live in one of the “safe” wilderness encampments. The game takes place two years after a global pandemic has killed almost everyone, but transformed millions of others into what survivors call Freakers – mindless, feral creatures, more animal than human but very much alive and quickly evolving. In the demo you saw two types of Freaks – Newts, which were adolescents when infected, are opportunistic hunters, preferring to hit and run from the shadows; and a Horde. Made up of hundreds of individual Freakers, Hordes eat, move and attack together, almost as one. Some Hordes roam the highways at night, while others, like the one in the demo, have found a food source that keeps it in a single location. Skills learned in his prior life as an outlaw biker have given Deacon a slight edge in the seemingly never-ending fight to stay alive. But will it be enough?
This is a brutal world, where everyone and everything is struggling to survive – but hopefully, the trailer shows that the game is about more than that. It’s about desperation, hope, transformation, loss, madness, discovery, friendship, exploration, brotherhood, regret and love. In the end, Days Gone is about what makes us human. It’s about how even when confronted with such enormous tragedy, we find a reason to live. Hope never dies.
We’ll be talking more about the world of Days Gone in the coming months, so hang on tight and get ready to ride the broken road. Just like Deacon, our ride is only beginning.
Days Gone is an open-world action game set in the high-desert of the Pacific Northwest two years after a mysterious global pandemic has decimated the world, killing most but transforming millions into mindless, feral creatures. Survivors live in a world where resources are scarce, violence and murder are common and Freakers roam the wilderness.
Players face this violent, new world as Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter, a Drifter who lives in the lawless wilderness outside the civilian encampments. Deacon survives by using skills learned before the world ended, riding for the Mongrels MC, an outlawed motorcycle club, where violence and mayhem were part of the riding the open road.
At the center of it all, Days Gone is an exploration of how any of us would react to these harsh conditions, and exploration of loss, love, friendship, revenge and desperation – learning that surviving isn’t living. For Deacon especially, it’s a struggle to ensure that hope never dies.
Developed by Bend Studio, Days Gone is in development exclusively for the PlayStation 4.
Key Features
• Expansive Open World Action – Exemplifying truly free-form gameplay, Days Gone offers freedom to explore, strategize and play “your way” in the vast high-desert of the Pacific Northwest. The hazardous environments, filled with carved out ridges, mountains, caves, cliffs mines and river basins, deliver a breathtaking backdrop to an equally diverse style of gameplay.
• Emergent Gameplay – Featuring fully explorable environments and dynamic AI enemies, players will rely on their own abilities to strategize, craft weapons and tools, explore the world, and engage in combat. With almost every car, building and environment searchable, Days Gone delivers emergent gameplay possibilities, making a player’s approach to combat and discovery a vital part of the experience.
• Stunning, Dynamic Graphics – Using the power of PlayStation 4 and Unreal Engine 4, Bend Studio has developed a high volume of rendering and gameplay technology to deliver an incredibly realistic open world experience. Realistic weather effects, such as rain, wind, snow and day-night cycles impact the gameplay. The game’s lighting is all real-time and reacts dynamically, the way the human iris does, as players move from one location to the next.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-22 07:18 AM 关于《Days Gone》你所不知道的五件事
作者:风神│往日不再│2016-06-19 02:25:29│赞助:58│人气:1564
By Alice Bell
17th Jun, 2016 - 4:47pm
目前,PS4平台的《旧日不再》正在开发过程中,并没有公布发售日期。作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-13 10:42 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-14 10:51 AM 编辑
《往日不再》最新游玩影片曝光 官方示范如何于充斥殭尸的世界中生存 Days Gone E3 2017 gameplay walkthrough, screenshots
由 SIE(Sony Interactive Entertainment)发行,Bend Studio 制作的开放世界动作冒险游戏《往日不再(暂译,英文原名:Days Gone)》今日稍早于 Sony 展前发表会释出最新实机游玩影片,示范玩家所操控的主角能够如何应付大量出现的尸群,以及与各种环境对象互动的游戏机制。
Sony Interactive Entertainment debuted a 12-minute gameplay demo of Days Gone during its E3 2017 press conference.
Here’s an overview of the demo, via creative director John Garvin on the PlayStation Blog:
Days Gone is an open-world action game set in the beautiful high desert of the Pacific Northwest two years after a pandemic has transformed the world. At this year’s media showcase we unveiled a new gameplay demo that offers a more intimate glimpse into Deacon’s life as a mercenary in a world where almost everything wants to kill him.
The demo opens in one of the encampments where “law-abiding” survivors have banded together for safety. We get a sense of Deacon’s mercenary outlook on life when he responds to an attack on a camp supply run by telling their leader, “It’s not my problem.” Harsh. But that’s not the whole story. When Deacon learns that a friend has been taken, he doesn’t hesitate and rides out. Deacon’s loyalty to those he cares about – his willingness to risk his own life for a friend – illustrates one of the central themes in Days Gone: If surviving isn’t living, what does it mean to truly “live”? What’s worth fighting for? Why do we keep fighting when the world looks so bleak? If hope never dies, what gives us hope? Over the course of the game we explore questions like these, even if we don’t always have the answers.
Deacon’s decision to find and save his friend begins a harrowing journey that demonstrates the core of the Days Gone experience: if something moves, it probably wants to kill you. And the Horde is just one of your problems. Last year we introduced three types of Freakers: Swarmers were adults when infected and are dangerous whether alone or moving in packs; Newts were children when infected and tend to use hit-and-run tactics from above; Hordes are large groups of Swarmers – and by large we mean hundreds – that move and react as if a single entity. This year we’re introducing three new types: Runners are infected wolves that can outrun and attack a Drifter bike, sending the rider sprawling; Ragers – infected bears – are powerful and almost impossible to kill; and Swarms, smaller than Hordes but more common and almost as deadly.
But the biggest threat in Days Gone isn’t Freakers – it’s other people. Bad people. Marauders, Squatters, Drifters, Raiders – call them what you will, if you step outside the relative safety of the encampments, they will try to kill you. This is one of the things that makes Days Gone unique: you don’t have to seek out danger. Wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing – the world comes for you. In the media showcase demo Deacon is attacked by a Runner and deals with it, but while he’s distracted — WHAM. He rides into a rope strung across the road, throwing him from his bike. In Days Gone, ambushes are almost never scripted events but are part of a dynamic open-world system – Marauders can attempt to ambush you almost anytime and anyplace. Taking out their camps can make the broken road safer, but that isn’t always easy. Thankfully, Deacon has access to an arsenal of skills, weapons, crafted items, traps and most importantly, the various dynamic systems we have in place.
The bad news with Freakers is that Runners, Ragers, Swarms and Hordes want to kill you and eat you. The good news: they also want to kill and eat Marauders. Last year you saw Deacon running for his life from a Horde; this year, you see him using a Swarm as a weapon against a Marauder camp. The possibilities are almost endless and are an important part of our strategic sandbox combat.
于去年亮相的动作游戏新作《往日不再(暂译,原名:Days Gone)》在今年 E3 中释出新实机游玩影片,资深程序设计师 Darren Chisum 与游戏系统设计师 Joseph Adzima 特别在 Play Station E3 摊位举办闭门展示,为巴哈姆特 GNN 与各国媒体展示更多游戏系统,由于本场活动无法录像或拍照, 因此本篇将以文字方式说明影片和展示内容有何不同。
由 Bend Studio 开发的《往日不再》是一款采用开放世界的动作冒险游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演主角「Deacon St. John」,在极限环境中求生、与疑似感染者作战,并体验人性的现实与希望。 除了被感染的生物外,Darren 透露,游戏中还有不同营地与群体的生存者且有好有坏,主角不属于任何一个派系,在各营地间流浪时他可以选择是否要协助帮助他们。
官方试玩影片中主角是在雨天夜晚出发,而在闭门展示中则是雪天,移动过程中可以看到雪花纷飞,当机车在雪堆甩尾时还可以看到雪溅起,另外玩家视线也会比较不清楚,而声音效果也与其他天气下有些许不同。 接着 Joseph 示范不同的通关流程,影片中主角骑车冲向对方设置的陷阱,但其实若留意的话,玩家是可以提前避开,并用偷袭的方式将两个人一一解决,而不用与他们正面冲突。 Darren 说明,天气系统在游戏中的是随机发生的,可能前一天是晴天,隔天再次打开时就是不同天气了。
解决完第一波敌人后,主角使用了特殊技能查看、判断发生了什么事情,接着朝目标方向持续前进。 此特殊技能是玩家在游戏过程中可以学习到的技巧,玩家会获得类似点数的东西,可以用来提升主角的能力,这些能力偏向求生的技巧和本能。 通过充满倒挂殭尸的小径后,可以看到远方有其他生存者的小营地。 在影片中主角被对方的陷阱绊倒造成很大的声响后迅速躲到草丛,而展示影片中,Joseph 则是小心翼翼地前进把陷阱拆除;在营地处,Joseph 利用陷阱和声响将敌人都引到同一处,但 Joseph 没有像影片一样直接离开,反而绕到营地另一处等待他们全部聚集,并使用汽油弹将敌人一口气解决。
后续,影片中会看到大群感染者,主角是利用破坏将牠们引向敌人,而闭门展示中则没有看到大群感染者,而是直接与敌人正面冲突,在一一解决敌人之后,主角便爬上楼梯顺利将伙伴救出。 虽然是相同任务,但因为玩法不同,因此还是令编辑感到新鲜。 资深程序设计师 Darren 在展示完后特别强调,《往日不再》是款开放世界游戏,虽然任务相同,但是天气、环境、事件等的随机性设计都将让玩家可以打出自己的玩法。
究竟《往日不再》中的感染生物(Freakers)是什么? 目前都还不知道,大家都还在探索究竟是什么原因造成感染而变种,而且不只是人,动物也会受到感染,而玩家将用各种工具在这个世界中试着存活下来,玩家能找到什么道具,就可以拿来当作武器。 由于牠们是人的变种,因此影片中也可以看到只要用传统,像是攻击颈部等方式就可以将牠们杀死。 感染者咬到人会不会也被感染? Darren 表示,这目前不能说,对感染者来说可能是一种生存本能,总之牠们就是会吃人。
Bend Studio 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》,日前公布了在 E3 展闭门展示中向媒体披露的实机游玩内容,供玩家参考。
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者迪肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。
Days Gone: The Brutal Alternative
At the E3 2017 Media Showcase we premiered a new gameplay demo for Days Gone that focused on open-world dynamic events. Behind closed doors, we showed an alternate-path of the demo, changing up the weather, time-of-day, and play style. Our goal for this second demo was to show that changing something like the weather was more than cosmetic — it could significantly impact the experience.
After the dust from E3 settled, I sat down with Sam Witwer — who plays Deacon St. John — to watch the Alternate-Path Gameplay Demo and talk about some of the things we’re trying to do in Days Gone.
Here are some of the topics we covered:
• Weather and time-of-day: Snow will impact your ability to ride the Drifter Bike, cold makes Freakers stronger; rain can dampen sound, but brings more Freakers out during the day; night brings out even more Freakers and changes the behaviors of Marauders, and more.
• Survival Vision: You can focus on the environment around you to discover tracks, clues, and resources.
• Crafting: You can find all sorts of things in the open world which can be used to craft items both useful and deadly.
• Traps: Creating and placing traps — used in conjunction with our distraction mechanic — is an important part of our strategic sandbox combat.
• Dynamic Events: You have to be cautious and vigilant to avoid ambushes, traps, and other hazards.
All of these features work together to create a dynamic, open-world experience. When Deacon rides out to save his friend, the weather, time-of-day, dynamic events, and playstyle preferences can change the experience pretty dramatically. In the Media Showcase demo, Deacon weaponizes a Swarm and uses it to attack the Marauder camp, while in the alternate-path demo, he goes in guns blazing. And these aren’t the only ways to play it.
What if you wanted to try to stealth the entire camp? What if you had a sniper rifle, a lot of ammo, and a perch way up on the bridge near that waterfall? What if you wanted to ride through the camp on your Drifter Bike, tossing Molotovs left and right? How you play is up to you.
John Garvin - Creative Director, Bend Studio
Sam and I also talked a little about the genesis of Deacon’s character over the last three years of development and some of the challenges Sam faced while helping create the character. But because Sam is not only an accomplished actor but is an avid gamer as well, it was interesting to hear his thoughts on the game itself, the dynamic events, the alternate paths, the brutality of the world.
We’ll be talking more about all of that — and Deacon’s story — in the coming months, but in the meantime, think about this: when the world of Days Gone comes for you, will you be ready?作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-9 06:12 PM 盘点《往日不再》你可能不了解的10个游戏特色
Days Gone, the open-world PlayStation 4 zombie survival game from Sony Interactive Entertainment Bend Studio, has been delayed from its previously planned 2018 launch window to 2019, Sony has confirmed.
Following a 2019 release window appearing on the Days Gone PlayStation.com page, USgamer reached out to Sony, who confirmed, “Days Gone will now be releasing in 2019 and we will keep you updated on the launch date.”
Days Gone, the 2019-due open-world zombie game for PlayStation 4 from Sony Interactive Entertainment Bend Studio, is Game Informer’s June 2018 cover story, the magazine announced.
Here is Game Informer’s overview of its magazine coverage:
Does the world really need another zombie game? That’s one of the many questions we had before heading to Sony Bend Studio’s offices in Oregon to check out Days Gone. After spending a couple of days playing the game and gaining a deeper understanding of what the studio is trying to accomplish, we came back with an enthusiastic yes. You face a massive undead threat, but they’re just part of the dangerous open-world ecology. Virtually everything in this dark vision of the Pacific Northwest wants to separate you from your life. Fortunately, you have the tools you need to survive – including your fully upgradable motorcycle.
In the June issue of Game Informer, we packed 14 pages with exclusive details and developer insight from that trip, including an extensive look at how Sony Bend is working to breathe life not only into the zombie apocalypse, but open-world games in general.
Sony has shown off Days Gone at E3 over the past couple of years, but we didn’t fully appreciate what Sony Bend is doing until after we played it ourselves. We learned more about the game’s biker protagonist, Deacon St. John, and his broken world – and experienced some of the brutal lengths he’s willing to go in order to keep his friends safe. We also have a better understanding of how exploration, story, and action interlock to tell what could be one of the genre’s most consistent narrative experiences.
In addition to the magazine coverage, Game Informer will have a month of exclusive online content including “lengthy interviews with the game’s creators, hands-on impressions, and a massive amount of Days Gone gameplay footage.” The next update be available at Game Informer’s Days Gone Hub on May 9.
GameInformer 六月份的杂志封面是索尼的 PS4 独占游戏《往日不再》,他们将从本周开始陆续公布有关本作的试玩体验、开发秘闻等内容。今天凌晨 GI 公布了一段视频,内容为与游戏创意总监 John Garvin 的157个快问快答。在视频中 John 透露了不少有关游戏的细节,包括游戏的运行情况。
Bend Studio 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》,近日在 Game Informer 刊出的专访报导中,透露游戏将于 2019 年上半年推出的消息,此外还进 一步揭露游戏的内容特色,以及最初 1 小时的实际游玩影片,供玩家参考。
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者迪肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。
Bend Studio 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》,近日在 Game Informer 以及Playstation Access 各公开一段最新试玩影像,本作目前预定于2019年上半年发售。此外视频中还介绍了一些有关本作的最新情报,简单整理如下:
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者迪肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。
索尼互动娱乐(SIE)配合 E3 展倒数活动宣布,由 Bend Studio 开发的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》确定将于 2019 年 2 月 22 日推出,并释出最新 E3 预告影片。
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者狄肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。
Bend Studio 创意总监 John Garvin 特别配合 E3 预告影片带来详细的解说信息,包括登场的两种野兽型敌人「山狮」和被感染的乌鸦「哭喊者」,崇拜「畸形人」的邪教「R.I.P.」,目睹「掠夺者」的袭击事件,其他的登场 角色等。 有兴趣的玩家可以参考官方部落格公布的信息。
Over the past month, we have been showing a ton of new gameplay from Days Gone – giving more insight into who Deacon is, the state world, and what it takes to survive within that world. We have also been reading your comments and have noticed a common question continues to emerge:
What is the release date for Days Gone?
To answer that question we created a brand new trailer. Watch it at the top of this post, if you haven’t already.
In addition to revealing the release date, the trailer introduces two new animal threats: mountain lions, or cougars, and infected ravens – called Criers in our world. We see another ambush event as Marauders torch an old vehicle and roll it onto the highway trying to knock Deacon from his bike. And the video ends with Deacon running out of gas out in the middle of nowhere – a quiet moment, perhaps, but maybe the deadliest of all.
Most important, we introduce a new enemy human faction: Rest In Peace, or R.I.P., is a cult that worships the Freakers. Rippers, as they’re known, dress like Freakers – and kill anyone who isn’t a Ripper. While they’re important to the story, Rippers are also an important part of the in-game Freaker ecology: when you get a chance to take down a Ripper camp, try bringing in a Swarm and see what happens – Rippers refuse to kill Freakers, and the results can be very entertaining.
Also, since we’re starting to introduce more of the characters you’ll meet in Days Gone, I want to formally introduce three characters you see in this trailer, two for the first time.
William “Boozer” Gray was introduced in our first reveal trailer back in 2016, riding with Deacon on the broken road and keeping Deacon from bashing in the head of a dead Freaker. From their cuts we know they are both members – or ex members – of the Mongrels MC. So they are more than just friends — they are brothers.
Boozer is played by the immensely talented Jim Pirri. For the role of Boozer, we needed a special actor who could help us tell the story. Boozer has to be tough, cynical, and a bad ass, but his friendship and brotherhood with Deacon has to come through as well. Jim has helped turn Boozer into a compelling and very human character.
Alkai Turner (pronounced “alk-eye”) is the arms dealer at the Hotsprings survivor encampment, played by the talented Jonathan Joss.
Ada Tucker is a former prison matron who now runs the Hotsprings camp, played by the inimitable DeeDee Rescher.
These are just three of the dozens of characters you will meet throughout the Days Gone story – which we’ll be talking more about as we get closer to launch.
Oh yeah – launch date. As promised and as revealed in our new trailer, we are excited to announce the release date for Days Gone:
February 22, 2019
Bend Studio are bringing Days Gone to E3 this year with even more new gameplay, so keep an eye on this space for more news and information about the game!
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者狄肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。