标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-18 10:40 PM
标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Code Vein
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-12 06:34 PM 编辑

Bandai Namco announces Code Vein, a new action RPG from the God Eater team
《噬神者》团队推出硬核ARPG新作《Code Vein》

  Bandai Namco于上周公开的迷之新企划判明,由《噬神者》开发阵容带来的完全新作《Code Vein》,迷宫探索型硬核动作RPG,平台暂时未定,预定于2018年发售,游戏舞台为全部崩坏的近未来,玩家为拥有超常能力的吸血鬼,与伙伴们协力揭开世界的真相。









Bandai Namco Reveals Code Vein, God Eater Team’s New Action RPG With a Touch of Dark Souls

Bandai Namco recently teased a new game and those of you who got vibes of Dark Souls and God Eater from it weren’t too far off, as the game has been announced in this week’s issue of Famitsu magazine as Code Vein, a dungeon-exploring action RPG.

Code Vein is a completely new title by Bandai Namco. It is described as a dungeon exploring-type hard action RPG. Players take on the role of “Revenants,” vampires with supernatural abilities, and team up with allies to seek out the truth of the world.

The Revenants are part of an isolated company called “Vein” that helps them survive. While the Revenants are beings that transcend human beings, they’ve lost most of their memories. When Revenants face blood deficiency, they transform into monsters called “Lost.”

The main characteristic of Code Vein is “Buddy.” This allows you to take one partner while exploring dungeons.

Revenants mostly use great swords, single-handed swords, and other close-ranged weapons as their go-to in battle. There are also other weapon types such as spears and hammers.

Here are some key words:

Blood Veil – The Blood Veil is an equipment unique tot he Revenant, used to [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] up blood from the Lost. While in use, it appears in the form of clothing, and also functions as armor. While in use to Su ck up blood, it uses a mechanism for the purpose, and we see a change in the user’s mask as well.

Special Ability: Blood Smelting – This action becomes possible after acquiring blood from the Lost after successfully Su   cking up their blood using Blood Veil. This allows you to power yourself up, debuff enemies, do direct attacks, and other uses.

Staff includes Keita Iizuka as the producer, Hiroshi Yoshimura as the director, and Yusuke Tomizawa as the project leader.

Its development is currently 35% complete and we’ll see a new trailer for the game in the near future.

Code Vein releases in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-20 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-20 07:24 AM 编辑

First look at Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s new action RPG

The Unreal Engine 4 action RPG from Bandai Namco's God Eater team.
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu is now available, providing our first look at Code Vein, the new Unreal Engine 4 action RPG from Bandai Namco led by key God Eater staff Keita Iizuka (producer), Hiroshi Yoshimura (director), and Yusuke Tomizawa (team leader).


Code Vein is set in the near future, where the earth’s crust was pierced by the “thorns of judgment” and everything fell to ruin. The setting of the game is “Vein,” a closed society where a people known as “Revenants” just barely managed to survive.

Although Revenants possess supernatural powers, it came at the price of losing the majority of their memory. When low on blood, a Revenant’s humanity will decay, and since that would result in them turning into a monster called a “Lost,” they must continue to [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] up blood.

The player will become a member of the Revenants, and while working together with allies, explore the world of Vein where countless Losts of all types, big and small, wander about. In doing so, players will draw near the full story behind the birth of the Revenants and the mysteries of Vein itself, a city fallen to ruin by the thorns of judgment. Will the cause of the ruin be connected to the birth of the Revenants? What is the truth that awaits them on this desperate journey?


One of the biggest features of Code Vein is the existence of a “Buddy.” When exploring Vein, you can take along a single Buddy. By sharing the sense of accomplishment of defeating strong enemies and overcoming the point of death, that feeling evolves into something special. You’ll witness Vein’s variety of faces—from mountainous regions enclosed by ice to caves and underground shopping areas—as you travel alongside your Buddy. There will even be dark areas full of dangers. Pay attention for the Losts lurking in the darkness of these aras while relying on the little amount of light you have available. Having a Buddy enables you to use tactics such as setting a decoy. Other than the sense of security a Buddy offers, they also come with great merit.

Revenants will have access to a variety of weapon types. These are mainly close combat weapons such as great words and one-handed swords. But since the attack action is different depending on the type of weapon, you can choose a weapon that fits your style.


Blood Veils are Revenant-original equipment that [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] up the blood of Losts. It usually takes on the form of clothing, and although it has aspects of armor, it has an exclusive mechanism that appears during blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing. Additionally, it transforms the mask of the user into a more violent form. The blood of the Losts obtained through the blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing mechanism of a Blood Veil is transported into the user’s mouth through a pipe in the equipment. There are several types of Blood Veils, and you’ll be able to play out a variety of tactics by combining them with your weapons.

One kind of Blood Veil forms sinister claws shaped like gauntlets on the user’s right hand. It has short reach, but can [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] up blood fast in close combat. Once the Blood Veil develops on the right hand, the user’s mask also starts to transform, covering half of their face with a blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing mask. By piercing your right hand into the enemy, you can [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] up their blood. The method of blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing is unknown for this type of Blood Veil, but it may be that there is a mechanism in the palm or arm.

Screenshots in the magazine show another type of tailed Blood Veil. A girl is pictured activating it, her eyes shining red when doing so, and her mask changing shape before piercing enemies from a distance.

Tempered Blood is Revenant-exclusive technique. After successfully landing a blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attack, you an activate this action using the blood obtained from Losts. Tempered Blood offers an abundance of effect variations, including strengthening yourself, weakening enemies, and direct attacks. Figuring out how to successfully land blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attacks and when to use Tempered Blood in battles against Losts are key to exploring Vein and clearing dungeons.

One example of Tempered Blood is as follows: a large amount of blood shoots out of the ground like pillars and attacks the enemy. This is an effective technique when facing several opponents. And given that a Revenant’s weapons are generally meant for close combat, this is a useful way to strike from a distance.


Development on Code Vein is currently 35 percent complete. The game is due out worldwide for unannounced platform(s) in 2018. An official announcement will be made tomorrow, April 20, across Bandai Namco’s western and Japanese divisions.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-20 06:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-20 06:40 PM 编辑

Code Vein First Details & Screenshots
BNEI 全新戏剧性探索动作 RPG《CODE VEIN》近未来吸血鬼抵抗灭亡

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(20)日公开全新企画《CODE VEIN》第一波报导。 本作尚未公布将会推出在哪一平台上,但主打是一款「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」,预定在 2018 年内推出。

  本作是以近未来世界为游戏舞台,世界因为被「审判之棘」贯穿而步向灭亡。 只有被称为「吸血鬼(レヴナント)」的存在能够存活下来,他们建立起一个称为「血脉(ヴェイン)」的封闭型社会。

  吸血鬼是为了对抗毁灭,而放弃以人类身份存活的存在,虽然能够获得超常的力量,但作为代价会失去还是人类时的大部份记忆。 另外为了维持人类理性,就必须要持续吸食「血液」。 一但开始缺血,就会失去理性,而化为名为「堕鬼(ロスト)」的异样存在。

  化为堕鬼的人,将会持续受到无法满足的吸血冲动所苦,于是为了寻求更多血液,而在这个世界徘徊。 现在世界上有无数的堕鬼横行无阻,可以看到许多因对鲜血的渴望,而产生的瘴气不断蔓延。

  玩家在游戏当中要扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼到底是为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程。 最后将会面临到沉眠在血脉当中的巨大秘密。 以上就是本作的背景故事。


  在探索迷宫时并不是仅有自己孤独一人,还可以带著称为「搭挡(バディ)」的伙伴。 可以带进迷宫里的搭挡,会随故事发展逐渐增加。 虽然目前尚未公开详细情报,但玩家似乎要和搭挡一起互相合作,克服各种困难。

  玩家可以配合自己的玩法,选择使用剑、鎗剑、斧枪等众多不同不同的武器。 而且还可以运用称为「吸血牙装(ブラッドヴェイル)」以及「炼血」的系统,享受到自由度极高的战斗风格。

  吸血牙装是一种也能当作防具使用的装备,其最大特征,就是具备专为吸血而设计的机关。 在发动时口部会被面具覆盖,把以吸血牙装攻击到的敌人血液,直接运送到用户口中。



  《CODE VEIN》目前包含对应平台在内,还有许多情报尚未公开,到底会是一款怎样的游戏,实在是非常令人期待后续情报。 官方也于即日起成立推特账号,有兴趣的玩家不妨密切注意。



Bare Your Fangs With Code Vein

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe today announces Code Vein for release on major home consoles in 2018. Feast on the blood of enemies through a journey across a massive interconnected world to unlock its mysterious sanguine past in this gruelling action-RPG.

In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world, as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the centre of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity.

In this challenging action-RPG, Code Vein finds players assuming the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players are tasked to embark into the world with a companion picked from the various residents of Vein to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this new demented reality. The world of Code Vein is dangerous, full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses to put players’ combat skills to the test.

Revenants also have access to Blood Veils, devices capable of draining the blood of their enemies in order to enhance their own abilities. Exploiting these enhanced abilities known as Gifts, players can change their form to increase their strength, weaken enemies, and utilise new weapon abilities with overpowered attacks. Utilising the vast array of weaponry along with each character’s Gift, players can adapt and strategize to a variety of battle conditions that suit their play styles.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-26 04:16 PM
Code Vein has character customization, large variety of fields
BNEI 全新戏剧性探索动作 RPG《CODE VEIN》最新情报玩家角色可自定义 育成自由度高

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 全新企画《CODE VEIN》本作尚未公布将会推出在哪一平台上,但主打是一款「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」,预定在 2018 年内推出。在本周电击 PS 杂志上的制作人访谈中公开新情报,整理的要点内容如下,游戏目前平台未定,海外宣传的是PS4 和 Xbox One。


The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation has new details on Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s new action RPG from its God Eater team.

Here are the new details, via a developer interview in the magazine:

The game is set in a world where time has passed after it was destroyed by a certain cause. Now, modern society is made up of adjoining lands.
Your purpose as a Revenant is to survive. As you fight, you will get closer to the truth of the world.

(Presumably referring to the screenshots that have been released…) The protagonist is the short-haired man, and the red-haired man and the woman wearing the Russian hat are NPCs.

The player character can be freely customized. Gender can also be set. A wide range of customization is possible, allowing you to make a heroic and cool-looking character.

The game will feature growth elements with a very high degree of freedom, allowing you to develop your character in a way that matches your play style.

Rather than progress by clearing stages, you’ll explore the world of adjoining lands on your own feet.

There are a large variety of fields. Each area has enemies with different characteristics, as well as area-specific mechanics. The volume should be satisfying.

Even if your Buddy character dies, you can continue exploring. You can also explore on your own without bringing along a Buddy.

The concept of “death” does not exist. Even if you’re out of action, if time passes, you can become active again (retry again from a checkpoint).

They’re re not trying to put difficulty at the forefront, but there will be challenges.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for unannounced platform(s) in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-27 04:44 PM
《Code Vein》5 月 2 日将公开第一弹PV 展示实机
Code Vein debut trailer to be released May 2

The first trailer for Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s newly announced action RPG from its God Eater team, will be released on May 2, the company announced on Twitter.

The tweet included a screenshot, attached above, of a scene from the trailer.

Code Vein is due out for unannounced platform(s) in 2018.


  Bandai Namco 推出的全新迷宫探索型硬核动作RPG《Code Vein》官推预告将于 5 月 2 日公开第一弹PV,预告图即为PV中的一个画面。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-2 06:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-2 06:35 PM 编辑

《噬神者》团队全新 IP 游戏《CODE VEIN》宣传影片首度曝光

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,主打「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」的全新游戏《CODE VEIN》,官方今日首度曝光宣传影片,供玩家抢先一窥游戏面貌。

  《CODE VEIN》是一款由制作《噬神者》系列游戏的创作者们所企划开发的完全新作游戏。 富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监、以及新招募的饭冢启太担任游戏制作人。

  《CODE VEIN》以近未来世界为游戏舞台,世界因为被「审判之棘」贯穿而步向灭亡。 在游戏当中要扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼到底是为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程。 最后将会面临到沉眠在血脉当中的巨大秘密。

  本作是一款「探索」动作角色扮演游戏,玩家在游戏中要和伙伴角色们,一起挑战众多强敌环伺的广大迷宫。 在探索迷宫时并不是仅有自己孤独一人,还可以带著称为「搭挡(バディ)」的伙伴。 可以带进迷宫里的搭挡,会随故事发展逐渐增加。 玩家要和搭挡一起通力合作,透过名为「吸血牙装」和「炼血」的系统,享受到自由度极高的战斗风格,并克服各种困难。

  《CODE VEIN》尚未公布推出平台,预定在 2018 年内推出。




http://www.code-vein.com/?utm_so ... utm_campaign=direct

Code Vein debut trailer

Bandai Namco has released the debut trailer for Code Vein, its upcoming action RPG due out worldwide for “major home consoles” in 2018.

Here’s an overview of the trailer, via Bandai Namco:

The new trailer highlights the mysterious and captivating universe found in Code Vein along with a quick look at the game’s thrilling weapon-based combat. The trailer also teases the game’s companion gameplay mechanic. As players venture out into the world, they will be able to choose a partner companion from the various residents of Vein. Added strategy presents itself when players choose companions that complement their play style to give them a fighting chance against the vicious enemies they’ll be up against through their journey.

In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-2 07:17 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-12 11:37 AM
Code Vein coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018, E3 2017 trailer
《噬神者》团队新作《CODE VEIN》确认在 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 登场

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,主打「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」的全新 IP 游戏《CODE VEIN》,在今(12)日举办的 2017 年 E3 电玩展 Xbox 展前发表会中释出新影像,并且首度确定本作的推出平台将是 PS4 / Xbox One / PC STEAM。

  《CODE VEIN》是一款由制作《噬神者》系列游戏的创作者们所企划开发的完全新作游戏。 富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监、以及新招募的饭冢启太担任游戏制作人。 游戏以以近未来世界为游戏舞台,玩家要扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼到底是为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程。



  PS4 / Xbox One / PC STEAM《CODE VEIN》预定在 2018 年内推出。

Code Vein will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018, Bandai Namco announced at the Microsoft E3 2017 press conference.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:

In the Face of Certain Death, We Rise

In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity. Wandering aimlessly in search of blood, the Lost will stop at nothing to satisfy their hunger. Team up and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to unlock your past and escape your living nightmare in Code Vein.

Key Features

Unite to Survive – Featuring a story driven connected dungeon experience, dive into the world of Code Vein. Create your own character and choose your partner as you venture out into a world of destruction, overrun by the Lost. Use your combined strength to coordinate your approach and defend each other from surprise attacks or overpowered enemies using your Blood Veil and various weapons. Change the feel of the game depending on which partner you choose, each with their own combat style and background story.

Beneath the Veil – Experience the power of blood as you use unique Blood Veils to drain your enemies to enhance your abilities. Using “Gifts” powered by enemy blood, players can increase their strength, weaken enemies, and utilize new weapon abilities and overpowered attacks.

Great Challenge Brings Greater Rewards – Take on the Lost as you explore the malefic world of Code Vein. Choose from a myriad of weapons such as bayonets, axes and spears, to accommodate your favorite battle style. Apply strategy in your attacks through partnered coordination and Blood Veil enhancements, ready to bring down the most threatening enemies.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-15 03:59 PM
Code Vein  ‘Basic Attacks’ gameplay
《噬神者》团队新作《CODE VEIN》公开基本攻击演示影像

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,主打「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」的全新 IP 游戏《CODE VEIN》确定本作的推出平台将是 PS4 / Xbox One / PC STEAM。今天官方公开了基本攻击演示影像,据监督吉村广所言,这次公开视频中所演示的动作,较 5 月公开的第一弹宣传片,有不少根据玩家意见进行修改的地方。


  《CODE VEIN》是一款由制作《噬神者》系列游戏的创作者们所企划开发的完全新作游戏。 富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监、以及新招募的饭冢启太担任游戏制作人。 游戏以以近未来世界为游戏舞台,玩家要扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼到底是为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程。


Bandai Namco has released the first-ever gameplay video of Code Vein, its upcoming action RPG from its God Eater staff.

In Code Vein, you can choose from among weapons such as swords, bayonets, and halberds, each of which can perform unique actions, based on your own personal play style. Today’s gameplay video introduces some of those unique actions in the form of basic attacks.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-17 07:31 AM
Code Vein won’t break the player’s spirit, says director

Following the release of a new gameplay video this week, Dengeki Online spoke with Code Vein producer Keita Iizuka and director Hiroshi Yoshimura, who shared new information about the upcoming action RPG.

Get the tidbits below.

Are you developing the game identically across all three platforms and both in Japan and around the world?

We’re planning to develop the game the same everywhere including Japan. We also also aiming to release the game on the same date worldwide.

When you decided the game’s genre and gameplay, did you look at western development and proceed with a global mindset?

Code Vein is a new challenge for us, and so including Japan we want to make a game that will excite and be enjoyed by players around the world. Moreover, we took the recent game market into account and thought we should make a title that will launch us into worldwide recognition.

Is there any part of the game that you adjusted with regard to a global audience?

I don’t think there is a difference between western and Japanese gamers when it comes to the nature of dungeon crawling RPGs and their experience with them. And so based on that, we will make final adjustments for the overall direction based on a single standard. Also, this will be a game truly worth playing, but on the other hand, we are bearing in mind not to break the player’s spirit. I think there’s a difference between players based on region when it comes to motivation upon having to retry a section, but we are working hard to make it enjoyable by everyone without breaking their spirit. One way to preserve player motivation is the buddy system. The buddies that accompany you each have unique special abilities that alter your play style, and there are many options to perform trial and error with.

Can we expect dramatic story progression and personable characters?

In God Eater, you gained affection from characters by fighting together, but in Code Vein we have evolved a part of that concept. While taking a long time venturing into unexplored territory, your buddies will react to various things that occur. For example, if the player is felled, your buddies will come running to help and vice versa. Different from the relationships you raise while fighting, I think we can make more emotional relationships.

Any hints about characters that will appear in the game?

Characters with various upbringings as vampires will appear. Depending on the time and situation you’ll progress together with some and also separate. Also, although they are all Revenants they have a variety of different standpoints, and through interacting with them there are different types of bonds you can form which is new I think.

You released a video introducing the action (combat), but will you continue to adjust the action (combat) and effects?

Of course. The video we released showed the current progress we’ve made thus far. We will continue to make adjustments until the end of development.

In the video the blood spraying was impressive, but does that have an effect on the gameplay systematically?

We’re preparing other original components in addition to the previously announced Blood Veil. Please look forward to our follow up report.

How will you acquire weapons?

You can pick them up in dungeons, but we are putting an emphasis on acquiring them via enemy drops.

Will the explorable area be open-world or divided areas that you travel between?

It’s difficult to define “open world” but, all the fields are connected and can be traveled on foot.

Will similar areas repeat and become monotonous such as underground?

We’re aiming to make locations you won’t grow tired of, such as natural caverns and ancient ruins.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-2 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-4 04:05 PM 编辑

Code Vein Anime Expo 2017 Gameplay ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC
《CODE VEIN》公布「基本攻击」游玩影片 展示剑与斧枪等武器特色招式

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 动作角色扮演游戏《CODE VEIN》,现公布第 2 部「基本攻击」游玩影片,展示多种武器的攻击招式。

  《CODE VEIN》是款由《噬神者》系列团队企划开发的完全新作游戏,由富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监,饭冢启太担任制作人。 游戏以近未来世界为舞台,世界因为被「审判之棘」贯穿而步向灭亡。 游戏中玩家将扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程,最后将面临沉眠在血脉当中的巨大秘密。

  本次公布的影片中,介绍了剑、铳剑与斧枪等各种具备特色招式之武器,玩家可以依照自己的游玩风格来选择。 除了基本攻击之外,还具备使用「吸血牙装」来施展吸血攻击、利用吸收的敌人血液来发挥各式各样的战斗效果的「练血」系统,搭配此一系统来构筑高自由度的战斗风格。

  《CODE VEIN》是一款由制作《噬神者》系列游戏的创作者们所企划开发的完全新作游戏。 富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监、以及新招募的饭冢启太担任游戏制作人。 游戏以以近未来世界为游戏舞台,玩家要扮演一名吸血鬼,为了追求吸血鬼到底是为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相,而踏上探索世界的旅程。官方表示使用了虚幻4引擎后游戏的画面看起来会更加漂亮,玩家最终在游玩时也会觉察到这种进步。游戏当中那名跟随主角的女NPC名为Mia Karnstein。


In the Face of Certain Death, We Rise

In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity. Wandering aimlessly in search of blood, the Lost will stop at nothing to satisfy their hunger. Team up and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to unlock your past and escape your living nightmare in Code Vein.

Key Features

• Unite to Survive – Featuring a story driven connected dungeon experience, dive into the world of Code Vein. Create your own character and choose your partner as you venture out into a world of destruction, overrun by the Lost. Use your combined strength to coordinate your approach and defend each other from surprise attacks or overpowered enemies using your Blood Veil and various weapons. Change the feel of the game depending on which partner you choose, each with their own combat style and background story.

• Beneath the Veil – Experience the power of blood as you use unique Blood Veils to drain your enemies to enhance your abilities. Using “Gifts” powered by enemy blood, players can increase their strength, weaken enemies, and utilize new weapon abilities and overpowered attacks.

• Great Challenge Brings Greater Rewards – Take on the Lost as you explore the malefic world of Code Vein. Choose from a myriad of weapons such as bayonets, axes and spears, to accommodate your favorite battle style. Apply strategy in your attacks through partnered coordination and Blood Veil enhancements, ready to bring down the most threatening enemies.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-12 07:31 PM
《CODE VEIN》预告于下周公开新情报 角色介绍

  Bandai Namco预定于2018年在PS4/XBOXONE/PC平台上发售的剧情探索ARPG《CODE VEIN》官推预告,将于7月20日也就是下周发售的周刊FAMI通上揭载本作的最新情报,将公开在美国洛杉矶举办的Anime Expo2017上首次公开了角色名字与CV的米娅相关续报等更多内容。这位带着俄罗斯风帽子的小姐姐全名为米娅·卡伦休泰恩,由人气女声优茅野爱衣担当配音。

  《CODE VEIN》是BNEI推出的一款全新迷宫探索类硬核动作RPG,在本作的世界中,吸血鬼是游戏中的主角,玩家也是其中的一员。吸血鬼虽然具有超常的能力,但代价是失去一半的记忆,在探索的过程中,我们将逐渐发现吸血鬼与世界的真相。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-18 10:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-18 10:51 PM 编辑

Code Vein introduces Mia Karnstein, Yakumo Shinonome
《CODE VEIN》角色情报 茅野爱衣配音血族小姐姐

  最新一期 Fami 通周刊介绍了Namco Bandai 万代南梦宫新作《代号血脉》的两位角色,其中的血族小姐姐 Mia Karnstein 正是由茅野爱衣配音的,相信这也会给这位小姐姐带来不少人气。





  《代号血脉》将于2018年早些时候发售,登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台,敬请期待。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu introduces two new characters set to appear in Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s upcoming action RPG from its God Eater staff.

Get the information below.

Mia Karnstein (voiced by Ai Kayano)

A female Revenant who wanders the land of “Vein” with her young little brother. If it means protecting the only family that she has left, she is prepared to even fight against other Revenants. She can use bayonets, which can attack at long distances. Her Blood Veil is “Stinger,” which takes on the form of something like a tail and has long reach.

Yakumo Shinonome (voiced by Kousuke Toriumi)

A male former mercenary. He has a strong sense of duty and caring personality. While he is admired by those around him, a cool and professional side of him comes out during battle. He fights using a sword in the form of a giant blade. His Blood Veil is “Hounds,” which sees the hem of the jacket worn over his shoulder transform into something similar to the head of a wolf and unleash its fury at close range.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-20 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 06:37 PM 编辑

Code Vein details Mia Karnstein, Yakumo Shinonome
《CODE VEIN》公开最新画面截图

  Bandai Namco 预定于 2018 年中发售的 PS4,Xbox One 和 PC 平台剧情探索动作角色扮演游戏《血之暗号》公开新画面截图,主要展示速报介绍的角色“米娅·卡伦修坦因”与“八云·篠目”。









  《代号血脉》将于2018年早些时候发售,登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台,敬请期待。



Bandai Namco has released new details and screenshots of Code Vein detailing characters Mia Karnstein and Yakumo Shinonome.

The third-person action RPG puts players in the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players will embark into the world with a companion picked from Vein’s various residents to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this ruined and dangerous world full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses.

Here are the details:

Mia Karnstein (voiced by Ai Kayano)

A wandering female Revenant is wandering in the land called “Vein.” She is accompanied by her younger brother, only family she has left, whom she will do anything to protect. Her weapon of choice is a bayonet-styled weapon that can be used to attack at a distance.

Yakumo Shinonome (voiced by Kousuke Toriumi)

A Revenant and former mercenary, Yakumo is a faithful man who is good at taking care of others. He is loved by others and conducts himself in a cool and professional manner during combat.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-27 05:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-27 06:05 PM 编辑

Code Vein details basic actions, Mia Karnstein and Yakumo Shinonome, Hounds Blood Veil, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein, detailing basic actions, characters Mia Karnstein and Yakumo Shinonome, the “Hounds” Blood Veil, battles against fierce Lost, and two dungeons.

Get the details below.

■ Basic Actions

Basic Attacks Using Weapons

Depending on the category of weapon you equip, your reach and actions will differ. That is the foundation of battle in Code Vein. Switching up your weapon based on the battle situation is also important.

Su   cking Up Blood Using Blood Veils

[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing up blood is required to activate a Gift. There is generally a large window of opportunity, and suitable practice is required to understand the characteristics of the Blood Veil and the enemy’s behavior. (This Blood Veil is called “Ogre.”)

Special Attacks Using Gifts

Through Gifts, you can activate various effects such as luring enemies with with long distance attacks, attacks that strike a vast range, and strenghtening your defensive capacity. The type of Gifts you equip and the timing at which you use them are the key to victory.

—Gifts can be used to strengthen the invoker’s defensive capacity. This is particularly effective when fighting against Lost that deal powerful blows.

—This Gift enables a vast range, frontward attack. It is useful when taking on multiple enemies at once.

—This Gift enhances movement ability for a fixed period of time. It changes the evasion motion and allows the invoker to move long distances quickly.

■ Characters

Mia Karnstein (voiced by Ai Kayano)

A wandering female Revenant wandering in the land called “Vein.” She is accompanied by her younger brother, the only family she has left, whom she will do anything to protect. What kind of fate awaits for the older sister and younger brother risking their lives to survive in a heartless and cruel world?

In battle, Mia uses a bayonet-styled weapon that can be used to attack at a distance, and a scorpion tail-like Blood Veil called “Stinger” with long reach. She specializes at hit and away combat. Her steady fighting style will help the protagonist in various situations during exploration.

Yakumo Shinonome (voiced by Kousuke Toriumi)

A Revenant and former mercenary. He is loved by other Revenants like an older brother due to his strong sense of duty and taking care of others. He conducts himself in a cool and professional manner during combat. Does the color of sadness come to his eyes when looking at the remains of the Lost after battle due to it being another lost bretheren?

In battle, Yakumo, who wields a large, two-handed sword and wears a wolf heads-like Blood Veil called “Hounds,” specializes in powerful battle in accordance with his appearance. He is particularly reliable during encounters against tough, formidable enemies during exploration.

■ New Blood Veil: Hounds

“Hounds” is the Blood Veil used by Yakumo. It transforms the sleeves of the jacket worn over his shoulder to reveal a twin wolf heads. It is an offensive Blood Veil that attaches the fangs of its wolf heads to the enemy to eat away at its blood. It has short reach, but attacks at a vast range, and since it performs actions quickly, it is powerful to wield at close range.

■ Fierce Battles Against Enemies

Here is a monstrous Lost with wings like six flower petals and a tail like a beast’s head. Defeating it will prove difficult if you cannot find out how to deal with its attacks while whirling through the air.

Here is a fierce battle against a huge Lost who wields a hammer. There is no resistance when receieving blows from its large body. Figuring out how to evade its attacks in cooperation with your Buddy is the key to victory.

■ Dungeon Introductions

The Streets of the Ruined City

The ruined streets, where the giant “thorns of judgment” pierced through. There are a lot of blind spots due to the debris caused by the structural arrangement and collapse of buildings. Be on alert for surprise attacks and hidden items while exploring.

The Underground Domain of the Ruined City

A wide space is spread out beneath the ruined city. It is a dungeon with caves covered in rocks and limestone caverns, and underground levels of structures such as buildings. It is generally dim, so be on alert as to what is ahead while exploring.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-27 05:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-29 04:18 PM 编辑



《CODE VEIN》公布游戏角色「弥雅」与「八云」数据与战斗风格情报

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近日公开将于 2018 年年内发售的全新游戏《CODE VEIN(コードヴェイン)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新情报。

  本次报导介绍本作登场角色「弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因(ミア・カルンシュタイン)」与「八云 ‧ 东云(ヤクモ・シノノメ)」的个人资料与战斗风格,还有与异形 「堕鬼(ロスト) 」的战斗场面,以及主角将前去探索的迷宫「崩坏都市」内部分场景。

  再次为玩家说明,本作描写遭到「审判之棘」贯穿而崩坏的近未来世界里,为了对抗灭亡而舍弃为人的「吸血鬼(レヴナント)」们的故事。 玩家为吸血鬼的一员,为了找出自己为何而生,而踏上寻求世界 “真实” 的旅程,并逐步逼近隐藏于这个世界的秘密。

  本作游戏类型,是和队友「搭档(バディ)」一同跨越各种困难的「“戏剧性探索动作 RPG」。

  吸血鬼除了能操纵剑、鎗剑、斧枪,还能藉由「吸血牙装(ブラッドヴェイル)」来吸收敌人的鲜血,施展称为「炼血」的特殊攻击。 炼血存在着直接攻击敌人,或是让防御力及移动能力提升等各式各样的类型。 根据 「装备」 于吸血牙装上的炼血,可发展出不同战斗方式。

  由茅野爱衣饰演的弥雅与鸟海浩辅饰演的八云,从角色说明来看,他们是与主角一起探索迷宫的搭档。 从之前的报导公布的游戏截图中也可欣赏到他们的英姿。


八云则是手持巨大的双手剑,其吸血牙装是让披肩的大衣袖子变成宛如狼头的「猎犬(ハウンズ)」。 虽然射程短但攻击范围广,动作也很迅速,善于应付接近战。


弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因 - Mia Karnstein -
声优:茅野 爱衣
带着年幼的弟弟在血脉大陆(ヴェイン)流浪的女吸血鬼。 为了守护唯一存活的亲生弟弟,就算与其他吸血鬼开战也在所不辞。 在这残酷无情的世界刻苦生活的姊弟两人,最终究竟有什么命运等着她们呢...

八云 ‧ 东云 - Yakumo Shinonome -
前任佣兵的吸血鬼。 重视情义擅于照顾他人,受众多吸血鬼当作兄长般仰赖。 是战斗专家,在战场上可以窥见其冷酷沉稳的面貌。 战斗后,经常会带着忧伤的神情注视坠鬼的遗骸,或许是因为和死去的同胞身影重迭了吧。

  「堕鬼」,欠缺鲜血的吸血鬼失去人性变成如同异形的存在。 似乎有着各式各样的姿态。 目前公布了的战斗场面,可看到仍保有人类外表却异常巨大化的堕鬼,以及具有尾巴造型如同野兽头部,以及花瓣般 6 枚羽翼的堕鬼。

  另外,官方也公布了吸血鬼所探索的迷宫截图。 以下刊登的图片,为遭到「审判之棘」贯穿崩坏的都市「市区地」以及「地下区域」。

崩坏都市 市区地
被巨大的「审判之棘」贯穿崩坏的市区地。 因建筑物的立体结构及崩坏所产生的瓦砾,造成许多视觉死角,必须一边留意隐藏道具或敌人的奇袭一边进行探索。

崩坏都市 地下区域

位于崩坏都市地底的广大空间。 由充满岩石及钟乳石的洞窟,与大楼等建筑物地下楼层为舞台的迷宫。 整体十分阴暗,需要一边注意脚步一边进行探索。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-13 03:08 PM
《噬神者》团队新作《嗜血代码 CODE VEIN》中文版 2018 年登场

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 动作角色扮演游戏《CODE VEIN》,今(13)日在 2017 年漫画博览会的舞台活动中正式确定中文名称为《嗜血代码》,并确定将于 2018 年推出繁体中文版。



  《嗜血代码》是由《噬神者》系列团队企划开发的完全新作游戏,由富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监,饭冢启太担任制作人。 游戏中玩家将扮演一名吸血鬼,在近未来世界探索,探求吸血鬼为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相而踏上旅程。



对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
发售日期:2018 年
语言版本:日文 / 繁体中文
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
代理经销:台湾万代南梦宫娱乐 / 香港万代南梦宫娱乐
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-16 08:36 PM
《噬神者》团队完全新作游戏《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》制作人访谈 抢先透露游戏内容

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 动作角色扮演游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》,在前(13)日于 2017 年漫画博览会的舞台活动中,正式宣布将在 2018 年推出繁体中文版。 巴哈姆特也访问到这款新作的企划统筹的「富泽佑介」,以及担任本作制作人的「饭冢启太」两人,他们抢先透露了游戏的内容。



  《噬血代码》是由制作《噬神者》系列游戏的创作者们带来的完全新作游戏。 富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监、以及新招募的饭冢启太担任游戏制作人。 游戏以以近未来世界为游戏舞台,玩家要扮演一名吸血鬼(复生者),操控血液的力量,迈入死亡迷宫寻找记忆和真相。

  富泽透露,《噬血代码》的开发团队很大部分是从《噬神者》团队招募过来,他们活用《噬神者》开发的经验,现正全力开发中。 他也希望玩家不要担心,证实「《噬神者》新作也正开发中」,他们开启了两条开发产线一起同步制作中。

  一直制作《噬神者》系列游戏,富泽也想和吉村来挑战新的游戏类型。 《噬血代码》花了三年构思,2015 年开始试做,正巧碰到地城 RPG 开始风行,他们最终定调成现在玩家们看到的玩法。 《噬血代码》将会是一款硬派的地城探索 RPG,有针对喜爱这类型玩法的玩家喜好来设计打击感和难度。

  至于和《噬神者》系列的难度相比? 饭冢也透露《噬血代码》和《噬神者》的玩法有很大的不同。 《噬神者》可以组队 4 人共斗;但《噬血代码》是玩家一人带着一名 NPC 伙伴潜入地城挑战。 他们也有参考主流地城 RPG 的「虐心」难度,给予玩家高度的挑战性。 而且本作有特别吸引人的角色和故事,并且配合 NPC 的协助,希望可以吸引到至今以来却步的玩家来尝试。

  至于有没有收录 “多人联机游玩”? 饭冢语带保留的表示,目前尚未公开,请期待后续的发表。 但他也透露本作有伙伴 NPC,也许会有带着 NPC 的强化联机要素之类。

  关于玩家操作角色方面《噬血代码》和《噬神者》相同,玩家要自创男 / 女角色,并且会带来非常高的自由调整度。 至于本作的关键之一的 “NPC 伙伴”,他们特别注重 AI 的调整,基本上是依照角色在故事中的个性,搭配武装带来不同的行动模式,并且配合玩家行动自主判断。 玩家不太需要频繁去下指令,他们会学习玩家的习惯来搭配出击。 NPC 伙伴绝对不会是个拖油瓶的存在,不会笨到随便就在地城之中死掉,但是打高难度的 Boss 的时候该挂彩的时候还是有可能被打倒。

  富泽也提到,由茅野爱衣配音的「弥雅(ミア,暂译)」是第一个曝光的女性角色,可以说是制作团队设定为主推女主角的角色,设计时格外的别出心裁。 现场媒体也问到「弥雅和《噬神者》的『艾莉莎(アリサ)』看起来都是 “俄罗斯” 风的角色,这是制作主的坚持吗? 」富泽苦笑回答「艾莉莎的衣服很不俄罗斯啊! 而且弥雅设定上似乎是美系人种,带着俄罗斯毛帽单纯只是因为氛围不错就这样设计了。 」

  而本作和《噬神者》的游戏流程也不大相同。 《噬神者》是承接任务,一个一个解决后推进故事。 《噬血代码》则是款探索型的游戏,随着探索的进度开启新的领域,玩到最后可以从第一个地图延伸到最后一个地图。

  现场也问到,游戏砍到怪物的 “喷血” 特效也蛮强烈的,这会是一款少数日本作品里面强调 “血腥” 元素的成人向游戏吗? 饭冢开心的表示,其实这是他们开发团队特别用心做的部分,砍到怪物的手感、喷血的效果和血液的质感都是煞费心力的部分。 但他们毕竟不是要做一款 R18 的游戏,所以只做出喷血的效果,并不会有断肢破肚之类的 R18 表现。

  访谈尾声,制作人也表示在企划阶段就已经决定推出中文版了。 《噬血代码》也和《噬神者》锁定同一个客层的玩家,推出多国语言的版本的《噬神者》很受欢迎,他们也会对应多种语言,吸引他们来玩。 今后也会视开发进度,考虑是否推出中文试玩版本。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-5 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-5 08:13 PM 编辑

Code Vein introduces Rui and God Eater’s Shio lookalike Io
《嗜血代码 CODE VEIN》两位新角色及部分新系统公开

  在最新一期的“Fami通”杂志上公开了万代南梦宫旗下类魂 ARPG游戏《嗜血代码》的新消息,本期带来了两位全新的角色以及游戏部分新系统功能介绍。





  《嗜血代码》是由《噬神者》系列团队企划开发的完全新作游戏,由富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监,饭冢启太担任制作人。 游戏中玩家将扮演一名吸血鬼,在近未来世界探索,探求吸血鬼为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相而踏上旅程。

  本作预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 动作角色扮演游戏《嗜血代码》将于 2018 年推出繁体中文版。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has new information on Code Vein, including the reveal of two new characters and additional system details.

Get the information below.


Rui (voiced by Kaito Ishikawa) – A young leader who researches day and night to save the Revenants.
Io (voiced by Lynn) – A Revenant who becomes close with the protagonist. She has lost all of her memories, but has plenty of knowledge about Revenants and Vein. She seems to be the spitting image of God Eater character Shio.
Character Creation

In Code Vein, players will create their own character to act as the protagonist. Players will be able to select from the lead actors of various different works as the voice of their character, as well as be able to customize even minor details such as their character’s facial outlines, and pupil size and luster.


Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-6 06:57 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-6 04:03 PM 编辑

《嗜血代码 CODE VEIN》 IGN 首部17分钟试玩演示视频

  BANDAI NAMCO的新作《噬血代码》由IGN带来了一段最新的试玩演示视频,游戏的基本玩法与UI界面都可以通过该视频了解。可以看到游戏的界面颇有《噬神者》系列的风格,而游戏的战斗方式又与“魂”系列有些相似,看上去是一款颇为硬派的作品。

  本作将登陆PS4、Xbox One与Steam平台,预定2018年发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-7 07:15 AM
《嗜血代码 CODE VEIN》

  本作将登陆PS4、Xbox One与Steam平台,预定2018年发售。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-7 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-8 07:31 PM 编辑

Code Vein New Info and Screenshots

Code Vein unveils its battle system

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe reveals today new screenshots about the upcoming action title Code Vein. The new assets highlight more details about the battle system, the character creation tool and 2 new characters.

Battle system of Code Vein is varied and offers a lot of possibilities for players:

For example the Gift system allows them to use up to 8 gifts during battles to temporarily increase attacks or defense actions. Some other gifts are passive and they are gained with specific items or equipment.

With the Stamina Gauge, players will be able to manage all of their actions including attacks, evading, dashing and Drain. This is crucial to control their actions and they will need to be very attentive to the stamina gauge to survive in Code Vein. With a successful Drain action, the number of Ichor points will be increased as well as the maximum number of Ichor stock. A Special Drain, performed under special conditions, will not only increase the number of Ichor and the stock but also cause a massive damage to enemies. The Special Drain action will be possible after a successful parry with the same timing as the enemy’s attack, a successful attack from the back or a combo attack.

Player character abilities are temporarily increased with the Focus System during battles when they are receiving or dodging an attack and when they are surrounding by multiple enemies. This system allows players to fight back in extreme situations and get power boost when they decide to intentionally place themselves in danger. They can for example negate an attack, increase their own attack and throw enemies in the air!

The Partner Action will also help players during fights. Companions will support them by attacking from the side, enhancing the skills and sharing Health Points when it’s needed.

The new assets of the day reveal also more details about new characters and the Character Creation where players will be able to create their own protagonist from the gender, body and hair styles to the voice of the character.

The young leader Louis really wants to help Revenants suffering from bloodlust. He ventures into the isolated land of Vein looking for the source of Blood Beads to use it as a substitute for human blood. With his one-handed sword he is a swift attack expert and can elude with the armor type Ogre.

Io is a female Revenant who explores with the protagonists. She has no memories about her past but she knows very well Vein. She will be extremely useful for the player character!

Code Vein is a third-person action RPG that finds players assuming the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players embark into the world with a companion picked from the various residents of Vein to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this new demented reality. The world of Code Vein is dangerous, full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses to put players’ combat skills to the test.

Code Vein will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC Digital in 2018. For more information about the game and other products from Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe please visit: bandainamcoent.eu.

《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》公开繁体中文版最新角色情报及游戏要素介绍
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/152309.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今日公开 PS4/Xbox One/STEAM 戏剧性探索动作 RPG 游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》最新角色情报及游戏要素介绍。



配音:石川 界人

  为拯救受血液干渴所苦的吸血鬼们而进行研究的年轻领袖。 为了将替代人血的「血涙晶」分给大家,甚至不惜前往「VEIN」的深处追寻「血涙晶」的起源。











  吸血一旦成功可获得大量冥血及冥血最大存量。 另外在特殊条件下吸血,除了能获得更多的冥血、增加冥血最大存量之外,还能给予敌人严重伤害。


  炼血可赋予武器或装备不同的属性,在战斗时发挥力量,共有 8 种炼血可使用。


  身处危险时会暂时提升自身能力的系统。 被穷追猛打时可奋起反击,如持续处于极限状态时可提升能力并进行战斗。 累积爆发量表后,就能进入爆发状态,暂时获得特殊效果,成为反击的绝佳契机。


  玩家以武器防御时,搭档会来到身边一同戒备。 和搭档一起行动可以获得各种支持,例如从旁发动援护攻击、提升玩家能力,或是在玩家力竭不支之前把体力分给玩家。

  搭档行动的其中一项为和搭档共同发动的特殊炼血「共炼血」,若搭档在身边时共同发动可暂时获得强大的力量。 由于和搭档的血混合后才能发动,能力效果也会随带领的搭档不同而变化。 发动时会消耗冥血最大存量并减少,因此需慎重使用。


游戏名称:CODE VEIN 噬血代码
发售日:2018 年发售预定
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4/Xbox One/STEAM
类型:戏剧性探索动作 RPG
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-11 06:46 PM
《噬血代码》制作人访谈视频 不会难到让玩家失去信心

  《噬血代码》(CODE VEIN)是万代南梦宫打造的一款全新作品,游戏的导演吉村广与制作人饭塚启太近日接受IGN的采访,谈了一些游戏的开发理念以及游戏内容的介绍。下面就是该访谈的视频与要点总结:



  这款作品将于2018年登陆PS4、Xbox One及Steam平台,并确定将会推出中文版。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:41 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-14 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-14 08:23 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》(CODE VEIN)




Code Vein character customization gameplay

IGN has posted a four-minute video showcasing character customization in Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s upcoming action RPG from its God Eater staff.

In Code Vein, the main character is the player’s avatar, who can be customized via the character creator. You can choose their gender, body type, skin color, face type, eye shape, eye size, eye color, hairstyle, and other features in detail. There are also many customization options, as well as face paint, which lets you add several sticker-like designs to your face or use it like makeup.

Clothing, or what is called your “inner clothes,” can also be customized. For those, you can change the color of each part and also the appearance of things such as your collar and sleeves.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.




  《噬血代码》将在2018年初发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-14 03:55 PM
Code Vein further details battle system

Following initial details last week, Bandai Namco has released further information and screenshots of the battle system in Code Vein.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


One of the remaining Revenants in the closed society of “Vein.” While wandering around Vein in order to survive while fighting against their bloodlust, they will encounter and work together with comrades in similar circumstances.

Character Creation

Through character creation, you can create a player character all your own by choosing features such as gender, physique, hairstyle, voice, and more. You can even customize your eye color and glow shape, facial scars, face paint, and more.

Louis (voiced by Kaito Ishikawa)

A young leader who continues his research in order to help Revenants suffering from bloodlust. In order to widely distribute the “Blood Beads” that are a substitute for human blood, he ventures into the isolated land of Vein in search of its source.

In battle, Louis uses a one-handed sword that enables swift attacks and has short reach, but can elude with his “Ogre” type Blood Veil. Even while attacking, he will use Gifts to strengthen the player and himself, and support in exploration.

Io (voiced by Lynn)

A female Revenant who explores with the protagonist. She has lost all memory of her past, but has a wealth of knowledge about Revenant abilities and Vein very well. Her advice will accurately guide the protagonist.

■ Battle System

Stamina Gauge

Whether you’re attacking, evading, dashing, or [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing blood, every action consumes Stamina. Your Stamina will recover when you’re not using an action that consumes the Stamina Gauge. Stamina management is very important, as it is the foundation of using actions in Code Vein.

Drain Action


A Drain attack can be activated with the press of a button. If you successfully Drain the enemy and acquire a large amount of Ichor Points, the maximum amount of Ichor Stock will also increase.

Here is a look at the Blood Veil Ogre’s Drain action. Once the pool is maxed out, the character steps towards the enemy and slashes them with their claws. The Ichor Stock also increased from 10 to 12.

—Special Drain

A Special Drain is a Drain attack that can be triggered under specific conditions. It acquires more Ichor Points than a standard Drain, increases the maximum number of Ichor Stock, and simultaneously hits the enemy with big damage.

Special Drain Trigger Conditions

—When You Successfully Parry an Attack

A counter action triggered to match the enemy’s attack. Timing is critical, but the reward for success is grand.

—When Performing a Successful Back Attack

When you attack an enemy from the back. Follow the enemy’s movements and look for an opening.

—A Combo from a Launch Attack

It is important to figure out how to land launch attacks, which are only triggered under certain conditions.

Gift System

By holding down the Gift button (R2 is the default), a palette will be displayed. A maximum of eight Gifts can be used in battle. When the palette is displayed, a Gift can be triggered by pressing its corresponding button. The red icon signifies the Gift that is in use. In addition to Gifts that can be used in battle, there are also passive-type Gifts that are activated by simply equipping them.

Here is a look at a Gift that significantly reduces the amount of damage you take from a single enemy attack.

Focus System

The Focus System temporarily increases the player’s abilities when they are in danger. In addition to being able to launch a counterattack when the enemy drives you into a corner, you can also use this system to intentionally increase your abilities in battle by purposely taking risks.

Actions that increase the Focus Gauge include:

Receiving enemy attacks
Dodging enemy attacks
Focus State effects include:

Less likely to take recoil from the enemy’s attacks
The ability to launch enemies
A fully recovered Stamina Gauge (when Focus State activates)
—As a critical situation keeps up, your Focus Gauge will rise until you enter the Focus State.

—Using the special effects temporarily bestowed upon you, launch your counterattack.

■ Partner Actions

When guarding, your Partner will rush to you and guard alongside you. Cooperating with your Partner will offer various forms of support.

—A partner character distributes their HP to the player, who is on the verge of death.


■ Partner Action: Co-Op Gift

Co-Op Gifts are special Gifts that can be activated with a Partner when they are nearby. By activating a Co-Op Gift, you can temporarily increase your strength, but depending on the effect, it may decrease the maximum number of Ichor Stock as compension. The effect of Co-Op Gifts vary for each Partner.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-14 03:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-15 06:27 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》公开创角和战斗系统 以及全新搭档「路易」和引导玩家的「伊奥」等情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/152568.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 公开预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新情报。 这次公开的情报,是有关于玩家在游戏中要操纵的主角其创角系统、全新搭档角色「路易(ルイ)(配音:石川界人)」、会引导主角的「伊奥(イオ)(配音:Lynn)」,以及游戏战斗情报。



  本作是以被「审判之棘」贯穿而崩坏的近未来世界作为游戏舞台,描写为了反抗灭亡而舍弃人类身份的「吸血鬼(レヴナント)」们的故事。 玩家要扮演被留在封闭之地「VEIN」的吸血鬼之一,和跟自己处在相同处境的伙伴相遇,并且与他们一起行动。

  玩家在本作当中,要使用自己制作的角色。 在创造角色时,可以详细设定性别、体格、发型、语音等各种要素,组合出符合自己喜好的角色。


  另外本作还有被称为「搭档(バディ)」,会和玩家一起并肩作战的角色存在,在这次也公开了名为「路易」的角色。 路易是为了拯救受到吸血冲动所苦的吸血鬼,所以不断进行研究的年轻领袖人物,为了分配可以替代人血的「血泪晶」给众人,所以追寻其源头而踏入「VEIN」深处。

  路易使用攻击动作灵敏的单手剑,以及距离虽短但行动敏捷的吸血牙装「巨魔(オウガ)」。 可以一面进行攻击,一面使用能够强化玩家或是自己的炼血行动,来支持玩家探索的过程。

路易 -Louis-(配音:石川界人)

  这次还一并公开了掌握故事关键的角色「伊奥」相关情报。 伊奥是和主角一行人一起行动的女性吸血鬼,虽然丧失有关于自己的记忆,但是对于吸血鬼的能力或是和「VEIN」相关的情报却是博学多闻,会以非常精确的建议来引导主角一行人。

伊奥 -IO-(配音:Lynn)

  另外在这次还公开游戏战斗系统详细情报。 其中之一就是「精力量表(スタミナゲージ)」,本作在执行攻击、回避、冲刺以及吸血等动作时,都必须要消秏精力量表。 只要在一定时间内没有消秏精力就会自动恢复,精力量表也是本作动作系统的基础,作战时该如何管理精力,会是十分重要的环节。


  在以吸血鬼为题的本作当中,「吸血」当然是一个很重要的要素。 只要执行吸血攻击,就可以获得在使用特殊能力「炼血」时,必须要消秏的「冥血」。 在招架成功时、背后攻击成功时,或者是击飞敌人后发动的连段当中,都可以发动「特殊吸血」,画面上将会出现特殊的特写演出,并在给予敌人伤害时获得大量冥血。 而且还可以增加冥血最大存量。

背后攻击(バックアタック):从敌人背后发动攻击。 必须要仔细看穿敌人行动,精准找出破绽

招架(受け流し):配合敌人攻击施展出的反击行动。 虽然时机不好捉,但是成功时回报也很高



  至于炼血这个特殊能力,在战斗当中似乎一共可以使用八种不同的炼血。 每种炼血的效果都不一样,像是可以赋予武器属性在一定时间内强化攻击的炼血,或是能大幅减轻敌人造成之伤害的炼血等等。 而且除了主动使用的炼血以外,还有只需要装备就可以发挥效果的被动式炼血存在。

炼血之一:可以挡下攻击的炼血。 大幅减轻敌人造成的伤害一次


  这次还公开了只要累积量表就可以发动的「集中系统」情报。 在承受敌人攻击时,可以藉由在攻击命中前一刻闪躲过去,来累积集中量表。




  另外虽然需要付出代价,但还可以和搭档一起发动名为「共炼血」的特殊炼血。 在发动之后会暂时获得非常强悍的力量,只不过也需要付出与其相等的代价,看来使用时机应该会是重要关键。






游戏名称:CODE VEIN 噬血代码
发售日:2018 年发售预定
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4/Xbox One/STEAM
类型:戏剧性探索动作 RPG

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-16 07:01 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-19 12:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-19 08:11 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》10 分钟 Boss 战演示试玩视频公开

IGN 公开了一段长达 10 分钟的《噬血代码》游戏Boss战演示宣传片。本段Boss战迎击的是名为“女王的骑士”的强力型敌人,试玩也主要使用了不同的武器来进行不同的尝试,不过从演示中也可以看出游戏的确拥有一定的难度,非常适合喜欢挑战的玩家。

《噬血代码》将在 2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-21 12:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:10 PM 编辑

Four minutes of Code Vein environments gameplay
《噬血代码》场景展示 冰火两重天蔚为壮观

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201709/957885.shtml





  《噬血代码》预计于2018年登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,敬请期待。

IGN has gone up with a four minute gameplay video of Code Vein showcasing the game’s environments, from the cavernous underground area to regions full of fire or snow.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-21 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:50 PM 编辑

Eight minutes of Code Vein TGS 2017 demo gameplay

  在 9 月 20 日举办的万代南梦宫新作发布会上,A9VG受邀现场试玩新作《噬血代码》并对制作人吉村广、饭塚启太进行了采访。





Famitsu has gone up with eight minutes of footage from the Code Vein demo being showcased at Tokyo Game Show 2017 this week.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-23 01:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-28 03:30 PM 编辑



《噬血代码》第二弹中文预告 吸血鬼竟吃这个度日


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-25 04:23 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-27 07:25 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-28 03:29 PM

  Bandai Namco 预定于 2018 年初发售的 PS4、Xbox One、PC 动作游戏《噬血代码》(Code Vein) 在本周Fami通和Dengeki电击PS 杂志中公开了新的登场角色,并详细介绍了游戏中玩家可以使用的部分武器。




• 单手剑:攻击速度快,间隙比较小。单下攻击力不高,但攻击手段非常丰富。虽然攻击距离较短但也有可以攻击到较远距离的特殊攻击动作。
• 双手剑:攻击速度虽然较慢但攻击距离和攻击范围都很大。使用蓄力攻击可以旋转身体横扫敌人。
• 枪剑:在长枪前端附加一个刀刃既可以远距离枪击又可以用刀刃砍杀的武器。通过挑起攻击可以将敌人打至浮空状态。
• 斧矛:兼具攻击范围与攻击距离的长柄武器,攻击会附带反动效果,可以让敌人难以接近。不过其独特的攻击节奏需要适应。


• 大锤:虽然攻击距离较短但威力非常的高,攻击时还可以击倒敌人。特殊攻击还能横向挥舞,面对多个敌人时也能发挥威力。



  本作将登陆PS4、Xbox One与Steam平台,预定2018 年发售繁体中文版。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-28 11:29 PM
Code Vein details Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and Queen’s Knight

Bandai Namco has released a new set of Code Vein details and screenshots introducing the game’s latest Partner characters Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and the Queen’s Knight enemy.

Get the information below.

Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux

Jack Rutherford (voiced by Junichi Suwabe) and Eva Roux (voiced by Saori Hayami) are two Revenants with a twisted past that will team up with the player during some special events despite belonging to the opposite faction. With the two characters in the party the battle style will dramatically change and become more aggressive.

Weapon Types

The game will support different weapons categories such as the One and Two-Hand Swords, Bayonet, Halberd, and Great Hammer. Every category features different Weapon Actions. They can be slower / faster, more / less damaging, long / short distant attacks, and have different side effects and animations depending on the player and the weapon used.

Queen’s Knight

This human type Lost is fully equipped with a spear, a shield, and two knives on his back. He can use single, double, sharp, and wide attacks, and when its energy goes down he can change phase and become more aggressive. All of these elements will make him tougher to beat and will prove the player’s skills.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-4 07:25 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-5 04:49 PM
Code Vein further details Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and Queen’s Knight

Following initial details last week, Bandai Namco has released further information and screenshots of Code Vein‘s latest Partner characters Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, weapon types, and the Queen’s Knight enemy.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

Jack Rutherford (voiced by Junichi Suwabe)

A Revenant called the “Revenant Hunter,” who is feared by both enemies and allies alike. Just like Yakumo, he is a combat professional with a history in the military. He seems to have a deep connection to the protagonist.

Eva Roux (voiced by Saori Hayami)

A female Revenant who travels alongside Jack. Jack saved her life, and as a debt of gratitude she always stays by his side.

The protagonists will have conflicting viewpoints with Jack and Eva, but under specific conditions can work together. Just like Louis, Jack fights using a one-hand sword while equipped with the “Hounds” Blood Veil. It is a more aggressive battle style. And just like Mia, Eva uses a bayonet. She will often support the player.

■ Weapon Actions

One-Hand Sword

The one-hand sword attacks with quick swings and leaves little opportunity for the enemy to attack. It is good for hit-and-away-style combat, as its quick movement can accurately strike the enemy’s opening. It is also flexible in that it can be used in various situations.

—Weak Attack

A four-stage combo: diagonal slash → horizontal slash → vertical slash → rising slash. Its attack speed is fast, leaving little opportunity for the enemy to attack after the combo begins.

—Charge Attack

Steps towards the enemy while unleashing a rotating slash. It can be used to immediately approach the enemy.

—Special Attack

A thrust attack that lunges the sword while stepping at the enemy.

Two-Hand Sword

The two-hand sword has slow attack speed, but high reach and a giant sword blade that deals a powerful blow to the enemy. Its wider attack range can also hit several surrounding enemies at once.

—Weak Attack

A three-stage attack that goes from a strong strike to left and right cleaves.

—Strong Attack

The character readies his stance, rotates his body, and drives into the enemy with a powerful blow.

—Charge Attack

A charge attack in which the character rotates while mowing down the enemies before him. It can also blow enemies away.


The bayonet is a weapon characterized by its ability to attack with slash attacks at short range and shooting attacks at long range. With special attack methods that utilize steps, you can fight while managing your distance from the enemy.

—Weak Attack

A four-stage attack from the bayonet’s blade. It is a rotating attack that goes from a rising slash → stab → cleave → low slash.

—Strong Attack and Charge Attack

A long range attack from the gun. If you charge it, its range extends and it becomes more guided.

—Launch Attack

Double steps towards the enemy after a back step to unleash a launch attack. This attack can also be can be done while parrying the enemy’s attacks.


A weapon with wide range attacks that make use of its long handle. Many of its attacks come with a kickback, and its unique attack timing requires practice.

—Weak Attack

When the first stage of a weak attack ends, it continues into a wide range, rotating second attack. It is a ranged attack that can be unleashed with little stamina consumption. From there, you can cleave the enemy and follow through with a vertical slash.

—Strong Attack

A rotating attack that applies the momentum of the spin to swing down on the enemy from above. Pinpoint attacks are also possible.

Great Hammer

The great hammer is a powerful weapon with short reach, but high attack power and downing ability. How you approach the enemy and hit them with a strong attack is crucial.

—Weak Attack

The basic weak attack is a one-stage attack that strikes the enemy from above. For combos, it becomes a three-stage attack that goes from a strike → strike → side sweep.

—Charge Attack

A charge attack that builds up power, then leaps at the enemy. It can be done from outside the enemy’s range.

—Special Attack

Readies the weapon horizontally, then unleashes a rotating attack. This is the great hammer’s valuable ranged attack.

Same Weapon Type, Different Attack Motion

Even for the same types of weapons, various different kinds exist. Depending on the weapon, some attacks will have exclusive attack motions.

—A great hammer weapon. It has a big swing attack unseen in the weapon’s basic attacks.

—A one-hand sword weapon. It has some attacks where the character wields the sword with two hands.

—A halberd weapon. It has an attack that makes use of the spear’s huge pierce.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-5 04:49 PM
■ Queen’s Knight

A humanoid Lost that wields a giant, spear-like sword in its left hand, a shield in its right hand, and two wing-like huge blades on its back. It will block the player’s path with consecutive and quickly activated attacks using its sword and shield that leave little opportunity for a counterattack, as well as ranged attacks that use the blades on its back.

—With its sword, the Queen’s Knight will unleash a variety of consecutive attacks. It has long reach and leaves little opportunity for a counterattack after it strikes.

—A rotating attack that uses the blades on Queen’s Knight’s back. It is a threatening, wide ranging attack that engulfs its surroundings.

—An attack that uses the Queen’s Knight’s shield. Its reach is short, but it can be activated quickly.

—A high-speed thrust the Queen’s Knight can use from a distance. Its rush speed is extremely fast, almost immediately charging at the player after it readies its stance.

After you deal a certain amount of damage to the Queen’s Knight, its attack methods will change. It will unleash even more powerful attacks to drive the player into a corner.

—The Queen’s Knight’s stance when it changes modes. Its attack variations will also change.

—An assault attack in which the Queen’s Knight leaps to the sky and then warps. It will be a hard fight unless you can determine where and when it will appear.

—A wide range attack centered on the Queen’s Knight itself. It is extremely difficult to evade after you see it begin. You will need to have a sense of when it will activate to evade the attack.

—Use Gifts to increase your attack power during the opportunities your partner creates by attacking the Queen’s Knight. Your choice of Gifts to use at such limited timing during battle is critical.

—If the Queen’s Knight drains a player of all of their HP, their partner will rescue them. Fighting alongside your partner is one of the game’s major strategic points.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-5 04:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-7 07:30 AM 编辑

《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》公开新登场角色、头目以及玩家可使用的五种武器情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/153567.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)。

  在先前已经公开了本作新最宣传影片「2nd Trailer」。 相信有在关注本作的玩家应该已经有人看过了才对,在影片里面出现了不少尚未公开情报的角色,同时也可以看到部份应该和游戏剧情有关的内容。

  在这次就要和玩家介绍,部份在影片里登场的角色。 同时关于玩家和伙伴在游戏可以使用的武器,也要针对目前已经公开的五种(单手剑、双手剑、鎗剑、斧枪、大槌)五器,配合游戏图片来解说各种武器的特征。 有兴趣的玩家请不要错过以下的报导。

  在此要先简单说明游戏标要,本作的游戏舞台是在一个因为被「审判之棘」所贯穿,所以崩溃的近未来世界。 玩家要扮演为了对抗灭亡命运,而舍弃了人类身份的「吸血鬼(レヴナント)」之一。

  成为吸血鬼虽然能获得超越常人的能力,但却会丧失原本身为人的大部份记忆,而且为了维持自己的人性,还必须要持续吸血才行。 如果缺乏血份,就会失去人类的内心,化成名为「堕鬼(ロスト)」的异样存在。


杰克 ‧ 兰瑟福德(ジャック・ラザフォード)

- Jack Rutherford -

被称为吸血鬼猎人,同时为敌我双方恐惧的吸血鬼。 和八云(ヤクモ)一样,都是有军人资历的战斗专家。 和主角之间似乎关系十分复杂。

伊娃 ‧ 露(エヴァ・ルゥ)
- Eva Roux -

和杰克一起行动的女性吸血鬼。 因为曾经被杰克所救,为了回报他的恩情,所以才和经常和他一起行动。

  在这次影片当中,把焦点放在一位脸上有伤痕的男性「杰克 ‧ 兰瑟福德」身上。 杰克原本是一位军人,所以可说是吸血鬼当中的战斗专家。 虽然没有说明原因,但他似乎被人称为「吸血鬼猎人」。 和主角之间的关系看起来相当复杂,而且是处在互相对立的立场上。

  只不过就像大家在影片里看到的一样,只要满足特定条件,杰克也会在游戏当中和主角同行。 另外杰克是使用单手剑作为武器,吸血牙装则是装备能够让身上披着的外套,变成狼头的「猎犬(ハウンズ)」。

  伊娃 ‧ 露则是过去曾经被杰克所救的女性吸血鬼,因为想要回报杰克的恩情,所以总是和他一起行动。 使用鎗剑作为武器,在一起作战时通常会站在辅助主角的立场上。

  接着是要和大家介绍五种在游戏当中可以使用的武器。 虽然在过去的报导当中并没有特别强调,不过从最早公开的情报里,就可以看到本作有「单手剑」、「双手剑」、「鎗剑」、「斧枪」以及「大槌」等武器存在(是否还有尚未公开的武器目前并不明朗)。

  以下就要为大家介绍各种武器的特征。 另外每一种武器都有更多不同的类别,其中还有造型看起来完全不像同种武器的存在,有些武器似乎还准备了专用的动作招式。

单手剑之一。 追加了以双手不断挥动的攻击动作。

大槌之一。 可以看到基本攻击没有的大动作攻击。

斧枪之一。 会用力向前突刺,施展出充分发挥长枪特征的攻击。


  单手剑挥动速度快,擅长能够以灵敏动作攻击敌人破绽的打带跑战术。 能够对应各种不同情况的高度柔软性,可以说是这种武器最大的特征。

弱攻击:连段是斜斩 → 横斩 → 纵斩 → 和上斩的四段攻击。 攻击速度快,攻击后的破绽也少。

特殊攻击:大步向前跨出并刺出一剑的突刺攻击。 就单手剑来说是攻击距离很长的攻击。

蓄力攻击:向敌人踏出一步并施展出旋转斩。 能够一口气缩短与敌人之间的距离,是最有魅力之处。


  双手剑的攻击速度虽然缓慢,但从巨大刀身施放出的每一击都十分强悍。 因为距离极长攻击范围广大,所以能够卷入周围其他敌人,同时给予伤害。



蓄力攻击:一面旋转一面对眼前的敌人发动横扫攻击的蓄力攻击。 可以将敌人击飞。


  鎗剑是可以在近距离施展斩击,在远距离发动鎗击,不论是在什么距离都可以发动攻击的武器。 还拥有像是会一并使出能闪避敌人攻击之垫步的攻击存在,最大特征就是变换自如的作战风格。

弱攻击:以刀刃施展出华丽的四连击。 上斩 → 突刺 → 横扫 → 一面向下一面发动旋转攻击。

强攻击、蓄力攻击:以鎗械施展出远距离攻击。 透过蓄力可以提升射程范围,并且让子弹拥有追踪能力。

击飞攻击:在向后垫步之后再次往前踏,并施展出上斩。 可以在闪躲敌人攻击的同时发动攻击。


  斧枪是同时具有战斧与长枪两种武器特性的长柄武器。 在本作当中可以施展出能活用长柄特色的广范围攻击。 有许多利用反作用力来发动攻击的动作招式,因为攻击时机相当独特,可能需要一段时间来习惯。


  大槌就是巨大的槌子,距离虽短但却拥有极高攻击力,可以让敌人陷入「倒地(ダウン)」状态。 每一下攻击都非常强悍,所以重点就是应该要如何接近敌人。

弱攻击:第一段是从正上方向下扣击,可以说是最基本的攻击。 连段则是扣击→扣击→横扫的三段攻击。

特殊攻击:把武器打横开始蓄力,并施展出旋转攻击。 对于大槌来说是非常贵重的范围攻击。

蓄力攻击:在蓄力之后跳向敌人发动蓄力攻击。 可以从敌人的攻击范围外发动突击。


以剑发动攻击。 会施展出各种不同的连击。 攻击距离长,攻击后的破绽也小。

以背上刀刃施展出旋转攻击。 能够把周围一起卷入的广大攻击范围是一大威胁。

以盾牌发动打击。 虽然距离很短,但发动速度极快。

从远距离发动高速突刺。 突进的速度非常快,在摆出架势后,一瞬间就会刺到玩家身上。

  在承受到一定程度的伤害之后,就会变化成「攻击型态」,施展出的攻击也会有所变化。 还会开始施展出传送或是广范围攻击等等招式,所以和搭档(バディ)之间的连携会变得更加重要。

模式变化时的架势。 攻击种类将会发生变化。

以自己为中心的广范围攻击。 看到攻击后才想要闪躲是非常困难的事情。 必须要事前察觉。

飞上空中以传送方式发动突袭攻击。 如果无法看穿出现位置和时机,想必会陷入一番苦战。

要趁搭档吸引住敌方注意力的空档,使用能提升攻击力的炼血。 在战斗时,只能在有限时机下使用的炼血要如何取舍,将会左右整场战局。

搭档正在拯救因为女王的骑士一番猛攻,而倒下的玩家。 和搭档并肩作战,看起来将是攻略游戏的重要环节。

  以上就是本篇报导介绍的所有情报。 游戏还有许多从影片当中无法看出端倪的部份,请玩家密切注意后续报导。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-19 10:40 PM
《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》试玩会兼开发会议报导 听取玩家意见现场改进
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/154055.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 在 2017 年 10 月 14 日、15 日两天之间,于位在东京都内的未来研究所,举办预定在 2018 年内发售的动作角色扮演游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)试玩会兼开发会议。 以下就要为大家报导,有众多幸运中选玩家参与,享受到发售前游戏的活动首日情况。




  《噬血代码》官方游戏类型称为「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」。 是以崩溃的近未来世界作为舞台,描写放弃人类身份,化为吸血鬼(レヴナント)的角色们,探索世界真相的故事。 由《噬神者(GOD EATER)》系列作品开发阵容负责制作,以荒废的世界观和动画风格打造出的角色,备受玩家瞩目的作品。



  试玩会准备的版本,和东京电玩展 2017 以及在德岛举办的「Machi★Asobi(マチ★アソビ)」活动中展示的内容一样,是使用「First Blood Version」。 试玩内容是让玩家和搭档(バディ)「弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因(ミア・カルンシュタイン)」,一起探索地图并与头目作战,其详细内容可以参考过去报导。 虽然说游戏特征是难度极高,但是众多与会玩家就算是一再被打倒,也依然勇猛果敢的挺身与敌人对抗。


  会场上还举办了开发会议活动。 由游戏制作人饭冢启太,游戏总监吉村广和动作总监依田优一主持,亲自向玩家公开游戏全新情报。



  首先谈到的话题,就是装备与角色回避动作之间的关系。 本作是一款动作角色扮演游戏,角色能使用的回避动作以及动作速度,会受到身上装备组合影响。

  如果使用重视防御力的装备,虽然在承受敌人攻击时,可以减轻受到的伤害,但像是前滚之类的回避动作速度就会变慢。 反过来说,如果是使用重视机动力的装备,虽然行动就会灵敏到让玩家可以施展打带跑战术,但在承受攻击时,就会受到非常大的伤害。

  附带一提,在试玩版当中使用的玩家角色,是使用防御力和机动力取得平衡的装备,所以吉村总监表示就速度来说「大约是中间偏下」。 真让人想在游戏发售之后,尝试各种不同的组合。



  附带一提,《噬血代码》采用 Unreal Engine 4 游戏引擎,就算不是程序设计师也可以直接调整各项性能数值,所以能够办到十分仔细的调整工作。





  当然以上调整都只是暂定,不过吉村总监也说「因为这次连制作人和游戏总监都可以直接调整动作。 所以我们将会尽可能力求完美,以期可以兼顾有《噬神者》风格的动作,和具挑战性的难度」表达自己对于游戏的期许。



会场上也展示了搭档之一--弥雅 ‧ 科恩史坦因的角色扮演用服装。









  为配合世界观设定,所以在探索中没有办法拿下面具。 但是在据点里就可以看到角色的素颜,希望大家能在据点里好好欣赏。



  从开发小组成员的感言当中,可以看得出来他们非常虚心接受玩家意见,并且努力调整各种细节。 虽然游戏是预定在「2018 年内」发售,距离发售还有一段不短的时间,但是在听完开发会议后,真的非常令人期待游戏到正式发售前,还会如何进化。
(C) BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-18 07:24 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-28 11:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-29 06:01 PM 编辑

Code Vein introduces Nikola Karnstein, Ivy Blood Veil, and growth elements
《噬血代码 CODE VEIN》新角色新装备曝光 姐控小正太登场

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201711/984493.shtml


新角色:Nikola Karnstein(CV:五十岚裕美)






成长要素:鲜血代码(Blood Code)


  《噬血代码》预计将于2018年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,敬请期待。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu introduces a new character, Blood Veil, and growth elements appearing in Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s upcoming action RPG from its God Eater staff.

Get the details below.

New Character: Nikola Karnstein (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi)

A revenant traveling Vein with his older sister Mila. He will fight against any opponent if it is for his beloved sister.

New Blood Veil: Ivy

A Blood Veil in the form of a scarf. Its standard blood-[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attack can attack enemies at a distance with countless thorns. As you parry enemy attacks, your blood-[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing attacks will change. A skewered scarf can shoot out thorns that tear apart the enemy from their insides.

Growth Element: Haze

The experience points element of Code Vein‘s growth system. By using Haze, you can level up. Haze can be obtained by defeating enemies and using special items. If you are defeated by an enemy, your Haze becomes zero and the Haze you had on you will be left at the location you died. You can recover the Haze by returning to the place you died.

Growth Element: Blood Code

Equipment exclusive to the protagonist. Each revenant has a special blood type, and by recovering blood crystals, players can call upon the subject’s memory and simultaneously obtain a “Blood Code.” By equipping a Blood Code, a Gift that reflects the characteristics of the original owner becomes available. To recover blood crystals, special materials are required. Types of Blood Codes include the “Ranger,” which stresses survival during exploration, the “Hunter,” which specializes in long-distance attacks, the “Berserker,” which specializes in short-distance attacks, and more.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-30 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-30 02:13 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》米娅的弟弟登场 新装备与角色强化系统

  万代南梦宫预定于 2018 年发售的PS4、Xbox One、PC平台动作游戏《噬血代码》在本周Fami通杂志上公开一波新情报。包括新角色、新装备、角色强化要素、新场景以及游戏的开场动画等内容。














作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-30 06:15 PM
Code Vein details Nicola Karnstein, new location, Ivy Blood Veil and Blood Code, opening animation

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing new character Nicola Karnstein, a new location called the “Ridge of Frozen Souls,” the Ivy Blood Veil and Blood Code features, and the opening animation.

Get the details below.

New Character – Nicola Karnstein

Mia’s little brother Nicola Karnstein is wandering in Vein land with his sister and they will protect each other in the different areas. The Ridge of Frozen Souls is a harrowing mountain pass that features limited visibility, narrow ledges, deep snow, and an ice-covered cave. Players will also have to contend against a massive armored enemy deep within the Ridge of Frozen Souls. This huge imposing figure is surprisingly fast and will combine its speed with its heavy shield to rush down the player.

New Location

The Ridge of Frozen Souls is a harrowing mountain pass that features limited visibility, narrow ledges, deep snow, and an ice-covered cave. Players will also have to contend against a massive armored enemy deep within the Ridge of Frozen Souls. This huge imposing figure is surprisingly fast and will combine its speed with its heavy shield to rush down the player.

New Features – Ivy Blood Veil & Blood Code

To survive in the Vein, special attacks will be necessary! Blood Veils allow for powerful blood drain attacks that will make quick work of enemies and also regain Ichor, which is needed to perform additional skills. The new Ivy Blood Veil unleashes a swift attack, producing thorns that emerge from the ground, piercing enemies from afar. Other Blood Veils announced include Hounds, Ogre, and Stinger, each with their own attack power and range of use. Players can switch out Blood Veils for the appropriate circumstances.

Players in Code Vein will be able customize weapon, Blood Veil and a special blood type named Blood Code. Each Blood Code has a special skill depending on the owner. When players equip their character with the Blood Code feature, they will get the original owner’s special skill. For example, Ranger Blood Code will be useful in dungeons, Hunger Blood Code is for ranged battles and Berseker Blood Code is for short distance battles etc.

Opening Animation

Fans will be pleased to discover the first screenshots of the opening animation realized by Ufotable, the Japanese studio who also worked on TV animation God Eater and Tales of Zestiria the X.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-30 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 07:05 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/156321.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近日公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)新情报。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。



  吸血牙装「春藤(アイヴィ)」,平时会像围巾一样从肩膀延伸到整个背部。 实行吸血攻击时,围巾部分会化作无数荆棘刺穿远处的敌人。 而且在吸血牙装中属于轻量型,不会对行动速度造成负担。






  「巨魔(オウガ)」射程虽短但也因此动作快而敏锐;「猎犬(ハウンズ)」则能对前方近距离使出广范围的强力攻击;「穿刺者(スティンガー)」攻击所需时间较长但能攻击远距离敌人。 如此,玩家可以先熟悉各个吸血牙装的特性,配合自己的游玩风格选择最合适的吸血牙装。





  搭档之一弥雅. 科恩史坦因的弟弟--尼可拉(ニコラ),和最爱的姊姊弥雅相依为命在 VEIN 流浪,只要是为了姊姊,面对任何对手都不会屈服,是名充满勇气的温柔少年。

尼可拉. 科恩史坦因 CV:五十岚裕美

「弥雅...... 由我来守护! 」


为守护弟弟尼可拉而战的弥雅。 为了守护同样深爱的弟弟,她能变得比任何人无情

受伤的弥雅在某张床上醒来。 无止尽奋战的人生,是否能有平静的一天......

弥雅独自站在冻土灵峰上。 在这一切冰封的地方,又有什么命运等着她和尼可拉呢.....?


  本作中会以「恨意(ヘイズ)」代替经验值,使用后能提升主角等级。 恨意可以藉由打倒敌人,或是在迷宫中取得并使用专用道具等手段获得,而且除了提升主角等级还有其他用途。





血源代码 Blood Code




  主角能透过象征吸血鬼记忆的结晶「血英」取得原持有人的血源代码,但血英在入手的时候大多都是有缺损的。 此时必须先修复血英的中枢「血英核」。


  修复血英引出血源代码并装备,主角就能获得原持有人的特性,并能使用与此特性呼应的炼血。 血英修复后,原持有人失去的记忆将会重启,解放更高阶的炼血。




















  武器和吸血牙装,可以在地图上取得,或是在特定场所购入,有时击败敌人也会掉落武器。 而要是有自己喜欢的武器或吸血牙装,就用指定的素材和恨意进行强化吧!



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-7 04:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 07:05 PM 编辑


  「冻土灵峰」受到风雪影响,视线相当不佳,甚至有从悬崖栈道或雪檐上滑落山谷的危险。 除了山岳地区,也有被寒冰包覆的洞窟地区。




  而灵峰的最深处,也有只巨大堕鬼镇守着。 包覆全身的盔甲、有如驯鹿的角、巨大的盾牌,背上甚至还有火箭推进器,简直和机器人没有两样。


施展多样化攻击外貌宛如机器人的巨大堕鬼。 冷静观察每一个攻击,精准判断牠的动作吧

由 ufotable 制作的开场动画

  最后,刊登一些由 ufotable 制作的开场动画截图为本文做个收尾。 欢迎各位观赏各角色的表情和场景,尽情想象本作会带来什么样的演出。

Code Vein further details Ivy Blood Veil, Blood Codes, Ridge of Frozen Souls, more

Following preliminary details last week, Bandai Namco has released more information on Code Vein‘s new Blood Veil, “Ivy,” Blood Codes, “Ridge of Frozen Souls” location, and more.

Get the details below.

■ New Blood Veil: Ivy

A Blood Veil that takes the form of a scarf that extends from the user’s shoulders. When attacking, it transforms into numerous thorns that pierce the enemy. It can also attack enemies at a distance. It is one of the more lightweight Blood Veils, allowing the user to fight battles with speed.

—The standard Drain attack. The Blood Veil transforms into thorns and can pierce even distanced enemies from through the ground.

—Drain attacks that follow parries, etc. can skewer the enemy and further tear them to pieces from their insides.

—The Ivy Blood Veil is characterized by its scarf-like appearance that extends over the backs of the shoulders. Eva Roux also uses the Ivy Blood Veil.

■ The Traits of Each Blood Veil

The “Ogre” Blood Veil has short reach, but is very effective when you get in close to the enemy. “Hounds” is a high-in-attack-power Blood Veil that can attack at a vast range ahead of the user. And the “Stinger” Blood Veil has a lengthy build-up time, but can attack enemies at a distance. The Drain actions available to the player change significantly depending on the Blood Veil equipped.

■ Experience Points and Levels

By using experience points called “Haze,” the player character will be able to level up. Haze can be acquired by defeating enemies, as well as by using dedicated items obtained in dungeons.

—By increasing the player character’s level, their basic stats will also increase.

—If you are defeated in a dungeon, you will lose all of the Haze in your possession. However, if you reach the spot where you died, you can recover your Haze.

■ Blood Code

A Blood Code is a special blood type possessed by Revenants caused by the special characteristics of the owner. The protagonist can obtain the Blood Codes of other Revenants from their crystallized memories.

—In many situations, the crystallized memories you obtain will be damaged. In order to obtain a Blood Code, you must first repair their core.

By equipping a Blood Code, the special characteristics of the Revenant from which it came will be granted unto the player character, enabling the use of their Gifts. By repairing crystallized memories to resurrect the owner’s lost memories, you can unlock the Gifts hidden within the Blood Code.

—To repair crystallized memories, dedicated materials and Haze are required.

—By repairing crystallized memories, the owner’s lost memories will be resurrected. The protagonist can look into those memories, find the truth hidden within them, and come to know the heart of the Revenant from which the memories came.

The Gifts that belong to the equipped Blood Code will be replaced when you change Blood Codes, but some Gifts can be used regardless of the equipped Blood Code depending on whether certain conditions are met.

Blood Code: “Ranger”

A Blood Code that places emphasis on survival during exploration. By equipping it, you can learn Gifts that bolster exploration, such as a passive Gift that increases stamina, or a long-distance attack Gift that lures in the enemy.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Ranger Blood Code:

Sonic Arrow – Generates a blade out of Ichor, and shoots at a distant enemy. It is low in power, but is very effective at luring the enemy to an easier place to battle.
Poison Mark – Grants a poison status ailment effect to the equipped weapon for a fixed period of time. If you manage to inflict the enemy with poison through repeated attacks, you can steal the strength away from even a powerful foe.

Blood Code: “Hunter”

A Blood Code that specializes in long-distance attacks. Depending on the weapon, you can learn shooting-type attack Gifts that can, for example, slow down the movements of the target Lost and increase the power of your shooting attacks.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Hunter Blood Code:

Shooting Riser – Increases the attack power of your shooting attacks depending on the weapon for a fixed period of time. This ability is significantly effective when using a bayonet.
Blood Sacrifice – Converts your own HP into Ichor. Since you can obtain Ichor without Draining it from Losts, it is possible to consecutively trigger powerful Gifts for a short period of time.

Blood Code: “Berserker”

A Blood Code that specializes in close-range battles. Its effect time is short, but it enables the user to learn powerful Gifts that exhibit their strength at close-range, such as easily pushing back the enemy and making yourself more difficult to push back.

Here are a couple of the Gifts that can be learned with the Berserker Blood Code:

Crazy Blow – After activating the effect, the attack power of the user’s next weapon attack will increase. It is particularly effective when using weapons that deal powerful blows.
Royal Heart – Makes the user more difficult to push back as a result of enemy attacks for a fixed period of time. It is particularly useful in dangerous situations such as when facing against numerous enemies.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-7 04:07 PM
■ Player Customization

By combining weapons, Blood Veils, and Blood Codes, the player can customize a unique character all their own.

—The Hit and Away Type: Equipped with a lightweight weapon and Blood Veil to increase evasive ability.

—The Power Type: Equipped with a heavyweight, high-power weapon and high-defense Blood Veil.

—The Gift Attack Specialization Type: Equipped with a Blood Code that increases the power of attack-type Gifts and Gifts that replenish Ichor.

■ Obtaining and Strengthening Weapons

Other than obtaining weapons from the fields, you can obtain weapons from enemy drops or by purchasing them at specific locations. By using Haze and strengthening materials, you can also strengthen the performance of your weapon.

■ Obtaining and Strengthening Blood Veils

In addition to obtaining Blood Veils from the fields, you can also purchase them. Just like weapons, a Blood Veil can be strengthened to enhance its abilities.

■ Field Introduction: Ridge of Frozen Souls

A field where the danger of falling constantly follows the player—be it by snowstorms that make it difficult to see the path ahead, paths that run along the sides of cliffs, or overhanging snow. This area consists of mountains and caves.

—A cave that continues into a frozen mountain.

—A battle to the death against a Lost on a mountainside with limited footing.

—The entrance to a cave inside the mountain.

A powerful Lost awaits at the innermost depths of the mountain. Its entire body is covered in armor, it has deer-like horns and a giant shield, and rocket boosters on its back, making it quite robotic. It uses high-mobility attacks through brute force utilization of its shield and horns, as well as its rockets, and can also use ice-type Gifts.

■ Character Introduction: Nicola Karnstein (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi)

A Revenant who is wandering in Vein with his older sister Mia. He is kind and loves his sister, and has strong courage in that he will fight without giving in to any enemy if it is for the sake of his sister.

■ Event Scenes featuring Mia Karnstein

—Mia prepares to attack in order to protect her little brother Nicola. She is occasionally prepared to be ruthless in order to protect her only blood brother and survive in Vein.

—Mia stands alone in the Ridge of Frozen Souls. What fate awaits her and Nicola on this land where everything has frozen over?

—Mia wakes up in a bed somewhere. Will there be a place to rest for the girl who continues to fight in solitude?

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-18 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-18 06:37 PM 编辑


  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(18)公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)的第三弹官方宣传片及一系列游戏截图,预告片中更是出现了一位此前未曾露面的神秘白发少女。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。


Code Vein third trailer, screenshots

Bandai Namco has released the third official trailer and a new set of screenshots for Code Vein, its upcoming action RPG from its staff behind the God Eater series.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:


In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has caused the collapse of the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood.

Key Features

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-21 03:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-21 03:28 PM 编辑


  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 今(21)公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)的第三弹官方繁体中文版宣传片。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-27 06:39 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/157156.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One),近日公开了与复生者们存亡大有关联的「血泪之泉」、记忆残渣「血英」、登场角色「路易」、「 八云」的支线场景,还有与主角相关的剧情情报。

  本作舞台,是个被「审判之棘」贯穿而崩坏的近未来世界。 为抵抗灭亡,人们舍弃了人类的身分成为「吸血鬼(复生者)」。

  成为吸血鬼虽然能获得超越常人的能力,但却会丧失原本身为人的大部份记忆,而且为了维持自己的人性,还必须要持续吸血才行。 如果缺乏血份,就会失去人类的内心,化成名为「堕鬼(丧失者)」的异样存在。


  官方在 12 月 18 日公开的 PV,有介绍到在本作世界中,吸血鬼究竟是怎么样的一个定位,还没看过的人可顺便在此确认。


只要摄取「血泪」中的液体就能满足噬血欲望,防止化为堕鬼。 虽然成分不明却是贵重的存在。

  就在世界被红雾笼罩,吸血鬼们快将面临灭绝的当头,后来人们通称「血泪之泉」的植物突然出现了! 而血泪正宛如果实一般生长在血泪之泉上。



  然而,受到「促进噬血欲望」的瘴气影响,各地的血泪之泉日渐枯萎,血泪也越来越难以入手。 唯有主角,竟然拥有能让血泪之泉再生的特异功能!







  游戏中登场的角色「路易」,为了拯救受噬血欲望而苦的吸血鬼同胞,潜心研究血泪。 为了让弱者们也能获得足够的血泪,日夜调查寻找血泪之泉的泉源。


  随着瘴气扩大,路易对血泪之泉相继枯萎的现况正感到无计可施,而主角的出现大大推动了他的命运。 看上主角能够使血泪之泉再生的能力,路易带着一丝希望请求主角借给他力量,便和主角组成搭档一同踏上探索之旅。



  路易的正义感非常强,曾对陷入危机的主角伸出援手,也不曾忽视任何有困难的人。 与堕鬼战斗的经验也非常丰富,是非常可靠的搭档。 战斗时,会使用攻击敏捷的单手剑,以及距离短但动作快而敏锐的吸血牙装「巨魔」。



  过去为佣兵的吸血鬼「八云. 东云」,曾在觉醒为吸血鬼的当下,差点屈服于噬血欲望化做堕鬼,幸亏路易等人及时赶到捡回一命,之后便与他们一起行动。


  最初遇见主角时,对眼前不明所以的人物抱持高度的戒心,但一旦认同对方是同伴,就会成为保护同伴不受威胁的可靠人物。 使用武器为双手剑,吸血牙装则为擅于白刃战的「猎犬」。





  吸血鬼只要满足了噬血欲望就不会饿肚子,因此没有煮饭、吃饭的必要,但八云却主张进食是有意义的行为。 不知是否与他失去的过往记忆有某种关联,或是单纯坚持吃这个行为就是「人性」的表现。

  另外,八云佣兵时期似乎有以家人互称的至交同伴,他身上也带着和同伴们的照片。 那些同伴们目前不知是生是死。



  之前有介绍过,「血源代码」是本作角色成长方面的重要要素。 血源代码相当于职业,或可称为技能组合,透过取得并修复吸血鬼记忆结晶的「血英」,就能使用。


  主角接触到血英,就会再生出原持有人的记忆片段。 这些记忆不一定是死者的记忆,也有可能是现在仍存活的吸血鬼,其记忆成为血英。







作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-26 04:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-26 10:51 PM 编辑

转载 - 电玩巴士(http://ps4.tgbus.com/news/201801/20180126152023.shtml

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One),近日他们两位制作人富泽祐介与饭塚启太在2018台北电玩展接受了媒体的采访,谈及不少游戏的深度内容以及开发过程中的点滴。






















Q:宣传片中有掉帧现象,之后会在ps4 pro和xbox one x上改善吗?一般版本会有1080P/60fps吗?

A:是的,会根据不同的主机来优化,而且最终版本也会有很大改善。游戏本身设计是以1080P/30fps设计的,希望在PS4 pro上能达到60fps,PC上理论上能达到更高。








  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。

转载 - 游民星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201801/1007745.shtml






作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-27 01:06 PM
Code Vein new characters Coco, Davis, Io, Murasame, Queen, Silva, and more screenshots

Bandai Namco has released a new set of Code Vein screenshots.

The images showcase new characters Coco (voiced by Nanako Mori), Davis (voiced by Shin’ya Takahashi), Io (voiced by Lynn), Rin Murasame (voiced by Yuuki Takada), Queen, and Gregorio Silva (voiced by Akio Ootsuka), previously announced character Louis, character customization, the Cerberus organization, character customization, the Home base, scenes from the “Operation Queenslayer” mission, two Lost, and a new key visual.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-29 11:14 PM
Code Vein ‘Home Base,’ ‘City of Falling Flame,’ and ‘Ridge of Frozen Souls’ gameplay

Bandai Namco has released three short new gameplay videos of Code Vein showing the game’s “Home Base” hub area, and “City of Falling Flame” and “Ridge of Frozen Souls” dungeons.

At the Home Base, which is established in a remodeled old chapel, there will be various merchants and non-playable characters that can either accompany the player, sell them new items, or improve their equipment. By undertaking various quests connected to certain characters, players can raise their Affinity stat and unlock the opportunity to acquire even more powerful items from them.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-1 11:18 PM
Code Vein details Home Base characters, Affinity, and backstory

Bandai Namco has released new Code Vein information and screenshots detailing the Home Base and the characters that gather there, character interactions and Affinity, and the history of the game’s world.

Get the details below.

■ Second Main Visual

In the second main visual, we can see the Revenants gathered at the Home Base.

■ Home Base

Louis and company remodeled an old chapel and established it as their Home Base. In a world where the fear of death is constant, the Home Base is the only place where the Revenants can feel at peace. The Home Base is where the Revenants who have lost their memories and foundation gather and support each other.

Character Await the Protagonist’s Return at the Home Base

Louis, Yakumo, and other partner characters, as well as those that assist them in the field, all gather at the Home Base, where you can receive various forms of support.

—By talking to partner characters, you can ask them to accompany you in the field.

—In addition to partner characters, support characters that offer various forms of field assistance will gather at the Home Base.

—In addition to purchasing and upgrading weapons, and purchasing items, you can also change the protagonist’s clothing and hairdo at the Home Base.

■ New Characters

Rin Murasame (voiced by Yuuki Takada)

A Revenant whose main work consists of weapons supply and upgrades. Once known as “yaksha,” she was an excellent soldier with high enough combat ability to lead an army, but an incident in the past led to trauma, and she is no longer able to fight. She is exposed to the protagonist’s ability to see glimpses of peoples’ memories, and hopes to confront her past.

In addition to buying and upgrading weapons and Blood Veils, you can also transform the very nature of your weapon through “Equipment Transformation.” For example, you can give your weapon an attribute or lighten its weight.


Coco (voiced by Nanako Mori)

A Revenant who comes from a guild that lives off of selling goods. If you can pay for it, she will sell you even this world’s most valuable items. While a merchant, she is also compassionate and cannot ignore someone in trouble. As a Revenant, she is only missing a fragment of her memory, which is rare. However, she seems to have a past that she by all means wants to regain.

In addition to buying items useful for your exploration, you can also buy “Valuables” from Coco.

Io (voiced by Lynn)

Like the protagonist, Io has lost the the greater part of her memory. She awaits the protagonist back at the base, where she finds shelter. She supports the protagonist through her repair abilities and detailed knowledge of Blood Crystals.

By recovering and repairing the Blood Crystals of partner and support characters, you will be able to restore their lost memories.

—By bringing the Blood Crystals you obtained while exploring the world of Vein to Io and repairing them, you can restore their memories and acquire new Gifts.

Davis (voiced by Shin’ya Takahashi)

A Revenant and member of the Public Order Preservation Force known as “Cerberus” who transfers to Louis’ Home Base. Perhaps because he has fought many battles, he has lost most of his memories from when he was alive. While performing his duties as a member of Cerberus, he is searching for a woman in a picture whose name he has already forgotten.

—Davis’ main duty is the tax collection of Blood Tears, but after the outbreak of the red fog, he seems to be investigating an area called “The Depths” in search of a new source of supply for Blood Tears and resources.

■ Character Interactions and Affinity

The protagonist has an Affinity with each of the characters at the Home Base, and by deepening the connection between them, that Affinity will rise. You may even receive valuable items from high Affinity characters.

—When your Affinity with a character is low, they will give you general consumable items and gestures.

—When your Affinity with a character is high, the variation of items they give you will increase. You may even get valuable upgrade materials and exclusive weapons…

—You can also talk to support characters like Murasame and Coco. The items you get differ depending on the character, so be sure to talk to them every so often.

There are three ways to raise Affinity.

Give Characters Their Favorite “Valuables”

In addition to the Valuables you can get from Coco, you can also obtain Valuables through exploration. You can then give characters their favorite things. Depending on what you give them, you may even get to see a surprising reaction…

Take Partner Characters Out to the Field

Characters that are able to fight, like Louis and Yakumo, can be taken out to the field as partner characters, which can increase their Affinity.

Repair Blood Crystals and Restore their Memories

All of the Revenants gathered at the Home Base have lost their memories. If you find their Blood Crystals while exploring, you can use Io’s power to restore their memories and further deepen your connection with them.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-1 11:18 PM
■ The History of the World of Code Vein

◆ The Great Collapse

The Birth of the Revenants
The Start of the Q.U.E.E.N. Project
Q.U.E.E.N.’s Rampage

◆ Operation Queenslayer

The Outbreak of the Red Fog and The Appearance of the Blood Tear Springs
The Reign of Silva
The Provisional Government Office and The Formation of Cerberus, The Control of Human Protection, and the Introduction of the Blood Tax System

◆ The Present

The World’s Collapse and the Birth of the Revenants

—The Great Collapse

“The Great Collapse”—the name of the calamity that suddenly attacked the world. The Thorns of Judgment destroyed the greater part of most cities, and it is said that nearly half of mankind died.

—The Birth of the Revenants

Revenants are artificially created and immmortal soldiers made for the purpose of defeating the strange creatures referred to as “monsters” that appeared alongside the world’s destruction. They possess extremely high physical abilities compared to a regular human, and can vanish and revive any number of times as long as their heart is not destroyed.

—The BOR Parasite

“BOR” is an abbreviation for a parasite known as the “Biological Organ Regenerative” formula. It parasites onto the heart of a corpse that has lost its biological functions, and can control and operate all of its organs, including the brain, by pumping its own blood throughout the body.

By implanting an improved BOR Parasite into the heart of a dead human in order to keep the corrosion level at a certain condition, the Revenant—an immortal being that can maintain its natural will—was born.

The Characteristics of a Revenant


A “self-defense function” by way of the BOR Parasite in the heart of a Revenant that occurs when the functions of a Revenant’s body are stopped. The cells that make up the body disperse into the air, and the body revives through the reformation of the cells.


The total ashification of a Revenant host’s body caused by the bond collapse of the body cells when the BOR Parasite that parasited their heart is destroyed. In such a situation, the Revenant will never again be able to revive, and will meet their “death.”

—Memory Loss

In situations where a Revenant repeatedly dies and revives, and the parasite in their body is damaged, memory loss will occur. The Revenants themselves are unable to notice the fact that they are losing their memories.

—Losing One’s Sanity (Becoming a Lost)

When a Revenant’s thirst for blood exceeds its threshold, they will be reduced to a “Lost.” Once they lose their sanity and become a Lost, they will never again be able to go back to being a Revenant.


The final stage of a Revenant, a human transformed by the BOR Parasite. When their thirst for blood exceed its threshold and they lose their sanity, they will become a Lost.

Since corrosion by the BOR Parasite accelerates and fuses at the host and cell level, the destruction of the BOR Parasite itself, otherwise ashification, is practically impossible.

A Lost is a true immortal monster that cannot be annihilated even if its heart is destroyed, and has absolutely no human reasoning remaining within it.

The Q.U.E.E.N. Project

A project with the goal of suppressing the “homogeneous blood thirst” defect of Revenants and creating the perfect soldier. By putting the blood of all living organisms into a BOR Parasite, success was achieved in the dispersion and suppression of the craving for homogenous blood, as well as the restraining of thirst symptoms, but the girl that was the subject of the experiment could not bear the constant and intense pain she endured and ran wild, which led to Operation Queenslayer.

—Q.U.E.E.N.’s Appearance

Q.U.E.E.N.’s arm is wrapped in bandages and she wears the hospital gown-like clothes she wore at the time of her rampage. Her body emits a miasma that accelerates a Revenant’s thirst for blood, making her difficult to approach. She has the powerful ability to manipulate countless thorns, and has slaughtered an innumerable number of Revenants. She also has the ability to control the Lost around her at she pleases.

Gregorio Silva (voiced by Akio Ootsuka)

A former soldier and Revenant. After the Great Collapse, from the Birth of the Revenants to The Q.U.E.E.N. Project, he has taken command in order to save mankind. Silva, who determined that the rampaging Q.U.E.E.N. would become a threat to mankind, started a fight to defeat Q.U.E.E.N., and even revived himself as a Revenant to take command.

Operation Queenslayer

In order to destroy the rampaging Q.U.E.E.N., a group of Revenants under Silva’s command fought a battle where the fate of mankind was at stake. Revenants produced from people that died as a result of the Great Collapse or Q.U.E.E.N.’s rampage were brought in as soldiers. The battle can also be said to be the main reason there are so many Revenants. After that, it was also a reason so many Lost were born.

—Many Revenants that were born under the command of Silva participated in battle.

—A violent battle against the Lost controlled by Q.U.E.E.N. The Revenants, who can revive any number of times as long as their heart is not destroyed, are flung around to the point of death.

The Government After Operation Queenslayer

After Operation Queenslayer, Silva launched the Provisional Government Office and ruled over the Revenants in order to manage the limited human blood and Blood Tears. There were quite a few Revenants who harbored oppossition under his severe tyrannical rule.

Provisional Government Office

The general term of the organization established by Silva after Operation Queenslayer. It collects and distributes Blood Tears to Revenants, as well as provides custodial care to humans using protective shelters.

—The “Blood Tax,” through which Blood Tears are offered to the Government Office, is one of the reasons weak Revenants are being enslaved.

—The remaining humans have also been robbed of their freedom and are faced with strict control. Human blood is valuable to Revenants.

“Cerberus”: The Public Order Preservation Force

A Revenant force that belongs to the Provisional Government Office led by Silva. It observes the actions of Revenants living in various areas, and collects and distributes Blood Tears at fixed intervals. It is formed of many who survived Operation Queenslayer, and its combat ability is extremely high.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-1 11:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-7 07:05 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/158838.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC/PlayStation 4/Xbox One),日前公布了最新情报。



Q.U.E.E.N.(女王) 计划开始

组织临时总督府. 萨贝拉斯(サーベラス)


为了对抗伴随世界崩坏同时出现,被称为「怪物」的异形存在,以人工方式制造出来的不死战士。 拥有远远超越一般人类的体能,只要心脏不被破坏,不管雾散多少次都会重生。

BOR 寄生体
生体器官再生式(Biological Organ Regenerative)寄生体的简称。 会寄生在失去生体机能的尸体心脏上. 透过让自己的血液流动到尸体全身,支配包含脑部在内的各种器官后操纵尸体行动。 藉由把改良到能够维持在一定程度侵食等级的 BOR 寄生体,埋入尸体的心脏部位,就可以制造出能为维持原本意志,同时又持有不死性的吸血鬼。

  在成为本作舞台的近未来世界中,因为出现神秘的「审判之棘」而破坏了绝大部分的都市,据说当时有接近半数的人类丧命。 现在这场灾难被称为「大崩坏」。


  吸血鬼的力量,是来自于生体器官再生式(Biological Organ Regenerative)寄生体(以下简称 BOR 寄生体)的力量,拥有远超越一般人类的体能,只要心脏不被破坏,不管碰上什么情况都可以无限重生。

  会寄生在尸体心脏上的 BOR 寄生体,能透过让自己的血液流动到尸体全身,支配已经失去生体机能的尸体中,包含脑部在内的各种器官后操纵尸体行动。

  藉由把 BOR 寄生体改良到能够维持在一定程度的侵食等级,就制造出能够维持死者原本的「意志」,却又拥有不死性的吸血鬼。

  吸血鬼在面临肉体机能停止的情况下,寄生在心脏里的 BOR 寄生体就会发动自我防卫功能。 透过将组成肉体的细胞分散到空气中后再次结合起来的「雾化」行动,让肉体重新复活。

  但如果 BOR 寄生体被破坏的话,身体细胞就会出现结合崩坏现象,和宿主的肉体一起「灰化」。 一但陷入这个状态就无法再生,将会迎接真正的「死亡」。

  另外吸血鬼会失去记忆,就是因为在反复死亡和重生的过程中,BOR 寄生体遭受损伤之故,但是本人就连失去记忆这件事都无法主动意识到。

在吸血鬼的肉体机能停止时,由寄生在心脏的寄生体所引发的「自我防卫功能」。 透过将组成肉体的细胞分散到空气当中,之后再次结合就能让肉体重新复活。

当寄生于心脏的 BOR 寄生体被破坏的话,身体细胞就会出现结合崩坏现象,和宿主的肉体一起化为灰烬。 一但陷入这个状态就无法再生,吸血鬼将会迎接真正的「死亡」。

吸血鬼在反复死亡和重生的过程当中,如果体内寄生体也受到损失的话,就有可能会失去记忆。 但是本人就连失去记忆这件事都无法主动意识到。


  这是因为无法抑止 BOR 寄生体的侵蚀,使其和宿主发生细胞等级的融合。 被 BOR 寄生体侵蚀的堕鬼会完全失去理性,无法再次变回吸血鬼。


当吸血鬼的鲜血饥渴超过临界点,就会化为堕鬼。 只要发生丧失自我,变成堕鬼之后,就无法再次变回吸血鬼。

在寄生体影响下变质为吸血鬼的人类的末路。 因为鲜血饥渴超过临界点引发丧失自我,就会让吸血鬼变成堕鬼。
因为 BOR 寄生体对肉体的侵蚀,在极端加速的情况下最后和宿主产生细胞等级的融合,因此想破坏 BOR 寄生体使其灰化,已经是不可能的任务。

  为了抑止吸血鬼对于同种鲜血欲求这个「缺陷」,所以重新发起了制作出「完美战士」的「Q.U.E.E.N. 计划」。 计划内容是让 BOR 寄生体摄取各种不同生物的血液,藉此分散并抑制鲜血饥渴的症状。


  女王会从自己的身体里,散发出会促进鲜血饥渴症状发作的瘴气。 而且还拥有可以自由操纵周围堕鬼与可以操纵无数「荆棘」的能力,在她强悍的能力下,有数不清的吸血鬼遭其屠戮。

格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦(グレゴリオ・シルヴァ)
-Gregorio Silva-
原为军人的吸血鬼。 在大崩坏之后,从吸血鬼诞生一直到女王计划,都为了拯救人类而负责指挥,判断失控的女王将会成为人类的威胁,所以发起讨伐女王的大战,并且自己也重生为吸血鬼在前线负责指挥

Q.U.E.E.N. 计划
目标是抑制吸血鬼对「对同类鲜血的欲求」这个缺陷,企图制造出完美战士的计划。 让 BOR 寄生体摄取各种不同生物的血液,成功分散并抑制鲜血饥渴的症状,但是会带来激烈痛苦的数次实验,却让作为实验体的少女无法忍受而就此失控,于是女王讨伐战就此展开

身上穿著和失控时相同的病人白袍,手上还包着绷带。 从她体内会散发出能促进吸血鬼鲜血饥渴症状的瘴气,没有面罩的话甚至无法接近她。 能够操纵无数荆棘,拥有强悍的力量,其双手不知道已经屠戮多少吸血鬼。 而且还可以自由操纵自己身边的堕鬼

  之后,为了讨伐女王以及在她支配下的堕鬼,吸血鬼们的慢长战斗就此开幕。 从在「大崩坏」以及女王失控时死亡的人类中催生出吸血鬼,将他们当作士兵投入战场。 也因此而在之后令更多堕鬼诞生。

为了讨伐失控的女王,吸血鬼部队在西尔瓦指挥下,为了这场赌上人类存在的大战而奋斗。 作为士兵投入战场的战士,大多是利用大崩坏或是女王失控时死亡的人类,所制造出来的吸血鬼。 此一事件可以说是令众多吸血鬼诞生的最大原因,另外也是在之后令众多堕鬼出现的原因


  女王讨伐战之后,以从吸血鬼诞生到女王讨伐战,一路走来都负责指挥,原本是军人的吸血鬼格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦为首,建立起临时总督府,统治在战斗中生存下来的吸血鬼,并负责保护与管理幸存的人类。


  在女王讨伐战之后,西尔瓦为了管理有限的人类血液和血泪,于是成立临时总督府开始统治吸血鬼。 但是在其高压统治下,抱有反抗心理的吸血鬼也不在少数。

  在「女王讨伐战」后成立,由西尔瓦指挥之机关的总称。 负责对吸血鬼征收并分配血泪,以及将人类收容在保护避难所中集中管理。

幸存下来的人类,自由遭到剥夺被集中严格管理。 对吸血鬼来说,人类的血液十分贵重


隶属于西尔瓦临时总督府的吸血鬼部队,负责监视在各地生活的吸血鬼,并定期执行血泪的征收和分配。 聚集众多在「女王讨伐战」中生存的强悍吸血鬼,部队战斗能力非常高强

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-7 07:05 PM
  就如同在先前报导中介绍的一样,本作主角会与为了解除受到鲜血饥渴所苦的吸血鬼之困扰,而持续进行研究的「路易(ルイ)」一起行动。 路易等人的据点是在一个古老的教会,这里聚集众多失去记忆和容身之地的吸血鬼,彼此互助合作。



  在据点内有许多支持角色,可供玩家购买武器道具、强化武器,以及变更主角的服装发型等。 另外只要和能够作为搭档(バディ)一起探索的角色交谈,就可以拜托他一起同行。


琳. 村雨(リン・ムラサメ)

-Rin Murasame-

  主要负责收集并强化武器的吸血鬼。 过去曾经是个被人称为「夜叉」,战斗能力高强到足以率领部队作战的优秀战士,但因为一些事情而留下心理创伤,现在已经无法再次作战。 在目睹主角拥有的能让人看到部份回忆的能力后,也开始想要重新面对自己的过去。



  被以交易物资为生的公会所派遗过来的吸血鬼。 只要付出合理代价,就连被认为是这世界上最贵重之物都能拿出来交易。 虽然是个商人,但是却很重情重义,没办法丢下在烦恼的人不管。 作为一个吸血鬼,记忆却没有什么缺陷,是很稀有的情况。 但是她似乎有个无论如何都想取回的过去。



  和主角一样失去大部份记忆,平常待在据点里等待主角归来。 会活用自己对血英的相关知识与修复能力支持主角。 能够取回搭档和支持角色们的血英并加以修复,藉此让他们重新想起已经失去的记忆。

只要让她修复在探索 VEIN 时能获得的「血英」,就可以重新想起记忆,获得全新的炼血


  是治安维持部队萨贝拉斯成员,被派遣到路易等人之据点驻守的吸血鬼。 可能是因为身经百战的关系,几乎完全失去生前原本的记忆。 除了忠实执行萨贝拉斯的任务,还持续在寻找映在一张照片上,自己早已经忘记其名的女性。


  在本作中,主角可以和众多角色进行交流,提升彼此之间的「亲密度」。 随着亲密度提升,就有可能会从角色手中获得贵重道具。 除了搭挡之外,也可以提升和支持角色间的亲密度。




和村雨或是可可等纯支持角色也可以拉近关系。 能够获得什么道具是看角色而定



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-14 07:13 PM
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/944180.jhtml

  新一期的《周刊Fami通》透露了“魂类”ARPG 新作《噬血代码》的最新情报,介绍了两位新角色和联机要素详情。




  本作的联机方式更类似于《怪物猎人 世界》,玩家在单人游玩过程出现困难时可以发送“救援信号”,其他满足条件的玩家就能前来支援,组成小队共同行动,并且“世界主”发动的炼血效果可以分享给小队中的所有玩家使用。


  《噬血代码》将于2018年登陆 PS4/Xbox One/PC 平台,对应繁体中文。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-17 01:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-17 02:48 PM 编辑

Code Vein Multiplayer Mode and New Characters Screenshots
《噬血代码》公开关键新角色 游戏确认在线多人模式要素

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 公开了预定在 2018 年内发售的《噬血代码》(Steam / PS4 / Xbox One)的一些新内容,其中确认游戏将会有多人游戏要素。目前这款作品发售日仍定在2018年内,对应PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。





  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。


Multiplayer and New Characters Introduced to Code Vein

Bandai Namco Entertainment are pleased to release new screenshots for the upcoming action RPG title Code Vein available this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The new screens show a first look at the game’s online multiplayer mode as well as two new characters.

Code Vein gives players the chance to answer requests for help from other Revenants finding difficulty battling against the Lost. Explore and defeat the enemies lurking through each dungeon with your A.I. companion and another human player to get through difficult areas of the game. Players can communicate through a combination of gestures, stamps and voice commands for added teamwork.

Two new characters have been announced for Code Vein; Karen and Cruz. Karen is the older sister of Louis who passed away but was revived as a Revenant. Her job is to take care and support Revenants in battle. Cruz has withstood horrific experiments in an attempt to save mankind. Under the intense pressure of unsuccessful experiment, she became a destruction incarnate within the world of Code Vein due to complex matters.

Code Vein will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-23 03:46 PM
Code Vein details more story, Karen and Cruz Silva, partner character traits, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing more of the game’s story, new characters Karen and Cruz Silva, partner characters Mia, Yakumo, and Louis’ unique traits, and more.

Get the details below.

■ Operation Queenslayer

“Operation Queenslayer” is the name of the battle to defeat the rampaging Q.U.E.E.N., where many Revenants participated as soldiers. The protagonist was one of those soldiers. After regenerating many times over, the protagonist partners with Jack, who highly values his fighting style.

Field: Military Research Facility – The Outskirts

With Q.U.E.E.N.’s attack, all of the Revenants were defeated. Piercing white thorns were the remains of that attack. And the building’s function as a facility fell with Q.U.E.E.N.’s rampage. Flames and black smoke built up around the facility, and the fierce battle with the intermittent Lost continued on.

The facility and its surrounding area took a devastating blow from the “Thorns of Judgment” that led to the world’s collapse and Q.U.E.E.N.’s attack. Both inside and outside of the building, the Lost that serve Q.U.E.E.N. roam about.

—The Lost, otherwise known as Q.U.E.E.N.’s vanguard. There are both one-handed sword-use types and halberd-use types. They are the strongest of the strong, and can also use Gifts.

And then there is the “Queen’s Knight,” which will confront you as a boss battle.

The Deathmatch Against Q.U.E.E.N.

Jack and the protagonist confront Q.U.E.E.N., but face a hard fight against her mighty power. During that battle, Gregorio Silva comes running to help. He uses a Gift to put up a barrier that protects the two and defends against Q.U.E.E.N.’s attacks.

Jack and the protagonist move on the offensive thanks to Silva’s support, but during that battle, the protagonist’s mask is removed and miasma enters his system.

Although they somehow succeed in defeating Q.U.E.E.N., the protagonist progresses towards becoming a Lost. At the hands of Jack, who determines that there is no means to save the protagonist from the transformation, the protagonist is dropped down to the bottom of a ravine…

■ Characters

Karen (voiced by Yumi Hara)

One of the researchers who worked on the Q.U.E.E.N. Project, and Louis’ older sister. She died during Q.U.E.E.N.’s rampage, but was immediately revived as a Revenant. She also participates in Operation Queenslayer, serves as a protective observeror of Revenants returning to death, and supports their fight.

Revenants, which are are immortal, died and regenerated many times over in the battle against Q.U.E.E.N. Karen’s role is the welcoming, care, and maintenance for the Revenants that are regenerated, as well as battle support.

Cruz Silva

The girl that became the test subject of the Q.U.E.E.N. Project. She was a schoolmate of Louis, and is Gregorio Silva’s daughter. She withstood painful experiments in hopes of saving mankind, but became a destruction incarnate under the pressure of an unsuccessful experiment.

■ Misama and Mistletoes

Revenants who inhale the miasma that occurs around Q.U.E.E.N. are hit with a violent thirst for blood and are in danger of becoming Lost. For that reason, it is necessary for Revenants to always wear a miasma-purifying mask in battle.

Activated “Misletoes” purify the miasma around them, and have the ability to connect and regenerate the flesh of the Revenants that have vanished from this world. It can be called a lifeline for Revenants.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-23 03:46 PM
■ Each Character’s Partner Traits

◆ Mia’s Partner Traits

While Mia mainly fights using a bayonet and keeps her distance from enemies, she supports the player by strengthening their Drain and Gift performance. She is somewhat weak compared to other partners, but is good for players who want to utilize her support capabilities to actively defeat enemies. In boss battles, she also has an attack-type Gift called “Guard of Honor” that can deal big damage.

—While the player approaches the enemy, Mia will provide support from the rear with long distance attacks that utilize her bayonet.

Co-Op Gift: Trance Time

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Mia is your partner. It trades off melee attack power in order to reduce the amount of Ichor Stock consumed when using Gifts for a fixed period of time.

Some of the Gifts that Mia Can Use

Blood-Eating Long Sword – Increases the Drain performance of both herself and her partner’s weapon attacks for a fixed period of time.
Guard of Honor – Generates several ice pillars in spaced segments that shoot at her target.
—By reducing the Ichor Stock consumed by Gifts through the use of Mia’s Co-Op Gift “Trance Time,” you can make efficient use of high-power Gifts that would normally consume a lot of Ichor Stock.

◆ Yakumo’s Partner Traits

Yakumo is an attacker who actively approaches the enemy, and damages and pushes them back with his two-handed sword. He follows the breaks between the player’s attacks with his two-handed sword, making for a more efficient battle. His physical strength is high compared to other partners, and he can easily withstand an enemy’s powerful attack. He supports the player by using Gifts that increase attack and defense performance. Players can also utilize Yakumo’s traits to fight from the rear.

—While Yakumo’s Co-Op Gift “Lupine Live” is activated, guard performance increases. You will not be pushed back by enemy attacks, and can maintain intervals of attack.

Co-Op Gift: Lupine Live

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Yakumo is your partner. It trades off evasion speed in order to reduce the amount of stamina consumed when guarding, as well as increase the amount of damage you can deal after going from a guard to an attack.

Some of the Gifts that Yakumo Can Use

Mudblood Protection – Condenses Ichor Stock to the limit to generate a barrier around himself and his partner that significantly reduces the amount of damage taken only once.
Flash Fang – Increases attack power only for the blow that follows the Gift.
—Yakumo’s “Mudblood Protection” Gift significantly reduces the amount of damage received. It is especially effective in battles against enemies with powerful attacks.

◆ Louis’ Partner Traits

Louis is a balanced type that even uses Gifts while fighting at close range. His attacks have moderate breaks between them, and his ability to survive is high as he makes use of hit-and-away tactics that utilize his attack speed. Since his “Blade Dance” Gift strengthens himself by increasing his attack performance during combos, players can better manifest those effects by using attacks that easily push back the enemy.

Additionally, when Louis is Focused, his own attacks inflict the enemy with the “Slow” status ailment. By increasing Louis’ number of attacks, you can weaken the enemy and fight at an advantage.

—A combination attack that utilizes Louis’ quick attack speed and balance. The synergy between the player and Louis manifests by creating breaks for Louis to attack with co-op attacks.

Co-Op Gift: Phantom Gain

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Louis is your partner. It trades off defense power to increase attack power for a fixed period of time, and also changes your evasion action.

One of the Gifts that Louis Can Use

Blade Dance – Increases damage dealt for each time damage is dealt to an enemy for a fixed period of time.
—The Co-Op Gift “Phantom Gain” reduces defense power, but increases attack power and evasion performance. By making skillful use of step evasions, deal damage to the enemy with hit-and-away tactics.

■ Multiplayer

In the prison of fog where miasma spreads and many Lost run rampant, it is recommended you call upon the aid of a fellow Revenant.

—Explore the world with another player. The help of other Revenants is essential to clearing dungeons with high difficulty.

—By sending out a distress signal in areas where you need help, you can get help from another player that has met certain conditions.

—Only the other player’s player character will come to help. Your own partner will also remain alongside you. The Gifts used by your partner will also effect the player that has come to help.

Communicating with Other Players

In Code Vein, you can freely combine gestures, stamps, and voices to create your own emotes and communicate with other players.

There are several types of emotes you can create, which you can save to a palette for immediate use on the field and in battle.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-23 04:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-26 07:47 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/159501.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One),今(22)日公开了多项新情报。

  本作以崩坏的近未来世界「VEIN」为舞台,描写「吸血鬼(复生者)」们求生奋斗的动作 RPG。 玩家要与伙伴「搭档」一同挑战充满强敌与危险的广大迷宫。


新迷宫「军事研究设施 外部」

  女王的攻击不仅在此地葬送了众多复生者,随处可见的白色荆棘也在这刻下了深深的爪痕。 由于女王失控,现在已经失去设施应有的功能,长久下来与堕鬼时有时无的激烈战斗,在周遭窜起火舌和黑烟。

  受到导致世界崩坏的「审判之棘」以及女王的攻击摧残,设施和其周遭历经毁灭性的打击,建筑内外挤满女王的奴仆堕鬼。 其中有些还被称为「女王的尖兵」,有的使用单手剑,有的使用斧枪,而且各各都是能够驱使炼血的强敌。



  为击败失控的女王,投入众多「吸血鬼(复生者)」战士的「女王讨伐战」,主角也是参战的其中一名战士。 之后,历经数次再生,主角的战功受到高度评价,也因此和杰克组队一同行动。

  为了抑止女王的攻势,主角和杰克一同前往军事研究设施,和女王对峙,却在强大的力量面前陷入苦战。 就在此时,格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦赶来用炼血产生防壁挡住女王的攻击,掩护二人。


  虽然辛苦击败了女王,主角却也逐渐转变为堕鬼。 杰克眼看已经没有任何方法可以逆转堕鬼化,便刺穿主角的心脏,让其摔落谷底......




  在女王周围产生的「瘴气」,吸血鬼们一旦吸入就会瞬间感受到强烈的噬血欲望,面临堕鬼化的危险。 因此吸血鬼在战斗时,必须时常戴上能够净化瘴气的面罩。


  活性化之后的槲寄生,不但能净化周围的瘴气,还能留住雾散的吸血鬼肉体,使其再生于这个世界上。 对吸血鬼们就有如生命线。



  曾协助 Q.U.E.E.N. 计划的其中一名研究者,路易的姊姊。 女王失控时曾一度丧命,也马上就复活成为吸血鬼。 也曾参加过讨伐战,负责安置并监管死后复生的吸血鬼,在后勤支持战事。

  不死的吸血鬼(复生者)们,在女王讨伐战中倒下了无数次,也复活了无数次。 而华怜的工作,就是要迎接复活的复生者们,为他们进行精神和物资上的保养,支持战斗。

女王 克鲁兹. 西尔瓦(クルス・シルヴァ)

  Q.U.E.E.N. 计划的实验体少女。 是路易的同窗,也是格雷戈里奥. 西尔瓦的女儿。 为了拯救众人,咬牙忍受实验的煎熬,却在屡次失败的重担下,因小小的误解而失控,成为破坏的化身。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-26 07:48 PM


  弥雅战斗时会与敌人保持距离,以鎗剑射击为主,并强化玩家吸血及炼血的性能进行支持。 和其他搭档比起来相对不禁打,善用她的支持能力积极上前击倒敌人才是上策。 到了头目战,弥雅除了支持玩家还会抓准空隙使用攻击系炼血「荣耀侍卫」给予敌人大伤害。

  和弥雅同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲近距离攻击力,减少炼血使用时需要消耗的冥血量。 如此一来,就能有效率运用原本需要消耗大量冥血的高威力炼血。



  八云是标准近战攻击手,会积极靠近敌人用双手剑重击使敌人硬直。 看好双手剑攻击的空档补位支持才能打得更顺畅。 在搭档中体力相对偏高,比较能扛下敌人强力的攻击,还会使用强化攻击或防御性能的炼血支持玩家。 善用这些特性,玩家也可以和八云一前一后夹击敌人,施展攻击特化型的战术。

  和八云同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲回避速度,减轻格挡时耗损的精力量,并增加格挡后下一次攻击的伤害。 如此一来,玩家不但格挡性能上升,对攻击也有霸体,可以有效维持攻击的节奏。



  路易是以接近战为主,同时也会使用炼血攻击的均衡型。 会和敌人保持适当距离,活用自身攻击速度实行打带跑战术,生存能力相当高。 会使用连击时使攻击能力上升的炼血「剑舞」强化自身,建议玩家可以使用容易使敌人硬直的攻击,让路易发挥所长。 另外,路易进入集中状态时,攻击还会附加状态异常效果「迟缓(スロウ)」,若能让路易的攻击次数上升,就能一口气大幅削弱敌人,确保战斗优势。

  和路易同行时可使用的共炼血。 一定时间内牺牲防御力增加攻击力,回避动作也会有变化。




  在想要别人救援的地区发送救难信号,就能让符合条件的玩家前来救助。 前来救援的只会有玩家角色,呼叫救援的玩家搭档依然会留在队上,搭档使用的炼血效果也当然会涵盖到前来救援的玩家。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-11 07:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-11 07:22 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》现场演示 本次演示有大量的战斗场景!

  万代南梦宫娱乐在电击感谢祭 2018 上《噬血代码》公布了最新试玩演示,主要展示了“崩坏都市”地下区域的战斗场景。



  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年初登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 07:44 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-30 11:15 AM
Code Vein ‘Cathedral of the Sacred Blood,’ Eva and Jack screenhsots

Bandai Namco has released new screenshots of Code Vein focused on a new location, “Cathedral of the Sacred Blood,” and the boss that awaits inside, as well as two of player’s AI-controlled partners that will accompany them on their journey, Eva and Jack.

Here is an overview, via Bandai Namco:

Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – A huge cathedral that calls out to lost lambs who end up wandering its halls forever. The Successor of the Ribcage, a huge wolf-like creature, blocks the player’s path within the cathedral.

Code Vein is a third-person action RPG that finds players assuming the role of a Revenant. After stumbling into Vein, players are tasked to embark into the world with a companion picked from the various residents of Vein to uncover lost memories and an exit out of this new demented reality. The world of Code Vein is dangerous, full of vicious enemies and monstrous bosses to put players’ combat skills to the test.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-5 10:37 PM
Code Vein details early story, Cathedral of the Sacred Blood, and Jack and Eva partner traits

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing the game’s early story, the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood field and the boss that awaits inside, and Jack and Eva’s partner traits.

Get the details below.

■ Early Story


After the battle with Q.U.E.E.N., the protagonist wakes up in an unknown location. Io is there, but… The protagonist lost the majority of his memory from the damage to his heart. Io also seemed to have lost her memory.

The Protagonist and Io

Led by Io, they head towards the collapsed city before reaching the withered Blood Tear Springs, but… While Io lost the memories concerning herself, she still has knowledge of the Blood Tears in this world, and seems to know of the protagonist’s ability to reactivate withered Blood Tear Springs…

With the protagonist’s power, he reactivates the Springs, and by absorbing the ripened Blood Tears, the two restore their energy. There surfaces a Revenant group going around urban areas searching for Blood Tears, who captures the protagonist and Io as Blood Tear-collecting slaves.

Looking for Blood Tears

Due to a heavy taxation of Blood Tears, as well as the powerful among the Revenant society, a hierarchical relationship was established where weak Revenants are treated as slaves to collect Blood Tears. Both the captured protagonist and Io are taken prisoner, and together with the Revenants in the same situation, they head underground in search of Blood Tears.

The Disaster

The protagonist obtains Blood Tears and returns to ground level. He finds Io lying on the ground with Revenants that continue to get annihilated and vanish, but… It was the work of Revenants that came into contact with the miasma, and whose thirst for blood ran wild. The Revenants—who already started to lose their sense of self, whose heads mutated, and who become Lost—also attack the protagonist.

Louis Appears

Louis appears to help the protagonist, who was caught off guard and in a dilemma. After that, the protagonist fights alongside Louis against the Revenants assailants.

The Protagonist and Louis

With the help of Louis, the protagonist and company do away with the Revenants who became Lost. Louis, who witnesses the protagonist reactivate a Blood Tear Spring, finds a means of escape and guides the protagonist to his base in order to use that power for his own objective.

■ Field: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood

Floating above the hollowed-out land is an odd-looking church. Its complex and mysterious structure turns away those from stepping inside, inviting them on a never-ending journey.

In its depths is a grand cathedral. White corridors are spread out around it as if turning away those who approach the cathedral.

Inside the corridors. On the floor and pillars are complex passageways and staircases engraved with beautiful embossments.

The corridors are dotted with and connected by cylinder-shaped rooms. These rooms have several entrances and exits, so it is easy to lose your sense of direction.

There are passageways with differences in elevation. Falling is an ever-present danger.

In the circular plazas, passageways, and the like, there will be Lost lurking to protect those places.

Masked female-type Lost will protect various places in the cathedral. They wear beautiful white veils, but the eyes of their iron mask are an empty darkness and they attack intruders like automatons.

A passageway where white vegetation grows in large numbers. They resemble Blood Tear Springs, but do not produce any Blood Tears.

The cathedral stands before the protagonist and company upon exiting the corridors. A giant seal seems to have been placed on the entrance of the cathedral. And nearby seems to be a girl that resembles Io…?

What awaits inside the walls of the cathedral…?
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-5 10:37 PM
■ The “Successor” Who Inherits Q.U.E.E.N.’s Body

As a result of trying every possible measure to disable the infinite regeneration of Q.U.E.E.N., the only method arrived at was “fusion with the body of another person.”

The God Shell

The name given to the partitioned body of Q.U.E.E.N. Similar to a Lost, it is fully assimilated with parasites and thus cannot be incinerated, and as a last resort, measures were taken to “transplant the body inside another body.”

Guardian of the God Shell

Jack is feared as a “Revenant Hunter.” He guards the God Shell, but his true mission make a new Revenant inherit the God Shell as a successor when signs of losing one’s self start to appear. In order to achieve that mission, he has laid many Revenants to rest.

Successor of the God Shell

Only Revenants whose compatibility level with the God Shell surpasses a certain amount will be deemed a candidate to become successor. Nevertheless, it will cause transformation to a body unable to endure erosion.

In order to control the erosion of the God Shell, a “strong will” is required in addition to the high compatibility level. Selection of the successor that possesses the nature to take over the God Shell is one of Jack’s duties.

Jack and Eva’s Mission

Successors unable to endure the erosion of the God Shell, and who show signs of losing one’s self, will die at the hands of Jack, and the God Shell will be inherited by a new successor…

Eva kneels to pray to the Revenants who have perished. She has a special power to calm the God Shell running wild with her singing voice. With that power, she stays by Jack’s side, supporting him on his mission.

■ Boss: The Successor of the Ribcage

The successor that awaits in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. While it already lost its human consciousness, it stands before the protagonist and company as if to block the door to the cathedral.

A giant creature with a wolf-like head, the Successor of the Ribcage has four arms and two legs. Since it has inherited the power of Q.U.E.E.N., it is a mighty foe whose strength cannot be compared to other Lost.

Chains can be seen on the Lost’s hands and feet.

Its four arms are engraved with marks that enable it to unleash Gifts of various attribute, including thunder, ice, and fire. Both their range and power are tremendous, so you will not be able to win without a counter-plan.

■ Jack’s Partner Traits

Jack actively approaches the enemy to fight at close range. Given his high mobility and evasion performance, he is difficult to damage. Using his “Bloodshot” Gift, which can attack from a long distance, and his “Active Record” Gift, which increases his maximum stamina value, he can strengthen both his attack and defense.

Jack is characterized by step evasion only possible with lightweight equipment. He will proactively attack the enemy while dodging its attacks.

Some Gifts that Jack Can Use

Active Record – Increases the maximum stamina of both himself and his allies, and fully recovers stamina, for a fixed period of time.
Bloodshot – Transforms blood power into a large bullet that is then fired.

Co-Op Gift: Fatal Day

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Jack is your partner. It trades off the use of regeneration power to increase attack power and decrease the amount of stamina consumed.

—With the Co-Op Gift “Fatal Day,” although physical strength cannot be recovered for a fixed time due to the regeneration power trade-off, you can actively use Drain attacks with a higher number of attacks and less stamina consumption to deal big damage.

■ Eva’s Partner Traits

Eva provides cover while mainly shooting with her bayonet to fight from a distance. She can deal big damage from long distances with her attack-type Gifts such as “Bloodshot” and “Bleed Roar.”

When she uses up her Ichor Stock, Eva can fight at close range, but since her physical strength is low, she must be careful as not to get killed.

Some Gifts that Eva Can Use

Authority – Increases her and her allies’ Gift use speed for a fixed period of time.
Bleed Roar – Creates a blade of polluted blood that fires at the enemy.
—“Bleed Roar” is a gift that can deal big damage from a distance. By combining it with “Authority,” you can put the enemy in a dangerous situation, easily unleashing powerful gifts to defeat them.

Co-Op Gift: Limited Song

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Eva is your partner. It increases Ichor Stock consumption as a trade-off to increase Drain performance and Gift performance for a fixed period of time.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-5 10:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 11:20 PM 编辑

《噬血代码》公开「杰克」与「伊娃」的能力 以及全新地图和拥有特殊力量的「神骸」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/161106.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(5)日,公开预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新游戏情报。

  本作以近未来的世界作为游戏舞台,描写被称为吸血鬼(レヴナント)之人的故事。 这次将会公开游戏故事的序章部份,成为以制造出完美战士为目标的「Q.U.E.E.N. 计划」实验品,最后因此失控的少女「女王(クイーン)」,主角一行人将会参加对抗她的战斗。 而在战败之后,遇见失去记忆的女吸血鬼「伊奥(イオ)」(相关报导),之后就和她一起行动。

  另外还一并公开主角一行人需要探索的全新场地「白血圣堂(白い血の圣堂)」,以及强悍的女王身躯「神骸」继承方法。 这次也将一起公开,过去报导中也有登场的吸血鬼猎人「杰克(ジャック)」与「伊娃(エヴァ)」的搭档特性。 杰克是身负选择要由谁来继续拥有强悍力量之女王身体「神骸」,如此重责大任的选定者,而伊娃则是负责从旁协助。


  杰克作为搭档,是个会活用自身机动力的接近攻击类型角色,伊娃则是擅长使用鎗剑从远距离发动攻击。 有关他们所能使用的特殊力量「炼血」等情报,详情请参阅以下公开新闻。







主角发挥力量,让血泪之泉再生,两人摄取凝结好的血泪后稍作休事。 在这时出现了为了寻找血泪,而在都市里徘徊的吸血鬼团体,于是主角便和伊奥一起被囚禁,当作是用来收集血泪的奴隶。





  主角在取得血泪后回到地上,却看到全灭已雾散的吸血鬼们,和倒在一旁的伊奥...... 那是因为接触到瘴气,使吸血渴望失控的吸血鬼所干的好事。 已经失去自我,连头部都开始突变化成堕鬼的吸血鬼,对主角发动攻击。


  主角因为毫无防备而陷入危机,这时路易(ルイ)出手相助。 面对持续发动攻击的吸血鬼,就必须要和路易一起连手对抗。


  主角一行人借用路易的力量,终于击退化为堕鬼的吸血鬼。 路易目击到主角让血泪之泉再生的场面,认为他的力量对自己的目的有所帮助,于是带领他到活动据点。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-9 11:21 PM









旁边还有和伊奥很相像的女性...? 到底在圣堂里有些什么东西...?





  因为「吸血鬼猎人」这个身份而备受恐惧的杰克,他其实怀抱着要监视神骸,当出现失控征兆时,就要挑选出全新吸血鬼作为继承者来继承神骸,这个真正的使命。 为了执行自己的使命,而葬送了许多的吸血鬼。




伊娃跪在地上,为了已经雾散的吸血鬼献上祈祷。 她的歌声,似乎拥有可以镇压神骸失控的特殊力量,她靠着这个特殊力量,和杰克一起行动并且提供支持

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-9 11:24 PM

  在白血圣堂当中等待主角的继承者。 已经完全失去了身为人类的意识,但就像是在守护与深处链接的大门一样,阻挡在主角一行人的去路之前。





  杰克会积极接近敌人,对敌人发动接近攻击。 因为机动力高,而且会使用高性能的回避动作,所以不容易受到伤害。 能够活用从远距离也能攻击的炼血「鲜血射击」,以及可以增加耐力最大值的「行动记录」,来强化攻击和回避等能力。






  伊娃会以用鎗剑施展出的射击攻击为中心,在远距离为玩家提供援护。 使用「鲜血射击」或是「血统嚎叫」等攻击系炼血,在远距离也可对敌人造成极大伤害。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-12 03:45 PM
《噬血代码》新情报:游戏主体接近完成 可能有续作

  《噬血代码》是一款地下迷宫探索类、硬核动作的RPG游戏,由《噬神者》团队BandaiNamco采用虚幻4引擎开发。今日,Fami通杂志公布了游戏的全新情报,制作人Keita Iizuka为我们带来了有关游戏的详细内容,一起来看看吧。



  《噬血代码》将于年内登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-20 03:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-20 03:50 PM 编辑

Code Vein Mido, weapons, Louis, and Mia screenshots

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One),今(20)日公开了新角色米多(Mido)的基本介绍与一批全新的游戏截图。在大崩坍之前,米多就已经收养了许多的孤儿,并对他们进行了各种残忍的实验,尽管他已经非常强大,但还是为了权力和力量而争斗。

  同时新的截图也为我们展示了许多本作中全新的武器,包括阔剑(Broadsword)、猎犬血面纱(Hounds Blood Veil)、长尾龙(Nagimukuro)、刺刃(Stinger)、日落剑(Sunset Sword)、扭曲的刀锋(Warped Blade)等武器。

  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。由著名的ufotable制作,而主题曲为VAMPS的《UNDERWORLD》。

Bandai Namco has released a new set of Code Vein screenshots featuring new character Mido, various weapons, and more of previously revealed characters Louis and Mia.

Here is an overview of Mido, via Bandai Namco:

Before the Great Collapse, Mido adopted orphans to conduct barbaric experiments on them and sent his “experiments” on the battlefield. Although he’s already extremely powerful, he continues to strive for power & strength. What could his intention be?

Weapons featured in the screenshots include the Broadsword, Hounds Blood Veil, Nagimukuro, Stinger, Sunset Sword, Warped Blade, and Zweihander. Louis and Mia are shown using various atacks.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-26 03:59 PM

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One)公开了新情报,被称为吸血鬼研究第一人的新角色“米杜”得以公开。





  《噬血代码》是一款与搭档一同进入各个迷宫,挑战强敌和危险的动作 RPG。 在崩坏的世界中,透过吸血获得超常力量并维持人性的「吸血鬼(复生者)」们,为追寻鲜血和真相,必须日以继夜地探索众多堕鬼(丧失者)横行的封闭之地「VEIN」。 而本作最大的特征,就是使用吸血攻击和从敌人夺取的血(冥血)施展特殊能力「炼血」进行战斗。

  《噬血代码》预计将于2018 年登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,同时也确认了繁体中文版,敬请期待。由著名的ufotable制作,而主题曲为VAMPS的《UNDERWORLD》。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-27 11:13 AM
Code Vein details Mido, Combo Drains, weapon variations, and Mia and Louis’ partner actions

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing enemy character Juzo Mido, Combo Drain attacks, weapon variations, and Mia and Louis’ partner actions.

Get the details below.

■ Characters

Juzo Mido (voiced by Sho Hayami)

A being that can be called as the leading Revenant researcher. Before the Great Collapse, Mido adopted orphans and repeatedly conducted experiments on them, and sent those experiments to the battlefield as soldiers. For the sake of his research, he even uses himself as material for experimentation, and has thus become a strengthened Revenant.

—Mido is accompanied by a group of Revenant subordinates whose abilities have been strengthened as a result of his research.

—Mido is strong enough to block an attack from Yakumo that requires all of his strength.

—Jack falls to his knees before Mido. What is the relation between his research and Jack’s mission to guard the God Shell…?

Mido continues to strive for power and strength. What could his intention be?

■ Combo Drains

Depending on the weapon, you can use Drain actions that immediately unleash a Drain attack after a non-Drain attack. These can be connected from to standard attacks, special attacks, and charge attacks. Ascertain your weapon and Blood Veil traits to discover the best possible combinations.

—The Stinger’s Combo Drain. It unleashes a Drain attack following consecutive bayonet attacks without missing a beat. The Combo Drain takes advantage of the Stinger’s long reach by combining attacks with interval shots from the bayonet.

—The Hounds’ Combo Drain. The Blood Veil expands and bites at the enemy, and since it expands at a wide range forward, it is compatible with any close-range attack.

In the Focus state, you can also unleash a Combo Drain from a launch attack. Compared to standard Combo Drains, the amount of Ichor points it absorbs and the increase in maximum number of Ichor stock is greater.

—Stinger Combo Drain (aerial).

—Hounds Combo Drain (aerial).

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-27 11:13 AM
■ Weapon Variations

Even weapons of the same category have diverse actions depending on the weapon.

One-Handed Swords

—The Broadsword’s charged attack. It fires off a forceful and powerful slash when it is swung.

—The Sunset Sword’s special attack. The user leaps up and then swings the sword directly below.

—The Hanemukuro is a one-handed sword equipped with a Japanese-style blade. For its special attack, the user holds the sword with a backhand grip and swings to slash at the enemy.

—The Hanemukuro’s charged attack. It unleashes a strong slash attack from a stance as if drawing the sword.

Two-Handed Swords

—The Zweihander’s special attack. A long-reaching attack where the user steps forward and thrusts to attack, taking advantage of teh two-handed sword’s huge size.


—The Nagimukuro’s charged attack. The user slashes away while taking large steps. Among two-handed swords that can attack many times on the spot, this attack is characterized by its big movements.

—The charged attack of the Monstrous Cursed Sword, which is lined with a number of fangs. Along with an upwards slash, it also creates a shockwave that shoots forward.

■ Mia and Louis’ Partner Actions

—Mia and Louis. Character models by Flight Unit.



During battle, Mia and Louis will support the protagonist with weapon attacks and various Gifts. Louis keeps a moderate distance from enemies, and uses good balance of weapons and Gifts.

—Louis’ weapon attack.

—Louis’ Gift attack.

—Mia’s guard.

Depending on their health and the enemy’s attacks, Mia and Louis will also use actions such as guard and evade. Even so, in battles against strong enemies, be sure to always pay attention to your partner’s status.

Gifts (Louis)

A Drain attack via Louis’ Ogre Blood Veil. Partners also require the use of Ichor points when using Gifts. If your Ichor points have been used up, Louis will switch to Drain actions, so be sure to attack alongside him.

Gifts (Mia)

A Drain attack via Mia’s Stinger Blood Veil. Since even shots from her bayonet use Ichor points, Drain actions are essential. While in Drain mode, she will protect the player to keep from being swarmed by enemies.

Boss Battles

Depending on the character, they will make use of special actions during boss battles.

Mia has an attack-based Gift called “Guard of Honor” that she only uses during boss battles. It generates several blades of ice that surround her, which are then fired at the enemy. It is a powerful Gift that can deal big damage from a distance.


Commentary from your partner will change based on the state of your surroundings. They will also help you explore.

—The reaction to a collapsed city full of cars and rubble. Depending on the terrain, your partner may urge caution, so be sure to pay attention during exploration.

—Your partner will worry about your health if it was reduced in a battle against a Lost. You may end up in trouble if you do not recover.

—In the underground area of the collapsed city, there are many places with broken footing. Follow your partner’s advice and watch your step.

—Partners also have field-specific commentary. Even the same fields will yield different reactions depending on the partner, and you may even see a surprising side to them…

If you stop moving, your partner will check out your surroundings. They will wait as long as it takes, so carefully check or change your equipment. If a Lost attacks, your partner will be the first to fight back. (Editor’s Note: The game does not pause when changing equipment.)

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-27 11:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-27 11:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-18 06:34 PM
Code Vein ‘City of Falling Flames,’ ‘Ridge of Frozen Souls,’ Yakumo, and more screenshots

Bandai Namco has released a new set of Code Vein screenshots showcasing the “City of Falling Flames,” “Ridge of Frozen Souls,” partner character Yakumo, and more.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-23 08:25 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-24 04:54 PM
Code Vein further details Yakumo, City of Falling Flames field, Successor of the Claw boss, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein further detailing Yakumo, the “City of Falling Flames” field and its “Successor of the Claw” boss, Great Hammer weapon variations, and more.

Get the details below.

■ The Reliable Former Mercenary Yakumo

As a combat professional, the former mercenary Yakumo fights with a cool head on the battlefield. However, his strong sense of duty and relaible personality, even many Revenants look up to him like an older brother.

As a partner, Yakumo is a reliable character who makes use of his high physical strength to actively pull ahead and take damage.

An exploration scene with Yakumo. When you discover a treasure chest, for example, he will have a Yakumo-esque reaction.

■ Yakumo’s Past

Yakumo’s Connection to Mido

Before the world collapsed, Yakumo was once a human being, and together with his comrades were sold off as mercenaries to be used as Mido’s laboratory experiments. Even now that memory remains, as Yakumo seems to have a strong hatred of Mido.

Emily Su (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara)

A woman who belonged to a private military facility led by Mido and was subjected to cruel experiments alongside Yakumo. During his trying time as a mercenary, Yakumo overcame his suffering with Emily and came to know her as family. After they were separated by the Great Collapse, Yakumo sets out in search of her.

Mido’s Experiments

The memories of Revenants subjected to laboratory experiments by Mido, just like Yakumo. Even after the world collapsed and he was revived as a Revenant, Mido’s cruel experiments continued…

■ Field Introduction: City of Falling Flames

A city burned down by hell fire that never dies out, whose ruins were instantly swallowed up by a whirlpool of flames without any prior warning, that will continue to burn with never-ending momentum until everything becomes ashes.

The roads and buildings have collapsed, and the city is covered entirely in flames. Since you will take damage treading along the burning ground, you should proceed exploring with caution.

The “Thorns of Judgment” wind their way through the city as if doing whatever it takes to destroy it. The fire that occurs from the thorns thoroughly burns everything, and never dies out.

A wall of fire blocks the player’s path forward. You must also always be on the look out for an attack from a Lost lurking in the flames.

A Lost called “Blazing Radical” lurks in the flames of the burned down city. It possesses various weapons.

It is a Lost reminiscent of a knight. Depending on the weapon it possesses, it will not only unleash consecutive attacks, it can also use Gifts that strengthen its weapon.

■ Successor of the Claw

The Successor who inherited Q.U.E.E.N.’s claws. It has deep red claws that shine like a crimson flame and two tails. Its head is fully masked, meaning that its facial expressions are unreadable, but they prey reflected in its eyes is undoubtedly invited to death.

A slash attack from the giant knife in its right hand. You must always be on alert for slash attacks following quick movements.

The Successor of the Claw will trifle with the player using acrobatic attacks such as leap attacks from the sky.

The boss enemy will burn anyone who approaches it to nothing with powerful, flame-covered attacks like slash attacks from its blazing claws or a spin attack from its two tails.

It can also attack at long distance with flame-covered shurikens. You will not even be able to approach it unless you see through its unique trajectory.

Slip through the Successor of the Claw’s fast movements and flame-covered attacks, and you will certainly be able to damage it.

■ Caskets of the Successors

The domains created by the Successors were made in order to suppress the God Shell’s rampage. Using the power passed down by Q.U.E.E.N. to intervene with the Thorns of Judgment, the Successors sealed themselves and fell asleep behind unique barriers and thorns.

■ Field: Ridge of Frozen Souls

An icey valley where a violent snow storm continues to blow. It was once covered in grass, but almost at the same time as the outbreak of the red fog, a snow storm hit the valley as if to bend and twist its climate.

Successor of the Ridge of Frozen Souls

A casket of a Successor can also be found on the Ridge of Frozen Souls. Waiting for players inside is a large-horned Lost Successor.

■ Weapon Variations: Great Hammer

Even weapons of the same category have diverse actions depending on the weapon.

Huge Hammer – Heavy Attack

A horizontally wide-ranging attack in which the user unleashes a great swing while stepping forward.

Huge Hammer – Charged Heavy Attack

From a horizontal charging stance, the user unleashes a great rush forward.

Impulse Anchor – Charged Heavy Attack

Following a strong strike of the hammer, an explosion that wraps up surrounding enemies is produced.

Code Vein is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-24 04:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 06:45 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163124.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于近(24)日,公开预定在 2018 年内发售的「戏剧性探索动作角色扮演游戏」《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新游戏情报。

  这次公开的情报,是关于玩家游戏中的伙伴之一,搭档「八云」的个人资料。 八云如同在过去报导中介绍的一样,是原本担任佣兵的吸血鬼(レヴナント),在世界崩坏之前,还维持人类身份的时候,被御堂(ミドウ)当成实验品。 他在寻找和自己一样被施以人体实验,在大崩坏之后分隔两地的女性「艾米莉. 苏」。 在战斗中,是个会活用自己丰富体力,积极在前线作战的角色。



搭档介绍:八云. 东云(ヤクモ・シノノメ)






角色介绍:艾米莉. 苏(エミリー・スー)

和八云一样隶属御堂管理的民间军事设施,被施以残酷人体实验的女性。 在严酷的佣兵时代,她是一起共患难,足以称为家族的存在。 在大崩坏令大家四处分散后,八云持续在寻找的伙伴之一
艾米莉. 苏 配音:桑原由气









作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-25 06:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 06:50 PM 编辑


女王之爪的继承者。 拥有如红莲之火不停燃烧的利爪和两条尾巴
















作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-31 05:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-31 07:28 PM 编辑

Code Vein release date to be announced on June 4
《噬血代码》预定 6 月 5 日公开最新影片 揭露多段事件场景及游戏发售日

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163338.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近(31)日预告,预定今年年内发售的新作动作 RPG《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One),官网将于 6 月 5 日上午 11: 00 释出最新影片。

  影片中,将使用众多游戏事件场景,能让玩家确认到「关乎剧情中枢的场景」,另外也预告将在影片中公开游戏发售日。 从 2017 年 4 月计划发表之初就持续关注本作的玩家们,记得千万不要错过。

  「戏剧性探索动作 RPG」《噬血代码》,玩家将与众多同伴组成「搭档」,一同挑战强敌与危险横行的广大迷宫,描绘吸血鬼(复生者)们在未来世界抵抗灭亡的故事。

Bandai Namco will announce the release date and debut the latest trailer for Code Vein on June 4 at 7:00 p.m. PT / 10:00 p.m. ET / June 5 at 11:00 JST, the company announced on Twitter.

Here are two scenes from the upcoming trailer:

Code Vein will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-5 11:51 AM
Code Vein Releasing Worldwide on September 28
《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》释出第四支宣传影片 公布全国英文繁体中文版同步日版发售日

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163538.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(5)日宣布,戏剧性探索动作 RPG 游戏《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》 PS4 / Xbox One 繁体中文版将于 9 月 27 日推出,PC / STEAM 版 9 月 28 日推出。 此外,最新宣传影片同步公开,揭露故事中关键剧情与丰富的动画场景。

《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》故事简介

  在不远的未来,世界突然面临崩坏、地表遭审判之棘贯穿碎裂,只剩下原本象征繁荣的人类 建筑物像是墓碑般耸立着。 为了避免灭亡,人类必须仰赖吸血才能维持仅存的理性,求生蜕 变成吸血鬼,而世界也彷佛是深沉的血之牢狱,称之为「VEIN」。 如果没有足够的血液供给,吸血鬼将会丧失自我,为了渴求些微血液而互相残杀、堕落...。

  在强敌环伺、危机四伏的巨大地牢中,和伙伴一同探索与战斗,分担深沉的恐惧、互相支持 克服难关并迎向神秘未知的光景。 玩家可尽情享受紧张刺激的剧情探索及战斗,以血为赌注, 共赴死地。



  《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》繁体中文版将于 9 月 27 日推出 PS4 / Xbox One 版,9 月 28 日推出 PC / STEAM 版。

游戏名称:CODE VEIN 噬血代码
发售日:PS4 / Xbox One 版 9 月 27 日、PC / STEAM 版 9 月 28 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4、Xbox One、PC / STEAM
类型:戏剧性探索动作 RPG

Code Vein will launch worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on September 28, Bandai Namco announced. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will launch on September 27. The Japanese Xbox One version will only be released digitally.

Find limited edition and bonus details below:

■ Americas

Pre-Order Bonuses

God Eater collaboration weapon set, including “The Blanched Greatsword,” “Cerulean Spear,” and “Crimson Longsword”
“Venous Claw” weapon

■ Japan

Bloodthirst Edition (PlayStation 4)

Special box
A copy of Code Vein for PlayStation 4
Mia Karnstein figure (17cm tall)
“Code Vein World Report” art book
“Code Vein Original Sound Track” 22-track soundtrack CD
Additionally, users who purchase this edition will receive a download code for the “Bloodthirster” player character custom parts set, which includes three accessories and one mask.


God Eater collaboration weapon set, including “The Blanched Greatsword,” “Cerulean Spear,” and “Crimson Longsword”
PlayStation 4-only: “Code Vein x God Eater” collaboration theme
Physical edition-only: “Code Vein x God Eater” clear card (100mm x 148mm)

Early Purchases

“Venous Claw” weapon

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-6 06:21 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-8 02:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 07:24 PM 编辑

Code Vein ‘Blood Veil: Ogre’ trailer

  万代南梦宫今天发布了《噬血代码(Code Vein)》全新预告片,预告片中主角的武器(或者形态、技能)“血之面纱”首次登场,主角开启“血之面纱”技能后,直接用暴力招式一击秒杀敌人。“血之面纱(Blood Veil)”正如其名,用恐怖的方式,绝对的力量杀死你的敌人!准备好用这个食肉性爪武器残酷蹂躏你的目标。


  《噬血代码》将于2018年9月28日发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。日本地区会提前一天发售。


Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Code Vein introducing the Ogre Blood Veil.

Here is an overview of the Blood Veil, via the video’s description:

True to its name, Ogre demolishes your enemies with power and sheer force! Get ready to brutalize your targets with this carnivorous claw.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-9 04:28 PM
Code Vein ‘Blood Veil: Stinger’ trailer


Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Code Vein introducing the Stinger Blood Veil.

Here is an overview of the Blood Veil, via the video’s description:

This lethal weapon will tear apart enemies and sap away their blood…

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-10 07:38 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-11 02:42 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-16 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-16 09:01 AM 编辑

Code Vein Season Pass, Japanese digital pre-order bonuses, and in-game hot springs announced

Bandai Namco announced a Season Pass, digital pre-order bonuses, and a Digital Deluxe Edition of Code Vein for Japan during a “Bloody Live” live stream held today. Additionally, the company confirmed the existence of a hot springs facility in the game’s base area.

Here are the details:

Digital Version Pre-Order Bonuses

• “Shiny Custom Parts Set” – Includes three “Shiny Hair” accessory parts.
• Blood Code: “Trailblazer” – The Blood Code of those who have overflowing ambition within them and awaken as a Revenant. It enables the use of the Gift “Death Parade Bomb,” which deals massive damage to the player’s surroundings, but will also put the player’s life at risk by nearly killing them.
• “Protagonist Character Special Stamp Set” – Used for communication during multiplayer.

Season Pass / Season Pass Bonus

The 2,700 yen Season Pass is a set of three add-ons due out post-launch that includes additional dungeons, another character versions of partners, Blood Codes, and more.

Users who purchase the Season Pass will also receive the following bonuses:

• Another Character: “Mia: White Ver.”
• Blood Code: “Astraia” – A Blood Code in which Mia’s request for a blessing takes form and manifests.
• Code Vein PlayStation 4 theme “Revenants Gathered at the Base”

Digital Deluxe Edition

The 11,772 yen Digital Deluxe Edition includes Code Vein and the Season Pass, as well as the following bonus downloadable content:

• “Bloodthirsty Customize Parts Set” – Includes three accessories and one exclusive design mask.

Hot Springs

In the game, there is a hot springs facility available in your base. You can even go in the hot springs with the characters you have befriended. There is also a feature where you can “look back on memories of the past,” but details as to what that entails are unknown.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.

《噬血代码》直播展示强大捏人功能 据点还有温泉可泡

  PS4/XboxOne/PC新作《噬血代码》在今晚的直播节目中公开了一系列最新的试玩演示,这次采用的E3 2018上提供的最新试玩版。本作的PS4与XboxOne版预定在9月27日发售,PC(Steam)版预定9月28日推出,繁体中文版同步。














作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-21 04:53 PM
Code Vein details Io partner traits, the Depths, Blood Trials, more

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of Code Vein introducing partner character Io, the Depths, Blood Trials, and more.

Get the details below.

■ Partner Character Introduction: Io

Parnter characters tag along with and support the player in various forms. As you progress through the story, even Io, who supports the protagonist from the base, can be taken along as a partner character.

—Character models by Flight Unit.

Io is an all-rounder who fights using a halberd and Gifts. In addition to attack-type Gifts, she can also support players on the healing side with various Gifts such as increasing the amount of HP restored and curing status ailments. Her attack power is average, so she will follow the player when it comes to being on the offense.


Io uses the Blood Veil “Ivy,” which is a special Blood Veil that extends to the back and is shapped like a scarf. It pierces through enemies from underground.

Blood Veils are equipment used by Revenants in order to steal blood from enemies. While there are various types of Blood Veils, the protagonist can equip every single type.


Gifts are the special abilities of Revenants that manifest in various forms by the blood stolen from enemies. Io possesses various Gifts to support the player, including the thunder attribute Gift “Lightning Thorn.”

Some of the Gifts Io can use include:

• Regenerator: Increases HP recovery rate by boosting the self-recovery ability of herself and her comrade.
• Panacea Essence: Heals all the status ailments inflicted onto herself and her comrade.
• Protection of Love: Significantly consumes her own HP to significantly recover her comrade’s HP.
• Lightning Thorn: Generates violent bolts of lightning and fires at her target.

Co-Op Gift: Wedge of Determination

A Co-Op Gift that can be used when Mio is your partner. It trades off Drain ability in order to reduce blowback from enemy attacks for a fixed period of time. It is extremely effective in situations when surrounded by enemies and when using heavyweight weapons that deal big damage and have big swings.

■ Field Introduction

The Depths

Unexplored land that spreads out deep below various areas. The exploits of the Public Order Preservation Force Cerberus revealed its entrance, but the path was closed due to the miasma. It is said that this mysterious place is overflowing with unknown dangers and lost resources.

The Depths of Death

An area of the depths that spreads out deep below the collapsed city. While traces of the city remain, the vicinity of the area is surrounded by fog and has an ominous air about it.

Buildings from above ground can be seen through the gap in the distance.

■ Blood Trials

By touching the traces of red that exist in the depths areas, a Blood Trial will commence where Lost barge in one after the next. By overcoming these trials, you can obtain new upgrade materials.

In the depths areas, you can obtain new weapons and Blood Veils that you could not obtain on the original fields. Of course, you can also use distress signals.

■ Multiplayer

By sending out a distress signal, you can call in help from other Revenants. This will allow you to explore with you, your partner, and another player for a total of three characters running around together. Be sure to use this when you are in a situation you are unable to get past.

The player that receives the distress signal will also be able to acquire the items and Haze dropped by enemies during exploration. Furthermore, since support players can also increase the proficiency of the Gifts they utilize, helping another player will also help strengthen their own character.

The Gift “Gift Heal” can simultaneously distribute HP to both the player character and their partner. Besides that, reinforcement-style Gifts and the like can also be used. Players can work together to clear the dungeon.


Players can communicate using emotion stamps and gestures. By combining stamps, emotions, and voices, you can set and use your very own communication gestures. Set variations according to each situation to communicate with players when on the field.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will release on September 27.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-21 04:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-22 06:32 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/164411.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近(21)日,公开预定在 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售的动作角色扮演游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)最新游戏情报。 这次公开的情报,是关于搭档角色「伊奥」、地图场景「深层」,以及和游戏「多人模式」有关的最新数据。

伊奥:角色建模 by FlightUNIT

  「伊奥」平常是在据点里辅助主角的女性吸血鬼,但随着故事发展,之后也能让她担任搭档角色一起出发探索。 她是个会使用「斧枪」作为武器,并且也能使用炼血的全能型角色,在战斗中会以攻击系炼血,或是能提高 HP 恢复量,以及治疗异常状态的炼血来辅助玩家,只不过攻击能力就只有平均水平。

  这次新公开的地图场景「深层」,是位于各地最深处的前人未踏之地。 虽然里面充满各种未知危险,但同时也沉眠着过去丧失的资源,在崩坏都市的最深处,似乎就有一个深层领域「死出之深渊」。

  在这种深层领域当中,只要接触到「红色痕迹」,就可以挑战「血之试练」。 只要打倒接二连三出现的堕鬼,成功战胜试练的话,就可以获得全新的强化素材。 另外在深层领域里,可能还会得到在普通地图场景中,无法取得的武器和牙装。

  本作的多人游戏,采用只要发出「救难讯号」,其他吸血鬼(玩家)就会前来救援的系统。 由于设定上是收到救难讯号的吸血鬼前来救援,所以会由玩家本身与搭档,再加上前来救援的吸鬼血,三个人一起进行探索。 另外收到救难讯号前来救援的玩家,也可以在探索中获得敌人掉落的道具,由于也可以确认炼血的熟练度,所以有机会去救援的话,最好是不要放过。





除了攻击系炼血外,还可以使用提高 HP 恢复量,或是治疗异常状态等多种不同的炼血,在恢复层面上一样可以辅助玩家。 但是在攻击力上就仅有到达平均水平,必须要由玩家弥补这个缺点。









• 再生者
提高自己和同行者的自我再生能力,藉以增加 HP 再生量
• 万灵药(パナシアエッセンス)
• 慈爱的加护
大幅消秏自己的 HP,藉以大幅回复同行者的 HP
• 雷霆领域(ライトニングソーン)



不退转的契约,会在一定时间内使吸血性能降低,但能够减轻承受敌人攻击时被打停的情况。 在使用伤害力虽强但攻击动作大的重量系武器,或者是必须从被敌人包围的危机状态下脱逃时非常有效。


illustrated by 幸田和磨






只要接触到位在深层领域中的红色痕迹,就会触发血之试练,让堕鬼接二连三出现。 只要能够成功战胜这个试练,就可以获得全新的强化素材。




最多能够有玩家本身、搭档,以及前来救助的吸血鬼,三个人一起进行探索。 在游戏攻略卡关时可以多多利用。

收到救难讯号前来救助的玩家,也一样可以在探索中,获得敌人掉落的道具与恨意(ヘイズ)。 而且也能获得在探索过程中使用的炼血熟练度,一样对强化自己有帮助,所以有机会就要好好把握。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-28 07:19 PM

  《噬血代码(Code Vein)》是一款由万代南梦宫开发预定将于9月28日推出的动作角色扮演游戏,而就在6月28日《噬血代码》将会在《电击PlayStation》杂志副刊中开启官方的连载漫画。

  漫画将在6月28日发行的《电击PlayStation》第655期的副刊“デンプレコミック #19”中出现。漫画将展现出在崩坏世界中,靠吸血为生的人们是如何找到自己的生存之路。故事将围绕游戏中的主人公、吸血鬼领袖ルイ展开,此外放出了预览图可以看到吸血鬼使用特殊武器和“吸血牙装”的战斗场景。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-2 10:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-2 11:32 AM 编辑

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/video/201807/9993919633.html

  万代南梦宫的新作《噬血代码》公开了登场角色宣传片之“米亚·卡伦斯坦因”篇。本作目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售PS4、Xbox One版,9 月 28 日发售PC(Steam)版,繁体中文版同步推出。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-2 06:48 PM
《噬血代码》繁体中文版 公开首批特典以及 PS4 各版本内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/164861.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(2)日公开,戏剧性探索动作 RPG 游戏《噬血代码(CODE VEIN)》繁体中文版的首批特典以及豪华版、限定版的内容情报。


• 《噬神者》合作武器组合包:
《噬神者》系列中的神机-苍穹剑枪、白垩大剑、深红长剑共 3 款武器将于本作登场,装备后可使出各种特殊动作与威力极大的攻击
• 吸血牙装「亡蚀爪牙」:
• PS4 专用特制主题:


PS4 豪华版内容

• 《噬血代码》繁体中文版游戏软件
• 季票:
米亚 White Ver.
PS4 专用特制主题「吸血鬼的据点」
• 自定义配件组合包「渴血者」

PS4 限定版内容

• 《噬血代码》繁体中文版游戏软件及特制外盒
• 米亚. 卡恩斯坦角色模型:
高约 17 公分,细腻呈现伙伴角色-米亚手持刺刀枪、身着吸血牙装「刺针」,威风凛凛、蓄势待发的帅气姿势
• 游戏原声带:
收录《噬血代码》内由椎名豪老师精心打造、气势磅礡的 22 首游戏乐曲
• 美术书:
• 自定义配件组合包「渴血者」
※ 限定版内容不含季票以及季票特典。


※ 示意图仅供参考,请以实际物品为准。
※ 内容、样式可能未经告知有部分变更。
※ 数量有限,详细请洽购买店家。

游戏名称:CODE VEIN 噬血代码
发售日:PS4/Xbox One 版 9 月 27 日、PC/STEAM 版 9 月 28 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
台湾发行:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4、Xbox One、PC/STEAM
类型:戏剧性探索动作 RPG
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-4 11:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-4 06:55 PM 编辑

Code Vein Yakumo Shinonome trailer

  万代南梦宫的新作《噬血代码》公开了登场角色宣传片之“八云·东云”篇。本作目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售PS4、Xbox One版,9 月 28 日发售PC(Steam)版,繁体中文版同步推出。


  《嗜血代码》是由《噬神者》系列团队企划开发的完全新作游戏,由富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监,饭冢启太担任制作人。 游戏中玩家将扮演一名吸血鬼,在近未来世界探索,探求吸血鬼为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相而踏上旅程。

The latest Code Vein trailer introduces partner character Yakumo Shinonome.

Yakumo is a combat professional and former mercenary Yakumo who fights with a cool head on the battlefield. He has a strong sense of duty and reliable personality, and even many Revenants look up to him like an older brother. As a partner, Yakumo is a reliable character who makes use of his high physical strength to actively pull ahead and take damage.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the console versions will launch on September 27.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-6 11:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-6 01:22 PM 编辑

Code Vein Louis trailer

  万代南梦宫的新作《噬血代码》公开了登场角色宣传片之“路易”篇。本作目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售PS4、Xbox One版,9 月 28 日发售PC(Steam)版,繁体中文版同步推出。

路易 -Louis-(配音:石川界人)

  这次还一并公开了掌握故事关键的角色「伊奥」相关情报。 伊奥是和主角一行人一起行动的女性吸血鬼,虽然丧失有关于自己的记忆,但是对于吸血鬼的能力或是和「VEIN」相关的情报却是博学多闻,会以非常精确的建议来引导主角一行人。

  《嗜血代码》是由《噬神者》系列团队企划开发的完全新作游戏,由富泽佑介担任企划统筹、吉村广担任游戏总监,饭冢启太担任制作人。 游戏中玩家将扮演一名吸血鬼,在近未来世界探索,探求吸血鬼为何而生,以及这个世界是不是有「出口」等真相而踏上旅程。


The latest Code Vein trailer introduces partner character Louis.

Louis is a Revenant who wants to help other Revenants suffering from bloodlust. He ventures into the isolated land of Vein looking for the source of Blood Beads to use it as a substitute for human blood. With his one-handed sword he is a swift attack expert and can elude with the Blood Veil Ogre. As a partner, Louis keeps a moderate distance from enemies, and uses good balance of weapons and Gifts.

Code Vein is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 28. In Japan, the console versions will launch on September 27.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-11 02:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-11 06:17 PM 编辑

Code Vein delayed to 2019
诅咒解除《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》为提升游戏质量 将延期至 2019 年推出

  万代南梦宫娱乐今(11)日宣布,戏剧性探索动作 RPG 游戏《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》 PS4 / Xbox One 原定于 9 月 27 日推出,PC / STEAM 版 9 月 28 日将延迟至 2019 年发售,为提供玩家更高质量、顺畅完美的游戏体验,将 延至 2019 年发售,并对所有期待《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》的玩家致歉。此时,繁体中文版也将同步延迟发售。


【2018年7月11日】台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今日宣布,原定于2018年9月27、28日发售的PS4/Xbox One/PC(STEAM)《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》繁体中文版,作为万代南梦宫娱乐精心打造的原创RPG游戏作品, 为提供玩家更高质量、顺畅完美的游戏体验,将延至2019年预定发售。 对于期待《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》繁体中文版的各位玩家深感抱歉,造成不便之处,敬请见谅。

  原本 9 月 27 日诅咒日这一天还有《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》、《无双 OROCHI 蛇魔 3》、《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》」、《受赞颂者 斩》等诸多日系游戏发售,这样一来《噬血代码》就脱离了这个新作发售诅咒日。

《CODE VEIN 噬血代码》故事简介

  在不远的未来,世界突然面临崩坏、地表遭审判之棘贯穿碎裂,只剩下原本象征繁荣的人类 建筑物像是墓碑般耸立着。 为了避免灭亡,人类必须仰赖吸血才能维持仅存的理性,求生蜕 变成吸血鬼,而世界也彷佛是深沉的血之牢狱,称之为「VEIN」。 如果没有足够的血液供给,吸血鬼将会丧失自我,为了渴求些微血液而互相残杀、堕落...。

  在强敌环伺、危机四伏的巨大地牢中,和伙伴一同探索与战斗,分担深沉的恐惧、互相支持 克服难关并迎向神秘未知的光景。 玩家可尽情享受紧张刺激的剧情探索及战斗,以血为赌注, 共赴死地。

Bandai Namco has delayed Code Vein from its previously planned September 28, 2018 release date to 2019.

Here is the full message from Bandai Namco:

Throughout its pre-release promotion campaign, Code Vein has consistently garnered positive reactions from both media and consumers alike. With this knowledge in-hand, Bandai Namco Inc. has made the decision to dedicate additional time to further develop Code Vein; ensuring the final product delivers on the expectations set amongst media and fans.

—Bandai Namco Entertainment America

“Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback from eager fans who have received hands-on time with in-development versions of the game over the past nine months,” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing for Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. “Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title. It was a difficult decision to make, but we feel it is the correct one.”

—Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia

“We are thankful to Code Vein fans for giving us a huge positive feedback on the development versions of the game for the past months, as a result of the overwhelming support from the fans, we decided to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine the game and hope to exceed fans’ expectation.” said Rainel Tan, General Manager at Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia. “It is a difficult decision, but we hope that once the fans gets to play the final version, they will agree with us that this decision is a right one!”

Venture into the post-apocalyptic land of Code Vein and uncover its secrets. Players will be able to craft their own unique character and customize their experience by equipping numerous weapons, items, skills, and gifts to accommodate their favorite fighting style or gain a competitive advantage against impossible odds. Various A.I. controlled partners will also be on-hand to explore the interconnected world with their own specialized attributes and personalities.

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