标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Call of Duty WW2 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-22 07:14 AM
标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Call of Duty WW2
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-22 07:21 AM 编辑

Call of Duty WW2 Reveal on April 26



  动视 Activition 将于在时间 4 月 22 日 1:00 正式宣布《使命召唤》系列最新作《使命召唤:二战 | CALL OF DUTY WWII》。这是《使命召唤》系列的第 14 部作品。正如之前传言的一样,本作一改系列过去几年间未来科技的设定,将背景放在了第二次世界大战中。

  本作是由 Sledgerhammer Games 负责开发的,他们是继 Infinity Ward 和 Treyarch 之后第三家为动视暴雪制作使命召唤系列的工作室。他们曾开发过《使命召唤:现代战争3》和《使命召唤:高级战争》。

  《使命召唤:二战》的倒计时官网现已上线,更多详情将于本地时间 4 月 27 日凌晨 1 点通过视频揭晓, 届时将会由 Sledgehammer Games 的联合创始人兼负责人 Michael Condrey 和 Glen Schofield 共同主持节目。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-22 04:25 PM
《使命召唤 二战》新地图由 PS4 独占 30 天 发售日为 11 月 3 日 包含多人合作剧情模式 实际画面泄漏

  动视暴雪今天凌晨 1 点已经正式公布《使命召唤:二战》的最新作。在这之前这款作品已经在官方正式公布之前就已经遭到了泄露。在当时我们看到的海报上,们能够发现本作的 PS4版依然对新推出的地图有 30 天的独占期。这一事实在今天英亚所泄露的游戏封面上,再次得到了确认。

  英亚的网站上出现了《使命召唤:二战》PS4版、Xbox One版和PC版三个封面,在PS4版游戏封面的下方,有着独占的标志。事实上,这其实也不足为奇。SIE和动视的合作从数年之前就已经开始,《使命召唤》系列之前的几款作品也都有着PS4平台30天的独占期,想要在第一时间体验到最新内容的玩家,还是需要选择PS4版本。




  另外同时在消息放出后,不久就有国外玩家从游戏的官方的登陆界面挖出了游戏的实机画面图片。相关图片是由国外Reddit 论坛 braderz_12 网友在登陆其《使命召唤》的账号界面获取的(目前已经被动视替换)。当然由于原版图片是动视在相关页面的宣传小图,所以这里放大后清晰度可能有所降低。





  此外根据 reddit 网友 Jadeos 发布的图片显示,《使命召唤:二战》的广告透露了本作将于 2017 年 11 月 3 日发售。预购本作将获得内测资格。










  《使命召唤:二战》的最新消息将在大马时间 2017 年 4 月 27 日凌晨 1 点公开。

作者: cffong    时间: 2017-4-22 05:46 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-27 07:31 AM
Call of Duty: WWII Launches November 3, First Trailer and Details
《使命召唤:二战》首支宣传视频公开!2017 年 11 月 3 日发售

  将于时间 4 月 27 日凌晨 1:00 动视 Activition 和 Sledgehammer Games 如约举办了《使命召唤:二战》的直播披露会。在本次直播中官方放出了《使命召唤:二战》的首支宣传预告片。《使命召唤:二战》的发售日为 2017 年 11 月 3 日,平台为 PS4、Xbox One和PC。




  许特根森林战役(Hürtgen Forest)德国边境的一片古老森林。在战火中,德军在树梢上放置了炸弹,当你的单位深入其中时,你会发现森林在你周围不断地爆炸。




  War Mode | 战争模式它让玩家们参与到二战中著名的历史事件里,在该模式中每个团队的目标不同,这取决于你是同盟国还是轴心国。

  Divisions | 部门当你加入了一个部门后,随着等级的提升,你将会获得新的职业、角色定制等内容。

  Headquarters | 总部它将会用于玩家进行社交、展示等,目前官方仅仅展示了几秒钟的片段(见下图),更多信息将在今后放出。









  《使命召唤:二战》的多人模式将在今年 6 月份举办的 E3 2017 中展出和提供试玩。


Call of Duty: WWII Delivers Gripping Action on Global Scale

Call of Duty is making a dramatic return to the greatest military conflict in history and where the franchise first began, World War II. On Friday, November 3, Call of Duty: WWII players will enlist in an unforgettable journey of brotherhood across the European theater in a mission vital to the success of the Allied powers. The all-new Call of Duty delivers gritty realism, authenticity and cinematic intensity on an epic scale. In addition to the game's boots-on-the-ground combat, Multiplayer offers a host of new modes, systems and gameplay innovations across iconic map locations; while an all-new Nazi Zombies Cooperative mode unleashes a startling, new storyline and adrenaline filled experience. Published by Activision and developed by Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: WWII defines the World War II game experience for a new generation of consoles.

"More than two and a-half years ago we made the decision to return this franchise to its roots, and Call of Duty: WWII does so in epic fashion," said Eric Hirshberg, Activision CEO. "The team at Sledgehammer Games is delivering an authentic, gritty, cinematic experience that honors both the epic scale, and the human struggle of the greatest war the world has ever known. This game will let longtime fans experience World War II like never before, and will introduce this historic conflict to a whole new generation of gamers in the process."

"Call of Duty: WWII has been a journey of inspiration and passion for everyone at Sledgehammer Games. The team is dedicated to delivering on the intense nature of war that focuses on the heroism and sacrifice of soldiers in WWII. Our rich narrative driven, action-packed campaign, and engaging and innovative multiplayer experience immerse players into the boots of a soldier fighting for freedom in a world on the brink of tyranny. And, our co-operative mode delivers a unique storyline that's an all-new take on Nazi Zombies that we think fans are going to love," said Michael Condrey, Studio Head and Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games.

Added Glen Schofield, Studio Head and Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games, "The story we're telling is unlike anything that we've tackled before. It's such an amazing journey of common everyday people who became heroes. We want to respect this great generation of soldiers, tell a realistic story set in a true inflection point in human history, and deliver the best experience of our careers."

Call of Duty: WWII takes the franchise back to its roots in a bold cinematic experience that captures the unforgettable heroism of the soldiers who fought together in a war that changed the world forever. Activision's gripping new title is an honest portrayal of World War II from the perspective of the famed 1st Infantry Division, with an ensemble cast of global and diverse characters. Through stunning visuals and intense audio, players storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, march across France to liberate Paris and ultimately push forward into Germany in some of the most monumental battles of all-time.

Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer combat immerses players in grounded, fast-paced action featuring an arsenal of authentic weapons and equipment, set in some of the most iconic locations in World War II's European theater. Multiplayer also delivers a new approach to character and create-a-class through Divisions, War, an all-new narrative multiplayer mode of play, and Headquarters, a first of its kind for the Call of Duty social community, designed for players to interact and socialize with friends. The definitive World War II next generation experience also introduces Nazi Zombies, an all-new cooperative mode featuring a unique standalone storyline set during World War II that's full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping action. Look for more information about Multiplayer at E3 and the Nazi Zombies cooperative experience at a later date.

Call of Duty: WWII pre-orders at participating retailers include access to the Private Beta, available first on PlayStation 4, scheduled for later this year. Call of Duty: WWII is available for pre-order in the following editions:

• Base Edition and Digital Base Edition - Suggested Retail Price $59.99.

• Digital Deluxe Edition - Season Pass and more, SRP $99.99.

• Pro Edition - Season Pass, collectible Steelbook and more, SRP $99.99

The title is published by Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, and developed by Sledgehammer Games. For the latest intel, check out: callofduty.com, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty and @SHGames on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Call of Duty: WWII is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4 system, Xbox One, and PC.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-27 07:05 PM
PS4 游戏《Call of Duty WWII》将于 11 月 3 日发售 带来最逼真写实的二战游戏体验
转载 - 巴哈姆特(×价格修改成马币大约供参考)

  亚洲台湾香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEA)今日宣布《使命召唤》(台译:《决胜时刻(Call of Duty)》)将追本溯源地戏剧性回归历史上最轰轰烈烈的战争:世界大战 II。 预定今年 11 月 3 日星期五发售的《使命召唤:二战(Call of Duty: WWII)》将征召玩家踏上欧洲战场体验难以忘怀的同袍兄弟情谊,并且参与对盟军胜利有关键性影响的任务。

  这款全新的《使命召唤》游戏将以史诗级的空前规模让玩家身历其境逼真写实的战场并享受媲美电影的精彩刺激。 除了有让人置身战场的刺激战斗外,还有提供众多全新模式、机制、游戏创新且带玩家踏遍著名地理位置的多人模式;另外,全新的「纳粹殭尸合作模式」(Nazi Zombies Cooperative mode)则带来了让人惊奇的全新故事和令人神经紧绷的游戏体验。 由 Sledgehammer Games 开发并由 Activision 发行的《使命召唤:二战》将为新世代家用主机带来重下定义的二战游戏体验。


  「约莫在两年半以前,我们决定让此系列追本溯源,因而造就了史诗级的《使命召唤:二战》」,Activision 执行长 Eric Hirshberg 表示。 「Sledgehammer Games 的开发团队带来了真实无比、媲美电影的游戏体验,不但重现了史诗级规模的场面,也向人类在这场最轰轰烈烈的世界大战中所作的奋斗致敬。 这款游戏除了能让长期支持我们的玩家们以前所未有的方式体验二次世界大战,还能让全新世代的玩家们认识这场历史上的大规模战争。 」

  「开发《使命召唤:二战》对 Sledgehammer Games 全体人员来说是一趟充满启发与热情的旅程。 我们团队致力呈现出战争轰轰烈烈的本质,并且强调二战参战士兵的英勇与牺牲。 这款游戏不但有剧情丰富、故事取向的精彩战役,也提供了创新且引人入胜的多人游戏体验,让玩家化身成在暴虐专制席卷世界之际为了捍卫自由而战的士兵。 此外,我们全新的纳粹殭尸合作模式也带来了独特的故事剧情,相信一定会受到玩家们的喜爱,」Sledgehammer Games 工作室负责人暨共同创办人 Michael Condrey 表示。

  Sledgehammer Games 工作室负责人暨共同创办人 Glen Schofield 补充说到:「我们在游戏中讲述的故事将带给玩家耳目一新、与众不同的体验。 那是一趟寻常人变成英雄的精彩旅程。 我们想向二战的伟大士兵们致敬,并讲述这个人类历史上重大转折点的写实故事,同时创造出我们职业生涯中最棒的游戏体验。 」

  追本溯源的《使命召唤:二战》带来了媲美电影的精彩刺激游戏体验,并呈现了在这场永远改变世界的战争中携手奋战的士兵们令人难忘的英勇事迹。 这款引人入胜的 Activision 新游戏,将以美国陆军第一步兵师(包含形形色色的各式人物)的观点来忠实描绘二次世界大战的面貌。 在震撼的视觉和音响效果下,玩家将身历其境一些史上最具纪念性的战斗:于攻击发起日(D-Day)抢攻诺曼底滩头、穿越法国解放巴黎、以及最终向德国进军。

  《使命召唤:二战》多人模式将让玩家置身战场参与快节奏的战斗、使用各式各样写实的武器和装备,并且造访一些二战欧洲战场上最著名的地点。 多人模式也透过「师团」(Divisions)在角色人物与创造兵种上带来了创新,另也提供了全新叙事多人游戏模式「战争」(War),还带来了首见于《使命召唤》的游戏社群「司令部」(Headquarters):让玩家与好友互动及进行社交。 这款逼真写实的二次世界战次世代游戏也引进了全新的「纳粹殭尸合作模式」,除带来以二战为舞台的独特独立故事外,还将提供令人出乎意料、心跳加快的作战体验。 有关多人模式的进一步信息请密切注意今年的 E3 展,而纳粹殭尸合作模式的进一步信息将于日后另行公布。

《使命召唤:二战》(中英文合版) 目前开放预购以下版本:
光盘标准版 (Standard Edition) 和数字标准版 (Digital Base Edition) – 建议售价 RM229 马币。
数字豪华版 (Digital Deluxe Edition) – 包含下载版游戏、季票 (Season Pass)** 与额外内容,建议售价 RM 419马币(目前预订促销折扣 RM379 马币)。
(预购或在游戏发售首两周内购买数字豪华版的玩家,可享预计约 RM 40 马币折扣优惠)
光盘专家版 (Pro Edition) – 包含光盘版游戏、季票 (Season Pass)**、珍藏 Steelbook™铁盒与额外内容,建议售价 RM449。
《使命召唤:二战》升级至数字豪华版 – 季票 (Season Pass) 、额外内容,建议零售价  RM150 马币 。




* 内容待定。 请密切留意 PlayStation 官方网站
** 购买季票的玩家将可取得 2018 年《使命召唤:二战》季票内容。 季票内容尚未定案、有可能更动,且可能不包含游戏的所有可下载内容。 季票内容不一定会提供给所有地区,且季票售价和发售日会因平台而异。 季票内容仅限在游戏中商店下载;请勿分别购买,否则您将重复付费。 季票内容可能会分别贩卖。
作者: LeeRoy    时间: 2017-4-27 07:09 PM
前进吧 部队
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-1 01:32 PM

  根据国外媒体 Polygon 的报导,《使命召唤:二战》的战役模式将会取消系列长期以来都在使用的自动回血系统。这让玩家能够体验到真实的战场压迫感,而不是像超级英雄一样身中数弹而不死。

  游戏制作商Sledgehammer工作室联合创始人Glen Schofield说:
“你必须担心每一发飞来的子弹。你并不是超级英雄,你不能站在那里被七发子弹射中,然后躲起来,随后就可以再探出头射击了。讲述不是顶级战士而是新兵的故事,展现出脆弱之处,这对我们来说很新颖(注:本作的主角Ronald “Red” Daniels是刚刚加入美军的一名新兵)。他们是很幼稚的。制作这种不同的游戏体验是一个很酷的挑战。”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-4 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-4 06:34 PM 编辑

The Vision Behind Call of Duty: WWII Video
《使命召唤:二战》开发日志视频 我们在努力






作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 11:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 07:34 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII multiplayer reveal trailer
《决胜时刻:二战》释出多人模式影片以及 beta 测试讯息

  由 Sledgehammer Games 开发、Activision 发行的知名射击游戏《决胜时刻》系列最新作《决胜时刻:二战》,今日在 E3 电玩展 PlayStation 展前发表会上,释出了多人模式影片、以及 beta 测试的讯息。

  以二次世界大战作为主题,《决胜时刻》系列的最新作《决胜时刻:二战》,今日于 PlayStation 展前发表会中公开了多人模式的最新影片。 在这次释出的影片中,玩家可以看见许多耳熟能详的二战武器以及载具登场,而在影片最后,官方也释出了 beta 测试将于 8 月 25 日于 PlayStation 4 平台上针对预购玩家展开的消息。

Activision and Slegehammer Games debuted the multiplayer reveal trailer for Call of Duty: WWII during Sony’s E3 2017 press conference.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-4 04:20 PM
动视CEO反思《使命召唤 无限战争》的失败 新作重回二战

  去年的《使命召唤:无限战争》所受的差评出乎了动视的意料,在接受国外媒体Gamesindustry的采访时动视CEO Eric Hirshberg承认了这一点。他反思了在这款作品上的失败,并表示在经历这一教训之后今年将重回二战,打造本次的《使命召唤:二战》。


  动视CEO Eric Hirshberg说:“现在看起来,设定在未来的作品显然太多了,而它(《使命召唤:无限战争》)恰好是其中之一。有了现在的知识,如果我们可以提前一年推出《使命召唤:二战》的话,那么考虑到当时的玩家文化,很显然时机就会更好一些。但是我们都是提前三年决定游戏开发日程的。我们当时就已经获得了足够多的反馈,让我们决定是时候回归我们的本源了。”




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-6 11:42 AM
《使命召唤:二战》僵尸模式将在 7 月 20 日公开

  在进行了多部未来战争后,《使命召唤》系列新作《使命召唤:二战》回归到了系列原点。今天开发团队Sledgehammer Games负责人Glen Schofield就公开了一张僵尸模式的宣传图,并透露将会在 7 月 20 日公开僵尸模式的详细信息。

  僵尸模式一直是系列非常重要的组成部分,也是本作玩家合作游玩的重要内容。而在 7 月 20 日,官方很可能会公开相关的介绍宣传片来展示僵尸模式的阵容,而由于《使命召唤:二战》故事背景设定在第二次世界大战期间,所以对于僵尸模式玩家又可多一份期待。

  《使命召唤:二战》将于 11 月 3 日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-21 12:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-21 07:02 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies mode unveiled



  《使命召唤:二战》将在2017年11月3日正式上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC三个平台。预购本作的玩家将获得封闭beta测试的参与资格,此次测试将率先于8月25日在PS4平台展开。


Activision lifted the lid on Call of Duty: WWII‘s Nazi Zombies mode during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017.

Described as a “terrifying, new zombies cooperative experience,” the mode features an all-star cast of characters including David Tennant (Dr. Who, Broadchurch), Elodie Yung (G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Daredevil), Katheryn Winnick (Vikings, The Dark Tower) Udo Kier (Blade, Melancholia) and Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction, Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation). Nazi Zombies transports players into a labyrinth of “chilling occult Nazi zombies experiments” and “monstrous creations” set in fictional World War II. The story unfolds as an international team uncovers the plot masterminded by the Axis powers to harness occult forces to create an undead army.

Here’s a full overview of everything we know about Call of Duty: WWII so far, including the newly revealed Nazi Zombies mode, via Activision:

Story Campaign

Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of heroism on a global scale, through the unbreakable brotherhood of common men fighting to preserve freedom in a world on the brink of tyranny. Players enlist in a gritty, intense campaign through the harrowing battlegrounds of war, facing overwhelming odds and hostile terrain across Europe, in a gripping experience that honors the history of World War II.

Blockbuster WWII Action – Call of Duty: WWII features the epic scale, cinematic moments and intensity that only Call of Duty delivers, all set against the backdrop of the largest global conflict in history. The game redefines World War II for a new generation, delivering an experience that was not possible on previous systems.
Cameraderie – Featuring a global cast of characters across Europe, players will follow the gripping story of Ronald “Red” Daniels, a member of the US 1st Infantry Division, as they trek through the harrowing European theater of war. Joining Allied forces from the U.K. and the French Resistance, across the beaches of Normandy, to the liberation of Paris and ultimately into Germany, the squad must fight alongside a global and diverse cast of characters to achieve victory. The story campaign delivers the gritty authenticity and cinematic intensity of WWII combat, honoring the unforgettable heroism of those who fought in World War II.
An Immersive Gameplay Experience – Call of Duty: WWII brings to life some of the most iconic moments of World War II, including the D-Day Invasion of Normandy, liberation of Paris and the Battle of the Bulge, with incredible visuals and awe-inspiring sound that puts players in the middle of the action.


Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer marks an exciting return to the franchise’s World War II roots and combat that defined the franchise. Prepare for fast-paced, grounded action with an arsenal of iconic weapons and equipment in the fight to liberate a continent in the throes of tyranny. Call of Duty: WWII immerses players in the brutal gameplay of history’s largest conflict.

Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer offers players true franchise innovations across the entire experience with brand new ways to connect, compete and engage as a community. Divisions redefines how players develop their WWII Multiplayer Careers by enlisting in five iconic WWII-era divisions. War Mode lets players compete against each other in team-driven, objective gameplay. And Headquarters is a transformational new experience that will connect players like never before.

Divisions – Divisions fundamentally redefines how players invest in their Multiplayer career. This is a reimagining of the create-a-class system, and players will choose from five iconic World War II divisions each with specific division training and division weapon skills. This streamlined approach to Multiplayer gives players the ability to reinforce their individual play styles while dominating the enemy in some of the most iconic locations of the world’s largest conflict.

Airborne Division: The first to the fight, the Airborne Division moves fast and stays quiet, armed with undetectable silenced SMGs

Mountain Division: Death from a distance, the Mountain Division, with their sharpshooter focus and sniper rifles, is precise and deadly

Infantry Division: Extremely versatile, the Infantry Division is equipped for mid to long range rifle engagements and up-close-and-personal bayonet charges
Armored Division: Bringing the heaviest firepower, the Armored Division is armed to the teeth with explosives and LMG firepower

Expeditionary Division: Packing heat, the Expeditionary Division is well-equipped with incendiary rounds and shotguns

War Mode – War Mode is an all-new game mode where players must work as a team to defeat the enemy. This narrative-driven Multiplayer experience, developed in partnership with Raven Software, immerses players in iconic World War II locations. Allied and Axis forces clash in team-driven assault and defend missions for key strategic objectives.

Headquarters – Headquarters is an all new off-the-frontlines experience for Call of Duty players. Players will compete, earn rewards, show off their accomplishments, and connect with fans and friends. Unlike anything experienced in Call of Duty to date, Headquarters transforms the Multiplayer experience by redefining how players engage with the game and with each other.

Boots on the Ground Gameplay – Multiplayer marks a return to iconic boots on the ground Call of Duty gameplay that fans know and love. This return to classic combat makes for more strategic, grounded and meaningful Multiplayer engagements
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-21 07:02 PM
Multiplayer Maps (Confirmed to Date)

Point Du Hoc
– Fight through a fortified network of German bunker complexes atop the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc, an important strategic target overlooking the beaches of Normandy. Engage in fast-paced, close-quarters combat in the trenches, or flank the enemy in a brutal fight to lock down the nearby farmhouse and bunkers for control of key access routes to the bluff.

Ardennes Forest – Battle through the frigid snow-covered forest of the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge, the brutal final major offensive effort by the German army to punch through the Allied front lines. Engagements are fast and deadly in the dangerous, snow-covered woodland ruins. Stay alert in this medium size, frenetic map protected by emplaced MG42 machine guns waiting to annihilate enemy combatants.

Operation Breakout (War Mode) – Fight for control of a war-torn French village west of St. Lo, an important operation in the Allied push onward and out of the beachhead at Normandy. Allied and Axis forces clash for control of a strategic manor to secure a forward operating position. Bridge construction, ammo depot demolition and tank escorts are key strategic tasks in this do or die mission to dominate the enemy. Choose your equipment wisely – every decision can mean the difference between victory and defeat in this narrative-driven, objective-based multiplayer experience – a first for Call of Duty.

Nazi Zombies

Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies is an original, terrifying co-operative mode that unleashes a frightening new horror story for Call of Duty zombies fans. Nothing is as it seems in this zombies horror, as a dark and sinister plot unfolds to unleash an invincible army of the dead.

The Mission – Players will embark on a chilling, dark and mysterious journey through Mittelburg, a snowy Bavarian village in Germany, as they attempt to recover priceless works of art stolen by the Axis powers in World War II. This village holds a secret key to an unimaginable and monstrous power, so visitors must be on their toes and beware of the twisted and occult horrors that guard these treasures.

Diverse and Global Cast of Characters – Players join a group of international art experts from the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section (MFAA) on their dangerous pursuit to reclaim some of the world’s most important works of art from the hands of the Axis powers, all while trying to survive a horror like no other.

Jefferson Potts – Strong, assured, and educated, Jefferson has both the military and academic prowess the MFAA need.

Olivia Durant – A former art historian of the Musée du Louvre, and weapons expert, she is an extremely savvy and capable member of the team.

Drostan Hynd – A former art thief, this brash and rough character was given a choice: go to jail, or help reclaim stolen art.

Marie Fischer – A brilliant engineer and tactician, Marie attempts to help salvage stolen treasures and rescue her brother, Klaus.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-4 04:36 PM
《使命召唤:二战》内测奖励公开 专属头盔




  《使命召唤:二战》将会在2017年11月3日发售,登录XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-4 06:24 PM
《使命召唤:二战》珍藏版 The Valor Collection 公布

  大锤工作室 Sledgehammer Games 的联合创始人迈克尔·康德里今天在推特上分享了《使命召唤:二战》珍藏版(The Valor Collection)的内容,并且还说“我不是说你们得买这套,我只是想表达我肯定要买。”。


  此外动视对《使命召唤:二战》也是自信满满。在最近的投资者会议上,动视暴雪表示《使命召唤:二战》是“在正确时间里的正确游戏”,其自信来源于粉丝们对已公布内容的肯定,公布预告片是史上最受欢迎预告片,E3 上的试玩也“最受欢迎”,圣地亚哥动漫展上的僵尸模式预告片也是最受欢迎的僵尸预告片。

8 月 25 日至 8 月 28 日率先在 PS4 平台开启多人模式 B测,之后 9 月 1 日至 9 月 4 日为 Xbox One 平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-15 04:49 PM
Call of Duty: WWII Private Beta Trailer and Details

  大锤工作室公开了即将到来的《使命召唤:二战》私人beta测试的一些细节,本次的测试一共有两个阶段,第一阶段从8月25日开始一直持续到28日,这段时间测试为PS4平台独占。第二阶段的测试时间从9月1日开始一直持续到4日,这次测试则是XBOX ONE以及PS4平台共同开始。



  本次的派系系统在游戏中彻底取代了“Pick 10”系统来让玩家创建属于自己的角色和玩法。此次测试中玩家将能够初探派系系统的面貌,并逐步领略该系统对于玩家游戏方式和进程的影响。





  《使命召唤:二战》将会在今年11月3日正式发售,并登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台,预定了游戏的玩家能够在上文中提到的时间段参与游戏的限量内测中,并获得游戏内角色外观等奖励。


Road to Beta - Call of Duty: WWII

We’re thrilled to finally share the Call of Duty: WWII Private Multiplayer Beta with you beginning August 25th on PS4. While this Beta is only a small part of the feature-rich Multiplayer experience coming in November, it is a critical test of our core gameplay, our game systems, as well as a stress test of our online infrastructure at scale.

We love the active dialog we have with the Call of Duty community, and value the exchange of ideas and constructive feedback we have with fans. Your feedback will help us finalize features, optimize gameplay balance, and refine the remaining development roadmap to launch. So please explore, rank up, and have fun. Share as much feedback as you can – everything helps. The development team will be playing non-stop, and we’ll be monitoring performance and collecting valuable data around the clock.

As you can imagine, we receive a lot of feedback internally from the development team playing the game, but it’s a different experience when fans around the world play together for the first time. Two of our biggest announcements at E3, Divisions and War Mode, will be live for the first time and we look forward to sharing them with you during the Private Multiplayer Beta.

First, Divisions replaces the Pick 10 Create-a-Class system, and delivers the fantasy of enlisting in one of five iconic fighting groups in the world’s most brutal conflict. This test of the Private Multiplayer Beta will feature an introduction to a portion of the player’s soldier progression and the underlying foundation of Divisions, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. The final design of this new feature will continue to be fine-tuned as development continues from now through launch.

Also, we’re excited to hear from you after you’ve played Operation Breakout, our first War Mode experience. War, developed in partnership with our friends at Raven Software, is a new way to play Call of Duty Multiplayer in an immersive Allied vs. Axis fight across the war-torn village of St. Lo, France.

Here’s an overview on what you should expect in the Private Multiplayer Beta:

• Maps – At least three Multiplayer maps, including: Pointe Du Hoc, Ardennes, and Gibraltar.

• War – Operation Breakout

• Modes – Fan-favorite modes, including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint.

• Divisions – Enlist in the Infantry, Expeditionary, Airborne, Armored, or Mountain Division. You are not limited to any one Division, and we encourage you to try them all!

• Progression – Players will begin at Soldier Rank 1 and rank up through a limited progression to unlock weapons, scorestreaks, equipment, and Basic Training Skills.

Here’s what you should not expect in the Private Multiplayer Beta:

• Headquarters – We’re testing the match-making of this all-new social experience, but access to this space will not be active during the Multiplayer Beta.

• Supply Drops, and Loot – These customization features that add depth and personality to your soldier will not be included in the Multiplayer Beta.

• Esports – Ranked Play, Game Battles, and our suite of competitive features will be accessible when we release in November.

• Additional content not in the Private Multiplayer Beta includes: full progression, remaining maps and modes, additional War Mode maps, and the full armory of weapons, scorestreaks, Basic Training, and equipment.

We’re also pleased to announce that we’ll be unpacking the Private Multiplayer Beta content and dropping more intel in our Call of Duty: WWII livestream from Cologne, Germany at GamesCom 2017 on August 22nd at 10AM PT time. Look for more information over the coming days, including tune in information from the SHG and COD social accounts!

Look for more information in the days to come, and follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates. We’ll be regularly checking in with the community during the Multiplayer Beta and providing updates via our social channels. Also, we’re creating a dedicated studio Reddit thread using our u/SHG_Hammer account on the r/WWII subreddit where we can track and respond to your feedback as it comes in. Look for more information in our next Private Multiplayer Beta update. We’ll see you online!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-23 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-23 06:39 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII ‘Headquarters’ reveal trailer


  在本作当中,如果玩家在Team Death Match 这类模式中死亡,或是在等待队友上线时,就可以在司令部进行活动。在司令部中各位可以进行射击练习、挑战连杀积分、1v1对战、解锁新的装扮等等。用开发团队的话来说,司令部就是《使命召唤:二战》中的一个动态社交场所,玩家能够在司令部里磨练自己的技术,为接下来的战斗做准备。

  《使命召唤:二战》将在2017年11月3日正式上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。这款作品的公开测试也将在8月26日正式举行,对本作感兴趣的玩家不要错过。


Activision has released a new trailer for Call of Duty: WWII revealing “Headquarters,” a dedicated social space where players can warm up in the Firing Range, compete in a one-versus-one Pit, watch Call of Duty eSports matches live in the Theater, man the AA guns to earn rewards, and more.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-24 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-24 07:22 AM 编辑


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-3 02:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-3 04:36 PM 编辑

《使命召唤 二战》测试周五再开 新地图亚琛公布

  动视将在今年带来的年货《使命召唤 二战》已经在上周五(8月25日)于PS4上展开了为期三天的周末BETA测试,给玩家带来了不同以往作品的多人模式体验。

  今天 PlayStation 官方推特发布了一个《使命召唤 二战》的全新宣传片,该宣传片向玩家展示了一张全新的多人对战地图亚琛。这张新地图将在本周五9月1日开启的第二轮BETA测试中加入,届时玩家可以在饱受战火蹂躏的亚琛中开始新一轮交火。

  《使命召唤 二战》第二轮BETA测试将在美国太平洋时间9月1日上午10点开启,9月3日上午10点结束。本轮BETA测试除了面向PS4平台外,还加入了XBOX ONE平台。想要参加测试的玩家注意别错过时间了。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-6 07:04 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-6 04:28 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》新预告 解锁“撕布机”MG42机枪大杀四方




  《使命召唤:二战》将在今年11月3日正式发售,登陆 PC/PS4/Xbox One 平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-14 10:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-15 07:31 AM 编辑

《使命召唤 二战》限定版PS4主机公布

  SIE 今日宣布将发售《使命召唤 二战》的限定版PS4 Slim主机,这台主机拥有军绿色迷彩外观,内置1TB硬盘,以及一只绿色DualShock 4手柄,和《使命召唤 二战》的实体游戏光盘。


  《使命召唤 二战》将于11月3日发售,PS4 版玩家将可以早于其它所有平台30天游玩本作的DLC地图包。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-18 04:15 PM
《使命召唤 二战》丧尸模式新消息 包含升级功能
转载 - 电玩巴士(http://ps4.tgbus.com/news/201709/20170918114952.shtml







作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-19 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-19 08:03 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII Campaign Story Trailer

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/152733.html

  由 Sledgehammer Games 开发、Activision 发行的《使命召唤(Call of Duty)》系列续作《使命召唤:二战(Call of Duty: WWII)》今日公开故事影片。

  《使命召唤:二战》故事描述 Ronald “Red” Daniels 的故事,他是隶属于美国陆军第一步兵师的一名年轻成员,在著名的诺曼底战役 D 日首度经历到战斗,当在诺曼底海滩生存下来后,他与他的同袍将穿越欧洲战场不断奋斗, 这趟冒险旅程将从 11 月 3 日登场。

  《使命召唤》系列即将发售的新作《使命召唤:二战》将带领玩家再度回归二战背景,游戏聚焦在第二次世界大战之中的 1944 年至 1945 年战事,但故事和角色也将会触及 1940 年至 1944 年之间发生的事件。 玩家将要辗转在被占领的法国、比利时战场,穿越莱茵河朝着德国进军。

  PC/PS4/Xbox One《使命召唤:二战》预定 11 月 3 日发售。


Call of Duty: WWII Story Overview

Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of Private Ronald “Red” Daniels, a young recruit in the U.S. First Infantry Division who experiences combat for the first time on D-Day, one of the largest amphibious assaults in history. After surviving the beaches of Normandy, Red and his squad will fight their way across Europe, engaging the enemy in iconic battle locations such as the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge, as they make their way into Germany. The journey begins on November 3.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-20 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-20 11:45 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII ‘Meet the Squad’ trailers

  在公开了《使命召唤:二战》的故事宣传片后,动视和开发商 Sledgehammer Games 今日公开了主角团小队的人物介绍宣传片。

  他们分别是主角 Red Daniels、Turner、Zussman和Pierson,他们每个人都有不同的性格特点。Turner是一名战场老兵,他的经验可以帮助团队在恶略的战争环境下生存、Zussman是主角Daniels最好的朋友,非常值得信任、而Pierson是一个坚持且喜欢依靠书本的人。

  PC/PS4/Xbox One《使命召唤:二战》预定 11 月 3 日发售。

Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released a set of four “Meet the Squad” trailers for Call of Duty: WWII.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

Watch the trailers below.

Red Daniels

From rural farm life to hardened soldier, be prepared to sacrifice everything as Private Ronald “Red” Daniels in Call of Duty: WWII.


《使命召唤 二战》Red Daniels人物宣传片


His years of military experience and compassionate leadership will help keep his men alive. Meet Lieutenant Joseph Turner, your commanding officer in the Call of Duty: WWII Campaign.




You can always count on him when things get grim. Meet Private Robert Zussman, Red’s best friend in the squad.


《使命召唤 二战》Daniels人物宣传片


He’s strict and does everything by the book. Stay on Sergeant Pierson’s good side, or you’ll be sorry.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-21 07:19 AM
Call of Duty: WWII ‘Meet the Squad: Crowley and Rousseau’ trailers

Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released two more “Meet the Squad” trailers for Call of Duty: WWII following yesterday’s initial four.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

Watch the trailers below.


After years of fighting in the British Expeditionary Force, Major Arthur Crowley serves as a part of the Special Operations Executive, where he executes covert missions behind enemy lines.



A highly skilled French Resistance fighter, Rousseau will do whatever it takes to fight off the Axis powers in France and avenge the ones she’s lost.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-22 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-6 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-6 02:58 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII Season Pass adds ‘Carentan’ bonus map
Carentan 经典地图将回归《使命召唤 二战》

  今日开发商 Sledgehammer Games 和发行商动视 Activition 公布经典地图 Carenten 回归《使命召唤:二战》。



  《使命召唤:二战》将在2017年11月3日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。

The Season Pass for Call of Duty: WWII will include “Carentan” as a bonus multiplayer map, Activision announced. It will be available at launch for all Season Pass holders.

“Carentan” has appeared in Call of Duty, Call of Duty: United Offensive, and Call of Duty 2. The new version of the map will see players “fight through the destroyed buildings and fortified streets of this war-torn French town in an all-out battle for a strategic German stronghold.”

The Call of Duty: WWII Season Pass also includes four downloadable content packs, which will be released in 2018 and include new multiplayer maps, new Nazo Zombies chapters, and new War Missions.

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-12 07:14 AM
Call of Duty: WW2 has a London map set during the Blitz

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-16 11:53 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-31 12:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-31 05:20 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII ‘Carentan’ trailer




  《使命召唤:二战》将在11月3日正式发售,对应平台包括PS4、Xbox One和PC。

Activision debuted the trailer for the Call of Duty: WWII “Carentan” map included as a bonus for users who purchase the Season Pass during the PlayStation Media Showcase at Paris Games Week 2017.

“Carentan” has appeared in Call of Duty, Call of Duty: United Offensive, and Call of Duty 2. The new version of the map will see players “fight through the destroyed buildings and fortified streets of this war-torn French town in an all-out battle for a strategic German stronghold.”

Call of Duty: WWII is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-1 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-3 07:37 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-4 07:20 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-11 07:22 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-13 07:32 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-18 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-23 07:38 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-7 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-7 05:05 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》冬季活动预告公布 一大波新装备来临

  大锤今天公布了《使命召唤14》“冬季围攻”活动的详细情报,在本次活动中玩家们将迎来新军需官“屠夫”(Captain Butcher),他将带着全新的武器装备抵达前线,一起来了解一下。

  根据介绍,随着冬季活动的开始,首先指挥部会换上冬季主题的装饰。另外新军需官“屠夫”也将带着全新的道具抵达,本次加入的新装备中就包括冬季主题的自定义道具、武器种类。玩家可以解锁多种限时冬季武器,例如:战壕刀、冰镐、Gew 43步枪、斯登冲锋枪、通用机枪。

  除此之外,官方还披露经典的“Gun Game”模式将在活动中回归,在12月15日至12月21日期间该模式还将提供双倍XP奖励。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-14 07:33 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-20 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-20 07:02 PM 编辑



  在今年的巴黎游戏周发布会上,Sledgehammer Games 公开了《使命召唤:二战》的首个DLC内容“抵抗”。今日官方公开了DLC的详细介绍宣传片以及部分艺术设计图。





  《使命召唤:二战》已于 11 月 3 日正式发售,游戏DLC“抵抗”将率先于 2018 年 1 月 30 日登陆 PS4 平台,Xbox One 和 PC 平台则将晚于 PS4 版内容1个月后发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-4 07:35 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-10 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-10 06:08 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies DLC ‘The Darkest Shore’ trailer

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/4979316842.html

  动视和Sledgehammer Games 今日公开了《使命召唤:二战》僵尸模式章节“最黑暗的海岸”宣传片,顾名思义该章节将涉及在海岸附近,本段内容将随DLC内容“抵抗”一并上线。

  “抵抗”DLC 将为玩家们带来 3 张全新的标准多人游戏地图、1 张全新战争模式地图和 1 张纳粹丧尸地图。


  《使命召唤:二战》已于去年 11 月正式上线,DLC“抵抗”将率先于2018 年 1 月 30 日登陆 PS4 平台,Xbox One 和 PC 平台则将晚于 PS4 版内容 1 个月后发售。

Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released the official trailer for the Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies chapter “The Darkest Shore,” which is included with the “The Resistance: DLC Pack 1.”

In addition to the Nazi Zombie chapter, “The Resistance: DLC Pack 1” will also include three new multiplayer maps (“Occupation,” “Valkyrie,” and “Anthropoid”) and the new “Operation Intercept” War Mode mission. It will launch first for PlayStation 4 on January 30, followed later by Xbox One and PC.

Here is an overview of “The Darkest Shore,” via Activision:

The Darkest Shore follows our heroes into the next chapter of their dangerous journey. Only days after the horrific disaster of Mittelburg, the crew has received intel that suggests Doktor Straub is on an island just north of Germany. Blanketed in fog, this island is surrounded by Nazi air and sea power – and crawling with the Undead. Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson will need to battle all this and more to uncover the mysteries hidden within the Darkest Shore.

Call of Duty: WWII is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-20 05:23 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-26 01:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-26 04:30 PM 编辑

《使命召唤 二战》DLC内容“抵抗”新宣传片公布
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/3387717153.html

        Sledgehammer 今日公开了《使命召唤:二战》的DLC内容“抵抗”的新宣传片影像,该内容将在1月30日率先登陆PS4平台,1个月后再登陆Xbox One和PC。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-30 11:06 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-17 01:09 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-28 04:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-28 04:25 PM 编辑

《使命召唤二战》第二个DLC扩展包The War Machine公布

  Sledgehammer Games将在《The War Machine》中将《使命召唤:二战》玩家们带入全新的战场,用激动人心的新地图送上前所未有的刺激体验。玩家们将置身于标志性的二战战场敦刻尔克,进入德国V-2火箭秘密基地,横跨地中海前往埃及进行战斗。

  玩家们将会在最新的战争模式中与敌人近距离接触。这个由Raven Software共同开发的Operation Husky添加了全新的游戏机制——空中缠斗!当然还有惊险刺激的纳粹僵尸最新篇章,更多意想不到的展开正在围绕巴巴罗萨宝剑的冒险故事中等待着大家。

  《The War Machine》将于4月10日率先登陆PlayStation 4。所以请重新安排您的日程,做好准备投入战斗吧!




Operation Husky




  《使命召唤:二战——The War Machine》即将于4月10日抢先登陆PlayStation 4,做好战斗准备。不论您喜欢新地图、战争模式的Operation Husky,还是纳粹僵尸,我们在战场上见吧!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-4 03:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-4 04:04 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》"战争机器"DLC预告 发售日公布

  动视旗下的使命召唤系列最新作《使命召唤:二战(Call of Duty: WWII)》在之前已经公布了游戏季票中的第二部DLC“战争机器(The War Machine)”。昨晚关于这部DLC的实机演示预告,也已放出:


  在DLC的内容方面,这张地图将为游戏引进三张多人对战地图:敦刻尔克地图、V2火箭主题地图以及埃及地图。而游戏的战争模式也将在此次更新中上线胡思克行动(Operation Husky)为游戏引进空战狗斗玩法。

  预告的最后展示了游戏DLC将上线的丧尸模式的新篇章“暗影王座(Shadowed Throne)”,其中玩家将来到柏林对抗纳粹僵尸部队。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-7 11:16 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-18 03:18 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-30 03:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-30 08:19 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》僵尸活动预告 追加武器地图


  本次活动名为Attack of the Dead(丧尸来袭),时限为即日起至2018年6月26日。

  作为《使命召唤:二战》最大的活动之一,本次活动提供三种全新模式:Infected、Hordepoint和Relic of the Undead,一个全新地图Groesten Haus,其中会有很多纳粹僵尸。三种模式将分时段开放,分别将于5月29日,6月5日以及6月12日开放。

  此外本次活动也有大量新武器登场:冲锋枪Nambu Type 2、轻机枪Stinger、两款狙击枪Lever Action和PTRS-41、散弹枪、消防斧、苏格兰双刃剑。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-20 04:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-20 04:25 PM 编辑

《使命召唤 二战》第三个DLC「United Front」预告片公开


  动视公布了《使命召唤 二战》的第三个地图包DLC「United Front」,其中包含三张多人地图「市场花园」「斯大林格勒」「蒙特卡西诺」,一张战争模式地图「Supercharge行动」,以及僵尸地图「荆棘征途」。

  地图包将于 6 月 26 日在 PS4 平台发售,限时独占30天,日后将登入 Xbox One 以及 PC 平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-26 02:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-26 07:11 PM 编辑


  《使命召唤:二战》公布了一段新预告,即将带来纳粹僵尸模式的“折磨之路(Tortured Path)”补丁,也这也将是游戏发售以来僵尸模式迎来的最大补丁。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-3 06:22 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-1 04:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-1 05:14 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》夏日活动宣传视频公布 化身绿色兵人
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/1166220186.html


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-23 11:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-26 04:36 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:二战》DLC「影之战」公布 决战即将开启
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/957366.jhtml

  《使命召唤:二战》的开发商Sledgehammer Games近日公布了本作的最后一个DLC —— 影之战(The Shadow War)。 和以往的地图包DLC一样,本次「影之战」也将包含3张标准多人地图、1个战争模式任务以及一张僵尸模式地图。

  三张多人地图分别为:飞艇(Airship)、挖掘(Excavation)与总理府(Chancellery)。玩家要分别与飞艇、矿井下、大型政府大楼的敌人进行战斗。战争模式任务“奥术行动”(Operation: Arcane)的故事背景发生在奥地利,玩家将能够在地图周围找到并使用各种原型武器。最后,玩家还将获得一个名为“冰封王座”(The Frozen Throne)的纳粹僵尸地图,该地图似乎发生在一个拥有大量隧道和秘密的大型洞穴之中。

  「影之战」DLC 将于2018年8月28日率先登陆 PS4 平台,Xbox One、PC 平台预计将在在9月底上架。玩家可以单独购买本DLC,拥有季票的玩家将获得一个名为“组队地图通行证”(Party Up Map Access)的额外奖励。拥有季票的玩家在组队时,可以作为小队队长带着其他未购买该DLC的玩家一同游玩DLC内容。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-5 10:02 PM
《使命召唤:二战》公开全新活动「Covert Storm」

  Sledgehammer Games正式宣布开启《使命召唤:二战》全新游戏内活动「Covert Storm」,并增加了三种新武器。

  本次活动将持续到9月25日。和之前的活动一样,“Covert Storm”增加了一些免费内容,不过比以往的活动稍少。其中包括三种全新武器:AS-44突击步枪,Proto X-1冲锋枪和VMG 1927轻机枪。新的迷彩和社区挑战也一同添加到游戏之中。官方还放出了本次活动的宣传片向玩家展示全新内容。

  「Covert Storm」或许将是《使命召唤:二战》的最后一次更新,因为《使命召唤:黑色行动4》即将在10月12日发售。


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