标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Far Cry 5 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-17 07:16 AM
标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Far Cry 5
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-23 07:36 AM 编辑

Far Cry 5 'Welcome to Hope County' Teaser Trailers, Worldwide on May 26
《孤岛惊魂 5》故事发生在美国蒙大拿州 四段前瞻预告放出

  育碧于今日零点发布了四个《孤岛惊魂 5》的前瞻视频,视频中都不是实机游戏画面,且最后都写着 Welcome to Hope County MONTANA(欢迎来到希望县 蒙大拿州)的字样。可以从中推断出本作的故事发生在美国西北部的蒙大拿州,时间应该是现代。


  《孤岛惊魂 5》的正式宣传片将在 5 月 26 日首映(时间 5 月27 日),本作将登上PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,预计将在育碧本财年内发售,也就是 2018 年 3 月 31 日之前,具体发售日待定。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-25 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-25 07:16 AM 编辑

Far Cry 5 Key Art Unveiled

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-26 10:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-26 11:02 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂5》正式公布将于 2018 年 2 月 27 日发售

  今天育碧正式宣布《孤岛惊魂 5》(Far Cry 5)将登陆PS4、PS4 Pro、Xbox One、PC平台以及微软最新主机Xbox 天蝎座,玩家将进入一个混乱、未知并且无比凶险的世界。游戏首次将背景设定在美国的蒙大拿州,玩家能够以单人或双人合作的模式完全自由地探索这个看似平静,实则深深扭曲的世界。《孤岛惊魂5》由育碧蒙特利尔工作室主导研发,并将于 2018
年 2 月 27 日全国发售。





  目前《孤岛惊魂 5》的三个平台版本标准版、豪华版以及黄金版的预购现已启动,分别是标准版售价约RM229 - RM259、豪华版售价约 RM279 - RM319 以及黄金版约RM419 -
RM439。另外所有购买游戏(包括PS4、Xbox One以及PC版)的玩家都将在游戏发售后免费获得一个《孤岛惊魂5》皮肤包。游戏也将推出繁体中文版。





Far Cry 5 launches February 27; first details, trailer, and screenshots

Far Cry 5 will launch for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One, Project Scorpio, and PC on February 27, 2018, Ubisoft announced. It will be available ins standard, Deluxe, and Gold editions, with the latter including a Season Pass.

PlayStation 4 users will get free content with purchase of the game at launch. Xbox One and PC users will have the same content available through the Ubisoft Club.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:

Set in America for the first time, in Montana, players will have total freedom to navigate this serene-looking yet deeply twisted world solo or entirely in two-player co-op as they fight for survival and freedom, when the game releases on February 27, 2018. Development for Far Cry 5 is being led by Ubisoft Montreal.

As the new junior deputy of fictional Hope County, Montana, players will find that their arrival accelerates a years-long silent coup by a fanatical doomsday cult, the Project at Eden’s Gate, igniting a violent takeover of the county. Caught off guard and drawn into a power struggle, players must disrupt the carefully laid plans of the Project at Eden’s Gate and fan the fires of resistance to help liberate the Hope County community and themselves.

Under siege and cut off from the rest of the world, players will join forces with residents of Hope County and form the Resistance. The fight against the cult will take players to unique locations throughout Hope County that provide different gameplay experiences. During their journey, players can fly planes to engage cult forces in aerial dogfights across Big Sky Country. While tracking down cult members and gathering resources for survival across farmland, forests, mountains and rivers, players can get behind the wheel of iconic American muscle cars, big rigs, ATVs and boats. Vehicles also provide refuge when under attack by animals or as a way to quickly escape when things don’t go as planned.

To take down the cult, players will need to utilize any and all weapons at their disposal, including ranged weapons such as guns and grenades and melee weapons like a sledgehammer or baseball bat. Additionally, players can recruit Guns for Hire from a large cast of characters, or even Fangs for Hire, specialized animals like bears and cougars to complement players’ playstyles whether they’re going in stealthily or forcefully. How players approach each situation and the chaos they create in Far Cry 5 is up to them. Far Cry 5 will also see the return of the map editor, giving players the opportunity to create and play an infinite amount of new playgrounds. The map editor will include new features that add a new dimension to the content created by fans, with more details coming soon.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 07:18 AM
Far Cry 5 E3 2017 trailer and gameplay walkthrough, collector’s edition detailed
《极地战嚎 5》|《孤岛惊魂 5》释出 E3 宣传影片和实际游玩影像

  Ubisoft 在今(13)日举办的 2017 年 E3 展前发表会中,曝光由 Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室领衔开发、预定 2018 年 2 月 27 日在 PS4 / Xbox One / Windows PC 同步推出繁体中文版的《极地战嚎 5(Far Cry 5)》新宣传影片,以及实际游玩影像。 内容收录了《极地战嚎 5》的游戏舞台 - 美国蒙大拿州的希望郡的样貌,玩家将可以独自或以双人合作,来随心所欲地探索这个看似安祥却扭曲疯狂的世界。

  《极地战嚎 5》全平台将同步推出中文版,预计 2018 年 2 月 27 日于 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 Xbox One X 推出实体零售版与数字下载版。 PS4 玩家将可免费获得额外的外观组合包。



Ubisoft has released the E3 2017 trailer and gameplay walkthrough for Far Cry 5.

The company also detailed the game’s collector’s edition:

The Hope County, MT Collector’s Case

Available exclusively from the Ubisoft Store, this edition is made for fans eager to immerse themselves in the troubled region of Hope County, Montana. This premium edition offers high-quality collectibles and extends the game experience with extra playable digital content, including:

The Far Cry 5 Gold Edition
A 45 cm–wide and highly detailed deer skull Trophy, with a Far Cry twist
A SteelBook
A double-sided tourist map of Hope County
The game’s original soundtrack
To broaden the player’s in-game experience, the Hope County, MT Collector’s Case gives access to the Far Cry 5 Season Pass, which includes additional stories, content and gear, and the Digital Deluxe Pack, which includes additional vehicles, weapons and outfits.

Far Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 27.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-24 07:26 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-2 08:08 AM
《孤岛惊魂5》合作战役进度不共享 非主机玩家白打

  育碧今天公布了《孤岛惊魂5》合作模式的详情内容,称这种合作模式为随加随离式合作(drop-in drop-out co-op),但是似乎和一些玩家想的不太一样,游戏允许第二名玩家加入,但是第二名玩家在合作完成任务之后并不会获得游戏进度,你得回去自己再跑一遍,或是开个主机再“坑”另一位玩家。在游戏公布时,就确认了合作模式可以由两位玩家一起从头到尾一起打通游戏。


  《孤岛惊魂5》将于2018年2月27日发售,登陆PC,PS4,Xbox One。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-10 10:58 PM

  《孤岛惊魂》系列大多都以深山、荒岛作为背景,不过《孤岛惊魂5》却将被邪教控制的美国蒙大拿州希望镇作为主舞台(为此还曾经引起了部分美国玩家的不满)。为什么本作要将地点选在蒙大拿呢?近日首席编剧Drew Holmes在接受采访时也给出了相关解释,一起来听听看。

  在接受外媒Gamebolt的提问时,Holmes表示:“关于在何地上演《孤岛惊魂》系列的新故事,我们也曾有几个不同的想法。不过在《孤岛危机3》推出过之后,游戏总监Dan Hay总是在探讨将《孤岛惊魂》游戏的背景放在美国的事宜,他真的是说了很多次。于是当我们要确定地点时,我们一开始就决定先去蒙大拿考察。我觉得这里有一种开拓荒野的感觉,强烈的狂野而危险的气息,再加上生机勃勃的动物、高山和宽广的天空。即便是离你日常生活不远的地方,也有很多未知之地。”


  《孤岛惊魂5》将于2018年2月27日发售,登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台,敬请期待。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-22 03:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-22 06:58 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂 5》官方加长版游戏演示

  育碧今天在科隆展上发布了《孤岛惊魂 5》的加长版八分钟演示影片,这次的视频中展示了许多战斗场面,也可以和狗互动,钓鱼。除了往常的陆地枪战之外,这次《孤岛惊魂5》居然可以开飞机进行空战。


  《孤岛惊魂 5》将于 2018 年 2 月 27 日发售,登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC平台,敬请期待。


Far Cry 5 extended gameplay walkthrough

Ubisoft has released an extended gameplay walkthrough of Far Cry 5 following its first gameplay walkthrough at E3 2017 in June.

The video features commentary from the developers of Far Cry 5, who dive deeper into the world of Hope Country, the game’s features, toys, and Boomer.

The first Far Cry game set in America, Far Cry 5 puts players in the role of a new junior deputy in Hope County, Montana. Their arrival, however, accelerates a years-long silent coup by a fanatical doomsday cult, the Project and Eden’s Gate, igniting a violent takeover of the county. Players will join forces with the residents of Hope County to form the Resistance to take on the violent cult.

Far Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 27.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-2 11:16 PM
UBISOFT 宣布葛来美奖音乐人 DAN ROMER 将为《孤岛惊魂 5》制作游戏音乐
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/153360.html

  Ubisoft 今日宣布邀请获得葛来美奖的编曲家、作词人暨音乐制作人 Dan Romer 替《孤岛惊魂 5》谱写游戏配乐以及编写游戏歌曲。《孤岛惊魂 5》游戏原声带将在游戏发售日(2018 年 2 月 27 日)前后推出。


Dan Romer

  替电影《南方野兽乐园》(Beasts of the Southern Wild)、《无境之兽》(Beasts of No Nation)配乐而声名大噪的 Romar,还制作过葛来美得奖单曲「Say Something」和全球热门金曲「 Treat You Better」。 Romar 希望他创造出来的游戏配乐能引领玩家融入虚构的、被疯狂末日教派「伊甸之门计划」占领的蒙大拿州希望郡。 Romer 的编曲运用了斑鸠琴、民谣提琴、金属吉他等许多美洲乐器,并将随着玩家探索动态鲜活的世界以及与邪教徒正面对决而起伏摆荡。 每个地区都有以特定角色为中心的音乐,而这样的音乐则与神父和信徒的动机有着紧密关联。

  除了乐曲之外,《孤岛惊魂 5》的配乐也将包含由 Romer 编写、Bobby Chin 制作、Bobby Chin Nashville Choir 演唱的原创赞美诗歌。 这些诗歌的歌词反映了邪教领导人及成员是如何感化人心,并也隐藏了更多攻讦反抗势力的恶意讯息。 这些赞美诗歌将会混入玩家在探索世界或进行战斗时听到的既有音乐当中。

  首度以美国为舞台的《孤岛惊魂 5》,将让玩家化身为蒙大拿州希望郡的新任郡警随心所欲地探索这个看似安祥却扭曲疯狂的世界。 玩家会发现自己的到来加速了「伊甸之门计划」这个疯狂末日教派多年来暗中进行的政变,且促使他们采取激烈的手段接管这个地区。 与世隔绝且陷入四面楚歌的玩家,将与希望郡的居民组成反抗军对抗邪教势力。

  本次《孤岛惊魂 5》全平台将推出中文版, 2018 年 2 月 27 日于 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Xbox One X 以及 Windows PC 平台推出,Windows PC 版本于亚洲地区仅推出数字版本,将于 STEAM、UPLAY 与巴哈姆特数字商城陆续推出。 PS4 平台的玩家将可免费获得额外《孤岛惊魂 5》外观组合包。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-19 05:05 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-28 07:12 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-31 11:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-31 05:14 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5 ‘Friends for Hire’ co-op trailer





Ubisoft debuted a new trailer for Far Cry 5 during the PlayStation Media Showcase at Paris Games Week 2017 revealing the game’s “Friends for Hire” co-op mode.

Here’s an overview of the mode, via Ubisoft:

In this mode, players will be able to team up with one of their friends to free Hope County from the Project at Eden’s Gate cult.

Immediately following the in-game tutorial, Far Cry 5 will be playable via online co-op. All earned experience and inventory items, excluding quest-based items, will carry over following each co-op session. While exploring Montana, each player will see and collect their own loot. However, the host player is the only player who will keep their story progress.

To help players in their mission to take down the cult, the host player will still be able to recruit “Guns For Hire” or “Fangs for Hire” keeping in mind that you can have up to two buddies, with one being another player, join you in your squad. Far Cry 5 “Friends For Hire” two-player co-op will allow players to explore Hope County and take down the Project at Eden’s Gate in a surprising and chaotic new fashion expanding the possibility of the game’s open world.

Far Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 27.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-15 07:11 AM
Far Cry 5 ~ Recreating Montana


Far Cry 5 – Creating Co-Op Havoc in Hope County

Far Cry is as much about capturing natural beauty as it is about explosive mayhem, and with Far Cry 5, the bar for re-creating the wilderness is especially high. Unlike the fictional Kyrat or Rook Islands, Montana’s forests, farmlands, and highways will feel familiar to a lot of players – and that means the developers needed to accurately capture every detail, from the wildlife to the logos on roadside shops to the bark on trees, to make Hope County feel like a convincing place.

“We needed to change the way we prepared ourselves,” says Isaac Papismado, graphic assistant on Far Cry 5. “In the past, we used the internet, we used a lot of secondary sources, books, things like that. Whereas now, we really want to go onsite with a team with cameras, and get as much as we can.”

That meant taking a series of trips to Montana, during which the developers trekked into small towns and wilderness locations. They got to know Montana’s ecosystem, wildlife, and people, and took thousands of photos, many of which were used to re-create the landscape in a process called photogrammetry. Using photogrammetry, objects like trees, vegetation, buildings, and even people are photographed from multiple angles and scanned to create lifelike 3D objects. This technique led not only to some of the most detailed environments Far Cry has seen to date, but to a few surprises that made their way into the story.

“When Richard, our lead on biomes, came back and scanned a birch, and there was actually a heart shape with initials and names, and we’re like ‘this is awesome!'” says Associate Producer Philippe Fournier. “This is the level of detail you can find in some of the assets. We can tweak it and make it story-based, but getting that sort of detail is definitely a first for us.”

The team’s photos ended up informing not just the look of Far Cry 5’s environments, but the way the game world itself was structured. Like the real Montana, Far Cry 5’s landscape is dotted with road signs and billboards, and they aren’t just set dressing; they’re there to organically alert you to where you are, direct you to specific businesses or locations that might be of help, and even unlock intel about good fishing spots. And a big part of making those messages stick out is through branding.

“Every logo is almost a character in and of itself,” says Fournier. “You’re always asking, ‘what’s the history behind that? Who’s the owner? What’s next, where can I find this person? I see there’s a shop, maybe I can find this shop somewhere?’ And it attracts you to go and find it, so it ties into the exploration of the world as you see those signs.”

Another key part of understanding where you are is in the businesses themselves, which are frequently named for their region or town, or after the characters who run them. In fact, says Graphic Assistant Marco Beauchemin, it wasn’t unusual during development for a business and its branding to develop from characters who appeared in the storyline.

“We have that guy from the narrative, and that guy should have a marina, so let’s give that guy’s name to the marina,” says Beauchemin. From there, that name becomes part of logos and signage, radio ads, billboards, and even vehicles associated with the marina, all of which make that marina feel more like a real place instead of just a point of interest on your map.

The approach to branding isn’t just about business, either. It extends to the homes of the characters themselves; the team wanted to create interiors that felt lived-in, with decorations that tell you something about the person who lives there, what they do, and how well they take care of their stuff.

Another thing that came out of the branding process was the identity of the resistance movement you’ll build in Hope County, which stems from the Hope County Cougars, a local baseball team. Starting out as a sign to dress up a part of a baseball field, the team’s branding spread to pennants and promotional calendars in the game’s bars.

“During production, we came to ‘who are the rebels, what are their logos?'” says Beauchemin. “We took that baseball team. It’s a team of people that are really grounded in the region, so it’s normal that the rebels would take that as their logo, so let’s go for it. And then the narrative added to that with a character who’s all about the baseball team, and we can go into someone’s house and we know that guy was playing for the Cougars a long time ago.”

All of these elements combine to create a rich backdrop for an explosive adventure to liberate Hope County from the grip of The Project at Eden’s Gate cult. Far Cry 5’s world is packed with activity and danger – not the least of which comes from the bears, wolves, skunks, and feared wolverines that might complicate a mission by attacking at any time – and its version of Montana is a beautiful, diverse place to explore.

Far Cry 5 launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on February 27. For more info on the game, check out our previous coverage.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-17 01:01 PM


  柏林工作室由Istvan Tajnay负责领导,他已经在育碧工作了一段时间。不过目前还不知这款《孤岛惊魂》系列新作会是《孤岛惊魂6》,还是一款系列延伸作品,但可以肯定的是这款新作距离与玩家见面一定还有很长一段时间。

  《孤岛惊魂5》确认将在2018年2月27日发售,对应平台为PS4、Xbox One和PC。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-8 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 07:55 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5, The Crew 2 and One More Ubisoft Game Delayed
育碧三款大作将跳票 含《孤岛惊魂5》《飙酷车神2》




Ubisoft Decides to Invest Additional Development Time in Three Games

Today, Ubisoft announced it is investing more time in the development of three upcoming games. Far Cry 5 is now slated for release on March 27th, 2018 (instead of February 27th, 2018) and The Crew 2 will come out in the first half of Fiscal 2018-19 (rather than on March 16th, 2018). In addition, one of the three unannounced franchise games initially planned for release in Fiscal 2018-19 now will be released in Fiscal 2019-20.

Christine Burgess-Quémard, Ubisoft’s Worldwide Studios Executive Director, said, “This decision is in line with our strategic vision of developing even more engaging and higher quality experiences for gamers. Taking more time with Assassin’s Creed Origins enabled our talented development team to fully express their creative vision. As expected, this had a very positive impact on the game’s quality and largely participated to its commercial success. Taking a similar approach, we have decided to invest additional development time in three upcoming games.”

This announcement is being made against a particularly favourable backdrop for Ubisoft, with the month of November seeing continued excellent sales momentum both for back-catalog and new releases.

As a result of both the adjusted lineup and the confirmation of the positive sales trends, Ubisoft is updating its financial 2017-18 targets, notably by revising its profitability upward.

2017-18: Profitability target revised upward

• Sales: Eur 1,640.0 million versus the previous guidance of Eur 1,700.0 million

• Third-quarter sales: Eur 700.0 million versus Eur 630.0 million previously

• Non-IFRS operating income: Eur 270.0 million, unchanged

• Record-high non-IFRS operating margin: 16.5% versus 15.9% previously

2018-19: Targets confirmed and higher visibility

• Sales: Eur 2,100.0 million, unchanged

• The Group is standing by its sales target, with a further move towards a more recurring profile which provides additional visibility: higher levels of back-catalog sales and digital revenue and a lower number of units expected for the 4 AAA releases (The Crew 2, Skull & BonesTM and 2 unannounced franchises). The assumptions underlying Ubisoft’s revenue guidance will be updated at the time of the fiscal third quarter sales release. As a reminder, previously-announced assumptions for 2018-19 were total sales of 28 million units for the four AAA games (3 unannounced franchises and Skull & BonesTM) and digital revenue accounting for more than 55% of the overall sales figure for the fiscal year.

• Non-IFRS operating income: Eur 440.0 million, unchanged

• Free cash flow: approximately Eur 300.0 million, unchanged

Alain Martinez, Chief Financial Officer, stated “Our back-catalog performance throughout November followed the same excellent trends as in the first half of the year and sales for Assassin’s Creed Origins continued their positive launch trajectory. As a result, we are now in a position to both update our financial 2017-18 targets, notably by revising our profitability upward, as well as invest additional development time in our future releases. These positive evolutions, which also give us higher visibility for 2018-19, demonstrate we are successfully transforming our model to make our business more recurring and profitable.”

Ubisoft will publish its sales for the third fiscal quarter on Thursday, February 8th, 2018, after the close of stock market trading.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-16 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-16 04:20 PM 编辑


  育碧公开了《孤岛惊魂 5》最新的宣传片“The Resistance”。本作不久前刚刚宣布延期,目前是预定在 2018 年 3 月 27 日发售,对应PS4、Xbox One与PC平台。










  《孤岛惊魂5》将于2018年3月27日发售,登陆PS4/PC/Xbox One平台,敬请期待。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-20 07:28 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-21 07:38 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-22 07:20 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-17 07:42 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-2 11:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-5 07:10 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5 Season Pass announced, includes Far Cry 3 Classic Edition
Ubisoft 公开《孤岛惊魂 5》故事预告片 揭露后续追加内容计划

转载- 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/158796.html

  Ubisoft 今(5)日公开了《孤岛惊魂 5》Season Pass 资格的内容。 《孤岛惊魂 5》Season Pass 资格除收录在《孤岛惊魂 5》黄金版内,也可于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台另外购买。

  在《孤岛惊魂 5》于 3 月 27 日发售之后,Season Pass 资格将继续为玩家带来新奇特别的《孤岛惊魂》游戏体验。 玩家将在三种独特设定下展开不可思议的冒险:

• 「黑暗时刻」(Hours of Darkness):玩家将穿越时空回到过去的越南对抗越共游击兵。
• 「丧尸出没」(Dead Living Zombies):玩家将在许多 B 级电影的场景中面对蜂拥而来的殭尸大军。
• 「火星迷航」(Lost on Mars):玩家将离开地球大战火星蛛形生物。

  此外,拥有游戏主机版《孤岛惊魂 5》Season Pass 资格的玩家,将可免费获得《孤岛惊魂 3:经典版》的单人游戏内容。 《孤岛惊魂 3:经典版》预定 2018 年夏季于 PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 平台单独发售,而拥有 Season Pass 资格的游戏主机玩家将可提前四周免费取得。

  《孤岛惊魂 3:经典版》将让老玩家和新玩家重游洛克群岛(Rook Islands)迎战《孤岛惊魂》系列里恶名昭彰、由 Michael Mando 配音的大坏蛋伐斯(Vaas)。 玩家将扮演杰森(Jason Brody)探索热带岛屿、寻找及拯救被俘的朋友。 另外,PC 玩家若购买 Season Pass 资格或《孤岛惊魂 5》黄金版将可获得《极地战嚎 3》完整版。

  至于《孤岛惊魂 5》游戏上市后追加内容的细节,包括三个奇特冒险的扼要介绍以及重新回归的地图编辑器,请密切注意日后发布的最新消息。

  首度以美国为舞台的《孤岛惊魂 5》,将让玩家化身为蒙大拿州希望郡的新任郡警随心所欲地探索这个看似安祥却扭曲疯狂的世界。 玩家会发现自己的到来加速了「伊甸之门计划」这个疯狂末日教派多年来暗中进行的政变,且促使他们采取激烈的手段接管这个地区。 与世隔绝且陷入四面楚歌的玩家,将与希望郡的居民组成反抗势力对抗邪教势力。

Ubisoft has announced a Season Pass for Far Cry 5, which will be available as part of the Far Cry 5 Gold Edition or as as a standalone add-on purchase.

The Season Pass will include the three following additional adventures, which will be released at some point following the game’s launch:

All users who purchase the Season Pass will also receive Far Cry 3 Classic Edition, which includes the single-player content from Far Cry 3, as a free download prior to it launching as a standalone purchase this summer for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. PC users who purchase the Season Pass will receive the ful version of Far Cry 3.

More information about post-launch content support for Far Cry 5, including an overview of the three add-ons and the return of the map editor, will be announced at a later date.

Watch a new story trailer for Far Cry 5 and the announcement trailer for Far Cry 3 Classic Edition below. View a high-res version of the Season Pass promotional artwork at the gallery.

Far Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 27, 2018.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-9 04:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-9 08:57 PM 编辑



  《孤岛惊魂5》的故事设定在现代的蒙大纳(美国州名),主角发现自己置身于名为“伊甸之门”著名毁灭日邪教的暴力冲突之中。为了消灭“伊甸之门”,玩家必须要招募市民或者动物来协助他的战斗,他们需要走遍这个地区,然后组建起一支抵抗军队伍,来拯救希望郡。你可以支配使用的市民包括Nick Rye、Grace Armstrong、Boomer、Jess Black、Hurk、Adelaide Drubman和Sharkey Boshaw,还有一条可爱的小狗Boomer。


  《孤岛惊魂5》将于3月27日登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。








作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-17 01:18 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-28 04:53 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-1 12:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-1 07:04 PM 编辑

转载 - A9VG9http://www.a9vg.com/news/201803/7499217672.html)



  《孤岛惊魂5》是系列首部故事设计在美国的游戏作品,游戏将在3月27日发售,对应平台包括PS4、Xbox One和PC。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-2 04:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-2 05:16 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂 5》公开「洗礼」及「伊甸之门内部」真人预告片 了解「圣父」的过去
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/159661.html

  Ubisoft 今(2)日公开了两段全新影片,在第一部影片中,显示每个反派角色也只是有着不凡故事的普通人,透过这段影片将了解约瑟夫. 席德在成为圣父之前的心路历程,以及两人之间的关系渊源。 而第二部影片则是公开了关于「伊甸之门内部」(Inside Eden’s Gate)的短片。

《孤岛惊魂 5》The Baptism Live Action Trailer


  约瑟夫. 席德在十年前来到蒙大拿州希望郡时,杰隆. 杰弗里牧师是最早接触他的人之一。 当时杰隆牧师还是郡民的心灵牧者。 但没过多久,教区居民纷纷离开教堂转投约瑟夫的怀抱。 约瑟夫认为信众应能自己选择通往神的道路。 之后危机接踵而至,杰隆牧师被人狠揍一顿丢到树林里等死。 但他挺了过来并拿起了他的圣经,根据我们提供的情报前往秋末镇。

  在影片中将一窥是什么原因或者是谁,把这两个信仰坚定的人链接在一起,并且见证《孤岛惊魂 5》极恶反派人物的诞生。

《孤岛惊魂 5》Inside Eden’s Gate Short Film Announce Trailer


  以蒙大拿州为背景所虚构的小镇「希望郡」中,将深入剖析邪教「伊甸之门」的「伊甸之门计划」以及该宗教领导人,无情的「圣父」乔瑟夫. 席德。 本短片是由 Ubisoft 与美国电影公司 The Asylum 一同制作。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-3 12:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-3 02:11 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5 'Cult Vignette' Trailers and Gameplay
《孤岛惊魂 5》于巴黎公开「雇佣朋友」等玩法细节 与好友并肩作战歼灭邪教!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/159714.html

  Ubisoft 日前在法国巴黎举办媒体活动,进一步公开了《孤岛惊魂 5》的全新游戏内容,本次除了详细介绍先前所公开过的游戏内容,包括开放式的游戏世界、以邪教为反派的故事架构之外,也展示了雇佣兵系统以及双人合作模式详细的玩法, 玩家除了打击邪教完成任务之外,还能够自由地进行探索,从事包括钓鱼、狩猎以及飞行活动。 而现场也提供了最新版本的试玩,抢先体验更完整的游戏内容。



  本次现场邀请到《孤岛惊魂 5》的创意总监 Dan Hay、叙事导演 JS Decant 以及副制作人 Phil Fournier 为玩家进一步介绍游戏。 Dan Hay 指出,玩家可以透过征募「雇佣兵」(Guns For Hire)加入你的反抗势力,佣兵一次最多可使用 3 种特殊技能,将成为玩家强大的助手。 至于要如何征募「雇佣兵」呢? 玩家必须在游戏中完成特定任务,像是帮助佣兵逃离邪教的魔爪,在完成任务之后便能决定是否要雇佣该佣兵了。

  目前已公开的雇佣兵包括狙击手葛蕾丝. 阿姆斯特朗、飞行员尼克. 莱伊、小赫克. 杜拉布曼、女猎人洁丝. 布莱克、技师鲨奇. 波萧以及艾朵雷. 杜拉布曼,从游戏中的信息来看目前游戏中包含了约 12 位的雇佣兵让玩家选择,他们各自都有不同的技能帮助玩家能更轻易地解决邪教徒。


狙击手葛蕾丝. 阿姆斯特朗


飞行员尼克. 莱伊


小赫克. 杜拉布曼


女猎人洁丝. 布莱克


技师鲨奇. 波萧


艾朵雷. 杜拉布曼

  Dan Hay 同时指出,如果玩家在尚未暴露在敌人视野的情况下呼叫佣兵袭击敌人,佣兵便能顺利地从暗处不留痕迹的解决敌人。 此外,玩家还能够利用「雇佣猛兽」(Fangs for Hire),包括了阿布(狗)、起司汉宝(熊)以及阿桃(美洲狮)。



  阿布是条乐意学新把戏的老狗。 入侵的邪教把牠的家人从牠身边带走。 但是,阿布依然是那些牠信得过的人的忠实伙伴。 牠随时准备好用牠的灵敏嗅觉对抗邪教。

  希望郡的毛孩子,饥饿肉坦起司汉宝。 牠的名字来自于牠最喜爱的食物。 牠还是小熊的时候,被人发现在「烧烤条纹」后方的垃圾子车里大啖油腻的厨余。 邪教入侵后,牠的饲主韦德很快就发现雅各布用起司汉宝做实验。 为了不让雅各布染指他心爱的熊,韦德决定放牠自由好保护自己,免得沦为雅各布的实验牺牲品。



  阿桃原本舒适的每日规律生活,在「伊甸之门」来了之后全乱了套。 牠设法逃离了囚笼,并且重拾作为杀戮机器的本能。 牠会开心地撕裂那些打扰牠午睡的倒霉邪教徒并大啖他们的血肉。 力量极大、悄然无声且致命无比的阿桃实际上只是一头大猫,只要你带了对牠胃口的食物,牠愿意追随你到天涯海角。

  除了上述两种帮助玩家的系统之外,Dan Hay 谈到游戏中也包括了双人模式,也就是雇佣朋友(Friends for Hire)。 玩家在完成游戏前期的教学之后,除了能雇佣兵之外,也能邀请好友一同进行双人模式。 在游戏中该名受邀请的好友将以自定义的造型在游戏中现身,玩家将可透过语音聊天系统沟通,此外,还能分享医疗包以及弹药帮助彼此。

  在游戏中只有主持的玩家能接受任务、招募并且对佣兵下达指令,而朋友则是能保留在任务中所获得的枪枝、技能以及战利品。 游戏也会透过考虑玩家各自的位置,并在玩家距离太远时将其传送到另一名玩家附近,以确保双方能照应彼此。 另外,合作模式只能与在玩家好友名单中的玩家进行,如果只想要单人游玩的话玩家可将该功能关闭。

  另外也针对了游戏中的许多角色进行介绍,由于此次游戏中营造出对抗邪教的诡谲气氛,玩家在游戏一开始会发现自己将孤独的对抗邪教,而寻求其他友军的支持与否将会影响玩家的生存之路。 玩家在通过一开始的教学任务之后,即可自定义角色外观,包括发型、肤色、服饰外观等造型都能依个人喜好自创造独一无二的角色。

  Dan Hay 表示,游戏中的反派「伊甸之门」除了圣父约瑟夫. 席德之外,还包含了他的家人:费丝. 席德(妖女)、约翰. 席德(异端审判者)以及雅各布. 席德(战士)。 三人各司其职,一同协助圣父巩固「伊甸之门」计划,玩家将会在游戏中面对这些角色,并且深入了解他们的背景。 同时也能从地图中确认邪教势力,并且选择针对何处进攻,自由度相当高。




费丝. 席德(妖女)、约翰. 席德(异端审判者)以及雅各布. 席德(战士)

  而游戏中还有一大重点,就是在开放世界中进行探索,包括主线任务以及支线任务、雇佣兵系统都鼓励玩家自行探索进行冒险,这之中包括了最重要的系统之一,反抗势力量表(Resistance Meter), 玩家在游戏中所作的行为将会改变量表的值,如果因此激怒教徒的话,动态 AI 将追踪玩家在游戏中所做出的行为,并且改变攻击玩家的战略。 玩家在任务之余,还能自由地进行钓鱼、狩猎以及飞行活动,同时还能赚取金钱购买喜爱的物品或是外观。 Dan Hay 表示,《极地战嚎 5》希望玩家能够自行探索,找出喜欢的玩法,除了单人游玩外,也鼓励玩家与好友通力合作完成任务,并且在过程中注意反抗势力量表以及邪教动向,彻底享受游戏带来的乐趣。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-3 01:13 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-3 02:11 PM

Far Cry 5 – Mountains, Militia, and Igniting a Powder Keg of Cultists

Far Cry 5 launches in just under a month, so it's time to visit a new region of Hope County: the Whitetail Mountains, a rugged land of trees, ziplines, and tons of opportunities to snipe cultists and blow stuff up. Montana's mountain country is a paradise for stealthy players, with plenty of forests to hide in and wingsuit-friendly cliffs for getting the drop on enemies, and it's home to some of the toughest people you'll meet in Far Cry 5.

Before we get a chance to journey into the mountains, however, Far Cry 5 begins in the passenger seat of a helicopter. A U.S. Marshal has come to Hope County to arrest Joseph "The Father" Seed, leader of The Project at Eden's Gate cult. As a rookie sheriff's deputy, you get to ride along with the marshal, the sheriff (who thinks this is a terrible idea), and another deputy. Landing at the cult's compound, you walk straight up to Joseph's chapel unchallenged, and slap the cuffs on him over his followers' protestations. As you run back to the landing zone, captive in tow, the cult starts getting rowdy, ultimately crawling all over the helicopter as you take off. If you're looking toward the cockpit, you'll see one of them climbing up the windshield, only to jump straight up into the rotors – which sends you spiraling back to Earth.

Before we get a chance to journey into the mountains, however, Far Cry 5 begins in the passenger seat of a helicopter. A U.S. Marshal has come to Hope County to arrest Joseph "The Father" Seed, leader of The Project at Eden's Gate cult. As a rookie sheriff's deputy, you get to ride along with the marshal, the sheriff (who thinks this is a terrible idea), and another deputy. Landing at the cult's compound, you walk straight up to Joseph's chapel unchallenged, and slap the cuffs on him over his followers' protestations. As you run back to the landing zone, captive in tow, the cult starts getting rowdy, ultimately crawling all over the helicopter as you take off. If you're looking toward the cockpit, you'll see one of them climbing up the windshield, only to jump straight up into the rotors – which sends you spiraling back to Earth.

Getting to Jacob through his army of zealots won't be easy, but you'll have some powerful friends in your corner. The Whitetail Militia, led by shaggy, bearded Eli, have been fighting a losing battle against Jacob's troops, and you're just the help they need to tip the scales. They'll give you most of your missions in the region, telling you to rescue missing militia members or help set up a pirate radio station, but your real support on the ground comes from three other operators with their own axes to grind against the cult.

First up, there's Hurk, whose full name turns out to be Hurk Drubman, Jr. Hurk lives in the shadow of his cigar-chewing politician father, who thinks he's an idiot but still sends him along to help watch your back. Toting a rocket launcher and his usual dimwitted enthusiasm, he's great for those moments when you want to charge into a cult outpost, guns blazing, and just annihilate your foes as quickly as possible. So is Cheeseburger, a tame bear who'll join you after you liberate his home – a tourist destination known as the F.A.N.G. Center – and give him a couple of salmon. While Cheeseburger has issues with diabetes (possibly from eating too much of his namesake), they haven't slowed him down at all, and watching him rip through squads of cultists and toss them around like ragdolls adds an extra touch of brutality to your raids.

If you're more of a stealthy player, you'll want to stick with Jess Black, a scarred loner who hunts with a bow and has a vendetta against a flamethrower-carrying zealot called "The Cook." Free her from the local lumber mill and help her take down The Cook, and she'll join your growing resistance, at which point you may find yourself impressed by her ability to take down helicopters with just her bow and a flaming arrow.

You can bring two Guns for Hire into battle with you at a time, drawing from a pool of specialists, like the three mentioned above, as well as any of the civilians you recruit to the cause. (For extra fun, you can pair up two specialists that don't see eye to eye, like Jess and Hurk, and listen to their banter.) And if you want a really versatile partner – one who can do everything you can do, cover angles you didn't even think of, and laugh at your jokes – Far Cry 5 also lets you play through the campaign with a buddy in co-op. Not only does this let you inventively rip up Hope County alongside a friend, but you'll still be able to roll with a computer-controlled companion. Your partner won't keep the progress you make in their own game, but they will get to hang on to any weapons, money, or skills they earn while you mow down cultists together.

The battle for Hope County begins on March 27, when Far Cry 5 launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more on the game, check out our previous Far Cry 5 coverage.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-6 06:28 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-7 05:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-7 06:30 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5 Season Pass Detailed, Far Cry Arcade Map Editor Announced
《孤岛惊魂 5》全新 「游乐场」6 对 6 PVP 模式曝光 自定义地图玩法体验对战魅力!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/159808.html

  Ubisoft 日前于巴黎公开了《孤岛惊魂 5》全新「游乐场(Arcade)」多人游玩游戏模式,玩家可藉由此模式与好友或是网络上的玩家进行 6 对 6 的 PVP 对战,除此之外还能透过官方提供的编辑器, 针对对战玩法以及地图等细节自行设计,甚至还能将《刺客教条》等经典作品的元素纳如其中,全凭玩家自由创作。

  官方也在今日正式释出「游乐场」模式更多相关情报,「游乐场」模式中将提供三种游玩模式,包括单人模式、合作模式及 6 对 6 对战模式,此外更有超过 9000 个对象让玩家能发挥创意自由编辑,这些素材则是来自于《孤岛惊魂 4》、《孤岛惊魂 》、《孤岛惊魂:野蛮纪源》、《刺客教条:大革命》以及《刺客教条 4:黑旗》等六款经典作品。


  另外,在《孤岛惊魂 5》上市之后,Ubisoft 也计划推出一系列的更新,包括「黑暗时刻」、「火星迷航」以及「丧尸出没」等内容,更预计在四月推出「极地战嚎 5 在线活动」及「游乐场欢乐夜」等免费活动,让玩家能够充分游玩本作。


  此次曝光的「游乐场」玩法,在选单上采用了复古怀旧的 8-bit 风格设计,玩家除了可以透过「游乐场」进行单人模式之外,还能够与最多 11 位玩家进行 6 对 6 的多人对战,并且透过语音系统实时进行沟通。 而玩家在「游乐场」模式中,也能展示出玩家在主故事模式中为角色所精心打扮的造型外观,同时也能欣赏其他玩家的穿搭风格。

  玩家在进入游戏后,即可选择不同的配置、例如喜爱远距离狙杀敌人的玩家可以选择狙击枪;爱好正面硬碰硬的玩家则可以选择突击步枪来冲锋陷阵。 玩家在游戏中也能透过选单观看击杀的人数以及死亡数等数据。 此次游玩的模式类似死斗模式,两方的玩家在限制时间内交锋,最后依照击杀人数来决定优胜队伍。

  在单人模式中本次试玩开放了两张地图,除了地形不同之外玩法也有所不同。 首张地图「旅程」中玩家必须找出逃生路径,在曲折的路线之中破解迷宫。 而第二张地图「赏金猎杀」中则是类似歼灭战的玩法,玩家在地图中必须找出敌人予以痛击,接着逃出生天。 玩家还能利用滑索、载具等方式来攻击隐藏在建筑中的敌军。 地图中也有补给箱让玩家可以补充火力,避免弹药不足的窘境。 《孤岛惊魂 5》将在 3 月 27 日于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台正式推出。



Ubisoft Details Far Cry 5 Post-Launch Details With Season Pass and Free Content from Far Cry Arcade and Live Events

Today, Ubisoft detailed a bevy of post-launch content, including three DLC adventures in the Season Pass and free content for all with Far Cry Arcade and live events, coming to Far Cry 5 following the launch on March 27th.

Players who purchase the Season Pass or Far Cry 5 Gold Edition will continue their uncanny adventures in three pieces of DLC: Hours of Darkness, Dead Living Zombies and Lost on Mars.

• Hours of Darkness: Players will travel back in time to Vietnam to battle against Việt Cộng soldiers and save their fellow soldiers

• Dead Living Zombies: Players will team up with friends to fight waves of zombies across seven different scenarios cooked up by a b-movie director

• Lost on Mars: Players will leave Earth behind to go toe-to-claws with martian arachnids to save Earth from an alien invasion

Additionally, all Far Cry 5 Season Pass owners playing on consoles will receive the single-player content from another critically-acclaimed Far Cry series entry with Far Cry 3 Classic Edition, which will be available to season pass holders four weeks prior to launching as a standalone purchase in summer 2018. PC players will receive the full version of Far Cry 3 at a later date following the launch of Far Cry 5.

All Far Cry 5 players will also have access to Far Cry Arcade, the evolution of the map editor that will deliver an endless amount of free gameplay and map creation opportunities for players. Far Cry Arcade will include assets from previous Far Cry games as well as other Ubisoft titles, including content from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Assassin’s Creed Unity and Watch_Dogs, that can be used to make solo, co-op and PvP multiplayer experiences.

Finally, Far Cry 5 will also host Live Events that reward players with new customisation items including unique vehicle and weapon skins for completing different challenges as they explore Hope County.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-10 10:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-10 10:22 AM 编辑


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-14 07:23 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-15 06:25 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-16 07:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 07:49 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂5》伊甸之门教父预告 教父真的是坏人吗?

  近日育碧中国官方微博公布了《孤岛惊魂5(Far Cry 5)》伊甸之门教父中文预告片,视频介绍了《孤岛惊魂5》中敌人的资料设定,还能看看教父到底是怎么样的一个人?他真的是个坏人吗?


  《孤岛惊魂5》将于3月27日发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-16 07:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 07:57 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂5》将引入“真实弹道” 大大增加射击难度

  《孤岛惊魂5(Far Cry 5)》还有半个月不到就要正式发售了。今天育碧制作人Phil Fournier就公布了一些游戏的最新情报,据悉将为游戏带来新特色“真实弹道”,下面一起来看看吧。



《孤岛惊魂5》内含微交易 战役模式可离线游玩


  和育碧此前的许多游戏一样,《孤岛惊魂5》将包含微交易内容。“我们已经将游戏设置得相当慷慨了,”执行制作人 Dan Hay 表示,“我们将游戏设计成…没有任何东西是被锁定的。你可以尽情探索,游戏将会对你的探索进行奖励。”而如果你希望通过花钱来使游戏推进更加顺利,他们也提供这样的选项。

  育碧公关部门随后就《孤岛惊魂5》的微交易情况发布了完整声明,称其将允许玩家们加速游戏进程。目前“加速”的具体方式还有待公布,不过我们可以从最近的《刺客信条 起源》中寻找线索。该作提供了包含一些道具和游戏内货币的“时间节省包”,玩家可以使用它们来加快游戏进度,这些内容是完全可选的,并且可以通过正常游戏来解锁。《孤岛惊魂5》中有可能也会采用相似的做法。



  《孤岛惊魂5》将于2018年3月27日发售,登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台,中文版同步推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-20 03:09 PM
别忘了脚边忠心的好伙伴! 《孤岛惊魂 5》公布真实狗狗宣传影片「像阿布一样玩! 」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/160334.html

  Ubisoft 制作,即将于 3 月 27 日推出的《孤岛惊魂 》系列最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC《孤岛惊魂 5》台译:《极地战嚎 5(Far Cry 5)》,今(20)日公布由真人与真狗拍摄的宣传影片「像阿布一样玩! 」。


《孤岛惊魂 5》宣传影片「像阿布一样玩! 」

  这段影片以游戏中登场的狗狗伙伴「阿布」为主题,呈现玩家与狗狗之间的温馨互动。 阿布是游戏中登场的玩家雇佣伙伴之一,原本是该地区知名的冠军猎犬,退休后在主人的农场生活,不过邪教却夺走了牠的家人。 游戏中阿布可以替玩家侦察周遭,还可以抢夺敌人的枪械叼给玩家。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-25 09:16 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-26 06:28 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-28 01:00 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-28 04:16 PM
《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》发售日确定 季票玩家提前玩到

  在今年2月份的时候育碧曾宣布,购买了《孤岛惊魂5》季票或者黄金版的主机玩家,将会在之后免费获得《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》,而购入季票/黄金版的 PC 玩家则可以获得完整内容的原版《孤岛惊魂3》。

  今天凌晨育碧在 Steam 正式公布了游戏的发售日期,《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》将会提前4周在5月29日率先与持有《孤岛惊魂5》季票/黄金版的主机玩家见面,非季票玩家可以在6月26日单独购买《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》。按照此前育碧描述中的“单人模式”,有理由推测主机平台的《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》应该是只包含单人战役内容。

  除了《孤岛惊魂3 经典版》之外,《孤岛惊魂5》的季票还包含3个独立的故事内容,分别是:

《Hours of Darkness》:回到越南与越战士兵对抗。
《Dead Living Zombies》:在B级片风格的故事中面对成群的僵尸。
《Lost on Mars》:离开地球,与火星“蜘蛛”决一死战。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 02:27 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-24 02:48 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-25 01:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 02:59 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness Teaser Trailer ~ Vietnam DLC
《孤岛惊魂 5》首个扩展包DLC「黑暗時刻」将于 6 月 5 日发售

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/948231.jhtml

  育碧在今日宣布《孤岛惊魂5》的首个扩展包「黑暗時刻」将会在 6 月 5 日推出,单独售价为12美元,购买了黄金版或拥有季票的玩家可以免费获得。

  在“黑暗時刻”中,玩家将扮演《孤岛惊魂5》本篇中的越战老兵温德尔·雷德莱,回到越南战场,拯救被俘虏的队友,并一路上对抗 NVA 及 VC 士兵,最终活着返回撤离点。





Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness Launches on June 5th

Today, Ubisoft announced Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness, the first post-launch adventure, will release on June 5th across all platforms. The first DLC will transport players back in time as they play Hope County’s Wendell “Red” Redler, who must find and rescue his fellow squad members from hostile forces during the Vietnam War. Hours of Darkness can be purchased as a standalone DLC or as part of the Far Cry 5 Season Pass and Gold Edition.

Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness transports players into a war-torn Vietnam as they relive the harrowing experience of Wendell Redler from the main campaign of Far Cry 5. Playable in solo or online co-op, Hours of Darkness transports players from rural Montana to a dangerous jungle where they must rescue imprisoned squad mates, wreak havoc on the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army, and fight to get back home. This first DLC adventure will feature new gear and abilities as well as two different playable modes that will be unlocked after completing Hours of Darkness: Survivor Mode, giving players a limited load out for a more challenging play through, and Action Movie Mode, where a generous load out delivers over-the-top action.

In addition to the DLC, all Far Cry 5 players will have access to new Vietnam-themed assets in Far Cry Arcade available on May 24th with the release of the Vietnam title update. Map builders will be able to integrate these assets into their existing maps or create new maps focused on the Hours of Darkness theme. All future DLCs will also include thematic assets that will be added to Far Cry Arcade for free.

Alongside today’s title update, Ubisoft released the soundtrack for Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness. Composed by Wade MacNeil (Alexisonfire, Gallows, Black Lungs) and Andrew Gordon Macpherson. Driven by fear, confusion and violence, the music takes us on a journey into the madness of war. With the participation of renowned multi-instrumentalist Kim Uyen Le, Wade and Andrew have created a sound palette that blends traditional Vietnamese instruments with hypnotic, late 60’s psychedelic soundscapes, gritty vintage electronic textures, and pounding rhythmic patterns.

Far Cry 5 post-launch will continue with two new DLC adventures – Lost on Mars and Dead Living Zombies – which will be released this year in July and August. Two additional asset drops will give map builders more tools to create unique Far Cry Arcade experiences. The DLC adventures are available in the Season Pass, or as standalone DLC purchases, while new asset releases for Far Cry Arcade will be available for free to all players.

Set in America, a first for the franchise, Far Cry 5 offers players total freedom to navigate a serene-looking yet deeply twisted world as the new junior deputy of fictional Hope County, Montana. Players will find that their arrival accelerates a years-long silent coup by a fanatical doomsday cult, the Project at Eden's Gate, igniting a violent takeover of the county. Under siege and cut off from the rest of the world, players will join forces with residents of Hope County and form the Resistance. Far Cry 5 will continue to receive premium DLC adventures available in the Season Pass as well as free content including new Far Cry Arcade assets and in-game live events following the launch.

For more information about Far Cry 5, please visit farcry.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-30 04:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-30 07:46 PM 编辑

《孤岛惊魂  3:经典版》首度官方中文化 今起开放《孤岛惊魂  5》季票玩家免费下载
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/163305.html

  Ubisoft 今(30)日宣布,拥有 PS4 或 Xbox One《孤岛惊魂  5》黄金版或 Season Pass 资格的玩家,即日起可提前下载免费取得《孤岛惊魂  3:经典版》中文版,重温这款经典作品紧凑刺激的单人故事剧情体验。 而拥有《极地战嚎 5》黄金版或是 Season Pass 资格的 PC 版玩家,亦将直接获得 PC《孤岛惊魂  3》豪华版完整游戏,并于近日透过免费更新追加繁体中文语言。

  首度带来官方繁体中文化的《孤岛惊魂  3:经典版》将带领玩家重新回到洛克岛(Rook Island),挑战本游戏系列中最恶名昭彰的反派-范斯(Vaas)。 玩家身为冒险主角杰森‧布罗迪(Jason Brody),必须小心探索这座热带岛屿并从中设法解救他被关在监牢中的朋友们。

  《孤岛惊魂  3:经典版》预定 6 月 26 日在 PlayStation 4 及 Xbox One 独立推出数字下载版与实体零售版,现已开放《孤岛惊魂  5》Season Pass 资格玩家提前免费下载。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-6 06:28 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-13 06:36 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-11 11:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-11 03:02 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5 'Lost on Mars' DLC Launches July 17
《孤岛惊魂5》DLC「火星迷航记」公布 7 月 17 日登陆

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/8009319794.html

  今天,育碧公布了《孤岛惊魂5》发售后的第二个全新冒险故事「火星迷航记」将于7月17日登陆PS4系列平台、Xbox One(包括Xbox One X)平台以及PC平台。《火星迷航记》将延续《孤岛惊魂5》季票内容的奇异冒险,玩家将扮演飞行员尼克·莱伊与小赫克·杜拉布曼一同前往火星,摧毁外星生物的巢穴。「火星迷航记」包含于《孤岛惊魂5》季票及黄金版中,同时也支持单独购买。

  DLC「火星迷航记」将把玩家带离希望郡来到疯狂的红色星球上,而尼克·莱伊与小赫克·杜拉布曼将被传送至这个充满敌意的行星上,努力恢复代表人类最后防线的人工智能“ANNE”的能量。这次的全新冒险还将为玩家提供全新的外星武器,包括“Blaster of Disaster”,“Hellfire”以及“Morphinator”,还有能在宇宙空间穿越的全新工具太空喷气背包。人类的未来就握在《孤岛惊魂5》两位“狠”角色的手中,是时候消灭一些虫子了!





Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars Launches on July 17th

Today, Ubisoft announced Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars, the second post-launch adventure, will release July 17th 2018 on available platforms. Lost on Mars continues the uncanny adventures in the Far Cry 5 Season Pass as players travel to Mars to eradicate an alien threat. Lost on Mars can be purchased as a stand-alone DLC, as part of the season pass or the Gold Edition.

Lost on Mars transports the franchise’s insanity from Hope County to the red planet as Nick Rye is teleported to a hostile planet to help his buddy Hurk thwart an alien invasion of Earth. This adventure gives players a new arsenal of alien weaponry, including the Blaster of Disaster, Hellfire and Morphinator, while also introducing a new transversal tool with Space Jets. Humankind’s future is in the hands of the game’s most notorious guns-for-hire. Time to squash some bugs!

In addition, all Far Cry 5 players will have access to new Mars-themed assets in Far Cry Arcade, which is available now. Map builders will be able to integrate these assets into their existing maps or create new sci-fi-themed maps. Future content will also include thematic assets that will be added to Far Cry Arcade for free. Those who download the Lost on Mars DLC will also gain access to new weapons – Obliteratorrrr, Taser Phazer Annihilazer, Nerve Reaper, Grape Popper and Hellfire – to use as they liberate Hope County from the Project at Eden’s Gate.

Far Cry 5 post-launch will continue with a final DLC adventure – Dead Living Zombies – which will be released in August. An additional asset drop will give map builders more tools to create unique Far Cry Arcade experiences. The adventures are available in the season pass or as stand-alone DLC purchases, while new asset releases for Far Cry Arcade will be available for free to all players in future title updates.

Set in America, a first for the franchise, Far Cry 5 offers players total freedom to navigate a serene-looking yet deeply twisted world as the new junior deputy of fictional Hope County, Montana. Players will find that their arrival accelerates a years-long silent coup by a fanatical doomsday cult, the Project at Eden’s Gate, igniting a violent takeover of the county. Under siege and cut off from the rest of the world, players will join forces with residents of Hope County and form the Resistance. Far Cry 5 will continue to receive premium DLC adventures available in the season pass, as well as free content, including new Far Cry Arcade assets and in-game live events following the launch.

For more information about Far Cry 5, please visit farcry.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-16 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-16 08:31 PM 编辑

Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars ~ Space Weapons, Arachnids and Exploding Farm Animals


Far cry 5 - “The Mars Update”

Far Cry insanity and the red planet collide in Lost On Mars, the second DLC from the Far Cry 5 Season Pass.

When Nick Rye agrees to help Hurk out of a jam, he never expects it will lead him outside of Hope County … and all the way to Mars! Teleported to a hostile planet with only Hurk by his side, Nick must master powerful technology to battle alien arachnids and restore power to ANNE – a futuristic AI who represents humanity’s last line of defense against eight-legged invaders with Earth in their sights.

Soar over the dunes and canyons of Mars with a jet pack, blast deadly arachnids with lazers - and save mankind while you’re at it. Lost on Mars is a Far Cry adventure that’s truly out of this world.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-17 10:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-18 01:44 PM 编辑


  今天,育碧公布了《孤岛惊魂5》发售后的第三个全新冒险故事「活死人僵尸」将于8月28日登陆PS4系列平台、Xbox One(包括Xbox One X)平台以及PC平台。《活死人僵尸》将延续《孤岛惊魂5》季票内容的奇异冒险。「活死人僵尸」包含于《孤岛惊魂5》季票及黄金版中,同时也支持单独购买。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-29 11:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-29 07:55 PM 编辑


  今天,育碧的《孤岛惊魂5》的第三个全新冒险故事「活死人僵尸」现已登陆 PS4、Xbox One及 PC 平台。《活死人僵尸》将延续《孤岛惊魂5》季票内容的奇异冒险。「活死人僵尸」包含于《孤岛惊魂5》季票及黄金版中,同时也支持单独购买。





• 「新游戏+」模式:「新游戏+」功能允许玩家重玩已经完成的主线战役,并保留角色进度。 同时「新游戏+」包含了可升级技能效果以及更高难度的「Infamous模式」,在此模式下,敌人将拥有更多血量、可造成更多伤害并且拥有更快的反应速度。

• 可破坏物体:射击或以其他方式摧毁一般建筑墙体时会将其击碎。可破坏物体的范围包括几何形状和建筑元素,玩家也可自行组合不同形状和纹理来感受无尽的“破坏”乐趣。

• 脚本工具:地图制作者们可以利用脚本工具,通过玩家在地图中的行为来触发不同的行动。例如,玩家在做出特定动作时,如击杀敌人、到达指定地点或查看特定物体,地图制作者可改变游戏内的时间、传送玩家至某地,添加慢动作效果,改变游戏音乐,增减游戏中的敌人或物品。该功能将为游戏开辟新领域提供可能,而地图制作者们也能在新的层面为自己的地图加入可视化的故事剧情。


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