标题: 请问有人要代理/买BeeStory 纯天然龙眼蜜吗?品质保证!!!价廉物美!!! [打印本页]

作者: vin    时间: 2017-11-14 12:37 PM
标题: 请问有人要代理/买BeeStory 纯天然龙眼蜜吗?品质保证!!!价廉物美!!!
本帖最后由 vin 于 2017-11-14 05:52 PM 编辑

请问有人要代理/买BeeStory 纯天然龙眼蜜吗?


-        BeeStory龙眼蜜由蜜蜂从龙眼花粉中获取; 就在泰国北部知名的龙眼果树
-        这蜂蜜色泽为金棕色
-        具有龙眼的清新香味
-        100%纯天然无添加人造香精和色素
-蜂蜜可能结晶,但这并不影响其质量。 在蜂蜜结晶的情况下,将瓶子放入温水中,直到蜂蜜再次成液态。

BeeStory Longan Blossom Honey isharvested by bees from the pollination of longan
flowers; a well known longan fruit treein north Thailand. This honey has golden brown colour, with a fresh sweet scentof longan flavour, making it most unique and preferable among all honeyin Thailand. Its 100% pure and natural without adding artificial flavouring andcolouring. It’s rich in Vitamins and minerals that is beneficial to people ofall ages.

- BeeStory Longan Blossom Honey is harvested by bees from the pollination of longan flowers; a well known longan n fruit tree in north Thailand.
- This honey has golden brown colour
- With a fresh sweet scent of longan flavour

- Its 100% pure and natural without adding artificial flavouring and colouring.
Direction of use:         
Take 1 tablespoon as daily supplement,as spread, mixing with drinks, cooking or add to your dessert for delicateflavour.
Country of origin: Thailand
Ingredient: 100% honey
Nett weight: 1kg
Shelf life: 3 years

Important Note:
- Seasonal variance in taste andtexture may be observed as a natural occurrence of raw and natural honey.
- 100% pure & natural honey ispacked at a low temperature to maintain its natural colour and flavour.
- The honey may crystallize but thisdoes not affect its quality. In the events that the honey crystallizes, leavethe jar in warm water until the honey becomes clear again.
- Honey should not be given to infantsunder 12 months of age.
- Store in a cool and dry place, awayfrom direct heat and sunlight.
作者: vin    时间: 2017-11-14 12:39 PM
本帖最后由 vin 于 2017-11-14 05:52 PM 编辑

有谁有兴趣购买 蜂蜜可以找我,结婚伴手礼不想要送茶叶 想要送蜂蜜给宾客也可以找我~

龙眼蜜又称“桂圆蜜”,是蜜中上品, BeeStory龙眼蜜由蜜蜂从龙眼花粉中获取; 就在泰国北部知名的龙眼果树。 这蜂蜜色泽呈琥珀色,食味甘甜,不易结晶,具有龙眼的清新香味,使其成为泰国所有蜂蜜中最独一无二的蜂蜜。 100%纯天然无添加人造香精和色素。含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,对所有年龄段的人都有益。

作者: vin    时间: 2017-11-14 12:39 PM
作者: vin    时间: 2017-11-14 12:39 PM

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