标题: 【PS4】Brave Neptunia [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-23 01:38 PM
标题: 【PS4】Brave Neptunia
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-24 11:21 PM 编辑

Brave Neptunia to be released for PS4, subtitle announced
《勇者涅普迪努》游戏标题正式确定 4 月 26 日将释出更多消息

转载 - 巴哈姆特9https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/161772.html)

  Compile Heart 发行,先前宣布将在 PlayStation 4 主机上推出的角色扮演游戏《勇者涅普迪努(勇者ネプテューヌ)》,Compile Heart 社长东风轮敬久在官方影片中宣布,本作的副标题将为「 世界阿宇宙阿刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! (世界よ宇宙よ刮目せよ!! アルティメットRPG宣言!! )」。

  正式命名为《勇者涅普迪努 世界阿宇宙阿刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! (勇者ネプテューヌ 世界よ宇宙よ刮目せよ!! アルティメットRPG宣言!! )》的本游戏,是《超次元战记 战机少女》系列的最新衍生作品,由位于加拿大的游戏工作室 Artisan Studios 和日本的 Compile Heart 合作开发,将带来新的 2D 横向滚动条 RPG 玩法,展现系列游戏截然不同的内容。

  根据官方的预告,将会在 4 月 26 日于日本发售的电击 PlayStation 杂志上曝光本作的新情报,其中包含角色原画、游戏画面、事件 CG 以及制作团队访谈,有兴趣的玩家不妨留意。

  《勇者涅普迪努 世界阿宇宙阿刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》目前发售日期和售价皆尚未宣布。

Brave Neptunia, the March-announced 2D action game entry in the Neptunia series developed by the Quebec-based Artisan Studios, will be subtitled “Sekai Yo Uchuu Yo Katsumoku Seyo!! Ultimate RPG Sengen!!” (“World! Universe! Pay Attention!! Ultimate RPG Declaration!!) and be released for PlayStation 4, Compile Heart announced.

Volume 661 of Dengeki PlayStation, which launches April 26 in Japan, will have a cover story on Brave Neptunia with further details.

Watch a video featuring Neptunia series executive producer Norihisa Kochiwa announcing the subtitle below. Visit the game’s official website here.http://www.compileheart.com/neptune/yu-shanep/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-24 02:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-25 03:45 PM 编辑

First look at Brave Neptunia
《勇者海王星 世界宇宙瞩目 究极RPG宣言》发售日确定 游戏类型为2D横向卷轴RPG

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/3996118427.html

  PS4新作《勇者海王星》昨天公开了副标题《勇者海王星 世界宇宙瞩目 究极RPG宣言》,本周电击PS杂志上公开了详情以及开发团队的采访内容。有关游戏内容的部分将在明天配合杂志图为大家介绍,而本次就先总结一下开发团队的访谈要点。

  另外根据杂志速报消息,本作的发售日定在 9 月 27 日,价格为普通版 7200 日元、限定版 9700 日元(包含艺术画册、原声CD、主题)。


  《勇者海王星》将是一款2D横向卷轴的RPG类游戏,实际负责开发的加拿大Artisan Studios工作室表示他们是专注于2D画面的团队,其中有曾经在索尼、EA等知名公司工作过并非常喜欢日本游戏的开发者。他们非常喜欢《北欧女神》、《最终幻想》、《奥丁领域》等作品,因此这款游戏一定程度上也受到了这些作品的影响。确实从公开的画面看确实有《北欧女神》的风格,据说可能还会有类似《北欧女神》的晶石一样的机关。


Dengeki Online gone up with a new online preview of Brave Neptunia: World! Universe! Pay Attention!! Ultimate RPG Declaration!!, whose subtitle and PlayStation 4 release platform were confirmed earlier today.

Volume 661 of Dengeki PlayStation, which is due out on April 26, will have a great amount of information about the game, including its story, new characters, new visuals of returning characters Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert, game screenshots, and event CG.

Dengeki Online teases the magazine will be packed with surprising information, such as “Neptune and friends are losing their memories,” and “Histoire has taken on the form of a book!”

The magazine will also have an interview with executive producer Norihisa Kochiwa, illustrator Tsunako, assistant producer Tomoki Igarashi, and scenario writer and novelist Shougo Mukai. Notable points from the interview include why Brave Neptunia is a 2D side-scrolling RPG and information about its “unique new characters.” There is also an interview with Artisan Studios, the Canadian developer making the game, who discusses why a Canadian studio is working on a Neptunia game and what kind of game they are trying to create.

A release date for Brave Neptunia has yet to be announced.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-26 02:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-26 06:22 PM 编辑

Brave Neptunia details story, Goddesses, Histoire, and Japanese limited edition
《勇者涅普迪努 世界阿宇宙阿刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》公开大量游戏画面与新旧角色介绍

  Compile Heart 发行,先前宣布将在 PlayStation 4 主机上推出的角色扮演游戏《勇者涅普迪努(勇者ネプテューヌ)》,本作的副标题将为「 世界阿宇宙阿刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! (世界よ宇宙よ刮目せよ!! アルティメットRPG宣言!! )」在本周电击PS杂志中公开了详细情报。这将是一款2D横向卷轴的RPG游戏,预定于 9 月 27 日登陆PS4平台。















Compile Heart has launched the official Japanese website for Brave Neptunia: World! Universe! Pay Attention!! Ultimate RPG Declaration!!, providing an overview of the game’s story, four Goddesses, Historie, and the 9,700 yen Japanese limited “Hero Edition.”

Get the details below.

■ Story

A self-proclaimed hero and her merry companions travel around the world.

2D games—planar games made up of pixels and illustrations. In one of many dimensions, there exists a Gamindustri built upon 2D games.

In this world ruled by an organization called “Silkworm,” which worships 2D games, people create 2D games and pay taxes in game casettes.

It is rumored that those who produce poor games and games that make use of new technologies are sent to the trial grounds, where their spirits are destroyed. In this Gameindustri, which damns that sort of future to hell, a girl who lost her memories awakens.

The girl, who knows not left from right, headed to the neighboring town under the order of Silkworm, but monsters blocked her way. She fought back with a cypress stick that had dropped and won a splendid victory.

It was then that she knew for certain. That she is a hero, the protagonist of this game named Neptune. The self-proclaimed hero Neptune will encounter various people and go on a journey with a mysterious book (Histoire).

■ Characters


The overwhelming protagonist whose name is even in the title of the game.

However, when she regained consciousness, she had lost her memories and could only remember her name. She could not recall what kind of person she was at all.

Once a monster attacked, she was convinced that she is a “hero.” And with her inborn, unnecessarily high energy, she gathers up friends and sets off on a journey to discover the truth.


When she regained consciousness, she had lost her memories and began looking for clues as to who she is. The only thing she could remember is her name.

After encountering Blanc, who had also lost her memories, she lives with her via the rewards they earned at the guild.

The considerable lack of clues to her memories often cause her to become irritated. However, it seems as though she feels refreshed after laying down.


When she regained consciousness, she had lost her memories and could only remember her name.

She lives with Noire, who also lost her memories, via the rewards they earned at the guild.

She has a vigorous spirit of inquiry for when it comes to books, while the search for her memories comes second.

She is quick-witted, but when she does not know what to do, she has an intracranial meeting to figure out a solution.


She was taken in by an innkeeper when she collapsed, and has since been living rent-free.

She lost her memories and can only remember her name.

In exchange for dropping off supplies at a nearby resistance base, she gets to continue living a life of playing games forever.

She is happy with this life and seems to be comparatively indifferent about her memories.


A reasonably thick book.

There are some unreadable characters within its contents.

It seems to have emotions, and sometimes shines.

■ Pre-Order Bonus

Pre-orders for Brave Neptunia include a product code to download an original PlayStation 4 dynamic theme.

■ Hero Edition

The Hero Edition of Brave Neptunia includes the following:

Brave Neptunia is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-2 06:10 PM
Brave Neptunia first screenshots

Amazon Japan has updated its listing for Brave Neptunia: World! Universe! Pay Attention!! Ultimate RPG Declaration!! with first screenshots of the 2D side-scrolling RPG.

Brave Neptunia is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-4 04:55 PM
PS4 / Switch《勇者战机少女》台ㆍ港ㆍ日同步发售 释出角色介绍和游戏截图
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/162184.html

  CFK 发行,预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! (以下简称「勇者战机少女」》」 ,本游戏为日本 Compile Heart 开发的完全新作。 本次带来登场角色的最新情报,以及游戏截图,有兴趣的玩家不妨参考。



2D 游戏 — 以位图与插图构建的平面游戏。
在为数众多的次元之中,存在着一个以 2D 游戏为主体的游汐叶界。

这里由一个崇拜 2D 游戏的组织所主宰,它被称为旧世蚕党。
在这个世界中,人们制作 2D 游戏,并将游戏卡匣作为缴纳的税款。

据传,制作出劣质游戏或使用最新技术制作游戏的人将被送往试炼场,在那里其精神会遭到摧毁。 在这个连未来都无从谈起的游汐叶界中,一位失去记忆的少女从睡梦中醒来。


于是,她确信了一点。 自己是一名勇者,且正是这款游戏的主角「妮普禔努」。


妮普禔努(CV : 田中理恵)

 难道说,我是勇者!? 」



诺娃(CV : 今井麻美)

 我想恢复记忆。 」



布兰(CV : 阿澄佳奈)

这是推理的基础。 」



贝儿(CV : 佐藤利奈)

 那些玩过的游戏呢! 」




「〇×▼▼? λ□! (*^ω^*)」


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-17 06:30 PM
Super Neptunia RPG Coming West for PS4 and Switch this Fall

Super Neptunia RPG Comes to North America and Europe Fall 2018!

We are excited to announce Super Neptunia RPG is coming this Fall 2018 to the PlayStation 4 and will be the first Neptunia game to release on the Nintendo Switch!

In addition to having English and Japanese audio, it will have the option for French subtitles for both NA and EU regions, and will come in both physical and digital formats.

Developed by Artisan Studios in Canada, this game brings the characters of the self-referential Neptunia series to life in a whole new way. Each character was hand-drawn by Tsunako, the artist behind the series, then animated by computer magic to create a world that’s mysteriously gone from three dimensions to two.

For more information, check out the Iffy-cial website!


In a world where 2D games reign supreme, an organization called Bombyx Mori forces its citizens to churn out 2D games as offerings to their leader. Those who dare to use new technologies or whose games don’t meet their standards risk banishment to the soul-crushing Trial Grounds.
A girl awakens in this world with no recollection of anything beyond her name, Neptune, and soon realizes she possesses great strength. With her newfound sense of heroism and a strange book known as Histoire in hand, she sets off on a journey to see if there might be more than this two-dimensional life.

Key Features

• Old School Dungeons! – Explore gorgeously painted, interactive dungeons in a style inspired by classic gaming titles.

• Follow the Leader! – Enter turn-based battles where the party’s attack style changes based on the battle leader. Switch leaders on the fly, transform mid-battle, and use elemental attacks to maximize your team’s strategy!

• Save Gamindustri! – In a time where retro gaming and 3D graphics are at polar ends, this story delves headfirst into the debate for a self-aware ribbing of gaming culture.

• 2D Comes to Life! – The hand-drawn art of Neptunia series artist Tsunako is brought to life by Artisan Studios, showing the characters in a whole new way!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-24 01:42 PM
Super Neptunia RPG details Kukei, Mai, and Surara

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with profiles for three new characters: Kukei Tobihachi, Mai Kamimura, and Surara Izuda.

Get the details below.

Kukei Tobihachi (voiced by Youko Hikasa)

One of the Three Musketeers of Silkworm. She is very passionate when it comes to game music. A woman with strong conviction and a close associate of Firin, she brings Silkworm together.

Mai Kamimura (voiced by Ellen Taira)

One of the Three Musketeers of Silkworm, and the manager of the trial grounds where the insolent are sent. Due to her overly irrational trials, she is feared by the people as the “Mad King.” She clings to Neptune and plans to one day teach her a lesson.

Surara Izuda (voiced by Tomoko Kaneda)

One of the Three Musketeers of Silkworm. A dangerous girl who tinkers with playful machines and loves to experiment. She is even fearless enough to call Mai Kamimura of the Three Musketeers “Maimai.” Together with her partner Caramel Man, she stands before Neptune and company.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-14 06:12 PM
Super Neptunia RPG details dungeons, battles

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with first details on the game’s dungeons and battle system.

Get the details below.

■ Dungeons

Exploration-style dungeons that add side-scrolling action elements.

Dungeons are filled with monsters. If Neptune touches a monster symbol, a battle wll begin. If you attack a monster symbol with a symbol attack, you can start the battle with an advantage. Dungeons also have treasure chests in various locations through which you can obtain items.

In addition to jump and double jump, you can also summon a pudding-like monster to jump even higher in dungeons.

■ Battles

Intuitive and strategic battles! Change between formations based on the situation and dominate the fight!

You can fight with a maximum of four party members. AP (Action Points) build up as time passes, and each character can use AP to activate skills. It is important to learn the enemy’s weakness to fight with the upper hand. By dealing damage using the attribute the enemy is weak against, you will recover AP as a bonus.

Breaking Down the Battle Screen

1. Formation Type. You can change between formations with the L1 and R1 buttons. Each formation changes the character’s attack type. And each formation has a passive bonus.

—Strike: A formation with many physical attacks. It also has skills that deal abnormal status and additional magic damage.

—Magic: A formation with many magic skills. It is effective against enemies weak to magic.

—Support: A formation with many skills that can bestow buffs to protect party members.

—Heal: A formation with many skills that can heal HP and abnormal statuses.

2. Goddess Gauge. The gauge required to transform into a Goddess.

3. Party AP. This builds up as time passes.

4. Break Attack Gauge. This gauge builds up as you attack enemies. With it, you can use the character’s special “Break Attack” move.

5. Enemy AP. This builds up as time passes.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-14 09:19 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-21 04:56 PM
Super Neptunia RPG details Chrom, Firin

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with details on characters Chrom and Firin.

Get the details below.

Chrom (voiced by Chiaki Takahashi)

A woman being pursued by Silkworm. She does not talk about herself. One day, she runs into Neptune and leaves her with both Histoire and some advice.

Firin (voiced by Chiaki Takahashi)

A little girl who sits at the top of Silkworm. She has special feelings for Chrom, and mindlessly pursues her when she finds her. She loves 2D games and has planted the ideology that 3D games are unmistakably evil within the people of the nation.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-28 05:16 PM
《勇者战机少女》两名系列经典角色登场 女神化战斗场面公开
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/5364719583.html

  由日本 Compile Heart 开发的完全新作预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》在本周电击PS上公开新情报,系列粉丝都非常熟悉的两名角色空帕和IF确定也会在游戏中登场。另外这次还公开了一个新角色阿尔缇赞(CV:明坂聪美)和小龙噗噜噗噜。



  《勇者战机少女》目前预定于 9 月 27 日发售,中文版同步推出。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-29 08:05 PM
《勇者战机少女》释出新角色介绍 9 月 27 日中韩日同步发行
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/164804.html

  CFK 今(29)日,公布 COMPILEHEART 旗下的新作 RPG《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》(以下简称《勇者战机少女》)游戏中登场的新角色情报。


  这次的新作舞台将介绍 2D 游戏成为主体的游戏业界,和在那里失去记忆的少女「妮普禔努」,及相遇的神秘旅行者库洛姆和支配游戏行业的组织 “旧世蚕党” 的干部三剑客,及 “旧世蚕党” 的总帅菲琳。



「不知道吗? 勇士是既脏又累又危险的 3D 职业」

  让丧失记忆的妮普禔努和给予神奇的书伊丝特娲儿及忠告的女神。 虽然被旧世蚕党追赶,但也没有指明理由,真实的面貌也被蒙上了一层神秘面纱。


「向旧世蚕党三剑客的 No.1,总帅菲琳托付 “旧世蚕党” 组织! 」

  是追求最终音色的人。 旧世蚕党三剑客的一员,对游戏音乐有着狂热的热情。 作为菲琳亲近的人,管理旧世蚕党的样子。


「旧世蚕党三剑客的 No.2 科颗颗... 抱歉... 你们得玩魔界游戏! 」

  旧世蚕党三剑客的一员,坏人们被送到的试炼场的支配者。 因为给予不正当的试炼,他被称为「狂王」,人们害怕他,特别是对妮普禔努特别执着。


「旧世蚕党三剑客的 No.3 出田苏菈菈,蜂窝糖金刚 1 号,突击! 叽~~!! 」

  旧世蚕党三剑客的一员,虽是淘气鬼一班的性格,还具有喜欢机械和实验的危险因子。 他与搭档蜂窝糖金刚一起阻止了妮普禔努同行。



  作为旧世蚕党首长凌驾的,热爱「2D 游戏」的少女。 强迫国民把 3D 游戏指为「绝对恶」的极端思想。 对库洛姆报有一种特别的感觉的样子。

  官方也强调,妮普禔努系列初次在中韩日同时发售的《勇者战机少女》预计在 9 月发行,并且预计发行 Nintendo Switch 版本。

游戏名称:勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch
游戏种类:尼普尼普 2D RPG
预售日: 2018 年 9 月 27 日
游戏人数: 1 人
开发. 制作:IDEA FACTORY / COMPILE HEART / Artisan Studios
发行商:CFK Co., Ltd.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-9 11:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-9 02:31 PM 编辑

《勇者战机少女》Anime Expo 2018 现场试玩影片公开

   COMPILEHEART 旗下的新作 RPG《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》在Anime Expo 2018 上提供了现场试玩,下面就是一段现场的屏摄试玩视频,使用的是Switch版。

  新作舞台将介绍 2D 游戏成为主体的游戏业界,和在那里失去记忆的少女「妮普禔努」,及相遇的神秘旅行者库洛姆和支配游戏行业的组织 “旧世蚕党” 的干部三剑客,及 “旧世蚕党” 的总帅菲琳。

  本作预定于 9 月 27 日于PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 正式发售,中文版也将同步推出。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-12 11:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-12 03:50 PM 编辑

Super Neptunia RPG opening movie

   COMPILEHEART 旗下的新作 RPG《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》官方公布了开场动画。这次的开场动画与系列以往的作品风格完全不同,走了一种欧美神秘风,配合佐佐木惠梨演唱的主题曲《Dia vo Lhizer》,带着一丝伤悲并充满幻想色彩。

  新作舞台将介绍 2D 游戏成为主体的游戏业界,和在那里失去记忆的少女「妮普禔努」,及相遇的神秘旅行者库洛姆和支配游戏行业的组织 “旧世蚕党” 的干部三剑客,及 “旧世蚕党” 的总帅菲琳。

  本作预定于 9 月 27 日于PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 正式发售,中文版也将同步推出。


Compile Heart has released the opening movie for Super Neptunia RPG, which features the theme song “Dia vo Lhizer” sung by Eri Sasaki.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-19 07:20 PM
Super Neptunia RPG details IF, Compa
《勇者战机少女》官网最新更新 中二病少女“IF”和天然娘“Compa”登场

  今日 Compile Heart 开发的完全新作预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》在今日更新了官网信息,并公布了新人物的相关信息。

  《勇者战机少女》是由 Compile Heart  开发的《勇者海王星》系列全新作品,由一家加拿大工作室Artisan Studios 制作 2D 横版过关游戏,讲述了关于涅普顿的故事,这名象征着世嘉Neptune主机的少女,来到了2D游戏的世界成为了勇者。邂逅各种各样的人物后,携带着一本神秘的魔法书踏上了崭新的冒险旅途。此外象征索尼PS3的诺瓦,象征微软 Xbox 360 的贝露,以及象征任天堂 Wii 的普兰等角色也将悉数登场。






  《勇者战机少女》预计将于 9 月 27 日登陆PS4和Switch平台,并且还将支持繁体中文。

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with details on characters IF and Compa.

IF (voiced by Kana Ueda)

A girl of strong character who lives with Compa. At the same time, she suspects she suffers from Middle School 2nd Year Syndrome. She is investigating underwater cities, and her notes about how to go to them may or may not have a reputation for being legible.

Compa (voiced by Kana Sakai)

A naturally clumsy girl who lives with IF. She is always smiling and goes about her day with IF as if conjoined at the hip. With high girl power, she is considerably talented at cooking and skilled in the treatment of injuries.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 03:35 PM
Super Neptunia RPG details Artisan

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Super Neptunia RPG with details on character Artisan, which is based on the game’s developer Artisan Studios.

Artisan (voiced by Satomi Akesaka)

The head of the Silkworm opposition group known as “Resistance.” She has the deep trust of her allies. She possesses a miraculous painting brush, and specializes in disguises. Her hobbies include painting.

Super Neptunia RPG is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch in North America and Europe this fall.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 08:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-27 03:39 PM 编辑

《勇者战机少女》公开5分钟试玩演示 2D地图探索与战斗等

  Compile Heart 开发的完全新作预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》在昨晚电击PS的直播节目中公开了一段约5分钟的试玩演示视频。


  《勇者战机少女》是由 Compile Heart  开发的《勇者海王星》系列全新作品,由一家加拿大工作室Artisan Studios 制作 2D 横版过关游戏,讲述了关于涅普顿的故事,这名象征着世嘉Neptune主机的少女,来到了2D游戏的世界成为了勇者。邂逅各种各样的人物后,携带着一本神秘的魔法书踏上了崭新的冒险旅途。此外象征索尼PS3的诺瓦,象征微软 Xbox 360 的贝露,以及象征任天堂 Wii 的普兰等角色也将悉数登场。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-4 03:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-4 08:04 PM 编辑

Super Neptunia RPG delayed to December 20 in Japan
《勇者战机少女》官方宣布为提升游戏品质延期到 12 月发售

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/2694720759.html

  由日本 Compile Heart 开发的完全新作预定于 2018 年 9 月发售 PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 游戏《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!!》为了提升游戏品质将延期到 12 月 20 日发售。

  《勇者战机少女》在日本预定登陆 PS4 平台,亚洲版预定登陆 PS4 与S witch 平台,原本预定繁体中文版也会同步推出。《勇者战机少女》目前预定于 12 月 20 日发售。

Compile Heart has delayed Super Neptunia RPG from its previously planned September 27 release date in Japan to December 20 in order to further increase the game’s quality. It will be available for PlayStation 4.

In North America and Europe, Super Neptunia RPG is due out for both PlayStation 4 and Switch in spring 2019.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-14 10:03 PM
《勇者战机少女》中文版延期发售 新发售日期今后公布

   COMPILEHEART 旗下的新作 RPG《勇者战机少女 世界啊,宇宙啊,刮目相看吧!! 终极 RPG 宣言!! 》游戏发行商CFK宣布原定 9 月 27 日与日版同步发售中文版宣布延期,新的发售日暂时未定,预计会在今后公布确切发售日期。此前日版延期后的新发售日为 12 月 20 日,延期理由是为了进一步提升游戏品质,不知繁体中文版也会同步发售呢?


  香港代理商GSE在今日(9月14日)收到发行商 CFK 通知,日本游戏厂商 CompileHeart 的新作「勇者战机少女 世界啊宇宙啊刮目相看吧!!终极RPG宣言!!」将延期发售。

  日本CompileHeart公司通知,为保证更高的游戏品质,塬定于2018年9月27日发售,并且是战机少女系列首次实现在台湾・香港・日本同步发售的作品「勇者战机少女 世界啊宇宙啊刮目相看吧!终极RPG宣言!!」将调整发售时间,我们也不得已更改了发售日。


  新作舞台将介绍 2D 游戏成为主体的游戏业界,和在那里失去记忆的少女「妮普禔努」,及相遇的神秘旅行者库洛姆和支配游戏行业的组织 “旧世蚕党” 的干部三剑客,及 “旧世蚕党” 的总帅菲琳。

  本作预定于2018 年 12 月 20 日于PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch 正式发售,中文版将会晚些后发售。

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