标题: [动漫介绍]ef - a fairy tale of the two.[動畫分享下载(MF)][完结] [打印本页] 作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-7 09:27 PM 标题: [动漫介绍]ef - a fairy tale of the two.[動畫分享下载(MF)][完结]
《ef - a fairy tale of the two.》(日語:エフ ア フェアリー テイル オブ ザ トゥー)是日本minori公司所發行的美少女遊戲,以及依此為原作關聯商品的總稱。前篇《the first tale.》於2006年12月22日發售,後篇《the latter tale.》於2008年5月30日發售。
由於上述的講究使得製作與研發時間拉長,是否能夠發行,各式各樣的揣測也一一浮現。2006年7月作品發表分為《ef - the first tale.》與《ef - the latter tale.》兩部,同時《ef - the first tale.》的發售日為2006年12月22日。
順帶一提的是《fairy tale of the two》有「兩個人的童話」之義。而「ef」是「eternal feather」的首字母,即遊戲的主題歌《悠久の翼》的英譯(和中文的悠久「old」不同,日文的悠久是「eternal」的意思)。所以如果一定要給這遊戲一個中文名的話,可以用《悠久之翼 - 兩個人的童話》,而這兩個人指的是火村和雨宮,整個故事就是他們兩人所講述的四個童話(或故事)。
故事以二部共六章組成,在前篇《ef - the first tale.》以廣野紘、宮村宮子、新藤景及堤京介為中心的故事(以兩個章節構成),後篇《ef - the latter tale.》以新藤千尋、麻生蓮治、羽山瑞希及久瀬修一為中心的故事(以兩個章節構成)。
火村夕(火村夕(ひむら ゆう) 聲:壬生中將 / 遠近孝一)
在教會出現,並聽優子說著一年前各位少年少女故事的青年,同時也是ef系列實質意義的男主角。在第四章與第五章的過去篇中與優子曾是同學,也是幫助優子脫離雨宮明良掌控的關鍵人物。在優子因交通意外而亡故多年之後,在澳洲重建了和音羽幾乎完全相仿的都市(ef - the latter tale 第三章與第四章的舞台),並以旁觀者的身份觀察都市中人與人的互動。在ef - the latter tale 中扮演講述者的角色,向優子說著一年前發生澳洲音羽的往事。
雨宮優子(雨宮優子(あまみや ゆうこ) 聲:山田ゆな / 中島裕美子)
在教會等待著某個人的神秘少女。常常在意想不到的時候出現,曾為音羽學生。她長年穿冬服,在烈日下也不會流汗,頻頻亂入且會在夢中出現,第二章曾暗示她會離開音羽。在第四章過去編當中,故事揭示了優子的悲慘命運,並闡明其早在數年前便已死於一場交通事故,而在後來故事中出現的優子只是她殘存的意志實體化的產物(另有一說為「有天使將軀體借給了優子以幫助她完成她的The Fairy Tale of the Two」)。在大多數玩家的心目中,優子才是ef系列真正的女主角。
廣野凪(広野凪(ひろの なぎ) 聲:三咲里奈 / 伊藤靜)
雨宮明良(雨宫明良(あまみや あきら) 聲:上州トム / 古澤徹)
優子的繼兄,音羽學園的美術老師。在音羽的地震當中失去了妹妹,於是收養了優子並將其視為妹妹的替代品。當後來他發現優子終究還是不能成為他真正的妹妹時,他崩潰了,便開始頻頻地姦汙和虐待優子,也導致了優子復仇心理的產生。後來他死於一次煙蒂造成的火災。因為優子在The First Tale中的人氣非常高,所以當玩家得知優子的身世之後在憤怒中給雨宮明良冠上了「人渣良」的稱號。
* 企畫:酒井伸和
* 監督:御影
* 原作、劇本:御影、鏡遊
* 人物設計、作畫監督:七尾奈留、2C=がろあ
* 演出:酒井伸和、結城辰也、姿月景
* 美術設定:ゆうろ
* 色彩設計:UEM
* 音樂:天門
* 音響監督:松木仁美
* 片頭影片
o 監督:新海誠
o 作畫監督:sata
o 3D動畫監督:tsukune.
o 製作管理:結城辰也
o 背景美術:ゆうろ、ペーテルアーク
o 動畫製作協助:亞細亞堂
* first tale.片頭曲「悠久の翼」
* latter tale.片頭曲「emotional flutter」
* 片尾曲「ever forever」
[ 本帖最后由 ASHYEE0107 于 2009-6-30 09:55 PM 编辑 ]作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-7 09:35 PM 标题: ef - a tales of melories.
01 eve
02 upon a time
03 paradox
04 honesty
05 outline
06 rain
07 I...
08 clear colour
09 forget me not
10 I'm here
11 ever forever
12 love
coda. dream
[ 本帖最后由 ASHYEE0107 于 2009-6-30 09:55 PM 编辑 ]作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-7 09:47 PM 标题: ef - a tale of melodies. 【动画名称】ef - a tale of melodies.
minori出品的PC GAME「ef - a fairy tale of the two.」分为两个部分:「ef - the first tale.」和「ef - the latter tale.」,原作集结了制作人酒井伸和、监督御影、角色设定七尾奈留和2C=がろあ以及美术监督新海诚的豪华阵容。而在如此华丽的原作STAFF基础上、2007年10月推出的TV动画「ef - a tale of memories.」,在大沼心出任监督、新房昭之负责监修之下依旧别有一番特色。来到2008年5月30日,在 FANS一再期待之下「ef - the latter tale.」终于发售了,至于各位玩家的感想就因人而异了。
作为前作「ef - a tale of memories.」的续篇「ef - a tale of melodies.」目前已经被列入制作日程、并预定10月播放。从官方公开的新作预告片中可知,新作动画将以「ef - the latter tale.」为主线陈述。另外集结前作和新作画面的总集篇DVD「ef - a tale of memories. ~recollections~」(全约60分钟)将于9月26日发售,看来在新作开播前我们可以通过这张DVD一饱眼福了!
漫画有看过吗?只有宫子的故事而已,光是那个就可以画三集,恐怖………………作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-23 08:05 PM 标题: 回复 #73 ASHYEE0107 的帖子 没有哦~
描写手法很不一样~作者: hawmes 时间: 2007-12-23 11:58 PM 标题: 回复 #74 mrsunday 的帖子 那正是新房昭之的風格.作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-24 07:17 AM 标题: 回复 #74 mrsunday 的帖子 是啊,上一部sola也是很不错的啊
只是有些不喜欢看感情戏的人没兴趣看而已作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 12:56 PM 标题: 千寻所写的小说 The girl is only one in the world.That make her the god of this world.
She found herself on an island when she began to understand things around her. There was a mansion on the island, which was connected to an old castle by a passageway. She did not know why for what purpose those structures which completely seemed to be unfit in the environment were built there. She did not need to know why. And besides, the girl never wondered why she had been there before she realize. There were a huge amount of preserved foods and daily necessaries inside the warehouse of the castle, so she did not have to starve (although she was hungry until she realized these were eatable). But she almost died several times because of sickness and injuries. In most cases, she almost got herself killed by eating either spoiled food or plants and inorganic things around her.
She used the mansion as a residential area, and almost never set her foot in the old castle. There was no particular reason to draw a line between the two structures. It was only a rational judgment that the old castle was unfit for her to live there. She had nothing to do. The island was small, and one could go around it in half a day by foot. All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching as far as she could see in a 360-degree view.That was the everything the world offered.
2. She painted a human being.It was good. But the girl did not feel like painting a human being in a bigger size.Because she was unable to judge whether it was well drawn or not.So she decided to add a figure of a boy into the paintings of landscape she had painted.Boy was added to all the paintings.With no specific reason, she starting those paintings in the same places where she painted them. There was not single place in the mansion she did not paint.The boy was just standing straight in all the paintings. And the boy was looking straight ahead. It meant that the girl and the boy looked at each other every time she looked at the paintings.The girl had no feeling of achievement. Would he be a "human?"She thought. This was the "painting of a human being".She knew that from the very beginning. He did not move.She did not think. He was simple there, lonely?Finally,she could ask herself by finding the word. She was not lonely.The girl started practise drawing her own portrait from the day after the wedding.There was only one human being on the side of the paintings.So, she started painting herself on the paintings.
On the other side of the paintings, the two had smiles on their faces. Still, the girl felt strange to see herself in the paintings. She could not find right words to describe her feelings. She did not really understand her emotion .But the paintings continued to capture her attendtion without making her bored for first time for month to come. The girl was alone in the world. That made her the god of this world.
4.Something mysterious happened.
It was the day after she repainted all of her paintings, hundreds in numbers.
The two in those paintings had moved. But it did not startle the girl, because she had no idea asking herself whether it was abnormal or not. From the beginning, she was trying to make humans. "Did it work?" The god looked inside the miniature garden. She looked close at the paintings. It appeared that the other side of the paintings could not see the world on her side. The two in the pictures seemed to be doing something, smiling at each other. But the paintings were blured.The world itself appeared blured, giving her no clue to see what they were doing. Why, the girl thought.She could not confirm results. She could not see what was supposed to be there.A strange feeling developed in her mind.
She could not describe what it was. She could not find in a dictionary the defination of something she could not describe.She wondered why the paintings became blurred even though she painted them so clearly. Was it a failure? But the two in the paintings were smiling at each other. That was what her felt--which made her feel weird on the other side of the paintings.Something must have been wrong. I had understood things in the way, making mistakes repeatedly?She thought.She repaint them over and over. But the results were exactly the same. She was at a loss. She began to unsure of everything.
5. The girl is the only one in the world. So she thought she should make her world much cleaner.She burned all pictures. She set fire to the mansion and the old castle.Along with the structures,she burned all her memories. Lastly, the god threw the trash, the only trash left in the world,out from the cliff.
这个女孩是世上唯一一人。所以她想她应该把她的世界变的更加干净。她烧掉了所有的画。她也烧到了府邸和旧城堡。随着这些建筑,她也烧掉了她所有的记忆。最后,神从悬崖上扔掉了垃圾——这世上唯一残留下来的垃圾。作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 02:18 PM 标题: 回复 77# 的帖子 这小说不管看几次都觉得很悲伤
不过我想这是简短的版本吧?不知道有没有完全版的作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 02:23 PM 标题: 回复 78# 的帖子 照动画来讲~
除非有人接下去写~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 02:52 PM 标题: 回复 79# 的帖子 希望有出咯,最希望就是有人拿这题材来写,很好的说作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 03:25 PM 标题: 回复 80# 的帖子 那我去写吧。。。。
不懂会中你们打吗??作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 03:39 PM 标题: 回复 81# 的帖子 只要精彩就不会了
如果剧情有变动你就等着被我吊起来作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 03:44 PM 标题: 回复 82# 的帖子 那要我写英文版的还是华文版的??作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 03:47 PM 标题: 回复 83# 的帖子 两个都写好了,可以用来参考一下作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 04:33 PM 标题: 回复 84# 的帖子 你以为我是天才吗?
只能选其中的一个版本!!作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 04:52 PM 标题: 回复 85# 的帖子 e?你不是吗?那华语的好了
不过凉宫怎么办?作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 05:12 PM 标题: 回复 86# 的帖子 慢慢来的啦~
那个又不一样的~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 05:41 PM 标题: 回复 87# 的帖子 那我等着吧,我要把它当做圣诞礼物哦。明年的作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 05:48 PM 标题: 回复 88# 的帖子 这样不是要写得很长吗??
你的要求是什么的哦??作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 06:15 PM 标题: 回复 89# 的帖子 就叫你写小说啊,不可能把它当作我的生日礼物的,绝对不可能
我的生日还有十一天,你能在十一天里写完吗?作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 08:02 PM 标题: 回复 90# 的帖子 写短的可能还可以,长得就怕。。。
我是这么想的,你生日几时的哦??作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 08:06 PM 标题: 回复 91# 的帖子 不是说过还有十三天吗?
我十六岁毕业是因为我生日还没到啊作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 08:37 PM 标题: 回复 92# 的帖子 哦~~~~~~~~~
唉。。。作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 08:45 PM 标题: 回复 93# 的帖子 没关系啦,如果有出版社看到说想出你就能说是原创的了作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 08:51 PM 标题: 回复 94# 的帖子 这样也行!!
这种事,玩玩就好啦~~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 08:52 PM 标题: 回复 95# 的帖子 不过写的时候我希望你认真写,不要恶搞哦作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 09:14 PM 标题: 回复 96# 的帖子 相信我的实力吗?
千寻些的很棒的哦~~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 09:18 PM 标题: 回复 97# 的帖子 只叫你写长点,不会有问题的啦,放心啦作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 09:34 PM 标题: 回复 98# 的帖子 我只是普通的水准,不要把我想到这么厉害~~
我看了总算是放心了~~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 10:08 PM 标题: 回复 99# 的帖子 我也是啊,心脏跟着颤动呢
不过我发现千寻的日记里有着很不得了的东西哦作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-27 10:37 PM 标题: 回复 100# 的帖子 是什么东西?!
我怎么不知道的??作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-27 10:43 PM 标题: 回复 101# 的帖子 就里面的句子啊,莲治看的那部分
不知道XX过多少次那里(XX纯粹是我忘记掉写什么了)作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-28 12:43 AM 标题: 回复 102# 的帖子 这个我就没注意~~~
我只注意女生方面而已~~作者: ASHYEE0107 时间: 2007-12-28 01:22 PM 标题: 回复 103# 的帖子 那没有女生的那里你怎么看?跳掉吗?
莲治在读千寻的日记的时候你没看吗?作者: mrsunday 时间: 2007-12-28 02:27 PM 标题: 回复 104# 的帖子 那个是日记~