标题: UBC09 Workshop Review [打印本页]

作者: 愛上小悅的展    时间: 2009-4-12 02:31 AM
标题: UBC09 Workshop Review
三月二十一號在馬六甲除了有個bboy jam之外,主辦當局也請了judges和新加坡RF的團員辦了個bboy workshop.

Pt  01

The workshop was the highlight of the weekend for me. The 3 Judges, Kreate, Gonza and Boy and the other Radikal Forze boys, Tosh, Wan and Farhan all taught at the workshop for no charge. Thanks to all the real guys that took the workshop and were humble enough to learn from others instead of youtube. There were 3 rooms and I rotated the 32 people over each room every 40 minutes. At the end we had a little knowledge session and questions. I think everyone that took the workshop learnt a lot and I hope I can do more workshops like this in the future. I wanna post the video but my internet is too slow so I’ll just post some of the stuff that was said. This isn’t the whole lot of what was said just bits and pieces.

Iz-e: Who are your teachers?

Farhan: I have quite a few, but the main ones and the most important ones for every bboy are your own crewmates. Because if you are not inspired by your own crewmates it’s pointless to be in a crew. Other than my crewmates, Kreate taught me a lot, Bounce taught me a lot, I learned a lot from videos, a lot from clips, I have my own favourite bboys and shit like that. Every bboy has their own.

Gonza: My main teacher is Cheno, my crewmate and I learned a lot from Farhan and Felix and today I learned a lot from Wan.

Kreate: I learnt from, my main one and the first one was this guy named Xeno from Flipside Kings cos I started breaking when I was in the States (USA). But as we go, I also learn from these guys. It doesn’t matter if they start after you or before you you know. If you gotta learn you gotta learn from everybody else, cos I’m still learning till today. So from these guys I learned a lot.

Iz-e: Cypherz?

Farhan: Cypherz to me, to everybody is the the most important thing for.. if you want to be on top. If you wanna make a name for yourself, just cypherz man, it’s not competitions. It’s only the cypherz. That’s where we pick crewmates, from cypherz. We take somebody with potential, a lot of heart. Cos only in cypherz you see real bboys throwing their hearts out. Because there’s no judges, there’s no prize money, there’s nothing.. It’s just you doing you.

Iz-e: Running Sets vs Freestyle?

Kreate: I think, I guess it’s good you guys wanna practice new sets for battles and competition but after a while if you use the same sets in different competitions your moves are going to be predictable. Everybody gonna know what you are gonna do next. Even the top bboys you see today.. Cloud.. Lego.. they have been doing the same sets forever but then when they are in the cypher they just freestyle and do their own thing. I’m not going to tell you what’s best but apparently what worked for the best bboys is they have little moves like Focus, Kmel, they don’t have sets. They don’t start with the left leg then end with the right leg, you know, they just wanna do this move and this move but then they freestyle it in between, and I guess that’s what worked for them and I’m still learning that until today.

Farhan: For me the best is small sets. Like a bar, 1 count of four, 1 count of eight, just to fit in between your freestyle. That will make your breaking unpredictable. Nobody will know what you are going to do. Try to practice both sides because it’s very easy to see somebody doing one side, doing the same thing on the same hand and stuff like that. I know some of you, for me as well, when I battle music is important. Sometimes I don’t like the music. That’s where sets come in. This is for those guys that have sets. Try to have small sets and try to have long sets. Long sets, try to keep it if you don;t like the song and you can’t feel the music and you don’t feel like freestyling, just do a set. At least you have a set. But a set has to be on point. It’s pointless to have a set and you can’t pull it off.

[ 本帖最后由 愛上小悅的展 于 2009-4-12 02:34 AM 编辑 ]
作者: 愛上小悅的展    时间: 2009-4-12 02:32 AM
Pt 02

Iz-e: In the final battle, RF vs Famous Crew, why did RF win?

Wan: Actually me Tosh and Farhan, we thought we lost but we don’t know the judge.

Boy: Famous Crew, you guys did a great job. It’s all good but your long sets, crashing. You guys didn’t cover it up, try to cover it up.. and they f**king crashed too, but u know when u do stuff and then u crash and then you start to walk like that (walking with head down), then we know you crash. If you crash, you stand up and you look fresh and you walk back, you make it up you know. You still look fresh. You still have that bboy flava. I can battle people, I can just stand and look like a bboy… and I can win man. I look good. Make yourself look good. You guys don’t want yourselves to be in videos looking like there is something wrong with you. Make everything look good. You guys did a f**king great job. They.. They did okay man. They had that bboy flava. You guys need more experience, it will come. But take this as not as a loss-loss thing.

Farhan: Yo whatever it is there is no prize, you get what I mean? So whatever you know, it’s all love.

Boy: It’s better you lose, and you guys start thinking. If you guys win, you guys won’t think. Just take this as a learning step. Every bad experience, you learn something good out of it. I lose many times, but most of those times I can win. But if I lose, I feel like shit, then I put my mindset like f**k, I’m not going to lose the next jam, I’m going to go all out.” Then when I go to the next jam, I win.. I have no regrets because I know I go all out. If you guys go halfway and then you go back. You guys lost at the first round and you guys start going back and like f**k, I should do this, I should do this.” Don’t waste your time doing that. Go all out. Do whatever you can. Do whatever you practice for. Keep everything clean and have that bboy flava. And keep it raw.

Kreate: For me the reason why I chose RF, same as Boy, was the bboy attitude, the bboy flava u know. Just like what Juse Boogie said the dance comes first, and then the moves.  And to me what I saw in them, they had their own stuff. They had their own toprock, they had their own steps, they had their own freezes and all that stuff to the music. What you guys are doing is good, but you’ve repeated. I’ve seen you guys do that in battles before and I’ve seen that on youtube and all that other stuff so it’s not really yours. But if you want to do it you can innovate from that stuff. And it’s not just about footwork, footwork, footwork, Boom.. airchair. It’s not about the moves. Like Alieness said it’s about the movement, and then the moves. So that’s why I picked them (RF). You gotta have the flava. It’s hard to really tell you what the flava is but as you guys go along you will see it. But you guys did good. You guys made it to the final. And if you guys lose in a competition you just gotta take it. It’s just a competition. When you enter a competition you gotta accept that you are gonna lose and you are gonna win. If you lose you lose, if you win you win. It’s just another battle. If you don’t like it call the judges out in the cypher. It’s back to the cypher you know.

Boy: Another thing. When you guys battle and you know you guys are battling someone really good. Don’t do this man like, f**k, I’m battling them.” You know. Have that, f**k, I’m gonna f**k you up.” Have that bboy attitude. Have that rawness in you. I can’t teach you guys how to do that but you will learn from losing and take it as a learning experience.

Kreate: And the thing about competition is. It also depends on who’s judging the competition. If you had, maybe if you had Hong 10 or Lilou, you guys could’ve won. It’s back to preferences and options. The second thing about competition is, you might think you win but then there is judges you know. But then if you are in a cypher there’s no judges man. You battle, you battle them. You gonna think you win, you win. They gonna think they win, they win. There’s no judges, you can just do whatever you want. You both win. You shake hands, you get a pizza and you eat together.

Iz-e: What does it mean to be a BBoy?

Farhan: To me its.. you guys have heard it, it’s a lifestyle bro. It’s a lifestyle. Everyday you wake up, you’re a bboy. You go out.. when I go to a shop downstairs, I try to dress fresh man. I try to get matching colors and shit.. and shit like that.

Boy: Even if you dress wack. Just by the way you walk people will know you’re a bboy because you have that swagger you know.

Kreate: First battle is in the closet. You gotta look fresh. If you already look fresh, you already win 1 round.

Farhan: And when you dress fresh. And this is real. When you dress fresh and you feel fresh, your breaking is gonna be Tip-Top!

[ 本帖最后由 愛上小悅的展 于 2009-4-12 02:37 AM 编辑 ]
作者: 愛上小悅的展    时间: 2009-4-12 02:35 AM
Pt 03

Farhan On Music

Farhan: For music wise, this the thing. Some music is just loops. Like every one count of 8 there’s a cymbal right. But some songs like, James Brown - Give It Up Or Turn It Loose. You gotta know the song to hit beats. And there’s heaps of songs. If you really like a song you gotta listen to it beacause every instrument you gotta hit something. Basically for me when I see people break you are hitting everything. Even though you are not following the drums, you are hitting something else, other instruments. It’s just how you hit beats. My advice, try to pick a song that is not a loop, that has an initial one like a piano, trumpet solo, a drum solo, bongo, and learn how to hit that. From there you learn how to hit.. like trumpets. There are short trumpets and long trumpets right. Like ” bap bap bap bap bap or baaaaaaaaaaap”. Shit like that. So from there you know what kind of moves you can do. To me like the long ones like a slide or something you know. Stuff like that. That’s how I practice for music. Because music is the most important thing to me. When RF jam, the boys came down. All I wanted was music. I’m still asking for music from Jhao. If I have new music my breaking will change. I will just go to the next level. Because it’s all about the music.  My philosophy for breakin.. moves are secondary. Once I grow old, cos I’m going to do this until I can’t. Once I grow old, all that is left is the dance. It’s just your rocking, it’s just your flava, your toprocks. That’s it. When you grow old, when you turn 60 you can’t f**king airflares and shit. All that’s left is the dance. Right?

And to me, the best part about breaking is that you get to meet people from all over the world. There’s no race barrier man. I got an Argentinian crew mate, I got crew mates from Indo, I got crew mates from Switzerland. You guys should travel. And bboying is the best ice-breaker to go around the world. You can just meet up with any bboys and just jam. Anywhere around the world there are bboys everywhere. You can go everywhere and just meet people and experience their culture. Now once you travel, it builds you up as a bboy cos you expose yourself. You are finding yourself. So the best way is to travel. Meet everybody.

And you know what’s the best part about us, now, everybody around the world for bboying.. we are still in the first chapter guys. Our legends are still alive. The only one’s passed on is Frosty Freeze. Crazy Legs is alive, Ken Swift is alive. So we are still in the first chapter of bboy history.

Another thing, I learned this from Felix. This is the best way to learn breaking. The best thing about breaking is, learn the rules properly so you can break them properly. Learn all your foundation and then create your own foundation. That’s how you be different. Like every other dance everybody does the same thing. But how do you stand out? It’s just your flava and your creativity. Your own shit you get what I mean?

Wan On Hats

Wan: Yo, I forget to cover one in the class earlier. If you are breaking and you if know your f**king hat is going to drop, then don’t use that hat. You look ugly. You don’t wanna step on your hat that you are wearing. You realize when I come out when I am battling and I bring my beanie and I put it aside. Sometimes I wear, sometimes I don’t wear, sometimes I don’t even wanna wear. Cos I know certain moves that I do (the hat) will go out and it will look ugly. So if you know that you are going to do that move and the hat is going to fly away then don’t use the hat, cut bald and be sexy boy. It doesn’t look good if your hat is on the floor and then you step on your hat and then you are stepping on your hat and then you take back your hat and then you wear it. It’s like you’re eating and then you spit on your food and then you eat it back. It’s not nice. Remember that.

Kreate On Foundation:

Kreate: I think it’s good like all these guys, i see people doing rollbacks and handstands or handhops. You guys can do that. That’s a lot of tricks but dance to it you know what I mean. Handhops to the music, rollbacks to the music. But also know your foundation, know your basics. At least know the names. You don’t have to do them, but it’s good to have foundation. It’s like building a mall, you gotta have foundation or else it’s just gonna to collapse in a year or two.

Kreate On Cypherz:

Kreate: Cypherz is good. The culture started in the cypher. It didn’t start in the competition with $1,000 for a cash prize and all that stuff you know. It happened on the street. It happened on the block, in the Bronx. And everybody just threw down. It’s all about fun, all that stuff. Don’t be scared. The cypherz where you can be free. You don’t have to do sets. You just dance to the music. You wanna f**k up, you f**k up. It’s an outlet, it’s an expression.

Gonza On Music:

Gonza: Yo, sorry my english shit. I wanna talk about music. If you are dancing you gotta dance it with music. If you are doing power or you are doing tricks, you gotta do it with music also. Like, the music got something more than just drum. They got snare, they got lyrics that you can follow. And no music is not dancing.  You are dancing because music. No music no life. Peace.

[ 本帖最后由 愛上小悅的展 于 2009-4-12 02:39 AM 编辑 ]
作者: ~小详~    时间: 2009-4-12 11:28 AM
作者: shandongbao89    时间: 2009-4-12 09:34 PM
作者: MASTALEE    时间: 2009-4-15 02:24 AM
我尤其注意how to judge a bboy里面的5个非常重要的point
battle tactics,attitude,flow,creativity & musicality.
bigshout out to IZE(CK/FT)
作者: 愛上小悅的展    时间: 2009-4-16 01:01 AM
标题: 回复 #5 shandongbao89 的帖子


作者: MASTALEE    时间: 2009-4-16 01:18 AM
标题: 回复 #7 愛上小悅的展 的帖子
作者: MASTALEE    时间: 2009-4-16 01:22 AM
作者: 愛上小悅的展    时间: 2009-4-16 01:35 AM
标题: 回复 #8 MASTALEE 的帖子
作者: judds    时间: 2009-4-17 09:43 AM
看完, 受益良多。

感谢jhao,ize, jayzee,还有裁判们。

作者: Sky~    时间: 2009-4-17 10:20 PM


作者: shandongbao89    时间: 2009-4-30 05:33 PM
原帖由 judds 于 2009-4-17 09:43 AM 发表
看完, 受益良多。

感谢jhao,ize, jayzee,还有裁判们。


最重要是大家能够受益! peace nigga!!!

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