标题: [分享] 我的Singapore Poly 的 Java 的功课 [打印本页]

作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:24 PM
标题: [分享] 我的Singapore Poly 的 Java 的功课
package snakeandladder;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GameFrameUser {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
    GameFrame f = new GameFrame();

        f.setTitle("Snake and Ladder");
        f.setSize(800, 600);


作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:28 PM
package snakeandladder;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class GameFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

    /*   Set up  flexible  variable for further developement or   */
    /*                   improvement convenient                   */
    private int MAX_PLAYERS = 4;
    private int MAX_RADIO_COLOR = MAX_PLAYERS * 4;
    private int MAX_CELLS = 40;
    private int MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW = 10;
    private JLabel[] chessBoard = new JLabel[MAX_CELLS];
    private JRadioButton[] colorRadioButton = new JRadioButton[MAX_RADIO_COLOR];
    private JTextField[] playerName = new JTextField[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private JTextArea gameTextArea = new JTextArea();
    private JLabel lblDiceNum,  gameTitle,  lblSnakes1,  lblSnakes2,  lblSnakes3,  lblLadders1,  lblLadders2,  lblLadders3,  lblNoofplayer = new JLabel();
    private JLabel[] playerlbl = new JLabel[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private JLabel[] colorlbl = new JLabel[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private JLabel[] playerToken = new JLabel[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private JButton jbtnStart,  jbtnExitGame,  jbtnRollDice = new JButton();
    private JComboBox numPlayer = new JComboBox();
    private ButtonGroup[] colorGroup = new ButtonGroup[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private JPanel jpnlChoosenoofPlayer,  jpnlBigSouth,  jpnlBigCenter,  jpnlBigNorth,  jpnlBigNorthUp,  jpnlBigNorthDown,  jpnlNumbers,  jpnlLaddersLabel,  jpnlSnakesLabel,  jpnlSnakeandLadder = new JPanel();
    private JPanel[] jpnlRadio = new JPanel[MAX_PLAYERS];
    private String[] textToPass;
    private String[] cmbNum = {"1", "2", "3", "4"};
    private int tempCount;
    private String[] userToCheck;
    private String[] colorSelected;
    private String defaultText = "Instructions:\n1. Enter the players name \n2. Select a color for each player \n3. Click start game button";
    private boolean endOfGame = false;
    ImageIcon tokenImage[] = new ImageIcon[MAX_PLAYERS];
    ImageIcon diceImage[] = new ImageIcon[6];
    private int startXcoor = 3,  startYcoor = 455;
    private int newPosX,  newPosY;
    private int[] playerMove = new int[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() + 1];

    int geng = 0;
    int gameCount = 0, turnNow = 0;
    Game game = new Game();
    Events event = new Events();

    public GameFrame() {

        jpnlBigNorth = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        jpnlBigCenter = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        jpnlBigSouth = new JPanel();

        jpnlBigNorth.add(jpnlBigNorthUp, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        jpnlBigNorth.add(jpnlBigNorthDown, "South");

        jpnlBigCenter.add(jpnlNumbers, "Center");
        jpnlBigCenter.add(jpnlSnakeandLadder, "East");
        add(jpnlBigNorth, "North");
        add(jpnlBigCenter, "Center");
        add(jpnlBigSouth, "South");


    private void initBigNorthPanel() {
        //a. upper north panel for titles and combobox
        jpnlBigNorthDown = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4, 15, 4));
        jpnlBigNorthUp = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2));

        jpnlChoosenoofPlayer = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 2));

        gameTitle = new JLabel("Snakes and Ladder");

        Font font1 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 35);
        numPlayer = new JComboBox(cmbNum);
        lblNoofplayer = new JLabel("No of Players");
        lblDiceNum = new JLabel();


        //b. lower north panel for players names and colors
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            playerlbl = new JLabel("Name of player : " + (i + 1));

        for (int l = 0; l < colorlbl.length; l++) {
            colorlbl[l] = new JLabel("Select Color :");

        for (int k = 0; k < playerName.length; k++) {
            playerName[k] = new JTextField(10);

        for (int m = 0; m < colorGroup.length; m++) {
            colorGroup[m] = new ButtonGroup();

        for (int i = 0; i < colorRadioButton.length; i += 4) {
            colorRadioButton = new JRadioButton("R");
        for (int i = 1; i < colorRadioButton.length; i += 4) {
            colorRadioButton = new JRadioButton("B");
        for (int i = 2; i < colorRadioButton.length; i += 4) {
            colorRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Y");
        for (int i = 3; i < colorRadioButton.length; i += 4) {
            colorRadioButton = new JRadioButton("G");

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            jpnlRadio = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 4));
        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        int m = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {


            jpnlRadio[k].add(colorRadioButton[m += 1]);

            jpnlRadio[k].add(colorRadioButton[m += 1]);

            jpnlRadio[k].add(colorRadioButton[m += 1]);
            m += 1;

        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        /*********  Wrong Logic Here *************/
        for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) {





作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:29 PM

    private void initBigCenterPanel() {
        jpnlNumbers = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 10));

        int count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
        int i = 0, tempk;

        for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) {
            chessBoard[j] = new JLabel();

        if (i < 40) {
            for (int l = MAX_CELLS; l > 0; l--) {
                chessBoard.setText("" + l);
                //  System.out.print(l+" ");  /***** Checking Purpose  *****/
                if (count1 > 9) {
                    for (int k = 10; k > 0; k--) {
                        tempk = l - k;
                        chessBoard.setText("" + tempk);
                        //System.out.print(""+tempk+" ");  /***** Checking Purpose  *****/
                        if (count2 > 9) {
                            count1 = 0;
                        }//end reset count1
                    }//end for k loop
                    l -= MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW;
                }//end reset count2
        }//end if


    private void snakeandladderlabel() {

        //c. declare for labels inside jpnlsanekslabel and jpnlladderslabel
        lblSnakes1 = new JLabel("11===>4");
        lblSnakes2 = new JLabel("27===>9");
        lblSnakes3 = new JLabel("38===>19");
        lblLadders1 = new JLabel("2===>17");
        lblLadders2 = new JLabel("13===>29");
        lblLadders3 = new JLabel("25===>33");

        //a. panel for ladders
        jpnlLaddersLabel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 1));
        //b. panel for snakes
        jpnlSnakesLabel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 1));
        jpnlSnakeandLadder = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1));

        //e. add snakes label and ladders label to panels

    private void initBigSouthPanel() {
        jpnlBigSouth = new JPanel();
        jbtnRollDice = new JButton("Roll the dice");
        jbtnStart = new JButton("Start Game");
        jbtnExitGame = new JButton("Exit Game");
        gameTextArea = new JTextArea(defaultText);
        jpnlBigSouth.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 4, 3, 3));


    private void setDefault() {


        for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {





    private void playersNameToPass() {
        textToPass = new String[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()];
        for (int i = 0; i <= numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); i++) {
            if (playerName.isEnabled() == true) {
                textToPass = playerName.getText().trim();

    private String[][] radioTextToPass() {

        String[][] radioColorText = new String[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()][];

        for (int i = 0; i < numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
                if (colorRadioButton[j].isEnabled() && colorRadioButton[j].isSelected()) {
                    radioColorText[j] = colorRadioButton[j].getText();

        return radioColorText;

作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:34 PM

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         /*Universe variable in this method will be use in comboBox setup and color compare*/

        if (e.getSource() == numPlayer) {
            //System.out.println(numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()); /*Testing Purpose */

            for (int i = 0; i <= numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); i++) {
                for (int k = numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() + 1; k < MAX_PLAYERS; k++) {

                /*This calculation is to set the radiobutton to be enabled according to number players selected*/
                tempCount = (1 + numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()) * 4;

                for (int l = 0; l < tempCount; l++) {
                for (int m = tempCount; m < MAX_RADIO_COLOR; m++) {
            }// end big foor loop
        if (e.getSource() == jbtnStart) {
            String t="",text="";
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
            t =chessBoard.getSize().toString();
            text= chessBoard.getText();

            userToCheck = new String[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() + 1];

            /*****************************Disabling All editable data field ************************************/
            int startPoint = 0;

            System.out.println("Index is ::" + numPlayer.getSelectedIndex());
            System.out.println("StartButton OK");  /* Show Start Button working*/
            /* Loop a String to pass value to Game Class for checking*/
            for (int i = 0; i <= numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); i++) {
                userToCheck = playerName.getText().trim();
            /* Now passing an array of String to Game Class for check empty String*/

            /* Now getting boolean value to make sure whether need show message for empty string*/
            if (game.getEmptyTextBox() == true) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, game.getEmptyTextString(),"Message",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);/* Tracking purpose due to java is phail*/
            } else {
                /*Now checking playername to make sure it not duplicated*/
                if (numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() > 0) {
//                        System.out.println(userToCheck[0]);
//                        System.out.println(userToCheck[1]);
//                        System.out.println(userToCheck[2]);
                    System.out.println("Entered checkUserName loop");
                    /* Part for display msg if there is duplicated username*/
                    if (game.getBooleanUserName()) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, game.getMessageCompareResult(),"Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                /*This part track down the success run loop message */
                System.out.println("Successfully check all names");
            /* This part will be the checking part for color button */
            // basic concept is array. which is flexible to amount of player joined without checking enabled again
            // e.g : if 3 players joined then this methods will auto extract it out as String [] arr = {"R","B","G"}
            //       so any chges does to codes dun hav re-code
            colorSelected = new String[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() + 1];
            System.out.println("tempCount value is " + tempCount); /* Checking tempCount value*/
            for (int mother = 0; mother <= numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); mother++) {
                //this inner for loop is to extract out wanted value for radioButton ranged from 0-3,4-7,8-11,12-15
                //break is use to make sure come out from the loop after getting values to reduce retard looping.
                //temp count will keep chging according to players enabled
                for (int i = startPoint; i < tempCount; i++) {
                    if (colorRadioButton.isSelected()) {
                        colorSelected[mother] = colorRadioButton.getText();
                        startPoint += 4;
            /* Assuming colorSelected at index 0 is 1st player and so on*/
            if (numPlayer.getSelectedIndex() > 0) {
                /* Now is the time to pass in value in to Game Class*/
                if (game.getBooleanSameRadionButton()) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, game.getSameRadioButton(),"Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                System.out.println("Successfully show compare result.");

            playerMove=new int[numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()+1];
            /*****************************Disabling All editable data field ************************************/
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < MAX_RADIO_COLOR; j++) {

        }// end jbtnStart
        if (e.getSource() == jbtnRollDice) {
            if (gameCount == turnNow&&endOfGame==false) {
                playerMove[gameCount] += game.getDiceNum();

                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Player "+playerName[gameCount].getText().trim()+" rolls "+game.getDiceNum());
                playerToken[gameCount].setLocation(newPosX+(gameCount*6), newPosY+(gameCount*(-6)));


                        for(int i=0;i<numPlayer.getSelectedIndex();i++){

                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Player "+(gameCount+1)+" win !!! ");                        

                if (gameCount > numPlayer.getSelectedIndex()) {
                    gameCount = 0;
                    turnNow = 0;
            }else if(endOfGame){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Game End !!!");
                for(int i=0;i<numPlayer.getSelectedIndex();i++){


    }//end actionlistener

作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:35 PM

    public void initTokenLocation() {
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
            playerToken = new JLabel();
            playerToken.setSize(30, 30);
            playerToken.setLocation(startXcoor, startYcoor);
            startXcoor += 6;
            startYcoor -= 6;


    public void initDiceImage() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            diceImage = new ImageIcon("image/no" + i + ".png");

    private void setPlayerFirstToken() {

        for (int i = 0; i <= numPlayer.getSelectedIndex(); i++) {

                    tokenImage = new ImageIcon("image/" +  colorSelected + ".png");

    public void getPosition(int currentMove) {
        int firstDigit, secondDigit, stimulatePosX, stimulatePosY, stimulatePos,temp,check=1;
        String jk;
        stimulatePos = MAX_CELLS - currentMove;

        firstDigit = (Math.abs(stimulatePos / 10));
        secondDigit = (Math.abs(stimulatePos % 10));
        stimulatePosY = (firstDigit * 85) + 210;
        System.out.println("First Digit is "+firstDigit);
        System.out.println("Modulus of first digit :"+(firstDigit%2));

         if (temp==check) {
             System.out.println(" Come ");
               stimulatePosX = ((9 - secondDigit) * 71) + 4;
                stimulatePosX = (secondDigit * 71) + 4;

        newPosX = stimulatePosX;
        newPosY = stimulatePosY;


作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:36 PM

package snakeandladder;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Game {

    private int totalPlayer,totalRadioButton;
    private String[]playerName=new String[totalPlayer];
    private boolean emptyPlayerName=false,sameUserName=false,samePlayerColor=false, endGame=false;
    private String emptyTextString="",userNameComparison="",sameRadioButton;
    private int turnNow=0;
    private int diceRolls;

    public void setTotalPlayer(int amountJoined){
    }// end of setTotalPlayer

    public void setTotalRadioButton(int totalRadioBtn){

    }//end of setTotalRadioButton

    public void setAllPlayerName(String [] allPlayerName){

    public void checkEmptyTextBox(String[] textbox){
        System.out.println("Run into checkEmptyTextBox now");
        int i;
                System.out.println("Entered Loop");
                emptyTextString+="Please insert player"+(i+1)+"'s name, thanks!\n";
                System.out.println("This prove cant enter null circuit !");

    public boolean getEmptyTextBox(){

    return emptyPlayerName;
    public String getEmptyTextString(){
        return emptyTextString;

    public String getMessageCompareResult(){
        return userNameComparison;

    public boolean getBooleanUserName(){

        return sameUserName;

    public String getSameRadioButton(){

        return sameRadioButton;

    public boolean getBooleanSameRadionButton(){
        return samePlayerColor;

    public void checkUserName(String[] playersName){
         int i,k,count=0,startPos=1;
         String temp;
         /*count must < totalPlayer which indicates the last index of string that dun hav to check*/
             //System.out.println("Check totalPlayer at Game line 67"+ totalPlayer);
            userNameComparison+=" The player"+(k+1)+"'s name "+playersName[k]+" is same with "+"player"+(count+1)+"'s name.\n";
            System.out.println("Got name same :"+playersName[k]);
            System.out.println("Name Checked , no name is the same");
    }//end of checkusername

    public void checkColorRadioBtn( String [] colorSelected){
    int i,count=0,startPos=1;
    String temp;

    //colorSelected= new String[totalPlayer+1];
        System.out.println("totalPlayer at Game Class line 98 "+totalPlayer);

                    //System.out.println("The if loop for color checking ~");
                    sameRadioButton+=" The player "+(i+1)+"'s color is same as player "+(count+1+".\n");
                    System.out.println("Color Checked , no same color selected");                                      
    }//end while

//    for( i=0;i<=totalPlayer;i++){
//        for(j=0;j<=totalRadioBtnToCheck;j++){
//            if(i!=j){
//                if(colorSelected[j].equals(colorSelected[j])){
//                    player[j]++;
//                    sameRadioButton+=" The player "+playerName+"'s color is same with "+player[j]+".\n";
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }


    public String getWhoseTurn(String playerNow){
        String returnTurns="";
        returnTurns="\n"+playerNow+"'s turn.\nPlease roll the dice." +"\n";
        return returnTurns;

    public int getTurnNow(){

        return turnNow;

    public void setEndGame(boolean endgame){



    public void rollDice(){
         this.diceRolls=(1 + (int) (Math.random() * 6));

    public void clearAllData(){
        samePlayerColor=false; endGame=false;sameRadioButton="";

    public int getDiceNum(){
        return diceRolls;

作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:36 PM

package snakeandladder;

import javax.swing.*;

public class Events {

private int start,end;
private String type="";
String s="snakes",l="ladders";
boolean showMsg=false;

public void snakeAndLadder(int position){

     end = position;
     start = position;

        switch (start) {
            case 11:
                end = 4;
                type = s;

            case 27:
                end = 9;

                type = s;

            case 38:
                end = 19;

                type = s;

            case 2:
                end = 17;

                type = l;
            case 13:
                end = 29;

                type = l;

            case 25:
                end = 33;
                type = l;


        public int getLastPos(){
            return end;

        public void showSnakeandLadder(){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " You land on snake at "+start+" , your new position will be "+end);
            else if(type.equals(l)){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You land on ladder at position "+ start+", your new position will be "+end );


        public void clearSnake(){

        public void clearLadder(){

作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-4 01:39 PM
谢谢各位英雄的指点。 这个游戏是snake and ladder,还有些在结束game后的东西没 repaint。 一些 coordinating的 algo 也还没解决。

希望这些code能够帮忙入门新手学些简单的东西。 em0009
作者: goodday    时间: 2009-5-4 10:08 PM

作者: goodhermit95    时间: 2009-5-4 11:37 PM
作者: yclaw1015    时间: 2009-5-5 06:33 PM
em0018 em0018
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-6 05:11 AM
各位误会了 em0026

最近被一个帮了很多次的同学叫 " Selfish Creature",感觉很不愉快。很像生下来就注定一定要帮她似的。。。
作者: 毛毛小子    时间: 2009-5-6 05:18 PM
标题: 回复 #12 duo8668 的帖子
作者: Super-Tomato    时间: 2009-5-8 05:18 PM
要看完真的有些累, 不過大致上是眇過所有 Class 的 Function name了, 蛇棋中主架構是一開始設定介面 InitBigNorth/Center/South 等部分, 然後對 Panel 進行監聽并通過 actionPerformed 來執行. Event class中的爬上和跌落是固定好的哦, 要是可以 random 會比較好玩

對初學者來說雖然是不錯的例子, 但是 coding 太多要一開始下手研究會抓不著重點
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-8 07:51 PM
看得出来你的programming不错,可以给我你的msn吗?想跟你请教关于 drag and drop 的设定。还有 java 2D animation
作者: goodhermit95    时间: 2009-5-8 10:41 PM
标题: 回复 #15 duo8668 的帖子
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-8 11:45 PM
标题: 回复 #16 goodhermit95 的帖子
谁可以教我 java的 drag and drop。。。 看Tutorial 看到gong gong
作者: goodhermit95    时间: 2009-5-8 11:51 PM
标题: 回复 #17 duo8668 的帖子
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-9 12:27 AM
picture file.
想做个方便user drag and drop picture 的 功能,此功能会导入file 的 URL。imageicon就是应用这个URL来显示图档。基本上用file browser可以解决不过觉得麻烦。我想做的这个是其中之一的部分,它会将image录进txt file来储存。老师不给用SQL,只能用txt file来当作SQL那样。

不过我在找有没有其他display image/picture的东西。
作者: goodhermit95    时间: 2009-5-9 10:50 AM
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-9 11:18 AM

不过什么是 protected access ? mean 要自己extends 还是 implements TransferHandler ?
作者: Super-Tomato    时间: 2009-5-9 12:33 PM
原帖由 duo8668 于 2009-5-8 07:51 PM 发表
看得出来你的programming不错,可以给我你的msn吗?想跟你请教关于 drag and drop 的设定。还有 java 2D animation

我只是初學者, 甚麼都不太會哦, 而且也沒用 msn 很久了, D&D的教學網上很多教程和例子, 可以搜索到處看看, sun 網站的雖然說得很清楚但太長了.

原帖由 duo8668 于 2009-5-9 11:18 AM 发表

不过什么是 protected access ? mean 要自己extends 还是 implements TransferHandler ?

private 或 final
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-9 06:40 PM
原帖由 Super-Tomato 于 2009-5-9 12:33 PM 发表

我只是初學者, 甚麼都不太會哦, 而且也沒用 msn 很久了, D&D的教學網上很多教程和例子, 可以搜索到處看看, sun 網站的雖然說得很清楚但太長了.

最近在做学校Assignment,改我的filereader的function改到头痛。readline只读一行,要自己做multiline的。因为不能用SQL的关系还要做delimiterdetect,不可以单一用逗号之类的。听说regex可以帮到忙可是我又不太会那种可以征查escape characters的formulae。。。

private 或 final

作者: Super-Tomato    时间: 2009-5-9 07:33 PM
原帖由 duo8668 于 2009-5-9 06:40 PM 发表

最近在做学校Assignment,改我的filereader的function改到头痛。readline只读一行,要自己做multiline的。因为不能用SQL的关系还要做delimiterdetect,不可以单一用逗号之类的。听说regex可以帮到忙可是我又 ...

regular expression 其實不難, 只是一開始用起來比較蹩腳, 但是用慣之後就非常容易而且可以簡化很多編寫步驟

你不是問 protected access 嗎? Private 不是就只有本身可以被訪問, 而 Final 則是只限讀取不被更變.
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-9 07:52 PM
标题: 回复 #24 Super-Tomato 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 duo8668 于 2009-5-9 07:54 PM 编辑 ]
作者: Super-Tomato    时间: 2009-5-9 08:02 PM
原帖由 duo8668 于 2009-5-9 07:52 PM 发表


多瀏覽 sun 的網站就可以學到很多基礎
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-9 08:35 PM
标题: 回复 #26 Super-Tomato 的帖子
作者: ~叫我宝哥~    时间: 2009-5-11 09:12 AM
标题: 回复 #27 duo8668 的帖子
请问一下computing loan payments 程序方式怎样写啊?/
我做这个做到疯掉了em0028 em0016
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-11 10:28 AM
标题: 回复 #28 ~叫我宝哥~ 的帖子
开个帖 放上 source code 这里就会有大大帮忙的了
作者: goodhermit95    时间: 2009-5-11 09:25 PM
我只看得懂怎么vilate 某个pattern
作者: duo8668    时间: 2009-5-11 11:19 PM
标题: 回复 #30 goodhermit95 的帖子
是playername 之类的???
不过目前在找方法replace certain string value in text file 。。。

希望这次的功课不会像这个snake and ladder 那么惨。。。很多 rubbish logic。

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