Model View ViewModel
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The Model View ViewModel (MVVM) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering that originated from Microsoft as a specialization of the Presentation Model design pattern introduced by Martin Fowler.[1] Largely based on the Model-view-controller pattern (MVC), MVVM is targeted at modern UI development platforms (Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight) in which there is a User Experience (UX) developer who has different requirements than a more “traditional” developer (i.e. oriented toward business logic and back end development). The View-Model of MVVM is “basically a value converter on steroids”[2] meaning that the View-Model is responsible for exposing the data objects from the Model in such a way that those objects are easily managed and consumed. In this respect, the View-Model is more Model than View, and handles most if not all of the View’s display logic (though the demarcation between what functions are handled by which layer is a subject of ongoing discussion[3] and exploration).
MVVM was designed to make use of specific functions in WPF to better facilitate the separation of View layer development from the rest of the pattern by removing virtually all “code behind” from the View layer.[4] Instead of requiring Interactive Designers to write View code, they can use the native WPF markup language XAML and create bindings to the ViewModel, which is written and maintained by application developers. This separation of roles allows Interactive Designers to focus on UX needs rather than programming or business logic, allowing for the layers of an application to be developed in multiple work streams.
微软的WPF带来了新的技术体验,如Sliverlight、音频、视频、3D、动画……,这导致了软件UI层更加细节化、可定制化。同时,在技术层面,WPF也带来了诸如Binding、Dependency Property、Routed Events、Command、DataTemplate、ControlTemplate等新特性。MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)框架的由来便是MVP(Model-View-Presenter)模式与WPF结合的应用方式时发展演变过来的一种新型架构框架。它立足于原有MVP框架并且把WPF的新特性揉合进去,以应对客户日益复杂的需求变化。
WPF的数据绑定与Presentation Model相集合是非常好的做法,使得开发人员可以将View和逻辑分离出来,但这种数据绑定技术非常简单实用,也是WPF所特有的,所以我们又称之为Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)。这种模式跟经典的MVP(Model-View-Presenter)模式很相似,除了你需要一个为View量身定制的model,这个model就是ViewModel。ViewModel包含所有由UI特定的接口和属性,并由一个ViewModel 的视图的绑定属性,并可获得二者之间的松散耦合,所以需要在ViewModel 直接更新视图中编写相应代码。数据绑定系统还支持提供了标准化的方式传输到视图的验证错误的输入的验证。
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