标题: 【PS-XO】Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 08:54 AM
标题: 【PS-XO】Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-11 07:08 AM 编辑
官方主页:http://www.konami.jp/mg25th/fox/index.html / http://www.konami.jp/mg25th/ http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/
游戏平台: PS3 XBOX360 PS4 Xbox One
发售日期:2014年3月18号 美版 / 2014年3月20日 欧日版
《合金装备》25周年上小岛秀夫公布了用FOX引擎打造的《合金装备》新作《合金装备:原爆点(Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zeroes)》。
由于当时发布会正要公布该作的时候,现场工作人员勒令观众们关掉手机并禁止发Twitter,解禁之后网上开始风传这部新作的名字,但是出现的名字却各式各样有的写Metal Gear:Ground Zeroes、有的写Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zero等。而近日小岛秀夫也在他自己的Twitter上再次强调了游戏的名字。
小岛秀夫在Twitter上说到:“游戏的名字应该是‘MGS Ground Zeroes’,不是‘Zero’。这个是复数的,不只有一个爆炸点。”因为Ground Zero是“爆心投影点”组织的名称,所以很多人认为发布会上公布的名字写错了,现在看来小岛是有意为之的。
此外,在PAX 2012上小岛秀夫也谈论到了《合金装备》系列的过去与未来,他透露了一个想法。小岛非常有兴趣制作以The Boss为主角的游戏,以她为主角的游戏一定会很精彩。
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes – official story synopsis
The year is 1975, the age of détente. The Vietnam conflict is drawing to a close and the world is thawing in the wake of the Cold War. However, as tension among the world’s giant superpowers eased, a tiny military force quietly took root in the Caribbean. A new type of military – an army without a nation, or any land to call home.
Lead by an enigmatic man known as “Snake,” the clandestine group operated in the shadows as elite guns-for-hire, servicing various governments around the world. As their reputation grew, so did their funding and military might. Eventually, rumors began to spread that the group had attained nuclear weapons capability. The alarming prospect of a nuclear-equipped military force existing beyond the confines of the NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty), and without any formal government, prompted demands for immediate nuclear inspection by the IAEA.
At that same time, Snake also received word that “Paz,” a female spy who had once infiltrated his army’s “Mother Base” was alive and being interrogated at a US Naval base on the southern tip of Cuba. The base housed a prison facility – a black-site that could operate outside the laws of both Cuba and the United States, where extreme forms of interrogation were sanctioned. Upon learning of the situation, Chico, a young volunteer in Snake’s army with feelings for Paz, took it upon himself to rescue her.
It wasn’t long before Snake received a distress call from Chico revealing that he had also been captured. With few options left, Snake embarks on a covert mission to reclaim both Paz and Chico from Cuba while Mother Base prepares to welcome its nuclear inspection.
Little did Snake know that this decision would set in motion a series of tragic events that would forever change his fate.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 08:57 AM
先前释出的主印象图,Snake 戴著护目镜现身
小岛秀夫公布的 " Snake 摘掉护目镜 " 样貌
由Fox引擎打造的《合金装备》系列最新作品《合金装备:原爆点(Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes)》将于2013年在XBOX360和PS3平台发售,游戏主角为3代主角Big Boss。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 08:58 AM
这部电影版由索尼影业的哥伦比亚制作,由Avi Arad担任制片人,他曾制作过多部英雄影片,例如《蜘蛛侠》,《绿巨人》,《钢铁侠》等,同时他还有其他游戏改编电影,例如《神秘海域》和《质量效应》。
据悉,Arad与小岛曾经考虑让休杰克曼来担当男一号Solid Snake,不过后来决定启用一名不为人所熟知的演员来驾驭Snake。
Kojima Production洛杉矶工作室将负责《合金装备:原爆点》(Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes)或《合金装备5》的联网游戏部分。
今日,Kojima Production团队总监小岛秀夫在Eurogamer Expo中举行了一次会议。在谈话中,他透露了一则关于Kojima Production洛杉矶工作室的传闻。
《合金装备:原爆点》潜在的PC版本售价为34.95英镑,比已经确定的Xbox 360和PS3版便宜了将近10英镑。当然了,也有只是摆着看的,以防万一真的出了PC版,但也没准还有其他隐情。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 09:00 AM
明年9月登陆 《合金装备:原爆点》发售日外泄
当《合金装备:原爆点》八月末惊天问世时,我们注意到至少有一个标志性元素之前就见过:裸蛇(Naked Snake)的夜视镜和《细胞分裂6》中Sam Fisher佩戴的一系列三角形镜头组合在一起的受话器非常相似。
当外媒就刚才的相似性向育碧询问时,《细胞分裂6:黑名单》动画设计师David Footman回复说:“我觉得两者的基调很不一样。两个游戏都有各自的核心玩家,但我只是感觉游戏的声音和语气,以及Sam Fisher这种类型的英雄(和它)实在太不同了。我觉得它(原爆点)有着另外一个游戏群体玩家。《细胞分裂6》的设计主导理念就是真实,故事的所有元素都是你在平常新闻中看到的更加『时事性』的事件、东西。”
《合金装备:原爆点》里Big Bos其实年轻力壮
自从《合金装备:原爆点》的10分钟演示Demo本周在PAX 2012上发布后,网络便出现了关于Snake年龄的讨论。小岛秀夫近日也针对此事在Twitter上为网友解惑。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 09:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-10-26 09:03 AM 编辑
《合金装备:零点位置》无责任分析 诸多疑点
首先,这段视频展示了Fox引擎的实力,看起来就是下一代游戏的效果了,小岛秀夫强调这不是技术展示,而是运行在这代游戏平台上的真实游戏画面。一开始,一位身份不明的男人在一座戒备森严的基地中穿行,可能是Les Enfant Terrible的营地。同时网上猜测这个男人就是Volgin。这里我们也来大胆猜一下,会不会是在《合金装备3》中被活活烧死的The Fury?
Volgin还是The Fury?下一幕,是关在笼子里了小孩子,耳机插在原本插在胸口,之后拔下来插入了随身听。之后这个男人离开时对他说,像你的Boss问好,注意台词里的B大写开头。此时,主题曲响起,烂脸男走向吉普,一架直升机呼啸而过,预示着《零点位置》中对车船的大量使用。接下来看这张图,他是Big Boss还是Snake?在演示中他自称Snake,但是根据时间线推测一下,还有他的眼罩是在右眼。
可不嘛,等了太久了。所谓的Snake为Big Boss工作也可以当做Snake就是Big Boss的代号。或者两者都不是,看下一句字幕“From FOX, two phantoms were born.”这句话有点意思,说他是Big Boss也是猜测。
Big Boss?还是Snake? 14分钟加长版中,这次我们第一次看到了潜行机制,匍匐通过基地,躲避探照灯,用消声手枪干掉警卫。Big Boss登上一辆吉普,迅速倒车出了视野。这段场景我们见识到了高科技定位装置,左上角可以看到这玩意叫做1Droid。
《合金猎车手》最后Big Boss呼叫直升机撤离了。小岛秀夫称这样可以在不同任务间往返,甚至跨过国境。这时候音乐变成了“女武神的出行”(这一刻《星球大战》附体),这段音乐是可以自定义的,而且最好不要太大声不然会被敌人发现。
照明弹好伙伴会扮演Big Boss还是Snake?谁是那位烂脸男?小孩子怎么用个耳机听自己身体?这段演示留了好多疑点,各位观众老爷你们怎么想?
8月30日小岛秀夫在KONAMI于东京举办的《合金装备》系列25周年纪念活动上露面之后,在活动结束后他又马上坐飞机去了西雅图参加PAX 2012的展出活动。下面一起来看看详细内容。
在PAX 2012上小岛秀夫放出了游戏《Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes》的演示视频,该视频是在一台高配置PC上运行的,而据小岛说该PC的配置和PS3类似。而随后PS美国博客上也证实,游戏未来确定将登陆PS3平台,而其他平台并为提到。
借此小岛向玩家们确定了《合金装备:零点》并不是“恶魔计划” ,但也有来自CVG的传闻称,“恶魔计划”很有可能会是《合金装备5》。小岛秀夫也强调过《合金装备:零点》并非《合金装备5》,游戏将是前传性质的作品,剧情事件在系列之前。
小岛有意开发THE BOSS主题游戏及反叛续作
在PAX Prime 2012展台上,小岛秀夫表示对于系列主角The Boss的浓浓兴趣,“我们此前曾作过一款以The Boss为主角的游戏,这是我真正乐于去制作的游戏。”
The Boss首次亮相于《合金装备3:食蛇者》,并且是《合金装备:和平行者》的主要角色之一,她是Big Boss的导师,后者则是Solid Snake的“父亲”。也是系列MSX平台作品的BOSS。
小岛表示如果让他制作一款关于The Boss的游戏,这款游戏将会成为系列的核心游戏,而非外传性质。这也不是小岛秀夫首次透露自己对开发The Boss为主角的游戏,The Boss是冷战前特种部队眼镜蛇的核心成员,是《食蛇者》中的最终Boss,小岛乐于对她的背后故事展开更多探索。
Konami昨日公布了FOX引擎的整合演示Demo,也就是《合金装备:原爆点》的实战演示,除却Big Boss外,还有年轻的Solid Snake,另外还有一位熟悉的角色,那就是“雷电”。
系列里,雷电年轻的时候受Solidus Snake的指导,是一名战士。其中Demo里有台词印证了这一点,“You are a real man,now,soldier”和“Give my regards to your Boss。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 09:05 AM
由于当时发布会正要公布该作的时候,现场工作人员勒令观众们关掉手机并禁止发Twitter,解禁之后网上开始风传这部新作的名字,但是出现的名字却各式各样有的写Metal Gear:Ground Zeroes、有的写Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zero等。而近日小岛秀夫也在他自己的Twitter上再次强调了游戏的名字。
小岛秀夫在Twitter上说到:“游戏的名字应该是‘MGS Ground Zeroes’,不是‘Zero’。这个是复数的,不只有一个爆炸点。”因为Ground Zero是“爆心投影点”组织的名称,所以很多人认为发布会上公布的名字写错了,现在看来小岛是有意为之的。
此外,在PAX 2012上小岛秀夫也谈论到了《合金装备》系列的过去与未来,他透露了一个想法。小岛非常有兴趣制作以The Boss为主角的游戏,以她为主角的游戏一定会很精彩。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2012-10-26 09:09 AM
TGS2012:《合金装备:原爆点》 全程不读盘
《合金装备》系列近年有这多样化的内容展开,除了电影化,和GREEE共同开发的《合金装备:社交行动》,《合金装备反叛:复仇》外,活动还介绍了利用FOX ENGINE制作的系列新作《合金装备:原爆点》。小岛强调,之前公开的令人惊异的宣传片不是预渲染影像。
时间也是实时变化的。不只是昼夜变化,而是太阳会慢慢下沉的24小时循环。本作是为了在其他作品使用引擎FOX ENGINE之前,以开放世界建立基准的作品。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-2-19 07:15 PM
招聘启事曝《合金装备 原爆点》登陆次世代
招聘启事对普通玩家来说是件望尘莫及的事,但一些额外信息吸引到了我们的眼球:次世代主机和PC平台的《合金装备》。考虑到《合金装备》系列高昂的开发成本和3、4年推出一部正传的节奏,小岛组不大可能有同时开发两部续作的余裕,因此各方估计,《合金装备:原爆点》很可能就是面向次世代主机与PC平台的作品,这对PS3与Xbox 360玩家来说不是什么好消息——虽然还有纵跨两代主机的可能性……
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-2-23 07:11 AM
在接受VG247的大卫• 库克(Dave Cook)采访时,小岛秀夫(Hideo Kojima)谈到了《合金装备:原爆点(Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes)》。这位《合金装备》设计师似乎很担心他们的第十部主线作品。
小岛还提出,他希望能够推出《合金装备崛起2(Metal Gear Rising 2)》,不过那也是Platinum Games的事,“任何其他公司都不可能完成这部作品”。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-2-25 06:41 PM
小岛还表示,他希望能有《合金装备崛起2》Metal Gear Rising Revengence 2,但必须是Platinium 工作是进行开发。“其他人做不来。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-3-8 06:58 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-6 07:04 PM
在视频中我们可以看到Quiet的原型是荷兰籍美女Stefanie Joosten,制作组现场用无数个角度的相机对Stefanie Joosten的各个表情进行了全面的抓取之后一一反映到到游戏中,并且动作也经过专业的动作捕捉。看来KONAMI这次《合金装备5》的制作相当的认真,值得期待。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-6 07:30 PM
Kojima Productions Los Angeles Studio Officially Opens
East Meets West As Konami Opens Los Angeles Game Development Studio
Konami Digital Entertainment today announced the opening of a new Los Angeles development studio. The studio will be instrumental in developing a variety of games, including instalments of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. During an opening ceremony at the new studio, Konami discussed new details about the Metal Gear Solid V experience, which includes Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid creator and Director of Kojima Productions, took the stage to show the first live gameplay demo for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.
Best known for the development of the popular Metal Gear Solid franchise, Kojima Productions’ team in Los Angeles will be instrumental in the continued development of the franchise, particularly with the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid V. Hideo Kojima will continue to provide guidance and inspiration to the employees of the Los Angeles studio.
“As gaming takes the world stage as one of the greatest forms of entertainment, it’s only natural for us to expand our operations across the globe,” said Hideo Kojima, Director of Kojima Productions. “And since Los Angeles is ground zero for the best studios, facilities and world-class talent, we are leaning on of these local resources to build an incredible team to create gaming experiences that are just as compelling as any film or television show.”
“The Los Angeles studio emphasizes Konami and Kojima Productions commitment to expanding our development footprint,” said Tomoyuki Tsuboi, President of Konami Digital Entertainment. “The new studio will put Kojima Productions in the heart of the west which will benefit future releases as it will introduce new talent and creativity to the development teams.”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-20 07:27 AM
好莱坞作曲家Harry Gregson-Williams将继续为制作中的游戏《合金装备:原爆点》作曲。这个消息是由一个最近收到游戏演示视频的网站透露的。
Williams曾经为《合金装备2》、《合金装备3》和《合金装备4》作曲。他将同Ludvig Forsell一起为《合金装备:原爆点》作曲。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-22 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-5 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-5 05:21 PM 编辑
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Releasing Spring 2014
《合金装备5:原爆点》发售日公布 展现新要素
小岛秀夫在《合金装备5:幻痛》的宣传过程中一直神神叨叨的,让人很难高清楚该作和之前公布的《合金装备5:原爆点》的不同,其实后者是一部前传性质或者说是大型试玩版一类的作品,它也将单独发售。日前KONAMI方面已经宣布,《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年春天登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX360和XBOX ONE平台。
此外,KONAMI方面还说道,游戏中将收录一个前往古巴战俘营解救人质的任务,其中会充分展现游戏中的动态天气效果。而这一部分剧情内容在整个《合金装备5:幻痛》中也将占有中有地位。《合金装备5:原爆点》PS3、XBOX360版售价为29美元(约RM95),下载版19美元(约RM60),PS4、XBOX ONE版制品版和下载版售价运维29美元。
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Breaks Cover in Spring 2014
Konami Digital Entertainment has revealed the unique link between its eagerly-awaited Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes title and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Both new additions to the Metal Gear Solid canon, Kojima Productions has created Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes as an entry experience and prologue to the events of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It will serve to introduce key gameplay components that will be fully realised in the fifth, full Metal Gear Solid epic, and act as a bridge between the linearity of existing titles and the full open-world environments of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Explaining the relationship between the two titles, Hideo Kojima – Creator of the Metal Gear Solid series and Head of Kojima Productions – commented: “The advanced capabilities of the FOX Engine have allowed me to tell the new story in a new way. There will be a significant difference in what Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain brings to the series, so we want to ease players into the new open world environment and its potential. As such, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has been designed to introduce key elements, allowing them to fully benefit from all that the new game will offer.”
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes charts a rescue mission as users infiltrate a Cuban prison camp, and sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the stunning plotlines of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The prelude showcases key advances to the series made possible by its use of Kojima Productions’ FOX Engine, with a large open environment, and missions where time of day and weather have a dynamic effect on the game and its missions. These elements will play a vital part in the story set up in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, while familiarising users with the possibilities they offer ahead of MMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Both titles will be released for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, highlighting the groundbreaking capabilities that the FOX Engine brings to current and next generation consoles.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be released for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Spring 2014. The boxed PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions will retail at $29.99 / £29.99, while the digital versions will retail for $19.99 / £19.99. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One digital versions will retail for $29.99 / £29.99.
Game Overview
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes acts as a prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and takes place one year after the events of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Assuming control of the legendary Snake (a.k.a. Big Boss), players are charged with the infiltration of Camp Omega where both Paz and Chico are held. The hostages hold key information concerning Snake and his private military organisation that Snake and his ally Kaz Miller must prevent from being exposed. Ground Zeroes charts the rescue and the subsequent fallout that leads into the beginning of the The Phantom Pain. Ground Zeroes also acts as a bridge between previous Metal Gear Solid titles, easing players into the vaunted open world of MGSV.
Key Features
• The power of Fox Engine – Ground Zeroes showcases Kojima Productions’ stunning FOX Engine, a true next-generation game engine which revolutionizes the Metal Gear Solid experience.
• Introduction to Open World design – The first Metal Gear Solid title to offer open world gameplay. Ground Zeroes offers total freedom of play: how missions are undertaken is entirely down to the user.
• Unrestricted Stealth – Imagine classic Metal Gear gameplay but with no restrictions or boundaries. Players use intelligence and cerebral strategy to sneak their way through entire missions, or go in all guns blazing. Each will have different effects on game consequences and advancement.
• Multiple missions and tasks – Ground Zeroes boasts a central story mode and additional side-missions ranging from tactical action, aerial assaults and “covert” stages that will be sure to surprise.
• Redesigned interface – Ground Zeroes users will benefit from a clean in-game HUD that shows the minimal amount of on-screen data to give a more intense gaming experience.
• Various in-game weather settings – Ground Zeroes will test the player in a variety of time and weather environments that will be central to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Use night conditions to your advantage, or poor weather as strategic cover.
• True next generation gaming – Available simultaneously with the current generation of gaming consoles, Ground Zeroes will give PS4 and Xbox One consumers the chance to showcase the power of their new machines.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-13 06:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-13 06:31 PM 编辑
小岛无奈 称《合金装备:原爆点》剧情有矛盾
MGS3 -> MGS5 -> MGS -> MGS2 -> MGS4
MGS5目前还未发售,小岛秀夫和他的团队正在为这款次世代游戏工作着,本作的主角是Big Boss,他同时也是MGS3的BOSS,而他的克隆人Solid Snake则是其余三作的主角。
前面几条都是对游戏的简单介绍,而最后一条才是核心关键,虽然独占内容具体是什么还未知,但是相信不久之后就会正式公布。因为《合金装备5:原爆点》就将于2014年春季登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX360和XBOX ONE平台了。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-15 08:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-15 11:04 PM 编辑
Spike TV的PlayStation 4 All Access节目证实了此前的猜测,小岛秀夫在节目上以视频的形式公布了《合金装备:原爆点》的PS4和PS3平台独占内容“Deja Vu”,这个独占内容很神奇,大家可以先看一下视频。
Deja Vu在法语中是即视感的意思,那么视频中也提到“扮演经典斯内克”,玩家在这个任务中似乎可以穿越回《合金装备》初代的风格游戏。斯内克是方块的,而周围场景也回归经典。这个任务可以看出小岛的风格,但众人称这所谓的重大发表就是一个独占皮肤,高呼坑爹,任务的详情在稍后会公布。
《合金装备:原爆点》日版的游戏售价、限定版和封面正式公布。PS4和PS3版的游戏制品版售价2980日元,下载版2480日元。XBOX360版售价2980日元,但是下周版2600日元。XBOX ONE版的游戏封面尚未公布,很有可能该版本不在日本地区发售。
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes getting PlayStation-exclusive 'Deja Vu' mission
Retracing 16 years of history, the PlayStation-Exclusive "Déjà Vu" mission brings players back to the 1998 PlayStation classic Metal Gear Solid. In an age when graphics were limited to blocky pixelated polygons, Metal Gear Solid set new standards in videogame storytelling with its memorable characters, cinematic presentation, and complex story. Relive the most memorable moments of the past with this Sony-exclusive mission on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Past and present collide as the characters and camera angles you remember from the 16-year old classic are brought to life the high-fidelity world of MGS:GZ!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-15 11:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-17 07:49 AM 编辑
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - Amazing PlayStation Exclusive Content Revealed
Konami Digital Entertainment has announced the PlayStation® and PlayStation 3 editions of its stunning Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will boast a Sony platform exclusive mission that celebrates the series’ heritage across the PlayStation range.
Series creator Hideo Kojima has celebrated the heritage of the acclaimed Metal Gear Solid franchise across numerous Sony gaming systems, by creating a bespoke mission for the newest addition to the PlayStation family.
Users will be able to access a unique ‘MGS1 Deja-Vu’ mission that references key events from the original PSOne classic, Metal Gear Solid. The exclusive mission tasks the user with reproducing famous scenes from the original game. As players recreate the iconic moments, a flashback system reproduces the original graphical style of the original PSOne game - complete with greatly reduced ‘vintage’ polygon count - and introduces familiar enemies and weather conditions for added authenticity.
The mission will be available to both digital and boxed users, and will ultimately let players assume the appearance of the classic ‘Solid Snake’ within the Ground Zeroes universe once proper conditions are met.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is scheduled to be released in Spring 2014, and acts as a prequel to events in Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. The game introduces a new open-world environment to the series, along with time of day, a variety of weather conditions, extensive AI advances, and a gripping new storyline that will both stun and amaze. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be available in retail stores nationwide on current generation systems for £29.99 or via download for £19.99. Digital versions for PlayStation®4 and Xbox One can be downloaded for £29.99.
Metal Gear Solid V – new details
Hideo Kojima shared new details about Metal Gear Solid V while speaking with Famitsu. A few translations from the magazine are now available, which we’ve rounded up below.
- Ground Zeroes is the prologue to Phantom Pain, and it is intended to be similar to the pre-title sequence of a Hollywood movie, where something major happens to catch the audience’s attention, before the real story starts.
- The main content in Ground Zeroes is largely meant to be a tutorial for Phantom Pain. He uses the exact word – tutorial, so there’s no doubt about this at all. The story content in Ground Zeroes is limited to the night setting in the rain, but you’ll be able to see other times of the day via the side op missions. There is no dynamic weather or day/night cycle in Ground Zeroes.
- Phantom Pain is the game which will feature the full range of expanded features carried over from Peace Walker – base building, recruiting soldiers, etc. Most of this will not be in Ground Zeroes at all. You will not be able to use the fulton recovery system in Ground Zeroes either, but there are optional captives you can rescue using the helicopter.
- The save data in Ground Zeroes will carry over to Phantom Pain, and there will be benefits in the full game for extra stuff you decide to do in Ground Zeroes.
- The reason Ground Zeroes is being released as a separate package in the first place is because the main game is taking a long time to develop due to the large amount of content. So the marketing team at Konami worked out this release format with Kojima so gamers can at least experience the prologue segment of the game earlier.
- Kojima wants to reward fans who buy both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain later on with some sort of content in the full game, but he hasn’t worked out the details with the marketing team yet.
- Ground Zeroes (and Phantom Pain by extension) will support a secondary display device via smartphones or tablets. It can be used to display stuff like leaderboards. There have also been feedback from people outside of Japan for a map display and so on, but Kojima has some concerns about players diverting their attention between two screens, so he’s still looking into it.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-20 06:42 PM
《合金装备5:原爆点》将作为系列序章并于2014年春季在PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台上发售。
Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kojima_Hideo ... 28299622400/photo/1
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-23 07:13 AM
《合金装备5:原爆点》也将为Xbox one和Xbox 360提供独占内容。在Xbox One首发倒计时活动上,微软给大家带来了一个惊喜,《合金装备5:原爆点》的画面一闪而过,还有一行字“Xbox 独占内容”。
之前小岛曾表示会为PS4版《合金装备5:原爆点》准备独占内容,复古怀旧模式的任务,现在看来,Xbox One也将有自己的独占内容了,而且这样一来,几乎没有谁能够玩到最完整的的《合金装备5》,除非你买两款主机,买两套游戏。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-8 06:57 AM
小岛秀夫再于推特晒图 工作室与游戏开发进度展示
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-10 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-10 06:21 PM 编辑
MGS V: Ground Zeroes Coming March 18 ~ Xbox 360/One Exclusive 'Jamais Vu' Mission
此前KONAMI曾公布《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年春季发售,而日前游戏的准确发售日正式确定,本作将于2014年3月18日正式发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。而之前索尼一方PS3、PS4独占内容已宣布为“似曾相识(Deja Vu)”。
在PS4首发活动上小岛秀夫公布了一个PS系独占内容“即视感”任务,玩家可以用PS时代经典的斯内克建模来进行游戏。而同时XBOX ONE和XBOX360版本也将拥有一个独占的“旧事如新”任务,玩家可以使用雷电皮肤来进行游戏。
下面为大家带来的是《合金装备5:原爆点》夜间宣传片和XBOX独占“旧事如新”任务宣传片。另一段关卡命名为“旧日如新(Jamais Vu)”,将是微软一方Xbox 360和Xbox One的独占内容。
■商品名称:PUMA×METAL GEAR SOLID V T7 Track Jacket(コナミスタイル特別版)
ゲームソフト『METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES』(PlayStation 4/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360)
ジャケット『MGSV T7 Track Jacket』(限定仕様)/サイズ展開:M/L/O
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-10 07:15 AM
Metal Gear Solid V Q&A with Hideo Kojima
"Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes" will launch in Spring 2014 as a prologue to the events leading into "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" and both are coming to Xbox One. Check out the Xbox Wire exclusive interview below with Hideo Kojima, legendary creator of the “Metal Gear Solid” franchise and Director of Kojima Productions, about these two amazing new games.
In addition, be sure to check out an Xbox-exclusive trailer for "Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes" that features the bonus character, the cyborg ninja Raiden, as he takes down enemy bioroid 'Snatchers'!
What are you most excited about for developing on new generation hardware?
I'm most looking forward to the "pseudo-cloud" era that the next generation of hardware will bring. It's still one step away from the "true" cloud revolution, but it will allow players to interact with their games, and each other in new and exciting ways using multiple devices such as tablets and smart devices. Social experiences and player interaction are what will drive the next wave of games.
How will a new generation of hardware impact the future of the “Metal Gear” franchise?
Technology is at a crossroads, facilitating evolution perpendicular to the path we've taken thus far. It's not just about the next level of gaming hardware anymore, it's about how that hardware will allow games to interact with multiple devices and SNS platforms. Technology is fanning out in a horizontal direction as opposed to the vertical evolution of the past.
What are some of the reasons for developing “Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes” with new game design such as Open World elements?
[Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes] を、オープンワールドのタイトルとして開発されている理由をお聞かせください。
From now on, an increasing number of players will be actively communicating with each other through the medium of games. The best way to engage and motivate these players, and nurture the resulting sense of competition among them is to give them the freedom of interaction that open world elements provide.
What are some of the new experiences that fans can look forward to with an open-world “Metal Gear Solid?”
オープンワールドのMetal Gear Solidで楽しめる新しい体験に関して、ファンの皆さんに特に期待していてほしいことを教えてください。
First of all, to avoid confusion, I would like to clarify that my vision for "MGSV" does differ a bit from what most people may assume when they think of the current "Open-World" genre. A more accurate way to describe it would be a "stealth simulator" in an open world environment. The open world elements exist to remove the rails from the stealth experience, allowing players to freely plan their own routes and experiment with their own unique infiltration strategies. However, at its heart, the gameplay is all about stealth and we don't intend to shift the focus away from that.
What are you most excited about with the addition of Kiefer Sutherland to the “Metal Gear” franchise?
キーファー・サザーランド氏がMetal Gearフランチャイズに参加されるということについて、ご自身が最も楽しみにしていること/興奮していること、を教えてください。
It's no longer just about the words that a character speaks, it's about the depth of their facial performance and the expressive tone of their voice. As technology evolves, it's vital that the expressiveness of the characters in the game evolve to match the capabilities of the hardware. Kiefer is helping us to raise the bar in that respect, and I'm looking forward to the final result.
Can you explain the relationship between “Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes” and “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain?”
[Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes]と「Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain」の関係について、ご説明いただけますか。
"Ground Zeroes" is the gateway that leads into "The Phantom Pain" and serves as the prologue to the core "Metal Gear Solid V" experience. If I were to draw an analogy to Hollywood movies, it's similar to those first 15 minutes of a film that grabs the viewer's interest and pulls them in before the opening title appears. In game terms, it's a sort of tutorial that will help players get accustomed to many of the changes that we're introducing to the system.
There have been some notable villains and NPCs with incredible backstories that have appeared throughout the “Metal Gear” franchise, which character is your favorite and why?
It's a tough call, but maybe Otacon? He's a character who proudly identifies himself as an "Otaku" (Japanese for "geek"), but is still able to survive and hold his own in the midst of all these amazing heroic characters, despite the fact that he himself never engages in battle. Back when we were making the original "Metal Gear Solid," it was risky to include a character like his in the game, but I think it's precisely because of his inability to fit in that people have grown attached to him. He's become a sort of lovable mascot for geeks (otaku) the world over.
The “Metal Gear” franchise has always featured an immersive storyline with amazing graphics and cut-scenes; can fans expect more of the same in the latest iteration?
Naturally, there's still a good amount of story to be told, but I'm trying to express it in a new way. It's different from the linear style of storytelling I've used in the past. There will be cut scenes, but they will come together piece-by-piece based on each player's individual progress through the game.
What do you feel is the trademark of a “Metal Gear Solid” title?
Metal Gear Solidタイトルの代表的なトレードマーク(例えば:ステルス要素、テーマのある物語とか)は、何だと思われますか。
Stealth and the desire to convey a meaningful message to the player. The way these elements are implemented may vary, but they'll always be there. In that regard, my approach to "Metal Gear Solid V" is no different from before.
It’s been 25 years since the first “Metal Gear” game was released, do you see the franchise going for another 25-plus years or do you feel that the storyline will come to an end for Snake and Big Boss?
初のMetal Gearゲームが発売されてから25年が経ちましたが、フランチャイズはこれからまた25年以上続いていくと思われますか。それとも、SnakeとBig Bossのストーリーは終焉を迎えると思われますか。
I honestly have no idea. The only thing I can say for certain is that I personally will not be able to carry "MGS" forward for another 25 years. However, with new talent at the helm guiding the series through each new stage, I can easily imagine a world 25 years from now where a new "MGS" franchise continues onward into the future.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-16 06:26 PM
《合金装备5:原爆点》Remote Play试玩截图
《合金装备5:原爆点》确定将于2013年3月18日正式发售,对应平台为PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3和XBOX360平台,此外也许你也可以拿着PSV玩这款游戏。不要着急,这并不是说该作也会有PSV版,而是通过Remote Play用PSV来操控PS4版的游戏,日前小岛秀夫在其官方Twitter上证实了这点。
小岛秀夫在其Twitter上发了几张用PSV Remote Play玩PS4版《合金装备5:原爆点》的图片,同时也强调,这并非移植,只是Remote Play。同时小岛发的截图中我们看到他还是在玩日版的PS4,这真是馋坏了日本的玩家了。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-16 06:53 PM
《合金装备5:原爆点》XBOX ONE版成就曝光
小岛秀夫监制的MGS5序章《合金装备 5:原爆点》将在3月18日发售。Xbox One版的成就列表已经泄露,15个成就、1000成就分。从描述上看到有2个主线任务6个支线任务和至少1个额外任务。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-21 06:41 PM
《合金装备》系列制作人小岛秀夫又再Twitter上放照片,这次他放出了两张手办照片,分别是《合金装备5:原爆点》中的两个新角色Quiet和Skull Face。
从之前的宣传片及武器我们已经了解Quiet是一名女性狙击手,小岛晒的照片是Quiet的超像可动手办,如果以后发卖,玩家们可以买来摆成各种姿势(不要邪恶了)。而另一个Skull Face的手办目前还处于白膜阶段,我们可以看出他有两个头可换,还有一个帽子配件。目前对这名角色的信息还是未知,不过有玩家猜测该角色就是系列3代中的沃尔金。
《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年3月18日发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-1 05:21 PM
KONAMI《合金装备5:原爆点》日版将于2014年3月20日正式发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。目前游戏公布了日版初回生产办限定特典、店铺特典相关情报。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-5 06:29 PM
Konami的新作《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年3月18日发售,登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。而根据国外媒体的最新报道,本作的主线流程长度仅为2小时。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-6 09:58 PM
Kojima addresses Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes’ length
Hideo Kojima's statement
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes includes the main mission alongside 5 Side Ops. All missions include elements such as "Trial Records," where players can compete against each other online.
This is not a linear game like in the past. Ground Zeroes offers freedom of approach and play style, which we hope players will enjoy over and over again without boring them.
I believe people will be satisfied with the play time of Ground Zeroes and will not stress the "Clear Time," which is a standard for linear games
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-17 07:18 PM
类似付费试玩版的《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年3月18日登陆PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3和XBOX360平台。在公布新限定PS4保护壳之后,官方还透露了几个版本之间的不同区别。
首先PS4版可以达到1080p/60fps的画面水平,但是次世代另一个平台XBOX ONE仅仅只有720p/60fps,上世代主机PS3和XBOX360平台均是720p/30fps。官方还公布了相关的对比截图,玩家们可以直观的感受一下。
作者: №Dante 时间: 2014-2-19 02:57 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-19 07:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-20 06:38 PM 编辑
《合金装备》系列的新作《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年3月18日登陆PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3和XBOX360平台。此前官方已经确认本作各版本在表现效果上有着一定的区别,其中PS4版可以达到1080p/60fps的画面水平,但是次世代另一个平台XBOX ONE仅仅只有720p/60fps,上世代主机PS3和XBOX360平台均是720p/30fps。而日前就有人放出了这4个版本的画面对比视频,下面就请大家亲自确认一下各版本的区别吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-25 07:16 PM
《原爆点》和《幻痛》的时代背景设定在上世纪的80年代,即按时间顺序,在《MGS5》的故事是发生在《和平行者(Peace Walker)》之后,但在初代《合金装备》之前。然而,自由者之子与爱国者之枪都强调了这是MGS中的主要时段,正是在这期间爱国者组织得到建立。
《合金装备5:原爆点》将于3月18日在PS3、Xbox360、Xbox One、PS4平台登陆。而《合金装备5:幻痛》将会在相同平台发布,但目前没有一个准确发布时间,预计在2014年10月至2015年12月之间。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-26 07:44 AM
《原爆点》将包括一个iDROID App,可以复制游戏中的boss,地图设备等。玩家可以通过IOS和安卓设备免费下载这款app。玩家可以使用app查看地图,请求空中支援或者播放在游戏中找到的卡带。
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes gets price drop on PS4 & Xbox One, New details
Konami Leaks Ground Zeroes Details, Including Exclusive DLC, iDROID App and Carry-over Data to The Phantom Pain
Konami Digital Entertainment today announced new details for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. As launch day nears, Konami is releasing new details around one of the year’s most anticipated games.
First, it was revealed that those who purchase Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesS early on will receive exclusive DLC for use within The Phantom Pain. The DLC will only be available in the first batch of the retail version and for a limited period of time for the digital version. The DLC provides players with additional resources for a Mother Base area that will be available in The Phantom Pain. Mother Base is introduced during the events of Ground Zeroes and plays a central role in the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Unlocked through downloadable code, the added staff for Mother Base will give Konami players an edge when they take on The Phantom Pain.
In addition, anyone that purchases Ground Zeroes will be able to unlock exclusive content within the game to carry-over to The Phantom Pain. Prisoners of war and VIPs rescued in Ground Zeroes will be added to the Mother Base staff in The Phantom Pain, providing Ground Zeroes players an early in-game advantage; character skins will also be able to be carried over.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will also bring the game to life by featuring a second-screen iDROID app, which replicates Big Boss’ in-game communication/map device. Downloadable via iOS, Android and Xbox Smart Glass systems for FREE, the iDROID app syncs the main action to a secondary device. Users can call up maps, summon air support, or play any of the cassette tapes found throughout Camp Omega.
Last, Konami has also announced that it will offer both physical and digital versions of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for an SRP of $29.99. Bringing pricing in-line with the “current generation” price, Konami aims to provide as many people as possible an opportunity to experience Kojima Productions’ FOX Engine and the first installment in the two-part etal Gear Solid V experience. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will remain at the SRP of $29.99 for retail and via download for SRP $19.99.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be available in retail stores nationwide and online beginning March 18, 2014.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-27 06:55 PM
玩家使用该app可以在游戏中与BIG BOSS沟通,并且可以超看地图,该app在iOS、安卓和XBOX Smart Glass上都是免费提供的,此外玩家还可以用它召唤空中支援或者收听游戏中发现的录音带,还可以用其建造基地。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-1 12:10 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-1 12:12 PM
http://store.puma.jp/_search/sea ... dcolor=2&dstk=2
作者: kahweng 时间: 2014-3-2 10:11 PM
ground zeroes 和 phantom pain 有什么分别?还有 那个 premium dlc 不懂。。。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-3 07:19 AM
kahweng 发表于 2014-3-2 10:11 PM
ground zeroes 和 phantom pain 有什么分别?还有 那个 premium dlc 不懂。。。
ground zeroes是描述Phantom Pain其中一部分的剧情
phantom pain是整体游戏也是主系列的续集游戏。
premium dlc 你说那个?ground zeroes预订的DLC后续可用在Phantom pain上所有的记录都能在Phantom Pain上继承下去。
作者: kahweng 时间: 2014-3-3 11:08 AM
kirassss 发表于 2014-3-3 07:19 AM
ground zeroes是描述Phantom Pain其中一部分的剧情
phantom pain是整体游戏也是主系列的续集游戏。
pre ...
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-3 12:14 PM
kahweng 发表于 2014-3-3 11:08 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-6 07:26 PM
《MGS5:原爆点》1080p截图赏 独占内容曝光
小岛工作室的最新作品《合金装备5》前传“原爆点”即将在本月晚些时候正式发售,此前官方已经不止一次公布了该游戏在PS4、Xbox One等四款主机平台上的画质对比,其中PS4是唯一采用1080p原生分辨率的平台。
按计划,《合金装备5:原爆点》会在3月18日面向PS3、PS4、Xbox 360和Xbox One发售,而根据制作人小岛秀夫的最新表态,其本传《合金装备5:幻痛》未来还会增加PC版本。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-14 05:54 PM
Konami旗下的《合金装备》系列是全世界玩家都非常喜爱的游戏系列,其最新作《合金装备5:原爆点》将于2014年3月18日正式登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。而日前官方放出了本作的制作人访谈影像,玩家们可以在观看实际游戏片段的同时来听系列创造者小岛秀夫讲解本作战斗、探索、任务等多方面的细节,借此也让大家更加了解这款游戏的方方面面。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-18 06:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-18 07:34 PM 编辑
《合金装备5:原爆点》媒体评分出炉 最低2分
《合金装备5:原爆点》PS4版本中并没有白金杯(Platinum Trophy)成就供玩家来解锁,该系列的创作者小岛秀夫今天在推特上表示。至于原因,他诉苦道是因为索尼不允许廉价游戏内置白金杯成就。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-19 07:38 AM
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Launch Trailer
Special Ground Zeroes trailer shows new gameplay elements
Konami Digital Entertainment has released a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes ahead of its physical release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation® and Xbox 360.
The new footage showcases vital new additions to the series, offering a tantalising glimpse of the game’s new open-world environment, the stunning weather effects, and the improved AI the game enjoys. All three things are brought into play via Kojima Productions’ stunning FOX Engine.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes takes place in 1975 and acts as an introduction to the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It focuses on the legendary Big Boss – a stealth operative - as he infiltrates a secret Cuban prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ on a rescue mission. Alone behind enemy lines, the game reveals a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and which prisoners they rescue.
Ground Zeroes’ open world and many possibilities encourages the player to revisit its content again and again to discover its secrets and features an online global ranking system where players can compare their achievements against others. It also has unique second-screen elements, via the free iDROID app which allows users to sync maps, summon air support and use found cassettes on a linked iOS, Android or Smart Glass system.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has been hailed as one of the key games of 2014. Scheduled to be released on March 21st priced £29.99 in both physical and digital forms for PlayStation 4 and XboxOne, and £29.99 for the physical PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 editions or £19.99 for digital versions.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-20 10:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-21 06:31 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-9 06:47 PM
日前《合金装备》系列制作人小岛秀夫在Twitter上放出几张霸气外露的照片,是由模型工坊千值练制作即将在10月份推出的一款iDroid外型的iPhone手机保护壳。这款手机壳将能支持iPhone 5/5S,在精心打造还原度相当高的造型下还配有一些相应的开关,能能够开启背面的蓝色球体灯,还配有相机镜头盖,顶上的天线还能拆下来当触控笔使用,在保护壳的包装下也能随意调节音量和开关机。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-13 06:49 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-26 07:21 AM
在小岛电台播报第6话上,小岛秀夫正式宣布《合金装备5:原爆点》的PlayStation平台独占任务“似曾相识(Deja Vu)”和Xbox平台独占雷电关卡“旧日如新(Jamais Vu)”将会交互登陆各自的平台。“似曾相识(Deja Vu)”将会登陆Xbox360和Xbox One,“旧日如新(Jamais Vu)”将会登陆PS3和PS4。小岛秀夫宣布这两部交互登陆的“独占内容”将于5月1日提供免费下载。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-28 06:38 PM
KONAMI宣布《合金装备5 原爆点 | Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes》已出货100万
KONAMI宣布《合金装备5 原爆点》在全世界已经出货了100万份,这个数字还不包含下载版。作为一款游戏的前传,也可以理解为收费试玩版,能有这种成绩实属不易。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-3 07:48 AM
KONAMI 释出《合金装备5:原爆点》系列中文字幕宣传影片透露中文化可能性?
KONAMI 今(2)日在官方YouTube 频道KONAMI573ch 上,公布了《合金装备5:原爆点》与《合金装备5:幻痛》至今释出之一系列宣传影片的中韩文字幕版,透露中韩文化的可能性。
从这5 段中文字幕版宣传影片中,可以看到所有角色台词的字幕都采用与英日文版游戏中相同的字体,很类似游戏中文化时会采用的模式(韩文字幕版亦同),透露出《潜龙谍影5》系列两款游戏有可能中韩文化推出的征兆。不过目前官方并未发表任何具体资讯,真相如何仍有待确认。
目前已知日本亚洲索尼电脑娱乐(SCEJA)预定于东京电玩展前日的9 月17 日举办亚洲媒体发表会,预料会中将披露后续PS4 的中文化游戏阵容,有兴趣的玩家不妨密切注意后续的报导。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-7 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-7 06:05 PM 编辑
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes dated for PC
支援4K 超高画质《合金装备5:原爆点》宣布12 月于Steam 推出
3 月已在PS4、Xbox One、PS3、Xbox 360 等家用主机上发售的谍报动作游戏《合金装备5:原爆点(Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes)》,于8 月德国Gamescom 展期间宣布也将会登陆PC 平台后,其发行商KONAMI 于6 日正式揭露本作将于12 月18 日在Steam 上推出。并表示届时将支援4K 超高画质输出、增加模拟光源数量及画面中可展现的模组数量、也会提高阴影解析度。
《合金装备5:原爆点》的时间背景设定在1975 年,玩家要操控传奇英雄- Big Boss 渗透位在古巴的秘密基地执行救援任务。
PC 版本之《合金装备5:原爆点》预定12 月18 日在Steam 平台上推出,至于作为后续故事的《合金装备5:幻痛(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)》,其上市时间目前预定于2015 年。
Steam Date Announced for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Konami Digital Entertainment has announced it will release the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes via Steam on December 18th, 2014. The company also confirmed it will be 4K compatible and will feature an increase in the number of simultaneous light sources, the number of models that can be displayed on-screen and increased shadow resolution.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes takes place in 1975 and sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the stunning plotlines of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Ground Zeroes centers on Big Boss - legendary hero and mercenary - as he infiltrates a sprawling secret prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ in Cuba on a rescue mission. He soon finds himself alone behind enemy lines with a truly non-linear mission that showcases key advances to the series made possible by its use of Kojima Productions’ FOX Engine.
Ground Zeroes is centered on a large open environment, with missions where time of day and weather have a dynamic effect on the game and its content. The game offers a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and who they rescue. As such, it offers incredible replay value and encourages the player to revisit its content in order to find more of its many secrets. Furthermore, the game features an online global ranking system where players can compete in unique in-game and mission challenges and achievements to see how they compare against others around the world.
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