F1、个人负担 自动减免9千 (Individual and dependent relatives 9,000)
F2、父母亲的医疗费、特殊需求、特别护理和特别看护费用 最多5千 (Medical treatment, special needs and carer expenses for parents (certified by medical practitioner) RESTRICTED TO 5,000)
F8、购买书籍/杂志 最多1千 ( Purchase of books/magazines/journals/similar publications (except newspapers and banned reading materials) for self, spouse or child. RESTRICTED TO 1,000)
F12、房贷利息 (Interest on housing loan (Conditions for eligibility to claim must be fulfilled) The Sale and Purchase Agreement has been executed within 10/03/09 - 31/12/10. RESTRICTED TO 10,000)