标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Devil May Cry 5 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-11 04:21 PM
标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Devil May Cry 5
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 09:39 PM 编辑

Devil May Cry 5 announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC


Capcom announced Devil May 5 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in spring 2019.

Here is an overview of the game, via Capcom:


A brand new entry in the legendary over-the-top action series comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2019, complete with its signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly and original characters the series is known for. Director Hideaki Itsuno and the core team have reunited to create the most over the top, technically advanced, utterly insane action experience of this generation.

Years have passed since the legions of hell have set foot in this world, but now a new demonic invasion has begun, and humanity’s last hope will rest in the hands of three lone demon hunters, each offering a radically different play style. United by fate and a thirst for vengeance, these demon hunters will have to face their demons in the hope to survive.

Key Features

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-11 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 06:44 PM 编辑


Devil May Cry 5 Japanese Twitter account shares story, character, and gameplay tidbits

The Japanese Twitter account for the Devil May Cry 5 series shared new information on the action game sequel following its official announcement yesterday.

Get the details below.


In the provincial Red Grave City, a giant tree with blood-Su cKing roots suddenly appeared and began attacking the people. Nero, a traveling demon exterminator, hurries there in the “Devil May Cry” van. Accompanying him and providing weapons is his sidekick Nico, a self-proclaimed “Weapons Artist.”

Powers stolen and pride lost, there are some things Nero seeks to reclaim. They are his beloved sword Red Queen which knocks about demons and thrusts him into battle, and his double-barreled, fire-shooting Blue Rose. The shine on his right hand is an anti-demon artificial arm called the Devil Breaker. “Nice…I’m going to rip you apart!”


A young traveling demon hunter. He was once a Holy Knight for the Order of the Sword. And he is not far down the bloodline of the Legendary Dark Knight.

Due to a certain event, Nero lost his demon hand, the Devil Trigger. However, his partner Nico helped him acquire a replacement, the new Devil Breaker. With it, he will stand against the invading demon forces.


A self-proclaimed “Weapons Artist” who travels with Nero. She is a first-class weapon crafter. Her grandmother is the first-class gunsmith Nell Goldstein.

She made the anti-demon artificial arm “Devil Breaker” for Nero. Although it was at the cost of her stamina, she is proud of the mechanisms she installed. The way she looks at her own work with such confidence is reminiscent of her father, who himself was a mad scientist. (via)


Continuing from Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry 5 features intense action, amazing graphics you will mistake for real life, and the fastest gameplay in the series to date, allowing you to move however you feel. The story will ramp up in intensity as you progress. This is a sequel that can only be created by developers who know Devil May Cry. The new RE Engine makes it possible to experience stylish action in 60 frames per second.

Create combos by grabbing, pulling, and driving into enemies. Grab. Pull. Drive into. Nero’s artificial right arm, the Devil Breaker, replaces the lost demon arm and wields a lot of power. Grab an enemy, pull them in, and attack them with your sword. You will get hooked on linking combos to create stylish action.

Decide how you want to style. The series’ gun and sword action is alive and well. Starting with the Devil Breaker, there are more new actions and systems to be announced. The possibilities for mastering style will infinitely expand.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2019.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-11 09:35 PM
《恶魔猎人》系列复活! 新作《恶魔猎人 5》故事背景与人物介绍揭开
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163882.html)

  《恶魔猎人》/《鬼泣》系列复活! 最新续作《恶魔猎人 5》于今日早上微软 E3 展前发表会中正式公开,游戏预定于 2019 年春季登陆 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 平台。

  CAPCOM 旗下《恶魔猎人》系列第一部作品于 2001 年登场,以继承了传说中的恶魔血脉的主角「但丁」华丽的枪剑动作为特征、以讲究「有多帅气爽快地打倒敌人」的游戏性吸引了众多动作游戏粉丝,确立了「Stylish Action」游戏种类。 该系列至今销量累计超越 1700 万套。


  而在《恶魔猎人 4》上市后睽违近 10 年,官方终于正式揭开续作《恶魔猎人 5》消息。 官方表示,游戏采用《恶灵古堡 7:生化危机》所使用的游戏引擎「RE ENGINE」打造,拥有以高帧数描绘精致画面的强大能力,以及能够实现创作者旺盛创造力的灵活设计,亦特地为《恶魔猎人 5》进行了改良和强化表现能力。

  伊津野英昭曾负责《私立正义学园》系列、《CAPCOM VS. SNK》系列、《龙族教义》系列,在《恶魔猎人》系列上,他从二代开始参与制作,三、四代担任监督,这次他将再次担任《恶魔猎人 5》监督,为玩家带来《恶魔猎人 4》续篇。

  角色设计由吉川达哉担任,他曾负责《龙息之焰》系列、《第一战士(Last Ranker)》、《恶魔猎人 4》等作品的角色设计,除 CAPCOM 的作品以外亦参与过多套游戏和动画,其才能受到全世界粉丝的热烈支持。

  《恶魔猎人 5》故事设定在魔剑教团事件发生几年后,一个都市发生突如其来的异变,巨大的树木贯穿了都市中心,吸血的树根开始袭击人们。 以击退恶魔维生的青年 Nero 以移动式万能事务所「恶魔猎人」的货车前往该处,其身旁坐着向他提供武装用品的自称「武器职人」─Nico。

  被践踏的自尊、被夺走的力量、舍弃了的男人 Nero 拥有需要取回的东西。 一边打跨不断涌出的恶魔,一边冲进异变发生的旋涡中心的 Nero 挥舞着爱剑和爱枪,而右手则闪耀着──对恶魔用义手型兵装。


  于移动式万能事务所「恶魔猎人」、以击退恶魔维生的青年。 以前曾在魔剑教团任骑士,与传说中的魔剑士的血脉有不浅的缘份。 虽因某事件而失去了「恶魔的右手」,但在 Nico 的协力下获得新的「兵装」,对抗开始侵略的恶魔群。


  与 Nero 一同行动,自称「兵器艺术家」,祖母为一流武器职人。 为独臂的 Nero 打造了「对恶魔用义手型兵装」,以不惜牺牲耐久性也要加入的自创结构设计为荣。 对自己的作品拥有绝对自信的样子上,有身为疯狂科学家的父亲的影子。

  官方强调:「前所未有的速度感、能随心所欲的操作感,以及越玩越兴奋的故事,是只有完全熟悉《恶魔猎人》系列的制作组才能创作出来的,同时能充分发挥最新游戏机功能的『RE ENGINE』将带来目不暇给的 60FPS 动作游戏, 逼真得与实景无异的画面和高速的战斗,让你感到从未感受过的快感。 」

  其中,「Nero 的义手的力量与『恶魔的右手』相比有过之而无不及。 把敌人拉近,洒下剑雨,在连击的途中,你一定会对『Stylish Action 的快感』上瘾,」官方指出。



  《恶魔猎人 5》预定于 2019 年春季登陆 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 平台。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-12 08:20 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-14 09:12 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》FAMI通采访:要做平成最后一个最强的动作游戏
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/7396519375.html

  阔别十年,《恶魔猎人》/《鬼泣》系列在 2018 年的微软 E3 发布会上公布了最新续作《恶魔猎人 5》。FAMI通在E3现场采访了本作的制作人马修·沃克与高级制作人冈部真辉,解答了一些关于《恶魔猎人 5》的问题。


◆和《恶魔猎人 DmC》不同,这一次的《恶魔猎人 5》是以Capcom大阪本社进行开发的。包括监督伊津野英昭在内,聚集了许多从《恶魔猎人 2》、《恶魔猎人 3》时期就一路走来的老将;








  本作预计在2019年早期发售,平台PS4、Xbox One、PC。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-21 04:38 PM
Devil May Cry 5 playable at Gamescom 2018

Devil May Cry 5 will be playable by the public for the first time at Gamescom 2018 in Cologne, Germany, which runs from August 21 to August 25, Capcom announced during its latest edition of Capcom TV.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2019.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-21 07:05 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-22 03:55 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-25 03:59 PM
续作《恶魔猎人 5》已完成约75% 八月科隆游戏展将有更多消息并可试玩

  据外媒 dualshockers 报导,《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5(Devil May Cry V)》开发完成度已完成75%,而卡普空的 Hideaki Itsuno 也表示今年八月的科隆游戏展(Gamescom 2018)上将会透露更多信息,届时参与者将有机会试玩《恶魔猎人 5》,同时他还保证本次《恶魔猎人 5》会超乎玩家预期的棒。

  另外目前还知道游戏已经完成了约75%;游戏的反派将会是整个系列中玩家们面对过的最强大的敌人。新作的背景地点——红墓之城(Red Grave City)会被一棵巨大的恶魔之树占据,它的根系将蔓延整个城市并造成巨大恐慌。这棵树非常嗜血,尽管人类并不想被吃掉,尼禄将仅与绯红女皇(Red Queen)、湛蓝玫瑰(Blue Rose)和他的新机械臂——“恶魔用义手型兵装/碎魔爪/恶魔粉碎者(Devil Breakers)”为伴,还有鬼泣公司的货车,因为尼禄现在为但丁工作了。

《恶魔猎人 5》将使用生化危机 7 用的 RE引擎
总监 Hideaki Itsuno 和角色设计Tatsuya Yoshikawa将回归游戏制作当中
尼禄的右臂“恶魔使者(Devil Bringer)”被Nico换成了“碎魔爪(Devil Breakers)”机械臂

  有趣的是,Nico 是《恶魔猎人》小说中 Nell Goldstein 的孙女、黑檀木与白象牙的制作者。这个小说也是但丁使用“Tony Redgrave”化名的地方,而“Redgrave”也是《恶魔猎人 5》中的场景设定“红墓之城(Red Grave City)”,所以看来本作有很多向小说致敬的地方。同时,制作小组对尼禄“绝代无双”的外套感到非常骄傲。

  《恶魔猎人 5》将会有三位可以使用的角色,每一位都有独特的战斗风格。《恶魔猎人 5》将于2019年春登陆PS4,Xbox One,和PC。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-3 08:42 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》日本官推新的故事介绍:尼禄铲除吸血大树


  《恶魔猎人 5》目前仍然在紧锣密鼓的制作当中,而从此前制作人透露的消息来看,游戏应该能够赶上2019年春季的预定发售日期,游戏也承诺将会为玩家们带来系列有史以来最强大的敌人,因此也很让人期待了。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-10 03:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-10 03:40 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》顶级武器匠人之孙女妮可角色情报公开 !

  《恶魔猎人 5》官方今天更新了角色介绍,这次为大家介绍的是尼禄的搭档妮可的信息,虽然E3预告已经让大家了解她,不过官方再让大家熟悉下也无妨,妮可是尼禄的搭档,自称“武器艺术家”,和尼禄一起行动消灭恶魔。她是顶级武器匠人Nell Goldstein的孙女,而但丁的黑檀木与白象牙就是由Nell Goldstein打造的。

《恶魔猎人 5》官方推特:

《恶魔猎人 5》官方介绍妮可 顶尖的武器匠人之孙女

【DMC】角色介绍 妮可

  妮可和尼禄一起行动,自称“武器艺术家”。一流武器匠人【ガンスミス】Nell Goldstein是她的祖母。

  《恶魔猎人 5》目前开发进度为 75%,将于 2019 年春季发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC,游戏支持中文。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-18 10:54 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》开发团队 第三个可操纵角色依旧保密
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/952583.jhtml

      在最新一期的Fami通中,《恶魔猎人 5/鬼泣 5》开发者在接受采访时透露了一部分细节,其中部分信息早已知晓,我们在这里进行一下汇总。

• 目标是做到兼顾照片级真实画面与60帧高速战斗手感。
• 制作组建模时不仅扫描了人物,就连衣服也一并扫描了。
• 到前作为止制作组一直重视按键的反馈问题,本作也不例外,太过真实的画面可能会让动作游戏陷入“恐怖谷”效应,因此制作组的目标是做到游戏画面在反馈玩家按键时不发生扭曲。比方说,角色回头时就要还原真实的体重移动,但是如果这样的话玩家按键的反馈就会变慢。为了保证玩家操作流畅,制作组费尽心思解决了既能保持反馈速度又能让游戏看起来真实无违和的问题。
• 因为想描写身心充实的尼禄,所以将故事背景设定在《恶魔猎人 4》的数年之后。
• 但丁变得狂野是有原因的。
• 主视觉图右边的人物是游戏中第3个可操纵角色。
• 妮可及其纹身的关系暂时保密。
• 官方将在2018科隆游戏展上公开更多情报以及提供游戏试玩。
• 制作组为游戏制作了不同的BGM,B调、C调等等。BGM将会随着玩家的连击数而发生改变,如果玩家一直没有打出华丽的连击,那么就只能听着单曲循环的A调(普通BGM)了。
• 目标是做出平成年代(2019年4月30日前)最后一个、也是有史以来最强的动作游戏。

    《恶魔猎人 5》计划将于2019年春季登陆PS4、Xbox One、Steam平台,本站将继续跟进2018科隆游戏展上更多关于本作的消息。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-19 07:24 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-26 07:07 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》制作人访谈透露更多细节 介绍游戏系统和游戏内容
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/9486320090.html

  近日《恶魔猎人 5》制作人伊津野英昭接受了电击访谈,此次访谈透露了颇多关于新作品的内容和细节,根据这次访谈我们可以总结出一些《恶魔猎人 5》中将要出现的新特性。

  《恶魔猎人 5》的开发工作在2014年《恶魔猎人 4 特别版》之前就开始了,到现在为止游戏已经开发了4年。游戏的关卡结构将与前作类似,但伊津野英昭说他们对整体结构做了一些小的改变。

  游戏将着重刻画尼禄,尼禄在《恶魔猎人 4》中就吸引了大量的关注。尽管如此,伊津野英昭指出,但丁和另外一个神秘人物 5 也将在游戏中扮演重要角色。尽管伊津不愿在身份或其他方面详细描述他,同时这个神秘的角色V在图片上没有武器,但玩家最终会明白这个设定的原因。游戏剧情还揭释了为什么但丁会留胡子。



·《恶魔猎人 5》中的敌人将是恶魔,在鬼泣世界观中没有除了人类和恶魔之外的第三方势力;

·《恶魔猎人 5》制作团队表示游戏将是纯粹的动作游戏;


· 妮可这名角色的设计理念是设计成一个人见人爱的角色;

·《恶魔猎人 5》将主要讲述尼禄的故事,当然但丁和 5 的故事也很重要,故事内容将会使人感动流泪;


  《恶魔猎人 5》预定于2019年春季发售,预计登陆PS4、Xbox One、PC平台。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-8 05:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 07:23 PM 编辑

Devil May Cry 5 panel set for PAX West 2018 with new gameplay and “special surprises”
《恶魔猎人 5》本月底 PAX West 游戏展公布全新演示 官方表示将有特别惊喜

  《恶魔猎人 5 / 鬼泣 5(Devil May Cry V)》将在本月底将公布全新的游戏试玩演示,并同时有重磅的消息放出。据将在 8 月 31 号举办的 PAX West 游戏展的主办方近日公布的展会时间表,届时《恶魔猎人 5》的开发总监 Hideaki Itsuno 以制作人 Michiteru Okabe 和 Matthew Walker 将抵达展会现场,为玩家展示《恶魔猎人 5》的全新试玩演示。

  如果一招Capcom 惯例不出意外的话,相关演示也同样进行直播,或是会放出相关视频。而据官方公告,相关演示可能将深度呈现本作主角(之一)尼禄的新装备机械臂「Devil Breaker」。同时关于游戏还有特别的惊喜消息(special surprises)将会公布。

  目前我们知道,在《恶魔猎人 5》中玩家将可以操控三位角色,尼禄、但丁以及一位还未公布的神秘角色,具体在这次展会期间,我们能否看到得到相关消息,也是一大悬念。

  《恶魔猎人 5》将在明年年初在 PC、PS4 以及 Xbox One 平台发售.

Capcom will host a panel for Devil May Cry 5 at PAX West 2018 on August 31 featuring new gameplay and “special surprises,” the official schedule for the event has revealed.

Here is the overview of the panel:

The SSStylish Gameplay of Devil May Cry 5
Friday, August 31 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. PT at the Wyvern Theatre

Legendary Devil May Cry director Hideaki Itsuno and producers Michiteru Okabe and Matthew Walker take a special flight all the way from Osaka, Japan to come show you all-new gameplay from Devil May Cry 5, and walk you through what makes it Smokin’ Sick Stylish! If you wanna know all about Nero’s new robotic “Devil Breaker” arms or are curious about our special surprises, this is a panel you won’t want to miss!


Hideaki Itsuno [Director, Capcom Japan]
Michiteru Okabe [Senior Producer, Capcom Japan]
Matt Walker [Producer, Capcom Japan]
Charlene Ingram [Director of Brand Marketing, Capcom USA]

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2019.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-21 08:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-21 10:12 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》科隆游戏展实机试玩视频公布 加入大量新要素

  《恶魔猎人 5 / 鬼泣 5(Devil May Cry V)》在E3 2018的微软发布会上正式公布之后,在今日(2018年8月21日)开幕的科隆游戏展上已经有本作的试玩版,并有媒体公布了试玩视频。



  《恶魔猎人 5》故事设定在魔剑教团事件发生几年后,一个都市发生突如其来的异变,巨大的树木贯穿了都市中心,吸血的树根开始袭击人们。 以击退恶魔维生的青年 尼禄|Nero 以移动式万能事务所「恶魔猎人」的货车前往该处,其身旁坐着向他提供武装用品的自称「武器职人」─ 妮可|Nico。

  本作预计将在 2019 年春季发售,对应平台PS4、Xbox One、PC。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-22 12:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-22 08:22 AM 编辑

Devil May Cry 5 launches March 8, 2019
《恶魔猎人 5》公布 GC 宣传影片 确定 2019 年 3 月上市

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167159.html

  CAPCOM 配合德国 gamescom 电玩展,释出开发中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 帅气动作游戏《恶魔猎人 5(Devil May Cry 5)》的最新宣传影片,确认游戏将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日推出。


  《恶魔猎人 5》是睽违多年的畅销动作游戏《恶魔猎人》系列最新作,故事承袭 2008 年的《恶魔猎人 4》,叙述恶魔力量的威胁又重回世间,自「恶魔之树」的种子在红墓城萌芽起,侵略就此展开。 当来自地狱的入侵开始占领这座城市的时候,年轻的恶魔猎人尼罗与他的伙伴妮可开著名为 “恶魔猎人” 的箱型车来到这个城市。 在自称武器职人的妮可协助下,尼罗运用被称为「Devil Breaker」的机械手臂来对抗各式各样的妖魔,像是吸血飞妖恩浦萨或庞大巨像妖魔歌利亚。

  妮可为尼罗打造的第一只机械手臂是「Overture Devil Breaker」,简洁的外观让尼罗能配戴着它在城市中行动而不至于惹人注目。 内部隐藏的发电机能电击任何过于接近的恶魔。 添增更多功能的「Gerbera Devil Breaker」会产生强烈的热量,可以发射强大的冲击波来直接攻击、反弹敌人的投射物,或是空中推进尼罗以强化他的闪避能力。 此外还有许多不同能力的机械手臂可以换装。


Overture 能放出强大电流来电击妖魔


机械手臂共通的基本能力「Wire Snatch」,能把恶魔拉到自己身边

能发射强力飞拳的机械手臂「Punch Line」


能将庞大敌人掷出的机械手臂「Buster Arm」

  搭配肉搏战武器动力大剑「Red Queen」与射击武器大口径连装左轮枪「Blue Rose」,尼罗的机械手臂将能为这场在红墓城展开的善恶力量永恒之战添增戏剧性的刺激感受。 随着但丁骑着他华丽的摩托车帅气现身,这对恶魔猎人搭档将携手拯救这座城市,找出恶魔入侵的背后真相。

肉搏战武器「Red Queen」

射击武器「Blue Rose」




Devil May Cry 5 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019, Capcom announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Capcom:

The threat of demonic power has returned to menace the world once again in Devil May Cry 5. The invasion begins when the seeds of a “demon tree” take root in Red Grave City. As this hellish incursion starts to take over the city, a young demon hunter Nero, arrives with his partner Nico in their “Devil May Cry” motorhome. Finding himself without the use of his right arm, Nero enlists Nico, a self-professed weapons artist, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms to give him extra powers to take on evil demons such as the blood [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing flying Empusa and giant colossus enemy Goliath.

The first arm Nico makes for Nero, the Overture Devil Breaker, looks plain in style allowing Nero to wear it inconspicuously throughout the city, but the hidden electric generator inside is enough to shock any demons that come too close. Adding a bit more versatility, the Gerbera Devil Breaker generates an intense heat that can be shot out as a highly powerful shockwave which can be used as a direct attack, reflect enemy projectiles, or even to propel Nero through the air and augment his evasion capabilities.

Combined with melee attacks using his ‘Red Queen’ sword and the long range firepower of his ‘Blue Rose’ handgun, the power of Nero’s Devil Breaker arms add dramatic adrenaline fueled action to the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil that plays out in the streets of Red Grave City. With the arrival of Dante on his flashy motorbike, the pair of demon hunters are set to try and save the city and find out what’s behind this latest demon invasion.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-22 02:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-22 02:31 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》追加支持简体中文 制作人问候与中文版宣传片公开

  CAPCOM 配合德国 gamescom 电玩展,释出开发中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 帅气动作游戏《恶魔猎人 5/鬼泣5(Devil May Cry 5)》的最新宣传影片,确认游戏将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日推出。

  而游戏的制作人也为大家带来好消息。伊津野总监、冈部高级制作人和Matt Walker制作人共同宣布亚洲版《恶魔猎人 5》将可以选择繁体、简体中文、英文及日文切换。除此之外制作人也将未来为亚洲国家玩家带来更多的消息。

  《恶魔猎人 5》是睽违多年的畅销动作游戏《恶魔猎人》系列最新作,故事承袭 2008 年的《恶魔猎人 4》,叙述恶魔力量的威胁又重回世间,自「恶魔之树」的种子在红墓城萌芽起,侵略就此展开。 当来自地狱的入侵开始占领这座城市的时候,年轻的恶魔猎人尼罗与他的伙伴妮可开著名为 “恶魔猎人” 的箱型车来到这个城市。 在自称武器职人的妮可协助下,尼罗运用被称为「Devil Breaker」的机械手臂来对抗各式各样的妖魔,像是吸血飞妖恩浦萨或庞大巨像妖魔歌利亚。





  本作预计将在 2019 年 3 月 8 日发售,对应平台PS4、Xbox One、PC。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-24 06:58 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》制作人采访 破坏义肢将代替魔人化TGS信息量大
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/8163520602.html

  当地时间 8 月 22 日,在德国科隆游戏展CAPCOM的展区,《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5》的制作人伊津野英昭、冈部真辉和Matt Walker一起接受了媒体的采访。以下是采访详细内容:

  ----这次《恶魔猎人 5》是首次提供试玩,各国媒体的反响如何?

  Matt Walker:这次终于能让大家试玩了,反响不错,大家玩得开心我也开心。







  ----实际玩了之后,感觉操作感和《恶魔猎人 4》的尼禄一样,在开发过程中有特别注意吗?



  Matt Walker:这个在游戏中被称为WIRE SNATCH。这个线缆是属于义肢的基础部分,即使义肢用完了也可以使用。















作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-28 07:08 PM
卡普空制作人确认《恶魔猎人 5》故事设定在《恶魔猎人 2》之后!

  早前,卡普空正式公布了令无数粉丝期待已久的《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5》确切发售日期。而近日,法国一家媒体宣称确认《恶魔猎人 5》的故事设定在《恶魔猎人 2》之后,这是否是真的呢?

  有网友在推特上向《恶魔猎人 5》的制作人Matt Walker询问了这件事情的真实性,得到了Walker的肯定回答。Matt Walker承认他们在接受采访时确认了这一点,而这意味着《恶魔猎人 5》的时间线的确继承了《恶魔猎人 2》。

  《恶魔猎人 5》将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日正式登陆PC、PS4 和 Xbox One,本作的亚洲版将支持简体/繁体中文,这也是自从《恶魔猎人 2》后相隔 15 年的再度中文化。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-29 08:21 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》官方表示想提供完整的游戏体验 目前还没有出DLC的计划

  现在的许多游戏都喜欢在发售后公布一些游戏的扩展 DLC 内容,有的人觉得这可以为游戏提供持续的新鲜感,但也有人认为这是官方在花式骗钱。不过卡普空的《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5(Devil May Cry V)》似乎暂时不会有 DLC,至少官方现在都还没有这个打算。

  事实上《恶魔猎人》系列游戏(除了Ninja Theory的DmC)一直都没什么 DLC,这次的第五作也没有走偏。最近在科隆展上,游戏总监 Hideaki Itsuno 对 Gamez.de 表示目前卡普空还没有给《恶魔猎人 5》出DLC的计划,并表示游戏想要带给玩家一个完整的单人游戏体验,不想将内容拆分开发布。

  此外,Itsuno 还谈到了新作与《恶魔猎人 2》的联系,他说:尽管但丁的摩托车与二代中有很大不同,游戏里的其它部分与二代都有联系,之前官方还曾表示过新作在剧情上也是承接二代的。

  同时《恶魔猎人 5》中尽管尼禄和但丁都是游戏主角,且其在剧情上占得分量也是类似的,但尼禄仍算是游戏中的入门角色,而但丁的章节则会具有进阶难度。对于老粉丝来说,游玩但丁部分可能会更加有意思。

  《恶魔猎人 5》将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日发售,并同时繁简体中文版登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-2 09:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-2 10:48 PM 编辑

Devil May Cry 5 adds Photo Mode, Gallery, and Training Mode; Devil Breakers gameplay
《恶魔猎人 5》新视频详细展示了尼禄的多种机械臂 游戏将添加鉴赏模式供玩家欣赏!

  在最近的PAX West展会上,卡普空展出了一些新的《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5(Devil May Cry V)》游戏实机演示。在这些演示中,我们可以详细参观尼禄的各种机械臂“破魔者”,以及其相应的各种炫酷技能。同时游戏中还会专门添加各种角色、武器和敌人的鉴赏模式。



  另外,官方还展出了一些新的游戏概念图片供大家欣赏。《恶魔猎人 5》将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC。


Important Time Stamps

16:53 to 20:03 – Goliath boss battle
21:16 to 21:50 – Gallery Mode showcase
24:40 to 36:24 – Devil Breakers showcase

Devil May Cry 5 will have a Photo Mode, Gallery, and Training Mode, Capcom announced during the Devil May Cry 5 Panel at PAX West 2018.

The company also showcased the actions of seven of the game’s eight Devil Breakers—the arms that protagonist Nero can equip as weapons. The showcased Devil Breakers include the Overture, Gerbera, Punch Line, Tomboy, Ragtime, Helter Skelter, and Rawhide.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019.



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-2 10:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-2 10:47 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》新画面但丁、维吉尔齐现身 新角色"V"揭晓

  YouTube 用户 ReZoura 带来了一段《恶魔猎人 5》/《鬼泣5》的新画面,虽然是使用的手机录制且没有游戏声音,但仍然为我们展示了不少精彩内容。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 05:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 06:22 PM 编辑

Devil May Cry 5 TGS 2018 trailer and screenshots, Deluxe Edition announced

Capcom has released the Tokyo Game Show 2018 trailer, new screenshots, and announced a Deluxe Edition for Devil May Cry 5.

The Deluxe Edition will include the following additional content:

• Four exclusive Devil Breaker arms for Nero

• Buster Arm: Gain early access to the Buster Arm, one of Nero’s new Devil Breaker weapons.
• Mega Buster: A weapon that recreates Mega Man’s legendary Mega Buster. Boasting a unique silhouette, it’s designed for long-range attacks. Equipping it activates special variations on the side roll and jump moves.
• Pasta Breaker: A Devil Breaker that makes pasta extra easy to eat. Created by Nico for clumsy Nero from Helter Skelter and Punch Line parts. The revolving fork on the end is neat, but it’s not particularly useful in battle.
• Sweet Surrender: A Devil Breaker created by Nico to relieve Kyrie’s tension. Nero is too rough to do the job without hurting Kyrie, so this device is made of soft materials. Its vibration feature is especially effective at alleviating shoulder and hip pain.

• Live-action cutscenes: Changes the in-game cutscenes to the live-action movies recorded during development. Use the Options > Cutscene Customize option to change (available after starting mission 2).

• Battle music: 12 tracks from Devil May Cry 1 to 4

• Devil May Cry Battle Track 3-Pack – Allows you to change the battle music to tracks from Devil May Cry. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change music (available after starting mission 2).
• Track 1: “Public Enemy” (Dante Battle Theme 1)
• Track 2: “Ultra Violet” (Nelo Angelo Boss Battle Theme)
• Track 3: “Lock & Load” (Dante General Theme 2)

• Devil May Cry 2 Battle Track 3-Pack – Allows you to change the battle music to tracks from Devil May Cry 2. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change music (available after starting mission 2).
• Track 1: “Fire Away” (Dante Battle Theme 1)
• Track 2: “Wings of the Guardian” (Lucia Battle Theme)
• Track 3: “Shoot the Works” (Dante Battle Theme)

• Devil May Cry 3 Battle Track 3-Pack – Allows you to change the battle music to tracks from Devil May Cry 3. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change music (available after starting mission 2).
• Track 1: “Battle 1” (Dante Battle Theme)
• Track 2: “Vergil Battle 2” (Vergile Boss Battle Theme)
• Track 3: “Devils Never Cry” (End Credits Theme)

• Devil May Cry 4 Battle Track 3-Pack – Allows you to change the battle music to tracks from Devil May Cry 3. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change music (available after starting mission 2).
• Track 1: “The Time has Come” (Nero Battle Theme)
• Track 2: “Lock and Load: Blackened Angel Mix” (Dante Battle Theme)
• Track 3: “Sworn Through Swords” (Berial Boss Battle Theme)

• Alternate title calls: Changes the title call voice. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change (available after starting mission 2).

• Alternate Style rank announcers: Changes the style rank announcer voice. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change (available after starting mission 2).

• Alternate hero colors: A set of special costume colors for Nero and Dante. You can change these in the game.

• Dante weapon: Cavaliere R: A version of the Cavaliere weapon Dante acquires, which has been customized by Nico for Dante’s use. Its instantaneous output has been increased, and its appearance matches Dante’s thematic color. Can be used in-game after acquiring the the Cavaliere.

Here is an overview of the trailer, via Capcom:

The city’s gone to hell and back, completely overrun by demons from the underworld. Turns out, it’s not just Red Grave City in trouble. They’re everywhere. In Devil May Cry 5, legendary demon hunter Dante teams up with fellow demon hunter Nero and weapons artist Nico to push his investigation and extermination techniques to the limits. In a new trailer released today, see Dante back in action with his trusty sword Rebellion, guns Ebony and Ivory, and an utterly insane motorbike that splits at the handlebars to create twin blade weapons. Catch all this and much more, including a glimpse of Dante pulling his Devil Trigger, in the trailer featuring Dante’s most over-the-top action gameplay in series history.

Nero and Dante take on the hellish onslaught to get to the root of the mystery behind the blood-[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing demon tree Qlipoth at the city center. Joining them are beloved series heroines and partners Trish and Lady who make a grand return. The full game will feature three playable characters each with their own radically different gameplay style. Play as Nero, Dante, and the newly introduced V, a mysterious new client for the “Devil May Cry” office that speaks in poetic verse. More will be revealed about V in the coming months.

Here is more on Dante and his arsenal, via the Devil May Cry 5 official website:

■ Dante

The strongest demon slayer.

The proprietor of Devil May Cry, and a Devil Hunter of legendary proportions. Dante is a half-human, half-demon hybrid, born to a human woman Eva and the demon who saved the human world, Sparda. He overcame battle after arduous battle in his past, and currently serves as a barrier to any attempt by demons to invade his world. Dante greets any and all challengers with a signature smile on his face. At the behest of a client, Dante jumps back into the fray against demonic forces.

Dante’s Classic Arsenal


Dante is back to blast away powerful demons with his old partners in crime:


Dante’s beloved sword, left to him by his father Sparda. He swings this blade around with ease despite its massive size, allowing for a dense flurry of sword slashes.

—Ebony & Ivory

Rapid-fire pistols designed by Nell Goldstein, the legendary gunsmith. Assembled by Dante himself, each gun has its own faculty—accuracy and speed, respectively.


A shotgun modified by Dante to wield in the fight against demons. Its outstanding power in close quarters more than makes up for its lack of speed.



A Devil Arm made for melee combat, brimming with the sealed power of the king of Fire Hell. Kick Mode unleashes powerful kicks, while Blow Mode allows for nimble maneuvers. Make use of either mode to crush demons with ease.



A heavyweight weapon born of materials infused with demonic power. Lay on the pain with its spinning wheels in motorbike form, or heft it around by the handlebars as a pair of massive twin swords. Dante can even attack from the driver’s seat. The bladed wheels and sharp ram-like protrusions grind demons to bits.

Devil Sword Sparda

The blade wielded by the Dark Knight Sparda, sharing his own name. The incredible power dwelling within allows this blade to choose its own user. This sword was once used to seal away the demon king Mundus.

Devil Trigger


Dante’s lineage allows him to tap into the power of demons through a process called Devil Trigger. The Devil Trigger (DT) Gauge fills in battle, and activating DT transforms Dante into his devil form. In this form, Dante gains enhanced power and recovers vitality. Activate it in a pinch, or save it for formidable foes ahead—how you use this power is up to you.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 05:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 06:27 PM 编辑



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 09:24 PM 编辑

TGS 2018《恶魔猎人 5》释出最新游戏宣传影片

  CAPCOM 预定 2019 年 3 月 8 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 推出的《恶魔猎人 5》,今日释出了 TGS 2018 的最新游戏宣传影片。 游戏定价为 6990 日圆/PC 下载版 6480 日圆;Xbox One、PlayStation 4 豪华版定价 7400 日圆 / PC 豪华版 7436 日圆(价格皆不含税)。马币定价为 RM 216 PS4 数码版;PlayStation 4 豪华版定价 RM 251(价格已税 SST)





万能事务所「Devil May Cry」的主人,拥有传说级高强实力的恶魔猎人。是由身为魔族却拯救了人界的英雄Sparda和人类女性Eva生下的半魔人。过去曾多次越过难关,击退大量恶魔的侵略攻势。是个不论身处任何困境都保持从容不迫的笑容的硬汉。由于接受了某客户的委託,再次投身对抗恶魔侵略的行列。



以「Rebellion」、「Ebony & Ivory」和「Coyote-A」打倒恶魔吧。



「Ebony & Ivory」








Devil Sword Sparda


Devil Trigger

战斗会累积DT(Devil Trigger)的计量表,解放DT计量表便能变身为魔人。变身后的Dante拥有超强力量和回復力。选择在危急关头发动,还是在与强敌对峙时发动,取决于玩家的决定。








《DEVIL MAY CRY 5》×《洛克人》

Mega Buster

以爽快的连射为特徵的特别DEVIL BREAKER。


《恶魔猎人5(Devil May Cry 5)》PS4、Xbox One、Steam 数字豪华版特典公开!

■ 数字豪华版特典


男角色配色包(Nero、Dante) & 女角色配色包(Nico、Lady、Trish)

可于《Devil May Cry 5》游戏内使用的道具。


Deluxe Edition Upgrade 豪华版组合包

Gerbera GP01


Sweet Surrender

为了治癒Kyrie而製作的DEVIL BREAKER。

Pasta Breaker


Mega Buster

令人联想到Mega Man的DEVIL BREAKER。

Battle Track DMC1~4 12TRACKS

把战斗BGM变为《Devil May Cry 1, 2, 3, 4》的战斗曲。

DMC1 Battle Track 3-Pack
TRACK3 LOCK&LOAD (Dante战斗曲2)

DMC2 Battle Track 3-Pack
TRACK1 FIRE AWAY (Dante战斗曲1)

DMC3 Battle Track 3-Pack
TRACK1 BATTLE-1 (Dante战斗曲)

DMC4 Battle Track 3-Pack
TRACK1 The Time Has Come (Nero战斗曲)
TRACK2 Lock and Load -Blackened Angel mix- (Dante战斗曲)
TRACK3 Sworn Through Swords (Berial战)

Alt Style Rank Announcers & Alt Title Calls

Alt Style Rank Announcers
Style Rank语音会变为特别台词。

Alt Title Calls
特別Title Call語音。



Cavaliere R


■ 专属特典:
Devil May Cry 5 Theme

《Devil May Cry 5》的PS4主题。
套用后主页画面、机能画面、图示和系统音乐都会变为《Devil May Cry 5》风格。

【Xbox One】
Buster Arm早期解锁

能更早使用主人公Nero的新武器DEVIL BREAKER之一的「Buster Arm」。


Devil May Cry 5 壁紙

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 09:16 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 10:31 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》日本亚马孙预购特典为恶魔破坏者「Monkey Business」,香蕉版特殊刀刃可以帮助尼禄从敌人身上榨取“鲜榨”果汁。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-27 04:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-27 04:48 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》制作人透露在PS4 Pro上将支持 4K/60fps

  近日卡普空游戏制作人Matt Walker在推上回答玩家问题时透露,《恶魔猎人 5(Devil May Cry V)》在PS4 Pro上将支持4K/60fps。

  最近Matt Walker被玩家问道,《恶魔猎人 5》在PS4 Pro上是否会有些增强表现,Matt表示,确实会有,那就是4K/60fps。不过官方并未提到是否是原生4K。

  《恶魔猎人 5》是睽违多年的畅销动作游戏《恶魔猎人》系列最新作,故事承袭 2008 年的《恶魔猎人 4》,叙述恶魔力量的威胁又重回世间,自「恶魔之树」的种子在红墓城萌芽起,侵略就此展开。 当来自地狱的入侵开始占领这座城市的时候,年轻的恶魔猎人尼罗与他的伙伴妮可开著名为 “恶魔猎人” 的箱型车来到这个城市。 在自称武器职人的妮可协助下,尼罗运用被称为「Devil Breaker」的机械手臂来对抗各式各样的妖魔,像是吸血飞妖恩浦萨或庞大巨像妖魔歌利亚。

  本作将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 推出的《恶魔猎人 5》

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-27 06:25 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》制作人表示新角色V肯定让玩家大吃一惊

  近日,《恶魔猎人 5》总监伊津野英昭与制作人冈部真辉、马修·沃克(Matthew Walker)接受了Fami通杂志的采访,采访中谈到了武器摩托车的设计思路和新角色V的部分信息。

  当被问到游戏中那个华丽的摩托车武器的设计灵感时,伊津野英昭表示,当初在设计但丁的武器时,他们就是想要做出那种不管什么年龄段的男孩都觉得很酷的的武器。而实际上,当初在制作《恶魔猎人 2》时就有把摩托车做成武器的方案,不过由于当年技术不够成熟而成为了作废。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-29 11:51 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-1 04:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-1 04:23 PM 编辑

Adam Cowie

Emily Bador

Carlo Baker

Owen Hamze

Andrea Tivada

Ariana Damant

https://www.resetera.com/threads ... ors-revealed.71767/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-2 07:08 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》制作人介绍妮可:抽烟纹身爆粗口的女性形象虽然少见但很酷!

  《恶魔猎人 5(Devil May Cry V)》中新加入了一名女性角色“妮可”,她原名为Nicoletta Goldstein,是尼禄新机械手的设计者,同时她在游戏中也是尼禄的副手,为他驾车打杂。不久前外媒采访了《恶魔猎人 5》官方的Hideaki Itsuno和Matt Walker,询问了有关妮可的一些问题。



  《恶魔猎人 5》将会在 2019 年 3 月 8 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC,现在已经开启了预购。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-7 10:51 PM
Devil May Cry 5 NYCC 2018 off-screen Dante weapons gameplay, Deluxe Edition breakdown


Capcom debuted new footage of Devil May Cry 5 primarily focused on Dante’s weapons during the game’s New York Comic-Con 2018 panel.

Additionally, over at Capcom Unity, Devil May Cry 5 producer Matt Walker broke down the contents of the game’s recently announced Deluxe Edition:

e’ve had a lot of requests from fans recently to go into more detail on the Deluxe Edition of Devil May Cry 5, so we wanted to take the opportunity to do that – starting with the extra weapons.

When we started designing the game, the senior producer, Okabe-san, was adamant that the whole Devil May Cry 5 campaign be available without the need to purchase anything outside of the standard edition of the game, so when it came time to plan a deluxe version of the game, we were very careful to make sure that anything extra would literally be that – fun extras that hopefully the hardcore fans would appreciate.

That means none of the extra weapons should feel like they are “the best” weapon to have, but should offer something fun that might interest the hardcore players. With that being said – let’s get into the nitty gritty of these weapons!

First up we have Gerbera GP01. This is a version of Gerbera that features alternate coloring to pay tribute to its designer, Shoji Kawamori (famous for his design work on the Gundam GP01 and Macross Valkyrie). From a functional perspective, it features one alternate move compared to your standard Gerbera – when you use this Devil Breaker and keep the control stick neutral, Nero will perform “Jocky” and dart upward (from the ground) or downward (from the air), rather than sticking his hand out to face palm any enemies or projectiles that might be right up on him.

—OG Gerbera

—Gerbera GP01

Next is the Pasta Breaker. Nico fashioned this together using spare parts from other Devil Breakers and various kitchen utensils in order to help Nero twirl up that dinner of his. Since it was never intended to be used in battle, it’s not going to do much damage to enemies. Every time you use it, however, the remaining Devil Breakers in your inventory will cycle one spot. This means that it’s the only weapon that allows you to switch it up for the next Devil Breaker- should you choose. Because it’s not particularly effective in battle, however, you’ll want to think long and hard about whether you’d prefer to use up a spot in your DB inventory before taking the plunge.

—Pasta Breaker – it may not pack a punch…

—But it WILL let you cycle your next Devil Breaker.

Sweet Surrender is more of a passive Devil Breaker. As long as Nero has this equipped he’s not going to be able to attack demons with it at all, but you can use it to slowly regenerate some health. If you’re really in a pinch, you can use Sweet Surrender’s Break Age ability to regenerate a bigger chunk of health. Either way, as long as you have Sweet Surrender equipped you’ll have to focus on racking up those sweet combos with Blue Rose and Red Queen.

—Sweet Surrender – fun fact: in Japanese the onomatopoeia for the sound massagers make is “weeen weeen.”

Cavaliere R is a version of Cavaliere that Nico has tuned up and painted specifically for Dante. From a functionality perspective, it adds one new move, but Dante is more susceptible to being broken out of his attacks when compared to the OG Cavaliere. Sure, you have one more move at your disposal – but you’ll have to think about whether that tradeoff in losing the super armor is really worth it!

—Cavaliere R – Nico’s custom tune-up of the Cavaliere.

Finally, we have the Mega Buster! It’s the Mega Buster. It goes pew pew pew. Really, if you don’t know what I’m saying just watch this video cause man I love this video.

That wraps it up for the extra weapons. Hopefully we’ve answered the biggest questions everyone has about them. As I mentioned earlier, the intent was to balance them so that there’s no such thing as the “best” Devil Breaker or version of a weapon – just that the extra weapons should provide something fun the hardcore fans can dig into should they choose to.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019.

Dante Weapon: Cerberus

Cerberus has a different attribute for each of its modes—ice nunchaku, fire bo staff, and lightning chain staff.


Dante Weapon: Faust Hat

A special weapon that attacks by using red orbs. While its power is great, it consumes a large number of red orbs. It can also be used to make the enemy drop a lot of red orbs by throwing the Faust Hat onto its head and attacking it in that state.


Dante Weapon: Balrog


Dante Weapon: Cavaliere and Cavaliere R


The Cavaliere R is included with the Deluxe Edition.


Nero Devil Breaker: Sweet Surrender

Using this Devil Breaker gradually heals your HP. If you are attacked while healing, however, the healing will break.


Nero Devil Breaker: Pasta Breaker


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-7 10:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-7 11:51 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》但丁多种战斗风格演示等合集绅士、拳王和摩托车风格 第3集武器Cerberus 回归登场

  在纽约动漫展(NYCC)上,Capcom 展示了《恶魔猎人 5/鬼泣 5(Devil May Cry V)》但丁多种不同的战斗风格。Capcom 虽然没有对外公开,但 R K 玩家非常贴心地将演示视频上传了上来。

  纽约动漫展上展示的《恶魔猎人 5》视频都是 Tutorial 教学性质,都是游戏中一般会有的教学内容,视频为《恶魔猎人 5》游戏中但丁不同战斗风格的操练。那么接下来就让我们来一起看看吧!

摩托车战斗风格(Cavaliere and Cavaliere R):





Cerberus 三种风格:ice nunchaku、 fire bo staff、lightning chain staff



浮士德之帽(Faust Hat):


  除此之外,还展示了豪华版附送的恶魔破坏者——「Pasta Breaker」以及「Sweet Surrender」。其中「Sweet Surrender”可以回复体力,在回复中如果被攻击打断则会坏掉。

Sweet Surrender


Pasta Breaker



  《恶魔猎人 5》是睽违多年的畅销动作游戏《恶魔猎人》系列最新作,故事承袭 2008 年的《恶魔猎人 4》,叙述恶魔力量的威胁又重回世间,自「恶魔之树」的种子在红墓城萌芽起,侵略就此展开。 当来自地狱的入侵开始占领这座城市的时候,年轻的恶魔猎人尼罗与他的伙伴妮可开著名为 “恶魔猎人” 的箱型车来到这个城市。 在自称武器职人的妮可协助下,尼罗运用被称为「Devil Breaker」的机械手臂来对抗各式各样的妖魔,像是吸血飞妖恩浦萨或庞大巨像妖魔歌利亚。

  本作将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 推出《恶魔猎人 5》。

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