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楼主: Sotong澄
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[分享] Maple Story 最新职业!









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2011-8-14 12:07 AM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








发表于 2011-8-14 12:48 AM |只看该作者



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发表于 2011-8-14 12:49 AM |只看该作者
回复 11# 无心紫炎兽



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Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 11:35 AM |只看该作者
回复 11# 无心紫炎兽

    Demon Slayer (Resistance's Warrior)


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Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 11:35 AM |只看该作者
回复 12# saladkiddo



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Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 04:50 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Sotong澄 于 2011-8-14 06:15 PM 编辑

Mercedes 3rd Job

Strike Dualshot – (Shoot extremely fast arrows at multiple targets in front of you, with a chance of stunning them.)
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1
Delays: strikeDual – 630 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #bulletCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec
1. MP Cost: 20, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 107%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 23%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
10. MP Cost: 26, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 116%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 50%, Stun Duration: 4 sec
20. MP Cost: 35, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 126%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 6 sec

Leaf Tornado – (While jumping, rotate your body while randomly shoot arrows in every direction. Requires at least 120 Jump to activate, and can only be used in mid-air)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, requireHighestJump = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: elfTornado – 750 ms
Range: 250%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount
1. MP Cost: 33, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 97%, Number of Hits: 4
10. MP Cost: 39, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 115%, Number of Hits: 4
20. MP Cost: 45, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 135%, Number of Hits: 4

Unicorn Spike – (Summon a holy unicorn to attack enemies in front of you. Enemies hit will suffer a Weakening effect, increasing damage dealt on the monster by all party members.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, casterMove = 1, mes = amplifyDamage
Delays: windEffect – 1290 ms
Range: 350%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount Weakening Chance: #prop%, Duration: #time sec, Damage Increase: #x%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: #y
1. MP Cost: 38, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 112%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 19%, Duration: 5 sec, Damage Increase: 5%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 6
10. MP Cost: 46, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 130%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 55%, Duration: 10 sec, Damage Increase: 10%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 8
20. MP Cost: 62, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 95%, Duration: 15 sec, Damage Increase: 15%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 10

Gust Drive – (Use the power of wind to quickly dive downwards from the air, attacking monsters in range. Weakened monsters will take extra damage. Requires at least 120% Jump.)
Note: The skill description makes reference to weakened monsters. This most likely refers to compounding with Unicorn Spike’s Weakening effect to deal even more damage.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1, requireHighestJump = 1
Delays: dealingRush – 1140 ms
Range: 320%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: #y%
1. MP Cost: 30, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 133%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 1%
10. MP Cost: 35, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 160%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 10%
20. MP Cost: 45, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 190%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 20%

Ignis Lore – (Permanently increases chance to evade enemy attacks. Using the power of the fire spirit, increase your attack.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 – 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #timesec, Weapon Attack +#indiePad, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +#prop%
1. Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 47sec, Weapon Attack +2, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +5%
10. Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 110sec, Weapon Attack +20, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +11%
20. Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180sec, Weapon Attack +40, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +20%

Water Shield – (Borrow the power of the water spirit to create a barrier for yourself. Absorbs a certain amount of damage, as well as providing resistance towards Status Effects and all Elements.)
Info: type = 51, protectiveShield = 1, condition = damaged
Delays: alert3 – 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage Absorbed: #x% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +#terR%
1. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 104 sec, Damage Absorbed: 11% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +6%
10. MP Cost: 80, Duration: 140 sec, Damage Absorbed: 20% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +15%
20. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 180 sec, Damage Absorbed: 30% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +25%


Lightning Flare – (Attack with a strong electrical attack with Charge Drive. Useable after Charge Drive, this skill has a fixed chance to instantly kill an enemy. Along with this, Charge Drive receives a passive damage increase from this skill. Required Skill: Final Shot Level 5)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = freeze
Delays: elfrush_final2 – 810 ms
Range: 90%
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Final Shot
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 15
Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Instant Death Chance: #prop%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +#damR%
1. Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 122%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 1%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +10%
10. Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 140%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 10%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +22%
15. Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 15%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +30%

Elemental Knight – (Summon a spirit to fight for you. The spirits will attack the same monster as the user until that monster has died, and will then stop.)
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = normal
Delays: alert2 – 600 ms
Summon Range: attack1 = 120%
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time, Damage: #damage%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
1. MP Cost: 132, Duration: 104, Damage: 82%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
10. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 140, Damage: 100%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
20. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180, Damage: 120%, Summons up to 3 Spirits

Highkick Demolition: Can only be used after Charge Drive. Fly towards your enemies in the air and hit them extremely fast. (Prerequisite – 5 Final Shot)
At max level (15), hit 8 enemies for 120% damage 6 times. Passively increases Charge Drive’s damage by 30%.


使用道具 举报








Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 05:10 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Sotong澄 于 2011-8-14 06:16 PM 编辑

Mercedes 4th Job

Ring of Ishtar – (Borrow the power of the legendary weapon Ishtar to rapidly fire arrows. Holding down the attacking key will rapidly fire arrows. While doing this, it is possible to move slowly by pressing the direction keys. Pre-requisite: Level 20 Strike Dualshot)
Info: type = 2, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 80, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Strike Dualshot
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 30
MP Cost: # mpCon consumption, ahead of the enemy, per foot # damage% damage -> Active Effect: MP # mpCon consumption, ahead of the enemy, per foot # damage% Damage \ n Passive Effect: Strike Damage dyueolsyat # damR% increase
1. MP Cost: 8, Damage: 162%
15. MP Cost: 9, Damage: 190%
30. MP Cost: 10, Damage: 220%

Legendary Spear – (Jump and simultaneously summon the Legendary Spear, attacking enemies in front of you with a throw. Monsters hit will have their defense decreased. This skill has 100% Critical Hit Rate. Pre-requisite: Level 10 Leaf Tornado)
Info: type = 2, areaAttack = 1, mes = reduceTargetPDP & & reduceTarge[粗俗词语过滤-#0004]P
Delays: jShot – 840 ms
Range: 600%
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Leaf Tornado
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Duration: #time sec, Defense Reduced: #x%, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec
1. MP Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 458%, Number of Hits: 2, Duration: 5 sec, Defense Reduced: 1%, Cooldown Time: 10 sec
10. MP Cost: 50, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 512%, Number of Hits: 2, Duration: 10 sec, Defense Reduced: 10%, Cooldown Time: 8 sec
20. MP Cost: 60, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 572%, Number of Hits: 2, Duration: 15 sec, Defense Reduced: 20%, Cooldown Time: 5 se

  Ancient Spirit – (Receive the Ancient Spirit’s blessings, increasing Damage, Critical Hit Rate, and passively improving Potential Power’s Evasion rate.)
Note: The skill description clearly states Potential Power’s Evasion Rate is increased; however, the Skill String describes Ignis Lore’s Evasion Rate is increased. Either way, I believe that both will stack additively giving the same effect.
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: blessOfGaia – 1260 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage: +#damR%, Critical Hit Rate: +#x%, Passive Effect: Ignis Lore’s Evasion Rate +#prop%
1. Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, Duration: 65 sec, Damage: +1%, Critical Hit Rate: +1%, Passive Effect: Ignis Lore’s Evasion Rate +6%
15. Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 135 sec, Damage: +15%, Critical Hit Rate: +8%, Passive Effect: Ignis Lore’s Evasion Rate +13%
30. Active Effect: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 210 sec, Damage: +30%, Critical Hit Rate: +15%, Passive Effect: Ignis Lore’s Evasion Rate +20%

Maple Hero – (Increases the stats of all party members.)
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 – 1500 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 30
MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, All Stats: +#x%
1. MP Cost: 10, Duration: 30 sec, All Stats: +1%
15. MP Cost: 40, Duration: 450 sec, All Stats: +8%
30. MP Cost: 70, Duration: 900 sec, All Stats: +15%

Hero’s Will – (Cures you from being Seduced. The cooldown decreases as the skill level increases.)
Info: type = 35
Maximum Level: 5
MP Cost: #mpCon, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec
1. MP Cost: 30, Cooldown Time: 600 sec
5 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown Time: 360 sec

Dual Bowgun Expert – (Increases Dual Bowgun Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage. Required SKill: Dual Bowgun Mastery Level 20)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Dual Bowgun Mastery
Maximum Level: 30
Dual Bowgun Mastery: +#mastery%, Weapon ATT: +#x, Minimum Critical Damage: +#criticaldamageMin%
1. Dual Bowgun Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
15. Dual Bowgun Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +15, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%
30. Dual Bowgun Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
Defense Break – (When attacking, there is a chance to ignore all of a monster’s defense. This applies equally to Boss Monsters.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
#x% chance to ignore 100% of a monster’s defense
1. 11% chance to ignore 100% of a monster’s defense
10. 20% chance to ignore 100% of a monster’s defense
20. 30% chance to ignore 100% of a monster’s defense

Advanced Final Attack – (Permanently increase weapon attack and accuracy, as well as Final Attack’s activation rate and damage. Required Skill: Final Attack Level 20)
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Final Attack: Dual Bowgun
Maximum Level: 30
Weapon ATT: +#padX, Accuracy: +#ar%, Proc Rate: #prop%, Damage: #damage%
1. Weapon ATT: +6, Accuracy: +1%, Proc Rate: 41%, Damage: 152%
10. Weapon ATT: +10, Accuracy: +4%, Proc Rate: 50%, Damage: 170%
30. Weapon ATT: +20, Accuracy: +10%, Proc Rate: 70%, Damage: 210%

Lightning Edge: Move forward instantaneously and attack many enemies in your path.
At max level (30), hits 8 enemies for 435% damage 3 times. There is a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Rolling Moonsault: Must be used after Charge Drive. Rapidly spin in the air, hitting floating enemies for continuous damage. You can use Acrobatic Jump, Leap Tornado, or Gust Dive after this skill.
At max level (20), hits 8 enemies for 190% damage 6 times.


使用道具 举报








Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 05:34 PM |只看该作者
Demon Slayer

Beginner Job

Devil Wings: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill)
150% speed and 120% jump.

  Devil Wings: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill)
190% speed and 120% jump.

Demon Jump: The Devil Wings can be used in a variety of jump skills (high jump, double jump, glide).
High jump: jump + ↑↑, double jump: jump + →→ or ←←, glide: jump while in the air

Demon’s Fury: When attacking bosses, your inner rage increases your damage and additional Force is absorbed. (Link Skill)
10% boss damage and an additional 5 Force is replenished.

Demonic Blood: Demons are born with a strong will and overwhelming charisma.
Gives you level 20 Will and Charisma. You have a 100% stance effect.

Death Cut: There is a chance of instant death when attacking an enemy. When the target is instantly killed, you replenish HP and Force.
5% chance of instant death when attacking. If the effect activates, replenish 5% HP and 5 Force.

First Job

Devil Sider: Summon the demon’s scythe to attack a number of enemies in front of you at the same time continuously. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
At max level (15), consumes 3 Force and 15 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 85% damage 3 times as long as the skill key is held down.

Demon Booster: Consume HP to increase the attacking speed of your one handed axe or one handed blunt weapon. (Prerequisite – 5 Demon Slash)
At max level (20), consumes 80 HP to increase attacking speed for 180 seconds.

Dark Agility: Permanently increase accuracy, speed, and jump. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
At max level (10), gives 200 accuracy, 25 speed, and 20 jump.

HP Increase: Permanently increase maximum HP. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
At max level (10), increases HP by 20%.

Demon Slash: Attack enemies in front of you by hitting them with 4 consecutive attacks. Force is absorbed when using this skill.
At max level (10), the first and second attacks hit 6 enemies for 100% each. The third attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each two times. The fourth attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each three times. (Note: you must keep pressing the skill key for the next attack to be performed, similar to Aran)


使用道具 举报








Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 05:40 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Sotong澄 于 2011-8-14 05:41 PM 编辑

Second Job

Soul Eater: Drag many enemies in front of you towards yourself.
At max level (20), consumes 6 Force and 45 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 150% damage 4 times and also drags them towards you as long as the skill key is held down.

Dark Thrust: Dash forward pushing a large number of enemies.
At max level (20), consumes 10 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 105% damage 3 times.

Demon Trace: Attack enemies near you by tracing their position. There is a chance to stun your targets, and you can teleport your character in one direction by using the arrow keys.
At max level (15), consumes 18 Force, hits up to 6 enemies for 305% damage, 90% chance to stun for 3 seconds.

Dark Revenge: Reflect damage given to you by the enemy, with a chance of stunning them. However, you cannot inflict more than half their HP at one time.
At max level (20), consumes 150 HP, for 180 seconds, reflect up to 400% of the damage you receive. There is a 90% chance of stunning the target for 5 seconds.

Weapon Mastery: Increase your mastery of one handed axes and one handed blunt weapons, as well as your accuracy.
At max level (20), increases mastery by 50% and increases accuracy by 120.

Physical Training: Increase your strength and dexterity permanently.
At max level (10), increase STR and DEX by 30.

Outrage: Permanently increase attack and critical chance.
At max level (20), increase attack by 25 and critical chance by 20%.

Demon Slash 1st Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash.
At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 40%.


使用道具 举报








Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-8-14 05:46 PM |只看该作者
Third Job

Dark Judgement: Attack a large number of enemies in all directions inflicting fatal damage.
At max level (20), consumes 40 Force and 300 HP, hits up to 10 enemies for 300% damage 4 times with a 40% critical chance.

Death Draw: Drag many enemies towards you while inflicting damage. There is a chance to stun your targets.
At max level (20), consumes 18 Force, attack up to 10 enemies for 190% damage 3 times. 90% chance to stun the targets for 5 seconds.

Bloody Raven: Summon bloodthirsty ravens to attack a large number of enemies in front of you, damage inflicted will be used to heal HP.
At max level (20), consumes 25 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 170% damage 4 times, up to 40% of your HP will be healed. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Dark Endure: Increase defense, resistance to states, and resistance to elements.
At max level (20), consumes 200 HP, for 180 seconds, increase defense by 100% and resistance to states and elements by 80%.

Demonic Breath: The Poison Demon’s strong poison is spewed around you hitting a large number of enemies. Targets will take damage over time.
At max level (20), consumes 12 Force and 80 HP per attack, hits up to 10 enemies for 169% damage 4 times as long as the skill key is held down. Targets will take 135% damage every second for 8 seconds.

Evil Torture: When the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, further increase your damage and critical chance.
At max level (15), when the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, increase damage and critical chance by 15%.

Concentration: Through concentrating your mind, permanently increase damage and attack speed by 1 stage.
At max level (20), increase damage by 25% and attack speed by 1 stage.

Force Guard: Guard against an enemy’s attack using the Force Shield. If the guard is successful, the Force Gauge and HP will be replenished slightly.
At max level (15), there is a 30% chance of guarding against an attack, if the guard is successful, 3% of your HP and 5 Force will be replenished.

Max Force: When using Demon Slash, there is a chance to acquire extra Force, and you automatically recover Force every 4 seconds.
At max level (5), when using Demon Slash, there is a 70% chance of acquiring extra Force, automatically recover 10 Force every 4 seconds.

Demon Slash 2nd Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash.
At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 80% (cumulative damage increase of 120%).


使用道具 举报

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