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本帖最后由 Sotong澄 于 2011-8-14 06:15 PM 编辑
Mercedes 3rd Job
Strike Dualshot – (Shoot extremely fast arrows at multiple targets in front of you, with a chance of stunning them.)
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1
Delays: strikeDual – 630 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #bulletCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec
1. MP Cost: 20, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 107%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 23%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
10. MP Cost: 26, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 116%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 50%, Stun Duration: 4 sec
20. MP Cost: 35, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Damage: 126%, Number of Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 6 sec

Leaf Tornado – (While jumping, rotate your body while randomly shoot arrows in every direction. Requires at least 120 Jump to activate, and can only be used in mid-air)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, requireHighestJump = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: elfTornado – 750 ms
Range: 250%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount
1. MP Cost: 33, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 97%, Number of Hits: 4
10. MP Cost: 39, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 115%, Number of Hits: 4
20. MP Cost: 45, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 135%, Number of Hits: 4

Unicorn Spike – (Summon a holy unicorn to attack enemies in front of you. Enemies hit will suffer a Weakening effect, increasing damage dealt on the monster by all party members.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, casterMove = 1, mes = amplifyDamage
Delays: windEffect – 1290 ms
Range: 350%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount Weakening Chance: #prop%, Duration: #time sec, Damage Increase: #x%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: #y
1. MP Cost: 38, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 112%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 19%, Duration: 5 sec, Damage Increase: 5%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 6
10. MP Cost: 46, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 130%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 55%, Duration: 10 sec, Damage Increase: 10%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 8
20. MP Cost: 62, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 5 Weakening Chance: 95%, Duration: 15 sec, Damage Increase: 15%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 10

Gust Drive – (Use the power of wind to quickly dive downwards from the air, attacking monsters in range. Weakened monsters will take extra damage. Requires at least 120% Jump.)
Note: The skill description makes reference to weakened monsters. This most likely refers to compounding with Unicorn Spike’s Weakening effect to deal even more damage.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1, requireHighestJump = 1
Delays: dealingRush – 1140 ms
Range: 320%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: #y%
1. MP Cost: 30, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 133%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 1%
10. MP Cost: 35, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 160%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 10%
20. MP Cost: 45, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 190%, Number of Hits: 3, Extra Damage to Weakened Monsters: 20%

Ignis Lore – (Permanently increases chance to evade enemy attacks. Using the power of the fire spirit, increase your attack.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 – 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #timesec, Weapon Attack +#indiePad, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +#prop%
1. Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 47sec, Weapon Attack +2, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +5%
10. Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Duration: 110sec, Weapon Attack +20, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +11%
20. Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180sec, Weapon Attack +40, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +20%

Water Shield – (Borrow the power of the water spirit to create a barrier for yourself. Absorbs a certain amount of damage, as well as providing resistance towards Status Effects and all Elements.)
Info: type = 51, protectiveShield = 1, condition = damaged
Delays: alert3 – 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage Absorbed: #x% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +#terR%
1. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 104 sec, Damage Absorbed: 11% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +6%
10. MP Cost: 80, Duration: 140 sec, Damage Absorbed: 20% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +15%
20. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 180 sec, Damage Absorbed: 30% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +25%

Lightning Flare – (Attack with a strong electrical attack with Charge Drive. Useable after Charge Drive, this skill has a fixed chance to instantly kill an enemy. Along with this, Charge Drive receives a passive damage increase from this skill. Required Skill: Final Shot Level 5)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = freeze
Delays: elfrush_final2 – 810 ms
Range: 90%
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Final Shot
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 15
Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Instant Death Chance: #prop%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +#damR%
1. Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 122%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 1%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +10%
10. Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 140%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 10%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +22%
15. Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 4, Instant Death Chance: 15%, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage: +30%

Elemental Knight – (Summon a spirit to fight for you. The spirits will attack the same monster as the user until that monster has died, and will then stop.)
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = normal
Delays: alert2 – 600 ms
Summon Range: attack1 = 120%
Maximum Level: 20
MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time, Damage: #damage%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
1. MP Cost: 132, Duration: 104, Damage: 82%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
10. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 140, Damage: 100%, Summons up to 3 Spirits
20. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180, Damage: 120%, Summons up to 3 Spirits

Highkick Demolition: Can only be used after Charge Drive. Fly towards your enemies in the air and hit them extremely fast. (Prerequisite – 5 Final Shot)
At max level (15), hit 8 enemies for 120% damage 6 times. Passively increases Charge Drive’s damage by 30%.