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本帖最后由 凛君 于 2012-8-3 12:03 AM 编辑
回复 448# 凛君
We will be conducting a stress test on Thursday, August 2 from 12:00 Noon PACIFIC Time to 4:00 PM PACIFIC Time.
Unlike previous stress tests, we will be actively working on the game during the event, so you might experience connectivity problems or discover features that are not working as designed. Any issues you experience are a result of the rigorous conditions of the stress test, and are in no way representative of the state of the game at launch. By participating in this stress test, you’re helping us make Guild Wars 2 a better game. Thanks for your cooperation—we’ll see you in-game! ~RB2
-八月二號,PST 12pm 會有個stress test
-這次stress test也是希望可以通過他們上班時間確保還有什麽問題的話,能直接維修
(stress test只有4小時,上一個stress test 最後還開了多一個小時,不懂這次會不會)
(建議是 在今晚到來之前,先計劃好自己最想瞭解什麽)
- first timer可以熟悉怎麼pve升級(拼等級那些,能的話我覺得儘量不要了,因為5小時候,角色就會被刪了)
DragonSoul Alliance RC頻道
由於beta沒開放guesting,所以上個bwe在其他伺服器的會員我們只好在RC keep in touch 了
上次沒參加bwe的,可以選擇 Sanctum of Rall。我和好幾位成員們都在那兒
rc 語音 下載后註冊哦
RC房間的number是 25582572 【因為語音管理不在,我們今晚暫用 7464014 】
我們也會在那邊幫新人們解答,所以 多多指教了 |