本帖最后由 ttlet 于 2015-9-9 04:56 PM 编辑
Seaweed Scalp Clinic Mask 250ml
1支 RM80
温馨提醒:大家小心不要买到假货哦!假货只是整个薄荷味罢了>< 这个是SEAWEED SCALP!不是PEPPERMINT SCALP哦!请支持正品!也请黑心卖家不要继续卖假货了!

Seaweed Scalp Clinic Mask 特点如下 :
2) 改善头皮痕痒及头皮问题。
3) 改善新成代谢及能控制细菌生长。
4) 能活化毛囊并促进头发生长。
5) 能温和的滋养头发使发丝更强健有光泽。
适合: 稀少的头发,头皮屑及头皮痒,受损及脆弱发质
功效: 防油性,止痒,头皮屑,头发干燥,能保湿舒缓还能促进头发快生长 (但不是生发水噢),恢复头发光滑有光泽,最重要是能解决掉发问题。
如何使用: 每星期只需要使用1-2次,使用了洗发精后,冲洗干净,再来就是使用 Clinic Mask 按摩头皮,多余的mask可以放在头发,等待 4-5分钟,之间会感觉冰冷,之后清洗干净就可以了。
注意事项: 开封后瓶头请往上存放,以免液体渗出
这个Hair Mask对生产过后掉发的妈妈或是很会掉头发的mm很好用噢!
现在可以在家里自己做哦,一星期只需做两次 !
我只能说Clinic Mask绝对值这价钱,不试你不知,用后你会爱上它 ❤
冰凉的感觉很舒服,味道也很香,到理发店护理,每种护理功效价钱都不一样,一次最少都要50-80,不如花点小钱买支Clinic Mask自己在家也能在轻松做护理。
(Treatment for Scalp&Hair)The progressive pack formula including Chlorella (algae)extract.Copper Peptide and Lauryl PCA acts on the total trouble of hair.
After cares,your scalp & damaged hair change into the healthy,clean,and glossy.
*Balance of the cutaneous ecosystem
*Skin of hair integrity
*Scalp hydration. Scalp Clinic Mask provides a significant immediate progressive and long-lasting moisturising effect
.It helps restore the ecosystem balance by promoting the growth of beneficial germs to the detriment of noxious germs.The multi-progressive formular provides immediate and long-lasting hydration,regulates the desquamation process and reinforces the skin barrier.
Skin microflore balance to fight against scalp discomfort(dryness,itching,dandruff,irritations).
Moisturizing-Soothing Scalp Treatment.The effect of the treatment is clearly visible.The scales are bonded onto the hair shaft by the treatment substance.
The hair is smooth,shiny and easy to comb.Conditioning cream for hair and scalp.
(1)Shampoo and rinse hair throughly.
(2)Apply Seaweed Scalp Clinic Mask to scalp and hair.
(3)Massage into a rich,creamy emulsion.
(4)Leave on for 4-5 minutes.
(5)Rinse extremely well with warm water until hair and scalp are free of cream.Do not shampoo again.
(250ml)Made in KOREA.