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[多人] 高清英文页游Omens 11月28日开启虚幻之门










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发表于 2013-11-25 06:41 PM |只看该作者


“Omens” Continued Feature Spotlight
  With the opening beta testing only days away, we continue with our series of feature spotlights on some of the many exciting features our players can look forward to in “Omens”.

Spotlight 1: Stellar Skills

  Stellar Skills are incredibly important to all characters. They can be used by a player to defeat monsters or clear instances of a strength or a difficulty they usually would be unable to. They come in four stages of increasing power. Each stage provides unique effects, aesthetically and functionally.

  The mythical setting of “Omens” provides the context in which we look at our first spotlight feature: Stellar Skills. This very special type of skill traces its creation to the Gods themselves and, one point were, in fact, used by their supernatural creators. Knowledge of these skills was passed into the world of mortals through an unfortunate combination of misdeed, misadventure and carelessness. First stolen from the Gods by their enemies, the Stellar Skills were used to do evil. Only the carelessness of these criminals was their undoing. The skills not long after passed into the hands of yet more malign entities. Soon, the skills had been scattered far and wide, held by all manner of monster and villain. By an ironic and fortuitous twist of fate, it was the lawful, peace loving beings of the mortal world that were next to discover the secret of the Stellar Skills. Their efforts towards removing these villains from the land led to their rediscovery and re-appropriation. Your character is one of those people. Through fighting monster in game, you will be able to uncover further knowledge of the Stellar Skill.

Spotlight 2: Mythos

  The Mythos function is uniquely charming feature through which players are able to participate in major events from Eastern mythology. Fighting with some of the most awesome, witty, and entertaining figures of the mythology against some of its most depraved, malign, evil figures. This is a feature rich in lore that also provides your character with the means to further improve itself.

Spotlight 3: Innate Training

  A warrior must be trained in the mind, in the body, in their virtue, and most especially in their spirit. In “Omens”, every character is able to pursue their development in these areas through the four ‘Innate Training’ systems of Vigor, Demeanor, Gallantry and Talent. Which area you train is completely up to the player, you may train in one, all four, or none at all, if you wish. The method of training in each area is different: depending on the time and resources available to the player, training in one area may be quicker, or more desirable than another. Despite this, each area of training provides definite boosts to the ability and power of your character.

  For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

  “Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-26 03:35 PM |只看该作者


3.身边发现有帅哥美女, 或是高人,想要搭讪或是抱大腿的,赶紧点击人物,界面上方出现他的头像,点击添加好友即可。

2. 还可以通过好友系统查看好友资料,召唤好友,邀请好友入帮,组队等多种功能。

“Omens” Continued Feature Spotlight

With the opening of beta testing only days away, we continue with our series of feature spotlights on some of the (many) exciting features our players can look forward to in “Omens”.

Spotlight 4: Learning
An understanding of the cosmos is the apex of knowledge, and with it comes considerable power. In “Omens” the struggle to understand the complexity of the world is achieved through ‘Meditation’. ‘Meditation’ is an action that can be taken anytime, in any place, for any length of time. Your character enters a pensive state during which it will acquire a steady flow of experience, as well as other gains. The great thing is that Meditation can continue indefinitely, even when you’re not at the computer.

Spotlight 5: Chance Meet

This is a system which will help bring you and your character close to other players in the game. It is invaluable as a means of making friends and enlisting the help of allies. How it works is that the game systems will often places markers on your map, marking the location of another player whom it might be worth talking to or asking for help. It’s a way of getting people to talk to each other first and foremost, but also allows the mutual exchange of blessings and even money. It is a fantastic way to get  friendships going and perhaps more besides that!

Spotlight 6: Essence and Derive

With this feature the player is able to ‘Derive’ the ‘Essences’ of nature and ‘Seal’ them into slots corresponding to your gear slots (one spirit per slot; you do not need gear to be equipped in that slot). ‘Essences’ come in different qualities (white, green, blue, purple, orange, gold) providing one bonus to a certain attribute. Attributes tend towards increases to HP/Mana, Magical / Physical defense, or Magical / Physical attack. Bonus increases with quality. Deriving essences requires progressing through a five step sequence.  Siphoning is always successful (a player will always receive something no matter which step they are on). Players have the option to fuse lower level essences into high level essences as a means of further increasing the power of the higher-level essence.

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-26 03:38 PM |只看该作者


3.身边发现有帅哥美女, 或是高人,想要搭讪或是抱大腿的,赶紧点击人物,界面上方出现他的头像,点击添加好友即可。

2. 还可以通过好友系统查看好友资料,召唤好友,邀请好友入帮,组队等多种功能。

“Omens” Continued Feature Spotlight

With the opening of beta testing only days away, we continue with our series of feature spotlights on some of the (many) exciting features our players can look forward to in “Omens”.

Spotlight 4: Learning
An understanding of the cosmos is the apex of knowledge, and with it comes considerable power. In “Omens” the struggle to understand the complexity of the world is achieved through ‘Meditation’. ‘Meditation’ is an action that can be taken anytime, in any place, for any length of time. Your character enters a pensive state during which it will acquire a steady flow of experience, as well as other gains. The great thing is that Meditation can continue indefinitely, even when you’re not at the computer.

Spotlight 5: Chance Meet

This is a system which will help bring you and your character close to other players in the game. It is invaluable as a means of making friends and enlisting the help of allies. How it works is that the game systems will often places markers on your map, marking the location of another player whom it might be worth talking to or asking for help. It’s a way of getting people to talk to each other first and foremost, but also allows the mutual exchange of blessings and even money. It is a fantastic way to get  friendships going and perhaps more besides that!

Spotlight 6: Essence and Derive

With this feature the player is able to ‘Derive’ the ‘Essences’ of nature and ‘Seal’ them into slots corresponding to your gear slots (one spirit per slot; you do not need gear to be equipped in that slot). ‘Essences’ come in different qualities (white, green, blue, purple, orange, gold) providing one bonus to a certain attribute. Attributes tend towards increases to HP/Mana, Magical / Physical defense, or Magical / Physical attack. Bonus increases with quality. Deriving essences requires progressing through a five step sequence.  Siphoning is always successful (a player will always receive something no matter which step they are on). Players have the option to fuse lower level essences into high level essences as a means of further increasing the power of the higher-level essence.

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com/omens/main/

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-27 04:19 PM |只看该作者
《Omens》副本“Lost Treasure"曝光 有錢能使鬼推磨

有人說:”有錢能使鬼推磨”, 金錢並非萬能,但沒錢卻又寸步難行。在《Omens》,要如何將財神供奉在您身邊呢?那您可千萬別錯過“Lost treasure"副本了,這是能讓您在《Omens》裡掌握財富的其中一個秘訣喔。

“Omens” Lost Treasure Instance

They say with money you can do anything. We’re not sure we agree with that completely, but one thing is for sure: you’d be a fool not to pay tribute to the God of Wealth every now and again. In “Omens” having the God of Wealth on your side is a great boon to your development; for one thing it makes available to you the ‘Lost Treasure’ instance, which shall be the topic of this small article.

The Lost Treasure instance is accessible only to those who hold favor with the God of Wealth. It is essentially a hidden vault containing a wealth of gold and silver, guarded by powerful monsters and overseen by the God of Wealth himself. A player must be at least level 25 before attempting to enter.

  Once inside the instance, the player must defeat four Guardian Beasts to be able to advance to the next section of the Vault. (This is the only way to advance, so if you find yourself hitting a brick wall in advancement it is best to leave the instance and train up a bit more before returning.) Each Guardian Beast defeated awards currency and EXP. The further a player progresses into the vault the greater the currency and EXP rewards. Completion of the entire instance will award a great deal of currency, EXP and mysterious rewards.

Upon leaving the ‘Lost Treasure’ instance (whether cleared completely or not), a player is awarded all currency and EXP they have accrued. Additionally, a full clear of the instance allows player the opportunity to spin a fortune wheel, which can award further currency and EXP, as well as other rare rewards. What those rewards are you will have to find out for yourself.

For more exciting news regarding “Omens” stay tuned to Voomga.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com

“Omens” is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple. Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios. And besides this, much and more, though we wouldn’t want to give it all away!


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发表于 2013-11-28 06:44 PM |只看该作者


Omens Open Beta is coming.

We are eager to invite you to join Open Beta Test of Omens on 14:00 Today. For an even better experience during the  game’s launch period, we have prepared five great


Welcome to Omens 3D world!  Omens waiting to be discovered!


Today we also look at the Sealed Tower instance. A structure from which malevolence seems to seep from every brick, the Sealed Tower is in “Omens” the ultimate test of

a player’s skill. It offers players the opportunity to truly show off their stuff – to have their name revered and to earn some awesome rewards in the process.

The Sealed Tower stands among some of the oldest structures in the world. Some say it predates the world itself. It was created by the Gods, according to legend, for

only one reason: to keep things in and never let them out. Imprisoned inside the Tower, it is said, are some of the most vicious, evil and dangerous beings that have

ever existed. To the eternal shame of the Gods who conceived them, this tower forever stands as a reminder of their failure and hubris.

Of the Tower, more is known about its structure than anything else. It rises into the sky to a height of eighty levels, connected at intervals of ten levels by immense

staircases that travel so far up that bottom or top is never simultaneously visible.

  Of what lies inside, hearsay and myth colors whatinformation is available, as none have returned to tell the story of what they found inside. But it is believed that

life inside the tower, even for those powerful beings that were put there, can be fleeting and brutal, and that survival there requires constant adaptation and

vigilance. Yet it is also said that within the chaotic world of the Tower new beings have been born, refined in their deadliness and viciousness.

Each level of the Tower is inhabited by a Chief and its horde. To even think of moving to a higher levelan adventurer would be required to clear from his or her path

all other monsters, themselves consumed by an avarice, though not for glory, but for the promise of the riches of the higher levels. It seems only reasonable to assume

that if great treasure is to be found in the higher levels that it will be guarded only by the most powerful of monsters.

And so the challenger of the Sealed Tower must keep in mind these essential rules:
Each level must be cleared completely of every monster to move to the next.
They must be able to do it within a certain time frame.
To be able to choose from which level they start or to which level they return the
adventurer must be able to clear out all ten levels of that staircase.

The Sealed Tower is a challenge that will require the greatest level of dedication, but it offers rewards unmatched in any other instance in the game, a great deal of

prestige and the satisfaction of an epic labor being completed.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com


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发表于 2013-12-3 06:26 PM |只看该作者
高清英文页游《Omens》大受欢迎  新服S2 Shambhala火爆开启迎新玩家
Omens New Server S2 Shambhala Now Open!

由于受到玩家热烈的欢迎,高清英文页游《Omens》自11月28日展开不删档公测以来,服务器就被玩家挤爆,游戏内热闹非常,玩家反应令人鼓舞。为让更多玩家体验《Omens》页游的独特之处,Voomga今日隆重宣布,《Omens》将在12月4日(星期三)下午2时开启第二服—— S2 Shambhala

Due to the overwhelming success of Omens and the massive growth in player population, Voomga is proud to announce that a new server of Omens is opening on December 4, 2013!

The new server is named Shambhala, a mythical kingdom hidden somewhere in Inner Asia, a fabulous kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as physical or geographic.

We’ll see you in-game!

Omens is a browser based MMO developed for use on an exclusive game engine developed, in partnership, with international software giant Adobe.  In this article we briefly look into some of the features players can expect to experience in this groundbreaking new model of browser based MMO.

Omens is a game set in the world of the ancient, the arcane, and the mysterious, where man, monster and gods walk the land, forging friendships and settling feuds. The game’s setting draws upon the rich culture of Eastern antiquity and gives it a modern polish. Players may explore the iconic settings of the mist shrouded mountain retreat, the grand and imposing city palace, or the somber temple.

Compete in legendary tournaments against the famous figure of the past. Learn of the glorious and often bloody mythology of the ancient East through special scenarios.

Choose Your Own Path
In Omens, following the main storyline is just one of many paths the player may take. The choice a player makes at each step of their journey decides the NPCs they will end up meeting, the stories they tell and the rewards they give.
The game’s backdrop provides players the chance to make their story unique. Set in a mystical, ancient period of Eastern history, a player must from the very beginning chose to align themselves with one of the three major houses struggling for dominance over a fractured kingdom.
Each story is different, but equal in its depth and breadth!

Countless Exciting Features
Omens has got challenging instances, scenarios and world bosses; an Arena system for player-versus-player combat; an extensive mount and pet system; gorgeous zone design; an immersive quest system; and many more features besides this. You can be assured that whether you’re into exploring, PvP, PvE, collecting, or you’re just a [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er for a good story, there’s something in Omens for you.

Ultimate Visual Effects
Omens has been coded with fantastic depth of field effects, not just allowing objects to be displayed from a three dimensional perspective, but also to allow full appreciation of the layered depth of the artwork present in the game. This, in combination with Omens real time simulation, smooth HD, and explosive visual effects, players will be able to enjoy an incredibly satisfying, immersive game experience.

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com


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发表于 2013-12-6 01:50 PM |只看该作者
Omens大受欢迎!紧接着第2服Shambhala, 第3服Avalon也在今天启动囉!

感谢所有玩家给予我们前所未有的热烈反应,高清英文页游《Omens》自11月28日展开不删档公测以来,一直备受来自世界各地玩家的关注;即便官方于12月4日开启第2服Shambhala, 仍未能应付有如潮水般从四面八方涌进的玩家!
为此,Voomga再次隆重宣布,《Omens》将在12月6日(星期五)下午4时开启第3服—— S3 Avalon!

Omens S3 Avalon Launches at 4pm Today

A new server of Omens will launch at 16:00 on Voomga today. Are you ready for a brand-new journey? For an even better experience during the  game’s launch period, we have prepared great event.

Today we talk about the House Gladiator in Omens.

All the Glory and NO RULES
The best of House Floras, Ambers and Fins come to battle in House Gladiator. There are no rules. And only the top 5 from each house are permitted entrance! For the glory of your house, fight, elites!

Cheering Squad
Not on the top 5 list yet? Come and join us anyway! Because you can stand by and cheer for your people! You being there doesn’t only boost their morale, but also gives them more power! Oh, don’t they fight with resolve! Breathtaking effects take you right into the fight! And the things you can learn from the very best! See what this guy and that lady just did there! Well, watch and learn!

Rewards for All
You fought in House Gladiator and you won? Good for you! Check out this EXP bump you just got! And what’s that in your pocket? Credits! You only watched? Well, you get something too! Watch the entire match and you have a chance to win a reward package! And you will find high quality gear and rare items in it. What are you waiting for!

Join House Gladiator, where House Ambers, Floras and Fins lay down their pretenses and go at each other’s throat! Fight for your house, defend your honor and your people! For more, check out Voomga-Omens!

For more information on the fantastic features of “Omens” stay tuned to the Voomga website!

Fanpage:  www.facebook.com/OmensOnline
Website:  http://omens.voomga.com


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发表于 2013-12-12 05:12 PM |只看该作者
Omens S4 Lemuria Launched today!

A new server of Omens will launch at 16:00 on Voomga today. Are you ready for a brand-new journey? For an even better experience during the  game’s launch period, we

have prepared great event.


Today we talk about the Sealed Tower in Omens.
Want to upgrade your wings and gear? Come to Sealed Tower! Challenge Sealed Tower to obtain Rare Feather, Kind Orb, Learning Charm, other rare items, EXP and Silver!

In Sealed Tower, you can pick up from where you left off. You don’t need to start from the first floor, but rather the highest floor you reached. Every 10 floors make

1 stage. Complete all 10 and you can choose to challenge the stage BOSS right away next time you come to the tower. If you have your eyes on particular BOSS items, go

for it. If you plan to collect gear, and have ample time and bag space, start from the beginning.

The higher you climb up the tower, the tougher the fight gets. Not only will the monster’s level and power grow, but also each floor BOSS’ power can be twice its

precedent’s. For example, L17 Floor BOSS, Stout Captain only has about 80000 HP, and mid-level skills. Players with 6400 power can easily defeat it. But the L19 Floor

BOSS has more than 140,000 HP and fierce ATK skills. If your power is lower than 10,000, you will need great finesse to survive its attack. So, our recommendation is

to grow your Gallantry and Essence while challenging Sealed Tower to keep you ready for the next challenge.

Many choose to auto-combat in Sealed Tower. But if you have ample time, we truly suggest you choose to fight manually, so you can defend yourself better in combat. And

you may find yourself completing floors faster. And the faster you clear a floor, the more EXP you get.

Sealed Tower tests your speed and power. Read the power and clear time info for each floor and adjust your strategy. Make sure you obtain the most rewards at the least


For more, go to Voomga-Omens!


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发表于 2013-12-23 05:29 PM |只看该作者
高清网游Omens推出第5服Birthland  古典优美风风靡游戏界

Omens S5 Birthland Launches at 4pm Today

A new server of Omens will launch at 16:00 on Voomga today. Are you ready for a brand-new journey? For an even better experience during the game’s launch period, we have prepared great event.


Today we talk about the Distinctive Functions of Omens.

If you like PVP, you must not miss House Gladiator; if you love adventures, House Wells is the best place for you; if you just want to be in love, try Chance Meet! Omens can meet your every need.

[House Gladiator]

Floras, Ambers and Fins send their top 5 warriors to fight in House Gladiator every day between 12:00-12:30 and 20:00-20:30. But only one may survive! Isn’t it cruel? If you think it is cool, come and have a go!

[House Wells]

There is a magic Meditation Zone in House Wells. Anyone who meditates in the zone will receive bountiful EXP. House Wells event begins at 12:40 every day. You are suggested to join with a Party, since the road to magic is hazardous. Come and challenge yourself!

[Chance Meet]

In Omens, you can use “Fate Markers” to find your special someone and receive bountiful Coins and Credits. In order to increase your chances, we suggest you interact with your Special Someone in advance to fix his/her location. Look, there they are waiting, just for you!

Come join us and have some fun!


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