本帖最后由 sandrachong 于 2015-9-9 02:41 PM 编辑
Bio Top SLIM 450g 升級版終極完美強效瘦身膏
上市至今的老牌子Bio Cream瘦身膏廣受顧客好評,口碑熱銷。
如今再推出全新升級版「Bio Top SLIM」,加入了“珍貴 Q10 Unipearls Jelly”成份。
小孩12歲起 - 大人 - 老人
原產地 : 美國
Bio Top Slim is the new Hot Body Cream allows you to slim
your body,detoxify and beautify your skin in one step.
With unique softly hot feeling,it penetrates keratinocytes to
to enhance the microcirculation system of the body for
faster decomposition and metabolism of fat. it then reduces the cellulite,shaping the body and smoothing the skin.It can also create an elasticity, freshness and softness to your skin.
Furthermore,it contains many other ingredients to have
hydrating and firming virtues.
It works better if massage is done everyday. The perfect
curve of your body can be then returned and beheld.
To Use :
Gently message slimming cream into areas to be treated
(hips, bottom, thighs) using circular motions, moving
gradually upward from the ankle to the hips. Finish by
applying the product to the stomach using clockwise
circular motions. For better results, this high-performance
slimming cream should be massaged regularly into your
skin morning and evening.
Ingredients : Coaxel, Sepicide HB, Silicone, CMC Menthol,Proylene Glycol, Carbopol, Natural Seaweed,Avocado Oil, Fragrance, Purified Water,Unipearls.
Product of U.S.A
450 g

